Hist 1302 final review

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American Foreign Affairs after The Great War


Brown v Board of Education


Cold War ideologies




Effects of urban growth and reformation


Impact of the War on Terror in America


Lend-Lease Act




Nixon's Foreign Affairs and Policies


Reagan's economic plan


Response of the Hoover Administration to the Great Depression


The Great Migration


The Stock Market during the 1920s


United Nations creation


War of 1898


Economic Development in the Second Industrial Revolution

ch16 Identify the impacts that the innovations that occurred prior to and during the Second Industrial Revolution had on economic growth after the war. - Applying the scientific method to industrial processes - The improvement in steel enabled the transportation revolution and the construction of skyscrapers. - Modern transportation and communication infrastructure - This came about with the completion of the transcontinental railroads, improvements in steamship technology, and the connection between the United States and Europe via telegraph cables. - Creation of electrical power - This enabled rapid urban development; it greatly increased the speed, power, and efficiency of machinery. Further, it aided in the construction of taller buildings. What improvements in transportation and communication promoted the onset of the Second Industrial Revolution?-The completion of the transcontinental railroads and the improvements in steamship technology helped connect American goods to global markets. -The laying of telegraph cables between the United States and Europe improved the rate of communication more significantly than any previous invention. The Second Industrial Revolution stimulated economic growth in the decades following the Civil War. Identify the factors that led to the Second Industrial Revolution. - scientific research into the industrial process - modern transportation and communication networks - electrical power Identify the impacts of the innovations of the Second Industrial Revolution. - Electric Motors - allowed factory owners to locate factories wherever they wished - Investment Banks - allowed railroads to raise capital by selling shares of stock to investors - Sewing Machine - allowed clothing to be mass produced New inventions enabled women to work in a wider variety of fields. Business offices changed in response to the invention of the typewriter. Women were thought to be better suited than men to perform this kind of clerical office work and were hired in large numbers and paid less than their male counterparts. In addition, inventions such as the sewing machine created new jobs for women, but unlike positions in business offices, these jobs forced women to work long hours in sweatshops as a result of the technological innovation. Both these technologies helped the economy grow by increasing the productivity of labor and by expanding the labor market.

Horizontal and Vertical Integration

ch16 John D. Rockefeller implemented a business strategy known as horizontal integration to grow his Standard Oil Company. What was the central foundation of this business practice? The most dominant corporation in a particular industry either buys out its competitors or forces them out of business with the end goal of constructing a monopoly. Carnegie Steel Company used vertical integration to become the largest industrial company of its time. Identify the various elements of a vertical integration business model? A vertically integrated corporation owns all the businesses required to perform each step in their production.

Civil Rights Movement


Plessy v Ferguson

ch17 Complete the passage below describing the historic Supreme Court decision that shaped southern race relations in late-nineteenth-century America. The Supreme Court case of Plessy v. Ferguson was pivotal in its establishment of the practice of separate but equal facilities, legitimizing the racial segregation of almost every aspect of southern life. The case began with Homer Plessy, a man of one-eighth African descent, who chose to remain in an exclusively white rail car and was found in violation of the law. This historic ruling legally sanctioned the practice of segregation in public spaces and inspired a new wave of regulations known as the Jim Crow laws.

Gilded Age politics

ch18 Drag each word to the appropriate blank space in order to complete the passage regarding the role of ring bosses in big-city politics during the Gilded Age. Ring bosses established large patronage networks that they used to reward loyal followers and generous donors. Ring bosses would become so influential as to prompt requests for bribes from the president of the United States during the Grant administration. Speaking of campaign contributions to members of Congress, a California railroad tycoon said, "If you have to pay money to have the right thing done, then it is only just and fair to do it." This quotation illustrates which of the following aspects of Gilded Age politics? Correct Answer(s) - Their wealth allowed "robber barons" to buy favors from legislators and government officials. - Corruption was a regular feature of American politics. - Politics was dominated by party bosses who used political machines and patronage to turn out voters. - The two major parties avoided issues that could negatively affect the party because neither party was politically dominant during this period. - National political parties exercised more power because of the central role politics played in the lives of most Americans. Voter participation in the political process was very high. - The Republican and Democratic parties were nearly equal in political strength.

Spoils System and Civil Service

ch18 President Cleveland's veto of Congress' attempt to provide seeds to Texas farmers was a testament to his devotion to the spoils system. False Slalwarts: partly dedicated to reforming the spoils system Identify the reforms and decisions made by President Hayes in his attempt to reform the Republican party and distance himself from the spoils system. Correct Answer(s) - He fired New York Customs House manager Chester Arthur for his promotion of "ignorance, inefficiency, and corruption." - He declared that the time had come "for civil service reform." Put the following events in the order they occurred during the Gilded Age. - President Hayes attempts to implement civil service reform with limited success. - President Garfield is assassinated by someone who had failed to receive a government job and blamed Garfield's civil service reforms. - The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act mandated that many federal jobs be filled on the basis of competitive tests rather than patronage. - Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act: It imposed a system of competitive tests for the attainment of federal jobs.

Anti-Trust Acts

ch18 Sherman Anti-Trust: This passed in 1890 to prohibit companies from establishing monopolies in their industries.

Theodore Roosevelt's Foreign Policies

ch19 What does President Roosevelt's statement reveal about his approach to foreign policy? "I took the Canal Zone and let Congress debate; and while the debate goes on the [construction of the] Canal does also." Correct Answer(s) - Roosevelt was very willing to use American naval power to secure his goals. - Roosevelt was not always concerned with the legality of his actions.

Cuban Missile Crisis


Espionage and Sedition Acts


Gulf of Tonkin Resolution


LBJ and Nixon's strategies in Vietnam


Presidential Election of 1968


Populism and Populists

In the 1890s the United States experienced a depression that caused massive unemployment and widespread poverty. The Populist party differed from the progressive movement in that the Populists were popular in the South and West while the progressive movement was nationwide and more urban. The Populists were interested in political reform like the direct election of senators. Progressives adopted many of these reforms in the twentieth century.

Journalism in the Progressive Era

Journalists - educated the public by exposing corruption

Women's Suffrage

Prior to 1918, Wilson and Roosevelt supported the woman suffrage movement and helped suffragists achieve considerable success, particularly in western states. False. In what region of the nation did women first gain full suffrage rights? Left Side. Which of the following social groups did women's suffrage most often exclude? Correct Answer(s) - African American women Incorrect Answer(s) - women in western states - feminists - middle- and upper-class women. Activists used the social gospel to make a case for women's suffrage.

Outbreak of The Great War

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was part of which of the following larger conflicts that led to the outbreak of World War I? The conflict between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Serbia

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