HIST 225 Exam 2

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Battle of Chaeronea

10; 338 fighting finally broke out between athens and macedon; in boeotia; only athens, thebes, boeotian league, and a few pelop. units against Philip; heavy greek casualties, decisive blow struck by companion cavalry led by Alexander (philip's 18 yr old son and heir); thebans' sacred band slaughtered, 1000 ath killed, 2000 ath captured, philip dominates greece now

Theoric Fund

10; Eubulus (405-335 bc) = leading athenian politician --> persuaded athenians to pass a law assigning all surplus to this and he was a commissioner of hte fund -> some money to be used for projects like repariing roads and fortifications, rest earmarked fordistritbuition to athenian citizens at religious festivals --> mitigated poverty of athens' neediest citizens, reduced tensions between rich and poor; encouraged a pacifist foreign policy bc poor no longer benefit from war (paid to row)

Corinthian League

10; alliance of all major greek city states when they sent reps to corinth to learn philip's plans (except spartans); purpose: (1) to maintain a common peace in greece and (2) to retaliate against the persians for the invasion of 480 and other acts of aggression against greeks; council of alliance empowered to pass decress binding on member states, to arbitrate disputes between them, and to try individuals accused of betraying the goals and policies of hte alliance; philip's proposals approved by delegates and he was appointed hegemon of alliance and commander of war of revenge against persians primary purpose = legitimize philip's domination of Greece

Peace of Philocrates

10; athenian politician philocrates negotiated peace with Philip in summer of 346; quckly collapsed admist bitter dispute over responsibility for its negotiation; details of diplomacy that produced it are unclear; athens chose to accept humiliating terms offered byPhilip rather than continue war with macedon; athens renounced claim to amphipolis, accepted exlusion of its phociana dn thracian allies from protection of treaty, agreed that city and remnants of 2nd athenian confederacy would become permanent allies of philip and his descendents --> athens impotence in face of growing mac power and influence in greece now revealed to all aftermath: athens' support for treaty result of fear of war with mac and its consequences; as soon as threat receded, support died; philip's treatment of phocis angered athenians (promised to not harm phocis evwen though excluded from treaty, phocis surrendered after peace made, philip destroyed town and resettled inhabitants elsewhere and took votes on amphictyonic countil) athens so pissed demand to get amphipolis back, philocrates indicted for bribery, fled into exile philip declared war in 340 when athens in alliance with several other greek states and persia frustrated his siege of hellepontine city Perinthus, athens declared war too, 1 yr later hostilities broke out after philip unsuccessfully besieged byzantium, campaigned against scythians, seized whole black sea grain fleet in 340 and athenians freaked out 339: delphic amphictyony invited philip to lead sacred war against city amphissa just south of delphi, that got his army to phocis within easy striking distance of athens

Philip II

10; bro Alexander II tried to weaken theban influence in thessaly and failed so philip spent 369-367 in thebes which taught him insight into greek politics and military tactics; macedon descended into chaos when he returned in 367, three kings were ruling, philip was only adult Argead surviving, he became regent and by 357 had supplanted his nephew to become king of Macedon amid enemies on all sides and people seeking to take his throne then persuaded thracians and athenians to abandon the people they were supporting for the macedonian throne, then defeated paeonians and Illyrians and regained control of western and NW macedonia --> brilliant diplomacy alliance with molossians in Epirus pacified the western frontier --> focus to the east, seized greek cities along coast of gulf of therma and in SW thrace and mt. pangaeus (mines! = enough money to carry out plans for remainder of reign) Reforms: more powerful catapults than dionysius had used, created elite corps of military engineers --> successfully besiege fortified cities like Amphipolis, enhanced skirmishing and scouting abilities of army by special units of light-armed infantry and cavalry recruited from non-mac subjects and allies; reorganized mac infantry --> new uniformlly equipped phalanx to replace undisciplined militia from prev. mac kings; each member of phalanx wore metal helmet and carried small shield and short sword and a hug pike (sarissa) as long as 18 ft to strike blows before enemies could get close enough to use their own shorter weapons --> deprived gree opponents of chief tactical advantage (ability to conc. hoplites in close formation against enemies and destroy them) other reforms: strengthened bonds between army, leaders, and king -> shared men's hardships and dangers and wounds; also recruited new members for royal companions (since many had died in prev. defeat of his bro) --> chose from greeks and non-greeks flockign to mac. in search of opportunity and wealth; royal pages institution possessed what no prev. Mac king had had: extensive and loyal base of support for his policies at home and abroad early 330s = crisis for persian empire, in 336 philip took advantage of chaos and sent expeditionary force across hellespont, as army moved south down west coast of anatolia, his supporters in vairous greek cities revolted and overthrew pro-persian tyrants --> augured well for man campaign philip was to lead next year BUT THEN philip assassinated at Aegae by member of his own bodyguard, Pausanias

