HEED final

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Results of scientific research suggest that ____ play a major role in the agin process by serving as biological clocks that control the number of times cell division can occur


Much of a child's _________ is inherited; however, it maybe be modified by social and cultural influences as she or he matures


In 2009, the leading cause of death for those aged 10-24 and 24-44 in the US was

Unintentional injury

Couples who _______ have an increased risk of intimate partner violence.

Use mind altering drugs

The refractory period is characterized by

a penis that does not become erect when stimulated.

The coiled tube on the backside of each testis that stores maturing sperm is the


Atherosclerosis is characterized by:

fatty deposits in the malls of arteries

Which of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is true?

During the second stage of labor, the

baby is born

A virulent pathogen

causes disease easily

Which of the following conditions is associated with too much body fat?

heart disease

When Teresa smokes cigarettes, her

heart rate increases

All of the following foods contain carbohydrates except


The lower chambers of the heart are called


Adults are most likely to poison themselves by ingesting overdoses of

vitamin A.

One standard drink contains about ____ of absolute alcohol

0.5 ounce

According to a recent survey, about ____ female college students reported that they were victims of a completed or attempted rape

1 in 36

While at a party, Susie drinks two 12-ounce bottles of regular beer. This amount of beer contains about the same amount of alcohol as

10 ounces of wine

The lifespan of a human being is ____ years


In 2012, _______ of the American population was 65 years of age and older.


At some time during 2012, _______ of U.S. households were uncertain about their ability or were unable to obtain enough food for all members because of a lack of resources.


On average, the typical person with anorexia weighs ______ or more below the normal weight for their height


The divorce rate in the United States has been declining slowly since it peaked during the years of


To achieve cardio respiratory benefits, one should excercise for at least ______ minutes while maintaining a heart rate that is within ones target zone


Pregnancy usually lasts about _______ weeks from the date of conception.


One out of _______ American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape.


All of the following conditions contribute to the risk of sudden cardiac death EXCEPT

A congenital heart muscle defect

All of the following are major factors that contribute to health disparities in monitors groups except

A desire to be healthy

Trey often acts without thinking about the consequences of his behavior. He also has trouble focusing on tasks. His behavior interferes with his ability to perform well in school and maintain personal relationships. Trey probably has


Jamie lost 3 jobs because he is always drinking and came to work late. He has 3 DUI arrests in 6 years. He doesn't show syndromes of withdrawal when not drinking; his drinking behavior shows someone who

Abuses alcohol

Gerontologists are scientists who study


_______ is the sum of all changes that occur in an organism over its life span.


_________ the sum of all changes that occur in an organism over its lifespan


Alcohol abuse becomes _____ when one drinks alcohol knowingly damaging his or her health and causing problems in social settings

Alcohol abuse

A person who is alcohol dependent

All of these are correct

Which of the following statements is true?

An embolus travels through the bloodstream

Which of the following statements best defines sexuality?

An individual's sexual thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and actions

Jerald is 38 years old. For years, hes smoked two packs of cigarettes a day and avoided exercise. For the past 2 weeks, he has experienced chest pain when he physically exerts himself. Based on this information, Jerald probably has

Angina pectoris

Anthony has a major coronary artery that is 80% blocked by atherosclerosis. His physician may recommend ____ to widen the damaged blood vessel


An abnormal heart beat is called an


Which of the following statements is true?

As labor progresses, the contractions become stronger, last longer, and are closer together.

Which of the following statements is true?

As people grow older, their maximum age predicted heart rates decline

Which of the following substances has been found to have a protective effect against colorectal cancer?


All of the following are main goals of healthy people 2020 except

Attain all access to high quality health care for all

To reduce the risk of bone loss, one should

Be physically active

_____ are chemicals released by the central nervous system that may provide natural relaxing and mood elevating effects

Beta endorphins

Which of the following signs or symptoms is not usually associated with early stage breast cancer?

Breast pain

Which of the following signs or symptoms is not usually associated with early-stage breast cancer?

Breast pain

A cancer that arises in the skin, breast, or colon is


All of the following are risk factors for glaucoma except

Cardiovascular disease

Which of the following arterial sites is generally used for measuring the pulse during exercise?


