Hey Come on Out- Literary Devices
A story with 2 levels of meaning, literal and figurative. It is a story, poem or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
What does the construction worker represent in hey come on out?
He represents progress about to be destroyed and the ignorance of mankind. (Turns his head)
What does the old man represent in hey come on out?
He represents wisdom
figurative understanding
Offers opportunity for deeper thoughts
The use of an object, person, situation or word to represent something else, like an idea in literature.
What do the concessionaires represent?
They represent self gain and consumer greed
When the author gives hints on what might happen next in the story. It helps you predict what will happen.
What does the shrine represent in hey come on out?
It represents peace and mindfulness. Without it, chaos is created.
literal understanding
On the surface
What does the hole represent in hey come on out?
The hole represents chaos.
What are the symbols in hey come on out?
The shrine, the old man, the hole, the concessionaires and the construction worker.
What is the allegory for Hey Come on Out?
We need to be mindful of what we do on the earth and be considerate how we interact with our planet.
What is a political allegory?
something that the world can work on
What is a moral allegory?
something that you can work on yourself