HED 320 Midterm Book Questions

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Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a method to strengthen the financial integrity of the Social Security system? a) Lower the retirement age for single women b) Raise the retirement age for single women c) Raise the retirement age for married women d) Raise payroll taxes for single women e) Raise payroll taxes for married women

a) Lower the retirement age for single women

A male who is muscular and has a square jaw displays a high level of: a) Testosterone b) Progesterone c) Estrogen d) Oxytocin e) Cortisol

a) Testosterone

Two examples of sexual prejudice mentioned in this chapter are: a) biphobia and homophobia b) making fun of the way a person has sex and ignoring someone who has different sexual values c) not enjoying sexual contact with others and mocking the sexual inuendos in the Bible d) all of the above e) none of the above

a) biphobia and homophobia

A scientific attitude is characterized by: a) impersonality b) empathy c) paranoia d) intimacy e) evidence

a) impersonality

What percent of teen pregnancies end in abortion in the United States? a) 15% b) 26% c) 40% d) 78% e) 95%

b) 26%

When is a likely time for kids to bring up questions about puberty or sexuality? a) First thing in the morning b) At bedtime c) Right after school d) At lunch time e) At dinner time

b) At bedtime

The average age that young people have sex for the first time is: a) 15 b) 16 c) 17 d) 18 e) 19

c) 17

June Cleaver is: a) A former political leader of the National Organization of Women b) A former political supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment c) A TV character of a 1950s housewife d) The current president of Planned Parenthood e) The former Treasury Secretary under the Clinton Administration

c) A TV character of a 1950s housewife

Young people who buy into the traditional sexual script that is "The Game" are more likely to: a) Get tested for sexually transmitted infections b) Talk openly and comfortably about sex c) Carry and use condoms d) Use alcohol on oneself and others e) Have one sexual partner who has also been tested for STIs

c) Carry and use condoms

The author claims that a huge demographic change is what kids do after school, which now involves: a) Playing in sports program b) Getting tutored c) Not being supervised by an adult, possibly leading to behaviors such as smoking and having sex d) Spending time with their moms and grandmothers e) Working part-time jobs

c) Not being supervised by an adult, possibly leading to behaviors such as smoking and having sex

Being in love is an example of: a) paranoia b) empathy c) narcissism d) masochism e) none of the above

c) narcissism

According to the World Health Organization, the definition of health includes which of the three following components? a) physical, spiritual, and intellectual b) physical, environmental, and social c) physical, emotional, and social d) socio-sexual, physiological, and intrapsychic e) holistic, integrative, and physical

c) physical, emotional, and social

One of the things that makes using pizza as a conceptual model for sexual activity successful is: a) pizza is not very expensive b) very few people are allergic to pizza c) pizza is universally understood in our culture d) pizza is usually associated with a negative experiences e) pizza is always good and hot

c) pizza is universally understood in our culture

Which group was the lowest paid employees during the 1950s? a) White women b) African American men c) White men d) African American women e) Asian men

d) African American women

For those whose biology, gender expression, and identity aligned, they are called: a) Monogender b) Transgender c) Homogender d) Cisgender e) Polygender

d) Cisgender

Comprehensive sex education programs accomplish all of the following EXCEPT: a) Delay start of sexual activity b) Develop responsible and mutually protective relationships c) Increase condom use d) Increase the number of sex partners e) Increase contraceptive use

d) Increase the number of sex partners

Biological sex includes: a) The gonads b) The sex chromosomes c) The sex hormones d) The external genitalia e) All of the above

e) All of the above

The Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) prepares adolescents for adulthood by teaching: a) Abstinence and contraception b) Health relationships c) Financial literacy d) Decision-making e) All of the above

e) All of the above

The article asserts that middle school girls see performing oral sex on guys as a sexual "bargain" because: a) They cannot pregnant from it b) They think they cannot get diseases from it c) They technically remain virgins d) They feel more in control since it is something they do to boys e) All of the above

e) All of the above

The article explained that teens, some as young as 7th graders, are involved in oral sex because of: a) Increased messages about AIDS and abstinence b) High levels of sexual imagery in our culture c) Perception of no-risk in oral sex d) Dual-career, overworked parents who are not supervising kids e) All of the above