Amphictyonic Council, Thebes, Phocis and the Sacred War

10; council of Delphi--> thebes had favorable majority, arranged to have Phocis severely fined in 357 for cultivating land sacred to Apollo; didn't submit to theban blackmail but seized control of Delphi and used treasures of Apollo to recruit a powerful mercenary army; athens and sparta don't want thebes to get more power so even though sacrilege bad they don't unite with Thebes against Phocis; Thebes and Thessalian allies appeal to Philip to help at Delphi, intervened with Thebes in 346 --> Sacred War Macedonian intervention tipped scales against Phocis but Philip didn't want to increase Theban power so he supported thebes militarily but also opened negotiations with Phocis over possible surrender terms, phocis accepted (bc penalty for sacrilege = kill all males of military age) and surrendered in 346 (summer) phocian cities broken up into constituent villages, phocians pay back treasure from delphi, and their vote in amphictyonic countil transferred to philip --> now he has majority bc of control of thessaly too!


10; just-war theorist, athenian educator, almost 100 when battle of chaeronea fought; brooded on greece's chronic social problems, proposed solution was conquering a portion of the persian empire and providing a place to which economically deprived and potentially dangerous segments of greek society could emigrate


10; kingdom located north of Greece in southeastern Europe; pre-philip II = few cities, seminomadic pastoralists or farmers primarily owing allegience to local aristocrats, kings = polygamy, aristocrats like tumulus burial (not cremation or interment); nobility structure similar to homeric heroes


10; macedonian kings enocouraged macedonian nobility to meld with greek culture

royal companions

10; macedonian nobles from whom the kings chose their closest advisers and members of their bodyguards; served in elite cavalry unit commanded personally by the king in battle


10; philip's fourth wife (epirote princess) who bore his heir alexander, queen for most of his reign; seventh marriage = macedonian bride (no more diplomatic marriages) cleopatra--> olympias and alexander fell from favor, fled into exile, cleopatra bore him daughter europa (337), had to reconcile with his son, olympias remained in exile in Epirus, alex resumed place at court, but union with cleopatra stuck philip in her fam's problems, one of them involved his assassin (cleopatra's uncle had abused him and philip hadn't done anything about it)


10; philosopher, tutor of alexander, took advantage of new relationship between athens and macedon by returning to 335 until 322 when anti-mac feelings forced him to flee to euboea and then he died that year.


10; prominent athenian politician; proponent of aggressive athenian policy against macedon

royal pages

10; sons of members of old mobility, personally served king and were educated at court, philip recruited future officers from them and they were also hostages for the good behavior of their families


10; to east of Macedon


10; to west of Macedon


10; when united = threat to macedon; phocis (In thessaly) in mid 350s = major power in central and northern greece, union of them and pherae threatenedinterests of Larisa and Thebes, Philip intervened but defeated twice by Phocian forces in 353, returned to Thessaly with overwhelming force the next year, crushed Phocians at Battle of hte Crocus Field (352); pherae then seized and its last tyrant fled into exile, Thessalian League met and appointed Philip archon of Thessaly since Pheraean threat gone --> united Macedon and Thessaly through philip since he could use their military forces and expanded his influence deep into central greece

First Peloponnesian War

6; 460-445 BC; undeclared war between athenian and spartan leagues that consisted of a series of battles often punctuated by considerable intervals of peace Athens' conflicts with its neighbors: megara decided to switch (around time ephialtes died) peloponnesian league to athenian ally to get protection from corinth, this alarmed the corinthians bc megara was important on their trade route; in 459 corinth and aegina combined against athens, athens repelled corinthian invasion of megara and built Long Walls linking athens to piraeus; spartans decided to enter war against athens in 457 but just led to fighting in Boeotia which made Athenians control the whole region except Thebes and make democratic govts the norm there. disaster in egypt and the transfer of hte league treasury to athens: athens' land empire at max extent; pericles persuaded athenians to send ships to cyprus (damage phoenician fleet) and egypt (rebelling against king artaxerxes) but egypt campaign went on for years and only ended in 454 after 18 mo seige where athenians were penned on island Prosopitis, ultimately almost all the athenians killed and the relief force was destroyed too --> great loss of morale; meanwhile (454)_ transferred treasury from Delos to athens supposedly for security but mainly power play to demonstrate athenian supremacy --> start calling it Athenian Empire now instead of Delian League Cimon returned from exile in 451, negotiated truce of 5 yrs bw Atehns and Sparta and abandoned Atehns' alliance with Argos, then argos signed 30-yr treaty with Sparta, Cimon died campaigning in Cyprus in 450, Athenians seem to have made peace with Persia (Peace of Callias) in 450; 445 Athenian land empire collapsed and when 5 yr truce expired in 446 Euboea revolted bc it didn't like cleruchies athenians establishing there, then Megara defected and slaughtered their athenian garrison, Pericles returned from euboea to attica and king pleistoanax of sparta had invaded, pericles persuaded him to return home but athenians afraid and even though Pericles subdued Euboea Megara returned to the Peloponnesian league and the Athenian influence in Boeotia failed and Thebes gained leadership of anti-democratic Boeotian league; Atehnains made peace with sparta in 445 (Thirty-Years' Peace)


