Health 6 Self Test
An asthma attack occurs when ....... clogs the smaller areas of the bronchial tubes.
warm compresses allow more blood to circulate in the body
Cold compresses allow more blood to circulate in the body.
Eye irritation
Flush with lukewarm water to remove the speck.
second-degree burn
Immerse in cold water, then wrap.
Immobilize the area with a splint and see a doctor.
......... is caused by overexposure to freezing temperatures.
Pulmonary refers to .......
The average temperature of a healthy person is ....... degrees Fahrenheit.
Move to an air-conditioned area immediately and sponge the victim with cool water.
Remove hard objects, and do not put anything in the victim's mouth.
Sprains are injured .........
The wrist and neck are the easiest place to feel a pulse.
A ....... is an instrument that measures blood pressure.
A ....... degree burn causes reddening of the skin and affects only the epidermis.
A ....... degree burn permanently destroys all the layers of the skin.
A ....... fracture is a break in a bone that does not puncture the skin.
A ....... is a blockage in the flow of blood to the brain.
airway, breathing, circulation
List the ABCs of CPR
remain calm, call the local emergency number
List the two first-aid rules you should remember.
dizziness, fainting, and sweating
List three of the six warnings signs of a heart attack.
neutralize the poison remove the poison
List two ways a caregiver can assist a poisoned victim.
heat cramp
Massage the muscle area and have the patient drink several glasses of a salt-water solution.
Tissues that connect ........ at the joints are called ligaments.
foreign object under the skin
Use sterilized tweezers to remove the foreign object if slightly under the skin.
cold solutions decrease the amount of circulation of the blood
Warm compresses decrease the amount of circulation of the blood.
first-degree burn
Wash area with cool water and apply a cold-water compress if necessary.
Animal bite
Wash the wound to remove saliva; may need a rabies shot.
A person can induce ....... in a poison victim by giving syrup of ipecac.
A ......... fracture is a break in a bone that punctures the skin.
a person experiences shock when life-sustaining functions decrease
A person experiences a puncture wound when life-sustaining functions decrease.
A thermometer is an instrument that measures body .......
Cardo- refers to .........
Severe chest pain
Call 911 immediately; the pain could be a symptom of a heart attack.
Call a poison control center or hospital for assistance.
An injury to skin tissue caused by fire, heated liquids, steam, sun, chemicals, radioactivity, or electricity is a .......
Blood pressure is the force exerted by the ........ on the walls of the arteries.
Call for professional help; check the person's mental stability.
Chest compressions circulate ........ to the body.
Apply a cold compress and wrap in an elastic bandage for support.
Apply pressure evenly over the wound.
An instrument that helps a person hear internal body sounds, such as a pulse, is called a .......
pink eye
Another name for conjunctivitis is .......
check to see if the victim is conscious or unconscious, check for breathing
What do you check for before administering CPR and calling for emergency help?
Wrap the area in a blanket, or immerse the area in lukewarm water.
A ........ degree burn causes the skin to develop blisters.
Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation supplies ........ to the lungs.
The CPR procedure does not need to be administered for a/an ......
The cornerstone of any treatment program is the home ........ cabinet.
To give immediate care to injured or ill persons
The purpose of first aid is to give professional care to injured or ill persons.
Heat exhaustion
Move the patient to a cool place, elevate his legs, and give him a salt-water solution.