Health Psych Final

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At what age should health behavior start to be socialized? What behaviors should specifically be taught?

*3-4 years old *Healthy eating, brushing teeth, etc.

What is the predictive value of genetics on development of addiction/alcohol use disorders? How has this value been determined?

*50-60% *Behavioral genetic research- twin and adoption studies

What are the 3 types of illness?

*Acute illness *Chronic illness *Cyclic illness

What different factors Promote Health Behavior?

*Age *Greater locus of control *Access to healthcare *Peer and family influences *Knowledge and intelligence *Different health behaviors are typically independent, influenced by different factors

What are 2 common expectations that people have about alcohol?

*Alcohol expected to disinhibit people- people think they will be less nervous/have more fun *People think that alcohol will enhanced sexual experience

What are 2 Self-help and support groups for drug addiction treatment?

*Alcoholics Anonymous *Narcotics Anonymous

What are some of the most common mental disorders seen in patients with co-occurring substance use? (comorbidity)

*Anxiety and mood disorders *Schizophrenia *Bipolar disorder *Major depressive disorder *Conduct disorders *Post-traumatic stress disorder *Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

What are the characteristics of the Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students (BASICS)?

*BASICS uses brief, limited interventions (specifically MI) designed to prompt students to change their drinking patterns, particularly in the early years of college *The brief interventions aim to modify the participants' responses to peers in alcohol-related situations *The program's style is empathic, rather than confrontational or judgmental

Why don't diets generally work long term?

*Body has evolved to survive, re-sets to avoid starvation-- body has a natural set range -Brain: overly responsive and attentive to tasty foods -Hormonal changes -Metabolism slows down *myth of willpower

What are 2 ways that smartphone-based mindfulness intervention would conduct mindfulness instruction and practice?

*Body scan, loving kindness, breath awareness *Mindfulness practice for cravings

What are the predictors of greater healthcare use?

*Boredom, lack of distraction *Increased focus on the self *Stress, negative mood *Pain *Situational factors

What are the similarities in natural history between behavioral addictions and substance use disorders?

*Both have onset in adolescence and young adulthood and higher rates in these age groups than among older adults *Both have natural histories that may exhibit chronic, relapsing patterns, but with many people recovering on their own without formal treatment (so-called "spontaneous" quitting)

What are the 3 types of chronic pain?

*Chronic Benign Pain *Recurrent Acute Pain *Chronic progressive pain

What are 4 alcohol use & treatment approaches for college students?

*College Alcohol Intervention Matrix *Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students (BASICS) *Personalized normative feedback *Protective behavioral strategies

What is the College Alcohol Intervention Matrix? What does it help colleges to do?

*CollegeAIM provides updated evidence-based information needed to compare a broad range of alcohol interventions *helps college to identify strategies most likely to reduce drinking and its harmful consequences. *helps colleges see how your current strategies compare with other options. *helps colleges find different research-based strategies to consider. *helps colleges select a combination of approaches that meets the needs of your students and campus

For a smartphone-based mindfulness intervention, what health behavioral topics would the initial experience sampling/behavioral assessment ask about?

*Craving, smoking *Mood *Mindfulness practice

What are the 4 main elements of health behavior change talk? (DARN)

*DESIRE to change (want, like, wish) *ABILITY to change (can, could . . ) *REASONS to change (if . . then) *NEED to change (need, have to, got to . .)

What are common health-related claims made by food companies? Why are these claims so common?

*Deceptive natural/organic, low-fat designations *Lack of regulations, oversight

What three things does alcohol consistently predict?

*Decision to have sex *Choosing a riskier partner *Fewer conversations about potential risk

What are the 3 types of norms addressed by the Personalized Normative Feedback (PNF) method for alcohol misuse treatment among college students?

*Descriptive Norms *Injunctive Norms *Reference Groups

What are 3 vital considerations that physicians need to keep in mind while promoting adherence to treatment in diverse cultures?

*Diet, exercise *Cost or feasibility *Structure of family/social support

What are the characteristics of REM sleep?

*EEG patterns revert through the NREM stages to stage 1 pattern (increased brain activity) *dreaming *Vital signs increase *Skeletal muscles (except ocular muscles) are inhibited *Metabolism decrease in frontal cortex

What is the focus of the sociocultural model of substance abuse prevention? What is the target of prevention efforts?

*Emphasis on the influence that social norms have on substance use *Prevention efforts based on this model target the cultural climate & practices (via advertising and education)

What are the 3 different types of ecological monetary assessments (EMA)?

*Event-contingent *Interval-contingent *Signal-contingent

What are the 3 main elements of smartphone-based mindfulness practice?

*Experience sampling/behavioral assessment *Mindfulness instruction and practice *Social support

What is the def of a health habit? When are these behaviors established?

*Firmly established health behavior, often performed automatically, without awareness *Developed in childhood (by ages 11-12)

What are 2 Marketing and branding strategies used by the food industry?

*Focus on hooking children early *"Guerrilla" methods to avoid defenses

What are the Reasons for Misusing Health Services?

*For emotional distress (depression or anxiety) *Malingering or secondary gain- Ability to rest, freedom from unpleasant task, be cared by others, take time off from work results in misuse of health services

What are the 5 types of behavioral addictions?

*Gambling Disorder *Videogame Addiction *Internet Addiction *Sexual Addiction or Hypersexual Disorder *Excessive Exercise Addiction

What influential variables are understudied in the predictors of drinking alcohol?

*Gender and sexual identity *Length of relationship *Presence of known risk *Local norms (peer group, religious beliefs) *Expectations of hookup outcomes

What has research shown about the effectiveness of diets?

*Generally don't work *Weight returns reliably for most people

What are the general characteristics of drug addiction treatment?

