History 1302 exam 1

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Which of the following is NOT an aspect of "Black Codes" instituted in the Southern states legislatures put in place by Johnson's Reformation policies?

"Free" laborers could still be bought and sold between employers


- Raiding the spanish borderlands allowed the comanche to create a dominant culture on the southern plains - the singular focus of their economic system made them vulnerable - the weakness of the comanche trade network forced them to expand

Day of Jublio

- a spiritual day of freedom and restitution - every 7 years land is returned to original owner - slaves freed=equality

Bison overexploitation

- bison and horses were the two species that the comanche relied on and ate the same food - limited the hunting of bison - limited food in take in order for bison to repopulate

Freedmen's Conventions

- in the south 1861 - freedmen protested by having their own convention - creation of the freedman bureau - emphasized education - take part in political matters - equal standing before the law - right to vote

Social gospel

A movement in the late 1800s / early 1900s which emphasized charity and social responsibility as a means of salvation.

Which of the following best describes Sand Creek Massacre and its results?

A planned attack on peaceful Native Americans, including women and children, in which Colorado militia killed a mutilated over 150. Resulted in warfare throughout the central plains.

Which of the following was a tenet of The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783?

A powerful navy was essential for protecting national interests and developing global commerce.

Which of the following does NOT describe the vision of Henry Grady and others like him who believed in the New South?

A revitalization of the system of slavery and planter aristocracy

Which of the following describes the movement of populism?

A third political party in a system dominated by two major political parties

What was reform Darwinism?

A way of thinking strongly at odds with the "progressive" movement of the late nineteenth century

Eugene V. Debs and the __________ became famous during the __________, which paralyzed the economies of twenty-seven states and territories making up the western half of the nation.

American Railway Union; Pullman Strike

How did Americans' understanding of manifest destiny change after the Civil War?

Americans embraced the idea of acquiring territories as "colonies" without the intention of making them states.

What was a reason why the United States intervened in the Cuban War for Independence?

Americans, ironically, were incensed by the brutal imperialism Spain exercised over Cuba.

Which of the following statements about strategies businessmen used to eliminate competition is accurate?

An effective strategy to avoid competition was to drive out or buy out weaker competitors.

Which of the following statements about anarchists in 1860-1900 America is accurate?

Anarchists advocated self-governed societies based on voluntary institutions and were often labeled as violent by the middle class.

Many Americans in the late nineteenth century believed that the __________ race was superior and other races, like that of the __________, were inferior.

Anglo-Saxon; Indians

Select all of the following which were NOT aspects of the Crop-Lien System.

Banks used a system of accounting to keep the books of production and sales so that the landowner and sharecroppers received their fair portion of the produce.

In the election of 1868, which saw General Ulysses S. Grant elected, the Democrats ran a vice president who relied on which of the following to gain support?

Bigotry and a plea to white supremacy

The Fifteenth Amendment extended voting rights to which of the following groups?

Black men

Which of the following would have been considered the average, most common progressive activists during the Progressive period?

Christian moralists

Which of the following are three industries which grew in the "New South?"

Coal, steel, and lumber

Which of the following statements about the state of the American economy in 1900 is accurate?

Compared with other industrialized nations, the United States had some of the highest concentrations of poverty.

The Teller Amendment, when added to the declaration of war on Spain, denied any U.S. intention to annex


Why has the Spanish-American War been renamed the War of 1898?

Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and Filipinos also engaged in the fighting.

Which of the following led to the increase in poverty and decrease in land ownership among southern farmers?

Decline in the prices of crops

After the Election of 1896, the

Democratic Party began to shift from pro-business to liberal reform.

Which of the following does NOT describe the experience of farmers on the Great Plain?

Difficulties clearing the trees and removing stones from the soil

Johnson vetoed the Civil Rights Act, which Congress then passed by overriding his veto, on the basis that it did which of the following?

Discriminated against whites

Which of the following did NOT characterize life in mining boomtowns?

Due to the costs of moving West, ethnic diversity remained low

What is the term given to describe the ability of companies to afford technological improvements and the workforces to propel them into the modern age?

Economies of scale

African Americans reacted to the renewed discrimination by submitting and eliminating social involvement from their lives.


After the Spanish-American war, the United States granted the Philippines independence.


Both absence of political influence and the lack of voting rights for blacks was a part of the South from the end of the Civil War until the Civil Rights Movement.


Lincoln desired the overturn of the South's former economic and social systems.


McKinley was re-elected in 1900 despite losing the popular vote to William Jennings Bryan.


President Grant found himself corrupted by the office and took part in numerous actions to gain houses and other such benefits. During one scandal, he helped gold marketeers to drive up the price of gold.


President William Howard Taft and President Woodrow Wilson discontinued the trend of American intervention in international affairs begun by Roosevelt.


