HED 110 - Exam Ending Final (ALL CHAPTERS)!!!

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(in healthy lungs, millions of tiny hairlike projections) respiratory passages sweep away foreign matter, which is expelled from the lungs by coughing, However, the cilia's cleansing function is impaired in smokers lung by nicotine, which paralyzes the cilia.

chlamydia treatment

-antibiotics -practice celibacy

HIV treatment

-drugs available to slow progression -drugs available to inhibit invaders -no cure

crabs treatment

-treatment for lice (wash everything basically)

home heating

-woodstoves emit significant particulates and carbon monoxide. -stoves should be properly installed, vented and maintained.

a BAC as low as _______________ increases the likelihood of a driver being involved in a fatal car crash.


the stomach absorbs

20 %

Which of the following is true regarding responses to violence on campus?

"Bystander" education is one of the new strategies for helping prevent a sexual assault.


A technique using a machine to self-monitor physical responses to stress.

Freebasing is ______________________________

Heating a Drug and Inhaling the Vapor.

Rebecca takes a number of medications for varius conditions, including Prinivil (an antilhypertensive drug), insulin (a diabetic medication) and Claritin (an antilhistamine) This is an example of ____________

Polydrug Use

risk factors and prevention

Risks for cancer increase dramatically based on the quantity of cigarettes smoked and the number of years smoked often referred to as pack years. The greater number of pack years smoke the greater the risk of developing cancer. Quitting smoking does substantially reduce the risk of developing lung cancer. Exposure to industrial substances or radiation also highly increases the risk for lung cancer.


STI caused by the herpes complex virus (aka genital herpes)

Which is sidestream smoke? _________________________________________

Smoke released from the burning end of a cigarette

What are the 2nd and 3rd leading causes of death in the 15-34 year old age group?

Suicide and Homicide *Violence is a chronic disease status bc it represents a pervasive threat to society


The removal and examination of tissue, cells, or fluids from the living body.

standard drink

amount of any beverage that contains about 14 grams of pure alcohol

sudden cardiac death (SCD)

an abrupt, profound loss of heart function (cardiac arrest) that causes death either instantly or shortly after symptoms occur


belief in one's ability to perform a task successfully


damage to the heart muscle

enabling factors

factors that help you carry out your healthy lifestyle plan.

saturated fats

fats that are unable to hold any more hydrogen in their chemical structure; derived mostly from animal sources; solid at room temperature they generally come from animal sources, such as meat, dairy, and poultry products, and are solid at room temperature. saturated fats have been long associated with an increased risk for heart disease and stroke, largely because they appear to decrease removal of LDL-cholesterol from the blood.


grown without use of toxic and persistent pesticides, chemicals, or hormones


highly toxic chlorinated hydrocarbons contained in herbicides and produced during certain industrial processes

modifiable determinants

increase your risk of chronic disease: sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption, tobacco use, poor nutrition 7 out of 10 deaths

oral ingestion

intake of drugs through the mouth

anxiety disorders

mental illness characterized by persistent feelings of threat and worry in coping with everyday problems


one molecule sugars include fructose and glucose.

HPV symptoms

only available for low-risk types -wart removal

What does nicotine do the cilia in the lungs? ___________________

paralyzes them

The use of multiple drugs simultaneously is known as

polydrug use

chocolate milk is good for

postworkout recovery

environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)

smoke that enters the atmosphere from the burning end of a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, as well as smoke that is exhaled by smokers; also called secondhand smoke


sore often found at the site of syphilis infection


substance that contaminates some aspect of the environment and causes potential harm to living organisms

ergogenic drugs

substances believed to enhance athletic performance


the failure to provide for child's basic needs

aerobic capacity (power)

the functional status of the cardiorespiratory system; refers specifically to the volume of oxygen the muscles consume during exercise


the presence of other illnesses at the same time and other conditions that might affect treatment outcomes


thick, brownish sludge condensed from particulate matter in smoked tobacco

rape forms

vaginal, oral or anal sex


violence directed at persons affiliated with a particular ethnic group

low density proteins

"bad cholesterol" molecules that carry cholesterol to al cells. Don't want to bring excess back; they DUMP it in the blood vessels bad cholesterol is most closely associated with CVD risks than is total cholesterol.

high density proteins

"good cholesterol" Molecules that pick up extra cholesterol left behind by LDL's and returns it to the liver HDL is an important goal. there was been general agreement that the best method of evaluating risk is to examine the ratio of HDL to total cholestoral. if the level is lower than 35 mh CVD increases dramatically.

MyPlate Food Guidance System

(replaced pyramid, pyramid did not work) (1) Shows essential food groups, and offers recommendations on balancing calories, foods to increase and foods to reduce (2) BUILD A HEALTHY PLATE: MAKE HALF YOUR PLATE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, MAKE AT LEAST HALF YOUR GRAIN WHOLE, USE SKIM OR 1% MILK, VARY PROTEIN CHOICES (3) Cut back on foods high in solid fats, added sugars, salt (4) Eat the right amount of calories for you: eat less, cook more often at home, keep track of what you eat (5) Be physically active your way

weight loss supplements

* NOT regulated by the FDA * contain soluble fiber * "fat burner" * weight loss through water loss

benefits of quitting smoking

- According to the American Cancer Society, many tissues damaged by smoking can repair themselves. - As soon as smokers stop, the body begins the repair process. Within 8 hours, carbon monoxide and oxygen levels return to normal, and "smoker's breath" disappears. - After 1 year of not smoking, the risks for lung cancer and stroke decrease.

incorporating physical activity in your life

- Choose activities that you genuinely like - Choose activities that you are capable of doing - Start slow, plan enjoyable activities and progress to more strenuous or vigorous activities - Make physical activity part of your routine

congenital and rheumatic heart disease

- Congenital Heart Disease is a defect that is present at birth - Rheumatic Heart Disease is caused by an untreated strep infection (rheumatic fever) of the throat

Testing for HIV

- ELISA test: HIV antibody test - antigen test (p24) - DNA or RNA test - Viral load test: to detect HIV genetic material and estimate the level of virus in the blood

Preventing HIV infection

- Get educated - Eliminate the risks: practice abstinence, be monogamous in relationships, don't share needles, syringes, drug injection equipment, or any other item that puts a person in contact with blood, get tested to be sure

cardiovascular system

- Over one third of all tobacco-related deaths occur from heart disease.- Smokers are 2 to 4 times as likely to suffer strokes.- The risk of dying from a heart attack falls by half after 1 year without smoking.

(the DRis)

- Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) are daily nutrient intake levels meeting the nutritional needs of 97-98 percent of healthy individuals. -Adequate intakes (AIs) are daily intake levels assumed to be adequate for most healthy people. Als are used when there isn't enough research to support establishing an RDA. -Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs) are the highest amounts of a nutrient that an individual can consume without daily without risking adverse health effects. -Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDrs) are ranges of protein, carbohydrate, and fat intake that provide adequate nutrition and are associated with a reduced risk for chronic disease.

breaking the nicotine addiction

- The road to quitting may include antismoking therapy. - Operant conditioning pairs smoking with an external stimulus. When the stimulus is removed, the hope is that smoking will cease. - Self-control therapy aims at identifying the situations associated with smoking and then teaching skills needed to resist smoking.


- a large and varied group of synthetic agents that stimulate the central nervous system. - drugs that stimulate neural activity, causing speeded-up body functions and associated energy and mood changes - drugs prescribed to treat ADHD are stimulants and are increasingly abused in college

public lice

- also called "crabs" are small parasitic insects that are usually transmitted during sexual contact more annoying than dangerous, they have an affinity for pubic hair and attach themselves to the base of these hairs, where they deposit their egg (nits). one to 2 weeks later, these nits develop into adults that lay eggs and migrate to other body parts. - parasitic insects that can inhabit various body areas, especially the genitals.

hoodia gordonii

- an african cactus like plant. - have become popular in recent years - there are many off-markets brands produced, including some that contain more unproven ingredients such as bitter orange and other stimulants. - hoodie has not yet received FDA approval


- can cause rapid heart rate, tremors, seizures, insomnia, headaches, and raised blood pressure, all without significant effects on long-term weight control. - st. john's wort and others alternative medicines reported to enhance serotonin, suppress appetite, and reduce the side effects of depression have not been shown to be effective in weight loss, either.


- diagnosis symptoms or conditions that occur frequently - over the counter remedies - first aid - periodic checks - self-help books - mediation or relaxation - healthful diet, rest, exercise

belviq and qsymia

- first available and were met with much controversy and carry several warnings and restrictions.

signs and symptoms

- in men with symptoms, there may be painful urination, an urge to urinate frequently, or difficult urination, as well as a watery, pus-like discharge from the penis. a typical symptom is a white, milky discharge from the penis by painful burning urination 2 to 9 days after contact epididymitis can also occur as a symptom of infection. -most women do not experience any symptoms, but other may have vaginal discharge or a burning sensation on the urinating.with symptoms may have a yellowish discharge, spotting between periods, occasional spotting after intercourse. the organism can remain in the women's vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes for long periods with no apparent symptoms other than an occasional slight fever.

including exercise

- increasing BMR, RMR, or EMR levels will help burn calories - using large muscle groups improves energy expenditure - the number of calories spent depends on: The number and proportion of muscles used The amount of weight moved The length of time the activity takes


- is caused by bacterium called treponema pallidum. while syphilis used to be disease that occurred most commonly among heterosexual and certain minority groups, today, 83% of syphilis cases occur in men who have sex with men - one of the most widespread bacterial STIs; characterized by distinct phases and potentially serious results. primary, secondary, latent, late.

pregnant women with syphilis

- premature births -miscarriages -still births -transmit the infection to unborn child (congenital syphilis) can causes death; severe birth defects such as: -blindness -deafness -disfigurement -developmental delays -seizures -other health problems.

strive for a heart healthy diet

- reduce sodium intake -consume 5 to 10 milligrams per day of soluble fiber from sources such as oats bra, fruits, veggies, and seeds. - consume 2 grams per day of plant sterols which are naturally present in many plant-based foods.

when to seek help

- serious accident - chest pains - trauma to the head or spine (headache, vision, consciousness, vomiting, convulsions, paralysis) - high temp (children 102 and adults 103) - slurred speech tingling - reactions - weight loss - diarrhea or vomiting - blue lips eyelids or nail beds - lump- blood in urine or stool - yellowing of skin whites of eyes - pain - symptoms that persists - pregnant

sexual assault forms

- sexual intercourse (of whatever type) - sodomy - fondling or unwanted sexual touching - attempted rape

Assessing Health Professionals what makes a great health professional?

- takes time to listen, explains diagnosis and treatment options - competency , respect, genuine concern

the heart: a mighty machine

- the heart is a muscular pump toughly the size of your fist. - it can highly efficient, extremely flexible organ that contracts 100,000 times each day and pump the equivalent of 2,000 gallons of blood through the body. in a 70 year lifetime. - 70 year heart beats 2.5 billion times -the human body contains 6 quarts of blood, which transports nutrients, oxygen, waste products, hormones, and enzymes through cellular water levels. ------------------------------------------------------------- the heart has 4 chambers that work together to circulate blood. - 2 upper chambers that receive blood from rest of body are atria -the 2 lower chambers ventricles, pump the blood out again small valves both regulate the steady rhythmic flow of blood and prevent leakage or back flow between chambers.

consider the following facts of specific risks for obese individuals compared to their non-obese counterparts.

- they have a 104 percent increase in the risk of heart failure. -BMI greater than 30 reduces their life expectancy by 2 to 4 years. -BMI greater than 40 costs 8 to 10 years of life expectancy similar to a long-term smoker. -nearly 55 percent of obese children are still obese in adolescence; 80 percent of obese adolescents will be obese adults- with 70 percent of those continuing to be obese after age.

power and control wheel

- using intimidation - using emotional abuse - using isolation - minimizing, denying, and blaming - using children - using male privilege - using economic abuse - using coercion and threats

legalization of marijuana and medical uses

-24 states and the district of columbia is known to have several medical purposes. it helps control such side effects such as: -severe nausea -vomiting produced by chemotheraphy -the chemical treatment for cancer

absorption and metabolism

-About 20% of alcohol diffuses through the stomach lining into the bloodstream.-The other 80% passes through the lining of the upper third of the small intestine. -The concentration of the alcohol; quantity consumed; amount of food in stomach; pylorospasm (spasm of the pyloric valve in the digestive system); your metabolism, weight, and BMI; and your mood all affect the absorption of alcohol.

high-risk drinking and college students

-According to a recent study, 1,825 college students die each year due to alcohol-related unintentional injuries -Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death among 18- to 24-year-olds, and alcohol is the leading contributor to those deaths.-Consumption of alcohol is the number one cause of preventable death among college students.

cost to society

-Alcohol-related costs to society are estimated to be well over $249 billion annually when health insurance costs, criminal justice costs, treatment costs, and lost productivity are factored in. -A recent study suggests that underage drinking costs society.

BAC and gender

-Because women tend to have more body fat and less water in their tissues than men of the same weight, they will become more intoxicated after drinking the same amount of alcohol.-Women have half as much alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the stomach before it reaches the bloodstream and the brain, as men.

Stress and Digestive Problems

-Causes for digestive disorders are often unknown, but it is assumed that an underlying illness, pathogen, injury, or inflammation is present when stress triggers nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and gut pain or diarrhea -Some relaxation techniques are particularly helpful in coping with stressors that make digestive problems worse.

Children and ETS

-Children exposed to ETS are more likely to have: SIDS, Low-birth weight, Bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma, Reduced lung function, Middle-ear infections, Lung cancer, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis later in life -ETS increases children's risk of lower respiratory tract infections. chemicals in tobacco smoke also shows up in breast milk, breastfeeding may pass more chemicals to the infant of a smoking mother.

ETS and additional health problems

-Develop cough, headaches, itchy eyes, allergic reactions, difficulty in breathing, nausea, and dizziness. -Allergies will be exacerbated-Nonsmokers can be affected by effects of ETS hours after they leave a smoky environment: Carbon monoxide lingers in bloodstream five hours later -increase the risk of breast cancer in women; cancer of the nasal sinus cavity and of the pharynx in adults; and luekmia, lymphoma, and brain tumors in children.

short term effects of alcohol

-Drinking depresses the central nervous system (CNS).-Drinking leads to dehydration and headache. -Alcohol irritates the gastrointestinal system. (if consumed on an empty stomach) -People who drink as little as one to three drinks a day may increase the risk of experiencing an irregular heartbeat. -Drinking too much even on a single occasion may increase the risk of stroke, high blood pressure, or damage to the heart muscle. -Excessive drinking can lead to a hangover. -Alcohol use plays a significant role in the types of injuries people experience. -Alcohol influences one's ability to make good decisions about sex because it lowers inhibitions. -Alcohol is a key factor in many rapes and in domestic violence. -Alcohol contributes to weight gain; the freshman 15.-Alcohol, used either alone or in combination with other drugs, can lead to alcohol poisoning (also known as acute alcohol intoxication).

alcohol and pregnancy

-Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is associated with alcohol consumption during the first trimester, which may affect organ development; alcohol consumed during the last trimester may affect CNS development.-An estimated 40,000 infants in the United States are affected by FASDs each year.

MDMA (Molly)

-MDMA (in powder or crystal form called "Molly", short for molecule has become a popular festival drug. unlike ecstacy, which tends to be laced with ingredients like caffeine or methamphetamine. Molly is considered pure MDMA, molly contains 0 effects. effects of MDMA: -grinding one's teeth -dehydration -feeling anxious -having trouble sleeping -fever -losing appetite -elevated blood pressure -high body temperature -depression -liver,kidney and heart failure and possible death.


-Over half of alcoholics relapse within the first 3 months of treatment. -Treating an addiction requires more than getting the addict to stop using a substance; it also requires getting the person to break a pattern of behavior that has dominated his or her life. -Many alcoholics refer to themselves as "recovering" throughout their lifetime rather than "cured."

treatment programs

-Pharmacological treatments: Disulfiram (Antabuse), Naltrexone, Acamprosate (Campral) Support groups: 1. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 2. Al-anon which helps adult relatives and friends of an alcoholic 4. A-lateen designed for teens living with alcoholic parents 5. Women for Sobriety , Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS)

alcohol and energy drinks: a dangerous mix

-Students who report mixing alcohol with energy drinks tend to drink more—8.3 drinks vs. 6.1 drinks. -Those who mixed alcohol with energy drinks (AMEDS) also report not noticing the signs of intoxication (dizziness, fatigue, headache, and trouble walking).

absorption and metabolism (pt 2)

-The pyloric valve controls the release of stomach contents into the intestine. -Carbonated beverages cause the valve to relax and empty the stomach contents more rapidly. -High intakes of alcohol cause pyloric spasms that prevent the stomach contents from emptying.-If the irritation continues, it can cause vomiting.

drinking and driving

-Traffic accidents are the leading cause of accidental death for all age groups from 5 to 65 years old. -Approximately 1 of 3 crash deaths, or nearly 11,000 fatalities each year, are alcohol-related.-A recent survey showed that 23% of college students reported that they had driven under the influence of alcohol.

why people smoke

-addiction -limited education -behavioral dependence -weight control -genetics -parental role models -mental disorders -stress

effects of alcoholism on friends and family

-alcohol abusers and alcoholics hurt more than just themselves. -children in alcoholic dysfunctional families generally assume at least one of the following roles: 1. family hero 2. scapegoat 3. lost child 4. mascot

treatment and recovery

-alcohol withdrawal can result in a severe syndrome known as delirium tremens (DTs),which is characterized by confusion, delusions, agitated behavior, and hallucinations. -Intervention treatment programs: 1. Private treatment facilities 2. Family therapy 3. individual therapy 4. group therapy

gonorrhea treatment

-antibiotics (becoming increasingly resistant)

syphilis treatment

-antibiotics for all stages except late

herpes symptoms

-antiviral medications can shorten outbreaks -only treatments for symptoms, no cure

smoking cessation medications

-bupropion (an antidepressant) is FDA approved as a smoking cessation aid. -varenicline reduces nicotine cravings and urge to smoke and blocks both drugs may cause changes in behavior such as hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts or actions.


-chronic lung disease in which the tiny air sacs in the lungs are destroyed, making breathing difficult. -is a chronic disease in which the alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs) are destroyed, impairing the lungs ability to obtain oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.