*Generally starts with problem recognition *No one perfect treatment for everyone *Spontaneous remission can occur without formal treatment *Medication may be needed *Treatment needs to be long enough to be effective

What are 6 risk factors of sexual risk taking among men who have sex with other men (in terms of HIV/AIDS)?

*Greater pleasure *Negative mood states *Social norms Stigma behind identifying oneself as someone who has HIV/AIDS *Communication difficulties *Alcohol and drug use *Low self efficacy

What are the 3 negative things that prolonged stress levels have been correlated with in relation to sleep?

*HPA access hyperactivity *decreased sleep duration *reduced REM sleep and delta power

What are the diagnostic criteria for substance use disorder?

*Hazardous use *Social or interpersonal problems related to use *Neglected major life roles to use *Withdrawal symptoms *increasing tolerance *Used larger amounts/longer *Repeated unsuccessful attempts to control use or quit *Much time spent using *Physical or psychological problems related to use *Activities given up to use *Craving

What are the social class differences in healthcare utilization?

*Higher SES accesses more services *Higher SES more likely to use preventive care (inoculations against disease)

What misperceptions influence college drinking?

*How much others drink (i.e., descriptive norms) *Whether others approve/disapprove of drinking (i.e., injunctive norms) *Holding belief that drinking is part of the college culture-- results in confirmation bias

According to the cognitive-behavioral model of relapse, what 2 categories can factors which can lead to relapse episodes fall into? Define each

*Immediate determinants-- such as high-risk situations, or an individual's coping skills, and *Covert antecedents-- such as an imbalanced lifestyle which leads to urges and cravings

What two personality factors predict risky sexual behavior?

*Impulsivity *risk-taking tendencies

What are 4 ways where medical providers can fail with patient communication?

*Inattentiveness *Jargon versus baby talk *Depersonalization *Lack of feedback for physicians

What are the 5 negative health impacts of sleep deprivation?

*Increased risk for Cardiovascular disease *Increased risk for Gastrointestinal disorders *Increased risk for Immune suppression *Increased risk for Fertility problems *Poor sleep is linked to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression

What are the 3 main negative consequences of risky sexual behavior?

*Increased risk of HIV/AIDS *Increased risk of Other STDs *Increased risk of Unplanned pregnancy

What is hypochondriasis? Is it included in the DSM-5?

*Individuals are convinced that normal bodily symptoms are indicators of illness -Ex: Pain, Abdominal symptoms, Allergies *No longer diagnosed in DSM-5

What are endogenous opioids? Where are they produced? How can they activated?

*Internal pain regulation system *Produced in the brain, glands of the body *Can be activated by acute stress

What are the characteristics of recurrent acute pain?

*Involves intermittent episodes of pain that are acute in character but chronic in that it reoccurs for more than 6 months Ex: migraines headache

What are 4 key recommendations for providing culturally informed healthcare?

*Knowledge about diseases and treatments that differ by race/ethnicity/gender -As well as the limitations of our statistics! *Awareness of implicit biases *Relative importance of social/economic factors *"Creative nonadherence"

What is the McGovern Report (1977)'s new nutritional guidelines for Americans? What methods do they recommend?

*Less fat and cholesterol, refined and processed sugars *More complex carbohydrates and fiber *Encourage more veggies, whole grains AND less high-fat meat, egg, dairy *"Eat less" recommendations strong negative reactions from the cattle, dairy, egg, and sugar industries

What are the factors contributing to negative health disparities for ethnic/racial minority and lower-SES patients?

*Less information *Less supportive *Less effective clinical performance *Language barriers

How does stress impact sleep prior to waking?

*Levels of corticotrophin-releasing hormone(CRH) and glucocorticoids rise *Mobilize energy, terminate sleep

What is the state of research on substance abuse behaviors? What has it shown about the effectiveness of existing approaches?

*Limited amount of research on what works *existing research has shown that most approaches have been ineffective

What are Pearson (2016)'s critiques of the 4+/5+ binge drinking model?

*Limited predictive validity and clinical utility in diagnosing substance use disorder *Retrospective self-report and ecological bias *Monotonicity suggest false dichotomization

How can classical conditioning be used in implementing health behavior change? (2 steps)

*Link new behavior to a specific situational context *Eventually cue behavior automatically

What are the 3 essential elements of motivational interviewing?

*MI is a particular kind of conversation about change (counseling, consultation) *MI is collaborative (person-centered, partnership, honors autonomy, not expert-recipient) *MI is evocative, seeks to call forth the person's own motivation and commitment

What are the three subtypes of alcohol PBS?

*Manner of drinking strategies *Limiting/stopping drinking strategies *Serious harm reduction strategies

What are the 3 types of pain perception?

*Mechanical Nociception *Thermal Damage *Polymodal Nociception

What are 5 of the biggest issues/controversies in healthcare delivery?

*Medical provider communication *Patient communication *Nonadherence *Health disparities *Racial profiling

What groups of college students are at high risk for alcohol use?

*Members of Greek organizations *Students experiencing psychological distress *Mandated students via campus alcohol violation *Students with a history of experiencing consequences

What are 4 drug addiction Relapse Prevention techniques?

*Modify environments permanently *Practice skills in high-risk situations (generalize!) *Involve family members *Booster sessions

What are the Advantages to Tech-based health behavior Interventions?

*More accurate assessment *Increased generalization to real environments "skill transfer" *attainable for Hard-to-reach populations *affordable for Under-resourced communities *addresses Mismatch between need and trained clinicians

What is the impact of motivation as a determinant of drug addiction relapse?

*Motivation for positive behavior change → lower risk of relapse *Motivation to engage in the problematic behavior → higher risk of relapse

What are 2 professional behavioral treatments for drug addiction?

*Motivational Interviewing *Cognitive behavioral therapy

What three main considerations are needed for the effective treatment for chronic pain?