6; Athenian historian; served as general in the war; his History is the primary source for hte period from 479 to 411 BC, but his account of the years before 433 isn't as detailed as his narrative of hte war itself and the tensions that immediately preceded it; saw world as fundamentally human-centered (not in interactions between divine and humans); servied as general in 424; probably born around 460; came from aristocratic family; admired Pericles; exiled for failing to keep Spartans from taking Amphipolis --> got non-Athenian sources but couldn't attend Athenian assembly meetings anymore; saw athens lose the war


6; Athenian tragedian

citizenship law of 451

6; Pericles limited citizenship to those whose parents were both Athenians; anti-aristocratic measure aimed at affluent men who made marriage alliances with noble families from other states; eliminated powerful source of connectedness among poleis and fostered a sense of seaprateness that frequently led to war; social problems created within the polis bc men would have more foreign mistresses


6; alliance leader

Delian League

6; alliance led by the Athenians; formed by a number of greek states in an effort to prevent a third invasion by the Persians; tribute enabled athens to offer state pay for public service such as jury duty --> expanded number of men who could afford to participate in govt called such bc treasury originally located on Delos in the Aegean; in 477 reps from athens and dozens of other staes met at delos and took oaths binding themselves into an organization designed to fight the persians; in exchange for annual contributions in ships or money athens agreed to lead the League in military operations agaisnt Persia while simultaneously respecting hte internal autonomy of each polis in the alliance; policy was to be established by a League assembly in which each state had 1 vote but executed by an athenian high command that also controlled the treasury goals: containment of persia, gathering of booty as compensation for damages done to Greece during the war, and simple revenge Aristides = leader of athenians, charged with assessing each stat'es appropriate contribution to the league treasury


6; born into aristocratic family in Boeotia; traveled widely and enjoyed patronage of the powerful; some poems honored Sicilian tyrants Hiero and Theron; assumed that merit was inherited and victors spring from illustrious families that can trace their origins ultimately to divine ancestors; wrote numerouus epinician odes; assiciated physical prowess with all-around virtue;

reforms of Ephialtes

6; diminished power and prestige of ancient council of the areopagus; assembly passed measures constricting the jurisdiction of that council, transferring many of its functions to the boule, the ecclesia, and the body of prospective jurors known as the heliaia; left its jurisdiction over homicide and some religious matters bc respect for its venerable history; anti-spartan Athenian who rose in influence after Cimon fell bc he went to help sparta and spartans dissed athenians by sending them home cause they didn't trust them; assassinated, then his associate pericles took up leadership of the party


6; led athenians and allies (Delian League) to expel the Persians from Europe and prevent them from establishing naval bases in ionia; 476: set out with League's navy northeast to expel Persians from thrace, banish troublesome pirates from Scyros, clear route to Hellespont; made Scyros a cleruchy; "found bones of theseus" (made him crazy popular in athens); 467: cimon beat persian forces at mouth of eurymedon river in southern asia minor; victory = hero but also encouraged defections from league like Thasos; impeached by enemies on grounds that bribes from king alexander of macedon were responsible for his decision not to use hisbase in teh north to invade macedonia; favored sparta and opposed any further democratization

serpent column

6; monument at Delphi set up by the Greek allies after their victory over the Persians at Plataea in 479 BC; made of three intertwined bronze serpents and on the coils were inscribed the names of hte 31 Greek states that had stood fast against hte persians --> also dedicated Plataea to Zeus the Liberator; first names = Sparta and Athens

Thirty Years' Peace

6; peace bw Athens and Sparta to end 1st Peloponnesian War in 445; only lasted half that long; neither state was to interfere with the allies of hte other, neutrals were free to join either side, disagreements were to be settled by arbitration, no allies were permitted to switch sides, and each hegemon was free to use force to resolve conflicts within its own alliance.


