History 110b exam 2

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Military dictator who gained control of government in Latin Americans after independence

Giuseppe garibaldi

Military leader of Italian unification His army is known as the army of red shirts


Natives population of New Zealand Dance is the Haitka 3 versions

Edmund Burke

Part of British parliament Father of classical conservatives


People who opposed mechanism of industry tried to stop industrialized but breaking machines, not successful in stopping progress

Camilo do Cavour

Political leader of Italian unification


Public intellectuals who applies reason to the study of many areas of learning, including philosophy, history, science, politics, economics,/and social issues

The directory

Replaced the convention

Napoleon Bonaparte

Replaced the directory Who become military dictator and empire of France

Mexican American war

Result United States win and gains control of northern half of Mexico


Russian word for parliament legislature

The convention

Small group of members of National Assembly who acted like the government led by Maximus All them died

Dominion of Canada

Started as a separate colonists founded by the French These colonies unified by the British North American act Recognized British monarch as head of state Politically independent


State sponsored persecution of Jews in Russia in late tsar era Large number of Jewish immigrated to United states

La reforma

Supported by Benito Juarez

Ancien regime

The French government before the revolution


The first colony in Americas after the United States gained independence

Miguel de hidalgo

The man who started the Mexican war of independence


The name driving political force in 1960

Meijii reforms

The office of shogana was abolished and emperor is restored to power Leads to reforms and modernization of Japan The emperor and his advisors implemented a series of reforms; learning about western government; building a strong army and navy; establishing a system of public education and universities; supported a banking and postal system and built railroads and factories

Gen. Santa Anna

The president of Mexico Who's action started the Texan war of independence Leads to Mexican American war Only had one leg

Revolution of 1905

The tempted Revolution after Russia was defeated in Russo Japanese war Not successful in overthrowing he tsar but made him think about creating the Duma


Theological belief that developed during enlightenment God that created universe but not a personal God

Congress of Vienna

Took place 1814at end of napoleanic war Peace conference drawing treaty

French Indochina

Vietnamese Cambodia laus

Sino-Japanese war

War between Chinese and Japanese China weak and Japanese strong Capture island of Taiwan becomes Japanese colony

Russo-Japanese war

War between Russia and Japanese Japanese started it Russia fighting Japan of control of China Japan beat russia


Descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa


Descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa

James watt

Developed first practical steam engine

William wilberforce

Driving force behind the British abolishment of the slave trade Member of parliament Person who got the slave trade abolished Movie about it

Tsar Alexander II

Ended serfdom in Russia in 1816 Tsar liberator

Lin zexu

Man appointed the xing dynasty to deal in importation of opium out of country

John Stuart mill

Member of British parliament Father of classical Liberalism

Porfirio Diaz

Mexican dictator

Juan Manuel de rosas

Military dictator in Argentina

Boxer rebellion

Anti foreigner movement in china

Scramble for africa

Apart of great game Effort of European powers to carve up and colonize Africa in the 1880s and 1890s. British obtained most of Eastern Africa, France most of the northwestern Africa. Other countries like Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Italy and Spain acquired lesser amounts

Francisco "pancho" villa

Apart of the Mexican Revolution

Emiliano Zapata

Apart of the Mexican Revolution rebelling against Diaz

Von Metternich

Austrian foreign minister at the congress of Vienna

Mary wollstonecraft

Author of the vindication of the rights of women First feminism Mother of the person who wrote Frankenstein

Augustine d'iturbide

Became empire 1st achieved success in war

Great trek

Boers and Afrikaners marched north in South Africa to start new colonies

John locke

British philosopher

Suez canal

Built by French company in Egypt

Otto van Bismarck

Capital of north dokato Person responsible for German unification German leaders became state capital sin United states

Factory system

Characterized by centralized of production Defined industrialized system

Unequal treaties

Chinese were forced to sign treaty under British terms which were favorable to the British and other countries like French Russia and Americans forced them to sign unequal treaties

Karl marx

Co author of communist manifesto

Mexican Revolution

Fought over a period of almost 10 years. Resulted to overthrow Porfirio Diaz from power. Opposition forces were led by Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata War was brought on by tremendous disagreement among the Mexican people over the dictatorship of president Diaz who stayed in office for 31 years. During that span, power was concentrated in the hands of select few, the people had no power to express their opinions or select their public officials. Wealth was likewise concentrated in the hands of few and injustice was everywhere.

Theodore herzl

Founder and leader of Zionism

Estates general

French parliament called into session in 1789 that marks beginning of French Revolution

Baron montesquie

French philosopher 1st encyclopedia

Hong xiuquan

He came to believe he and Jesus were brothers and went insane and committed suicide and 20 million people died in process

Tai ping rebellion

Hong xiuquan couldn't pass the scholar exams and believed he was Jesus brother. Converted to a form of Christianity He was convinced God wanted him to destroy the Qing dynasty

Popular sovereignty

Idea that government belong to the people whom they govern

Benito juarez

International airport President of Mexico s

George stephenson

Invented locomotives railroad

Empress dowager cixi

Is a woman running the country Encouraged boxer rebellion anti foreigner movement in China

Giuseppe mazzini

Italian nationalist founder of young Italy boop


Jewish nationalism Idea that Jewish people should have their country in the homeland in Middle East History of beginning of modern Israel

The enlightenment

John Locke British philosopher Was a philosophical movement which dominated the world ideas in Europe. John Locke influenced the Age of Enlightenment Advocated democracy,/individual liberty, freedom of expression and eradication of religious authority Sought accommodation between reform and the traditional systems of power and faith Locke exercised a profound influence on political philosophy in modern liberalism Believed all men were created equal with natural rights Wanted to separate the church and state to divide the powers and not create bias and problems in future creating religious freedom

Communist manifesto

Karl Marx was the author/co author


Large business given privilege positions in Japanese societies Sanctioned by government given monopolistic control in economy

National Assembly

Large part of estates general broke away and started National Assembly the driving force behind political reforms in early years of French Revolution

Emperor puyi

Last emperor in Chinese history

Ram Moran Roy

Leader of the Indian nationalist movement Self governed of India in British government

Simon bolivar

Leader of various wars of independence in South America

The metis

Led by Luis reil

Louis reil

Led the Metis in Canada

Opium war

Lin zexu action led to this war where they were defeated by British

Crimean war

War in which British Turks and France got together to fight the Russians. Russia wanted to take advantage of the weakening Ottoman Empire. Russia lost prestige and reputation as great power and need sweeping internal reform Crimean war broke the longstanding peace between victors of the napoleonnic wars

Cecil rhodes

Was the British business man who founded the diamond company in South Africa extremely rich founded road to scholarship wasn't married gay Left all his money

Commodore perry

Was the commander of the American naval expedition that forced Japanese to allow American trade in their country in 1853

Great game

Was the term to describe to the competition of imperial power in the world was British Russians Americans and Japanese Who was going to get control in areas on map

Young Turks

Young Turkish wanted to reform Turkish government

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