*Multi-disciplinary treatment team *Thorough assessment *Recognition that Pain is susceptible to external reinforcement

What are the common features shared between behavioral addictions and substance use disorders?

*Natural history *Phenomenology (study of the structures of experience and consciousness) *Adverse consequences-- bad functioning in life domains

Aside from SES, what are some other reasons for healthcare disparities?

*Negative, more passive attitudes toward the elderly *Sexism: biased evaluations of complaints *Negative perceptions of individuals with mental illness

What 5 behaviors are specifically talked about as risky sexual behaviors?

*No or limited condom use *No use or improper use of other birth control use *Multiple partners= increased risk for STDs *Risky, casual/unknown partners= increased risk for STDs *Discussion of risk impacts health outcomes

In the 19th century US, what kind of drugs were legal/easily attainable? Give examples of specific drugs and their uses at the time

*Opium, morphine, marijuana, heroin, cocaine legal & easily obtainable -Morphine used during & after Civil War ("soldier's disease") -Patent medicines (e.g., opium, morphine) sold to cure various illnesses -Liquid extract of the Cannabis plant used as an all- purpose medication

What are 6 Pharmacological Treatments for chronic pain?

*Oxycontin *Dilaudid *Morphine *Vicodin *OTC pain medications *Short-term analgesic treatments

What is the effectiveness of the Personalized Normative Feedback approach to alcohol misuse in college students?

*PNF approaches use information to correct normative misperceptions to reduce heavy drinking *PNF interventions are effective at reducing college student alcohol use

What are the characteristics of PNF interventions for marijuana use?

*PNF for alcohol typically involves feedback on quantity of alcohol use and given that the typical goal is to decrease overall quantity of alcohol use, the PNF approach is inherently a harm reduction intervention

What are the 3 drug addiction treatment approaches?

*Pharmacotherapies (e.g., naltrexone) *Self-help or support groups *Behavioral therapy

What are 2 tech methods adjunct to in-person treatment with a therapist?

*Phone coaching *Smartphone prompts

What are 5 types of behavioral interventions can be accomplished with technology?

*Phone-based interventions *Internet-based interventions *tech methods adjunct to treatment *Ecological momentary interventions *online CBT

What are the 3 main areas of health improvement caused by exercise?

*Physical health *Emotional well-being *cognitive functioning

How do we often see cultural health disparities play out in terms of health outcomes in African Americans w/chronic diseases vs white people with chronic diseases? What accounts for 13-38% of the variance?

*Poor diabetes outcomes in African American patients, compared to European American patients *Socioeconomic factors: 13% to 38% of variance

What are 4 of the ways that gov policies have changed defaults on food?

*Portion sizes *Presentation/availability of foods in school *Costs of health/unhealthy foods *Taxation

What is the impact of outcome expectancies as a determinant of drug addiction relapse?

*Positive expectancies → higher risk of relapse *Negative expectancies → lower risk of relapse

What health behaviors are most prevalent during adulthood?

*Pregnancy *Medical diagnosis

What are the 4 types of addictive substances?

*Prescription medications *Illegal substances (e.g., heroin) *Agonist treatment -methadone (full), buprenorphine (partial) *Antagonist treatment -naltrexone, naloxone

What are the 6 elements of CBT for chronic pain?

*Psychoeducation *Cognitive re-structuring *Orienting your social network *Increase activities with proper pacing *Incorporating positive/fun activities *Relaxation

What are the 5 main reasons for the recent rise in opioid addiction/opioid epidemic?

*Quick fix" mentality *TV & other media *Less of a stigma *Availability of prescription drugs *Doctor negligence in identifying addicts

Instead of dieting, what are 2 better options?

*Reach low end of your set range *Eat healthy foods, exercise more

What are the 3 main aims of the Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students (BASICS)?

*Reduce alcohol consumption and its adverse consequences *Promote healthier choices among young adults *Provide important information and coping skills for reducing risk

What are 6 failed substance abuse prevention efforts?

*Reducing the availability of drugs *Punitive measures *Scare tactics, preaching *Objective information approaches *Promotional campaigns *Self-esteem enhancement and affective education

What are the 5 techniques used in motivational interviewing?

*Reflection, validation *Elicit and clarify pros and cons *Support self efficacy *"Roll with resistance" *Repeat, reinforce change statements

What are some ways to improve adherence to treatment?

*Repeat instructions more than once and elicit questions *Ask patient to repeat instructions *Break down complicated suggestions- Verbally and in discharge instructions *Ask about barriers *Encourage presence of social supports

What are the 3 purposes of sleep?

*Save energy, build up energy supplies *REM and deep sleep → forming and consolidating memories *Can facilitate problem-solving

What are the 5 elements of CBT for health behavior change?

*Self-monitoring *Cognitive re-structuring *Stimulus control *Self reinforcement *Coping skills

What are the 4 main issues in pain management?

*Self-report bias *Subjective/psychological experience *Does not reliably signal danger/harm *Cultural and gender differences in pain sensitivity

Why are ages 12-21 a window of vulnerability to substance abuse/addiction?

*Social connections *Deviant peer affiliation *Low parental monitoring in adolescence *Accessibility to alcohol or drugs

What are the 3 models of substance abuse prevention?

*Sociocultural *Proscriptive *Distribution of consumption

What are the 4 stages of sleep in order?

*Stage 1 *Stage 2 *Stage 3 *REM sleep

What are some of the ways of controlling your environment for weight loss/controlling weight?

*Stimulus control -"Get alone with your veggies" *Put obstacles between you and food *Reward systems *Structural, policy-based interventions

What are the 3 CBT methods for Insomnia?

*Stimulus control *Sleep restriction *Sleep hygiene

What is the overall economic cost of substance misuse in the US? What are the 3 main areas that this cost occurs?