6; regent for Leonidas' underage son Pleistarchus; Greeks under his command began to complain about Spartan conduct in 478 saying that he acted like a Persian and accusing him of exhanging treacherous letters with King Xerxes; alienated Greeks wserving under him, Spartans sent Dorcis to replace him, Greeks didn't like it; leadership of Greek fleet switched to athenians!


6; resident aliens in Athens; not allowed to participate in government


6; took over the "party" after Ephialtes was assassinated; remained leading politician in athens 461-death in 429 (elected repeatedly as one of the ten strategoi); took lead in shaping atheniann policy throughout decade during which athens chose to wage war simulatneously with Persian empire and peloponnesian league held in high regard by athenians; skills primarily in formulating policy and in persuading members of hte ecclesia to vote his proposals into law but occasionally campaigned (e.g. commanding troops that regained Euboea)


6; type of colony which were in effect part of athenian territory bc all inhabitants (cleruchs) retained their athenian citizenship; each cleruch was granted a parcel of land (kleros) adequate to maintain him in solon's 3rd class (zeugitai) and qualify him for service as a hoplite; provided an outlet for hte disaffected and potentially dangerous poor and operated as garrisons in the empire to discourage rebellion from athens; e.g. what Cimon set up on Scyros

temple of Zeus at Olympia

6; vital religious center; completed in 456


7; "having to do with the muses"; memorization of poetry, learning to play the lyra, way of instruction for sons of upper class parents


7; 460-377 bC; works seek to explain natural phenomena like diseases, impact of climate on health, etc.

sanctions against Megara

7; Atehnians accused Megarians of harboring escaped slaves and cultivating sacred land between Eleusis and Megara and were pissed Meg. helped Corinth at Battle of Sybota; decree in 432ish excluded Megarian merchants from Athenian empire ports --> harm on Pelop. league without actually breaking terms of Peace; associated with Pericles; Spartan king Archidamus urged caution but spartans voted that Ath. had violated 30 yrs peace and summoned delgates from Pelop. League who voted to go to war with Atehns (4th event breakdown of 30 yr peace)


7; Athenian tragedian; 485-406 bC; innovation --> surprising endings?


7; Athenian tragedian; 496-406 BC; author of over 100 plays; reworked familiar plots of Greek mythology to express view of world; challenged conventional mores (sympathy for greek women?); expanded dialogue at expense of chorus and added a third speaking actor on stage


7; Athenian tragedian; 525-456 BC; died in Sicily after long life; wrote maybe 70 plays, 7 survive; added a second actor to interact with chorus--> conflict possible and moved tragedy into realm of drama; Oresteia (diffulty of understanding and obtaining a just social and religou s order); tragedy = hallmark of Athenian greatness


7; Corinthian colony AND member of Atehnian alliance --> super awk position; Atehnains ordered Potidaeans to dismiss Corinthian magistrates in winter 433-432, reject any future officials from Corinth, tear down seaward defenses, give hostigaes (Ath. wanted to take vengeance on Corinth and were afraid of Cor. interference in Ath. sphere of influence); impt location bc close to Macedonia and everyone needs timber from Mac. for ships; Pot. got promise from Sparta with Cor.'s help that Sp. would invade Attica if Pot. was attacked; Macedonians were Athenians' allies, their king was then pissed bc athens supported relatives challenging his throne rights, encouraged Sparta to move against athens and encouraged Cor. to raise revolt in Potidaea, athens attacked Macedonia, Corinth entered into secret alliance with Bottiaean and Chalcidian states, Pelop. ppl entered Potidaea, Athenians defeated tehm and laid seige to city for 2 years --> lots of men and money lost for Ath. (event 3 breakdown of 30 yr peace)


7; athenian imperialism or just trying to bring all Greeks together?


