HIST Ch.28-32

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Which of the following statements about the attack on Pearl Harbor is NOT true?

A specific attack on Pearl Harbor had been long expected by American officials.

What did the governments of Italy and Germany have in common by the 1930s?

Both had established fascist forms of government.

Baseball was integrated in 1947 when Jackie Robinson played for the:

Brooklyn Dodgers

The Marco Polo Bridge incident brought Japan to war against what country?


The United States experienced a shock in 1949 when Communists took over:


By the spring of 1945, the United States and Britain were becoming deeply concerned over Soviet actions in:

Eastern Europe

Which of the following statements about the 1940 presidential election is true?

Franklin Roosevelt became the only president to run for and win a third term.

In the presidential election of 1944:

Franklin Roosevelt won a fourth term as president

The secretary of state who devised the plan of massive economic recovery aid to Europe was:

George Marshall

In early 1942, the biggest challenge the United States faced in the Atlantic was:

German submarine warfare

Following the Pearl Harbor attack:

Germany and Italy also declared war on the United States

All of the following statements about the German blitzkrieg of spring 1940 are true, EXCEPT:

Germany carefully avoided attacks on neutral nations and only targeted professed enemies

As a result of the Truman Doctrine:

Greece and Turkey were less vulnerable to communism

The German occupation of Czechoslovakia had what effect on Roosevelt?

He no longer professed impartiality in the impending European struggle.

During the Spanish Civil War:

Hitler and Mussolini helped the armed uprising led by Francisco Franco

Which statement best describes the Native American experience in the armed forces during World War II?

Indian servicemen were integrated into regular units.

The passage of the lend-lease bill in 1941 signaled what about American opinion?

Isolationist strength was weakening.

All of the following were original NATO members EXCEPT:


Winston Churchill, who would become the British prime minister in 1940, described which agreement as "a defeat without a war"?

Munich Pact

Germany's invasion of what country triggered the beginning of World War II in Europe?


Less than a month before the surrender of Germany:

President Roosevelt died in office

The 1946 congressional elections resulted in:

Republican control of Congress

The person who benefited most from the outcome of the Hiss-Chambers case was:

Richard Nixon

The conventional, or "orthodox," view of cold war history holds whom or what most responsible for beginning this conflict?

Stalin's quest for world domination

The use of atomic bombs against Japan had what significance?

They shocked Germany into surrendering before facing the same fate.

As the 1948 election approached:

Truman seemed to be in deep political trouble

The 1948 election is probably best remembered for:

Truman's upset victory

Which agency was created to direct industrial conversion to war production?

War Production Board

Franklin Roosevelt's opponent in the 1940 presidential election was:

Wendell Willkie

UN forces reaching the Yalu River brought about:

a massive Chinese intervention

From late 1941 into early 1942, World War II in the Pacific included:

a succession of Japanese victories that saw numerous Allied outposts fall

During the 1948 presidential campaign, Truman endorsed all of the following EXCEPT:

abolishing Social Security

The Potsdam Declaration:

accepted the Japanese surrender and allowed the emperor to remain on the throne "subordinate to the authority of the Allied occupation"

At the 1948 Democratic convention, Minneapolis mayor Hubert Humphrey urged his party to:

adopt a strong civil rights plank

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947:

allowed the president to impose a "cooling-off" period during major strikes

With the end of World War II, Korea:

became divided into northern and southern halves

In regard to Israel's founding in 1948, the United States:

became the first country to recognize the Jewish state

President Truman vetoed the McCarran Internal Security Act:

because he felt it promoted thought control

The Korean War did all of the following EXCEPT:

bring about major changes in boundaries

The bracero program:

brought some 200,000 Mexican farmworkers into the western United States

Following the defeat of Germany:

came the shocking realization of the full extent of the Holocaust

The offensives Italy launched in 1940 against Greece and British forces in Egypt:

came with the help of German forces

Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council:

can veto any major proposal

The postwar economic boom was fueled mainly by:

cold war-related military spending

Through the lend-lease bill, passed in March 1934, "any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States":

could receive military equipment, supplies, and other necessary materials even if that country lacked the funds to pay for those items

One of Truman's great strengths as he assumed the presidency was his:

decisive character

On the domestic front, President Truman soon made clear his intention to:

enlarge the New Deal

Senator McCarthy was very effective in:

exploiting public fears

In late summer 1940, President Roosevelt agreed to send fifty "overaged" destroyers to Britain in return for:

for allowing the U.S. to build naval and air bases on British islands in the Caribbean

