HIST 336 Arkansas History Test 3 Dockery

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What factions of the Republican party were Joseph Brooks & Elisha Baxter, respectively, identified with?

the regular republican party.

Campaign against trusts

trust= business arrangement that went around laws that stopped monopolies; Davis implemented Rector Anti-Trust act- he outlawed trusts in AR & outlawed out of state trusts from doing business in the state

How many miles of railroads were there in Arkansas at the turn of the 20th century?

two thousand miles of rail lines went across the state

How did the 1896 election represent Davis's emergence on the political scene?

when he dropped out of race he gave speeches for Bryan; he campaigned for the loser but became popular

Joseph T. Robinson

2nd most important National politician to come from AR; becomes Gov. after Donaghey; gets state legislature to pass ban on convict leasing; General Assembly created state hwy commission; creation of bureau of labor & statistics; state banking department

Experience of Women in Arkansas at the end of the 19th century

2nd state to ratify 19th amendment; there were lady's clubs (ex. literary society); Searcy had a book club for black women; their day started at 4 AM


aka patrons of husbandry; goal is to put pressure on states to regulate railroad rates

Cross of Gold Speech

1 of most famous speeches in US history; eloquent defense of farmers; endorses bi-metal/free silver movement

Identify Hattie Caraway.

1st woman elected to serve a full term as a US Senator & represented AR. She was the 1st woman to preside over the Senate.

What bid did Independence County propose — and did its voters approve it?

$100,000 voted against

What bid did Washington County propose — and did its voters approve it?

$100,000, voted for the bonds to approve the bid.

What bid did Pulaski county propose — and did its voters approve it?

$150,000 overwhelmingly against

What bid did Fayetteville propose — and did its voters approve it?

$30,000, voted for the bid. Arkansas College was in Fayetville, their people were used to having a college and liked having one.

What bid did Little Rock propose — and did its voters approve it?

$50,000 overwhelmingly against

What bid 1 did Batesville propose — and did its voters approve it?

$50,000, voted to support bid.

What problems did farmers experience in the late nineteenth century?

-lean years -limited economic leverage -heavy debt -tenant farming (sharecropping) -farm prices drop (deflation)



Establishment of Arkansas Post


Louisiana Purchase


Arkansas Statehood


Arkansas Secedes


Arkansas re‐enters the Union


Arkansas's Einal constitution


Farmers' Alliances

3rd group- White farmers 1.5 million. Colored farmers 1 million "Alliance for Blacks" but Cooperated with each other. Try & bring about farmer cooperative efforts/organizations. Come together & use bargaining. Go to bank & negotiate loans together. This largely failed as well. Wanted the gov. to offer low interest loans to farmers. Try & bring about farmers co-ops.

Efforts on the part of Little Rock papers to change the location of the Arkansas Industrial University (University of Arkansas)

5 weeks after the vote that turned down the Arkansas University Vote. They Argued that the University should not be in the far off corner of the state. Wanted to move the University to Little Rock.

Election Law of 1891

African Americans enjoyed a certain level of rights during the era of reconstruction. In the 1890's whites began to take measures to take away black rights. Meant to reform the electoral process. If you were an illiterate voter you were not allowed to bring a friend to mark your ballot. Had to rely on local election officials. This disenfranchises many black voters & poor white voters.

Statewide prohibition law

Ahead of national trend In 1915, the US past it 1919

What procedure did the Arkansas legislature put in place in 1871 for deciding the location of Arkansas's state university?

Allowed for counties to place bids to acquire the University. Little Rock had a bid of $50,000

GILDED AGE: Be familiar with economic developments in Arkansas during the Gilded Age

American Society appears to be shiny and perfect. But the interior is crappy. Corrupt. Not what it seems, was hollow. St. Louis & Iron, Mountain railroad, logging, mining

LEGACY OF RECONSTRUTION: Be able to list & briefly explain 5 similarities between Reconstruction & Iraq

American benevolence American hypocrisy Tainted natives (what to do w/natives of region who were part of former regime) Armed insurgency Lengthy process

Cleburne County draft war

An armed protest against the war, Jehovah witnesses. When the sheriffs came to arrest one of them they fought back and a deputy was killed. 8 of them fled into the woods, and several possies came to look for them. But they eventually gave themselves up. Field Kindley- born near Pea Ridge- commanded the 148th squadron in France. 12 confirmed kills. Flew mostly as Recon. Then they started to kill other pilots. These planes were pursuit planes- later fighter planes. WWI forced amazing amount of aircraft technological design in a short amount of time. Received the U.S. Oak Leaf Cluster and British Distinguished Flying Cross, he died in a 1920 crash

In what way did Arkansas College, which was destroyed during the Civil War, influence Fayetteville voters?

