HED 3320

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Concentrated vs. surrender methods


Contemplative life philosophy


Elements of setting effective goals


Practicing the concentrated and surrender methods


The primary difference between inclusive and exclusive meditation is that with inclusive meditation, you need to have


Which type of brain waves are most associated with the relaxation response in the act of meditation?


Essential elements of changing behavior

1) Awareness 2) Desire to change 3) Cognitive restructuring 4) Behavioral substitution 5) Evaluation.

M Scott Peck's "Stages of Spiritual Growth."

1) Chaotic antisocial, 2) Formal-institutional , 3) skeptical 4) mystic communal

Steps of a "Centering Prayer"

1) Choose an appropriate time and place when you can devote 20-30 minutes to quiet prayer w/o being disturbed. 2) Choose a one- or two-syllable "sacred word" as a symbol of your intention to consent to God's presence and action within. 3) Sit comfortably (chair or floor cushion), with back straight and eyes closed; settle briefly and breathe deeply. 4) Quietly introduce the sacred word into your mind as a symbol of God's presence and action within. 5) At the end of the prayer period, remain in silence for a few more minutes and/or slowly pray the Lord's Prayer.

Four rules from www.youneedabudget.com

1) Give every dollar a job. 2) Save for a rainy day. 3) Roll with the punches. 4) Live on last month's income.

"Dominos" in the food, stress, and health domino metaphor.

1) Stress depletes nutrients, 2) stress leads to poor eating habits, 3) Certain foods elevate the stress response (including caffeine and processed sugar), 4) Processed foods contribute to the build up of toxins

FDA's MyPlate recommendations

1-2 cups of fruit daily, 1-3 cups of vegetables daily, 3-8 ounces of grains daily (at least half of which should be whole grains), 2-6.5 ounces of protein daily, 2-3 cups of dairy daily, 3-7 teaspoons of oils daily

Interpreting food labels

1. Start with serving information. 2. Check Calories. 3. Check fat, cholesterol, and sodium content. 4. Check vitamin and mineral content. 5. Check footnotes and compare with personal dietary needs. 6. For % DV, consider 5% or less low and 20% or more high.

4 components needed to achieve the Relaxation Response

1. a quiet environment 2. a mental device 3. a passive attitude 4. a comfortable position

Fitness components

1. cardiovascular endurance: ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to transport oxygenated blood to the working muscles for energy metabolism 2. muscular strength: ability to exert maximal force against a resistance 3. muscular endurance: ability to sustain repeated contractions over a prolonged period of time 4. flexibility: ability to use a muscle group throughout its entire range of motion 5. agility: maneuverability and coordination of fine and gross motor movements 6. power: force times distance over time 7. balance: ability to maintain equilibrium in motion

Research studies investigating the effects of meditation have found the following results:

1. decreased oxygen consumption 2. decreased blood lactate levels 3. increased skin resistance 4. decreased heart rate 5. decreased blood pressure 6. decreased muscle tension 7. increased alpha waves

Recent brain imaging (MRI) research has revealed

1. longtime meditators who meditate on the theme of loving kindness and compassion produce a significant level (30 times stronger) of gamma brain wave activity 2. increased activity in the left prefrontal and limbic regions of the brain, reflecting processes of sustained attention and emotion regulation 3. portions of the brain used in meditation grow in size and undergo neural rewiring, now known as neuroplasticity 4. portions of the brain associated with compassion increased in size, leading researchers to wonder whether meditation could affect the brain physiology of depression

Dietary reference intake values

15-20% proteins, 20-30% fats, 55-70% carbohydrates

One must regularly participate in an exercise program for a minimum of how many weeks to see beneficial changes that help reduce stress?

6 to 8 weeks

Passive behavior

A behavior style that is influenced by intimidating and can often lead to feelings of resentment and victimization.

Assertive behavior

A behavior style that is neither passive nor aggressive, but tolerant and considerate in the quest for individual rights.

Joan Borysenko's definition of stress

A lack of connectedness

Operant conditioning

A learned behavior that stems from a voluntary function or something we make a conscious decision about.

Classical conditioning

A learned behavior to a stimulus with regard to involuntary functions, such as becoming hungry when the clock strikes 12 noon.

Formal-Instiutional Individual

A person in the second stage of M. Scott Peck's "Path of Spiritual Growth," who takes refuge in the rules and dogma of an institution. A Christian who believes in a God of reward and punishment would fit into this category.

Emergency fund

A sum of money that is set aside to cover unexpected expenses. Should consist of 3-6 months of living expenses, or $1000 at minimum.


A unique level of the human consciousness that strongly affects our relationships, values, sense of connectedness, and opinion of life.

Suze Orman's tips for "financial freedom"

Adopt a healthy attitude toward money, make sound financial goals, put your money to work for you, the best financial advisor is you

Spring (Seasons of the Soul)

Also known as the Grounding Process, the "Spring" Season is the one in which personal enlightenment occurs

The first premise of Mother Earth Spirituality

American Indians had established a profoudn relationship with a divine essence.