*Substance misuse and substance use disorders cost more than $400 billion annually *areas of crime, health, and lost productivity

What are the 3 defining characteristics of behav addictions?

*The essential feature of behavioral addictions is the failure to resist an impulse, drive, or temptation to perform an act that is harmful to the person or to others *Each behavioral addiction is characterized by a recurrent pattern of behavior that has this essential feature within a specific domain *The repetitive engagement in these behaviors ultimately interferes with functioning in other domains

What are two ways that behavioral assessment can be done through smartphone apps?

*Thought records *Diary cards

What are 5 reasons why patients fail in communicating to their medical providers?

*Time constraints- not enough time to ask questions about barriers to treatment while with physician *Neuroticism- Fear of asking questions/doctors/your illness prevents you from rationally communicating *Mood and anxiety symptoms- prevents you from rationally communicating *lying/misleading information- A lot of people will lie about illicit drug use-- impact treatment recommended by physician *Socialization to typical medical practices- Biases and misconceptions impact patient adherence to treatment

What college-related events are high risk for alcohol use?

*Transition to college *Event-specific Occasions -Holidays, 21st birthday, sporting events -Blowout (W&M) *Alcohol-orientated activities -Drinking games -Pregaming

What are the characteristics of chronic benign pain?

*Typically persists for 6 months or longer and is relatively unresponsive to treatment *Pain varies in severity and may involve several muscle groups Ex: chronic lower back pain

What are characteristics of chronic progressive pain?

*Typically persists longer than 6 months and increases in severity over time *Associated with degenerative disorders Ex: cancer-pain and rheumatoid arthritis

What are the aims of the Personalized Normative Feedback (PNF) method for alcohol misuse treatment among college students?

*Uses information designed to correct normative misperceptions to reduce heavy drinking *If personalized normative feedback is theoretically based on the premise of correcting normative misperceptions, then these misperceptions must be present

What are protective behaviors against risky sex largely determined by? give 2 examples of these protective behaviors

*Wearing condoms, other birth control *Predicted more by personality factors

What 2 data collection methods are used by the ecological monetary assessment (EMA)?

*Web site *Mobile device

What are the benefits of getting a FitBit over a traditional pedomometer?

*When it comes to Fitbit or other fitness trackers, you not only get a discant accurate step counts but also *calorie tracking *sleep tracking *a great dedicated app, and other features.

What aspects of partners, events, and places need to be taken into account by the EXPLORE intervention for risky sexual behavior?

*Where is it that people engage in most risky sexual behavior? *Needs to recognize individual risk factors for HIV/AIDS rather than just the general group

For what 2 groups of people are there stronger relationship between alcohol use and risky sexual behavior for? Why?

*Younger individuals, First intercourse experiences *lack of experience and less comfort in saying no

What are the 3 age ranges that are windows of vulnerability for substance misuse/addiction?

*adolescence *transition to adulthood *late middle age

What are the 4 main areas of healthcare utilization differences?

*age *gender *social norms *social class

What are the 5 types of delays in seeking medical treatment?

*appraisal delay *illness delay *behavioral delay *scheduling delay *treatment delay

What have been the trends in marijuana usage rates among college students? Over the past 5 years? Long term comparison?

*approximately a 7% increase over five-years for college students *These rates for both groups are the highest in 35 years

What is the EXPLORE Intervention for risky sexual behavior?

*assesses risk factors for sexual risk taking (e.g., lower self-efficacy) in men who have sex with other men *identifies intervention targets (e.g., role of substance use, attitudes, beliefs about sereostatus, etc)

According to the dynamic model of relapse, what is the relationship between affective states and relapse? What is used to characterize this relationship in the model?

*bidirectional relationship between affective state and lapse *characterized by feedback loops

According to the dynamic model of relapse, what is the relationship between cognitions and relapse? What is used to characterize this relationship in the model?

*bidirectional relationship between cognitions and lapse *characterized by feedback loops

How does the cognitive-behavioral model of relapse work to prevent relapse? (3 steps)

*clinician develops understanding of factors which can lead to relapse episodes *Once the characteristics of each individual's high risk situations have been assessed the clinician can -work forwards by analyzing their client's response to these situations -work backward to examine factors that increase the individual's exposure to high risk situations *develop treatment plan to broaden client's repetoire of cognitive and behavioral strategies in order to reduce risk of relapse.

What are the 2 models of relapse prevention for substance abuse?

*cognitive-behavioral model of relapse *dynamic model of relapse

What are the 4 main advantages of ecological monetary assessments in using tech to measure health behavior?

*collection of data in a more ecologically valid manner (i.e., naturalistic settings)-- less influenced by retrospective memory biases *near-real time assessment of primary outcomes of interest *opportunity to match specific behaviors to specific relevant outcomes in specific contexts *within-subject design with comprehensive event-level measures-- each individual serves as their own control, accounting even for "third variables" that have not been assessed

What behavioral cycles can drug addiction/substance dependence by characterized by?

*compulsion to seek and take the drug *loss of control in limiting intake *emergence of a negative emotional state (e.g., dysphoria, anxiety, irritability) when access to the drug is prevented.

How does the cognitive behavioral model of relapse conceptualize drug addiction relapse? How does this contrast to other models?

*conceptualizes relapse as a "transitional process, a series of events that unfold over time" *This is in contrast to alternative models which view relapse as an end-point or 'treatment failure

What are 4 of the the mental healthcare issues that online CBT offers a solution to?

*cost barriers to receiving treatment *long wait-lists *limited access to psychiatric treatment where one lives *perceived stigma of seeking treatment for a psychiatric disorder.

What are the similarities in phenomenology between behavioral addictions and substance use disorders?