Arkansas College was in Fayetteville and its citizens liked having a college. Once board of Trustees decided on where it would locate the University it couldnt be changed. University funds would be spent only on the University.


Arkansas had 66 miles of RR when the Civil War started. 728 by the end of Reconstruction. By end of the Gilded age 2,000 miles of RR in Arkansas.

What state office did davis win in 1898?

Attorney General

What was Robinson's career after his 2 month stint as governor?

Becomes most influential senator in Senate (gets to be senate majority leader) Takes up the issue of Convict Leasing, Ample to get the state legislature to ban this practice. The general Assembly created the states highway system. Bureau of labor & statics. Gets called up to go to the Senate. Becomes the most influential senator.

Agricultural Wheel

Began in Arkansas in 1882 after the Grange. Called the Agricultural Wheel as a metaphor. The American Economy is a machine & the wheel that drives the machine is Agriculture. Was not a political party. State news letter for Agriculteral wheel was published in Searcy. Spread to other states changed name to National Agricultural Wheel. Tried to influence democratic party but proved to be pretty unsuccessful.

Describe the rights & opportunities enjoyed by African-Americans in Arkansas during the approximate time period 1865-1890.

Blacks were allowed to establish schools, move around freely to find long lost family members, move to new residences, work to provide for their family, read and write, and attend their own church.

After the Democrats nominated Bryan in 1896, what dilemma did the Populists face? Whether to vote for him or split the silver vote

Bryan stole their thunder, that took their platform of bi-standard issue. They also run the risk of losing their identity as a separate party.

How were they trying to attract the support of urban factory workers?

Called for an 8 hour work day Limited immigration

Temperance Movement

Campaign against Alcohol. More socially respectable of the 2 movements. They are defending their home. Women can protest & still in their sphere of influence.


Coal mining, mainly in western AR. Lead & Boxite mining also.

Be able to list four ways in which African Americans supported the American war effort during World War I

Concern from white AR if blacks would support the war effort. To their surprise though Black were ecstatic about supporting the war. 1. Joined the army, they flocked to the flag. over 17,000 from Arkansas. just over 1/3 of all troops sent from Arkansas. Motivated in part in the hope & believe that loyal service to the Country meant better social & economic treatment once the war was over. 2. Food Conservation- during the war their was a national effort to make sure they had enough food, for that war & at home. The Government creates a new department the food administration to make sure of this, this was lead by Herbert Hoover. Increase the food supply & decrease the food consumption. They did this by encouraging everyone to have victory gardens, to grow your own food so you buy less. You would not eat certain foods on certain days. 3. Liberty Bonds- Government sells bonds to the American people. It is a loan interest loan with the Government. The Government borrows money from its people. African Americans despite their poverty participated in this. 4. Red Cross- Black supported them by donated money supplies & volunteering for them. Sewed bandaged for the troops.

George Washington Hays

Concerned himself with building a political constituency than progressive leadership. Governor; protected investors & protected women from having to work 6 days a week; road bill. Investors bill

What was Hill's background (including academic & military)?

Confederate general & Southern scholar. An aggressive leader, & deeply religious man, with a dry, sarcastic humor. Disagreements with both Robert E. Lee & Braxton Bragg cost him favor with Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Although his military ability was well respected, he was underutilized by the end of the Civil War on account of these political feuds.

What was curious about the railroad in Searcy from 1872 to 1887

Connected Searcy & Kensit. The RR is wooden. The tracks were wooden, & was drawn by animals. In 1887 a private company made a real RR.

What were the downsides?

Corruption Black rights were temporary

Confederate war pensions

Giving more money than was promised to confederate war veterans

Charles Hillman Brough

Governor 1917-1921 he was a professor at the University of AR.

What did the D & the H in D. H. Hill stand for?

Daniel Harvey

What personal ambition was Davis mainly focused upon during his 3rd term as governor?

Did not accomplish much during his third term. Devoted to campaigning for the U.S. Senate Wood & davis got into fistfights twice during the campaign. Resorted to race baiting again. Devoted himself to campaigning for the US senate

When the Arkansas legislature presented Davis with 300 bills at once in 1904, what was his response?