Joshua has _____ , which is a condition that can lead to blindness


_____ a condition that is characterized by a cloudy and opaque lens in the eye


Henry is sexually attracted to children. One night, he breaks into a neighbors hole and sexually assaults their 8 year old. Henry is a

Child molestor

Which of the following conditions or characteristics increases a persons risk for domestic violence?

Childhood exposure to domestic violence

Which of the following statements is true?

Cholesterol accumulates where the inner lining arteries have been injured

_______ botulinum produces a deadly toxin that may be found in improperly home-canned, low-acid foods.


During treatment for bipolar disorder, Arthur's underwent therapy that involved changing the negative and inaccurate ways in which he regarded himself. This form of treatment of psychological problems is referred to as _______ therapy

Cognitive behavioral

Which of the following conditions or behaviors is most likely to occur when a persons blood concentration is .45%


Which of the following statements is true?

Conflicts over gender roles often contribute to marital separation and divorce

Sally recognizes that drinking soda everyday is unhealthy and intends to stop this behavior. Sally is in which stage of the stages of behavioral change!


A person who is alcohol dependent

Continues to drink alcohol despite its effects on his or her health

Arterial plaques

Contribute to hardening of the arteries

Olivias heart stopped beating during a surgical procedure. Immediately, the surgeon ______ her heart, and the organ began beating normally again.


_______ is a sign of normal aging that even healthy people experience.

Delayed sexual responsiveness

In the US, Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of


Marissas 2 year old sold has been diagnosed with a terminal disease. She refuses to accept the news that her child is seriously ill. She insists on getting more tests done.


_______ slow the activity of the cerebral cortex, producing sedative and hypnotic effects.


All of the following influence ones motivation to engage in a health behavior except ones


It is normal for a psychologically healthy person to

Desire privacy

Cancer cells

Differentiate abnormally

Which of the following symptoms typically occurs when a smoker his unable to use tobacco products?

Difficulty concentrating

Kevin's boss complains to him about the poor quality of his work and threaten to fire him if he doesn't improve. Although Kevin is angry at his boss, he doesn't express how he feels. That evening , however he gets very angry at his wife and shoves her. By treating his wife this way Kevin is relying on the defense mechanism called:


Moving through a challenging but comfortable range repeatedly in a controlled, smooth, and deliberate motion is called ______ stretching


A ____ cell is benign but has the potential to develop into a cancer cell


All of the following are reasons that Americans life expectancy dramatically increased in the 20th century except

Elimination of health disparities

_____ are a way of communicating moods to others


Muscular _____ is the ability of a muscle to contract repeatedly


Which of the following physical changes is associated with the normal aging process?

Enlargement of the prostate gland

Which of the following statements best describes the concept of health as a continuum?

Enthusiasm for living is associated with optimal well being

The component of health that most affects quality of wellness is

Environmental health

The _____ has establish guidlines for reporting incidents of sexual harassment that occur in schools or workplaces

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEPC)

an alcoholic

Experiences withdrawals symptoms when not drinking

Angina attacks are frequently brought on by

Experiencing stress

All of the following factors are a cause of noninfectious diseases except

Exposure to pathogens

A common screening test for colorectal cancer is the ______ test.

Fecal occult blood

Which of the following statements is true?

Females are usually the victims of family violence

Which of the following statements is true?

Four days before ovulation, the cervical mucus becomes clearer and thinner

The idea that an "unconscious" component of the mind influences behavior was proposed by:


Which of the following infections is caused by a virus?

Genital herpes

Which of the following statements is true?

Hate crimes include violent attacks against homosexuals

Adolescents are more likely to use tobacco if they

Have friends who smoke

Which of the following characteristics is a risk factor for breast cancer in women?

Having a mother or sister with breast cancer

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between health and wellness?

Health and wellness are interrelated, holistic concepts, and both can be improved through lifestyle.

According to his physician, Juan had a myocardial infarction. What is the common name for this condition?

Heart attack

When Teresa smokes cigarettes, her

Heart rate increases

Heather consumes two standard alcoholic drinks per day; therefore, according to the dietary guidelines for Americans, she is a ____ drinker


_____ is the second leading cause of death for hispanic American males between 15-34 years of age


Which of the following statements is true?

In general, the larger the person, the more alcohol he or she must consume to achieve a specific blood alcohol concentration.

Which of the following statements is true?