10 percent

Amount of your monthly income that experts suggest putting into savings.

Aggressive behavior

An aggressive based behavior style that employs intimidation and manipulation.

The American College of Sports Medicine suggests that these components of fitness be included in the design of every fitness training program

Anaerobic and aerobic exercise, as well as flexibility

What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise? What are some examples of each?

Anaerobic is defined as a physical motion intense in power and strength, but short in duration. Examples include weight-lifting and sprints. Aerobic is defined as rhythmic and continuous in nature, involving moderate intensity for a prolonged duration. Examples are running, swimming, and cycling.

Vitamin C

Antioxidant Vitamin that aids the immune system in battling colds and flu. It takes 200 mg for Vit. C to maintain integrity under stressful conditions

Gary Chapman

Author of "Love Languages"

Sequence of the "Seasons of the Soul."

Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer.

Water and Stress

Being properly hydrated (nearly clear urine) is important to eliminate toxins and by-products. Makes sure the water is filtered.

These substances give food color and antioxidant properties.


This hormone is thought to be associated with weight gain.


Exercise under 5 minutes in duration employs what energy source?


Which of the fitness components is the most crucial to reap benefits from aerobic exercise?

Cardiovascular endurance


Carl Jung's term for the significance of two apparently unrelated events that, when brought together, gain a new important meaning.

Current research shows that these factors decrease the integrity of the immune system.

Chronic stress, depletion of minerals (magnesium, chromium, copper, iron, zinc), depletion of vitamins (A, C, E, B complex)

Ego conflict

Conflict based on a win-lose mentality, where manipulation and control are used to support one's identity and prove one is right. The hardest kind of conflict to resolve

All of the following are recommended to help boost your immune system,

Consume antioxidants; consume fiber, drink fresh, clean water; decrease consumption of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and fertilizers; consume complete proteins; decrease consumption of processed foods; decrease consumption of antibiotics and hormones (found in dairy, beef, chicken); consume omega-3's and omega-6's; decrease intake of saturated fats; decrease intake of trans fatty acids; eat a variety of food colors; consume a good balance of foods with proper pH; decrease intake of total percentage of fats; replenish nutrients consumed by the stress response; decrease consumption of simple sugars; decrease or avoid excitotoxins; moderate your consumption of alcohol; prepare food in the best way possible; eat organic produce and free-range meats; avoid genetically modified organisms; use herbal therapies (echinacea, etc.); eat at least one meal a day for your immune system

"Centering Prayer"

Developed by Fathers William Meninger, Basil Pennington, and Thomas Keating. According to Dr. Burleson, it is a surrender method.

This herb is known to enhance the immune system


This chemical agent is thought to be associated with "runner's high."

Endorphin (or beta-endorphin)


Exaggerated communication styles intensify with stress

Affect displays

Facial expressions.

kcal per gram in fat, carbohydrates, protein, and alcohol

Fat = 9 Calories Carbohydrates = 4 Calories Protein = 4 Calories Alcohol = 7 Calories

Exercise over 20 minutes in duration employs what energy source?


Behavior modification model

Illustrates the steps taken to change a negative behavior into a positive one. Denial is the precursor to its five stages.

Deeprak Chopra

Indian endocrinologist who taught a six-law path to spiritual success.

Most addictive mode of electronic communication

Instant messaging.

Minerals that are depleted when a person experiences long-term stress ...

Magnesium, chromium, copper, iron, zinc

Time-tested tips for "financial freedom"

Make and follow a budget, live a sustainable lifestyle, freeze your credit cards, keep a spending journal, see each purchase as an investment, consolidate your debt, consider opening a 401(k) or a Roth IRA as soon as possible

The basic difference between massage therapy and therapeutic touch is

Massage therapy involves applying pressure with the hands, whereas therapeutic touch involves the laying on of hands

Via Creativa

Matthew Fox's term for a breakthrough, a sudden enlightenment, an epiphany.

Via negativa

Matthew Fox's term to describe the act of letting go of unnesscessary thoughts/feelings.

Carbon footprint

Measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide

Progression of the Hero's Journey

Path described by Joseph Campbell, which moves from Departure to Initiation to Return.

Spiritual potential

Personality traits,whether dormant or active, specific to the integrity of the human spirit.


Physical element of nonverbal communication used to replace words, such as an "OK" sign.

What relaxation technique, perhaps above all others, is documented to increase brain cell tissue associated with memory and attention span?

Physical exercise

This form of exercise is suggested for people with chronic lower back pain.


Carl Jung

Pioneer in psychology, who believed in a common spiritual drive among all men, a "God" who was a unifying force residing in everyone.

The primary factor inhibiting proper listening

Preoccupation with one's own dialogue--preparing a response while the other person is still talking.

Excess amounts of these foods are thought to augment the stress response.

Refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol

Spiritual nutrition

Relates to chakras, or energy centers in the body, and the idea that there is a color associated with each one (red = base of spine, orange = navel, yellow = spleen, green = heart, light blue = throat, dark blue = forehead, violet = crown).

Michelle Singletary's tips for "financial freedom"

Remove yourself from temptation, ask "why" before you buy, don't buy on impulse, be wary of bargains, clean your house, learn to say no to your kids, spouse, friends, and marketers

This substance is responsible for sweet cravings.


Stress of "poverty consciousness"

Some people fear the lack of money, making it a self-fulfilling prophecy. Human nature is prone to act on fear, so this attitude is very hard to change.


System developed by Lao Tzu that advocates "oneness" with the universe, to work WITH rather than against the universe.

Spiritual Implications of Relativity

That all things in the universe are connected in the nonlocal mind, with an impersonal higher power everywhere present.

Autumn (Seasons of the Soul)

The Centering Process, where the person reflects deeply on their true nature.

Summer (Seasons of the Soul)

The Connecting Process, where the person realizes he is part of something bigger. Also called the "Disneyworld (love/joy) Effect."

Winter (Seasons of the Soul)

The Emptying Process, where old ideas are let go in order to make way for new insights. Considered by some to be "The Dark Night of the Soul"


The ability to emulate or imitate our behaviors from the observation of others we respect (e.g., parents, schoolteachers, and peers).

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

The idea that our perception of reality is based largely on the words we use to communicate/express ourselves.

Fourth pillar of human spirituality

The mystical aspect of life. Encompasses that which can be experienced but cannot be measured scientifically, and perhaps not completely understood in rational terms.

Spirituality and health

The primary focus of current research on spirituality.

Spiritual Hunger

The quest for understanding life's biggest question, the bigger picture and how each of us fits into it.


The underlying intent of messages, when people make indirect comments

From split-brain research, what have we learned about stress management?

There is a strong association between left-brain thinking patterns and the frame of mind observed during the stress response; meditation plays an important role in accessing right-brain functions to obtain a balance of hemispheric cognition

Free radicals cause stress to the body in what way?

They destroy cell membrane, mitochondria, DNA, and RNA

The relaxation response is virtually the same thing as what?

Transcendental meditation

Methylated xanthine is responsible for the following physiological reaction.

Triggering the sympathetic nervous system

One bout of cardiovascular activity can burn how many calories of energy?

Up to 460

Vitamin B complex

Vitamin system that aids in the function of the central nervous system. Requirements increase under stress.

Four vitamins affected by chronic stress:

Vitamins A, C, and E and the vitamin B complex


Vitamins A, C, and E, which remove free radicals from the body. Chronic stress depletes these vitamins and/or absorbs them into the body.

This is the reason why people who are stressed are vulnerable to nutrient deficiency.

Water-soluble vitamins and several essential minerals are used for energy production in preparatin for fight or flight, even if you sit still in front of a computer screen all day

The five sorts of Love Languages

Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Gifts, Acts of Service, Physical Touch

Ways to reduce your carbon footprint

You're on your own here. There's nothing in the book, check your notes. If I had to guess, I'd say--drive a car less, eat organic foods, try to save on electricity and commercial products


a cross-wiring of one's senses (during an altered state) during which one smells sounds or sees noises


a practice of increased concentration that leads to increased awareness; a solitary practice of reflection on internal rather than external stimuli


a visual type of mantra, such as a seashell, a colorfully designed mandala, or any object that is used by the eyes to focus attention and ignore distracting thoughts

What are the cognitive functions associated with the left hemisphere of the brain?

analytical skills; judgmental skills; time consciousness; verbal acuity; linear thought progression; rational thought process; math acuity; sequential thought process; facts and detail orientation; logical thought process

Ineffability, which may occur during meditation, gives what sensation?

being unable to find the words to describe an experience

This phase of the Swedish massage involves a long stroking action along the muscle fibers.


Transcendental Meditation is an example of

exclusive meditation

Zen meditation is an example of

inclusive meditation

What is said to be true about massage?

it is the best technique to diminish muscle tension

Massage research with premature babies has shown that

it stimulates growth

Minerals depleted by Stress

magnesium, chromium, copper, iron, zinc. Low levels of these minerals render the body more susceptible to disease

Repeating the word OM would be considered a


Jon Kabat-Zinn is renowned for using what to help patients cope with chronic pain?


What is considered to be the number one symptom of stress?

muscle tension

Listening to ocean waves would be considered a


Tsubos is a term used to describe

points on the body at which pressure is applied in shiatsu

Sports massage is considered to be a combination of

shiatsu, Swedish massage, and deep-tissue massage

What form of massage is based on the concept of unblocking areas to restore a balance of energy?

shiatsu, also known as acupressure

What results have been observed in people who own pets?

significant changes in resting heart rate, blood pressure, and mood

Hildegaard von Bingen's Path of Spirituality

"As above, so below." Everyone is a vital part of the universe, and the universe is a vital part of everyone.

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