Dumbed them on the Senate floor, gave a blanket veto Lawmakers were afriad that Davis would veto their bills so they overwhelmed him with bills. Davis issued a blanket veto & ordered all of the bills to be put in a wheelbarrow & dumped onto the senate floor

Davis's First term

During his first term as Governor (Which is 2 years) Davis continued the 2 fights he fought earlier. He became embroiled against hiring convicts to do work for contractors or farms. He was against the horrible conditions these men faced. COntinued the state capitol & trusts fight. Was not successful

What subjects had Hill written books about?

Educational, Religious, & about the US

How did Davis feel about prohibition?

Especially his dislike of prohibition, he was a drinking man. in late may of 1904 waiting till the end of its secession and gave Davis 300 bills at once. He disliked it. he was known to be a drinking man. was disfellowed from second baptist church. The men behind prohibition were his political enemy

William J. Bryan

Former congressman of Nebraska; 1896 nominated by democrats & populists; cross of gold speech

Convict leasing

He wanted to hire out convicts to do forced labor. Davis was concerned about the horrible conditions that these men faced & wanted to make it easier. He could not do anything against the legislature so instead he gave them pardons pulling them out of the jail system for the forced labor

Identify James M. Hinds.

He was a U.S. representative during the reconstruction era. While passing through arkansas to survey votes for Ulysses Grant election, Hinds was shot and killed. He was the highest ranking officer to have been killed in any state during the reconstruction era.

Identify John M. Clayton .

He was the brother of Powell Clayton.

What was the issue which Einally led to Hill's resignation at A.I.U.?

Health & other reasons

The death of whom devastated Hill while he was in Fayetteville?

His 12 year old daughter Hattie

Why was his senatorial career not especially successful?

His populous & demagogue ways did not work well in Washington D.C.. Because his populist & demogage ways that worked in AR but not in DC. He won reelection but died.

What, besides the Bi‐Standard issue, did the Populists advocate?

Implementation of low interest loans for farmers, nationalization of RR, progressive income tax- the more money you make the more you pay. 8 hour work day & restriction on immigration.

PROGRESSIVE ERA: The issue of not enough currency

Important Accomplishments of Progressive Era in AR Anti Trust movement- Davis Campaign against Convict Leasing- Davis, Robison, Donaghey Passage of Pure food and Drug Act- Xenophon Pindal State wide passage of Initiative and referendum- George W. Donaghey 3 Committees formed under- Joseph T. Robison Passage of state wide prohibition- George Washington Hays Passage of Road Bill- Hays Protecting Investors Bill- Hays Bill which protected female workers from too many hours and work days- Hays Education reforms- governor Brough Arkansas ratifies women the right to vote- Brough It will be the First World War which brings an end to the progressive era. Progress was at the heart of the movement. Society was going to get better and better and better. In the Industrial revolution there came to pass many new inventions. In the Gilded age there was a lot of technology- electricity, edison's work on lightbulbs (these revolutionize life) you can have lights inside without an open flame. Development of other technologies, the phonograph, Record player. Before this you only heard music live. The Telephone will be invented. You can here someones voice. Improvement in transportation. and then we have the invention of the internal-combustion engine, which gave way to the automobile. The Film industry. Film, moving pictures. The First World War brings about the end of the Progressive Era. World War I begins in 1914 as a war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia (because Serbia killed archduke Fransferidand) Serbia has Russia for an ally (who had Britain and France for and ally.) Austria-Hungary had Germany. Italy betrays Austria and Germany and join the Allies, but they pick up Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire. The USA drafts somewhere around 5million men.

By what point was the Ku Klux Klan in Searcy, as well as several other Arkansas cities?

In the spring of 1868, KKK chapters were reported in various areas in Arkansas.

What were the positive accomplishments of reconstruction?

Infrastructure improved Education reform Constitutional reform

Initiative & Referendum

Initiative is a governmental reform at the state level. People can initiate legislation themselves. Referendum is the ability of the people to veto a legislation with out the government. Progressives were focused on reform. They were middle class people, coming from a protestant background, many have lost the mystery of their faith. Maintain the impulse to do good. The Social Gospel- should be concerned with doing good. Divinity & doctrine does not matter much.

Upon what did Hill blame the South's defeat?

Interception by McClellan of a Special Order from Lee to his generals, revealing the movements of his widely separated divisions.

