Hematology Final Review

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4 heme molecules and 4 globin chains

A hemoglobin molecule is composed of:

A newborn

A hemoglobin of 19 g/dL is normal which patient?

5% * (25% / 45) = 2.78%

A patient sample had a retic count of 5%. The patient's hematocrit was 25%. Normal hematocrit is 45%. What is the corrected reticulocyte count?

Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas Pathway

ATP is generated in RBC by:

Iron Deficiency

All of the following disorders can lead to macrocytic anemia EXCEPT: Alcoholism Liver disease Hypothyroidism Iron Deficiency

Bone marrow response to anemia

An elevated immature reticulocyte fraction is associated with:

A shift to the left

An increase in metamyelocyte, and promyelocytes can be referred to as:


Analysis of hemoglobin concentration is performed via:

Increased in hepcidin

Anemia of chronic inflammation is characterized by:


Associated class of immunoglobulin is:

Folate acid/Vitamin B12

CBC results on a pregant patient indicate an MCV of 112 fl. What is the next test that needs to be ordered to confirm this MCV value?

Acute leukemia, either myeloid or lymphoblastic

Chronic myelogenous leukemia often progresses to:

IgM, usually anti-I

Cold type AIHA

Chemical messengers that facilitate cross talk between blood cells


Nuclear cytoplasmic asynchrony

Deficiencies in folic acid lead to what condition?

Heinz bodies

Denatured and precipitated hemoglobin, as a result of failure by hexose monophosphate pathway to yield glutathione, causes these RBC inclusions:

7-8 um biconcave disc that lives for 120 days

Describe the general morphology of RBCs and their lifespan


Diseases associated with the production of heme, excluding Fe issues, are called:


During midfetal life, the primary source of blood cells is the:

Formation, development, and maturation of red blood cells


Cell-mediated phagocytosis of IgM or IgG coated RBCs

Extravascular hemolysis

Splenic macrophages ingest senescent or old cells

Extravascular hemolysis occurs where?

A child

For which patient is a hemoglobin of 10.5 g/dL normal?


Haptoglobin is depleted in which type of hemolysis?

The study of all blood cells, development and maturation, as well as pathologies


Development and maturation of blood cells


Protopophyrin IX

Heme is composed of iron and:

An overabundance of oval-shaped red cells

Hereditary Elliptocytosis

A subgroup of common hereditary elliptocytosis seen primarily in blacks, MCV 55-74 fL, many microspherocytes and RBC fragments

Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis

Can be seen in the genetic hgb defect, thalassemia

Hereditary Stomatocytosis

A permeability disorder, more intracellular sodium, cells dehyrate, MCHC increase

Hereditary Xerocytosis

Defect in the interaction between cell membrane skeleton and the phospholipids bilayer, MCV is normal or slightly decreased, MCH is normal, but MCHC >36%

Hereditary spherocytosis


How many molecules of oxygen can one molecule of hemoglobin carry?

stimulating EPO production by the kidney

Hypoxia stimulates RBC production by:

Agglunitaed or clumped up RBCs

If a MCHC result of 40g/dL is discovered in a patient, what is a possible cause?

0.5 - 1.5%

In a non anemic adult, what is the normal range for peripheral blood reticulocytes?

Normocytic, normochromic

In aplastic anemia, red blood cells are usually:

MCV decreased MCH decreased MCHC normal

In iron deficiency anemia, the erythrocytic indices are typically

Lyse RBC in circulation by activation of complement IgM or IgG

Intravascular hemolysis


Iron intake and distribution is primarily regulated by:


Iron is incorporated into the heme molecule in what forms?


Iron is transported in the plasma via:

usually occurs in newborn infants

Isoimmune hemolytic anemia

anemia of chronic inflammation

Lack of accessible iron is the mechanism for iron deficiency in what disease?

Formation, development, and maturation of white blood cells


Macrocytic non-megaloblastic anemia

Liver disease can cause:

Sezary cells

Mature T cells with cerebriform, clefted nuclei found in the skin and peripheral blood describe:


Methemoglobin will cause a shift of oxygen dissociation curve to the:

Citrate agar electrophoresis

Methods used to separate the variant hemoglobins from normal hemoglobin types include electrophoresis at acidic pH is called:

Potassium is in higher concentration inside the RBC than in the plasma, and sodium is in lower concentration inside the RBC plasma.

