History 114B

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Indian Councils Act (1909)

established elections to legislative councils for Indians AKA Morley Minto Reforms


"own country"

Government of India Act (1858)

India office led by Secretary of state for India (viceroy), establishment of Indian Civil Service

subhas chandra bose

Indian nationalist who collaborated with Axis Powers in WWII

1911 Durbar

King George performs kingly rituals for subjects of princely states in India because the British had a weak hold on India, so they needed to demonstrate the rituals of empire to assert dominance

allan octavian hume

Supported nationalist ideas during the time of the Ilbert Bill

muslim league

f. 1906, wanted a voice in the campaign to reunite Bengal in order to better represent the Muslim minority in Bengal; Dhaka Resolution: feared Hindu rule in British absence

William Jones

Discovers similarities between Sanskrit and Greek


Indian soldiers in EIC army


Pan-Islamic movement (1919-22); political unrest campaign launched by Muslims from the British Raj to influence British govt. not to abolish Ottoman Empire


movement against Bengalis buying European exports

surat split (1907)

- Partition of Bengal created a split between the two groups in congress Extremists v moderates -- same end, different means - Extremists were led by Tilak, moderates by Gokhale - Marked a turning point in nationalist politics (nationalists burn British hats and clothes in a symbolic rejection of the British rule)

jyotiba phule

- Ran school for girls with his wife - Ran home for pregnant Brahmin women - Deliberately employed Brahmin woman to his house as way of mocking wealthy Brahmans

William Jones

Mastered Sanskrit and believed that India was a "wonderful land" (was an orientalist)


Originated when Gandhi refused to register in Transvaal(with his fingerprint and photograph)


a concept relating to the grand order of life


the elements that define "Hinduness": common race, nation, and culture. Hindu nationalism Manifesto written by Savarkar, while in Ratnagiri Jail (jail in Maharashtra where he stayed briefly after leaving Cellular Jail but before being released).

thomas munro

Idealized simple life of the peasant, wished to rule in Bengal without disruption of old ways

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Important nationalist that was a part of the 1885 Indian National Congress(non-political at the time of formation)

Annie Besant

Irish home rule activist who moved to India and befriended Gandhi, joins Theosophical Society, involved with Home Rule League

Behramji Malabari

Published descriptions of horrors from child marriage and forced widowhood, and pressed for legislative intervention.

Partition of Bengal

- In 1905, Lord Curzon wanted to split Bengal in order to more easily manage it. - Would create a Hindu majority in one part, and Muslim majority in the other. - Bengalis were VERY upset-started to boycott British goods - Spurred on Congress split of Moderated vs. Extremists

Ilbert Bill (1884)

- In the end, the Ilbert Bill was passed, but was severely modified. This reflected the deep racist sentiment that was present amongst Europeans against the Indians - Modified Ilbert Bill made it so that in the rural areas as well as presidential capitals, any European being tried could request a jury that was half European

varna ashrama dharma

1. Brahmācharya - the period of life where one is a student and is celibate 2. Grihasta - the period of life where one is occupied with the home. 3. Vanaprastha - the period of life where one leaves the family life and becomes an ascetic. Goes to think in the woods. 4. Sannyāsa - the period of life where one renounces material desires and prejudices.

permanent settlement

1793 Agreement between EIC (Cornwallis) and Landlords of Bengal to raise Land Revenue. 1793: Zamindars Armed Forces abolished

Arya Samaj

1874 socio-religious reform movement that promoted values and practices based on infallibility of the Vedas

lucknow pact

1916 Congress Session: Jinnah encourages the Muslim League and the Congress to unite against the British

Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms

1919 Government of India Act, establishing federalism in India with a dyarchy

warren hastings

British governor-general of EIC's territories in India; created ordered system of gov't in India

warren hastings

Established the colonial form of executive governance- with a "collector" in charge of a district. Allowed old Indian officials to remain in charge of the "diwani" revenue administration because of a lack of trained British personnel

morley minto reforms

AKA Indian Councils Act (1909) brought little empowerment for Indians but established elections at municipal level.