OTHER PROGRESSIVE GOVERNORS: Why did John Sebastian Little accomplish so very little as governor?

Jeff Davis' hand picked successor. Died 1 month into his time as governor.

Controversy over new capitol

Kimbel State House Act called for tearing down state prison & building new capital in its place; Davis thought it was a waste of tax payer money but he lost

What problems did Hill encounter as he tried to implement his vision of education reform at the Arkansas Industrial University?

Lack of funds. Lack of resources. Education gap. People wanting him to lower his standards.

Scipio Jones.

Lawyer for blacks sentenced to death in Elaine race riot; he appealed their sentence & got it overturned Field Kindley born near Pea Ridge; commanded 148th squadron in France; 12 kills; earned Oak Leaf Cluster & British distinguished flying cross

Identify the "Agricultural Wheel."

Was an Organization founded by farmers in 1882 by dissatisfied farmers with the states response to problems in the agriculture sector.

Northwest Arkansas distrust of Little Rock ... be sure to read the article about D. H. Hill's presidency at the Arkansas Industrial University.

Little Rock was trying to get the University from Fayetteville. Northwest Arkansas distrust of Little Rock joke: only reason LR politics couldn't move the college is because the buildings wouldn't fit through Winslow tunnel; distrust because they tried to take away the college from their town

Who won the presidential election of 1896?



Morrill Land Grant Act (1862) granted public land (owned by government) to states for purpose of establishing a university


Most important in the Gilded age. Out of state companies began to buy land & cutting down trees. Floated the logs down the river or use the RRs. 3/4 of industrial workers worked in Timber industry.

CHAPTER 12 Black businessmen formed a local chapter of what national organization in Little Rock in 1918?

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Joseph Brooks

Nominated by liberal republicans in 1872 for governor; carpet bagger from Iowa; was a former Methodist preacher; Call for universal suffrage (ex-confederate votes) & honest men in gov't (endorsed by democrats too)

Elisha Baxter

Nominated by mainstream/radical/old guard/stalwarts for governor 1872; from south; whig before war & republican after; won the vote

How did Donaghey end the convict leasing program?

Pardon enough prisoners that the state no longer had enough convicts to lease out.

Road bill

Passed during Hays time in office to make AR roads better

What disease did Hill contract while living in Fayetteville?


Populous party

Political party that wanted to inject inflation into the money supply. In 1873 switch from being a bimetal to being just on the gold standard. this reduced the amount of currency in circulation. in 1865 there was $30 per capita, in 1890 there was $27 per capita. So the Populous wanted to return the United States to a Bimetal platform instead of just gold alone. They nominate James B. Weaver. they called for the Bi-metal platform. Even though the Populous failed much of their ideas & agenda gets passed. Income tax Low interest loans but they did not get the bimetal standard. Doesnt really work Populists finish distant 3rd.

Pure food & drug act

Progressives were concerned about the food & drugs in the nation. Wanted to have clean & pure food & drugs

CHAPTER 11 What industries emerged in Arkansas during the time period 1880-1900?

Railroad, Timber, and Mining

In what way did Searcy's local Methodist church over‐energetically (not to mention prematurely) celebrate Tilden's apparent victory over Hayes?

Rang their bell so much that it fell through the bellfree

1876 Presidential election

Republican candidate: Rutherford B. Hayes Democrats: Sam Tilden theme: shows reemergence of democratic party Had a convention to decide president & Hayes won

Separate Coach Law

Requires that AR trains be segregated.

Elaine Race Riot/Massacre

Rooted in sharecropping system b/c farmer rarely got any procedes b/c of high interest rates so croppers suspicious of owners; black farmers formed union in Elaine; banded together to get better deal, hired little rock lawyer, & they were armed. 3 lawmen had a car break down near the church where there was a meeting & the blacks opened fire but blacks said lawmen opened fire b/c trying to break up meeting. less than 10 whites & at least 25 blacks died

Second term

Runs against Elias Rector, who was the son of Henry Rector. During this campaign Davis resorted to raise baiting. Used the issue of race to gain votes. Agitated white voters from a black uprising. Trying to drum up support from white democrats by using the race card. Said that there was a big black guard at prison threatening to kill any white prisoner. He won

Women's suffrage

Seen as women trying to move into men's realm & break out of Victorian era

George W. Donaghey

Served 2 terms (4years). Intiative & referendum got passed by legislature (AR only southern state to do so)

Xenophon Pindall (acting governor, but really the president pro tempore)

Served as the acting governor.His most important accomplishment was the passing of the Pure Food and Drug Act. Persuaded congress to tax businesses that are doing business in Arkansas

Constitution of 1874

Since Baxter was governor they voted for a new constitution; it was 5th & last; didn't take any rights from blacks & ex-confederates are allowed to vote; forbade high taxes & limited power of governor

In what ways was Davis's career "ambiguous"?