*feelings of "tension or arousal before committing the act" and "pleasure, gratification or relief at the time of committing the act" *urge or craving state prior to initiating the behavior *Serotonin (5-HT), which is involved with inhibition of behavior *Dopamine, involved with learning, motivation, and the salience of stimuli, including rewards

What is the focus of the Distribution of Consumption Model of substance abuse prevention? What is the target of prevention efforts?

*focus of decreasing overall alcohol consumption by restricting the availability of alcohol *target to reduce the prevalence of heavy drinking & thus reduce associated negative consequences

What is the focus of the Proscriptive Model of substance abuse prevention? How does it view substance misuse?

*focus on prohibition/abstinence to prevent the chance of drinking-related problems *Use seen as a personal failing by the individual, indicates that you're a bad person

What is the focus of PNF interventions for marijuana use in college students? How is it different than alcohol PNF interventions?

*focused on user status or frequency of use *inherently becomes more abstinence-focused as feedback focuses on how most college students do not use marijuana

What are the perceived cons of PBS use for alcohol use treatment in college students?

*goal conflict with "fun college experience" *difficulty in implementation *worry of ineffectiveness *fear of negative peer/social interactions

How do college-related alcohol beliefs impact use of protective behavioral strategies (PBS) in college students?

*greater college-related alcohol beliefs = fewer use of protective behavioral strategies (PBS)

How do college-related alcohol beliefs impact actual rates of alcohol use in college students?

*greater college-related alcohol beliefs = greater risk for increased alcohol use

What are the 6 elements of basic information about an illness according to the Commonsense Illness Model?

*identity- label of an illness *causes- factors that the person believes give rise to the illness *consequences- symptoms, treatments that result, and implications for quality of life *timeline- length of time the illness is expected to last *control/cure- identifies whether the person believes the illness can be managed or cured through treatment or action *coherence- how well the beliefs hang together in a cogent representation of the disorder

What are the 2 main benefits of exercise?

*improves health for everyone *Improves quantity and quality of life

What are the characteristics of stage 3 of sleep?

*it's the transition stage into deeper sleep/slow wave sleep *delta waves begin *metabolic shutdown

What are the 7 determinants of relapse?

*level of self-efficacy *outcome expectancies *strength of craving *direction of motivation *nature of coping skills *emotional state *strength of social support

What are the characteristics of stage 1 of sleep?

*light sleep (easily awakened) *lasts about 5 minutes *hypnagogic sensations, alpha waves

What are the characteristics of stage 2 of sleep?

*light sleep (easily awakened) *sleep spindles *when sleep talking would happen *lasts 15-20 minutes

What are the perceived pros of PBS use for alcohol use treatment in college students?

*mitigating alcohol-related consequences *perceived better drinking experience

What has been the trend over time in monthly rates of binge alcohol substance abuse in people 12+ from the years 2002-2014? What percent range?

*no significant changes (pretty much straight line) *22%-23%

What has been the trend over time in monthly rates of illicit drug use in people 12+ from the years 2002-2014? What percent range?

*no significant changes, but slight increase in recent years *8.3%-10.2%

What are the 3 different types of treatment available for chronic pain?

*pharmacological *CBT *mitigation strategies

What is the impact of poor sleep on physical and mental health?

*physical problems- weakened immune system and *mental health problems- anxiety and depression

What are the 3 main negative impacts of correlates of prolonged stress levels on sleep

*poorer quality sleep *impaired memory *poorer mood regulation

According to self-determination theory of health behavior, when does a primarily controlled orientation happen? What kind of behavior is it associated with?

*results when these basic needs have not been met *associated with behavior that is more extrinsically regulated with greater sensitivity to the expectations of others

how can social pain be compared to physical pain?

*social pain can be experienced as physical pain -Social exclusion caused activation of anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) -ACC activation was correlated with distress

Give a brief overview of the dynamic model of relapse

*tonic and phasic processes, are important for the timing of a lapse-relapse sequence *The model itself incorporates several interacting relapse risk factors, which are each predictive of the transgressive behavior as well as each other *Feedback loops are used to characterize the bidirectional relationship between cognitions and lapse, as well as affective state and lapse *Coping is shown as directly interrelated with lapse. *The difference between a feedback loop and interrelatedness in the model is primarily a consideration of the distinction between the two processes.

What are the 4 mitigation strategies for opioid misuse?

*use of screening tools to identify patients with substance use disorder *use of data from Prescription Drug Monitoring Program *use of urine drug screening *doctor-patient agreement on adherence

What is the importance of the middle school age range in health behavior? What kind of behaviors are determined?

*window of vulnerability-- greatest impact on adult health *Smoking, drug use, eating behavior

Throughout the history of drug use regulation in the US, what have been the 2 main approaches taken?

*zero tolerance policy *harm reduction policy

What are the 8 levels of the social ecological model of health behavior? (from inside levels to upper levels)

1. child 2. caregivers 3. extended family 4. peers 5. neighborhood 6. school 7. community 8. national policies

What are the 6 stages of the transtheoretical stages of change model of health behavior?

1. precontemplation 2. contemplation 3. preparation 4. action 5. maintenance 6. relapse

What are the 3 circular stages of the Model of neurobiological addiction. What types of reinforcement are associated with each?

1. preoccupation/anticipation- conditioned reinforcement to perpetuate drug abuse 2. binge intoxication- positive reinforcement 3. withdrawal/negative affect- negative reinforcement (to avoid withdrawl/negative emotive state)

What are the 2 major components of the Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students (BASICS)?

2 sessions: -identify substance use patterns -provide feedback

What is the overall rate of patient nonadherence to treatment?


According to the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Study (2019), what percent of high school students have ever had sexual intercourse?


According to the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Study (2019), Among currently sexually active students, what percent had used a condom during their last sexual intercourse


How long does each sleep cycle last?