After the defeat of Mir Kasim, Nawab of Awadh, and the Mughal emperor in Bengal in 1765(by the EIC), they created a Treaty. In return for peace, the British EIC demanded an annual tribute, and in order to fulfill this, the Emperor gave them "revenue collecting rights," known as a diwani, for the provinces of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa.

warren hastings

Appointed as first governor general of the EIC's Indian territories-set about to create an ordered system of government for British India

William Jones

Beginning idea of Indology


Charter Renewal of 1813 allowed missionaries to preach in India

permanent settlement

Completely changed the pre-existing structure of land ownership, which had distributed land rights amongst 3 groups- peasant cultivator, zamindar, and government. IE a new class of land lords was created

Asiatic Society of Bengal

Consisted of British scholars working closely with Sanskrit pundits to create a written consolidated history of India


Contrasted with "Arabs" (Muslims) and "Persians" (Zoroastrians)


English educated Brahman, like Tilak and Gokhale Participated in revolutionary politics and was jailed for many years

thomas munro

Established "ryotwari" settlement

motilal nehru

Father of Jawaharlal Nehru.

dayanand saraswati

Founded Arya Samaj and cow protection society Helped to further divide Hindus and muslims

nawwab salimullah

Founder of Muslim league. Pro partition of Bengal.


Gandhi encourages peasants who actually own their own land not to pay farming revenues to colonial government; onion thief

hind swaraj

Gandhi's written work asserting that villages are at the core of India

james mill

He is a British historian and a philosopher of Utilitarianism. James Mills is the east India company officials, he writes on the history of India despite of the fact that he had never been to India and he had no knowledge of any Indian Language.

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

His specialty was religious nationalism that surrounded Hinduism Brought back many Hindu festivals, like Ganpati puja


In 1856, discontent amongst Bengali soldiers(sepoys) began with the General Services Enlistment Act

Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar

Led campaign for widow remarriage act of 1856 - Act legitimized remarriage of widows in higher caste and children born in them. - Championed status of women in India

permanent settlement

Meant that peasants were reduced to tenant status but without rights, and that zamindar could lose rights to entire estate if he defaulted on taxes

gopal krishna gokhale

Moderate member of the 1885 Indian National Congress Wanted to work with the institution(the British) to bring about whatever changes that needed to happen

Congress Moderates v. Extremists

Moderates want policy settlements (Gokhale) Extremists want agitation, boycotts, strikes (Tilak) Split up in this way when it was time to decide what to do after the Partition of Bengal.

Congress Moderates v. Extremists

Morley(new Secretary of State) had promised many constitutional reforms. Gokhale wanted to follow him and Tilak did not. Moderates won out at this time-Tilak was imprisoned for 6 years starting in 1905 due to something else, so that made Moderate takeover of Congress easier

abu'l kalam azad

Muslim leader in the Indian National Congress. Supporter of Gandhi's non-cooperation and non-violent movement. Supporter of the Hindu-Muslim unity. One of the organizers of Dharasana Satyagraha.


Objects of knowledge: 1. Translation, find core texts; 2. Grammar, how to apprehend foreign languages; 3. Hindu Law: Mughals have set up regional court, 4. Muslim Law: used by both

Indian Councils Act of 1861

Parliamentary act that changed Viceroy's executive council into cabinet run on the portfolio system

Jallianwallah Bagh

Site of Amritsar Massacre in 1919

allan octavian hume

Retired British ICS officer when he catalyzed the formation of the Indian Congress


Retook Calcutta in 1757 and secured restoration of the EIC's free trade privileges(granted to them in 1717 by emperor Farrukhsiyar). The privileges had been lost when Nawab Siraj-ud-daula had marched on Calcutta in 1756, and ended up causing the death of 40 British people in prison(this was not his fault entirely)


This was basically a taxation agreement individually with each cultivator instead of with the zamindar overseeing the cultivators(as is was with the Permanent Settlement)

natal indian congress

Was created in response to the fact that the right to vote was to be taken away from the Indians in the South African colony


Wrote the Hindutva and was the first to define Hindu nationalism as Indian nationalism - "Hindus" were all the people who considered India to be their holy land - Sikhs and Jains are considered part of Hindutva - Muslims were a part of this as long as they considered India to be their holy land. (Muslims have Mecca as holy land, complicating things)

doctrine of lapse

any princely state or territory under EIC would be annexed if ruler was incompetent or died w/o male heir