In the US, Mose cases of physical violence may be classified as non sexual hate crimes against people

For three years, Richard has maintained his weight by eating 2,000 calories a day. Now he wants to gain lean body weight safely. In addition to lifting weights, what should he do to gain weight safely?

Increase his caloric intake.

According to Erickson, psychologically healthy adults seek _____ during the final stage of life


malignant tumor

Interferes with the normal functioning of tissues and organs

According to Erickson, psychologically healthy adolescents develop a sense of _________ as they mature into adults


Maria thinks that her husband Carlos is paying too much attention to the women who lives next door. During an argument, maria throws a kitchen chair at carlos and breaks his nose. This is an example of ____ violence

Intimate partner

Jeromes physician suspects that he has Alzheimer's because jerome

Is confused and has difficulty remembering things

The use of e-cirgattes

Is risky because they are not currently regulated by the FDA

Edna has urinary incontinence. Her physician is likely to recommend that she perform _____ exercises to help strengthen her pelvic muscles.


Ones blood alcohol concentration is associated with ones

Level of alcohol consumption

______ is the maximum number of years that a human can expect to live when conditions are optimal

Life span

Samuel consumes two standard alcoholic drinks per week, therefore, according to the dietary guidelines for americas, he is a _______ drinker


Which of the following conditions or characteristics increases a couples risk for domestic violence?

Low income

Which of the following characteristics increases a couples risk for domestic violence?

Low self esteem

All of the following conditions are associated with normal aging except

Macular degeneration

_____ can lead to blindness

Macular degeneration

_______ can lead to blindness.

Macular degeneration

Stimulus control (removing junk food from pantry) is used primarily during which one of the stages of behavioral change


Monika is 45 years old. Although she performs a breast self exam, her physician recommends _____ every year


Cancer cells can


All of the following trends were seen in the U.S population from 1988-2011 except

More Americans died of cancer in 2011 than in previous years

Over time, a group of cells experienced damage to their genetic material. As a result, the cells grow and divide out of control, turning cancerous. According to this information, these cells have


Physicians use this term for "heart attack"

Myocardial infarction

an alcoholic

Neglects other interested because of the compulsion to drink alcohol

Most nerves produce and release ______, chemicals that convey information between nerves


In addition to chest pain, a person suffering a heart attack also may experience all of the following except

Numbness in their feet

Dans father is 59 years old and out of shape. He should ______ before beginning an aerobic excercise program

Obtain his physicians approval

The pain of a vine pectoris is typically felt in or near all of the following parts of the body except

On the right hand

Marcus is an older adult who spent 40 years working in the construction industry. While on the job, he lifted heavy equipment and frequently climbed up and down ladders. Based on this information, Marcus probably has


Which of the following statements is true?

Overnight, smokers experience a decline in nicotine levels.

To release energy from glucose, cells need


All of the following were leading causes of death in the United States in 2009 except

Parkinson's disease

Which of the following statements is true?

People with anorexia nerviosa deny their malnourished appearance

People with sickle cell trait have

People with sickle cell trait have

Being afraid of heights is an example of


____ is the study of how the body functions, while ____ is the study of cognitive processes

Physiology; psychology

Henry has attempted to jog 4 days a week for several months but has not been successful: however, he continues to express desire to run 4 days a week. Henry is in which stage of behavioral change?


Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the components of health?

Psychological health is dependent on good social, spiritual, and intellectual health.

Blair skips several health classes and as a result, fails the midterm exam. Blain, however makes up excuses for his poor test score. He tells his friends that the professor included "trick" questions and didn't cover the material in class. Blain is using the defense mechanism called


Eric, a college student, went to a party the night before an exam. After failing the test, he makes up various excuses for his poor performance. Eric is relying on the defense mechanism called


The consumption of ______ is a primary risk for developing colorectal cancer

Red meat

All of the following treatments are a principal form of cancer treatment expect


After her newborn sister comes home from the hospital, 4 year old Tiffany insists on sleeping with her parents. This defense mechanism is called


Which of the following infections is caused by fungi?