90 minutes

According to the cognitive-behavioral model of relapse, what percent of treated individuals relapse within 3 months


What is the applicability of behavioral genetic research on future treatment research?

A novel area in which genetic research is helping refine treatments is that of pharmacogenetics

What is the impact of coping skills as a determinant of drug addiction relapse?

Adaptive coping skills → lower risk of relapse

What kind of fitness/exercise improved cardiovascular and respiratory health?

Aerobic fitness

What is the economic cost of JUST alcohol misuse and substance use disorders in the US?

Alcohol misuse and alcohol use disorders alone costs the United States approximately $249 billion in lost productivity, health care expenses, law enforcement, and other criminal justice costs

What is the relationship between alcohol and risky sexual behavior?

Alcohol strongly linked to risky sexual behavior

Why is there a strong link between alcohol and sexual behavior?

Alcohol strongly linked to risky sexual behavior because it reduces attention to inhibitory cues- especially in potentially dangerous environment

According to self-determination theory of health behavior, when is an individual most likely to develop a more autonomous orientation associated with regulating health behavior?

An individual is likely to develop a more autonomous orientation associated with regulating behavior based on intrinsic motivations and core values

What is the def of "college-related alcohol beliefs"?

An internalized college drinking norm or alcohol belief regarding the importance of drinking to the college experience

What are College-Related Marijuana Beliefs?

An internalized college marijuana use norm or belief regarding the importance of marijuana use to the college experience

What is the def of a health behavior

Any behavior that is undertaken to enhance or maintain health

How can protective behavioral strategies be used in the context of alcohol?

Behaviors an individual can engage in to promote their safety while consuming alcohol

What are Marijuana Protective Behavioral Strategies?

Behaviors an individual can engage in to promote their safety while using marijuana

What is the first treatment option for insomnia?

CBT for Insomnia

What are the impacts of CRH on sleep?

CRH activates sympathetic nervous system, prevents sleep -Primarily affects slow wave sleep -Prevent memory consolidation

What is the impact of pre-existing anxiety and unhealthy behavior sleep?

Cause more stress, which in turn decreases quantity and quality of sleep, causing more stress, which is again exacerbated by anxiety and unhealthy behavior

What has research found to be the most effective college student alcohol-use interventions?

Clinically, the most effective college student interventions incorporate PBS into one or more intervention components ex.) PBS Ecological Momentary Intervention EMIs refer to interventions that can be delivered multiple times and "in the moment"

What is the target population of the Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students (BASICS)?

College students 18 to 24 years old who drink alcohol heavily

Instead of focusing on willpower, what should be focused on when trying to control weight?

Controlling environment

Why is the late middle age range a window of vulnerability for substance abuse/addiction?

Coping with stress

What is the impact of cravings as a determinant of drug addiction relapse?

Craving → higher risk of relapse

What is the impact of pre-existing depression on sleep?

Decreases quality and quantity of sleep, causing more stress

What is the myth of willpower when it comes to dieting?

Differences in willpower don't account for variation in weight

What communication difficulties do men who have sex with other men (in terms of HIV/AIDS) have in terms of risky sexual behavior?

Difficult to communicate clearly with others of the same community and with those outside explaining the problem

How does discussion of risk before sex impacts health outcomes?

Discussion of sexual history and possible risk factors (STDs) before sex can reduce risk consequences

As a neurobiological disorder, how can drug addiction/substance use disorders be described?

Drug addiction has been conceptualized as a chronically relapsing disorder that moves from impulsivity to compulsivity

What is a major advantage of a tech-based ecological monetary intervention for health behavior?

EMIs can optimize the timing and location of the intervention while also increasing the dose of the intervention

When does Thermal Damage occur?

Experience of pain due to temperature exposure

What is the definition of Behavioral Addictions?

Failure to resist an impulse, drive, or temptation to perform an act that is harmful to the person or to others

What are the social norms of healthcare utilization differences?

Female's services are fractured

What are the gender differences in healthcare utilization differences?

Females use medical services more than males

Describe the government's attitudes on drug use in the US in the 19th century

Few restrictions on drugs (laissez faire policies)

What is one example of how health behavior/activity can be tracked with technology


What is the accuracy comparison between a traditional pedometer and a FitBit?

Fitbit overall more accurate (eliminates false steps)

What is the primary advantage of the cognitive-behavioral model of relapse prevention?

Flexibility is a key advantage of such transitional models-- they provide guidance and opportunities for intervening at multiple stages in the relapse process in order to prevent or reduce relapse episodes.

What is the def of Gambling Disorder?

Gambling disorder involves repeated problematic gambling behavior that causes significant problems or distress?

What is the def of Videogame Addiction?

Gaming disorder is defined as a pattern of gaming behavior ("digital-gaming" or "video-gaming") characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences

When does Polymodal Nociception occur?

General category referring to pain that triggers chemical reactions from tissue damage

Throughout history, what have US gov beliefs/spending trends driven in regards to substance abuse in the US?

Government & trends/beliefs have driven prevention efforts rather than research

Has Hypersexual Disorder been included in the DMS-5?

HD was rejected for placement in the DSM-5

What illness have the best patient adherent rates?

HIV, arthritis, GI disorders, cancer

What is the operating principle of the Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students (BASICS)?

Harm reduction approach

What impact does delay in seeking medical treatment have on health?

Has negative impacts on patient health and treatment depending on type of misuse

According to the 4/5 Model of Treatment Success, what is the operational def of binge/heavy drinking?

Having a BAC of 0.08 g/dl-- typically occurs after 4 drinks for women and 5 drinks for men (in about 2 hours)

What is the impact of social support as a determinant of drug addiction relapse?

Higher social support → lower risk of relapse

What is the def of Sexual Addiction or Hypersexual Disorder?