HIV symptoms

-degenerative changes in immune system

abuse of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs

-different forms. including pills, liquids, nasal sprays, and topical creams. -although many people assume that no harm can come from legal nonprescription drugs, OTC medications can be abuse. -OTC drug abuse can involve taking more than the recommended dosage, combining it with other drugs, or taking it over a long period of time. -OTC drugs that are subject to misuse and abuse: - (caffeine pills and energy drinks) (energy drinks, OTC caffeine pills and pain relievers containing caffeine are feine in large doses can result in tremors/shaking restlessness and edginess, insomnia, dehydration, panic attacks, more closely at caffeine. -gold medicines (cough syrups and tablets.) -diet pills : (contain stimulant such as caffiene or an herbal ingredient claimed to promot weight loss such as hoodia gordonii) -sleep aids : harmful in excess as they can cause problems with the sleep cycle, weaken areas of the body, or induce narcolepsy (a condition of excessive, intrusive sleepiness). continued use can lead to tolerance and dependence. -pseudophedrine : (cold and allergy medication ingredient that is frequently abused, most commonly in the illegal manufacture of methamphetamine).

cool-down and stretching

-essential component of a fitness program, involves another 10 to 15 mins of activity. -the cool-down is an excellent time to stretch to improve flexibility. the purpose and importance of the cool-down is to gradually reduce your heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature to pre-exercise.

abuse of illicit drugs

-illicit drug users span all age groups, genders, athnicties since remained stable around 27 million users per year.

stress, memory, and concentration

-impairs STM, verbal -shrinking hippocampus

effects of bath salts

-intense stimulation -alertness -euphoria -elevated mood -pleasurable rush users may describe feelings of: -closeness -sociability -moderate sexual arousal other symptoms include: -shortness of breath -loss of appetite -changes in body temperature -hot flashes & sweating more effects: -cardiovascular system -rapid heart beat -increased blood pressure -chest pain -psychiatric effects at higher doses consists of -anxiety, agitation, hallucinations behavior. depression and suicide have been reported for use.

more info of tobacco

-is linked to other cancers as well. the rate of pancreatic cancer is more than twice as high for smokers as for nonsmokers. typically the prognosis for people with pancreatic cancer is not good. -smoker are at increased risk to develop cancers of the lip, tongue, salivary glands, and esophagus. a growing body of evidence suggests that long-term use of smokeless tobacco increases the risk of cancers of the larynx, esophagus, nasal cavity, pancreas, colon, kidney, and bladder.

mescaline (peyote cactus)

-is one of hundreds of chemicals derived from peyote cactus, a small, button-like plant that grows in the south western United States and in Latin America. Natives of these regions have long uses dried peyote "buttons" for religious purposes. it is both powerful hallucinogen and a central nervous system stimulant. -users typically swallow pieces of the cactus called buttons which are chewed or soaked in water to create a liquid that is intoxicating. -mescaline are likely to be synthetic chemical relatives of the true drug. street names of these produce of the drug. street names of these products include DOM,STP,TMA and MMDA any of these can be toxic in small quantities. the effects of mescaline include: -visual hallucinations -altered states of consciousness -occasionally users feel anxious -have episodes of revulsion side effects of mescaline: -vomiting -dizziness -diarrhea -headache -effects persist up to 12 hours

crabs symptoms

-itchiness -sores -blue/grey skin color pubic area


-men can suffer injury to the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and bulbouthral glands, as well as arthritis like symptoms and inflammatory damage to the blood vessels and heart. -men also experience epididymitis- inflammation of the area near the testicles. -in women chlamydia-related inflammation can injure the cervix or fallopian tubes, causing sterility and it can damage the inner pelvic structure, leading to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). if an infected women becomes pregnant, she has a high risk for miscarriage and stillbirth. Women with chlamydia and those who are sexually active with multiple partners are also at greater risk for (urinary tract infections - UTIS) symptoms of a UTI in women include a burning sensation during urination and lower abdominal pain. a UTI can be diagnosed through a urine test and treated by antibiotics. if i left untreated, UTIS can cause kidney drama. UTIS occur in men, but much less frequently than in women. one form most commonly caused by Chlamydia trachomatis is nongonoccoal urtheirtis. chlamydia may also be responsible for one type of conjuctivitis an eye infection that affects adults who dont wash their hands after intimacy and touch their eyes. it can be spread to infants, who can contract the disease from all infected mother during delivery. Untreated conjunctivitis can cause blindness.


-mixtures of drugs and a waxy medium designed to melt at body temperature after being inserted into the anus or vagina -however the drug enters the system. it eventually finds its way to the bloodstream and circulates throughout the body.

what's your risk?

-more sexual partners a person has, the greater risk for contracting an STI. adolescents aged 15 to 24 account for nearly half of the new cases of STIS each year in America. four out of 10 sexually active teen girls have been infected with an STI and while rates of HIV are low among adolescents, males aged 13 to 19 make up 80 percent of HIV diagnoses.


-most commonly reported STIs in the United States -an infection caused by a bacterium that affects the vagina in females and the urethra in males -bacterially caused STI of the urogenital tract. -chlamydia can be transmitted via sexual contact with penis, vagina, mouth, or anus of a person who is infected. a mother can also transmit infection to her baby during child-birth.

pipes and hookas

-not risk free options -pipe smoking carries risks similar to cigar smoking. -hookah smoking originated in the middle east and involves burning flavored tobacco in a water pipe and involves burning flavored tobacco in a water pipe and inhaling the smoke through a long hose. -hookah use include a possibility of infectious disease transmission by sharing a pipe.

trichomoniasis treatment

-oral metronidazole for both partners to avoid ping pong

respiratory disorders

-over time, cumulative lung damage can lead to same age. over time, cumulative lung damage can leave to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: - Chronic bronchitis - Chronic emphysema - There is no known cure for emphysema, and the damage is irreversible. Approximately 80 percent of all cases of emphysema are related to cigarette smoking.

alcohol and prescription drug abuse.

-recent studies have shown that men and women with alcohol use disorders are 18 times more likely to report non-medical use of prescription drugs than people who do not drink at all. -polydrug Use

3 most common of overuse injuries

-runners knee - shin splints - plantar fascitis

choosing a diet plan

-seeking assistance from reputable sources - being wary of nutritionists or nutritional life coaches, since there is no formal credential for those titles. - avoiding weight-loss programs that promise quick, "miracle" results or that are run by "trainees", often people with short courses on nutrition and exercise that are designed to sell products or services. -assessing the nutrient value of any prescribed diet, verifying dietary guidelines are consistent with reliable nutrition research, and analyzing the suitability of the diet to your tastes, budget and lifestyle. - any diet that requires radical behavior changes or sets up artificial dietary program through prepackaged products is likely to frail. the most successful plans allow you to make food choices in the real world.

environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)

-smoke from tobacco products, including secondhand and mainstream smoke. -smoke that enters the atmosphere from the burning end of a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, as well as smoke that is exhaled by smokers; also called secondhand smoke -every year ETS is responsible for thousands of deaths of lung cancer and heart disease in nonsmoking adults, as well as hundreds of infant deaths from SIDS among babies who live with smokers. because their bodies and brains are still developing. infants and children are particularly vulnerable to the toxins in secondhand -smoking. -it can cause respiratory problems, including lower respiratory infections and increased frequency and severity of asthma attacks, and other health concerns, such as greater risk of ear infections.

risks of environmental tobacco smoke

-smokers breathe less tobacco than active smokers do, they still face risks from exposure. according to the ALA (american lung association). second hand smoke contains hundreds of chemicals known to be toxic or carcinogenic. -including formaldehyde, benzene, vinyl chloride, estimated to be responsible for approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths in nonsmoking adults 46,000 coronary and heart disease deaths in nonsmoking adults who live with smokers, and higher risk of death in newborns from sudden infant death syndrome. -the environmental protection agency has designated secondhand smoke known as carcinogen. there are more than 70 cancer- causing agents found in secondhand smoke. there normal functioning of the heart, blood, heart disease. -studies indicate that non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke were far more likely to have coronary heart disease and stroke than nonsmokers not exposed to smoke.

syphilis symptoms

-some get no symptoms at all -primary: chancre -secondary: rash, white patches, hair loss, fever, inflamed nodes -latent: invades body organs -late: heart damage, CNS damage, blindness, deafness etc


-synergism is also called (potentiation). -The interaction of two or more drugs in a way that increases each other's effects -synergism reaction : can be dangerous or deadly.

preventing injuries

-teach safe transfer/body mechanics -lock wheelchairs, appropriate footwear, use rubber tips on crutches -keep environment safe/clutterfree/call bell within reach -use mechanical aids like raised toilet seat, grab bars


-the introduction of drugs through the skin. -the nicotine patch is a common example of a drug that is administered in this manner- or through the mucous membranes, such a those in nose (snorting) or in the vagina or anus.

stress and diabetes

-the release of cortisol may block action of insulin -stress can modify lifestyle factors -stress is related to poor control over diabetes -PTSD and chronic depression are related to diabetes

candidiasis treatment

-topical or suppository antifungal drugs

sexual dysfunction and fertility problems

-toxins in cigarette smoke damage blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the penis and leading to an inadequate erection. -impotence may indicate oncoming cardiovascular disease. -in women, smoking can lead to infertility and problems with pregnancy. women who smoke increase their risk for infertility, ectopic pregnancy, miscarrying also increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome and the chances of a baby being born with a cleft lip or cleft palate.

nitrous oxide

-used as a dental or minor surgical anesthesia. it is also a propellant chemical in aerosal products such as whipped toppings. users who inhale nitrous and illusions. -effects also include pain relief and a silly feeling (nickname laughing gas). effects include: -dizziness -loss of balance -dissociation -impaired memory -cognition -sustained inhalation can lead to unconsciousness, coma and death.

women and smoking

-women are 25 times more likely to die from lung cancer than nonsmoking women compared to 30 years ago. - smoking reduces a woman's life expectancy on average by at least 10 years. -women who smoke have two to four times the risk of heart disease and stroke. -postmenopausal women who smoke have lower bone density than do woman who never smoked. putting these women at increased risk for osteoporosis.

The breakdown of alcohol occurs at what average rate per hour?

0.05 ounce per hour

The likelihood of a driver being involved in a fatal crash rises significantly with a BAC of 0.05 percent and even more rapidly after what percent?


what percentage of the United States population has schizophrenia?

1 percent

types of cancers

1) Carcinomas - epithelial tissues (tissues covering body surfaces and lining most body cavities) are the most common sites for cancers; cancer occurring in the epithelial tissue are called carcinogens. These cancers affect the outer layer of the skin an mouth as well as mucous membranes. 2) Sarcomas - occur in the mesodermal or middle layers of tissue. In bones, muscles, general connective tissue. In early stages they mestiasize primarily via the blood. Sarcomas are less common but generally more virulent than carcinomas. 3) Leukemias - cancer of blood- forming parts of the body, particularly the bone marrow and spleen, is called leukemia. A no solid tumor, leukemia is characterized by an abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells that the body produces. 4) Lymphomas - develop in the lymphatic system the infection fighting regions of the body and mestasoze through the lymphatic system. Lymphomas also form solid tumors.

The ABCDE rule can help you remember the warning signs of melanoma

1. Asymmetry - one half of the mole or lesion does not match the other half. 2. Border Irregularity- the edges are uneven, notched or scalloped 3. Color - pigmentation is not uniform. Melanomas may very in color from tan to deeper brown, reddish black, black or deep bluish black. 4. Diameter - diameter is greater than 6 millimeters 5. Evolving - the symmetry size, shape, color, border or other characteristics have changed over time.

signs of impending problems with alcohol

1. Drinking alone or secretively 2. Using alcohol deliberately and repeatedly to perform or get through difficult situations 3. Feeling uncomfortable on occasions when alcohol is not available 4. Escalating alcohol consumption beyond an already established drinking pattern 5. Consuming alcohol heavily in risky situations, such as before driving 6. Getting drunk regularly or more frequently than in the past 7. Drinking in the morning or at other unusual times

Interpersonal violence examples

1. Homicide 2. Hate and bias-motivated crimes 3. Domestic violence or IPV 4. Child abuse and neglect 5. Elder abuse6. Sexual victimization 7. Bullying

symptoms of FAS

1. Mental Retardation 2. Small Head Size 3. Tremors 4. Abnormalities of the Face] 5. Limbs 6. Heart 7. Brain Children with FAS may experience problems such as: 1. Poor Memory 2. Impaired Learning 3. Reduced Attention Span 4. Impulsive Behavior 5.Poor Problem Solving

identifying an alcoholic

1. craving 2. loss of control 3. tolerance 4. psychological dependence 5. withdrawal symptoms must be present to qualify a drinker as an addict.

tobacco use disorder

1. use of tobacco in larger amounts or over a longer period of time than intended; 2. persistent desire and unsuccessful efforts to cut down or quit 3. spending a large amount of time getting or using tobacco 4.craving tobacco 5. tobacco use interfering with work, school or social obligations. 6. reoccurring social or personal relationship issues cause by smoking in bed 7.

how many do not have health insurance? (19)

15% of adults aged 18-24

If a man and a woman drink the same amount of alcohol, the woman's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) will be approximately __________.

30 percent higher than the man's BAC

cardiovascular disease: an epidemiological overview

30% in recent decades 2,200 people in the United States die from CVD each day the equivalent of the ten 757 jetliners crashing each day. for decades CVD have surpassed cancer and other disease as the leading cause of death, however improvements in diagnosis and treatment have let to dramatic improvement in CVD death rates.

how many have been admitted to the hospital?

31.5 million

If a particular whiskey is 80 proof, what is its percentage of alcohol by volume?

40% percent

what is the recommended safe level of rads exposure per year?

5 to 100 rads

one pound of additional body fat is created through consuming how many extra calories?

5,000 calories

the small intestine absorbs

70 %

how many Americans will experience post-traumatic stress disorder in their timeline?

8 percent

Which of the following is a common sign of gonorrhea in men? ______________________________

A "Milky" Discharge from the PENIS


A feeling of anxiety or mental pressure from overexposure or involvement with technology; stress caused by an Inability to cope with modern technology technology may keep you in touch, but it can also add to your stress and take you away from real-world interactions. schedule screen time unfriend the annoying and offensive connect with your friends in real time don't over share power devices down


A form of sexual assault involving penetration without consent, with body part or object. Can include: - vaginal sex -oral sex - anal sex Incidence:1 in 5 women and 1 in 33 to 1 in 59 men will be raped in their lifetime.- 80% of women are raped before age 25- 25% of men are raped before age 10


A highly toxic metal that can damage the nervous system, blood, and kidneys, and can cause harm to the development of a children's intellectual abilities. Main source was leaded gasoline. highly toxic metal found in emission from lead smelters and processing plants; also sometimes found in pipes or paint in older buildings.

body mass Index (BMI)

A measure of body fat that is the ratio of the weight of the body in kilograms to the square of its height in meters.


A metabolic equivalent or resting level of energy expenditure (3.5 ml-kg-^1. min^1)

Cross-tolerance occurs when ___________________________________________________

A person develops a Physiological Tolerance to one drug and shows a similar tolerance to selected other drugs as a result.

socioeconomic status

A person's position in society as determined by income, wealth, occupation, education, place of residence, and other factors

Of the following conditions, which would be appropriately managed by self-care? ________________________

A sore throat, runny nose, and cough that persist for several days.


Abnormally high blood levels of lipids, which are non-water-soluble molecules, such as fats and cholesterol

After Kirk and Tammy pay their bills, they reward themselves by watching TV together. The type of positive reinforcement that motivates them to pay their bills is an

Activity reinforcer

A component of your rights as a patient includes informed consent. Informed consent means that before you receive any care you: _________________________________

All of the Above.

Which medical system is based on treating the patient's symptoms using scientifically validated methods. ____________________

Allopathic Medicine


Also called adrenaline, a hormone that stimulates body systems in response to stress. "Kicks the body into gear, causing more blood to be pumped with each beat of into the heart, displayed the airways in the lungs to increase oxygen intake, increases breathing date, stimulates the liver to release more glucose".

Which os the following is a key provision of the ACA? _________________________________

American with preexisting conditions can't be denied coverage.


An accessory pigment, either yellow or orange, in the chloroplasts of plants. By absorbing wavelengths of light that chlorophyll cannot, carotenoids broaden the spectrum of colors that can drive photosynthesis.


An amino acid produced as an intermediate compound during amino acid metabolism. A buildup of it in the blood is associated with deficiencies of B vitamins and may increase the risk of diseases.

inflammation and cancer risks

An emerging theory is that inflammatory responses play a role in cancer development from initiation and promoting cancer cells to paving the way for them to invade, spread, and weaken the immune response. others have found an association between childhood trauma an increased risk of psychological distress in adult hood that may weaken the immune system. According to some researchers, the vast majority of cancers (90%) are caused by cellular mutations and environmental factors that occur as a result of inflammation. these mental factors that occur as a result of inflammation. these same researchers believe that up to 20 percent of cancers are the result of chronic infections 30 percent are the result of tobacco smoking and inhaled particulates such as asbestos, and 35 percent are due to dietary factors. the common denominator in the threats in inflammation that primes the system for cancer to gain a foothold and spread. inflammation appears to be a key factor in colorectal cancer, with inflammatory bowel disease, chron's disease, colitis, and other gastrointestinal tract inflammation tory problems having a higher risk of cancer development.

cardiovascular effects

An increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol "good" cholesterol among moderate drinkers. Alcohol's effects for Cardiovascular: 1. blood clotting 2. insulin 3. sensitivity 4. inflammation However alcohol consumption is not a preventative measure against heart disease it causes many more hazards than benefits. 1. Heavy or Regular Drinking is a major cause of degenerative disease of the heart muscle called (Cardiomyopathy and Heart Arrthyhmias). - Irregular heartbeats.

electrodesiccation (tissue destruction by heat)

And cryosurgery (tissue destruction by freezing) Are all common forms of treatments. Melanoma treatments have advanced significantly in recent years with targeted therapies.

Which is a common type of over-the-counter drug? _________________


The aspects of a situation that cue or stimulate a person to act in certain ways are called



Any activity that is expected of someone joining a group or team that humiliates, degrades, abuses or endangers, regardless of whether the person consents to the activity.

stalking and cyberstalking

Any course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. Can include: - visual or physical proximity - written or verbal communication - implied or explicit threats Incidence: - 15% of women and 6% of men have experienced stalking - Highest in the 18-24 year-old age range - Mostly an ex from a previous relationship

sexual assault

Any sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the consent of the recipient. Can include: - sexual intercourse (of whatever type) - sodomy - fondling or unwanted sexual touching - attempted rape

Risk factors and preventation (for skin UV)

Anyone who over exposed him or herself to ultra violent (UV) radiation without adequate protection is at risk for skin cancer. The risk is greatest for people who: Have fair skin, blonde, red, light brown hair, blue, green or gray eyes Always burn before tanning or burn easily and peel rapidly Don't tan easily but spends lot of time outdoors Use no or low sun protection SPF sunscreens or expires suntan lotions

which of the following ethnic groups has the lowest rates of alcoholism?

Asian American

social health

Aspect of psychosocial health that includes interactions with others, ability to use social supports, and ability to adapt to various situations

Healthy People 2020

Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable diseases. Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities and improve health of all groups. Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages.

all of the following statements about BMI are true except:

BMI is accurate for everyone, including athletes with high amounts of muscle mass.

detection symptoms and treatment breast cancer

Baths prognosis is quite good for those who receive recommended screenings and are diagnosed in early stages; in fact where caught at an early, localized stage, 5-year survival rates are only 13 percent.

In a sociology class, some students were discussing sexual assault. One student commented that some women dress too provocatively the assumption this student made is ____________________________

Blaming The Victim

a state of physical and mental exhaustion by excessive stress is called



By increasing its thickness and the number of pigment cells (meloanocytes) which produce the tan look. A tan actually the body's way of trying to protect itself or defend against UV.

contributing Factors to violence

COMMUNITY-Unsafe environment, Inadequate police and social services SOCIETAL- -Social and cultural norms supporting male dominance and violence as a means of solving problems. (increases risk) -Policies and programs that remove inequalities and disparities and discourage discrimination. (reduce risk) -Extreme beliefs, religious or otherwise. (increases risk) -Political differences. (increases risk) -Breakdown in criminal justice system (increases risk) -People in crisis, depressed, feel threatened, or stressed (increases risk) SUBSTANCE ABUSE- -40% of violent crimes involve alcohol. -80% of offenses leading to prison time involve alcohol. -Suicide attempts and completions are highly correlated with AOD.

history and future goals: ideal cardiovascular health

CVD has been the leading killer of both men and women in the United States every year since 1918. when a pandemic flu are key to changing future of CVD the american heart association (AHA) has established goals designed to improve americans cardiovascular health by 20 percent all by the year 2020. as part of a strategy

Which of the following is recommended in the case of rape? _________________________________

Call 9-1-1 immediately.