e) All of the above

What is a situation that can make a sexual experience bad? a) Partner spreads gossip of the experience afterwards b) Contracting a sexually transmitted infection from a partner c) Painful sex d) Lack of consent e) All of the above

e) All of the above

What is an activity that may naturally come up as a result of driving around with a kid or teen in the car: a) Analyzing sexual images on a billboard b) Defining sexual lyrics from a song on the radio c) Explaining a news story on the radio that has some sexual information d) Discussing how ads give young people unhealthy standards of beauty e) All of the above

e) All of the above

All of the following LGBT organizations were mentioned in the chapter, EXCEPT: a) GLSEN b) COLAGE c) PFLAG d) GSAs e) GLADD


According to the article, a conqueror who had a very large number of children, often from forced sex with women whose homes were pillaged, was: a) Alexander the Great b) Julius Caesar c) Napoleon d) Attila the Hun e) Genghis Khan

e) Genghis Khan

Which of the following infections account for half of STIs diagnosed among 15-24 year olds: a) Herpes simplex II b) Syphilis c) Gonorrhea d) Chlamydia e) Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

e) Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

All of the statements below are myths (they are false) EXCEPT: a) You can't get pregnant if you have sex standing up. b) You can't get pregnant if the woman douches with Diet Coke after sex c) You can't get pregnant if the guy pulls out d) You can't get pregnant if you have sex in water, like in a hot tub e) You can't get pregnant if you abstain from sex

e) You can't get pregnant if you abstain from sex

What example(s) from the chapter illustrate how the US has gotten more sex positive, progressive. a) advent of the birth control pill b) sexual liberation movement of the late 1960s c) removing/declassifying homosexuality as a mental illness d) development of LGBT and human sexuality courses at colleges/universities e) all of the above

e) all of the above

Which of the following exemplifies sexual injustice? a. Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy of the US Federal Government regarding Gay and lesbians in the military b. older individuals being ridiculed for being sexual c. disabled persons being written off sexually (assumed to not be interested in sex) d. a and c e. all of the above

e. all of the above

True/False "Sensual" and "sexual" mean the same thing.


True/False According to the author, pleasure is about having as many orgasms as possible for both partners.


True/False According to the author, very few women have had an abortion or will have a need for one.


True/False All people are born as either fully male or female.


True/False All teachers who present sex education to young people have positive attitudes about sex and are comfortable talking about sex.


True/False All teen pregnancies are unplanned.


True/False Americans are sexually literate from a young age due to early sexuality education efforts.


True/False Being "good in bed" is innate and cannot be learned.


True/False Being empathic means having a warm, sympathetic feeling toward someone.


True/False Biphobia and binegativity are not common in US schools and society.


True/False Boys are more likely to talk with their parents about birth control.


True/False Compared to US teens, European teens are less likely to use contraceptives and have higher teen pregnancy rates than Americans.


True/False Deborah Roffman argues that the baseball metaphor helps to transmit healthy and helpful messages about sexuality.


True/False Female mammals invest the same amount of time and energy into reproduction as male mammals.


True/False GLSEN has not done much work to bring social justice into schools.


True/False Gender variance is only seen in American culture.


True/False HIV is easily passed through oral sex via saliva.


True/False Hegemonic masculinity is characterized by submission rather than power.


True/False If someone has a satisfying sexual relationship with a partner, it is no longer necessary or normal for him/her to masturbate.


True/False Introduction about sexual matters has historically been offered from a sex-positive approach and has focused equally on heterosexuality and LGBT sexuality.


True/False Kaufman's work describes 5 types of violence.


True/False Kids develop a gender identity by age 1.


True/False Less than half of teens looked up sexual health information on the Internet.


True/False Mental health professionals claim that having intimate and sexual connections with others are not that important.


True/False Much of what young people learn about sexuality from friends and the media is accurate; misinformation is rare.


True/False Narcissism is always a negative quality.


True/False Only parents should talk about sexuality issues with kids and teens.


True/False School-based sexuality education offers a lot of information about LGBTQ issues and little more is needed in this regard.