India Act (1784)

brought EIC rule in India under control of British gov't -> joint gov't of British India by the Company and the Crown (gov't has most authority). The Act breaks the EIC monopoly and allows missionaries in the country.


caste, or some idealized notion of caste (Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra)


central finance administration of in Islamic societies


city where Islamic learning center (revolutionary) was established in 1866; taught to fight against oppression

separate electorates

consequence of the Morley Minto reforms. Muslims could vote only their representatives in reserved seat and to protect their interest.


enforce English in India and don't think India has a history or anything good (Cornwallis, Macaulay)


essentially came in and supported Mir Jafar in overthrowing Nawab Siraj. This allowed the EIC to have immense trading rights in Bengal, which is key because it is when these trading rights are threatened that the British rise up in arms against local authorities, as they had done in this case where Clive was the one driving the attack.

Local Self Government (1883)

form of municipal self government introduced by viceroy Lord Ripon with the purpose to train Indians in managing their affairs.

Indian Congress (1885)

formed by Dadabhai Naoroji and Allan Octavian Hume

Asiatic Society of Bengal

founded by Hastings under leadership of William Jones; study the religious and cosmological texts of Indian antiquity


fundamental problem with india is lack of jesus

William Jones

judge who proposed relationship among Euro and Indian languages; founded Asiatic Society of Bengal; established modern philology

bahadur shah zafar

last Mughal emperor, ended after the mutiny; limited to Delhi; figurehead of mutiny. Convicted of conspiracy.

wajid ali shah

last ruler of Awadh that ended ruling in 1856 before East India Company came

India Councils Act (1861)

liberal state in Britain, Indians could now rarely advise in legislation


movement emphasizing personal devotion to Muhammad and a synthesis of Sharia with Sufi practices

varna ashrama dharma

natural classification/division of humans the need to undergo the 4 different periods of life

dadabhai naoroji

one of three founders of the Indian Congress

ram mohan roy

part of Brahmo Samaj; wanted to abolish Sati; introduced "Hinduism" to English language


people of lower class (working class) and colored. When Gandhi went to South Africa he was considered one.

subsidiary alliance

princely rulers weren't allowed to have independent armed forced and they were protected by EIC, but they had to pay for the protection


princely state of Awadh, which British annexed 1856; revolt against British 1858 w/ other states

Thomas babbington macauley

pushed for English/western concepts into Indian education; Macaulay Minute; supported official language to change from Persian to English

brahmo samaj

religious movement against Hinduism in Calcutta; discards Hindu rituals and is influenced by Christian and Islam (Hindu reform movement)

sir sayyid ahmed khan

served in EIC and became judge at Small Causes Court; loyal to British in Indian Rebellion of 1857 (saved Euro lives)

rowlatt bills

set of legislations that limited liberty during war time. Judge Rowlatt decided to extend the emergency measures even after the end of WWI - 1919 bills extending the wartime restrictions, not the restrictions themselves


something that grants "revenue collecting rights" (pg. 52) to whoever holds it.

jawaharlal nehru

son of Motilal Nehru, Kashmiri pundit family, well-educated, follower of Gandhi, more extreme Indian nationalist/ criticizer of the British than his father, had socialist/pro-USSR sympathies


spread Christian beliefs throughout India; missionary -> John Stone, Charles Grant


term for handspun yarn, part of Gandhi's boycott for foreign textiles


term for spinning wheel, the symbol of Gandhi's program

Vernacular Press Act (1878)

the law that limited the publication in Indian language. Intended to prevent criticism to the British Raj - Censorship of native language newspapers in India -Repealed by Lord Ripon in 1882

Ilbert Bill (1884)

the measure that would allowed senior Indian magistrates to judge even British citizens. Furiously opposed by British planters, the Bill produced a compromise where Europeans could be judge by courts half Indian and half British


two branches of government in British India, central and provincial legislature


village where Gandhi demonstrated resistance to British authority, Gandhi is arrested then accidentally released after encouraging the village people to protest the unfair farming system (sharecropping; indigo farming)


widow throws herself on husband's funeral pyre; abolished by William Bentinck 1828fnatal


year of Indian Rebellion that began as mutiny of sepoys in EIC

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