Type D personalities

Characterized by a tendency toward excessive negative worry and anxiety, lack of patience with others and a quick temper.

The most widespread sexually transmitted bacterium is ________________________


Which tobacco product contains eugenol, which allows smokers to inhale smoke more deeply? _________________

Clove Cigarrettes

What type of environments do STI pathogens prefer? ______________________________

Dark, Moist Places

Deborah, 28, is a single parent of two children who works full time as a cashier. Her income is 130% of the federal poverty threshold. Which of the following statements about her health insurance coverage is true? ____________________________________

Deborah and her two children qualify for insurance coverage through medicaid, presuming their state has accept federal medicaid expansion funding.

What is the term for an amount paid directly to a provider by a patient before his or her insurance carrier will begin paying for services? ________________________


runner's knee

Describes a series of problems involving the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the knee

Generally, the first step in a drug treatment program is ____________________________


global population growth

Doubling time is derived from the growth rate; it is the amount of time it will take a particular population to double in size

the majority of HIV infections arise from the following:

EXCHANGE OF BODY FLUIDS (substantial research indicates that blood, semen and vaginal secretions are the major fluids of concern.) -since the vaginal area is more susceptible to microtears and has a greater surface area, and because a woman is exposed to more semen than man is to vaginal fluids. - women are 4 to 10 times more likely than men to contact HIV through unprotected heterosexual intercourse and 80% of HIV in women is through heterosexual contact. CONTAMINATED NEEDLES - illicit drugs are the most obvious members of this category, people with diabetes who inject insulin or athletes. who inject steroids may also share needles. -sharing needles and engaging in high-risk sexual activities increases risks dramatically tattooing and body piercing can also be risky. (HIV/ AIDS REMAINS A DEVASTATING PROBLEM THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. OVER 70 PERCENT OF THE NEW CASES OF HIV GLOBALLY OCCUT IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. THE WOMEN AND CHILD SHOWN HERE AWAIT TREATMENT OUTSIDE A CLINIC IN RWANDA).

Jake was raised in an alcoholic family. To adapt to his father's alcoholic behavior, he played the good, obedient son. Which role did Jake assume?

Family Hero

unsaturated fats

Fats that have regions not saturated with hydrogen; derived mostly from plants; liquid at room temperature they generally come from plants, are liquid at room temperature, and include most veggie oils.

polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)

Fatty acids that have more than one double bond in the chain; these types of fatty acids are generally liquid at room temperature.

monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs)

Fatty acids that have two carbons in the chain bound to each other with one double bond; these types of fatty acids are generally liquid at room temperature.

the FITT principle for cardiorespiratory fitness

Frequency- 2-3 days a week Intensity- Use heart rate , perform talk test, perceived exertion Time- Duration 20-30 minutes minimum and 60 maximum Type- Appropriate workout

smoking rates are the highest among which of the following education levels? __________________

GED diploma

Genital warts are caused by


Which of the following statements about the herpes simplex virus (HSV) is true?

HSV can be transmitted even when no obvious sores are present.

Of the following. the type of managed care that most greatly restricts choice of physicians and services is ______________________

Health Maintenance

Which of the following STIS cannot be treated with antibiotics? __________________


Complementary Health Approaches focus on treating the mind and the whole body, which makes them part of a ______________________

Holistic Approach

Interpersonal violence

Homicide, Hate and Bias, Domestic Violence, Child abuse and Neglect, Elder abuse, Sexual Victimization, and Bullying

symptoms and treatment

If breast cancer grows large enough it can produce the following symptoms: A lump in the breast or surrounding lymph nodes Thickening Dimpling Skin irritation Distortion Retraction Scaliness of the nipples Nipples discharge Tendernesss Treatments range from a lumpectomy to radical mastectomy to various combinations of radiation or chemotherapy.

Which of the following is a tip to protect yourself from assault?

If you're going somewhere alone, tell others where you are going and when you expect to be back.

food allergy

Immune hypersensitivity response to normally harmless proteins in foods, prompting the production of antibodies, which triggers symptoms

tar and carbon monoxide

In addition to nicotine, two of the most harmful substances in tobacco smoke are


In tea, chocolate and wine, can lower bioavailability of minerals

differing growth rates

India is expected to have the largest growth by adding another 600 million people by 2050

Which is the following statements is correct regarding factors that affect your stress response?

Individuals who thrive under challenges typically demonstrate qualities of hardiness and resilience

Drugs delivered via which route of administration have the most rapid effect on the body?


violence (20)

Intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or a group or community that results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in: - injury - death - psychological harm - mal-development - deprivation

Type C personalities

Internalize feelings, want everyone to get along, avoid conflict strongly associated with cancer, asthma, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune disorders.

drug misuse

Involves using a drug for a purpose other than that for which it was intended.

Helicobacter pylori and stomach cancer

Is a potent bacterium found in the stomach lining of approximately 30 percent of Americans. It causes inflammation, scarring, and ulcers damaging the lining of the stomach leading to cellular changes that may lead to cancer. More than half of all the cases of stomach cancer are thought to be linked in to H. pylori infection, even though most infected people don't develop cancer. Treatment with antibiotics often cures the ulcers, which appears to reduce risk of new stomach cancer.

Individual behavior

Lack of physical activity Poor nutrition Excessive alcohol consumption Tobacco use

A major health risk of chewing tobacco is _________________


The most commonly reported illicit drug used on college campuses is __________________________


chlamydia symptoms

Men: -painful urination -urge to urinate frequently -watery-puss like discharge from penis Women: -yellowish discharge -spotting (between periods and after sex)

gonorrhea symptoms

Men: -white milky discharge from penis -burning urination -epididymitis Women: -most show no symptoms -some have discharge or burning urination

Which of the following is classified as a stimulant? ________________________


National Weight Control Registry (NWCR)

Monitors people who have lost 30 lb and have maintained that weight loss for at least a year. they participate who had regained weight after shedding pounds reported decreases in physical activity.

___________________ is an example of an intentional injury.


Which of the following is a true statement about HIV? ______________________________________________________________

New cases of HIV have dropped dramatically in the last decade in the United States.

What is the major psychoactive ingredients in tobacco products? _____________


violence on the U.S. campuses

One of the most prevalent types is IPV - Emotional abuse (10.3% of women and 5.8% of men) - Stalking (6% of women and 2.5 % of men) - Physical abuse (2.2% of women and 1.2% of men) - Sexual violence (2.4% of women and 1% of men)** Fewer than 25% of campus crimes are reported

The most common method for taking drugs is. ____________________________

Oral Ingestion

some herbicides contain toxic substance known as


treating injuries

PRICER protect, rest, ice, compress, elevate, return/referral

Part B

Pays for: hospital outpatient physician and other OT services provided by independent practitioners.

The psychoactive drug mescaline is found in what plant? _____________________________

Peyote Cactus

six dimensions of wellness

Physical health - includes features like the shape and size of your body. how responsive and acute your senses are and your body's ability to function. more recent definitions of physical health encompass a person's ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLS) or those activities that are essential to function normally in society- including things like getting out of a chair, bathing and dressing yourself, cooking meals and getting around. Social health - the ability to have a broad social network and maintain satisfying interpersonal relationships with friends, family members, and partners is a key part of over well wellness. Intellectual health - the ability to think clearly, reason objectively, analyze critically, and use brainpower effectively. Emotional health - this is the feeling component being able to express emotions when appropriate, and to control term when not. it also includes emotional intelligence, which is the ability to identify and manage emotional responses in positive ways. (self esteem, self-confidence, self love all part of emotional health). Spiritual health - the dimension involves creating and expressing meaning and purpose in your life. this may include religion's rules and customs, or simply feeling that you are part of a greater spectrum of existence. Environmental health - this dimension entails understanding, how the health of the environments in which you protecting yourself from hazards in your own environment and working to preserve, protect, and improve environmental conditions for everyone.

which of the following is the best strategy to avoid test-taking anxiety on an exam?

Plan ahead and study over a period of time for the exam with a limited, yet thorough, review the night before.

Which of the following is an example of a harm reduction strategy? __________________________

Providing Clean Needles, and Syringes to (Heroin user)

Mental Health Professionals

Psychiatrist - medical doctor degree (MD) followed by 4 years of mental health training. (can prescribe medications and may have admitting privileges as local hospital). Psychologist - doctoral degree in counseling or clinical psychology (PHD) plus several years of supervised practice to earn licensee (various type such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and specialities including family or sexual counseling). Clinical/Psychiatric Social Worker -masters degree in counseling, psychology, educational psychology or related human service; generally must complete 2 years of supervised practice to obtain a license (many trained in certain specialties, such as substance abuse counseling of child counseling). Counselor - masters degree in counseling psychology, educational psychology or related human service; generally must compete 2 years of supervised practice to obtain a license (many trained to provide individual and group therapy may specialize in one type of counseling such as family martial relationship children or substance abuse). Psychoanalyst - postgraudate degree in psychology or psychiatry (PHD or MD) followed by 8-10 years of training in psychoanalysis, which includes undergoing which includes analysis themselves. (based on theroies of frued or others focuses on patterns of thinking and behavior and recalling early traumas that block personal growth). Licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT) - masters or doctoral degree in psychology social work or counseling specilzing in family and interperson dynamics (treats individuals of families who want relationship counseling treatment is often brief and focused on finding solutions to specific relational problems).

Drugs that have the potential to alter mood or behavior are called ________________________

Psychoactive Drugs

An emotional reaction brought about by a frustrating life experience is called. __________________________

Reactive Agression

prescription weight loss drugs

Reduce appetite by affecting brain neurotransmitters Decrease fat absorption in the intestine

marijuana and driving

Reduces reaction time 60-80% of marijuana users drive while high 6-12% of non-fatally injured drivers had THC in their bloodstream

Jack beats his wife Melissa "to teach her a lesson." Afterward, he denies attacking her. The phase of the cycle of violence that this illustrates is _______________________


effects of chronic marijuana use

Respiratory damage, impaired cognition and memory, testicular cancer, mental health disorders, poor sleep quality

Qigong and T'ai chi

Self discipline and defense through breathing and body control using slow, circular movements

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Self- Actualization - creativity, spirituality, fulfillment of potential. Esteem Needs - self-respect, respect for others accomplishments Social Needs - belonging, affection, acceptance Security Needs - shelter, safety, protection Survival Needs - food, water, sleep, exercise, sexual expression

When Jane began a new job with all male coworkers, her supervisor told her that he enjoyed having an attractive woman in the workplace, and he winked at her. His comment constitutes _____________________________

Sexual Harassment

suppose you want to lose 20 pounds. to reach your goal, you take small steps. you start by joining a support group and counting calories. after 2 weeks, you begin an exercise program and gradually build up to your desired fitness level. What behavior change strategy are you using?


Set SMART goals

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely

alcohol and cancer risk

Squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx, upper esophagus, hepatocellular carcinoma, pancreatic carcinoma

detection, symptoms and treatment of prostate cancer

Symptoms of lung cancer include a persistent cough, blood-streaked attacks of pneumonia or bronchitis. Newer tests such as low dose computerized CT scans, molecular marker in saliva and improved biopsy techniques have helped to improve screening accuracy for lung cancer. Treatment depends on small or non small cell and stage of cancer. Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and targeted biological therapies are all options. If the cancer is localized surgery is combined with radiation chemotherapy and other targeted drug treatments.

the psychoactive substance in marijuana is

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)

IPV Cycle/Cycle of Abuse

Tension, Violence, Honeymoon Note: Battered Woman Syndrome, a documented subgroup of PTSD, can occur when someone has been through the cycle at least twice.

Which of the following is an example of collective violence? _________________


Which of the following states is correct? _____________________________________________

The Majority of all Sexual Assaults against women are by men who the women know

Which federal policy allows the FDA to regulate the amount of nicotine in tobacco products and to require health warnings on tobacco products? __________________________________________

The Master Settlement Agreement


The ability to adapt to change and stressful events in healthy flexible ways.

detection of breast cancer

The earliest signs of breast cancer are usually observable on mammograms often before lumps can be felts. routine monthly breast exam, mammograms

lack of physical activity

The main reason so many people are overweight is

5-year relative survival rates

The percent of people alive (usually 5 years) after diagnosis divided by the percentage expected to survive with the absence of cancer based on normal life expectancy

testicular self-exam

The procedure by which a man checks the appearance and consistency of his testes

Positive Psychology

The scientific study of human strengths and virtues.

Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)

The study of the interactions among the nervous, endocrine, and body immune systems

energy consumption

The use of energy as a source of heat or power or as a raw material input to a manufacturing process

minority stress perspective

Theory positing that minority stress may be partially explained by disparities and the chronic stress inherent in populations where rejection, alienation, and hostility persist

transactional model of stress and coping

Theory proposed by psychologist Richard Lazarus, saying that our reaction to stress is about the interaction between perception, coping ability, and environment

Yerkes-Dodson Law of Arousal

Theory suggesting that when arousal or stress increases, performance goes up to a point, after which performance declines

Elements of Psychological Health

They feel good about themselves They Feel comfortable with other people, respect others, have compassion. They are "self-compassionate" They control tension-anxiety They meet the demands of life They curb hate and guilt They maintain a positive outlook They value diversity They appreciate and respect the world around them

environmental factors

Those "nonbiological" factors that are involved in a person's surroundings such as the nature of the person's parents, the person's friends, and the person's behavioral choices.

What type of medicine addresses imbalances of qi? ____________________________

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Can gonorrhea be passed from the mother to the baby?


Leading cause of Death in the US 100 Years Ago:

Tuberculosis Pneumonia widespread epidemics of infectious diseases such as Influenza. (killed millions)

Which behavior from the following list is considered the riskiest behavior for a sexually transmitted infection? _______________________

Unprotected Oral Sex

Which of the following is a high-risk sexual behavior?

Unprotected Vaginal Sex

sexual harassment

Unwelcome sexual conduct that is related to any condition of employment or evaluation of student performance. Can include: - Unwelcome advances - Requests for sexual favors - Verbal or physical sexual conduct - Unreasonable interference with work or academic performance Two basic forms: - Quid pro quo - Creation of a hostile, intimidating, or offensive environment

which vitamin helps maintain bone health?

Vitamin D

How quickly will an individual begin to see health benefits after quitting smoking? _________________________________________

Within 8 Hours

candidiasis symptoms

Women: -burning/itching of vagina -white, thick discharge Women and Men: -white patches in mouth

trichomoniasis symptoms

Women: -foamy, yellow smelly discharge Men: -most have no symptoms -some: mild itchiness/discharge/burning

Does the immune system usually get rid of HPV?

Yes-within 2 years

Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management

Yoga QigongTai Chi deepbreathingMediation Visualization Progressive Muscle relaxation Message therapy Biofeedback Hypnosis

Which age group is most targeted by tobacco advertisers? ________________

Young Adults age 18 to 24

physical fitness

a balance of health-related attributes that allows you to perform moderate to vigorous physical activities on a regular basis and complete daily physical tasks without undue fatigue


a balanced physiological state in which all the body's system function smoothly

myocardial infarction (MI)

a blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle. (heart attack)


a brownish haze that sometimes forms in urban areas

simple carbohydrates

a carbohydrate made up of only one sugar molecule, or of two sugar molecules bonded together; also called simple sugars

tai chi

a chinese system of slow meditative physical exercise designed for relaxation and balance and health


a class of central nervous system depressant drugs with sedative, hypnotic, and muscle relaxant effects; also called tranquillzers


a clot or blockage in the blood vessels.


a collective term for several states in which individuals embrace the world around them


a colloquial term to describe the combination of disordered eating, excessive physical activity, and heavy alcohol consumption

ayurveda (ayurvedic medicine)

a comprehensive system of medicine, originating in ancient India, that places equal emphasis on the body, mind, and spirit and strives to restore the body's innate harmony through diet, exercise, meditation, herbs, massage, sun exposure, and controlled breathing.

design your exercise session

a comprehensive work out should include a warm-up cardiorespitaroy or or resistance training. then cool-down to finish the session.


a condition characterized by an excessive number of fat cells


a condition characterized by leathery white patches inside the mouth; produced by contact with irritants in tobacco juice (yellow teeth, bad breathe, and gum disease are part of the problems smokers experience. leukoplakia can appear on the tongue or in the mouth).


a condition in which a person feels overly pressured by demands


a condition in which blood sodium levels are dangerously low of mineral sodium. sodium is essential for the transmission of the nerve impulses, sodium in the fluid outside of cells balaces potassium in the fluid inside of cells to keep cells properly hydrated. when the level of sodium in the bloodstream and tissue spaces is excessively diluted, water flows into cells which swell this can cause a potential swelling of the brain and other tissues.


a condition occurring when the brain is damaged by disrupted blood supply; also called cerebrovascular accident


a condition of compulsive drug seeking and use even in the face of - consequences tobacco has nicotine that increases dopamine which the affects the brain pathways that control reward and pleasure and that exposure will result in addiction 80% start at 21 and half become regular smokers

generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

a constant sense of worry that may cause restlessness, difficulty in concentrating, tension, and other symptoms

preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

a daily pill, taken by those having sex with someone with HIV or otherwise at high risk, to help prevent HIV infection.


a deadly heat stress illness resulting from dehydration and overexertion in hot and/ or humid conditions

suicidal ideation

a desire to die and thoughts about suicide

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

a device that uses magnetic fields, radio waves, and computers to generate an image of internal tissues of the body for diagnostic purposes without the use of radiation

lacto-vegetarian diet

a diet that excludes eggs, fish, poultry, and meat


a disease caused by a retrovirus, the human immunodeficiency virus, that attacks the immune system, reducing the number of helper T cells and leaving the victim vulnerable to infections, malignancies and neurological disorders -AIDS was first recognized in 1980s.

cardiovascular disease (CVD)

a disease of the heart and blood vessels

chronic disease

a disease that typically begins slowly, progresses, and persists, with a variety of signs and symptoms that can be treated but not cured by medication

correlation between tobacco consumption and lung cancer death in the united states

a dramatic rise in lung cancer death rates echoed the rise in popularity of cigarettes and other tobacco products in the last century. after tobacco use and smoking rates began to decline in the 1980s. the lung cancer death rates began to decline as well.


a drug interaction in which the effects of one drug are eliminated or reduced by the presence of another drug at the same receptor site


a family of infections characterized by sores or eruptions on the skin


a federal health insurance program that covers people over the age of 65, permanently disabled people, and people with end-stage kidney failure.


a federal-state matching funds program that provides health insurance to low-income people.

resistant hypertension

a form of HBP that is difficult to control and may require three or more different classes of antihypertensive drugs to begin to control blood pressure

Asperger Syndrome (AS)

a form of high functioning autism

bipolar disorder

a form of mood disorder characterized by alternating mania and depression; also called manic depression


a general term for thickening and hardening of the arteries

metabolic syndrome (MetS)

a group of metabolic conditions occurring together that increases a person's risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes ----------------------------------------- a cluster combined cardiometabolic risks, variably labeled at syndrome X, insulin resistance syndrome, and most recently this.

human papillomavirus

a group of viruses, many of which are transmitted sexually; some types of HPV can cause genital warts or cervical cancer

skin cancer

a harmful, malignant growth on the skin

rheumatic heart disease (RHD)

a heart disease caused by untreated streptococcal infection of the throat.

heat exhaustion

a heat stress illness caused by significant dehydration resulting from exercise in hot and/or humid conditions

flexibility is the range of motion around

a joint or series of joints


a key hormone that makes stores nutrients more readily available to meet energy demands.


a kilocalorie is a unit of measure used to quantify the amount of energy in food. on nutrition labels and in consumer publications, the term is shortened to calorie.


a large group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells

pancreatic cancer

a life-threatening primary malignant neoplasm typically found in the head of the pancreas

a cancerous neoplasm is

a malignant group of cells or tumor

muscular endurance

a muscle's ability to exert force repeatedly without fatiguing or the ability to sustain a muscular contraction for a length of time

coronary heart disease (CHD)

a narrowing of the small blood vessels that supply blood to the heart


a neoplasmic mass that grows more rapidly than surrounding tissue


a neural structure lying below the thalamus; directs eating, drinking, body temperature; helps govern the endocrine system via the pituitary gland, and is linked to emotion a structure in the brain that controls the sympathetic nervous system and directs the stress response

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

a neurodevelopment disorder (an impairment in brain development) where individuals learn and grow intellectually throughout their lives, but struggle to master communication and school behavior skills, impacting school and work performance.

body mass Index (BMI)

a number calculated from a person's weight and height that is used to assess risk for possible present or future health problems

patterns of consumption- binge drinking

a pattern of drinking alcohol that brings BAC to 0.08 gram-percent or above; corresponds to consuming five or more drinks (adult male) or four or more drinks (adult female) in 2 hours.

successful, healthy weight loss is characterized by

a pattern of repeatedly losing and regaining weight.