Progressives generally believed government should not interfere with big business.


Progressives generally believed government should not interfere with big business. Whereas Theodore Roosevelt's New Nationalism plan wanted to eliminate trusts, Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom plan wanted to regulate them.


Settlers in the West tended to be poor escapees from crowded eastern cities. Further, Chinese were accepted into life among whites, Mexicans, blacks, Germans, and others in ways they were not in the East.


The "Battle" of Wounded Knee erupted when a large group of Sioux conducted a surprise attack on American soldiers who had refused to allow them to take part in the "Ghost Dance," which was said to make the Native Americans impervious to bullets.


The Haymarket affair was a peaceful protest against the use of child labor.


The Second Industrial Revolution was not characterized by urban growth; rather, it only involved growth in rural areas.


The South accomplished its goals as set out by Grady and others and became a strong economic force in the country.


The book describes the West as a barren region devoid of use other than to Native Americans. It contained no resources worthwhile, just a vast land needing to be transversed to arrive at California.


The growth of cities helped to solve many major social problems of the late nineteenth century.


The minimally intrusive methods of mining in the West left pristine natural environments once a company left the area.


Theodore Roosevelt led troops into battle in the Philippines.


Whereas Theodore Roosevelt's New Nationalism plan wanted to eliminate trusts, Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom plan wanted to regulate them.


Wilson was a weak president who trusted Congress to adopt the proper policies.


Unlike today, citizens during the Gilded Age expected the __________ government to have little to no effect on their daily lives.


The Enforcement Acts, which responded to murderous efforts on the part of white southerners to resist efforts at civil rights for blacks, included all of the following EXCEPT?

Flying of the Confederate Flag or putting up Confederate statues

Which of the following statements about the American railroad industry during the 1860-1900 period is accurate?

Former soldiers, ex-slaves, and immigrants formed much of the crews who built the transcontinental rail line.

Which of the following best describes the outcome of the Great Sioux War following the overwhelming defeat of Custer and his men at the Little Bighorn River in June 1876?

Grant ended the peace policy and sent General Sheridan in to defeat the northern plains Native Americans. His aggressive leadership led to the destruction of the native people's villages and food supplies. They were soon defeated and sold the Black Hills to the U.S. government.

In 1914, what did Wilson do to anger progressives?

He announced that his New Freedom plan was complete.

Which of the following statements best describes President Wilson?

He found it hard to understand and work with people who did not agree with him.

Which of the following did Roosevelt accomplish during his Presidency?

He set aside millions of acres of federal land for conservation purposes.

All of the following are critiques of Frederick Jackson Turner's "Frontier Thesis," that the open lands to the West had created America's democracy and nature, except what?

He was incorrect that the frontier was closed since the West still held relatively few people in comparison to the East.

What occurred because of President Chester A. Arthur's reform programs?

He was not chosen by the Republicans as their candidate for a second term.

Individuals labeled Mugwumps were best associated with which concept?

Honest government

What is it called when one company buys or forces out all of their competitors, the way John D. Rockefeller did with his company's industry?

Horizontal integration

The years of Reconstruction saw Americans deal with what two questions?

How to bring former Confederate states back into the Union and how involved the Federal government ought to be in ensuring civil riots

What organization was formed primarily to prevent the Anglo-Saxon "race" from being "contaminated"?

Immigration Restriction League

What did the Platt Amendment mandate?

It acknowledged the right of the United States to intervene in Cuba whenever it saw fit.

Which of the following best describes the role of the federal government from 1860 to 1900?

It became allied with Big Business, especially through its tariff policy to benefit American manufacturers.

Why was the Panic of 1893 significant?

It began when the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad declared bankruptcy and grew into the worst depression the nation had experienced.

Grant's "Indian Policy," which emphasized peace commissions over warfare while still guaranteeing the transcontinental railroad, resulted in which of the following?

It failed when military subordinates who disagreed with it went on brutal campaigns against Native Americans. They defeated the Comanche, Kiowas, and others of the southern plains and forced them onto reservations

What did the Legal Tender Act of 1862 do?

It for the first time allowed for the printing of a national paper currency to help pay for the Civil War.

Why was the Roosevelt Corollary significant?

It granted the United States the resources needed to fight in the Russo-Japanese War as a means of gaining control of Korea.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Democratic Party in the late nineteenth century?

It was a diverse, often unruly coalition of southern whites, northern immigrants, Roman Catholics, Jews, and free-thinkers.

Which of the following best describes child labor in the late nineteenth century?

It was common in places such as factories, coal mines, and cotton mills, even though it was often highly dangerous.

After the Civil War, what was the complaint about the federal tariff?

It was not forcing American companies to be competitive with their prices.

The white supremacist violence in Wilmington, North Carolina stands out most for which of the following reasons.