Truman fired MacArthur:

for insubordination

The Neutrality Act of 1935:

forbade the sale of arms and munitions to warring nations

Soviet and Communist activities in regard to Turkey and Greece were intended to:

gain the Soviets access to the Mediterranean

All of the following are true of Harry Truman EXCEPT that he:

had an Ivy League education

President Roosevelt did not intervene in the Spanish Civil War because:

he accepted the French and British position that the western democracies should not intervene

A major economic problem President Truman faced immediately after the war was:

high rates of inflation

"War relocation camps":

housed over 112,000 Japanese Americans during the war

British and American differences over where to attack Germany first were resolved with the decision to launch an offensive:

in North Africa

In retrospect, the cold war was probably:


In the 1948 campaign, the Dixiecrats did all of the following EXCEPT:

influence Truman to slow down on civil rights

American foreign policy in Latin America in the period between world wars included all the following EXCEPT:

insisting that the Monroe Doctrine provided a valid justification for intervention

In June 1941, Germany widened the war by:

invading the Soviet Union

The Nye committee:

investigated and criticized the role that bankers and munitions makers played in America's entry into World War I

Truman's response to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin in 1948 was to:

launch a massive airlift of supplies into West Berlin

Two decades after 1940:

life expectancy for nonwhites rose ten years and black wage earnings increased fourfold

Following the declaration of war:

men between the ages of eighteen and forty-five were drafted

Truman viewed his victory as a mandate for:

moderate liberalism

The Great Depression and the economic struggles it caused during the early 1930s generally made Americans:

more isolationist in sentiment

The Soviet acquisition of the atomic bomb in 1949 inspired Truman to:

order the development of a hydrogen bomb

The GI Bill did all of the following EXCEPT:

pay veterans large bonuses to remain in the military

In the Truman years, the United States abandoned a longtime tradition with its involvement in:

peacetime alliances

The 1939 Neutrality Act's cash-and-carry provision:

permitted the United States to sell arms to Britain and France if they paid up-front and carried their purchases on their own ships

The Yalta pledges of democratic elections in Eastern Europe:

proved to be meaningless

After the war, Americans were most eager to:


One major reason that World War II inspired postwar changes in race relations was the:

racist nature of the enemies of the United States

During the summer of 1941, the United States attempted to restrain Japanese expansion by:

restricting oil exports to Japan and freezing Japanese assets in the United States

The Hiss-Chambers case:

resulted in Hiss's being convicted of lying about espionage

State Department official George Kennan:

said the United States should contain Soviet expansionist tendencies

In 1940, the Battle of Britain:

saw the British turn back a massive German air attack and force Germany to postpone its invasion plans

The Office of Price Administration:

set price ceilings on and rationed highly demanded items such as tires, sugar, and gasoline

America's Good Neighbor policy:

supported the idea of nonintervention in Latin America

Members of the America First Committee were likely to be all of the following, EXCEPT:

supporters of Roosevelt's foreign policy

When confronted with strikes in the coal and railroad industries in 1946, President Truman's response was to:

temporarily seize those industries

When North Korea attacked South Korea, Truman concluded:

that Stalin and the Soviets were behind it

All of the following were established by the National Security Act of 1947 EXCEPT:

the Department of Homeland Security

The country that suffered the most deaths in the fighting of World War II was:

the Soviet Union

Which of the following countries was NOT an Axis power by June 1941?

the Soviet Union

In his Wheeling speech, Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed to have a list of Communists in:

the State Department

By the autumn of 1941:

the U.S. Navy was engaging the German Navy in the Atlantic

When North Korean Communists invaded South Korea:

the United Nations authorized military intervention against the aggressors

Following the conclusion of World War II, the two most powerful nations in the world were:

the United States and the Soviet Union

At the Battle of the Bulge:

the destruction of Germany's last reserve units left open the door to Germany's heartland from the west

The Atlantic Charter included all the following principles EXCEPT:

the elimination of communism

What significant objective motivated Japanese expansion into Southeast Asia and the Pacific during 1940-1941?

the expansion's provision of access to vitally needed oil, rubber, and other strategic materials

In 1947, President Truman took actions to banish Communists from:

the federal government

In 1948, President Truman desegregated:

the military

The Panay incident:

was a Japanese attack on an American ship in China

The Atlantic Charter:

was a joint British-American statement of anti-Axis war aims

By and large, Truman's Fair Deal proposals:

were thwarted by a conservative coalition in Congress

Inch'ŏn was the site:

where General MacArthur turned the war around with an amphibious landing

By November 1941, the United States insisted it would reopen trade with Japan only after that country:

withdrew completely from China

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