HFT 3240 Exam 3

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What does the "Marriott Way" proclaim?

"Take care of the associates, and they'll take good care of the guests, and the guests will come back."

What are the five attributes of an authentic leader?

-Purpose -Values -Relationships -Self-Discipline -Heart

What are the characteristics of the norm stage?

-agreement & consensus -clear roles and responsibility -facilitation

What are the characteristics of the perform stage?

-clear vision and purpose -focus on goal achievement -delegation

What are the characteristics of the storm stage?

-conflict -increased clarity of purpose -power struggles -coaching

What does servant leadership focus on?

-employees -work ethics -continuous self-reflection -value-based problem-solving practices

What four parts of the body must a service leader lead with?

-heart -hands -head -soul

What are some characteristics of a trustworthy leader?

-integrity -competence -consistency -loyalty -openness

What are the characteristics of the form stage?

-little agreement -unclear purpose -guidance and direction

What constructs help to measure and then influence the right workplace attitudes and environment?

-motivation -absenteeism -employee citizenship behavior -organizational commitment -job satisfaction -teamwork

What does leadership align the vision to?

-organizational strategies and people -creating culture -thinking ahead -inspiring people to follow the stated direction

What does management involve?

-planning -budgeting -organizing -staffing -controlling -problem solving

What are some characteristics of ethical leaders?

-respect others -serve others -are just -are honest -build communities

What are the four types of leadership?

-situational leadership -servant leadership -transformational leadership -transactional leadership

What are the characteristics of the mourn/adjourn stage?

-task completion -good feeling about achievements -recognition

What are the five stages of development teams go through in team dynamics?

1. Form 2. Storm 3. Norm 4. Perform 5. Mourn/Adjourn

What does the E in "H.O.M.E." stand for?

Exchange: increase interactions among members

What does the H in "H.O.M.E." stand for?

History: tell stories about the past

What does the M in "H.O.M.E." stand for?

Membership: promote a sense of belonging

What does the O in "H.O.M.E." stand for?

Oneness: create a sense of family

What do leaders and followers share?

a common goal

What is transformational leadership?

a more interpersonal and motivational form of leadership

Why is it difficult to manage emotional labor?

because it draws on front-line employees/ feelings and they must often conceal their real emotions to act in a positive and welcoming manner

What is the sub-value of values?


How does a good service leader lead with their head?

by co-crafting a sound strategic vision and direction for their organization

How can service leaders build their cultures to provide superior service?

by crafting the strategic direction of their organization

How does a good service leader lead with their heart?

by creating empathy with their colleagues, suppliers, and staff as they build a respectful and high-performance culture

How does a good service leader lead with their soul?

by establishing an authentic and ethical base for themselves

How can service leaders build a cohesive organizational culture?

by helping employees come "H.O.M.E." to the organization

How does a good service leader lead with their hands?

by making sure they execute this in practice as they provide quality service for their clients and other key stakeholders

What is the purpose of the mourn/adjourn stage?

celebrate success and contributions

What is the sub-value of heart?


What is transactional leadership premised upon?

compliance of followers through rewards and punishment mechanisms

What is human resource management?

concerned with the design of formal systems and continual proactive measures to ensure the effective and efficient use of a firm's people to accomplish organizational goals

What is the sub-value of relationships?


What is the sub-value of self-discipline?


What is the purpose of the perform stage?

delivering on tasks and relationships

Why is emotional intelligence an especially important trait for leaders in the hospitality and tourism industry?

due to the people intensive nature of the industry and the importance of the general attitude of the firm's employees

How is hiring for attitude involved in managing service employees?

employee selection and recruitment must focus on customer-relationship skills and place more emphasis on personality, energy, and attitude than on education, training, and experience

How is coproduction involved in managing service employees?

employees must engage with and involve customers in the process of service delivery

What is the intrapersonal perspective on authentic leaders?

focuses on the personal characteristics of authentic leaders

What does a transformational leader do?

forms strong collaborative relationships via effective communication, team effort, and resource-sharing

What is the interpersonal perspective on authentic leaders?

highlights that authentic leadership occurs within the context of relationships

What is the principle focus of organizational psychology?

how to improve organizational outcomes by understanding the psychology of the workforce

In what context does leadership occur in?

in a group context

In what context is transformational leadership widely employed?

in a hospitality context because it enhances the motivation and performance of followers

What is the best leadership style?

it depends on the context

Why is management important?

it focuses on predictability, order, and results

What is a service organization's key asset?

its people

What is leadership?

leadership is a process where an individual influences a group to achieve a common goal

What is leadership not?

leadership is not a trait or characteristic, rather it involves influence and is concerned with how a leader affects followers

What is the purpose of the norm stage?

making the rules and expectations clear

What does a transactional leader rely on?

management by exception

How is managing employee actions involved in managing service employees?

organizational norms and values are needed to guide employee behavior

What is the sub-value of purpose?


What does leadership aim to do?

produce change through vision setting

What is the developmental perspective on authentic leaders?

sees authentic leaders as something that can be nurtured over time

What is a good strategic approach to human resource management?

sees employees as valuable assets to be "invited in" and "developed" rather than hired and trained

How is emotional labor involved in managing service employees?

service employees have to exert labor beyond just physical and mental labor; the required emotions for different service positions can vary

Which type of leadership resonates in the service sector?

situational leadership

What is the purpose of the storm stage?

sorting out early conflict

What is emotional intelligence (EQ)?

the ability to: -perceive emotions -access and generate emotions -understand emotions -regulate emotions

What is organizational psychology?

the field of study and practice that investigates and seeks understanding about the impact that individuals, groups, and structures have on behavior in the workplace

What is servant leadership?

the leader acts through motivation to serve, empower, and develop followers, which creates a more democratic leader-follower dynamic

What is passive management by exception?

the leader intervenes AFTER a problem has occurred to rectify it and discipline the subordinate

What is active management by exception?

the leader monitors the subordinates and intervenes BEFORE a problem occurs

What is organizational culture?

the specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people in an organization

What is emotional labor?

the work service employees perform that goes beyond physical or mental duties, when they are required to demonstrate an emotion

What is the purpose of the form stage?

time together and goal setting

What does it mean to be trustworthy as a leader?

to build and restore the trust of staff and customers

What does it mean to be ethical as a leader?

to demonstrate and encourage ethical principles

What is the most common type of leader?


What is emotional dissonance?

what occurs when an employee is asked to display a set of emotions that conflict with their current real feeling

What is situational leadership?

when good leaders employ a supportive or directive style as the situation requires

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