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Czar Liberator

Alexander II

Friedrich Nietzsche

God is dead, and we must learn how to live without Him


Golden age of poetry

Alexander Kerensky

Leader of the provisional government and Labor party


Leading industrial nation and financial center of the world

Red Army

Led by Leon Trotsky to defeat White Russians

Leon Trotsky

Lenin's chief henchman

Jesus Seminar

Liberal seminar

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The Gulag Archipelago


dependence upon man's reasoning and feelings alone

T.T. Shields

fundamentalist pastor known for his defense of the Bible against liberalism

G.K. Chesterton

grounded his mystery stories, essays, and other works in moral absolutes and Christian philosophy

behavioral psychology

how we learn observable responses

Harry Emerson Fosdick

one of the most radical religious liberals -shall the fundamentalists win -the peril of worshipping Jesus

Albrecht Ritschl

originated the social gospel movement

traditional education

passes the accumulated knowledge of the past to the present generation


people who affirm the truth of the bible

Five Year Plan

plans outlined by Joseph Stalin in 1928 for the development of the Soviet Union's economy

J. Gresham Machen

professor who gave raido talks about the truth of the Bible and the falseness of modernism

R.A. Torrey

"Apostle to the Skeptics"

Ivan III

"Ivan the Great"; ruled as great prince and first ruler of the independent state called Russia and expanded it too

G. Campbell Morgan

"Prince of Expositors"

Walter Rauschenbusch

"the Prophet of the Social Gospel" -equal rights and democratic distribution of economic power

Russo-Japanese War

(1904-1905) War between Russia and Japan over imperial possessions. Japan emerges victorious.

Progressive Education

(John Dewey) promotes individuality, free activity, and learning through experiences

The fundamentals of the Christian faith

-The inspiration And inerrancy of the scriptures -deity of Christ


19th century French art style; focused on light and color using short, choppy brush strokes


20th century art movement that favored a new perspective emphasizing geometric forms

Auguste Comte

French philosopher remembered as the founder of positivism and coined sociology

Norman Rockwell

America's most beloved illustrator

Upton Sinclair

American industries with being oppressors of common workers


An idea or action should be judged solely by its results regardless of ant scripture or moral considerations

George Orwell

Animal Farm portrayed horrors of totalitarianstate

Joeseph Stalin

Brutal ruler of all time

abstract art

Art for arts sake -feelings through shapes

B.F. Skinner

Behaviorist that developed the theory of operant conditioning by training pigeons and rats


Belief that matters of morality should be based on consideration of the well being of man kind

C.S. Lewis

Best Conservative writer -essays convince skeptics of the reality of God -chronicles of narnka

most powerful conservative force


October 29, 1929

Black Tuesday

Pablo Picasso

Abstract art


Capital of Ukraine

Sinclair Lewis

Emphasized works as fullness of middle class morality and the hypocrisy of conservative leaders

J.R.R. Tolkien

English writer most known for writing "The Hobbit," "The Lord of the Rings," and taught people to long for truth and good

Soren Kierkegaard

Existentialism and LEAP of faith

Prince of Expositors

Expound the Word of God

Howard Pyle

Father of American Illustration

John Dewey

Father of progressive education


Hence, religious liberalism


How pseudoscience were linked

To the communists

Human life has no value, destroy family

Secular Humanism

Human self consciousness itself

Claude Monet



Invaded the area that is now European Russia


Investments or shares in some industrial or commercial company

Ivan the Terrible

Ivan IV , first czar of russia

class struggle

Karl Marx blamed ownership of property as source of conflict -history of rich and poor

First International

Karl Marx organized the International Workingmens' Association, also called this

Marxism Leninism

Marx and Lenin

The Red Terror

Mass killings by Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution


Middle class


Money loses value causing an increase in the price of goods.

Paris Peace Pact

Most ambitious attempt at achieving permanent international peace

Vladimir Lenin

Most dangerous Communist revolutionary in Russia

Oswald Chambers

My Utmost for His Highest

Social Gospel

New message of these modernists and how they viewed church missions

Bolsheviks also killed

Nicholas II


No universal meaning to life

Positivism states

Nothing can be known except observable scientific facts

Peter tehaikovsky

Nutcracker suite

Black Tuesday

October 29, 1929; the day the stock market crashed. Lead to the Panic of 1929

Humanist manifesto

Point the faith of humanism

H.G. Wells

Praised Stalin

Billy Sunday

Preacher and Former Pro Baseball Player- Key figure in the prohibition movement

Crimean War

Russia lost

Sir William Ramsay

Scottish archaeologist explored bible lands

Beatrix Potter

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Secular Humanism

The belief that moral standards do not require religious justification.

Lymen Stewart

The fundamentals

New deal

The name of President Roosevelt's program for getting the United States out of the depression by Keynes

Red Russians

Those who favored the Communists

H.L. Mencken

Thought Christianity was out dates and called American society mass morons

famine struck hardest



Union of all churches, denominations and sects into one organization regardless of doctrinal differences


War against morality

Bolshevik Revolution

When Vladimir Lenin and the Communists take over Russia -1917

Rodney Smith

Who conducted evangelistic campaigns and was known for being a gipsy?