BAC 0.02 percent BAC 0.05 percent BAC 0.08 percent

a person feels slightly relaxed and in a good mood. relaxation increases, there is some motor impairment, and a willingness to talk becomes apparent. lowered alertness, impaired judgment, lowered inhibitions, exaggerated behavior, loss of small muscle control. a person feels euphoric, and there is further motor impairment. slowed reaction time, poor muscle coordination, short-term memory loss, judgement impaired, inability to focus.


a person who follows a diet that excludes some or all animal products


a person who primarily eats food grown or produced locally

psychological hardiness

a personality trait characterized by control, commitment, and the embrace of challenge


a physical, social, or psychological event or condition that upsets homeostasis and produces a stress response

traumatic stress

a physiological and mental response that occurs for a prolonged period of time after a major accident, war, assault, natural disaster, or an event in which one may have been seriously hurt, killed, or witness to horrible things


a planned confrontation with an alcoholic led by a professional counselor in which family members and friends try to het the alcoholic to face the reality of his or her problem and to seek help

pap test

a procedure in which cells taken from the cervical region are examined for abnormal cellular activity

C-reactive protein (CRP)

a protein whose blood levels rise in response to inflammation


a psychological disorder characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and/or diminished, inappropriate emotional expression

electrocardiogram (ECG)

a record of the electrical activity of the heart; may be measured during a stress test


a relaxation technique that involves deep breathing and concentration


a return to using drugs while trying to recover from drug addiction

diagnosis and treatment

a sample from urine or fluid from vagina or penis is collected and tested to indentify the presence of bacteria. chlamydia tests are not a routine part of many health clinics, testing procedures. if detected early, chlamydia is easily treatable with antibiotics such as tetracycline, deoxycycline, or erthromycin.

computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan

a scan by a machine that uses radiation to view internal organs not normally visible in X-rays


a series of mental and physiological responses and adaptations to a real or perceived threat to ones well-being.

dietary guidelines for americans

a set of recommendations about smart eating and physical activity for all Americans

climate change

a shift in typical weather patterns that includes fluctuations in seasonal temperature, rain or snowball amounts, and the occurence of cast atrophic storms


a sporadic, quivering pattern of heartbeat that results in extreme inefficiency in moving blood through the cardiovascular system

delirium tremens (DTs)

a state of confusion, delusions, and agitation brought on by withdrawal from alcohol


a stimulant drug that is legal in the United States and found in many coffees, teas, chocolates, energy drinks, and certain medications -85% of americans drink at least one caffeinated beverage per day. -caffiene is derived from the chemical family called, xanthines, which are found in plant products such as coffee,tea, and chocolate. xanthines: -mild central nervous system stimulants that enhance mental alertness. -reduce feelings of fatigue, and increase heart muscle contractions. -oxygen consumption, metabolism, and uninary output. -person feels it in 15-45 mins -4 to 6 hours for the body to metabolize half of the caffeine ingested

shift and persist

a strategy of re-framing appraisals of current stressors and focusing on a meaningful future that protects a person from the negative effects of too much stress

coronary bypass surgery

a surgical technique whereby a blood vessel taken from another part of the body is implanted to bypass a clogged coronary artery ----------------------------------------------------- referred to as "cabbage"


a synthetic stimulant and mild hallucinogen effect. Produces euphoria and social intimacy, but with short-term health risks and longer-term harm to serotonin-producing neurons and to mood and cognition. -ecstacy can enhance the sensory experience and distort perceptions but it does not create visual hallucinations (effects can last 3 to 6 hours).

TNM staging system

a system for classifying cancer staging by assessing tumor size. nodal involvement, and degree of metastasis


a system of exercises practiced as part of the Hindu discipline to promote control of the body and mind


a system of exercises practiced as part of the Hindu discipline to promote control of the body and mind Classical Yoga- is the ancestor of nearly all modern forms of yoga. Breathing, poses and verbal mantras are often part of classical yoga.


a technique in which a catheter with a balloon at the tip is inserted into a clogged artery; the balloon is inflated to flatten fatty deposits against artery walls and a stent is typically inserted to keep the artery open

global warming

a type of climate change in which average temperature increase.


a type of fungus that consists of chains of cells and appears as a fuzzy mass of thin filaments in culture

cross tolerance

a type of interaction in which two or more drugs produce extremely uncomfortable reactions.


a type of interaction in which two or more drugs produce extremely uncomfortable reactions.


a type of interaction in which two or more drugs work at the same receptor site so that one blocks the action of the other.


a type of interaction of 2 or more drugs work at the same receptor site so that one blocks the action of the other


a type of lipid classified as a sterol and found in animal-based foods; it is also synthesized by the body. cholesterol is commonly referred to as a fat, but it's technically a sterol, an oily substance found in both plant and animal cells. plant sterols are present in small amounts in plant oils, whole grain, corn and soy whereas cholesterol is obtained from animal-based foods such as meats, cheese, and egg yolks. in the body cholesterol is an essential component of the cell membrane and of many important functional chemicals, including certain hormones. although can't live without cholesterol, we don't have to consume it in our diet because the liver synthesizes it from other food substances. cholesterol is transported in the bloodstream in compounds called lipoproteins that contain as their name suggests a variety of lipids as well as protein.

stereotatic radiosurgery

a type of radiation therapy that can be used to zap tumors; also known as gamma knife surgery.

pesco-vegetarian diet

a vegetarian diet that includes fish, dairy products, and eggs along with plant foods

ecological or public health model

a view of health in which diseases and other negative health events are seen as a result of an individual's interaction with his or her social and physical environment

medical model

a view of health in which health status focuses primarily on the individual and a biological or diseased- organ perspective.


a weakened blood vessel that may bulge under pressure and, in severe cases, burst


a white crystalline powder derived from the leaves of the south american coca shrub powerful and addictive stimulant, derived from the coca plant, producing temporarily increased alertness and euphoria


abnormal depletion of body fluids; a result of lack of water dehydration can develop within a single day, especially when you engage in strenuous physical activity in a hot climate. when you sweat profusely, you need extra water to keep your body's core temperature within a normal range. Dehydration is also a risk when you have a fever or an illness involving vomiting or diarrhea, and in people with kidney disease, diabetes, or cystic fibrosis.

nuclear meltdown

accident that results when the temperature in the core of a nuclear reactor increases enough to melt the nuclear fuel and breach the containment vessel

exercising in the heat

acclimate, avoid dehydration, wear appropriate clothing, use common sense

the initial "A" in the PERMA acronym represents which concept?


acid deposition

acidification process that occurs when pollutants are deposited by precipitation, clouds, or directly on the land

acid deposition and acid rain

acids deposited as rain and snow or as gases and particles that attach to the surfaces of plants, soil, and water


acronym for frequency, intensity, time, and type; the terms that describe the essential components of a program or plan to improve a parameter of physical fitness


acronym for the standard first-aid treatment for virtually all traumatic and overuse injuries: rest, ice, compression, and elevation

disease prevention

actions or behaviors designed to keep people from getting sick


actions that deny equal treatment or opportunities to a group. often based on prejudice.

risk behaviors

actions that increase susceptibility to negative health outcomes

everyday tasks, such as walking up the stairs or tying your shoes, are known as

activities of daily living


activity that expends: no more than 1.5 times the resting energy level while seated or reclined.

ethyl alcohol (ethanol)

addictive drug produced by fermentation that is the intoxicating substance in alcoholic beverages.

reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

aerobic activity is good for your cardiovascular system (the heart, lungs, and blood vessels) and it reduces the risk for heart-related diseases and premature death. high blood pressure (hypertension), unhealthy cholestoral profiles (dyslipidemia), unhealthy cholesterol profiles (dyslipidemia), coronary heart disease, and stroke are among the cardiovascular conditions prevented or improved by physical activity.

the maximum volume of oxygen consumed by the muscles during exercise defines

aerobic capacity

skill related components of physical fitness

agility, balance, coordination, power, speed, reaction time

In which stage of general adaptation syndrome does the fight or flight response occur?

alarm stage

enzyme that women have less of relating to alcohol absorption

alcohol dehydrogenase

the enzyme that breaks down alcohol

alcohol dehydrogenase

which enzyme is responsible for the metabolism of alcohol in the liver?

alcohol dehydrogenase

drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time. that lends to passing out is known as _______________.

alcohol poisoning

when amanda goes out with her friends on the weekends, she usually has four or five beers in a row. This type of high-risk drinking is called. _________________

alcoholic addiction

what is physical fitness?

all of the above

complex carbohydrates

also called polysaccharides composed of long chains of glucose complex carbohydrates are found in: 1. grains 2. cereals 3. legumes 4. other veggies the mains for carbohydrates: 1. starches 2. glycogen 3. fiber

alcohol poisoning

also known as (acute alcohol intoxication). potentially lethal BAC that inhibits the brain's ability to control consciousness; respiration and heart rate; usually occurs as a result of drinking a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time. 0.35 percent of BAC - is dangerously close to lethal dose. Death from alcohol poisoning can be caused by central nervous system.

bias-motivated crime

also known as ethnic violence. Motivated by prejudice and discrimination among ethnic groups in the larger society

changing aspirin recommendations and other treatments

although aspirin has been touted for its blood-thinning qualities and possibly reducing risks for future heart attacks among those who already have had MI events, the benefits of an aspirin regiment for otherwise healthy adults has been controversial. those of age of 50 as the evidence for aspirin use in younger, low-risk adults in inconclusive. those with a history of heart-attack or at risk for a heart attack or stroke should consult with a doctor to discuss asipirin ruse.

Jerome is a collegiate track athlete, and his friend Leon is sedentary and overweight. At a party, they drink the same number of beers at the same rate, and they ate approximately the same amount of food before they started drinking. Which factor will account for differences in their blood alcohol concentration?

amount of body fat

carbon footprint

amount of greenhouse gases pro-ducted usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide emissions

improved mood, increased energy and enhanced alertness are associated with type of drugs?


congestive heart failure (CHF)

an abnormal cardiovascular condition that reflects impaired cardiac pumping and blood flow; pooling blood leads to congestion in body tissues

prostate-specific antigen (PSA)

an antigen found in prostate cancer patients

pelvic inflammatory disease

an infection and inflammation of the pelvic organs, such as the fallopian tubes and the uterus, in the female -untreated PID can lead to infertility, ectopic pregnancy, pain and scarring of the reproductive organs. -chlamydia is one of the worst common causes of PID- one of the most common preventable causes of infertility in the Unite States.

celiac disease

an inherited immune disorder causing malabsorption of nutrients from the small intestine and triggered by the consumption of gluten, a protein found in certain grains


an irregular heartbeat


an irregularity in heartbeat

chronic stress

an ongoing state of physiological arousal in response to ongoing or numerous perceived threats

naltrexone (trexan)

an opioid antagonist has been approved as a treatment. it is used to treat opioid use disorders and alcohol use disorders. while on naltrexone, recovering addicts do not get high, so there is no point in using drug.


an unhealthy way to cope with emotions, stress, or traumatic events causing one's own body in an attempt to cope with overwhelming negative emotions; also called self-mutilation, self harm or non suicidal self-injury

artificial forms of testosterone taken to enhance athletic performance are

anabolic steroids

traditional chinese medicine (TCM)

ancient comprehensive system of healing that uses herbs, acupuncture, massage, and qigong to bring vital energy, qi, into balance and to remove blockages of qi that lead to disease

severe chest pain due to reduced oxygen flow to the heart is called

angina pectoris

stalking and cyberstalking

any course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear

acquaintance rape

any rape in which the rapist is known to the victim. a term that replaces the term date rape

how is herpes transmitted?

any sexual contact

sexual assualt

any sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the consent of the recipient

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

appears to be even more accurate particularly in women with genetic risks for tumors or those who have suspicious areas of the breast or surrounding tissue the warrant of clearer image

biomass and other alternative energy sources

are a few more alternative energy sources. biomass- involves the conversation of biological materials (woods, crops, plants, landfill municipal and industrial wastes. trees, and agricultural products). -------------------------------------------------------- experiments are currently underway to produce electricity as a result of wave and wind action in our oceans. although in their infancy, these power options have huge potential of generating power; however concerns over damage to fragile ocean ecosystem may be of concern in future years. much research and huge investments of resources will be necessary for these to be have widespread use.


are small hand-rolled, flavored cigarettes that produce three times more carbon monoxide and nicotine and five times more tar than conventional cigarettes.

bath salts

are synthetic (human-made) cathinones, drugs chemically related to the stimulant cathinone, occurring naturally in the khat plant. -designer drug is synthetic powder sold llegally online and in corner stores (these packages contain varius amphetamine or cocaine like substances, such as methylene-dioxyprovalerone (MPDV) act the same as cocaine but 10x stronger.

psilocybin (mushrooms)

are the active chemicals in a group of mushrooms sometimes called "magic mushrooms". psilcybe mushrooms grow through the world can be cultivated from spores or harvest wild. when consumed these mushrooms can cause hallucinations because many resemlbe psilocybe. -Psilocybin is similar to LSD in its physical effects, which generally wear off 6 to 12 hours.


are the most abundant compounds of the human body. proteins are major components of all living cells. they are called "body builders" because of their role in developing and repairing bone, muscle, skin and blood cells. they are key elements of antibodies, that protect us from disease, enzymes that control chemical activities in the body and many hormones that regulate body function. proteins also supply an alternative source of energy to cells, when fats and carbohy's are not available. specifically every gram of protein you eat is 4 calories. adequate protein in the diet is vital in many body functions and ultimately to survive.

an irregularity in the heartbeat is called a(n)


anabolic steroids

artificial forms of the hormone testosterone that promote muscle growth and strength


as a part of the FITT prescription, refers to how hard or how much effort is needed when a person exercises.


as a part of the FITT prescription, refers to how, hard or how much effort is needed when a person exercises.


as a part of the FITT prescription, refers to the duration of an exercise session


as a part of the FITT prescription, refers to what kind of exercises a person needs to do.

which substance separate into stringy fibers that can become embedded into the lungs and cause disease?


spiritual health

aspect of psychological health that relates to having a sense of meaning and purpose to one's life, as well as a feeling of connection with others and with nature

health related quality of life

assessment of impact of health status - including elements of physical, mental, emotional, and social function - on overall quality of life

peripheral artery disease

atherosclerosis occurring in the lower extremities, such as in the feet, calves, or legs, or in the arms

The heart's upper chambers are called


situational inducement

attempt to influence a behavior through situations and occasions that are structured to exert control over that behavior

The rate at which your body consumes food energy to sustain basic functions is your

basal metabolic rate


battery-operated devices that produce a vapor that contains nicotine, which can then be inhaled.

the digestive process

before the body can use food, the digestive system must break it down into smaller molecules. that can cross from the small intestine into the bloodstream. ---------------------------------------------------------- digestive process - the process by which the body breaks down foods into smaller components and either absorbs or excretes them.

favorable health factors and behavioral and health factors of CVD

behaviors: - not smoking - sufficient physical activity - a healthy diet - an appropriate energy balance and normal body weight health factors; - optimal total cholesterol without medication - optimal blood pressure without medication - optimal fasting blood glucose without medication

Jake is exhibiting self-efficacy when he

believes that he can and will be able to heal from his shoulder injury and bench-press 125 pounds within 1 year.

heavy drinking within 2 hour period that brings BAC above 0.8

binge drinking

the causes of alcohol abuse and alcoholism

biological and family factors: Alcoholism is 4 to 8 times more common among individuals who have a family history of alcoholism. social and cultural factors: social pressure family attitude toward drinking

What causes anxiety disorders?

biology, environment, social and cultural roles

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

birth defect involving physical and mental impairment that results from the mother's alcohol consumption during pregnancy

which of the following is true with respect to cancer?

black men in the united states and Caribbean men of african descent have the highest prostate cancer incidence in the world.


blood condition of white cells; malignant (cancerous) condition.

Health People 2020 is a (n)

blueprint for improving the quality and years of life for all Americans

storage fat

body fat that is not essential but does provide energy, insulation, and padding

exhaustion phase of GAS

body's resistance collapses, creating damage that can include susceptibility to infection, tumor growth, aging, irreversible organ damage, or death

psychoactive drugs affect mood and behavior by altering

brain chemistry

parasympathetic nervous system

branch of autonomic nervous system responsible for slowing systems stimulated by the stress response

sympathetic nervous system

branch of the autonomic nervous system responsible for stress arousal

breast cancer

breast cancer is a group of diseases that causes uncontrolled cell growth in breast tissue, particularly in the glands that produce milk and ducts that connect those glands to the nipple. Women 1 and 8 lifetime risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer

breast awareness and self-exam

breast self exam has been recommended by major health organizations as a form of early breast cancer screening for the last two decades.

cardiometabolic risks

brief interruption of the blood supply to the brain that causes only temporary impairment often an indicator of impending major stroke.

complementary medical systems

broad approaches to health care that reflect specific theories of physiology, health, and disease that have developed outside the influence of conventional medicine


builds strength without bulk, improves flexibility and agility, and helps prevent injury


buildup of deposits in the arteries

complications of genital herpes

can be transferred to other parts of the body

stress and psychosocial risks

cancer being caused by stress are observational in nature, and many of these studies lack scientific rigor or are simply too small to show definitive results. a recent large meta-analytic study found no relation between job strain and risk for colorectal, lung, breast, or ,prostate cancer. then said, people who are under persistent emotional problems show higher rates of cancer than their healthy counterparts. sleep disturbances, unhealthy diet, and emotional or physical trauma may weaken the body's immune system, increasing suspectibility to cancer. other possible contributors to cancer are poverty and health disparties associated with low socioeconomic status.

ovarian cancer

cancer of the ovaries; the three main types are epithelial cancer, germ cell tumor, and stromal tumor fifth leading cause of death

prostate cancer

cancer of the prostate gland, usually occurring in men middle-aged and older

testicular cancer

cancer of the testicle, usually occurring in men 15 to 35 years of age


cancer-causing agents

fossil fuels

carbon based material used for energy includes oil, coal, and natural gas

The air pollutant that originates primarily from motor vehicle emissions is

carbon monoxide

the environmental agency (EPA) has designed secondhand tobacco smoke as a known


health-related components of physical fitness

cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, body composition allow you to perform moderate to vigorous intensity physical activities on regular basis without getting too tired.

the long-term effects of methamphetamine use include

cardiovascular damage and weight loss

congenital cardiovascular defect

cardiovascular problem that is present at birth

the largest population that can be supported indefinitely given the resources available is known as Earth's

carrying capacity

physical effects of steroids

cause a state of euphoria and diminished fatigue in addition to increased bulk and power in both sexes. these qualities give steroids an addictive quality. when users stop they can experience psychological with drawl and sometimes severe depression and suicide attempts. effects in women and men of steroids: -including mood swings (agressoin and violence, sometimes known as "roid rage"). -acne -liver damage -elevated cholesterol levels -changes in blood cholesterol -kidney damage -immune system disturbances -danger of transmitting HIV and hepatitis through shared needles. in women large doses of anabolic steroids may trigger the development of masculine attributes such as: -lowered hair -facial hair and body hair -male pattern baldness -enlarged clitoris -smaller breasts -changes in absence of mensuration

water contamination

caused by polluted runoff, rainwater or snowmelt that runs over the land and through the ground as it picks up contaminants

mutant cells

cells that differ in form, quality, or function from normal cells

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

chemicals that contribute to the depletion of the atmospheric ozone layer


chemicals that kill pests, such as insects or rodents


chemicals that relay messages between nerve cells or from nerve cells to other body cells.

which of the following treatment methods use drugs to kill cancerous cells?


agina pectoris

chest pain occurring as a result of reduced oxygen flow to the heart.