True/False Sex and gender mean the same things.


True/False Sex education that is more personal and relevant to the students' lives is more effective than a curriculum that is purely biological in discussing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.


True/False Statistically, men kill other men twice as often as women kill men.


True/False The author introduces three perspectives to understand identity.


True/False The majority of American high school make condoms available to students at school.


True/False The pizza-based conceptual model of sexual activity suggests that a specific skill set is needed to adequately perform sexual activity.


True/False There are clear definitions for teens as to what they consider to be "sex" and what they consider to be "abstinence."


True/False There are no responsibilities or emotions attached to a one-night stand.


True/False Though the telephone had an impact of past generations' sexual relationships, it seems to have less importance in today's teens' relationships.


True/False To gain their kids' trust and respect, parents should act as the authority on all sexuality topics.


True/False When the author presents "The Game" to students, he purposely keeps the tone very serious throughout in order to evoke respectful analysis.


True/False A female who is not sexually active but is sexually attractive might be called a cock-tease.


True/False A majority of older widowed women rely on their husband's Social Security benefits for most or all of their financial support.


True/False A person's first sexual experience, whether it was a positive or negative experience, affects the way that they feel about sex for a long time afterwards.


True/False A pizza-based conceptual model for sexual activity suggests that sexual activity should result from desire and not obligation or coercion.


True/False A schizoid person prefers loneliness to the uncertainties and conflicts of a close relationship.


True/False A sex ed program that focuses on pleasure rather than baby-making has the potential to more relevant to students, especially those who do not identify as heterosexual.


True/False Abstinence-only-until-marriage education does not delay teen sex and may deter birth control usage, increasing the risk of unintended pregnancy.


True/False Alcohol use often plays a prominent role in date-rape.


True/False As of October 2011, more than half of the states in America require that a teen woman get either parental consent or notification if she wants an abortion.


True/False Castrated men live an average of 12 years longer than as men with intact testicles.


True/False Currently, most elderly women collect Social Security benefits based on their husbands' wage records.


True/False Education that includes discussions of pleasure can more effectively sell a safer-sex message and reduce sexually transmitted infection risks.


True/False Experts believe that the type of oral sex practiced by young teenagers is mostly fellatio and not cunnilingus.


True/False Female employment increased during the 1950s.


True/False Gender identity can include individuals who identify as male, female, both or neither.


True/False Hegemonic masculinity does not allow for the exploration of sexuality.


True/False Identity is understood as a permanent dialogue between the person and its surrounding contexts.


True/False In 1959, the working wages of women was 61% that of men.


True/False In baseball-related terminology for sexuality, a "glove" or "catcher's mitt" refers to a condom.


True/False In the 1950s African American women were expected to work in order to support themselves and their families.


True/False It is more effective for parents to have many short conversations with their kids about sexuality than trying to fit everything into one big talk.


True/False It is unclear among adolescent health professionals whether teens are actually having more oral sex or just talking about it more openly now than before.


True/False Most women do not experience orgasm from vaginal stimulation alone during penile-vaginal sex and need additional stimulation to the clitoris in order to have an orgasm.


True/False Most young people have been sexually active for ten years or more before getting married.


True/False Of all gender and sexual minorities, bisexuality has been the most invisible inside and outside of the curriculum.


True/False Only 13 states require that information taught in sex education classes be medically accurate and factual.


True/False Oral sex is perceived by teens as a less intimate sexual activity than vaginal intercourse.


True/False Paranoia is an assumption that people are essentially selfish and human relations are basically hostile.


True/False Schools are a microcosm of what transpires in the larger society.


True/False So far, all but two American presidents have been men who are above average height.


True/False Teens who are exposed to high levels of sexual content on TV also tend to have an increased chance of initiating sexual activity.


True/False The VCR's popularity was due to the wide availability of low-cost porn videotapes that people can now watch in the privacy of their own homes.


True/False The World Health Organization has categorized sexual health into three areas: physical mental, and social.


True/False The author alleges that an industry involving the increasing population of the elderly and their sexual issues will experience a boon as adults' life spans increase.