Hypersexual Disorder (HD) is characterized as a repetitive and intense preoccupation with sexual fantasies, urges, and behaviors, leading to adverse consequences and clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning

What are reference groups?

Identifcation of ingroup and outgroup (Who are the "Others") ex.) Typical Students, Close Friends, Parents, Greek Members

What is the def Internet Addiction?

Internet addiction is characterized by excessive or poorly controlled preoccupations, urges or behaviors regarding computer use and internet access that lead to impairment or distress

What is the relationship between alcohol and protective behaviors for risky sexual behav? (aka condom use)

Less consistent relationship between alcohol and risky sexual behav for protective behaviors

What is the usage rate of marijuana among college students and their non-college peers?

Marijuana use is nearly the same for college students and their non-college peers at about 43%

Throughout history, where/how have most substance abuse prevention efforts taken place?

Most efforts have been based in schools

What is an example of a drug addiction pharmacotherapy that is also the only drug approved for both alcohol and opioid use disorder?


What is the impact of emotional state as a determinant of drug addiction relapse?

Negative emotional states → higher risk of relapse

How is the relationship between stress and sleep a cyclical, reciprocal relationship

Negative impacts of correlates of prolonged stress levels on sleep can which can, in turn, lead to more stress

According to the neurobiology of addiction, what is thought to be central to the development and maintenance of addiction?

Neuro-adaptation in the reward pathway of the brain

What is the treatment approach taken by the Personalized Normative Feedback (PNF) method for alcohol misuse treatment among college students?

Normative Re-education approach

What is the relationship between obesity and morality?

Obesity doesn't predict mortality (Except at the very highest levels of obesity)

According to the neurobiology of addiction, over time, what kind of reinforcement of substance use behavior is key to maintaining the cycle of addiction?

Over time, addiction becomes less about positive reinforcement and more about negative reinforcement

What is the effectiveness of PBS for marijuana use among college students?

PBS significantly mediated the effects of coping, expansion, and conformity motives

Across both alcohol and marijuana use among college students, what is the effectiveness of PBS for reducing usage?

PBS significantly mediated the effects of sex, age at 1st use, and college substance use beliefs

What is the effectiveness of the PNF approach for marijuana use in college students compared to its use for alcohol abuse?

PNF does not work as well

What is the relationship between a personality factors and risky sexual behavior?

Personality factors predict risky sexual behavior

What is pharmacogenetics?

Pharmocogenetics consists of identifying which treatments will be most effective for certain patients on the basis of their genetic makeup

What illnesses have the worst patient adherent rates?

Pulmonary disease, sleep disorders, diabetes (generally less severe)

How does behavioral genetic research on alcohol use disorder apply to understanding inheritability of other substance use disorders?

Research studies have also demonstrated that the genetic loading for substance use disorders is largely shared across disorders, as opposed to being substance specific

When does Mechanical Nociception occur?

Results from mechanical damage to the tissues of the body

What type of behavior is a major risk factor for negative health outcomes?

Sedentary behavior

What is the impact of self-efficacy as a determinant of drug addiction relapse?

Self-efficacy → lower risk of relapse

What does the Model of alcohol use and risky sexual behavior show about the relationship between motive and alcohol-related consequences?

Shows how if motive for specific aspects are social motives, there are less serious alcohol-related consequences

What is the economic cost associated with drug use disorders and use of illegal drugs and non-prescribed medications in the US?

The costs associated with drug use disorders and use of illegal drugs and non-prescribed medications were estimated to be more than $193 billion in 2007

What is the goal of the zero tolerance approach to drug use in the US?

The eventual eradication of drug-taking behavior in the United States

What is the goal of the harm reduction approach to drug use in the US?

The minimization of medical, psychological, and social costs associated with drug-taking behavior

What is PBS EMI? What does it want to test?

The proposed study seeks to test a novel intervention that focuses on increasing the effective use of protective behavioral strategies in high-risk alcohol-use situations

How can the economic cost of substance use disorder in the US be compared to the economic cost of serious health problems such as diabetes?

These costs are of a similar order of magnitude to those associated with other serious health problems such as diabetes, which is estimated to cost the United States $245 billion each year

What is an ecological monetary intervention?

Type of technology-based health behavior intervention that can be delivered multiple times and "in the moment"

What are the age differences in healthcare utilization differences?

Very young and elderly use more

What is the effectiveness of online CBT compared to in-person treatment?

When CBT tools are delivered online, they're as effective as face-to-face sessions, making this a smart option for those who prefer online to in-office meetings.

According to the neurobiology of addiction, when addiction has ensued, how does the characterization of drug use behavior change?

When addiction has ensued, drug use is no longer simply a voluntary choice but rather a maladaptive response to brain-based urges

Describe the gate control theory of pain.

When signals of movement, pressure or pain travel through the nervous system at the same time, the movement or pressure will be felt first (faster, mylinated neurons) thus blocking the sensation of pain from being felt because the sensory neurons can only receive one sensation at a time.

What is the neurobiology of addiction?

Where addiction affects the brain and how positive vs negative reinforcement impacts the brain/substance use

What has been the evidence of effectiveness of marijuana use to improve sleep?

Works for those with pre-existing sleep problems who use marijuana medicinally -There may be a decrease in slow wave sleep times and a corresponding increase in time spent in stage 2 sleep -There does not appear to be a consistent effect on total sleep time -Among those with a medical condition that impacts upon sleep, reductions in sleep disturbance appear to improve quality of sleep without impacting total sleep time -These results are consistent with one interpretation that cannabis is typically not beneficial to sleep except among medicinal cannabis users who are identified by the presence of pre-existing sleep interrupting symptoms such as pain

What is motivational interviewing?

a collaborative goal-oriented method of communication. Specific attention to the language of change intended to strengthen personal motivation and commitment to change a target behaviour by eliciting and exploring an individual's own arguments for change.