All of the following statements are true except:

children and adolescents living in higher-income homes where parents are more educated have a greatly increased risk of obesity over those living.


cholesterol and triglycerides (commonly called fats) are two forms of a large group of biological compounds known as lipids, which are not soluble in water.

changing fat and cholesterol reccomendations

cholesterol is fatty waxy substance found in blood stream and body cells. cholesterol plays a big role of cell membranes hormones (estrogen or testosterone) it protects nerves, is a good source of antioxidants, and it helps with digestion as well as processing vitamin D.


chopped leaves and flowers of cannabis indica or cannabis sativa plants (hemp); a psychoactive stimulant

classes of BMI

class 1 obesity = refers to those with bmi > 30 but less than 35. class 2 obesity= includes those with bmi 35> but less than 40. class 3 obesity = includes those with bmi > 40 often reffered to as morbidly obese. less extreme, but still damaging is overweight. which is body weight more than 10 percent above healthy levels or a bmi between 25 and 29.

reducing the threat of global warming

climatechange problems are largely rooted in our energy, transportation, and industrial practicies. however the problem isn't just one of increased CO2 production. rapid deforestation contributes to the rise in greenhouse gases. trees take in carbon dioxide, transform it, store carbon for food, and release oxygen into the air.

sinoatrial node (SA node)

cluster of electric pulse-generating cells that serves as a natural pacemaker for the heart


collection of physical (nonliving) and biological (living) components of an environment and the relationships between them.

postttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

collection of symptoms that may occur as a delayed response to a traumatic event or series of events.


colorless, strong-smelling gas that when used in solution is a powerful preservative and disinfectant; a potential occupational carcinogen.


combine antidepressants with other approved drugs that have been on the market for some time, such as meridia

Type A personalities

competitive, impatient and more prone to aggression

a dvd you recently purchased had less packaging than those you had brought previously. this change in packaging design is an example of reducing municipal solid waste by


indoor air pollution

compounds that affect breathing that occur indoors. Examples: woodstove smoke, furnace emissions, formaldehyde, radon, household chemicals

High-density lipoprotein (HDL)

compounds that facilitate and transport of cholesterol in the blood to the liver for metabolism and elimination from the body.

which of the following is not part of a good strategy for building self-esteem?

concentrate more on mental


condition characterized by deposits of fatty substances (plaque) in the inner lining of an artery.

alcoholic hepatitis

condition resulting from prolonged use of alcohol, in which the liver is inflamed; can be fatal


condition that results from the body's inability to produce adequate hemoglobin.


confidence in one's ability to take action

longer lifespan

conscientiousness advantage

clove cigarettes

contain about 40% ground cloves, about 60% tobacco, and higher levels of tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide than regular cigarettes

allopathic medicine

conventional western medical practice; in theory, based on scientifically validated methods and procedures

the surgery in which a blood vessel is taken from another site in the patient's body and implanted to bypass the blocked artery and transport blood to the heart is called

coronary bypass surgery

yo-yo diets

cycles in which people diet and regain weight


dangerous psychdelic drug, known as "acid" has been making a comeback. it is estimated that 9.4 percent of americans aged 12 or older have used LSD at least once in their lifetime. LSD is one of the most potent hallucinogenic drugs. an odorless, water-soluble material, it is synthesized from lysergic acid, a compound found in fye fungus. a common method for taking LSD is by using blotter acid-small squares of blot mixture. the blotter is swallowed or chewed briefly. LSD also comes in tiny thin squares of gelatin called windowpane and in tablets called microdots. Effects of LSD -LSD distorts ordinary perceptions -movement of stationary objects -auditory or visual hallucinations -shortens attention span -more effects are possbile such as decreased agressiveness and enhanced sensory experiences. -LSD is addictive it does produce tolerance, so users may need to take more of the drug to get the same effect.

evidence-based practice

decisions regarding patient care based on clinical expertise, patient values, and current best scientific evidence.


deep and persistent fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that results in a compelling desire to avoid the source of the fear

The alcohol with-drawl syndrome that results in confusion, delusion, agitated behavior, and hallucination is known as ___________________.

delirium tremens

a drug that slows the central nervous system is a


sick building syndrome (SBS)

describes a condition in which building occupants experience a variety of health-related symptoms that cannot be directly linked to any particular cause.

sustainable development

development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

very-low-calorie diets (VLCDs)

diets with a daily caloric value of 400 to 700 calories problems associated with any form of severe caloric restriction include blood sugar imbalance, cold intolerance, constipation, decreased BMR, dehydration, diarrhea, emotional problems, fatigue, headaches, heart irregularities, kidney infections and failure, loss of lean body tissue, and ketosis, a condition that happens when glucose levels decline drastically (as in extremely low carb diets_ and begins to burn fat which can lead to build up of acidic chemicals known as ketones. As ketones increase and ketosis progresses, ketoacidosis or acidic blood levels are likely. this is a potentially dangerous complication of VLCD diets or starvation diets. weakness, and the potential for coma and death. early symptoms may include excessive thirst, excessive urination, and high blood sugar, progressing to extreme fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, "fruity breathe", fainting, possible comba, and death. Extreme diets that allow very few carbohydrates and/ or calories are often the culprits. people with untreated diabetes can experience diabetic ketoacidosis as well as individuals with anorexia or bulimia are also at high risk.

determinants of health

differences in the incidence, prevalence, morality, and burden of diseases and other health conditions among specific population groups. health people 20/20 classifies health determinants into five categories: individual behavior, biology, genetics, social factors and policy making and health services.


difficulty in handwriting


difficulty with math

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

disorder (ADHD) disability usually associated with school-aged children, often involving difficulty concentrating, organizing things, listening to instructions, and remembering details.

food intolerance

disorder occurring in people who lack the digestive chemicals needed to break down certain substances in foods

mental illnesses

disorders that disrupt thinking, feeling, moods, and behaviors, and that impair daily functioning

who uses conventional medicine

doctors, doctors of osteopathy, and health professionals - massage, supp, therapies


drinking heavily at home before going out to an event or other location


drug that increase activity of the central nervous system. (causing to have anxiety, and agitation often seem jittery or nervous while high.) common used illegal stimulants: -cocaine -amphetamines -methaphetamine common used legal stimulants: -caffiene -nicotine

psychoactive drugs

drugs that affect brain chemistry and have the potential to alter mood or behavior -psychoactive drugs are able to cross the blood-brain barrier to reach receptor sites in the brain, where they can affect cognition,emotions and physiological functioning


drugs that depress the CNS, have sedative and hypnotic effects and are less safe than benzo's


drugs that depress the activity of the central nervous system, reducing anxiety but impairing memory and judgment


drugs that induce sleep, receive pain and produce euphoria; includes derivatives of opium and synthetics with similar chemical properties, also called narcotics


drugs that slow down the activity of the central nervous and muscular systems and cause sleepiness or calmness.

avoiding drug misuse and abuse (13)

drugs work because they physically resemble chemicals produced naturally within the body. most bodily processes result from chemical reactions or from changes in electrical charge because drugs posses an electrical charge and chemical structure.

which statement below is false?

dysthymia is an example of an anxiety disorder

foods for exercise and recovery:

eat sufficient carbohydrates, the body's main source of fuel. your body stores carbohydrates as glycogen primarly in the muscles and liver and then uses this stored glycogen for energy when you are physically active. also fat also an important source of energy, packaging more than double the energy per gram compared to garbohydrates. proteins play a role in muscle repair and growth but it not normally source of energy. when you eating a large meal can upset stomach, cramping and diarrhea because your muscle have to compete your disgestive system for energy. after big meal wait 3 to 4 hours before you being to exercing.

what are the latest recommendations about cholesterol and fats in the diet as prevention for CVD?

eggs are back "in" and cholesterol is no longer a major

hydroelectric energy

electrical energy produced by the flow of water

ionzing radiation

electromagnetic waves and particles having short wavelengths and energy high enough to ionize atoms.

non-ionizing radiation (UV light)

electromagnetic waves having relatively long wavelengths and enough energy to move atoms around or cause them to vibrate

which of the following is not a health benefit associated with regular exercise?

elimination of chronic diseases

Which smoking-related disease destroys the air sacs in the lungs?


solar power

energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy


energy that is radiated or transmitted in the form of rays or waves or particles. is the only radiation to proven to cause human cancer. evidence that high-dose IR causes cancer comes from studies of atomic bomb survivors, patient receiving radiotherapy, and certain occupational groups such as uranium miners. virtually any part of the body can be affected by IR, but bone marrow and thyroid are particularly susceptible. radon exposure in home can increase lung cancer risk, especially in cigarette smokers. to reduce the risk of harmful effects, diagnostic medical and dental X-Rays are set at the lowest dose level possible.

background distressors

environmental stressors of which people are often unaware

plant sterols

essential components of plant membranes that, when consumed in the diet, appear to help lower cholesterol levels


essential organic compounds that promote metabolism, growth, and reproduction and help maintain life and health every minute vitamins help maintain 1. nerves 2. skin 3. blood 4. bones 5. heal wounds 6. fight metabolic stress 7. enable vision 8. convert food energy to body energy and they do all this without adding any calories to your diet. vitamins are classified as either fat soluble, which means they are absorbed through the intestinal tract with the help of fats, or water soluble. which means they are absorbed directly to the bloodstream. vitamins A,D,E,K are fat soluble B-complex and vitamin C are water soluble fat soluble vitamins can be stored in the body's fat tissues, and toxic level can accumulate if people regularly consume more than the UL.

the addictive drug in beer,wine, and liquor is


Even though Andre experienced stress when he graduated from college and moved to a new city, he viewed these changes as an opportunity for growth. What is Andre's stress called?


Drug abuse is defined as

excessive use of a drug to harmful effects

the "talk test" measures

exercise intensity

healthy life expectancy

expected number of years of full health remaining at a given age, such as at birth

life expectancy

expected number of years of life remaining at a given age, such as at birth

chronic mood disorder

experience of persistent emotional states, such as sadness, despair, hopelessness, or euphoria


eye specializes in the medical and surgical care of the eyes, including prescriptions for lenses.

comfort food

familiar foods that make people feel good

dysfunctional family

families in which there is violence; physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; parental discord; or other negative family interactions

essential fat

fat incorporated in various tissues of the body that is critical for normal body functioning

what substances provides energy, promotes healthy skin and hair, insulates body organs, helps maintain body temperature, and contributes to healthy cell function?


trans fats (trans fatty acids)

fatty acids typically produced from the hydrogenation of polyunsaturated oils

uterus or fallopian tubes

female reproductive organs that may be affected by gonorrhea

which of the following substances helps move food through the intestinal tract?


develop a progressive plan

finding variety of exercises can reduce the risk of overuse injuries. choosing different exercises for your workouts. will also provide complete exercise training program by targeting muscle groups.


food substance that can produce stress like physiological responses

essential nutrients of health

foods and beverages provide the chemicals needed to maintain the body's tissues and perform its functions. essential nutrients- are those the body cannot synthesize (or cannot synthesize in adequate amounts). -------------------------------------------------------------- [we must obtain them from our diet. of the six groups of essential nutrients.] the four we need in the largest amounts: 1. water 2.protein 3.carbohydrates 4.fats [are called macronutrients.] ------------------------------------------------------ the other two groups 1. vitamins 2. minerals are needed in smaller amounts, so they are called [micronutrients]

functional foods

foods believed to have specific health benefits beyond their basic nutrients

genetically modified (GM) foods

foods derived from organisms whose DNA has been altered using genetic engineering techniques

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

form of anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors.

one source of indoor air pollution is a gas present in some carpets and home furnishings known as



forms of alcohol that are metabolized more slowly than ethanol and produce toxic by-products


fruit sugar


fund established under the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act to be used for cleaning up toxic waste dumps

carbon monoxide

gas found in cigarette smoke that reduces the ability of blood to carry oxygen

greenhouse gases

gases that accumulate in the atmosphere, where they contribute to global warming by trapping heat near the earth's surface.

pollutants causing the greatest potential harm are:

gasoline and petroleum products chemical contaminants polychlorinated biphenyls dioxins pesticides


general practitioner who receives training similar to a medical doctor's but with an emphasis on the skeletal and muscular systems; may use spinal manipulation as part of treatment


gentle cardiovascular activity that prepares the muscles for work

geothermal energy heating up

geothermal energy is another form of renewable, clean energy that works as an alternative to fossil fuels. geothermal energy come's from heart found in molten rock deep beneath the earth's surface. the United States has abundant hot-water geothermal reserves in several western states, providing an energy source that does use fossil fuels to get to produce steam and thus is fairly green as an energy source.


global rates of obesity

fluids for exercise and recovery:

goal of fluid replacement is to prevent excessive dehydration grater than 2% loss of body weight

primary aggression

goal-directed, hostile self-assertion that is destructive in nature

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)

goals that individual countries said that they would achieve in order to do their part in the paris agreement and reduce global emissions.

dynamic stretching

gradual transitions in movement and body position that progressively increase the range of motion through repeating the movements

The purpose of the nicotine patch is to

gradually wean the smoker off nicotine dependence.

whole grains

grains that retain the bran, germ and endosperm with only the husk removed.

what is it called when gases such as carbon dioxide nitrous oxide methane CFCS and hydrocarbons form a layer in the atmosphre allowing a solar heat to pass through and trapping some of the heat close to the surface to warm the planet?

greenhouse effect

12 step programs/ self help groups

group therapy has gained in popularity is in the treatment of substance abuse. for most addicts, recovery is a long, difficult process-for some people it can be lifelong journey. therapy often takes the form of group meetings, such as those held by 12-step programs like narcotics anonymous.

drugs such as LSD that are capable of creating auditory or visual distortions are



harmless; refers to a noncancerous tumor

a potent cannabis product derived from the plant's resin is


Losing your keys is an example of what psychosocial source of stress?


Women generally become intoxicated more quickly than men because they

have more body fat and lower water content

morbidly obese

having a body weight 100 percent or more above healthy recommended levels; in an adult, having a BMI of 40 or more.

super obese

having a body weight higher than morbid obesity; in a adult; having a BMI of 50 or more.


having a body weight more than 10 percent above healthy recommended levels; in an adult, having a BMI of 25 to 29.9


having a body weight more than 10 percent below healthy recommended levels; in an adult, having a BMI below 18.5


having a body weight more than 20 percent above healthy recommended levels; in an adult, a BMI of 30 or more.

complementary health approaches

health care practices and products commonly used together with conventional medicine

physician assistant (PA)

health care practitioner trained to handle most routine care under the supervision of a physician


health professional who provides patient care in a variety of settings

what term is used to describe the expected number of years of full health remaining at a given age?

health- life expectancy

heart function

heart activity depends of complex interaction of biochemical, physical and neurological signals. there are four basic steps in heart function. 1. deoxygenated blood enter the right atrium after circulating through the body 2. blood moves to the right ventricle and is pumped through the pulmonary artery to the lungs, where it receives oxygen. 3. oxygenated blood returns to the left atrium of the heart. 4. blood from the left atrium moves in the left ventricle the left ventricle pumps blood through the aorta to all body parts.

Leading cause of death in the US

heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, stroke. (in the 15-24 year old age the leading causes are unintentional injuries, suicide, homicide.)

continuum of disease risk for various sexual behaviors. --------------------------------------------------------------- (there are different levels of various behaviors and various sexually transmitted infections (STIS) however, no matter what, any sexual activity, involving direct contact with blood, semen, or vaginal secretions is high risk.)

high risk behaviors - (unprotected vaginal, anal, and oral sex- any activity that involves direct contact with bodily fluids, such as ejaculate, vaginal secretions, or blood are high-risk behaviors.) moderate - (risk behaviors (vaginal, anal or oral sex with a latex or polyurethane condom and a water-based lubricant used properly can greatly reduce the risk of STI transmission.) dental dams used during oral sex can also greatly reduce the risk of STI transmission low-risk behaviors - (mutual masturbation, if there are no cuts on the hands, penis, or vagina, is very low risk.) rubbing, kissing, and massaging carry low risk, but herpes can be spread by skin-to-skin contact from an infected partner. no-risk behaviors - (abstinence, phone sex, talking and fantasy are all no-risk behaviors).

there are three main types

high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) - compounds that facilitate the transport of cholesterol in the blood to the liver for metabolism and elimination from the body. 50% proteins HDLs are produced in the liver and circulate in the bloodstream. picking up the cholesterol and transporting it back to the liver for recycling excretion. A high level of HDLs reduces an individual's risk for the blood-vessel damage (called atherosclerosis) that leads to cardiovascular disease. ------------------------------------------------------------- low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) - compounds that facilitate the transport cholesterol in the blood to body cells. 22% protein 50%cholesterol 28% other lipids LDLs transport cholesterol to the body cells that require it. LDLS not taken up by cells are degraded by the liver, which releases their cholesterol load into the blood-stream. there, this cholesterol can accumulate the lining of blood vessels, eventually leading to the atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.


hormone that signals the hypothalamus and brain stem to reduce appetite and increase the amount of energy used

Part A

hospital insurance portion

reactive aggression

hostile emotional reaction brought about by frustrating life experiences

the %DV on a nutrition facts label tells you

how much of an average adult's allowance for a particular food component is provided by one serving of the food.

point to service

hybrid of HMO and PPO - select an network in PCP

a drug that promotes drowsiness or sleep is a


which of the following is not correct?

ideal cardiovascular health refers to having a perfect genetic, physiological and health profile with zero cardiovascular risk

illicit drug use on campus

illicit drug use has seen a resurgence on college campuses in recent years. close to 50 percent of college-age students nationwide have tried a using marijuana.

which of the following is typical of a child born with fetal alcohol syndrome? __________________

impaired learning

tobacco use and cancer

in the united states smoking has the dubious distinction of being the leading cause of preventable death and is responsible for nearly 1 and 5 deaths. 480,000 premature deaths. 42,000 exposure to second hand smoking. of the several lifestyle risk factors for cancer tobacco use is the most significant and most preventable.

one of the biggest factors in increased risk for cancer is

increasing age

preferred provider organizations

independent doctors and hospitals that contracts to provide care at discounted rates - they do not coordinate a patient's care

uninary tract infection (UTI)

infection, more common among women than men, of the urinary tract; causes include untreated STI's

Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Cancer

infection, which is believed to be a major cause of cervical cancer, as well as cancers of the back of the throat, tongue, and tonsils. HPV can also cause cancers of the vulva and vagina in women, cancer of the penis in men and cancer of the anus in women and men. The good news is that vaccines are available to help protect men and women from being infected with HPV and increased cancer susceptibility.

sexual transmitted disease (15)

infections transmitted through some form of intimate, usually sexual, contact sexually transmitted infections (STIS) are reported each year, many others are never diagnose or reported often because they are asymptomatic. some STIS particularly chlamydia, gnorrhea, and syphilis are increasing at alarming rates exist by age, race, income, and gender. Early (STIS) can result in sterility, blindness, central nervous system destruction, disfigurement, and even death. infants born to mothers carrying these infections are at risk for a variety of health problems.

one of major consequences of untreated pelvic inflammatory disease is


signs and symptoms of lice diagnosis and treatment

infestation include -itchiness in the area covered by public hair -blueish gray-skin color in the public region -sores in the genital area diagnosis of public lice involves an examination by a health care provider to identifying the eggs in the genital area. treatment includes: -washing clothes -furniture -linens that may harbor the eggs -takes 2 to 3 weeks to kill all larval forms.

read food labels

ingredients list -choose foods with less ingredients or closest to natural state -5 g per serving for cereal -added sugar


injection of an agent to dissolve clots and restore some blood flow, thereby reducing the amount of tissue that dies from ischemia

traumatic injuries

injuries that are accidental and occur suddenly and violently

overuse injuries

injuries that result from the cumulative effects of day-after-day stresses placed on tendons, muscles, and joints

unintentional injuries

injury, death, or psychological harm caused unintentionally or without premeditation

intentional injuries

injury, death, or psychological harm inflicted with the intent to harm


inorganic, indestructible elements that aid physiological processes and build body structures. major minerals are those that the body needs in fairly large amounts: 1. sodium 2. calcium 3. phosphorus 4. magnesium 5. potassium 6. sulfur 7. chloride trace minerals include: 1. iron 2. zinc 3. manganese 4. copper 5. fluoride 6. selenium 7. chromium 8. iodine although only very small amounts of trace minerals are needed, they are just as important as the major minerals.


intense feelings that are directed at someone or something

child maltreatment

intentional abuse or neglect that endangers the well-being of anyone under the age of 18


interaction of 2 or more drugs that produces more profound effects than would be expected if the drugs were taken separately

types of Intentional violence

interpersonal, collective, self-directed

the most dangerous route of administration for drug users is

intravenous injection

heat cramps

involuntary and forcible muscle contractions that occur during or following exercise in hot and/or humid weather


iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency, affecting more than 2 billion people, nearly 30 percent of the world's population. In the United States, iron deficiency is less prevalent; however, because iron is a key component of red blood cells, deficiency can develop with blood loss in mensturating woman who fail to maintain a balanced diet. iron deficiency can lead to deficiency anemia. anemia results from the body's loss of, or insufficient production of, healthy red blood cells. iron is the oxygen carrying component of a protein called hemoglobin in blood cells. when iron-deficiency occurs, blood cells pick up less oxygen from the lungs, and transport less oxygen to body tissues, including the brain. As a result, the iron deficient person feels confused, tired, and weak. iron is also important for energy metabolism, DNA synthesis. Iron toxicity is typically due to consuming iron supplements. symptoms of toxicity include nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, weak pulse, dizziness, shock, and confusion. excess iron intake has been associated increased risk for neurological disorders, including dementia as well as CVD


irrational attitude of hostility directed against a person, group, or race, or toward the supposed characteristics of that group.

bariatric arterial embolization (BAE)

is a new nonsurgical alternative bypass in which a catheter is inserted through the wrist or groin and targets blood vessels in the stomach where the "hunger hormone" gherlin is produced.


is a synthetic narcotic that blocks the effects of heroin withdrawal although it is still a narcotic and must be administered under the supervision of clinic or pharmacy staff, methadone allows many heroin addicts to lead somewhat normal lives.


is an appetite suppressant and anti-seizure drug that reduces the desire for food.


is an herb from mint family. its main active ingredient salvinorin a causes hallucinations by changing brain chemistry. although associated hallucinatory episodes have been described as intense, they are relatively short lasting. often beginning after a . minute and fading after 30 mins. extreme hallucinations often include changes in mood, body sensations, changes to visual perception, emotional swings, feeling detached, and an altered sense of self and reality. SALIVIA'S LONG TERM EFFECTS HAVE NOT BEEN STUDIED.


is defined as the ability to do work we derive energy from the energy containing nutrients in the foods we eat. These energy-containing nutrients-proteins, carbohydrates, and fats- provide calories. Vitamins, Minerals and Water do not show the average caloric needs for individuals of various ages.

cardiovascular system

is the network of organs and vessels through which blood flows as it carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. it includes the heart, arteries, arterioles (small arteries), veins, venules (small veins) and capilaries (minute blood vessels). -------------------------------------------------- organ system, consisting of the heart and blood vessels, that transports nutrients, oxygen, hormones, metabolic wastes, and enzymes throughout the body


is the primary mineral component of bones and teeth. it is also essential for muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, blood clotting and acid-base balance. the issue with calcium consumption has gained national attention with the rising incidence of osteoporosis among older adults. calcium is an underconsumed "nutrient of public health concern" that most americans do not consume recommended 1,000-1,300 milligrams of calcium per day.

measure of body fat

is the ratio of the weight of the body in kilograms to the square of its height in meters.

assessing body weight and body composition

it's important to remember that body fat isn't all bad. in fact, some fat is essential for healthy body functioning fat regulates. body temperature cushions and insulates organs and tissues, and is the body's main source of stored energy. being underweight, or having extremely low body fat. can cause a lot of problems, including: 1. hair loss 2. visual disturbances 3. skin problems 4. heart irregularities 5. gastrointestinal problems 6. difficulties in maintaining body temperature 7. loss of menstural period in women.

which of the following is true about CVD?

it's the leading cause of death in america

severe acute malnutrition

lack of nutritious food that-causes tissue wasting and stunted growth, impairs brain development, diminishes work capacity and perpetuates poverty within communities

carries eggs, eats dairy products and eggs, but she does not at fish, poultry, or meat. Carrie is considered



language-based learning disorder that can pose problems for reading, writing and spelling.

exercising in the cold

layers, avoid overexposure, work with the wind

The proportion of your total weight that is made up of fat is called

lean mass

Vincent, a heavy drinker, can consume a lot of alcohol yet appear to be sober. This is known as

learned behavioral tolerance

the 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for american's recommended that you

limit your intake of added, sugars, saturated fats, and sodium

carcinoma in situ (CIS)

localized, non-invasive carcinoma


loss of water from body tissues most of it in the muscles or in cerebral tissues. because water is usually pulled out of cerebrospinal fluid. (fluid within the brain and spinal cord).

what is a common characteristic of babies born to mothers who smoked during pregnancy?

low-birth weight

the "bad" type of cholesterol that we have been concerned about in recent years, which is found in the arteries, is known as

low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

which of the following foods or beverages is the most nutrient-dense?

low-fat milk

The cancer that causes the most deaths for men and women in the United States is

lung cancer

lung cancer

lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths for both men and women in the United States. The lifetime risks for males and females getting lung cancer is 1 in 14 and 1 in 17. Risks begin to rise around age 40 and continue to climb through all age thereafter.


lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. - the american cancer society estimates that tobacco smoking causes 90 percent of all cases of lung cancer in men and 78 percent in women. -if you are a smoker, your risk of developing lung cancer depends on several factors. first, the amount you smoke per day is important. -second factor is the age which you started smoking if you started in your teens, you have a greater chance of developing lung cancer than do people who start later.

miguel is thinking about becoming more active. Which of the following is not a good piece of advice to offer him?

make multiple changes to diet and exercise routines simultaneously

predisposing factors

make the body more susceptible to disease

untreated chlamydia

males- urethritis females- pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, ectopic pregnancy


malignant tumor of lymph nodes and lymph tissue

manage stress

manage time, mental rehearsal, physical activity, relaxation, biofeedback, avoid negative thinking, humor


managing events or conditions to lessen the physical or psychological effects of excess stress

U.S disparities: differences by age, sex, and race

many populations continue to be unerinsured or uninsured and seek health care only in later stages of their disease. when that happens the disease ends up being more costly to treat, more diasbling and has poorer outcomes.


mark of disgrace negative perception about a group of people of a certain situation or condition.

FTO gene

may be among the most important. much research has centered on the role of genes such as FTO on research on regulating ghrelin- a hormone shown to play a key determining appetite and food intake control (particularly in controlling sateity). gastrointestinal motility, gastric acid secretion, endocrine and exocrine pancreatic secretions, glucose and lipid metabolism, and CVD and immune immunological processes


meaning the cancer is responding to treatment and under control.


measure of the % of alcohol in a beverage; the proof is double the percentage of alcohol in a drink standard drink

primary care practitioner (PCP)

medical practitioner who provides preventive care and treats routine ailments, gives general medical advice, and makes appropriate referrals when necessary

generic drugs

medications marketed by chemical names rather than brand names

Improved mental health and stress management

mental health is an area of growing concern for many college students. recent show that the factors with the biggest impact on academic performance include stress, anxiety, sleep difficulties, depression, fortunately, acute and regular exercise can help. a comprehensive study assessing the effects of an exercise intervention on several mental health issues supported. people who engage in regular physical activity are likely to notice the psychological benefits, such as feeling better about oneself and an overall sense of well-being


mineral compound that separates into stringy fibers and lodges in the lungs, where it can cause various diseases


minute blood vessels that branch out from the arterioles and venules; their thin walls permit exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, and waste products among body cells

health belief model (HBM)

model for explaining how beliefs may influence behaviors Perceived Seriousness of the health problem: the more serious the perceived effects are, the more likely to take preventive action. Perceived Susceptibility to the health problem: people who perceive themselves at high-risk are more likely to take preventive action. Perceived Benefits: even if a recommended action is perceived to be effective, the individual may believe it is too expensive, difficult, inconvenient, or time-consuming. Cues to Action: a person who is reminded or alerted about a potential health problem- by anything from early symptoms to an e-mail from a health care provider- is more likely to take action.

social cognitive model (SCM)

model of behavior change emphasizing the role of social factors and thought processes (cognition) in behavior change

overuse injuries can be prevented by

monitoring the quantity and quality of your workouts

Type B personalities

more relaxed, easy going and less quick to anger

health maintenance organizations

most common managed care plan - 90 million - covered benefits but no variety

social and economic impact of CVD

most of the improvemenet in death rates is due to beter diagnosis, early intervention and treatment, and a multibillio . dollar market in drugs designed to keep the heart and circulatory system ticking along. people are living longer with their underlying diseases.

cervical and endometrial (uterine) cancer

most uterine cancers develop in the body of the uterus usually in the endometrium the rest develop in the cervix located the base of the uterus.

mother to child (perinatal) transmission

mother to child transmission of HIV can occur during pregnancy, during labor and delivery, or through breastfeeding. -without antiretroviral treatment, approximately 15 to 45 percent of HIV-positive pregnant women will transmit the virus to their infant. with appropriate interventions during pregnancy, labor, birth and breastfeeding, transmission rates can be lowered to 5 percent.

hate crime

motivated by a bias against someone's race, gender identity or expression, religion, disability, socioeconomic status, or ethnicity

poor nutrition, physical inactivity, and obesity

mounting evidence suggests nearly one-third of annunal cancer death in the united states may be due to lifestyle factors such as overweight or obesity, physical inactivity and poor nutrition. 1 and 5 cancer deaths aside from choosing not to use tobacco, dietry choices and physical activity are the most important modifiable determinates of cancer risk. serveral studies indicate a factor

chemicals in foods

much of the concern about chemicals in food centers on the possible harm caused by pesticide and herbicide and residues. whereas some of these chemicals cause cancer at high doses in experimental animals, the government considers the very low concentrations found in some foods to be safe. (concern about carcinogenic properties of nitrates, which are often used to preserve hot dogs, hams, and luncheon meats, has led to the introduction of meats that are nitrate free or contain reduced levels of the substances).

one option in heroin addiction treatment is the use of an opioid antagonist; which of the following drugs has that effect?


This type of disorder is characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance and self-absorption

narcissistic personality disorder

detection, symptoms, and treatments skin cancer

nasal and squamous cell carcinomas show up most commonly on the face, ears, neck, arms, hands, and legs are warty bumps colored spots or scaly patches. Bleeding, itching, pain or oozing are other symptoms that warrant attention. Surgery may be necessary to remove them, but they are seldom life threatening.


naturally occurring non-nutrient plant chemicals believed to have beneficial health effects


naturally occurring radioactive gas resulting from the decay of certain radioactive elements


negative stress

social support

network of people and services with whom you tie share ties and from whom you get support.


new growth (of abnormal tissue, benign or malignant)

quitting smoking

nicotine increases heart rate and helps burn calories, food tastes better post smoking

tobacco components

nicotine, gases and vapors, tar

cure or treatment for herpes?

no cure, but is treated by antiviral medications and daily suppressive therapy

the term point source and nonpoint source are used to describe the two general sources of

noise pollution

nicotine replacement

non-tobacco products that replace depleted levels of nicotine in the bloodstream have helped some people stop using tobacco. the two most common are nicotine chewing up and the nicotine patch, both which are available over the counter. -the FDA has also approved nicotine lozenges, a nicotine, nasal spray, and nicotine inhaler.


nonfood, non-nutritional substances that are intended to affect the structure or function of the mind or body through chemical action

limitations of BMI

not direct measure of body composition and fails to show location of excess fat

Chemicals in the body that transmit nerve impulses are


nurse practicioner (NP)

nurse with advanced training obtained through either a master's degree program or a specialized nurse practicioner

occupational and environmental risks

o Exposure to asbestos, nickel, lead base paints, benzene (found in gasoline), and arsenic o Radiation o Chemicals in foods

genetic and physiological risks

o Genetic predisposition o Oncogenes- cancer-causing genes that typically stay dormant but can be activated Certain cancer particululary of breast, stomach, colon ,prostate, uterus, ovariesk and lungs appear to run in families. for example, a woman runs a much higher risk of breast cancer if her mother or sisters have had the disease (particiularly at a young age). Or she inherits the breast cancer suspectibility genes (BRACA1 or BRAC2).

health risks of excess weight

obesity is rapidly gaining ground. cardiovascular disease, such as diseases of the heart, stroke and hypertension, certain cancers, diabetes, digestive problems, gal-stones, sleep apnea, depression, osteoarthritis, and other ailments.

Sarah has a compulsion to wash her hands over and over again and she's extremely fearful of dirt. She most likely has

obsessive-compulsive disorder

this disorder is characterized by a need to perform rituals over and over again; fear of dirt or contamination or an unnatural concern with other symmetry, and exactness

obsessive-compulsive disorder

inflammation and c-reactive protein

occurring when tissues are injured by bacteria, trauma, toxins or heat among other things. inflammation is increasingly being considered a culprit in atherosclerotic plaque formation. to date several factors, including cigarette smoke, high blood pressure, extra. chlamydia pneumonia (common cause of respiratory infections;) helicobaterployore (bacteria that causes ulcers_ cytomegalovirus (another herpes virus infecting most americans before age of 40).

polyunsaturated fatty acid essential to a health diet are:

omega 3- fatty acids (found in many types of fatty fish; dark green, leafy veggies; walnuts; and flaxseeds). omega-6 fatty acids (found in corn, soybean, peanut, sunflower, and cottonseed oils). both are classified as essential fatty acids- that is, those we must receive from our diets-because the body cannot synthesize them, yet requires them for functioning the most important fats within these groups are linolenic acid, an omega 3- fatty acid. the body needs these to make hormone-like compounds that control immune function, pain perception, and inflammation, to name a few key benefits. you may have heard of EPA (eicosapentaonic) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). found in fish to reduced risk for heart disease.


one of the essential B vitamins, needed for the production of necessary DNA synthesis in body cells

heroin, cocaine, and morphine are type of drug?


the perscription drugs vicodin, percocet, and Oxycontin contain synthetic versions of


alcoholics anonymous (AA)

organization whose goal is to help alcoholics stop drinking; includes auxiliary branches such as al-anon an alateen

improved bone mass and reduced risk of osteoporosis

osteoporosis- a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue, which increases fracture risk. 20 to 40 percent to the development of osteoporosis.

hyponatremia or water intoxication

overconsumption of water, which leads to a dilution of sodium concentration in the blood, with potentially fatal results

janice has been lifting 95 pounds while doing three sets of six leg curls. to become stronger, she began lifting 105 pounds while doing curls. what principle of strength development does this represent?