7; center for secular human activity; market; meeting place for exchange of goods na dnews; focus of social political and judicial activities; large level space at foot of acropolis on road from main city gate


7; colony of Corcyra (which was a Corinthian colony), civil war broke out between oligarchs and democrats, democrats asked Corcyra for help, Corcyra said no, democrats asked Delphi and they said to turn themselves over to Corinth (technical founder city) and they agreed to help bc they were pissed at Corcyra, Corcyreans "scored a conspicuous victory" over Corinthians coming to help, Corinth was super pissed. (event 1: breakdown of 30 yr peace)


7; didn't belong to Peloponnesian League or Athenian alliance, so they were afraid of Corinth growing in power to humble them, Corinth hated them now (bc of Epidamnus) so they couldn't join Pelop. league so they sent ambassadors to Athens in summer 433, even though neutrals joining either side was allowed in the 30 yrs peace, Atehnians were nervous about letting enemy of Corinth join them but also afraid if they didn't Corinth would defeat Corcyra and take on their fleet as well, debated, agreed to make alliance and called it "defensive" but everyone knew Corinth was about to attack Corcyra, they did in late summer 433, Atehnians hugn back but then gave increasing support --> Corinth and Athens openly fighting (event 2: breakdown of 30 yr peace)


7; girl with no surviving brothers (e.g. Antigone in Sophocles)


7; good laws/customs; spartan society and legislation of solon exhibited it


7; greeks who taught eager, paying pupils how to get by in the world; "practitioners of wisdom"; regected facile assumptions about conenctions between noble birth and true merit; enabled young men from newly rich families to learn to speak efectively, aroused suspicion among athens' entrenched elite


7; law, custom, central to society (in herodotus); convention (vs. physis)


7; nature (vs nomos)


7; older lover


7; temple of Athena parthenos; replaced older temple of athena destroyed by xerxes during persian wars


7; younger beloved

Four Hundred

8; 411 assembly voted itself out of existence in athens and placed safety of state in the hands of a new provisional countil known as the four hundred --> would soon give way to larger body of 5000; it's believed solon created a council of 400, 5000 correspond to hoplite class --> antidemocratic, sailors concerned about their disfranchisement --> oligarchy of 411, pay abolished for state offices (limited govt participation to those who could afford to spend time in unremunerated labor); suspended graphe paranomon (indictment of illegal proposals) --> 2 athenian govts (oligarchy of 400 in city AND democratic fleet stationed at samos which functioned as the assembly); alcibiades dissuaded sailors from sailing to athens to overthrow the 400 which would've left the east at teh mercy of athens' enemies, 400 ended up being self-destructing --. peace with sparta failed to materialize, euboea successfully revolted from ath empire, restored democracy in june (bc 5000 and fleet at samos cooperated to win in east), spartans sought peace (on basis of status quo) from democracy, but ath regained confidence and refused... whoops

revolt of Mytilene

8; 428; 4/5 cities on island of Lesbos revolting from Ath. empire (led by mytilene); unexpected bc Lesbos was one of 2 remaining autonomous members of empire (ships instead of money as tribute); spartans agreed to help Mytilene but never actually sent aid, in 427 mytilene surrendered, athenians have to decide what to do with them, first say put all men to death and sell women and children into slavery, debate --> cleon says harsh consistency, diototus says don't follow original plan bc no point in killing ppl who surrendered bc that just makes future rebels less likely to surrender, he won, executed 1000+ men (ringleaders of revolt) instead of killign all menand enslaving women and children

Archidamian War

8; 431-421 BC; named after spartan king and commander Archidamus; associated with Pericles' strategy (all athenians huddle within walls, import food and goods by ship from throughout hte empire, thinking that enemy would tire of ragvagin land when nobody came out to fight and sue for peace, but Spartans thought they';d get tired of beeing cooped up in city and either come out to fight or seek peace) 1st yr of war: few casualties, Athenians held public funeral for those who'd died in war, Pericles offered eulogy --> Thuc's Pericles' funeral oration --> focusees on city of athens and way of life that's antithesis of everything spartan --> defensive and jingoistic tone, "school of greece" 2nd yr: invasion of attica by allied forces of peloponnesian league and harassment of pelop. coast by ath. navy = routine, but THEN plague in athens!!! 1/3 ppl died, great loss of Ath. morale, athenians voted to fine pericles and depose him from strategia, returned him to office at next elections bc no other generals did any better, but hten he got plague and DIED. 428-427 BC: Revolt of Mytilene 427: thebans persuaded spartans to destroy Plataea and kill those who hadn't managed to esape to athens; civil war in Corcyra (tensions in greece intensified thsoe bw aristocrats and ordinary citizens); Athenian strategos Demosthenes decided to build fort at Pylos which with Sphacteria enclosed Bay of Navarino, Spartans put hoplites there, ended up Athenian hostages, athenian confidence grew, sent out infantry to face enemy in battle (departure from pericles' strategy) 424: athenian defeat by boeotians at delium --> dampened high spirits sparked by success at pylos, athenians losing up north too, spartans got a charismatic general (hadn't had one since loss of Archidamus in 427) --> Brasidas 424-422: Brasidas and Chalcidice: Athens had fragile hold on Chalcidice, some towns asked for spartan help, they sent Brasidas, persuaded other towns to revolt, targeted athenian stronghold amphipolis, won it in 1 night, athenians horrifed and impeached their general thucidydes for losing it (left athens) 423: spring, athenians and spartans signed year's armistice respected in most parts of greece 422: fighting resumed in chalcidice when armistice expired, Cleon vs Brasidas in battle at Amphipolis, both generals killed 421: Peace of Nicias