Na+, K+ ATPase maintains a concentration of ions in which:


Neutrophilia accompanied by immature granulocytes and nucleated red cells is what kind of reaction?

Alpha and Beta

Normal adult hemoglobin A contains which polypeptide chains?

Chediak higashi

Nuclear hyposegmentation and denser than normal chromatin clumping are features of


Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria episodes are usually associated with:


Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria exhibits sensitivity of one population of red blood cells to:

Anti-vitamin B12 antibodies

Perniscious anemia is a disorder characterized by:


Polychromatophilia or polychromasia is a term used to describe the presence of:

Howell Jolly bodies

Remnants of DNA inside an RBC produce which type of inclusion?

A failure to incorporate iron into protoporphyrin IX

Sideroblastic anemia are anemia that results from:


Spherocytes are observed in which type of hemolysis?

Concentrated acids

Standard precautions apply to all of the follwing EXCEPT: Blood CSF Concentrated acids Semen

Acute myeloid leukemia from lymphoblastic leukemia

Sudan black is used to distinguish which types of leukemia?

Permits the accumulation of 2,3 DPG

The Luebering-rapport pathway

NADPH and reduced glutathione

The activity of the hexose monophosphate pathway increases the RBC source of:


The breakdown products of heme go through several biochemical degradation to form:


The initial condensation reaction in the synthesis of porphyrin preceding heme formation takes place in the:

Rubriblast - prorubricyte - rubricyte - metarubricyte-reticulocyte

The maturational sequences of an erythrocytes are:

37 C

The optimal temperature of reacticity is:

4 C

The optimal temperature of reactivity for cold AIHA is:

Segmented polymorphonuclear neutrophil

The predominant cell type found in the maturation storage compartment is:

Hemoglobin F

The predominant hemoglobin found in new born is:

An increase in the reticulocyte

The presence of polychromatophilic RBCs on a blood film suggest that there will be:

Yolk sac - liver and spleen - red bone marrow

The progression of erythropoiesis from prenatal life to adulthood is"


The reference range of PMN neutrophil count in adult is:

Pluripotential stem cell

The term for the earliest hematopoietic cell is the:

Bacterial infection

Toxic granulation, Dohle bodies, and vacuolization in neutrophils are often found together in:


True or False A characteristic associated with Anemia of Chronic Inflammation is impaired release or mobilization of iron.


True or False A characteristic of Anemia of Chronic Inflammation is inadequate production of EPO in response to anemia.


True or False All blood cells except monocytes arise from the common Myeloid Progenitor cells.


True or False Intervascular hemolysis is the result of trauma to RBCs while in the circulation.


True or False Mature RBCs are able to synthesize or make lipids.


True or False The reticulum of reticulocytes can only be visualize using supravital stain, such as new methylene blue.

Dohle body like inclusions and thrombocytopenia

What abnormal findings are found in May-Hegglin anomaly?

EDTA in the lavender top

What anticoagulant agent is used most often in the hematology laboratory?

mucopolysaccharide lipids that disrupt cell functions

What are the abnormal cytoplasmic inclusion of chediak higashi?


What associated class of immunoglobulin is in cold AIHA?

Presence or absence of blood cell inclusions

What can be evaluated only through the microscopic examination of a stained blood film?

Serum is severly decreased and the TIBC is increased

What can be said about serum iron and TIBC in Iron Deficiency Anemia?


What cell is capable of phagocytosis and antigen processing?


What chromosomal translocation is associated with Chronic myeloid leukemia?


What clinical findings specifically suggests extravascular hemolysis?

Colony stimulating cytokines such as interleukins

What directs the mitosis and maturation action of progenitor neutrophil cells in the bone marrow?

Auer rods

What does the myeloperoxidase stain best demonstrate?

Characterized by selective failure of red blood cell production

What is Diamond-Blackfan anemia?

Congenital form of aplastic anemia, low birth weight, skin hyperpigmentation, renal malformations, mental retardation

What is Fanconi anemia?

