History 11 Chapter 13

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Which of the following was one of the "new leadership" who came to power after Clay and Calhoun?

Stephen A. Douglas

Northerners who accepted the concepts of "free soil" and "free labor" believed

slavery was dangerous not because of what it did to blacks, but because of what it did to whites.

Why did large numbers of Americans first move into Texas?

The Mexican government gave them financial incentives to colonize the region.

By combining the Oregon and the Texas issue in 1844, Democrats hoped to

appeal to both northern and southern expansionists.

The city of Tucson was in the

area of the Gadsden Purchase.

San Diego was in the

area of the Mexican Cession.

Taos was in the

area that was disputed between 1836 and 1848.

On what basis was Dred Scott suing for his freedom?

his residence in a free state and territory

Immigrants going west on the great overland trails faced the least danger from

hostile Indians.

Oregon Trail

the major route west into the new territories of the growing Unites States

Which of the following was the end point of the Oregon Trail?


At what point in the Proviso does the language appear to assume that the current conflict will have at least a partially diplomatic ending?

"by virtue of any treaty..."

This map shows slave and free states and territories under the Compromise of 1850.

- Minnesota: this was organized as a free territory in 1849 - Iowa: this state joined the Union as a free state in 1846 - California: this was the westernmost free state (not territory) in 1850. this state was allowed to join the Union as a free Compromise of 1850 - Utah Territory: this territory, along with New Mexico territory, was organized under the Compromise of 1850 from land gained from Mexico - South Caroline: in 1850, this state had the highest percentage of slave as a percent of total state population - Florida: this state, along with Texas, joined the Union as a slave state in 1845

Which of the following describe the Dred Scott decision and its impact on the sectional crisis?

- Scott was initially declared free, but this decision was reserved by the U.S. Supreme Court - Republicans in the North were furious about the decision - the U.S. Supreme Court stated that African american had no claims to citizenship

Which of these describe how the decisions of President Polk intensified the sectional conflict?

- going to war with Mexico, after which the resulting annexation was seen as an effort to expand slavery - proposing the extension of the Missouri Compromise line through new territories to the west - requesting $2 million from Congress for the purchase of peace with Mexico

Which of the following explain the issues involved in "Bleeding Kansas"?

- the Kansa-Nebraska Act of 1854 opened territories to slavey where it had been previously prohibited - "popular sovereignty" allowed a territory to choose its position on slavery when applying for statehood - ignited passions that led to the physical beating of a senator

When the new republic of Texas requested annexation by the United States,

Americans in the North opposed acquiring a large new slave territory.

What nation besides the United States claimed sovereignty over the Oregon Territory?


The Bear Flag Revolt was an attempt to proclaim the independence of what region from Mexico?


Which of the following states was created in the Compromise of 1850?


The following describe the effect of the growing sectional crisis on the nation's political parties.

Democrats - torn a party by battles between Southerns and Westerns - initial convention endorsed popular sovereignty but several delegates walked out - factions nominated two presidential candidates Republicans - broadened appeal to attract every major interest group - endorsed the high tariff, internal improvements, and a homestead bill - supported the right of each state to decide the issue of slavery within its borders

Many southerners believed that John Brown's raid had the support of the Democratic Party.


President Buchanan proved a firm and decisive president at the very time the nation needed one.


The United States did not take all of Mexico because its invasion of that country was not successful.


With Lincoln's election, the Republicans controlled both the legislative and the executive branches of the government.


Why did President Jackson refuse to annex Texas?

He feared it would increase tensions between the slave and free states.

How effective was this Proviso in terms of achieving its own goals?

In the end, it just postponed further sectional divisions.

Why was "Bleeding Kansas" such a significant escalation of sectional tensions in the United States?

It brought multiple examples of physical violence into the political arena.

A leading rancher in California who owned property where gold was discovered was

John A. Sutter.

The single event that did the most to convince white southerners they could not live safely in the Union was

John Brown's Harpers Ferry raid.

Which of the following policies helped Polk get elected president in 1844?

annexation of both Texas and Oregon

Map: Geography Analysis: The Oregon Boundary, 1846

Left: Right: -Fort Simpson -Portland -Primary area in dispute (green) -The United Sates1846 (purple) Right -Spokane -Fort Walla Walla -ToBritain,1846(orange)

Harpers Ferry

Location in Virginia of a United Sates weapons arsenal; objectives of John Brown's raid

The idea that God and history had selected America to expand its boundaries over the continent of North America was known as

Manifest Destiny.

At the same time as the Oregon dispute, the United States was involved in another territorial dispute with which country?


Which of the following was the site of a crucial American victory in the war?

Mexico City

the Alamo

San Antonio mission from which a Texas garrison fought, and was massacred by, Mexican forces

Why was the Proviso opposed by some parties?

Slave states did not want to limit slavery.

The Missouri Compromise line ran through which of the following states?


Which state was at the center of the conflict that initiated the Mexican-American War?


Which of the following accurately describe the boundary dispute over Oregon and that of Texas?

Texas - dispute settled by a war - both sides argued a borders based on a different river - the United Sated paid financial claims of its own citizens as part of the resolution Oregon - President Polk offered a compromise that was initially rejected - both sides settled on a boundary at the 49th parallel in order to avoid war - there had been "joint occupation" from two decades

Why did Dred Scott lose his case in the U.S. Supreme Court?

The Court ruled that he could not sue for freedom because he was not a citizen.

Why did the Dred Scott case increase the sectional tensions between the North and the South?