W.H. Griffith Thomas

Who was a renowned Bible conference speaker throughout Britain and the U.S

Ernest H. Shepherd

Winnie the Pooh and the wind in the willows

Humanist Manifesto II

a design for a secular society on a planetary scale

The Great Depression

a time period during the 1930s when there was a worldwide economic depression and mass unemployment

George Bernard Shaw

blindly wrote of life in the Communist slave-labor camps

T.S. Eliot

converted to Christianity and wrote great books


crime &punishment

Malcolm Muggeridge

rejected his Fabian socialist background and later embraced Christianity


risky investments for the chance of making a quick profit

Federal Reserve System

the central bank of the United States

Communist Manifesto

Pamphlet which laid a program for communist revolution


Principle or practice of preserving established traditions or institutions and opposing changes in them -opposition to liberalism -second ideology of the modern world

Alexander I

Promoted Russian region in North America between Alaska and the Oregon

Provisional Government

Resembled a Western representative democracy -asked Nicholas to abdicate


Rose to prominence after Russia invaded mongol hoarder

Alexander II

Ruler of Russia who freed the serfs

By Alexander's death

Russia became largest country in the world


Russian national legislature

Russian territorial expansion into eastward to pacific coast


The revolutionary terror.

Solution to Lenin's problems


Someone who desires freedom from something or freedom to do something

New Economic Policy

Started by Lenin which made the people of Russia believe they had some capitalistic opportunities


Subconscious physical drives or irrational fears determine a man's actions

Decembrist Revolt

Suppression by Nicholas the first; revolt of western intellects against the Tsarist government.

War Communism

The Russian policy of nationalizing industry and seizing private land during the civil war.

Central Committee

The legislature-like body of a communist party

Michael Romanov

The new "Tsar" of Russia after Ivan, he ended the Time of Troubles -beginning of Romanov dynasty


The secret police under Lenin and his Communist Party


The systematic study of human society

Das Kapital

Theoretical foundation for Communist ideology


Working class

Third International

a terrorist organization dedicated to communist revolution and making a communist state

Nicholas I

czar of Russia in Decembrist revolt who led Russia into the Crimean War (1796-1855)

Ivan Pavlov

discovered classical conditioning; trained dogs to salivate at the ringing of a bell

J.B. Watson

founder of behaviorism

William James

founder of functionalism; studied how humans use perception to function in our environment

Karl Marx

founder of modern communism

Sigmund Freud

founder of psychoanalysis and father


root of communism

Friedrich Engels

socialist who wrote the Communist Manifesto with Karl Marx in 1848 in pseudo-scientific format

Modern Liberalism

the desire to be free from absolute standards and morals, especially those of the scriptures.

Nicholas II

the last czar of Russia who was forced to abdicate in 1917 by the Russian Revolution


the minority party that opposed the Bolsheviks; wanted peaceful socialism; were disorganized

White Russians

those who opposed revolution in Russia and supported the tsarist regime


violent attack on a Jewish community



opiate of the people

what Marx called religion

St. Petersburg

Built by Peter the Great of Russia to attract europeans and to get warm water ports. -window to the west


Cause of dissolution in western civilization in the 20 cent -first ideology of modern world

Marx view of history

Class struggle


Communist Manifesto


Councils of workers and soldiers and peasants


Deliberate extermination of a racial or cultural group

Romanov Dynasty

Dynasty elected in 1613 at end of Time of Troubles; ruled Russia until 1917 -300 years

Positivism builds on


Catherine the Great

Empress of Russia who greatly increased the territory of the empire




Fake science that rebels against God

Russia embraced



Forcing small, private farms to band together into larger famrs supervised by managers


Form of socialism advocates violent over throw -totalitarianism dictatorship that dominates a persons property AKA Marxism

Vladimir Lenin

Formulated ideas of commumism

Marx and Engels

Foundation of communist ideology


Government ownership and administration of the production and distribution of goods

Peter the Great

Greatest Czar of Russia. He was responsible for the westernization of Russia in the 18th century.

Economics to Karl Marx

Greatest drive force in history

Bloody Sunday

1905; peaceful march by russians turned deadly when Czar's guards fire on crowd, killing hundreds


A party of revolutionary Marxists, led by Vladimir Lenin, who seized power in Russia in 1917.

Great Purge

Beginning in 1934, Stalin's plan to eliminate all opposition to his Communist government.

Red Guards

Bolshevik military force

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Bring non Russian nationalities in one communist regime

Negative system

- No God - No creation - No fall - No morality - No family ties - No individuality - No incentives - No hope

Alexander III

-Strict censorship in schools -made Jews the scapegoats

dialectal materialism

-nothing but material world exists -material determine how person is

Positivism three stages

-theological -metaphysical -positive

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