Overall, which cancer has the worst 5-year survival rate today?


learned helplessness

pattern of responding to situations by giving up because of repeated failure in the past


payment made to an insurance carrier, usually in monthly installments, that covers the cost of an insurance policy

which of the following is true with respect to cancer?

people who sunburned badly during childhood

who is the highest risk for developing skin cancer?

people who sunburned badly during childhood

%Daily Value (%DV)

percent ages on food and supplement labels identifying how much of each listed nutrient or other substances a serving of food contributes to a 2,000 calorie/day diet.

social anxiety disorder

phobia characterized by fear and avoidance of social situations; also called social phobia

improve weight management

physical activity requires your body to generate energy through calorie expenditure; if calories expended exceed calories consumed over a span of time, the net will result in weight loss.

getting evaluated for treatment

physical checkup - which will rule out thyroid disorders, viral infections, and anemia- all of which can result in depression-like symptoms. psychiatric history - which will trace the course of the apparent disorder, genetic, or family factors, and any part treatments. mental status examination- which will assess through speaking processes, and memory, and will include an in-depth interview with tests for other psychiatric symptoms


physical, psychological, emotional, and economic issues of cancer from diagnosis until the end of life

Intimate partner violence (IPV)

physical, sexual, psychological harm caused by a current or former partner or spouse. - 75% of murder -suicides are completed by an intimate partner.1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 to 1 in 7 men affected by IPV in their lifetime


physician who diagnoses and treats diseases of the teeth, gums, and oral cavity


physician who specializes in the medical and surgical care of the eyes, including prescriptions for lenses.


physiological reaction to excessive drinking including headache, upset stomach, anxiety, depression, diarrhea, and thirst recovery : 12 hours for bedrest, solid food, plenty of water, aspirin or ibuprofen. pill for hangovers: -called blowfish (combination of aspirin).

flight or flight response

physiological response of the body to stress, which prepares the individual to take action by stimulating the vital defense system.


placing a small amount of chewing tobacco between the lower lip and teeth for rapid nicotine absorption


planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement done to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness

Smokers are more likely to die of heart disease because of

plaque build-up in the arteries

cup and trade

policies designed to set limits, or caps, on how much carbon large industrial polluters can emit.

point source pollutant

pollutant that enters waterways at a specific point

non-point source pollutant

pollutant that runs off or seeps into waterways from broad areas of land


polysaccharides that are the storage form of glucose in plants. they make up the majority of the complex carbohydrate group and come from: 1. cereal 2.breads 3.pasta, rice, corn oats 4. barley 5. potatoes, legumes and starchy veggies

Why do some college students use drugs?

positive expectations, genetics and family history, substance use in high school, mental health problems, sorority and fraternity membership and stress.


positive stress

a person with high self-esteem:

possesses feelings of self-respect and self-worth


potentially fatal condition caused by abnormally low body core temperature


powdered form of tobacco that is sniffed or absorbed through the mucous membranes in the nose or placed inside the cheek and sucked

imagined rehearsal

practicing, through mental imagery, to become better able to perform an event in actuality


prepayment of a fixed monthly amount for each patient without regard to the type or number of services provided

non-medical use or abuse of prescription drugs

prescription drug abuse is particularly common among teenagers and young 12 to 17 and 4 percent of people aged 18 to 25 reported abusing prescription drugs in taken from friends or family members who have prescriptions.

types of drugs

prescription drugs over-the-counter (OTC) drugs recreational drugs herbal preparations Illicit (illegal) drugs commercial preparations

positive reinforcement

presenting something positive following a behavior that is being reinforced

Austin has syphilis and just developed a chancre. Which stage of the infection is this?



primary stimulant chemical in tobacco products that is highly addictive

use the FITT principle

principle to define your exercise program. the FITT prescription uses the following criteria: frequency - refers to the number of times per week you need to engage in particular exercises to achieve the desired level of physical fitness in a particular component intensity - how hard your workout must be to achieve desired goal time - refers to how many minutes or repetitions of an exercise required at a specified intensity during any session type- what kind of exercises should be performed to . improve the specific component of physical fitness.


process in which alcohol vapors are condensed and mixed with water to make hard liquor


process in which yeast organisms break down planet sugars to yield ethanol.

dietary supplements

products taken by mouth and containing dietary ingredients such as vitamins and minerals that are intended to supplement existing diets

aerobic exercise

prolonged exercise that requires oxygen to make energy for activity

which of the following nutrients is most critical for the growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues?


complete proteins

proteins that contain all nine of the essential amino acids

incomplete proteins

proteins that lack one or more of the essential amino acids


protozoan STI characterized by foamy, yellowish discharge and unpleasant odor

personality disorder

psychological disorders characterized by inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning

When Jesse encounters a stressful situation, he adapts well and tends to bounce back easily, even though the same situation may derail others. What protective factor is Jesse exhibiting to deal with stress?

psychological resilience

A person with a PHD in counseling psychology and training in various types of therapy is a


the area of scientific investigation that analyzes the relationship between the minds response to stress and immune systems ability to function effectively is called


other forms of energy therapy

qigong = brings movement, meditation, and regulation of breathing to increase the flow of qi, enhance blood circulation, and improve the immune function Reiki = nonsuch form of energy therapy, channeling the ki (universal and vital energy) therapeutic touch and therapeutic healing = promotes healing by increasing the flow of body energy and bringing it into balance

non-modifiable risks

race and ethnicity, heredity, age, gender

Which gas can potentially become cancer causing when it seeps into a home?


simple rape

rape by one person, usually known to the victim, that does not involve a physical beating or use of a weapon

aggravated rape

rape involving multiple offenders, weapons, and victim injuries

physical activity

refers to all body movements produced by skeletal muscles, resulting in substantial increases in energy expenditure.


refers to environmental conditions that promote obesity, such as the availability of unhealthy foods, social and cultural norms that lead to high calorie consumption and lack of physical activity

perceived exertion

refers to how hard you feel you are working which you might base on your heart rate, breathing rate, sweat, and levels of fatigue.

alcohol use disorder

refers to problem drinking so severe that at least two or more alcohol-related issues are present, such as engaging in risky behaviors, having problems at 1. work 2. school 3. issues with relationships

reduced risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes

regular physical activity reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome, a combination of heart disease and diabetes and diabetes risk factors that produces a synergistic increase in risk. -------------------------------------------------------- specifically metabolic syndrome increase in risk. specifically, metabolic syndrome includes high blood pressures, abdominal obesity, low levels of HDLS. high levels of triglycerides, and impaired glucose tolerance. regular participation in moderate to vigorous physical activities such risk factor individually and collectively.

if you are male and smoke your chances of getting lung cancer are 23 times greater than those of nonsmoker this statement refers to a type of risk assessed statistically known as

relative risk


removal of fat beneath the skin by means of suction

Improved immunity

research shows that regular moderate-intensity physical activity reduces individual susceptibility to disease through improving the body's ability to fight infections. regular exercises has also been shown to reduce chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease or cancer. moderate-intensity physical activity temporarily increases the number of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting infection.

reinforcing factors

rewards, encouragement, and recognition that influence our behavior in the short run.

why is high sodium intake a concern?

salt-sensitive individuals respond to a high-sodium diet with an increase in blood pressure (hypertension), which contributes to heart disease and stroke. although the cause of the majority of cases of hypertension is unknown, lowering sodium intake reduces the risk.

Every winter, Stan suffers from irritability, apathy, weight gain, and sadness. He most likely has

seasonal anxiety disorder

For 15-24 year olds in the U.S., suicide is the _______________ leading cause of death



second most common bacterial STI in the US; if untreated, could cause sterility-often seen with chlamydia -gonorrhea is also likely largely underreported, with actual estimates approaching double the reported cases. Over two-thirds of reported cases occur in 15-to 24 year olds. -gonorrhea primarily infects the linings of the uretha, genital tract, pharynx, and rectum. -it may spread to the eyes or other body regions by the hands or through body fluids, typically during vaginal, oral or anal sex. it most frequently occurs in people in early 20s.

gamma knife surgery

see stereotactic radiosurgery

detecting cancer

self-examination, diagnostic imaging, biopsy, blood test

rape culture

set of values and beliefs that provide an environment conducive to rape.

water pollution and shortages

seventy-five percent of earth is covered with water, but only 2.5 percent of all earth's water is drinkable freshwater. approximately 1.2 percent of freshwater is surface water that comes from lakes, ground ice, swamps, marshes, rivers and soil moisture. 30.1 percent is groundwater from underwater wells and aquifers, and the rest of the freshwater (68.7 percent) locked in glaciers and ice caps. we cannot take the safety of our water supply for granted. over half of the global population faces a shortage of clean water. more than 2.6 billion people, about 40 percent of the planet's population, have no access to basic sanitation or clean water, and more than 4,500 children die everyday from illness of water and sanitation.

techniques for diagnosing cardiovascular disease

several techniques are used to diagnose CVD, including electrocardiogram, angiography, and position emission tomography scans. position emission tompgraphy (PET) produces three dimensional images of the heart as blood flows through it other tests include: - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) this test uses powerful magnets to look inside the body. computer- generated pictures can help physicians identify damage from a heart attack and evaluate disease of larger blood vessels such as aorta. - Ultrafast computer tomography (CT). this is an especially fast form of X-ray imaging of the heart designed to evaluate bypass grats, diagnose ventricular function and measure calcium deposits. - Cardiac calcium score- this test measures the amount of calcium containing plaque in the coronary arteries a marker for overall atherosclerotic build-up. the more calcium the higher your calicum score and greater your risk of heart attack.

panic attack

severe anxiety reaction in which a particular situation, often for unknown reasons, causes terror

major depression

severe depression disorder with physical effects such as sleep disturbance and exhaustion and mental effects such as the inability to concentrate; also called clinical depression.

have the conversation

sex should be reserved for people you know and with whom you've had "the conversation" about STI risks. these simple pointers may help reduce your risks of infection: -don't beat around the bush, ask your partner or potential partner if they had an STI in the past. were they treated? have they been tested? remember people are not always honest in their responses, so don't be gullible. -be yourself and use language you are comfortable with. don't be accusing or apologetic. stay calm. -stress that you are asking because you care about them and yourself and don't want either of you to be at risk. -have the conversation sober, and when you can have a private. comfortable and serious conversation. -ask the right questions to find out their feelings about prevention. ask your partner or potential parter if they would be willing to be tested. -when considering sex, think about your own past history as well as the history of your potential partner. many of these disease are asymptomatic, meaning that you may have no clue that you are a carrier.

routes of transmission

sexually transmitted infections are generally spread through intimate sexual contact such as vaginal intercourse, oral genital contact, hand genital contact, and anal intercourse less likely models of transmission include mouth to mouth contract or contract with fluids from body sores. sti is a different infection caused by different pathogen, all sti pathogens prefer dark, moist places, especially the mucous membranes living reproductive organs, most are susceptible to light, extreme temperature, and dryness, many die quickly on exposure to air. like other communicable infections. STIs have both pathogen-specific incubation periods and periods of communicability time during which transmission is most likely.

successful weight maintainers are most likely to do which of the following?

skip meals

eating food when drinking alcohol

slows the absorption of alcohol


small vessels that gather blood from the capillaries into the veins

lung damage from chemicals in tobacco smoke

smoke particles irritate lung pathways, causing extra mucus production and nicotine paralyzes the cilia that normally function to keep the lungs clear of excess mucus. -the result is difficulty breathing "smoker's cough" and chronic bronchitis. at the same time, tar collects within the alveoli (air sacs). ultimately causing their walls to break, leading to emphysema. tar and other carcinogens in tobacco smoke also cause cellular mutations that lead to cancer.

mainstream smoke

smoke that is drawn through tobacco while inhaling

avoid tobacco

smoking is the number-one risk factor for CVD Take steps to prevent exposure to smoke - smokers are 2 to 4 times likely to develop CHD than nonsmokers. - cigarette smoking doubles a person's stroke risk - smokers are over 10x likely to develop peripheral vascular diseases than non-smokers. smoking is damage to the heart in serval ways. nicotine increases heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen use by heart muscles, which overtime forces the organ to inflame coronary arteries, increasing blood pressure and allowing plaque to accumulate more easy.

effects of tobacco tars

smoking the most common form of tobacco use, delivers a strong dose of nicotine along with 7,000 other chemical substances including (arsenic ,formaldehyde, and ammonia) directly to the lungs. tobacco smoke can be found in: chemical weapons, household cleaners, car-exhaust and embalming fluid. -inhaling toxic gases exposes sensitive mucous membranes to irritating chemicals that weaken the tissues and contribute to cancers of the mouth, larynx, and throat. -the heat from tobacco smoke is also harmful to tissues.

a finely ground powdered from of smokeless tobacco is



sodium is necessary for the regulation of the blood volume and blood pressure, fluid balance, and transmission of nerve impulses, heart activity, and certain metabolic functions. it enhances flavors, acts as persavative, and tendesizes meats, so it's often present in high quanities in the foods we eat. the majority of sodium in our diets come from processed foods that are infused with sodium to enhance flavor and for preservation.

massage therapy

soft tissues manipulation by trained therapists for relaxation and healing

municipal solid waste (MSW)

solid waste such as durable and nondurable goods; containers and packaging; food waste; yard waste; and miscellaneous waste from residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial sources

medical factors

some medical treatments can increase a persons risk for cancer. Example: estrogen use for relieving menopausal symptoms is now recognized to contribute multiple cancer risk and provides fewer benefits than originally believed. Prescriptions for estrogen therapy have declined dramatically and many women are trying to reduce or eliminate use of the hormone. Ironically medicines used have to treat cancers such as selected: - chemotherapy drugs - drugs Have shown to increase risks for other cancers. Weighing the benefits versus harms of these treatments always necessary.

amyl nitrite

sometimes called "poppers" or "rush" amyl nitrite is packaged in small cloth covered glass capsules that can be crushed to release the active chemical for the user to inhale. -the drug is often prescribed to alleviate chest pain in heart patients because it dilates small blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. dilation of blood vessels in genital area is thought to enhance sensations or precipitous of orgasm. it also produces fainting, dizziness, warmth, and skin flushing.

receptor sites

specialized areas of cells and organs where chemicals, enzymes, and other substances interact -once a drug reaches receptor sites in the brain other body organs it may remain active for serveral hours before it dissapates and is carried by the blood to the liver where it is metabolized (broken down by enzymes). the porudcts of enzymatic breakdown, called metabolites, are then excreted primarly through the kidney (in urine) or the bowels (in feces). though the skin (in sweat) or the lungs (in expired air).


state of physical and mental exhaustion resulting from unrelenting stress state of emotional, mental, and even physical exhaustion

A drug that increases central nervous system activity is a


core strength training

strength training that conditions the body torso from the neck to the lower back


stress hormones released from the adrenal cortex may affect cognitive functioning and overall mental health.

stress inoculation

stress-management technique in which a person consciously anticipates and prepares for potential stressors

static stretching (slow-sustained stretching)

stretching techniques that slowly and gradually lengthen a muscle or group of muscles and their tendons

chewing tobacco

stringy form of tobacco that is placed in the mouth and then sucked or chewed. comes in 3 forms -loose leaf -plug -in a pouch and contains tobacco leaves treated in molasses and other flavorings.


study the complemtayr health approaches using scientific method; and build evidence based on their safety and effectiveness


substances believed to protect against oxidative stress and resultant tissue damage these substances appear to protect against oxidative stress, a complex process in which free radicals (atoms with unpaired electrons) destabilize other atoms and molecules, prompting a chain reaction that can damage cell membranes, cell proteins and etc. antioxidants combat it by donating their electrons to stabilize free radicals, activating enzymes that convert free radicals to less-damaging substances; or reducing or repairing the damage. free radical damage is associated with: 1. chronic diseases 2. cardiovascular disease 3. cancer 4. age-related vision loss 5. diseases of aging. some antitoxidants are nutrients that include vitamins C & E as well as mineral copper, iron, maganese, seleium and zinc. example : blueberries are a great source of antioxidants.


substances capable of creating auditory or visual distortions and unusual changes in mood thoughts and feelings


substituting a desired behavior for an undesirable one

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs)

such as tamoxifen and raloxfiene particularly among women whose cancers appear to grow in response to estrogen. These drugs as well as new aromtasr inhibitors work by blocking estrogen.


sugars combining two monosaccharides include lactose, maltose and sucrose. lactose- milk sugar maltose -malt sugar sucrose - granulated table sugar


supply us with energy we need to sustain normal daily activity. in comparison to proteins or fats, carbohydrates are broken down more quickly and efficiently, yielding a fuel called glucose. basic nutrients that supply the body with glucose. the energy molecule most readily; used by cells.

cancer treatments

surgery, radiation, chemotherapy

sleeve gastrectomy

surgical reduction of stomach by about 75%

gastric bypass

surgical treatment for obesity; portion of stomach is stapled off and bypassed so that it holds less food; also called stomach stapling


suspected cancer-causing genes present on chromosomes


sustained elevated blood pressure

the branch of the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for energizing the body for either fight or flight and for triggering many other stress responses is the

sympathetic nervous system

nicotine withdrawal

symptoms including nausea, headaches, irritability, and intense tobacco cravings suffered by nicotine-addicted individuals who stop using tobacco

nicotine poisoning

symptoms often experienced by beginning smokers, including dizziness, diarrhea, light-headedness, rapid and erratic pulse, clammy skin, nausea, and vomiting

the interaction of two or more drugs that produces more profound effects that separately is


club drugs

synthetic analogs that produce similar effects of existing drugs

signs and symptoms of syphilis

syphilis can occur in four distinct stages. - primary syphilis (the first stage of syphilis is often characterized by development of a chancre *pronounced shank-er) a bateria-oozing sore located at the infection site that usually appears about a month after initial infection. in men the site of the chancre tends to be the penis or scrotum; in women the site of the infection is often internal, on the vaginal wall or high on the cervix where the chancre is not radially apparent making the likelihood of detection small. in both men and women, the chancre will disappear in 3 to 6 weeks. - secondary syphilis - if the infection is left untreated a month to a year after the chancre disappears, secondary symptoms may appear, the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat or genitals. hair loss may occurs, lymph nodes, may enlarge, and the victim may develop slight fever or headache. -latent syphilis (after the secondary stage, if the infection is left untreated the syphilis spirichetes begin to invade body organs, causing lesions called gummas. the infection now is rarely transmitted to others, except during pregnancy. while it can be passed to fetus. - tertiary/late syphilis (years after syphilis has entered the body it effects become all too evident if still untreated. late -stage syphilis indications include heart and central nervous system damage,blindness, deafness, paralysis, dementia, and possible deth.

naturopathy (naturopathic medicine)

system of medicine in which practitioners work to support the body's innate healing mechanisms and use treatment approaches such as diet, exercise, and massage that are minimally invasive

chiropractic medicine

system of treatment that involves manipulation of the spine and neuromuscular structures to promote proper energy flow


taking a step back and simplifying a lifestyle that is hectic, packed with pressure and stress, and focused on trying to keep up; also known as voluntary simplicity

learned optimism

teaching oneself to think positively


technique of traditional Chinese medicine that uses application of pressure to selected points along meridians to balance energy


technique of traditional chinese medicine that involves the placement of long, thin needles to affect flow of energy (q) along energy pathways (meridians) within the body.

ankle-brachial Index (ABI)

test in which a measure of blood pressure in your feet is compared to blood pressure in your arm to determine blood flow

dietary reference Intakes (DRIs)

the Dris establish the amount of each nutrient needed to prevent deficiencies or reduce the risk of chronic disease, as well as indentity maximum safe intake levels for healthy people.

learned behavioral tolerance

the ability of heavy drinkers to modify behavior so that they appear to be sober even when they have high BAC levels

cardiorespiratory fitness

the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply oxygen to skeletal muscles during sustained physical activity.


the ability of the immune system to respond to attack

Psychobeuroimmunology (PN)

the ability of the immune system to respond to attack

Emotional Intelligence (EI)

the ability to anticipate, identify, understand, and manage emotions in positive ways (yours and others) to communicate effectively with others; and to empathize and avoid/diffuse potential conflicts - self awareness -self regulation/self-management -internal motivation -empathy -social skills

ideal cardiovascular health (ICH)

the absence of clinical indicators of CVD and the presence of certain behavioral and health factor metrics


the achievement of the highest level of health possible in each of several dimensions. high level wellness- a person must move progressively higher on a continuum of positive health indicators. those unable to achieve these levels may slip into illness, premature disability, or death.


the act of swelling or increasing in size, as with cells


the amount of energy in a light or sound wave, which we perceive as brightness or loudness, as determined by the wave's amplitude

muscular strength

the amount of force that a muscle is capable of exerting in one contraction

one repetition maximum (1 RM)

the amount of weight or resistance that can be lifted or moved only once

which factors most affect a smoker's lung cancer risk?

the amount smoked per day and the age at which smoking began

exercise regularly

the best way for a young male to reduce the chances of a heart attack

Resistance phase of GAS

the body tries to adapt and cope with its stressor by shutting down unnecessary processes such as digestion, growth, and the sex drive

psychological resilience

the capacity to maintain or regain psychological well-being in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress

tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

the chemical name for the active ingredient in marijuana. is the psychoactive substance in marijuana and the key to determining how powerful a high it will produce. more potent forms of the drug can contain up to 27 percent THC. - hashish, a potent cannabis preparation derived mainly from the plant's thick, sticky resin, contains high THC concentrations. -smoking THC-rich resin extracts called dabbing, is becoming much more common along marijuana users. there extracts contain high levels of THC and have resulted in people ending up in emergency room.

health promotion

the combined educational, organizational, procedural, environmental, social and financial supports that help individuals and groups reduce negative health behaviors and promote positive change.

alcoholism or alcohol dependence

the condition that results when personal and health problems related to alcohol use are severe and stopping alcohol use causes withdrawal symptoms


the constituents of food that sustain humans physiologically: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.

air pollution

the contamination of the atmosphere by the introduction of pollutants from human and natural sources


the creation of mental images to promote relaxation

reproductive and hormonal factors

the effects of reproduce factors on breast and cervical cancers have been well documented. increased numbers of fertile or menstural cycle years (early menarche, late menopause) not having children or having them later in life, recent use of birth control pills or hormones replacement therpahy and opting not to breast-feed all apprear to increase risk of breast cancer. breast cancer has a significant role in non-hispanic white woman, they do not appear to have a strong an influence on hispanic women. who may have more protective repoductive patterns (an overall lower age at first birth and greater number of births).