8; 470-399 bC; "didn't believe in gods of state, taught new gods, corupted the young"; teacher of alcibiades and critias (2 men who'd harmed athens); quick to identify drawbacks of democracy; ultimately brought to trial and executed; plato's "apology"


8; Athenian politician; rival of alcibiades; leader of sicilian expedition

Egesta and Syracuse and the Sicilian Expedition

8; Sicilian city, athenian ally; sent embassadors to Ath. in winter 416-415 bc tyranny had ceased to be dominant form of govt andmany states were democracies; in 416 Egesta and Selinus were quarreling over border territory, Syracuse supported Selinus, Egesta asked Cartahge for help, no reply, then Athens, Alcibiades was like YES ADVENTURE and Nicias argued against him, Ath. decided to send Alcibiades and Nicias and Lamachus to Sicily, but then herms were desecrated, everyone blamed Alcibiades, let him go on teh expedition anyway, Ath. got less help than expected from cities of sicily and southern Italy, Egesta didn't have as much resources as they'd claimed, Lamachus died fighting, Alcibiades recalled to stand trial but decided to defect to Sparta instead, then advised spartans to dispatch spartan general to sicily since Ath would use sicily as springboard to carthage then peloponnesus; meanwhile nicias and lamachus had been building wall to blockade Syracuse, Nicias moved ath fleet into their harbor, but then spartans got reinforcements led by Gylippus (gifted commander), scaled Epipolae heights, syracusans built counterwall to destroy ath's chances at blockading them, nicias asked to be recalled or for reinforcements, ath sent demosthenes out with more ppl, were gonna all leave, syracusans attacked fleet and blocked harbor's exit, battle, tried to escape by land, syracusans caught demosthenes and he surrendered, then overtook nicias's army, this was a terrible loss of ships and men that killed athenian morale


8; after arginusae spartans offered peace on status quo, athenians declined, late in summer of 405 lysander established base at lampsacus in hellespont, athenians conon and philocles stationed fleet 2 mi across channel at aegospotami, alcibiades saw they were vulnerabble so he advised them to move, lysander gave orders for attack, captured 171 ships, infantry overwhelmed camp --> spartan victory cut off athens from principal source of grain so lysander decreed death as penalty for anyone bringing grain to athens, spartans knew they'd won, then lysander sailed for Piraeus late in the fall and on the way accepted surrender of athens' former allies and replaced democracies with oligarchies beholden to sparta, encouraged athenian garrisons to return home, samos persisted in loyalty to athens, Athens was spared even though corinth/thebes/etc. advocated doing what athens had done in Melos, spartans declined (afraid corinth or thebes would rush into the power vacuum if htey did?), early in spring athens agreed to treaty negotiated by theramenes on spartans' terms: athens become sparta's ally, destruction of long walls and fortification of piraeus, surrender all but 12 ships, exiled recalled (bc they're mostly oligarchic men)


8; athenian politician; strategos for the first time in 420; rival of Nicias; leader of sicilian expedition (w/ nicias and lamachus), then accused of desecrating herms, defected to sparta, advised them to send gylippus to syracuse to crush athenians, then after that disaster started trying to get rebellions all over hte athenian empire, advised spartan king Agis to establishe fort at Decelea in northeast attica --> harmful to ath agriculture, allowed spartans to ravage attica all year --> wildcard throughout the war!

Battle of Arginusae

8; athenians offered freedom to slaves who would join navy setting out for Lesbos, there they scored impressive victory in huge naval battle off arginusae islands and sank 75 pelop ships and in aftermath athenians were excited they won but knew admiral conon and his fleet blockaded at Mytilene, debating what to do (help conon or save sailors in water), storm made it impossible to rescue sailors in water so they all died, athens got super pissed and the 8 generals in command summoned for trial, 6 returned, they were executed


8; boards of 10 pro-spartan officials charged with ensuring that athens' former allies governed in accordance with oligarchic principles and with spartan interests; set up by lysander throughout the aegean


8; comic dramatist; produced plays during decades of fighting; wartime comedies demonstrated deprivation of noncombatant men and women and their yearnings for peace