The stress of fighting or living in an abusive situation increases

Risk of infectious illnesses

___ is commonly referred to as the "date rape" drug


If someone believes they have the ability to excercise 5 days a week for 30 minutes a day, they are displaying

Self efficacy for excerice

The EEOC has established guidelines for reporting incidents of ___ that occur in schools or workplaces

Sexual harassment

Chris works late several nights a week to earn enough money to support his family. One night, Chris's boss offers him a raise if he will have sex with him. Chris however does not want to have sex with her. This situation is an example of

Sexual harrassment

Which of the following conditions is a genetic disorder that commonly affects African Americans?

Sickle cell disease

Which of the following can detect colorectal cancer?


The statement "a sense of well being is achieved through emotionally supportive and intellectually stimulating relationships" refers to which component of health?

Social health

All of the following physical characteristics are health related components of physical fitness except


The believe that ones life has purpose is a component of _______ health


Gerald has lung cancer. According to his physician, the cancer has metastasized, which means it has:


Senesecence is the

Stage of life also referred to as being elderly or an adult

To enhance flexibility safely, one should perform _____ stretching exercises


Muscular ___ is the ability of muscles to apply maximum force against a fixed object that is resisting that force


The ability of a muscle to apply maximum force against an object that is resisting that force is


People who are depressed often

Suffer from fatigue and insomnia

Aging is the

Sum of all changes that occur in an organism over its life span

In 1964, the _____ of the United States issued a landmark report that linked cigarette smoking to lung cancer and other diseases

Surgeon general

Which of the following statements is true?

The incidence of atherosclerosis increases with age

All of the following are true except

The majority of Americans who are 65 and older live in extended care facilities such as nursing homes

Which of the following statements is true?

The ovaries are structured for the development and maturation of egg cells.

Which of the following trends occurred in the US between 1988-2011?

The percentage of Americans who reported having their blood cholesterol level checked increased

All of the following statements are true except:

The walls of veins are more muscular and elastic that arterial walls

Which of the following statements is true?

There are many reasons to quit smoking at any age

Most people continue using tobacco products for all of the following reasons except

They want to reduce the Risk of cardiovascular disease

Coronary arteries can become partially or completely blocked by a


genes that slow the growth of cells are called

Tumor-supressor genes

Jenna works in a convenience store. White at work, she stands for long periods. Based on this information, Jenna has an increased risk of

Varicose veins

Which of the following statements is true?

Very few people live longer than 105 years old

Which of the following statements is true?

Victims of acquaintance rape often are unwilling to report the incident because they feel that they are partially to blame

Most sexual assaults on college campuses involve

Victims who are incapacitated due to alcohol or other drugs

Physicians can screen people for skin cancer by

Visual examination

Assume that several of your close family members have had heart attacks around the age of 50 years. Because you know heart disease can be inherited, you are concerned that you may also suffer a heart attack early in life; therefore, you are motivated to practice heart healthy behaviors. Which of the following is motivating ur behavior?


Which of the following physical activities is classified as moderate for the average person

Waking briskly

All of the following physical characteristics are a health-related component of physical fitness except


Which of the following drugs is classified as a depressant?


Jerald is 38 years old. For years, he's smoked two packs of cigarettes a day and avoided exercise. For the past two weeks, he has experienced chest pain when he physically exerts himself. Based on this information, Jerald probably has

angina pectoris

_______ are substances that protect cell membranes by preventing or reducing free radical formation.


The primary cause of stroke is


The upper chambers of the heart are called


______ occurs when a muscle becomes smaller and weaker.


The most common physical cause of erectile dysfunction (impotence) is

blood vessel disease

When calorie intake is very low, the body

burns lean tissue as well as fat for energy.

Because they are less able to absorb ______ than younger persons, elderly people may benefit from taking supplements that supply this mineral.


Chemists classify compounds as organic if they contain


Most adult cancers are


____ is the leading source of preventable illness and death in the United states

cigarette smoking

_______ are hair-like structures that project from the surfaces of cells that line the upper respiratory tract.


All of the following drugs are opiates except


Infectious diseases that are spread from person to person are called _______ diseases.


Arterial plaques

contribute to hardening of the arteries.

All of the following physical characteristics are health related component of physical fitness except


GHB and GBL are classified as


Cancer cells

differentiate abnormally

Which of the following symptoms typically occurs when a smoker is unable to use tobacco products?

difficulty concentrating

A _______ cell is benign but has the potential to develop into a cancer cell.


In men, _______ occurs during the orgasmic phase


Which of the following hormones is a sex hormone?


