History 1301 unit 1 Exam

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The major cause of King Phillip's War was

King Phillip's desire for territorial expansion

The headright system adopted for the Virginia colony consisted of

fifty acres of land to anyone who would transport himself to the colony and fifty more for any servant he might bring

The stockholders who invested in the Virginia Company were motivated by

financial profit

Read the excerpt and answer the question below. These Indians were the Remains of a Tribe of the Six Nations, settled at Conestoga, and thence called Conestoga Indians . . . there they have lived many Years in Friendship with their White Neighbours, who loved them for their peaceable inoffensive Behaviour. On Wednesday, the 14th of December, 1763, Fifty-seven Men, from some of our Frontier Townships . . . came, all well-mounted, and armed with Firelocks, Hangers and Hatchets, having traveled through the Country in the Night, to Conestoga Manor. There they surrounded the small Village of Indian Huts, and just at Break of Day broke into them all at once. Only three Men, two Women, and a young Boy, were found at home . . . These poor defenseless Creatures were immediately fired upon, stabbed and hatcheted to Death! . . . Guilt will lie on the whole Land, till Justice is done on the Murderers. THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT WILL CRY TO HEAVEN FOR VENGEANCE. -Source: Benjamin Franklin, A Narrative of the Late Massacres, in Lancaster County, of a Number of Indians, Friends of this Province, by Persons Unknown, 1764 Which of the following groups of people would have been most likely to oppose Franklin's views in the excerpt?

frontier settlers

The middle colonies

geographically and socially stood between New England and southern colonies

Mercantilism involved

government's attempt to maintain a favorable balance of trade

Mercantilism involved:

government's attempt to maintain a favorable balance of trade

The Aztecs

had an empire of perhaps 5 million people in Mexico

Women in the American colonies

often remained confined to the domestic sphere

The English Puritans

opposed Catholic elements in the Church of England

The English Puritans:

opposed Catholic elements in the Church of England

Legally speaking slaves were


At the time Europeans arrived in North America, Indians

tended to worship spirits in their natural surroundings

During the period of salutary neglect:

the British government took less of a role in governing the American colonies

One outstanding characteristic of Jamestown in its initial years was

the high mortality rate among settlers

The British colonies differed from the Spanish in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

they were developed with private investment funds rather than royal money

The Middle Passage

was the route from the African interior to the coastline that slave traders followed

What is the main reason France fought England in the War?

Both countries wanted more land

What happened to the land at the end of the French and Indian war?

Britain got all the French land in North America

Which areas of North America was the French and Indian War primarily fought in?

Canada, Western PA, Mississippi River

Why is King Philip's War important ?

Colonists would continue to take Indian lands for the next 200 years

Which of the following statements explains why the French allied themselves with Native Americans?

French colonists were looking to establish fur-trading practices with Native Americans

The Britain and Colonial forces who first attacked the French at Fort Duquesne were led by who?

George Washington

Which is not true of Nathaniel Bacon?

He had a close relationship with Governor Berkeley

Read the passage below and answer the question. The founders of Virginia, having discovered in tobacco a substitute for the sugar of the West Indies and the silver of Peru, still felt the lack of native labor force with which to exploit the new crop. At first they turned to their own overpopulated country for labor, but English indentured servants . . . when their terms of servitude expired . . . struck out for themselves and joined the ranks of those demanding rather than supplying labor. But there was a way out. The Spanish and Portuguese had already demonstrated what could be done in the New World when a local labor force became inadequate: they brought in natives of Africa. From Edmund S. Morgan, historian, The Labor Problem at Jamestown, 1607-18, 1971. Morgan describes how, over time, planters came to use enslaved Africans instead of indentured servants as laborers. Why did Virginia planters originally prefer indentured servants to slaves?

Indentured servants were less expensive than slaves, and planters got land for each servant they brought from England

Why was William Pitt taking over wartime operations for the British considered a turning point in the war?

Pitt believed North America was critical to England as a world power and he committed more troops and replaced old leaders with younger ones.

What war sped up the Proclamation of 1763?

Pontiac's War

The first Europeans to sail around Africa and on to India were the


The primary motivation of England settlers to colonize in the New World?

Seek gold and wealth

What was the Middle passage?

The transatlantice jouney that brought slaves to the Americas

When and where did the French and Indian War begin?

The war started in 1754 in the Ohio River Valley.

Which is true of English society by the early 1600's?

There was growing population of beggars and vagabonds

Why did New England leaders block women from retaining seperate property and inheriting their husband's estates the way southern women did?

They feared that the family unity would be undermined

Why were the colonists upset about the Proclamation of 1763?

They had just fought to gain the land

Why did the British establish the Proclamation of 1763?

They wanted to make peace with the Native Americans

The encomienda system

allowed privileged Spanish landowners to control Indian villages

The early Puritans in New England lived:

almost as long as Americans today

The Stono Rebellion was

an example of slave anger their treatment and permanent servitude

Anne Hutchinson was kicked out of Massachusetts for

challenging the authority of local ministers

Anne Hutchinson was kicked out of Massachusetts for:

challenging the authority of local ministers

Which of the following would not characterize the Mississippi Indian Culture?

cliff dwellings and widespread use of irrigation

French colonists in North America:

established cooperative relations with the Indians

French colonists in North America

established coopertive relations with Native Americans

"At the time the first Europeans arrived, the Indians of the Great Plains between the Rocky Mountains and the forested areas bordering on the Mississippi lived partly by corn culture but mostly by the buffalo on foot with bow and arrow. Although Europeans regarded all Indians as nomads (a convenient excuse for denying them the land they occupied), only the Plains Indian really were nomadic. Even they did not become so until about A.D. 1550, when they began to break wild mustangs, offspring of European horses turned loose by the Spaniards." —"The Oxford History of the American People" by Samuel Eliot Morison, Oxford University Press, New York City, 1965 The excerpt suggests that Europeans used the lifestyle of American Indian tribes to justify

expansion into native lands

Read the excerpt and answer the question below. "We had more guns and iron-headed arrows than before, but our enemies the Snake Indians and their allies had horses on which they rode, swift as the deer, on which they dashed at the Piegans, and with their stone clubs knocked them on the head, and had thus lost several of their best men. This news we did not well comprehend and it alarmed us, for we had no idea of horses and could not make out what they were. . . . Next morning at the dawn of day, we attacked the tents, and with our sharp flat daggers and knives, cut through the tents and entered for the fight; but our war whoop instantly stopped, our eyes were appalled with terror; there was no one to fight with but the dead and the dying, each a mass of corruption. . . . The second day after, this dreadful disease broke out in our camp . . ." -Source: Saukamappee, from the Cree nation, "On the Arrival of Guns, Horses, and Smallpox in the Plains in the 1700s" The views expressed in the excerpt are best seen as evidence of which of the following in Native American societies?

how the introduction of European trade goods led to cultural changes

Traditionally, scholars have believed that Paleo-Indians migrated from Asia into North America

in pursuit of large game animals

After defeating the Native forces at Veracruz, Cortes

invited the warriors to join his advance on the Aztecs

Bacon's Rebellion was triggered by

land shortages and Indian policy

Early colonists in the Chesapeake struggled with all of the following except

land that was difficult to farm

The largest social group of white Virginians were:

landless whites

Armed groups of colonists, not regular trained soldiers, are known as a/an


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