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The effect of the Nanking Massacre

After the conquest there were Japanese civilians that didn't align with the ideology of taking of China. They were sentenced to jail for betrayal of their country. There were also posters in Japan that were put up against fascism in Japan and how people should take stand. Paraphrase pg 19 The Making

The events in the Nanking Massacre

As supplies were scarce the US did help provide with goods and help. They were contributing manpower and their army to help fight battles. Ultimately China won which led to more problems. pg 56

The effect of the Nanking Massacre

As the massacre went on, there were banning of the writings for what was actually happening. There were banned novels that exposed the regime for what it was. The book Living Soldiers which is translated from Japan was banned for its details on how Japanese soldiers did. Paraphrase pg 21 The Making.

The effect of the Nanking Massacre

Because of the Nanking Massacre the two forces between the communist party and the capitalist party had to join forces in actually defeating the Japanese army. pg 12

The events in the Nanking Massacre.

Children were forced to grow up learning about how the past events of the Nanking massacre were to be ignored. Japanese boys were trained to become soldiers and that they had to serve against China. JSTOR

The causes of the Nanking massacre

Japan would stage different attcks on themselves to make it look like China would start a war. They bombed their own railroads but failed to do that so they killed their own guards and staged it to look like it was coming from the China's retaliation. pg 29 The Rape of Nanking

The causes of the Nanking Massacre

"It soon became apparent to some Japanese ultra nationalists that if they wanted to control China they would have to move quick. For there were signs that China, forced to submit to Japanese demands in 1895, was trying to strengthen itself as a new nation" pg 28 The Rape Of Nanking

The cause of the Nanking Massacre

" According to the official view, Japan had been seeking peace in Asia, only to be dragged into an unwanted military conflict with China. Prime minister Kanoe Fumimaro's decision to dispatch additional military forces to China received enthusiastic support.." The Making of The Rape of Nanking" pg 12 Direct Quote

The causes of the Nanking Massacre

" In 1928 they engineered the assassination of Chang Tsolin, the warlord ruler of Manchuria, when he failed to give them his full cooperation. The murder only served to infuriate the Chinese people, who organized more boycotts against the Japanese goods." pg 29 The Rape of Nanking

The events in the Rape of Nanking

" We're all very worried about the possibility of a gas attack, because Nanking's civilian population has not been issued gas masks." Pg 11 The Goodman of Nanking

The effects of the Nanking Massacre

"China was supposed to take its place as one of the Big Four powers that would together rebuild the postwar world. But the central government... had few of the attributes of a modern power, and only loose control over much of the country's territory." pg 3

The causes of Nanking Massacre

"For decades after the war crimes trials which condemned the Japanese military leaders at Nanking (Nanjing), there was silence, an inability in China and outside to deal with the horror during which an unknown number of Chinese, possibly a quarter of a million, were killed. Some of the earliest attention actually came from within Japan,where a bitter controversy erupted on the question of Japanese war guilt in the media, in memoirs and in academic circles, with right-wing apologists on one end of the spectrum and academic researchers on the other." JSTOR

The causes of the Nanking Massacre

"In the summer of 1937 Japanfinally succeeded in provoking a full-scale war with China. In July a Japanese regiment, garrisoned by treaty in the Chinese city of Tientsin, had been conducting night maneuvers near the ancient Marco Polo Bridge." Pg 33 The Rape of Nanking

The events in the Rape of Nanking

"Last night up to 1,000 women and girls are said to have been raped, about 100 girls at Ginling Girls College alone. You hear of bothing but rape." Direct quote, pg 77 The Good Man of Nanking

The events in the Nanking Massacre

"On the other hand, since the morning of December 14, our supply trucks have been practically at a standstill. Before your troops entered the city we concentrated on getting supplies into the Zone..." International John Rabe Direct Quote.

The events in the Rape of Nanking

"Several Japanese soldiers have broken into a building next to Safety Zone Headquarters. Women and girls flee over the wall onto our grounds." Pg 109 The Goodman Of Nanking

The effect of the Nanking Massacre

"The Japanese did not keep meticulous records of their atrocities. There are very few Chinese records; the people who might have made them had fled. We rely on the first-hand accounts of a courageous group of foreigners, the International Committee, who stayed in Nanking when the Japanese took the city, and tried to protect civilians. They kept detailed records of what they saw, later published as the Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone." JSTOR

The effect of the Nanking Massacre

"The book started as a set of documents given to undergraduate students as a way of teaching about the Anti-Japanese War. It is an almost ideal teaching tool, a way to introduce students to a subject which is painful, horrifying and yet supremely important." Jstor

The effects in the Nanking Massacre

"This resulted in a breaking down of our system for maintaining order and for providing necessary services which we had carried on up till the morning of December 14." International John Rabe

The events in the Rape of Nanking

"Those who have nothing are yet to arrive. We'll have to open the schools and universities for them, put them in mass shelters and feed them from great soup kitchens." Pg 53 The Goodman Of Nanking

The events in the Nanking Massacre

Many battles were fought from the Chinese force but they also had lost many of the battles. Japanese forces pushed up until the point where Chinese forces were then supported by the US. pg 87

The cause of The Nanking Massacre

On December 8, 1937 Japan had official taken over Nanking. There were news reports all about it in Japan where people were celebrating this conquering. There was surrendering from China for the fact that they wanted to preserve what was left of it after many battles. Paraphrase pg 16 The Making.

The causes of the Nanking Massacre

The Japanese then seized Manchukuo and installed a puppet ruler for themselves. Then a Shanghai mob group attacked Japenese priests which resulted in a bombing from Japan. pg 29 The Rape of Nanking

The effects of the Nanking Massacre

The inclusion of this document may turn out to be less of a means of exculpating the perpetrators than might appear at first glance. The text of Pal's dissent, when read with the background knowledge of his own political loyalties, may actually underline war guilt, rather than exonerate the Japanese officers, condemned through their own surrogate rather than by their victims."

The events in the Nanking Massacre

There over 450 soldiers that were detained in the safe Zone. There were also entering if intruders by the Japanese force. There was barely any police resistance. International John Rabe Paraphrase.

The effects in the Rape of Nanking

There was a cutoff of supplies that passed through Nanking. People were having difficulty on obtaining food and resources. International Committee of the Nanking Safety Zone 1937 John Rabe

The events in the Rape of Nanking

There was an international committee that was formed by doctors and professors from the university. They wanted to make a refugee camp. As word got around, more and more people began to join and work for the camps. Paraphrase, The Good Man of Nanking pg 25

The cause of The Nanking Massacre

There were approximately 3,000 Chinese soldiers that attacked Japanese citizens in Tongzhou. There were newspapers that made articles on the fact that it was unnecessary. FACT pg 12 The Making

The events in the Nanking Massacre

There were workers that were also affected because of the harshness coming from the Japanese soldiers. There was so much terror that was going on that it made hard for workers to even work on telephones. It made needed jobs harder because of all the restrictions. International John Rabe Paraphrase.

The effects of the Nanking Massacre

With the conclusion of the Nanking Massacre there would be another war that was fought between two different groups in China. There would be a civil war between communist and capitalist. pg 73 The China mission.

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