_______ is the ability to position a muscle and its nearby joint anywhere within its normal range of motion.


Which of the following pathogens are opportunistic?


A condition associated with aging in which an abnormal amount of fluid builds up in the eyeball is called:


Abby's waistline measures 38 inches. Based on this information, she probably has a

greater risk of diabetes than a woman of a similar height whose waistline is less than 35 inches.

Which of the following drugs is an opiate?


The lining of arteries may be damaged by

high blood pressure

Which of the following conditions is associated with cocaine abuse?

high blood pressure

Physicians often use _______ therapy to treat late-stage breast cancer.


The severity of disease signs and symptoms depends on all of the following except

host's fitness level.

In the United States

hundreds of hazardous waste sites have been cleaned up as a result of the Superfund program.

The lymph nodes are part of the ____ system


The inability to control the flow of urine from the bladder is called urinary


People who want to lose weight should

increase their caloric expenditure.

Which of the following effects is produced by nicotine?

increased metabolic rate

_______ are often referred to as "gateway" drugs.


The ___ transmission of violence occurs when abused children mature and become abusive parents


Taking _______ supplements is a common cause of poisoning.


Irradiating food

kills any insects that may be in it.

One's blood alcohol concentration is associated with one's

level of alcohol consumption.

_______ is the maximum number of years that a human can expect to live when conditions are optimal.

life span

A surgical weight loss procedure that removes fat deposits is


Women generally have _______ metabolic rates than men because they _______ than men.

lower; have more body fat

_____ cancer is the leading cancer killer of American women


_______ cancer is the leading cancer killer of American women.


Women can reduce their risk of breast cancer by

maintaining a healthy weight.

Cancer cells that have spread are


_______ refers to all chemical reactions that take place in the body.


The sexual dysfunction in which a man consistently has orgasms shortly after intercourse begins and before he wishes it to occur is called


Tobacco use results in the deaths of _______ Americans each year.

more than 100,000

Certain stimulants are medically approved to treat


A vector is a(n)

nonhuman organism that transmits disease.

_______ is a set of distinct thoughts and behaviors that characterize the way a person responds to situations.


When used without another form of contraception, spermicide-containing contraceptive creams, foams, and jellies should be

placed high in the vagina and next to the cervix before sexual intercourse

The sexual dysfunction in which a man consistently has orgasms shortly after intercourse begins and before he wishes it to occur is called

premature ejaculation

While at a party, Emily took some pills that made her feel relaxed and sleepy. Based on this information, the pills contained a drug that had _______ effects.


The walls of arteries are only one cell thick.

reguate cellular activities

Research indicates all of the following behaviors promote good health except

regularly consuming dietary supplements.

A cancer that arises from connective or muscle tissue is a


When combined, sperm and the secretions of the accessory sex glands are called


Within the testes, sperm are made in the

seminiferous tubules.

Elderly people may benefit from consuming foods or taking supplements that contain

vitamin D

The notion that men are more ambitious than women is an example of a

social norm


speed cell growth

_______ increase chemical activity in parts of the brain, relieve fatigue, suppress appetite, and improve mood.


Muscular _______ is the ability of muscles to apply maximum force against a fixed object that is resisting that force.


The ability of a muscle to apply maximum force against an object that is resisting that force is:


Which of the following conditions is an infection caused by a type of bacteria?

strep throat

Aging is the

sum of all changes that occur in an organism over its life span

The _______ Act allows manufacturers to classify nutrient supplements, herbal products, and certain hormones as "dietary supplements."

supplement and health education

Angina pectoris is a

symptom that the heart muscle is not getting enough blood.

Physicians often use the anti-estrogen drug _______ to treat breast cancer.


Normal sperm production requires

testes that are cooler than body temperature

The incidence of atherosclerosis increases with age.


The walls of arteries are only one cell thick.


All of the following conditions are associated with normal aging except

urinary incontinence.

If sperm are present, the egg is fertilized in the

uterine tube.

When fully mature, the muscular walls of the epididymis move sperm into the _______, where they are stored until ejaculation.

vas deferens

The initial rapid weight loss that one experiences when following a very low calorie diet is primarily due to loss of


_______ is the temporary physiological and psychological state that occurs when certain drugs are discontinued.


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