How does an ecological momentary assessment (EMA) work?

a method of measuring stress that involves repeated sampling of people's behaviors and experiences in real time, and in their natural environment

Describe the Health Belief Model (HBM) of health behavior change?

a non-stage theory that identifies three beliefs that influence decision making regarding health behavior: -perceived susceptibility to a health threat -perceived severity of the disease or condition -perceived benefits of and barriers to the behavior

Describe the theory of the social ecological model of health behavior

a theory-based framework for understanding the multifaceted and interactive effects of personal and environmental factors that determine behaviours, and for identifying behavioural and organizational leverage points and intermediaries for health promotion within organizations

What is the def of cyclic illness?

alternating periods of symptoms and no symptoms (ex: herpes)

Describe the Theory of Planned Behavior of health behavior change?

attitudes towards the specific action+subjective norms regarding the action+perceived behavioral control= behavioral intention towards health behavior --> health behavior

What is the intended target of the Self Determination Theory of health behavior change?

autonomous, intrinsic motivation of the individual

What are protective behavioral strategies?

behaviors that are used immediately prior to (e.g., setting a limit on consumption), during (e.g., using only in a safe context), and/or after substance use (e.g., using a designated driver) that reduce consumption, intoxication, and/or substance-related harm

According to the dynamic model of relapse, what two influences interact to determine relapse likelihood?

both tonic (stable) and phasic (transient) influences

What kind of internal processes are needed to change health behavior?

conscious, deliberative process over automatic, implicit processes

What is the relationship between stress and sleep?

cyclical, reciprocal relationship

How well does the standard norms-based intervention approach for alcohol misuse in college students translate to marijuana usage?

does not appear to translate well to marijuana -Unlike alcohol, a minority of college students are current marijuana users, so the use of marijuana is, by definition, not the norm

What is the main focus of the dynamic model of relapse prevention?

dynamic model centers on the high-risk situations

What is the name for the model of relapse prevention that emphasizes interplay between tonic processes, phasic responses, and high-risk situations (contextual factors)?

dynamic model of relapse

What complaints take up the majority of physician time?

emotional distress (depression or anxiety)

In the dynamic model of relapse, what are phasic responses? What is their significance in predicting relapse?

emphasis on *Determine of susceptibility to relapse *Composed of proximal or transient factors that serve to actuate (or prevent) a lapse *Phasic responses include cognitive and affective processes that can fluctuate across time and contexts--such as urges/cravings, mood, or transient changes in outcome expectancies, self-efficacy, or motivation. *momentary coping responses can serve as phasic events that may determine whether a high-risk situation culminates in a lapse.

In the dynamic model of relapse, what are tonic processes? What is their significance in predicting relapse?

emphasis on stable factors-- initial susceptibility *distal risks (aka stable background factors that determine an individual's "set point" or initial threshold for relapse) *cognitive factors that show relative stability over time *dictate initial susceptibility to relapse

What is experience sampling? aka (EMA)

experience sampling method, also referred to as a daily diary method, or ecological momentary assessment, is an intensive longitudinal research methodology that involves asking participants to report on their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and/or environment on multiple occasions over time.

What gender reports greater sensitivity to pain?


What is the role of substance use in effectiveness/implementation of the EXPLORE intervention for risky sexual behavior?

impacts self-efficacy and self-regulation

What other factors might account for poor health in obese individuals?

low SES, lack of exercise, infrequent use of medical screenings

How do the rates of binge alcohol substance misuse in people 12+ in the past month compare to the rates of illicit drug substance misuse in people 12+ in the past month?

monthly Binge alcohol use rates were significantly, consistently higher than illicit drug use rates from 2002-2014

What is the def of chronic illness?

multiple causes, long duration, severe consequences (ex: heart disease)

What is one defining feature of Sexual Addiction or Hypersexual Disorder?

multiple unsuccessful attempts to control or diminish the amount of time an individual engages in sexual fantasies, urges, and behavior in response to dysphoric mood states or stressful life events

Is Videogame Addiction is recognized as a mental health disorder in the DSM-V?


Is attitude change alone enough to change health behavior?


What is the relationship between obesity and disease?

obesity is a predictor for disease

Describe the government's attitudes on drug use in the US in the 20th century

oscillating pattern of popularity and subsequent gov crackdown on diff types of drugs

What are injunctive norms?

perceived approval/disapproval of drinking by others

What are descriptive norms?

perceived drinking behavior of others

According to the dynamic model of relapse, how can substance and its immediate consequences be characterized?

phasic processes that are set into motion once a lapse occurs

How does online CBT work?

same as in-person CBT-- Although there are differences in format and content, these programs all provide web-based access to materials that teach participants the core cognitive skills (e.g., the ability to identify and modify negative cognitions and depressogenic biases in information processing) and behavioral skills (e.g., behavioral activation, problem solving strategies) encouraged in traditional face-to-face CBT.

What is the def of acute illness?

short-lived, specific viral/bacterial cause (ex: flu)

How do we see cultural variation in symptom descriptions?

skin cancer looks different on black people vs white people

What is confirmation bias?

tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses

What does the commonsense illness model propose about illness and symptoms?

that people hold implicit commonsense beliefs about their symptoms and illness that result in organized illness representations

What is the focus of the transtheoretical stages of change model of health behavior?

the decision-making of the individual and is a model of intentional change

Describe the self-determination theory of health behavior

theory of human motivation in which the social context of an action (autonomy, competence, relatedness) has an effect on the type of motivation existing for the action

How do smartphone-based mindfulness interventions promote social support?

through their online community

What impact does overestimation of others' approval of drinking have on your own drinking behavior?

you drink more

What impact does overestimation of others' drinking have on your own drinking behavior?

you drink more

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