Successful attorney, high class, but was a hill billy folk hero, church man, but fought bitterly against prohibition, everything he did contradicted each other paradoxical figure; deeply religious but battled with prohibition; very educated/upper middle class but became hillbilly hero

What was Brough especially interested in?

Was interested in Education, Created a state literacy commission. Mandatory attendance law. % of Children age 5-18 who attended school in 1899- Tn- 74.6, MO, 70.1, MS 69.1, AR, 64.2, TX, 52.2, LA, 40.6 Average number of days school children attended in 1899-LA- 146.3, TX 111.5, MS- 101.6, TN- 89, AR- 70

What were the negative results of the policy of Arkansas Republicans of disallowing ex-Confederates the franchise for four years?

The former confederates refused to recognize the republican government and would oppose it. They also didn't agree with it because of the corruption.

How did they try to resolve the dilemma?

They nominated Bryan but a new vice president.

The bizarre story of the Cobbites in Searcy

Traveling preacher established a cultic utopian society & in morning/night he would tell the sun what to do; taught followers that once you were sanctified you were free of sin & physical injury; Took the passage in Luke about bringing people to the banquet to heart. Would drag passersby into their worship & force them to pray; Carter Humprey & Rufus Blake bartender went to ruffle feathers & teach them a lesson. The Cobbites then attacked the men & chopped off the head of Humprey. Blake got away & told people of the atrocities. They got a mob & went back to the Cobbites. Believing they were untouchable the Cobbites met them.

Identify Isaac Parker.

US Congressman for Missouri & a jurist, who presided over the U.S. District Court for the West District of AR for 21 years. He served in as a judge during western expansion of the US & is known as "Hanging Judge". In 21 years on the federal bench, Judge Parker tried 13,490 cases & more than 8,500 either plead guilty or were convicted at trial. Parker sentenced 160 people to death, 79 were executed, the others died while incarcerated, were acquitted pardoned or their sentence was commuted.

According to Democrats, what was the difference between "honest debt" & "unjust debt"?

Unjust debt was either fraudulently incurred or unfairly imposed on people of the state by reconstruction legislators.

What were the characteristics of Davis's campaign style?

Used Populous rhetoric to gain support.

Small pea populous representative

Used this to fuel campaign. Fought against the yankee trusts only to be betrayed by 5 jackasses. Betrayed by the high colar croud in Littlerock. TOld the voters that they were in a war Between the corporations of arkansas & the people. During the campaign Arkansas Democrat said he was a demogauge. One of the editors realized that even though it was bad they were giving him publicity & if papers did not stop talking about him then he was going to win.

Rise of the Populist Party

Want to inject inflation into money supply through bi-standard currency; lots of farmers in this party

When Baxter won the election, what was Brooks's response?

Was "robbed of the election b/c of shenanigans" but a Pulaski judge said Brooks was rightful governor so he kicked Baxter out in hostile take over; led to Brooks-Baxter War


White democrats who come back into power & chase off Republicans in Southern politics

BROOKS BAXTER WAR: Who were the "liberal republicans?

Who were the liberal republicans opposed Pres. Grant (at Nat'l level); in AR less spending & corruption in gov't; opposed to radical republicans; eventually known as half breeds

Cross of Gold Speech

William J. Bryan defense of farmers in 1896 democrat convention. Endorsement of the Bi-Standard issue.

Debt Repudiation

debt a problem since 1840 when banks failed but made worse by reconstruction ($4 million to $17 million); democrats wanted to repudiate unjust debt (that came from republicans)- repudiators won & state decided not to make good on their bonds

Free Silver (BiStandard) Movement

inflationary measure by increasing money in circulation (gold and silver coins) to help farmers

JEFF DAVIS: What was Davis's background?

native Arkansan; named for pres. of confederacy; SMART; got law license in AR; studied law at U of AR, Vanderbilt, & Cumberland univ

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