wind energy

the energy captured by transforming the motion of air into electrical energy using a turbine

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)

the energy expenditure of the body under BMR conditions plus other daily sedentary activities.

excercise metabolic rate (EMR)

the energy expenditure that occurs during exercise

The social-cognitive model of behavior change suggests that

the environment is which we live-from childhood to the present- influences change.

drug abuse

the excessive use of any drug, may cause serious harm.


the feeling of fullness or satisfaction at the end of the meal.

emotional health

the feeling part of psychological health; includes your emotional reactions to life.

heart-healthy super foods

the foods you eat, play a major role in your CVD risk. while many foods can increase your risk several have been shown to reduce the chances that cholesterol will be absorbed in the cells, reduce levels of LDL cholesterol, or enhance the protective effects of HDL cholesterol. to protect your heart, include these to diet: 1. Dark Chocolate 2. Fish- high in Omega 3- fatty acids 3. Olive Oil 4. Whole grains and fiber 5. Plant sterols and stanols 6. Nuts 7. Green Tea 8. Red Wine


the form of sugar that circulates in the blood and provides the major source of energy for body tissues. When its level is low, we feel hunger.

target heart rate

the heart rate range of aerobic exercise that leads to improved cardiorespiratory fitness


the heart's two lower chambers, which pump blood through the blood vessels

atria (singular: atrium)

the heart's two upper chambers, which receive blood

control your blood pressure

the higher blood pressure, the greater risk for CVD. key factors in increasing blood pressure include: - obesity - lack of exercise - atherosclerosis - kidney damage - other facts. treatment for hypertension should involve dietary changes.

water: a crucial nutrient

the human body consists of 50-70 percent water by weight. the water is contained within cells, as well as in the blood and tissue fluids in which cells are bathed. it is essential for the chemical reactions upon which life depends; aids in fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance; helps regulate body temperature; and as, the primary component of blood and lymph, carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones and other substances to body cells and removes metabolic wastes. for all these reasons, humans can survive for several weeks without food, but only for several days without water. DRi for woman is :9 cups of water Dri for Men: 13 cups of water fruits, veggies are 80-95 percent water. meats are more than 50 percent water, even dry bread and cheese are 35 percent water.

risk factors and prevention breast cancer

the incidence of breast cancer increases with age. Although there are many possible risk factors. Those that are well supported by research include family history of breast cancer. Men's rural periods, that started early and ended late in life, weight gain after the age of 18, obesity after menopause recent use of oral contraceptives or postomonel hormone therapy never bearing children first child after age 30


the ingestible portion of food plant foods that help move food through the digestive system and softens stools by absorbing water. fiber sometimes referred to as "bulk" or "roughage" dietary fiber is found only in plant foods, such as fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and grains. fiber is either soluble or insoluble. soluble fibers such as pectins, gums and mucilages, dissolve in water, form gel-like substance and be digested easily by bacteria in the colon. major food sources of soluble fibers include citrus fruits, berries , oat brain, dried beans, and other veggies. insoluble fibers, such as lignins and cellulose, typically do not dissolve in water and cannot be fermented by bacteria in the colon.

integrative medicine

the integration of complementary health approaches into conventional health care in a purposeful way


the interpretation and evaluation of information provided to the brain by the senses


the introduction of drugs into the body via a hypodermic needle.


the introduction of drugs through the respiratory tract

carrying capacity of the earth

the largest population that can be supported indefinitely given the resources available in the environment


the last stage of liver disease associated with chronic heavy use of alcohol, during which liver cells die and damage becomes permanent


the learned desire to eat; normally accompanies hunger but is more psychological than physiological.


the liquid form of the ketamine is used as anesthetic. -in some hospitals and veterinary clinics. special "K" causes hallucinations because it inhibits the relay of sensory input; the brain fills the resulting void with visions,dreams,memories and sensory distortions. the effects of ketamine: (aresimilar to PCP) -confusion -agitation -aggression -lack of coordination aftereffects of ketamine: less severe than lose of ecstacy.

locus of control

the location, external (outside oneself) or internal (within oneself) that an, individual perceives as the source and underlying cause of events in his or her life.

diastolic blood pressure

the lower number in the fraction that measures blood pressure. indicating pressure on the walls of the arteries during the relaxation phase of heart activity.

Psychological Health

the mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of health

cognitive restructuring

the modification of thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that contribute to stress

all of the following statements are true except:

the more muscles you have, the fewer calories you will burn.


the most common lipids in our food supply and in the body; made up of glycerol and three fatty acid chains; commonly referred to as fats. the term dietary fats technically refers to triglycerides 9 calories per gram, they are our significant source of fuel to low-to-moderate levels of activity rest and sleep. they also play a role in insulating body organs against cold and shock, as well as maintaining healthy skin and hair, when we consume too many calories from any source, the liver converts the excess into triglycerides, which are stored in fat cells throughout the body. dietary fats are broken down into components that contribute to cell structures and many important body chemicals.

essential amino acids

the nine nitrogen-containing buildings blocks of human proteins that must be obtained from foods.

ovo-vegetarian diet

the only animal foods consumed are eggs


the parent drug of the opioids; made from the seedpod resin of the opium poppy

General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)

the pattern followed in the physiological response to stress, consisting of the alarm, resistance, and exhaustion phases

According to the transtheorectical model of behavior change, which of the following occurs during preparation stage?

the person identifies steps they might take to improve their health.

what does the term cancer survivorship mean?

the physical, psychological, emotional, and economic issues of surviving cancer

board certified

the physician has passed the national board examination for their speciality and has been certified

adaptive response

the physiological adjustments the body makes in an attempt to restore homeostasis when stressed.


the physiological impulse to seek food, prompted by the lack or shortage of basic foods needed to provide the energy and nutrients that support health


the polysaccharide form in which glucose is stored in the liver and, to a lesser extent, in muscles the body breaks down starches into glucose, which can be easily absorbed by cells and used as energy or stored in the muscles and the liver as glycogen. when the body requires a sudden burst of energy, the liver converts glycogen into glucose and releases it into the blood stream.

autonomic nervous system (ANS)

the portion of the central nervous system that regulates body functions that a person does not normally consciously control

carbon tax

the price a government charges for the carbon content in fuels


the proportion of deaths in population


the range of motion, or the amount of movement possible, at a particular joint or series of joints.

basal metabolic rate (BMR)

the rate of energy expenditure by a body at complete rest in a neutral environment

blood alcohol concentration (BAC)

the ratio of alcohol to total blood volume; the factor used to measure the physiological and behavioral effects of alcohol

body composition

the relative proportions of fat mass and fat-free mass in the body (muscle, bone ,water ,organs) tissues in the body.


the science that investigates the relationship between physiological function and the essential elements of foods eaten.

acute stress

the short-term physiological response to an immediate perceived threat


the smallest arteries that connect with the capillaries

sidestream smoke

the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar or exhaled by smokers, commonly called secondhand smoke.

psychological and socioeconomic factors

the stability of the person's marital or intimate relationship, lifestyle habits

episodic acute stress

the state of regularly reacting with wild, acute stress about one thing or another

platelet adhesiveness

the sticking-together of red blood cells associated with blood clots. -the oxygen deprivation associated with smoking decreases the oxygen supplied to the heart and can weaken tissues. -smoking contributes to irregular heart rhythms, which can trigger a heart attack. both carbon monoxide and nicotine can precept angina attacks (chest pain due to the heart muscle not getting the blood supply it needs. -stroke occurs when a small blood vessel in the brain bursts or is blocked by a blood clot, denying oxygen and nourishment to vital portions of the brain.

PCP (phencyclidine)

the synthetic substance phencyclidine (PCP) was originally developed as a dissociative anesthetic- patients administered this drug could keep their eyes open, apparently remain conscious, and feel no pain during a medical procedure. -PCP is a white crystalline powder that users often sprinkle onto marijuana cigarettes. effects of PCP: -strong central nervous system depressants -slurred speech -impaired coordination -reduced sensitivity to pain -reduced heart and respiratory rate PCP can also cause a rise in blood pressure, seizures, violent outbursts, coma and possibly death.

thrifty gene theory

the theory that some people possess a gene (or genes) that causes them to be energetically thrifty, resulting in their expending less energy at rest and during physical activity

mental health

the thinking part of psychological health; includes your values, attitudes, and beliefs


the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives

systolic blood pressure

the upper number in the fraction that measures blood pressure, indicating pressure on the walls of the arteries when the heart contracts


the use of drugs to kill cancerous cells


the virus that causes AIDS by infecting helper T cells the virus that causes AIDS and 35 million have died. HIV (is not a virus its a retro-virus its not fungus or bacteria) typically enters the body when another person person's infected body fluids (semen,vaginal,secretions,blood) gain entry through a breach in body defenses. if there is a break in mucous membranes of the genitals or anus (as can occur during sexual intercourse, particularly anal intercourse), the virus enter and begins to multiply, invading the bloodstream and cerebrospinal fluid. it progressively destroys helper T-cells. weakening the body's resistance to disease. HIV/AIDS is not HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS. it cannot REPRODUCE OUTSIDE A LIVING HOST, except in a laboratory, does not survive well in open air. As a result. HIV cannot be transmitted through casual contact, including sharing food utensils. musical instruments etc. research also provides over-whelming evidence that insect bites do not transmit HIV. 1 in 8 people with HIV do not know they have it.

enhanced greenhouse effect

the warming of the Earth's atmosphere due to human activity increasing the layer of greenhouse gases.

adaptive thermogensis

theoretical mechanism by which the brain regulates metabolic activity according to caloric intake

set point theory

theory that a form of internal thermostat controls our weight and fights to maintain this weight around a narrowly set range

energy therapies

therapies using energy fields, such as electromagnetic fields or biofields

psychodynamic therapy

therapy deriving from the psychoanalytic tradition; views individuals as responding to unconscious forces and childhood experiences, and seeks to enhance self-insight

when cancer cells have metastasized

they have spread to other parts of the body

which of the following body circumferences is most strongly associated with risk of heart disease and diabetes?

thigh circumference

colon and rectal cancer

third leading cause of cancer death, third most commonly diagnosed cancer

healthy weight

those with BMIs of 18.5 to 24.9, the range of lowest statistical health risk

the theory that suggests there may be genetic predisposition toward fat storage that makes losing fat more difficult for certain individuals is called

thrifty gene theory


tightly rolled quantities of dried tobacco leaves - 3 fold increase in use- higher levels of cancer causing agents

diagnosis related groups (DRGs)

to control the hospital costs


to dissolve and filter through soil


to ever changing process to achieving individual potential in the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and environmental dimensions.


to intentionally put off doing something

toward sustainable development

to slow climate change. most experts agree that reducing consumption of fossil fuels and using mass transportation are all effiency and governmental regulation are also key.


to spread from one area to different areas of the body

ending tobacco use (12)

tobacco use is still single most preventable cause of death in the USA. Nearly 480,000 Americans die each year from tobacco-related diseases. 16 million people will suffer from health disorders caused by tobacco. to date, tobacco is known to cause more than 20 diseases, and about a half of all regular smokers die of smoking-related causes. Smoking kills more americans than alcohol, motor accidents, aids, suicide, homicide, illegal drugs combined. any contention by the tobacco industry tobacco use is not dangerous.

other health effects

tobacco use to be a serious risk factor in the development of gum disease. in, addition smoking increases the risk of macular degeneration, one of the most common causes of blindness in older adults. -causes premature skin wrinkling, staining of the teeth, yellowing of the fingernails, and bad breath. -nicotine speeds up the process by which the body uses and eliminates drugs, making medications less effective. in addition, research suggests that smoking significantly increases the risk of alzheimers disease.

polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBS)

toxic chemicals that were once used as insulating materials in high voltage electrical equipment

hazardous waste

toxic waste that poses a hazard to humans or to the environment


trance like state in which a person responds readily to suggestions

a drug that combines the effects of a sedative or hypnotic is a(n)


Ella is using a nicotine patch to help her quit smoking. This route of drug administration is



treating yourself with as much understanding and care as you would a loved one

interpersonal therapy (IPT)

treatment that strengthens social skills and targets interpersonal problems, conflicts, and life transitions

manipulative therapies

treatments involving manipulation or movement of one or more body structures or the whole body

what causes cancer?

two catergories of risk factors: hereditary and acquired (environmental). when heredity factors cannot be changed, we have control over some infectious agents, certain medical treatments, drug and alcohol consumption, amount of sun exposure, and exposure to carcinogens (cancer-caughing agents_ in food. hereditary and environmental factors may interact to make cancer more likely, accelerate cancer progression, or increase susceptibility during development are not fully understood. two people with seemingly identical risk factors may end up with very different experiences when it comes to developing cancer, and the reasons for these differences remain a mystery.

other risk factors being studied

two fairly new CVD risks include high levels of inflammation in the vessels and homocysteine levels. blood and increased risk for atheroclerosis and cvd. BLOOD TESTS can test these proteins using a highly sensitive assay called Hs-CRP (high- sensitivity C-reactive, protein) if levels are high, action could be taken to reduce inflammation.

persistent depressive disorder (PDD)

type of depression that is milder and harder to recognize than major depression; chronic; and often characterized by fatigue, pessimism, or a short temper also called (dysthymic disorder or dysthymia).

seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

type of depression that occurs in the winter months, when sunlight levels are low.

managed care

type of health insurance plan based on coordination of care and cost-reduction strategies; emphasizes health education and preventive care

Homeopathy (homeopathic medicine)

unconventional western system of medicine based on the principle that "like cures like" and the "law of minimum dose."

all of the following traits have been identified as characterizing psychologically healthy people except


radiation absorbed dose (rad)

unit of measure of radiation exposure

community contributing factors

unsafe environment inadequate police and social services

which of the following fat is the most healthful?

unsaturated fats

nuclear power plants

use energy as heat from nuclear reactors to produce electrical energy

alcohol abuse

use of alcohol in a way that interferes with work, school or personal relationships or that entails violations of the law

domestic violence (DV)

use of force to control and maintain power over another person within the home environment.

polydrug use

use of multiple medications, vitamins, recreational drugs, or illicit drugs simultaneously


use of radiation to kill cancerous cells


using a series of small steps to gradually achieve a particular goal

vaccines against addictive drugs

vaccine does not eliminate the desire for cocaine, instead it keeps the user from getting high by stimulation the immune system to attack the drug when it's taken. -clinical human trials are expected to begin soon. vaccines against heroin and methamphetamine are also in development.


vegans may be deficent in vitamin b2, b12 and d as well as calcium,iron,zinc and other minerals however many foods are fortified with these nutrients, or vegans can obtain them for supplements.


very dangerous or harmful; refers to a cancerous tumor


vessels that carry blood away from the heart to other regions of the body


vessels that carry blood back to the heart from other regions of the body

collective violence

violence committed by groups of individuals

Hepatitis B and hepatitis C and Liver Cancer

viruses that cause chronic forms of hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) are believed to stimulate growth of cancer cells in the liver because they are chronically inflame liver tissue. this is prime to the liver for cancer or make it more hospitable for cancer development. global increases in its HBV -B and HCV- C rates occurrent rises in liver cancer rates seem to provide evidence of such an association. Vaccines that prevent Hepatitis B may reduce the risk of liver damage as well as cancer.

forms of stalking and cyberstalking

visual or physical proximity written or verbal communication implied or explicit threats

vitamin D

vitamin d, the "sunshine vitamin" is formed from a compound in the skin when exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays. in most people. an adequate vitamin d can be synthesized with 5-30 mins of sun on the face ,neck, hands, arms ,legs twice a week without sunscreen. vitamin d is fortified milk, yogurt, soy milk, cereal and fatty fish. such as salmon can also apply this vitamin. vitamin D promotes the body's absorption of calcium the primary mineral component of bone. it also assists in the processes of bone growth, repair, and remodeling. for these reasons, a deficiency of vitamin d can promote loss of bone of fractures (broken bones) is greatly increased in people with osteoporosis. two other bone disorders-rickets in children and adult version osteomalacia, both of which cause softening and distortion of the bones can be also prevented with adequate intake of vitamin D

At the start of an exercise session, you should always

warm up with light

genital warts (HPV)

warts that appear in the genital area or the anus; caused by the human papillomavirus

GCPD (gallons per capital per day)

water usage from agriculture, thermoelectric power, municipal, and industrial sources in the united states- declining from 1,900 GCPD to 1,100 GPCD in 2010- we continue to exceed most nations of the world in water consumption. water saving toilets, faucets, shower-heads, washers, dishwashers and drip irrigation options are responsible much of this decline. while these charges are laudable note that GCPD residential consumption in parts of Africa is close to 5 gallons.

diaphragmatic breathing

we breathe using only our upper chest and thoracic region simply stated, diaphragmatic breathing is deep breathing that maximally fills the lungs by involving the movements of the used yoga practices

allostatic load

wear and tear on the body caused by prolonged or excessive stress responses

temperature inversion

weather condition that occurs when a layer of cool air is trapped under a layer of warmer air


when a clot becomes dislodged and moves through the circulatory system.


when a doctor cuts your body open and repairs or removes something these surgeries fall into one of two major categories: restrictive surgeries, such as gastric banding or lap banding, that limit food intake, and malabsorption surgeries, such as gastric bypass, which decrease the absorption of food into the body. in gastric banding and other restrictive surgeries, the surgeon uses an inflatable band to partition off part of the stomach. the band is wrapped around that part of the stomach and is pulled tight, like a belt, leaving only a small opening between is small two parts so that person feels full longer. a technique gaining in popularity because it is even more effective than gastric bypass for rapid weight loss is the biliopancractic fiversion or duodenal switch procedure, which combines elements of restrictve and malabsorption surgeries.

sexual victimization

when an individual is coerced or forced to comply with or endure another's sexual acts or overtures Takes several forms: - harassment - stalking - assault - rape

a stroke results

when blood flow in the brain has been compromised, either due to blockage or hemorrhage


which can relieve the pain and anxiety that a stressor may cause. opioid-like hormones that are manufactured in the human body and contribute to natural feelings of well-being.

which of the following describes the stress management strategy that focuses on improving your self talk?

which of the following describes the stress management strategy that focuses on improving your self talk?

luca's doctor diagnoses him with celiac disease. which of the following foods must lucas avoid?

whole-wheat bread

AUD in women

women get addicted faster with less alcohol use; with greater risks for: 1. Cirrhosis 2. Excessive Memory Loss 3. Shrinkage Of The Brain 4. Heart Disease 5. Cancers (Mouth, Throat, Esophagus, Liver, Colon). (The Highest Risks for Alcoholism occur among Women who aren't married but are living with a partner, in their 20s or early 30s who also has a husband or partner who drinks alcohol heavily).

what causes stress?

work money family health

Candidiasis is more commonly referred to as

yeast infection


yeast-like fungal infection often transmitted sexually; also called moniliasis or yeast infection

can you have Herpes and not have symptoms?


modifiable risks for CVD

your behaviors set the stage risks for 30-40 and beyond making the lifestyle modifications.

amino acids

your body breaks down proteins into their nitrogen containing building blocks, known as. the nitrogen containing building blocks of protein.

engaging in high risk behaviors

~Being sexually active with more than one person ~Engaging in unprotected sex ~Engaging in sexual activity with high risk partners ~Using alcohol and other drugs

maintain a healthy weight

• Blood pressure rises as weight increases • Obesity is also a risk factor for heart disease • Even a 10% weight loss can reduce blood pressure

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