The Court's ruling suggested that free states might not be able to prevent slaves from living within their borders.

Which of the following best describes how the Proviso was similar to other legislation that came before and after it?

The issue of slavery was difficult from before independence and up to the Civil War.

Why did Lincoln win the election of 1860?

The pro-slavery vote divided among three candidates, while the anti-slavery vote largely unified behind Lincoln.

Northerners viewed the "slave power conspiracy" as a threat to their liberties.


The "penny press" was important because it exposed a significant proportion of the population to the idea of Manifest Destiny.


The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the antislavery provision of the Missouri Compromise.


The Wilmot Proviso prohibited slavery in the territory taken from Mexico.


Abraham Lincoln

U.S. president during the Civil War; signed the Emancipation Proclamation; assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

James K. Polk

U.S. president responsible for diffusing the Oregon and Texas annexation questions

Map Geography Analysis: Southwestern Expansion, 1845-1853

Up - Mexican Cession 1848, Santa Fe, Oregon Country, Texas Down - Gadsden Purchase, Chihuahua, San Antonio

Map Geography Analysis: Slave and Free Territories under the Compromise of 1850

Up - Oregon territory, Unorganized territory, Minnesota territory Down - Free states and territories, 1850 (blue) - Slave states and territories, 1850 (green) - Utah territory - Indian territory

Map Geography Analysis: The Mexican-American War, 1846-1848

Up - San Francisco, Santa Fe, El Paso Down - San Diego, Albuquerque, Chihuahua, Mexico City

The primary area in dispute was part of what current state or province?


What historical event does the Proviso assume will transpire?

acquisition of territory from Mexico

The Dred Scott decision

affirmed the South's argument that the Constitution permitted slavery.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

agreement by which Mexico agreed to cede California and New Mexico to the United States and acknowledge the Rio Grande as the boundary of Texas

Compromise of 1850

among the bill's provisions were the admission of California as a free state; territorial governments in the lands acquired from Mexico without restrictions on slavery; the abolition of the slave trade , but not slavery itself, in the District of Columbia; and a new and more effective fugitive slave law

Wilmot Proviso

an 1846 amendment to several appropriation bills prohibiting slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico

The Compromise of 1850 included all of the following EXCEPT. -California would join the Union as a free state. -a new more effect fugitive slave law. -an agreement that the national government would not pay the Texas debt. -the slave trade, but not slavery, would be abolished in the District of Columbia. -the rest of the lands acquired from Mexico, territorial governments would be formed without restrictions on slavery.

an agreement that the national government would not pay the Texas debt.

Stephen F. Austin

an immigrant from Missouri to Texas , he established that territory's first legal American settlement in 1822

Winfield Scott

commander of America forces during the Mexican-American War

How many slave states were there after the Compromise of 1850?


How many presidential candidates received electoral votes in the 1860 presidential election?


Sam Houston

general of Texas forces that defeated the Mexican Army in 1836


gold-rush migrants en route to the fields of California were nicknamed this

Stephen A. Douglas

he was a open spokesman for the economic needs of his section, and specially for the construction of railroads; his was a career devoted not to any broad national goals, but to sectional gain and personal self-promotion

Dred Scott decision

in it, Congress was found to possess no authority to pass a law depriving persons of their slave property in the territories

"Young America"

its adherents saw the expansion of American democracy throughout the world as a way to divert attention from the controversies over slavery

Kansas-Nebraska Act

legislation attempting to balance the free/slave status of new territories in the United States

General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

mid-1830s Mexican dictator who began confrontations with established Texas populations

By the end of the 1860s, the territory of the United States included

nearly the entire territory of the current continental United States.

Travelers on the Oregon Trail

often migrated as families that practiced traditional gender divisions of labor.

Free-Soil Party

opponents of slavery in the 1848 presidential election found the choice of candidates unsatisfying, and tis political organization was the result

American immigrants into Oregon

outnumbered the British by the mid-1840s.

Corpus Christi was in the

part of modern Texas that was claimed by the United States in 1845.

The Wilmot Proviso

passed the House but not the Senate.

Gadsden Purchase

secured Mexican territory for a potential southern transcontinental railroad route

How many free states were there after the Compromise of 1850?


Which political party divided along regional lines after it could not agree upon a presidential candidate for the 1860 election?

the Democrats

The Kansas-Nebraska Act explicitly sought to repeal which of the following laws?

the Missouri Compromise

Passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act spurred the creation of which political party?

the Republicans

What river separated the disputed area from Mexico?

the Rio Grande

Which river marked the southern border of the disputed territory?

the Rio Grande

The dispute over the Oregon boundary was primarily between which nations?

the United States and Britain

What was the primary motivating factor for the United States going to war with Mexico in the 1840s?

the United States' desire to claim both New Mexico and California

Which of the following events caused the Mexican government to negotiate a peace treaty with the United States in 1847?

the capture of Mexico City

John Brown

the fiery Kansas abolitionist who led a raid on the U.S. Army arsenal in Virginia

popular sovereignty

the idea of allowing new territories in the United States to decide their own status of slaveholding versus free

Manifest Destiny

the idea that America was destined - by God and by history- to expand its boundaries over a vast area, an area that include, but was not necessarily restricted to, the continent of North America

The question of statehood for Kansas and Nebraska became a critical issue because of

the issue of slavery.


traditionally, these are Mexican residents of Texas

Zachary Taylor

whig candidate in the presidential election of 1848

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