Anemia = absent MCV = decreased Ferritin = normal

What is characterized by stage 1 iron deficiency?


What is elevated in megaloblastic anemia?

Decreased WBC count and vitamin B12 levels

What is found in megaloblastic macrocytosis and not in nonmegaloblastic macrocytosis?

Increased serum haptoglobin

What is not associated with hemolytic anemia?

Acute myeloid leukemia

What is not included in chronic myeloproliferative disorders?

Decreased hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red cell count compared with healthy people in the same demographic

What is the best definition of anemia?

Reed sternberg cell

What is the diagnostic cell, found in involved lymph nodes, for hodgkin lymphoma?

>95% Hb A <3.5% Hb A2 1-2% Hb F

What is the distribution of normal hemoglobins in adults?

Inherent problems leading to occasional spurious results

What is the greatest limitation of automated cell counters?


What is the last granulocyte in the maturation sequence able to undergo mitosis?

myeloblast, promyelocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, band, segmented

What is the maturation sequence for granulocytes starting with the least mature:

chronic blood loss

What is the most common cause of iron deficiency in adult males and postmenopausal females?

acute lymphoblastic

What is the most common leukemia in children between the ages of 2 and 5?

Low WBC with immature neutrophils and toxic changes

What is the prognostic sign for a patient with a bacterial infection?


What is the result typical in stage 3 iron deficiency anemia?


What is the site of hemolysis for cold AIHA?

Saline replacement of the lipemic plasma

What is the troubleshooting procedure for lipemic samples that require hemoglobin testing in hematology?

It decreases in repsonse to increased ferritin

What is true about hepcidin?

It enhances the release of oxygen from hemoglobin

What is true for both 2,3 BPG or DPG?

Has a lower affinity for oxygen

What is true of hemoglobin if the oxygen dissociation curve shifts to the right?

Increased osmotic fragility Increased in serum bilirubin Increased reticulocyte count

What laboratory procedures would relfect a typical hemolytic anemia?

WBCs deteriorate and RBCs swell

What occurs if testing is not performed within 24 hours of specimen collection?

B lymphocytes

What particular leukocyte is affected in patients with infectious mononucelosis?

Microcytic hypochromic

What red blood cell morphologies are observed in blood smears of patients with severe iron deficiency anemia?

Basophilic stippling

What red cell inclusions is composed of RNA and stained by wright-giemsa stain and is often found in lead poisoning?

Increased flexibility of the cell membrane

What single feature of the normal RBCs is most responsible for limiting their lifespan?

Hydrodynamic focusing

What technology minimizes the problem of rigid aperture, including protein buildup, coincidence, and a single cell being counted twice?


What test is used along with the MCV to morphogically classify anemia?

20% blasts in the peripheral blood

What would be an unexpected finding in chronic myelogenous leukemia?

High transferrin

What would point to Iron deficiency anemia as opposed to the anemia of chronic inflammation?

Variation in the shape of RBCs

When anisocytosis is present, what is true about their shape?

Are larger and bluer on wright stain from remnant RNA

When compared with mature erythrocytes, reticulocytes:

As the nucleus to cytoplasmic ratio decrease, the cell is more mature

When trying to determine the maturity of a cell by using the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, what is true about the nucleus?


Where is EPO synthesized?

Red blood cell precursors in the bone marrow

Where is heme produced?

attached to hemoglobin in RBCs

Where is most of the iron found in the body?


Which agency is responsible for ensuring safe and healthful working conditions for every US worker?


Which cells are normally produced in multiple sites including the bone marrow, thymus, and spleen?

acute myeloid leukemia t(15;17)(q22;q12)

Which form of acute myeloid leukemia is most often associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)?

infants and childrens

Which group of patients is most likely to develop iron deficiency from increased needs?


Which of the following is an erythrocyte Progenitor? Pronormoblast Reticulocyte CFU-E Orthochromic normoblast

Neutropenia and suppressed normal immunoglobulin

Why are patients with plasma cell myeloma susceptible to infection?

Total leukocyte count * relative Lymphocytes

absolute lymphocyte count

Rh antibodies are the most frequent cause

warm type autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA)

only cells freely circulating

what pools of leukocytes are included in the typical wbc count?

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