8; d. 422; antiaristocratic persona; first of several leading politicians in athens who commanded respect in assembly without having held generalship; talented public speaker; debate after revolt of Mytilene


8; island impt for spartans so they sent 420 hoplites to defend it, ath. defeated them in naval combat, hoplites marooned on sphacteria, spartan govt panicked and sent envoys to athens pleading for armistice, athenians listened to CLeon and refused so spartans remaiend on sphacteria, Cleon insulted Nicias about it, Nicias said why don't you go get them, LCeon agreed and worked with Deomosthenes, shockingly spartans surrendered rather than fighjt to death, now athenians have 120 full blooded spartaites as hostages --> athenians resolve to keep fighting rather than make peace--> ended annual invasions of attica but not war


8; new class of spartans with spartan father and helot mother, e.g. commander at Syracuse Gylippus


8; satrap of Sardis --> when persian policy toward greece determined not by King Darius II but by coastal satraps; lively interest in greek afairs; first leaned toward sparta and negotaited treaties in which sp. agreed to sell freeodm of greek cities of ionia in exchange for persian gold, but then alcibiades persuaded him that it'd be better for persia to let athens and sparta wear each other down, support for sparta wavered, alcibiades told ath he could bring persia to their side but it was contingent on them replacing dmemocracy with oligarchy, set wheels in motion to shift govt and bring back alcibiades, THEN ath realized prmised persian support was illusory (all just after sicilian exped.)

Thirty Tyrants

8; set up by spartans in athens at end of war; new govt run by a board of 30 athenian citizens sympathetic to sparta and willing to sacrifice democratic principles (but not all committed oligarchs) ; didn't establish the ancestral constituion; abolished organs of democratic govt (popular assembly and peoples' courts), appointed new boule of 500 antidemocrats, put to death anyone conspicious for affluence or birth or rep, 1500 men at least executed, requested 700 soldiers and a spartan harmost from lysander; athenians appalled and frightened, 30 created a dangerous body of exiles, so they made move in january of 403 from thebes, got numbers to 700 then moved down to piraeus in spring and called for peace and union, oligarchs expected sparta to help so they refused, but sparta was afraid so ultimately democracy reestablished and only the thirty and their chief officers brought to justice for crimes committed before 403, 1st amnesty!


8; small island, Athenians (probs Alcibiades) decided to bring it under their control in 416; technically neutral but was a spartan colony; of no strategic significance; Ath. sent ships there to order Melians to enter into alliance, melos hoped spartans would help them so they turned Ath. down --> Melian Dialogue --> Athenians said it was their duty to build thier empire and dominate everyone; spartans didn't actually help, Ath. killed all melian men and sold women and children into slavery which wans't that crazy EXCEPT melos wasn't an enemy of athens! tarnished ath's rep for a long time.


8; spartan commander; chief admiral of spartan navy, became friends with cyrus (son of persian king)


8; spartan garrison commander; requested by 30 tyrants for helping them control athens and protect themselves from popular uprising they feared

Peace of Nicias

8; to be observed for 50 yrs; Athens keeps empire with which it entered war "Athenians and their allies"; Sparta return Amphipolis, Ahtens abandon Pyulos and Cythera (seized in 424), release all prisoners of war; Athenian goal of war met: Sparta didn't destroy their empire and had weakened Pelop. league (Sparta loss of life and prestige and soon to be allies after 10 yrs of fighting); Argos decided not to renew treaty with sparta, sparta signed 50 yr alliance with athens, corinth refused to sign bc they didn't think enough damage had been done to Ath. empire, Megara woulnd't sign bc ath. kept its port Nisaea; Boeotians didn't want to relignquish border fortress Panactum so they didn't sign AND destroyed the fort so ath. coulnd't get it; Amphipolis refused to return to ath. empire so Ath. kept Pylos --> false peace, didn't really fix anything


9; "bellyshooter"; new device used by dionysius I in sicily --> huge composite bow that could hurl a projectile about 250 yards enabled him to do better siege warfare (e.g. Motya, destroyed in 397)

Corinthian War

9; 395-387 BC; Sparta against coalition of Athens, Thebes, Corinth, and Argos; first consequnce = death of Lysander (killed fighting), then sparta recalled Aegesilaus from Asia (persians happy), meanwhile persian navy and Athenian Conon beat sparta at Cnidus (394 BC) in southewest asia minor, conon returned to athens and rebuilt long walls (helped by persian ships and money) new warfare additions: lightly armed troops (archers, slingers, javelin throwers, peltasts) --> more mobility than hoplites --> expanded possibilities of warfare, spartans never really learned to make use of ligh-armed troops 390: athenian Iphicrates +peltasts destroyed an entire spartan regiment at corinthian port Lechaeum 387: greeks agreed to peace negotated in persia (King's Peace)


