Health alcohol and substance abuse

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What are two ways that alcohol poisoning can be fatal

-choke on vomit Alcohol depresses nerves that control involuntary actions such as breathing and gag reflect. A persons BAC can continue to rise even while they are passed out

What are four critical warning signs for someone who is suffering from alcohol poisoning

-mental confusion -vomiting -pale skin -unconscious -eyes rolling -stupor -not making any sense -hypothermia -slow breathing -seizures

Four critical warning signs for someone who is suffering from alcohol poisoning

-mental confusion -vomiting -unconscious -eyes rolling back -stupor

Factors affecting drug response

-mood -amount you consume -tolerance -who you hang out with -time duration -hormonal

About ___ and _____ college students report academic consequences from drinking, including missing class, falling behind in class, doing poorly on exams or papers, and receiving lower grades overall

1 in 4

One of the main facts about alcoholism is that us is a progressive disease that includes the following for symptoms

1) craving 2) physical/ mental dependence 3) The loss of control 4) tolerance

Withdrawal alcohol use (2-3 drinks) can also result in depleted aerobic capacity, loss of motor coordination and negatively impact endurance for up to ___ hours after the last drink has been consumed


Youth who drink alcohol before the age of 15 are ___time more likely to develop alcohol dependence


Every year in the US roughly _____people under the age of 21 die from an alcohol related incident including car crashes, homicides, suicides, alcoholic poisoning and other related injuries



A self help counseling group for a teen dealing with an alcoholic

Alcohol anonymous

A self help counseling group for an alcoholic


A self help counseling group for an alcoholics family

How long to sober up

About 1 1/2 hours for each drink consumed. Such famous " remedies" as black coffee, cold showers, fresh air.. have no effect on blood alcohol content


Addict enters into treatment to deal with the psychological aspects of their addicts


Addict is medically supervised to go through the physical withdrawal from drug(s)

What are four different reasons why period use a drug illegally

Addicted, alone, allergies, ADHD, diseases

___ is the number one date rape drug


Alcohol in body

Alcohol keeps passing through the brain until the liver gets a chance to oxidize it.

On average ____ kills 6 people everyday in the US

Alcohol poisoning


Blue chicks won't live as long~ they won't know how to fend/ fight for themselves

Caffeine is a stimulant

Caffeine stimulating effects allow the driver to be more alert and therefore may drink more alcohol without feeling impaired. This doesn't change a persons BAC. This can be move dangerous because the person will feel the effects of the alcohol once the caffeine has warn off. Carbonation promotes the absorption of alcohol. The effects of intoxication are more pronounced.

Four reasons why someone might binge drink

Celebrating, reliance, depression, games

5th in a coma

Completely unconscious, few or no reflexes. May end in DEATH from respiratory paralysis.

According to the CDC from 1991-2013, there was a 31% ___ in the number of students who drank alcohol within the past 30 days


(chiefly of a drug) reducing functional or nervous activity.


Zero tolerance

Drivers under 21 .02-.07 BAC


Driving while ability impaired-more than .05 up to .07 BAC


Driving while intoxicated .08 and higher BAC or other evidence of intoxication

What happening someone masks a fear by using a drug?

Fear builds up--> we anticipate it

1st happy

Fewer inhibitions and worries

NY State DWI Penalities

Fine, jail sentence, license action

Underage drinking can cause changes in the structure and ___ of the brain, especially when kids drink heavily



Gateway drug that sedate people and make them vulnerable and unable to defend themselves

I/E except after D

Intellect/ emotions except after drug -your intellect has been numbered by the alcohol, so now your emotions are enhanced- they take over your emotions drive your decisions.

2/3 of the high school age Students who choose to drink, do so the point of


Binge drinking

Is most common amongst 18-34 year olds in the US

How long does it take to feel the effects of alcohol

It takes 30 minutes to feel the effects of alcohol. It may take an hour to metabolize a drink, but it takes approximately thirty minutes before you feel alcohol's effects. This is a good gauge for pacing yourself. Drinking more than one drink every 30 minutes means you are probably drinking too much, too fast.


Liver changes alcohol to Co2 and H20


Lower our perception of attraction and potential risk

Ways to keep safe from live outside school

Meeting time, stay in group.

According to the CDC, more high-school-ers are simply choosing ___. From 1991-2013, there was a ____ decline in the number of students ever having consumed alcohol

Not to drink alcohol 19%

Passing out vs blacking out

Passing out-normal exhausted...wake up from alarm. Person loses consciousness -blacking out: forget what happens black out concious. Period of memory loss. Amnesia


Proof is the government documentation of a distilled beverage's alcohol content. In the United States if you cut the number in half and you get you get the actual amount of alcohol in the bottle. Eighty proof means 40 percent of the liquid in the bottle is alcohol

Natural high

Release of endorphins and Adrenaline. natural highs occur through our five senses Ana creative brain responses.


Scarring and destruction of liver tissue due to alcohol

Alcohol is a depressant

Slows down your central nervous system. It inhibits your brain-slows down sending of messages. If this is true, then why do people tend to act all peppy, giddy,happy, bubbly when they drink.

3rd confused

Staggering disoriented.


Staying sober, do the next right thing


Stomach, small intestine, bloodstream, liver, brain


The Center for Disease Control and Prevention

2nd excited

Thinking is impaired reactions slowed. Poor judgement


Trying to protect the person who has an addiction from facing the consequences of their problem

4th in stupor

Unable to stand or walk approaching paralysis

____ is one of the most common regretful and potentially dangerous behaviors users experience from drinking alcohol

Unintended sexual activity

What is the danger in artificially reaching the pleasure centers in your brain with drug use?

You can't reach the same level of happiness


is combining of different drugs


is something people take to do well on midterms

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