True/False The author claims that STDs, particularly HIV, has fueled interests in examining teen sexual behaviors that do not necessarily lead to pregnancy.


True/False The author claims that the line between contraception and abortion is disappearing.


True/False The baseball-based conceptual model for sexual activity is sexist because it assumes that the man is the active partner in sexual activity and the woman is the passive partner.


True/False The goal of "The Game" activity is to get participants to stop simply accepting the stereotypical gender script and to stop perpetuating the oppression in their own lives.


True/False The majority of US public and private high schools taught abstinence as the most effective method to avoid pregnancy.


True/False The majority of sexually active teens had their first sexual experience with a steady partner rather than with someone they had just met.


True/False The majority of sexually active teens use birth control the first time they have sex.


True/False Throughout history, men with more power and money have had more opportunities for sex and produced more offspring.


True/False Transgender refers to individuals whose sex assigned at birth does not match their gender identity.


True/False Warfare and the organized killing of other members of the same species, done by humans and chimps, are ways of acquiring more resources, which can increase reproductive success.


According to the author, if safer sex messages included pleasure, the most likely reaction from the target audience of young people would be: a) Acceptance - they are more likely to embrace the message b) Indifference - they would ignore the message c) Repulsion - they would consider the method crass d) Anger - they would consider the message inappropriate e) Arousal - they would have more sex

a) Acceptance - they are more likely to embrace the message

According to the chapter, bisexuals can be _________________ ___________________ in terms of demonstrating flexibility of gender constructions. a) Cultural workers b) Gender benders c) Pansexual politicos d) Global Teachers e) All of the above

a) Cultural workers

When World War II ended, most women working in the factories were: a) Encouraged to quit or were fired b) Promoted to management-level positions c) Paid equally to newly hired men d) Encouraged to earn college degrees e) Paid more than newly hired men

a) Encouraged to quit or were fired

All of the following are benefits of using a pizza-based conceptual model for sexual activity, except: a) it makes sexual activity more structured and goal directed b) it establishes the primacy of individual desire and the decisions of the participants as the controlling factors in sexual activity c) it opens the participants to a wider range of behaviors that can be expressed d) it frees sexual activity from restrictions and external rules e) it is more inclusive in the variety of shapes and sizes, the diversity of people's bodies

a) it makes sexual activity more structured and goal directed

Differences in public health problems between men and women are mostly due to: a) the fact that masculinity norms punish the expression of emotions b) masculinity norms allow the expression of emotions c) gender systems that construct different identities for men and women d) none of the above

a) the fact that masculinity norms punish the expression of emotions

Kegel exercises strengthen: a) the muscles in the pelvic floor b) intellectual health regarding sexual matters c) the anal gland d) the sperm count in men and the egg count in women e) none of the above

a) the muscles in the pelvic floor

Homophobia refers more to: a) the transgression of gender roles and norms b) discrimination of heterosexuals c) stigma against homosexual behaviors d) sex panic

a) the transgression of gender roles and norms

Men suffer more than women from the following public health problems: a) tobacco use, alcohol use, illegal drug use b) suicidal ideation, anxiety disorders, and illegal drug use c) depression, tobacco use, and anxiety disorders d) all of the above

a) tobacco use, alcohol use, illegal drug use

According to the chapter, research on bisexuality is: a) One of the most researched among scholars studying sexual minority issues. b) Downplayed as a legitimate sexual identity by scholars in LGBT & sexuality studies c) trendy and gaining more attention than any other form of sexuality d) studied more from a performing arts perspective than a social scientific focus e) none of the above

b) Downplayed as a legitimate sexual identity by scholars in LGBT & sexuality studies