9; Spartan whom Lysander made successor of King Agis died around 400; planned to invade Asia, tried to lend legitimacy to crusade by sacrificing at Aulis like agamemnon had done en route to troy but boeotian cavalry dispatched to stand in his way --> frequent warfare in next decades between sparta and thebes; fought with his men in asia minor while spartans continued to alienate allies in mainland greece by interfering in their domestic affairs, new coalition between thebes and corinth aided by persian king Artaxerxes II in effort to get Agesilaus off his back --> corinthian war


9; an allotment device that distributed the names haphazardly among the daily juries --> how they selected juries by lot for dicasteries (trying to cut back on bribery)


9; athenian commander who used peltasts to destroy an entire spartan regiment at corinthian port Lechaeum in 390 bC (corinthian war) --> made his rep --> became one of athens' best known generals, in time he introduced longer swords and light, comfortable boots

Sacred band

9; cuttin g edge of theban line at leuctra; elite corps, 150 pairs of select hoplites


9; disciple of socrates; composed dialogues about tons of big questions featuring socrates


9; eastern potentate Mausolus of Caria (persian satrap but also an indep ruler who operated from halicarnassus); engaged greek sculptors to construct a tomb for him --> mausoleum --> saw athenian league as a serious obstacle to his ambitions, encouraged any unrest he could detect (e.g. promised to back rhodes, cos, and chios so they revolted from athens)

King's Peace

9; guarantor of peace = persia's ally sparta; in aftermath, mantinea compelled to tear dpown fortifcations and dissolve itself into its original 5 communities, boeotian league dissolved, in 482 spartans occupied theban acropolis and installed a pro-spartan govt which executed the head of hte pro-ath faction at thebes on grounds of conspiring with persia

The Republic

9; plato's dialogue on govt and education where he raised key question about justice


9; school of Aristotle at Athens for scientific learning


9; school of plato (near groves of greek hero academus)

Second Athenian Confederacy

9; spartan control of thebes short-lived; in 379 theban democrats staged a coup and with ath help killed oligarchs and expelled spartan garrison; then ath allied with thebans for mutual protection against sparta and moved forward with plans to establish second athenian league which was commemorated in a decree which proclaimed taht all allies "will remain independent and autonomous, enjoying the form of govt they wish, admitting no garrisons or magistrates and paying no tribute"; policy controlled by 2 bodies of equzal weight (athenian assembly and allies' assembly); weakened gradually in the 360s and 350s by revolts


9; special type of javelin thrower used in corinthian war named for small round wicker shield he carried (thracian pelte) --> lots of mobility!


9; student of plato, founded great institution of scientific learning at athens, the Lyceum --> son of court physician in macedon, trained in scientific observation

Dionysius I

9; tyrant of Syracuse in sicily where tyranny continued to flourish, persuaded syracusans to put him in charge in response to carthaginian invasions, staged an assassination attempt, set up a body guard, owed power to mercenary force, remained in power for 38 years until his death in 367 leading sicilians in series of wards against carthage with mixed success; united much of sicily under his rule; remarkable military innovator --> siege warfare using gastraphetes --> addition of artillery to light and heavy infantry and cavalry = most comlex army in organization and equipment of any fighting force in greece down to his time after his death dionysius II in charge but had conflicting advisors


9; water clock used to measure out the time allocated to a trial

Epaminondas and Pelopidas

9;Epaminondas= charismatic theban leader, killed in battle after which theban ascendency died Both had been involved in liberation of thebes in 379, Ep led thebes with his friend Pelopidas; packed left wing more deep and advance in oblique line to hold back center and right wing while overpowering enemy with left at point where he expected spartan king cleombrotus to be at Leuctra, with the sacred band they killed half the spartans present including their king, spartans withdrew and spartan hoplite supremacy was dead his army then ravaged laconia and liberated messenia (helots to be citizens, founded capital city Messene) and founded Aradian League capital Megalopolis --> increasing greek interest in amicable federations thebes under epaminondas and pelopides managed to finish sparta as an international power Pelopidas killed fighting in Thessaly, then Ep's support in pelop began to wane, neumber of arcadian communities allied with sparta - and athens - agaisnt tehbes Epaminondas met the alliance on plain of mantinea in 362 BC, used same strategy as at Leuctra, thebans won, but he died and advised his countrymen to make peace as he was dying basically just left greece open for philip of macedon to come in later

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