A waist to hip ratio of 0.7 in a woman primarily conveys: a) Nutritious diet b) High fertility c) Healthy genes d) Rich upbringing e) Good personality

b) High fertility

About 100 years ago, the color thought to be the strongest and most male was: a) Blue b) Pink c) Green d) Yellow e) Purple

b) Pink

Out of the four categories, which one has the most slang term? a) The "stud" - sexually active male b) The "slut" - sexually active female c) The "virgin" - female who has not had sex d) The "wimp" - male who has not had sex e) They all have the same number of slang terms

b) The "slut" - sexually active female

The court case Baird v. Eisenstadt legalized: a) Abortion b) The right for people to use birth control even if they were single c) Interracial marriage d) Same-sex marriage e) Prostitution

b) The right for people to use birth control even if they were single

Social Security benefit levels are based on which of the following criteria? a) Wages and ethnicity b) Wages and number of years worked c) Gender and marital status d) Gender and ethnicity e) Ethnicity and martial status

b) Wages and number of years worked

What defines art is: a) beauty b) communication c) realism d) quality e) impressionism

b) communication

The three cultures that Kimmel describes are: a) culture of right, culture of pain, and culture of protection b) culture of right, culture of silence, and culture of protection c) culture of protection, culture of pain, and culture of debt d) none of the above

b) culture of right, culture of silence, and culture of protection

According to the chapter, lumping bisexuality together as in "LGBTQ" ends up: a) serving as a protective factor for bisexuals b) making bisexuality invisible in sexuality education c) spurring on more research on bisexuality d) showing how similar bisexuality is to other sexual minorities e) none of the above

b) making bisexuality invisible in sexuality education

Teasing someone is an example of: a) love b) sadism c) hypnosis d) dishonesty e) masochism

b) sadism

The baseball-based conceptual model of sexual activity suggests that all of the following groups should "get out of the game" of sexual activity, except: a) senior citizens b) young fit individuals c) the disabled d) those with chronic illness e) people with sexual dysfunctions

b) young fit individuals

The Harris Interactive and Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Education Network (GLSEN) published results of a school climate survey that revealed: a) bisexuals were the least picked on by fellow students b) bisexuals had the better academic records than straight and gay/lesbian students c) schools in the United States remain dangerous places for sexual minority youth d) about 90% of sexual minority studies were physically assaulted in schools e) bisexual students comparatively suffered from more absences and low grades

c) schools in the United States remain dangerous places for sexual minority youth

The epistemological subject can be understood as: a) a person that tells itself a story b) a permanent dialogue with society c) what a certain body can know and achieve to know d) all of the above

c) what a certain body can know and achieve to know

According to the author, which of the following statements are NOT true about mammalian reproductive strategies? a) Males compete with other males for the opportunity to mate. b) Females are very choosy and cautious about mating choices. c) The male's larger body size compared to the female's body is likely due to the need to fight other males. d) Males and females of the majority of mammalian species pair up with the same mate for life. e) Males guard their mate(s) to ensure fidelity.

d) Males and females of the majority of mammalian species pair up with the same mate for life.

All of the following sexual behaviors are pleasurable and carry very little or no health risks EXCEPT: a) Mutual masturbation b) Erotic massage c) Sharing fantasies d) Oral sex e) Deep kissing

d) Oral sex

Dating as an adolescent institution became popularized because of: a) The Vietnam War b) The invention of the birth control pill c) World War II d) The Depression e) Prohibition

d) The Depression

The most common contraceptive method used at first intercourse is: a) Contraceptive patch b) Birth control pill c) Withdrawal d) The male condom e) The diaphragm

d) The male condom

Studies conducted over the past few decades about teen sexual activities largely focused only on: a) Deep kissing b) Oral sex c) Anal sex d) Vaginal intercourse e) Mutual masturbation

d) Vaginal intercourse

Orgasm is physiologically related to: a) masochism b) dreaming c) Parkinson's disease d) epilepsy e) fibromyala

d) epilepsy

Using the baseball-related conceptual model for sexual activity, all of the following are true, except: a) sexual activity is a competitive, oppositional activity b) sexual activity has a strict order c) sexual activity requires a specific skill set d) sexual activity requires communication and negotiation before activity takes place e) sexual activity has to be a team sport, thus masturbation and sexual self-exploration does not count as "real" sexual acts

d) sexual activity requires communication and negotiation before activity takes place

According to the baseball model, getting to "second base" is commonly understood to mean: a) touching a man's breast b) touching a woman's vulva c) touching a man's penis d) touching a woman's breast e) tongue kissing

d) touching a woman's breast

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