It was the first time a lawfully elected municipal government had been overthrown in the US

Why did many people want a monetary supply not tied to gold or silver?

It would make prices higher on goods

Who led an investment bank that often relied on money from European investors to buy or merge unrelated companies?

J. P. Morgan

All of the following are aspects of the Exoduster movement EXCEPT.

Many exodusters returned to their former homes in the South due to the harsh environment they found in the dry plains of Kansas.

Which of the following was a result of the intervention of the United States in Mexico?

Mexicans saw American troops as invaders and participated in ongoing civil wars.

The group of journalists who drew attention to the abuses in society and published them in stories were known collectively as


This early union was more interested in working to craft state laws important to their members than directly bargaining with employers.

National Labor Union

The rise of this ailment was used to try to keep women from attending college and out of the workplace.


Which of the following factors contributed to explosive industrial growth during the Gilded Age?

New technological innovations

Which of the following statements regarding the "Gilded Age" is true?

Only a relatively small percentage of society experienced rapid income growth.

Which of the following replaced the spoils system for federal jobs with job placement on the basis of competitive testing?

Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act

Which of the following was a goal shared by most Populists?

Political reforms meant to give the "people" more power and that were often implemented by progressives

What was one reason why the Democratic Convention in 1896 was a turning point in American political history?

Pro-silver, largely rural delegates captured the convention with the help of a stirring speech.

Select all of the following which were actions which the Freedmen's Bureau agents (the first federal agency assisting people directly rather than states) did in the South.

Provided medical care, food, and clothing, to former slaves Connected former slaves with their family members. Set up schools Negotiated labor contracts between blacks and white landowners.

Which of the following statements about reforms in the cities during the Gilded Age is accurate?

Public health officials and engineers improved tenements by calling for rules regarding more windows and plumbing.

The falling cotton prices between 1870 and 1896 resulted in which of the following for southerners?

Region wide poverty and illiteracy, particularly among African Americans.

The Redeemers saw themselves as accomplishing which of the following?

Reinvigorating the South's economy, removing federal Reconstruction, and maintaining white supremacy

The Hawaiian ruler Queen Liliuokalani tried to do which of the following in the early 1890s?

Restrict the growing political power of America in the islands

Which of the following statements about the African American cause during the Progressive Era is accurate?

Roosevelt and Taft were known for their progressivism when it came to civil rights for African Americans, especially in decreasing the violence they faced.

Why was the 1902 coal strike significant?

Roosevelt intervened personally to break the strike.

What two important social institutions became a bedrock of African American life?

Schools and Churches

Frederick Winslow Taylor and the gospel of efficiency are best associated with which concept?

Scientific management

In an effort to prevent corporations from obtaining market monopolies, Congress passed the

Sherman Anti-Trust Act.

The Mississippi plan and other plans like it used all of the following EXCEPT what to disenfranchise black voters?

Skin color tests

This belief during the Progressive Era persuaded followers to pursue their ideals to bring about the coming of the "Kingdom of God."

Social gospel

The Reconstruction Republican state governments managed to achieve all of the following except?

Struck out against corruption and bribery between politicians and businessmen.

Anti-Reconstruction white southerners used which of the following tactics to gain control of their states EXCEPT?

Superior economic policy

Woodrow Wilson won the presidency in 1912 because

Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote.

Which of the following institutions opened up the possibility of segregation beginning in the 1880s and 1890s? This allowed for the segregation of private institutions, but also public ones under the policy of "separate but equal." Segregation also coincided with a drastic increase in violence against blacks, particularly lynchings.

The Supreme Court and US court system

What effect did the Spanish-American War have on the stance of the U.S. government on Asia?

The U.S. government decided to pursue interests in Asia on its own rather than collaborating with Great Britain.

Which of the following statements regarding American imperialism in the Pacific is accurate?

The United States' acquisition of Alaska resulted in acquiring large oil and gold deposits.

Why did progressivism eventually fade around 1916?

The conflicts of the Great War rose to the forefront of American concerns, surpassing domestic issues.

The Liberal Republicans, who sought civil service reforms in order to stop the patronage system that encouraged corruption, allied with which of the following groups to nominate Horace Greeley for president?

The democrats

Which of the two served as the primary difficulties facing the South following the Civil War?

The economy of the South had been wrecked by the war and the lack of clarity on how to form new state governments.

What was the Sandlot Incident aimed at protesting?

The hiring of Chinese immigrants

How was the foundation of the progressive movement different than that of the Populist movement?

The progressive movement was based on addressing issues that occurred in urban areas.

Which of the following played the largest role in creating a West with farming and cattle ranching as its base

The transcontinental railroad and railroad system

Which of the following statements regarding the consequences of the War of 1898 is accurate?

The war boosted American self-confidence and reinforced racist attitudes.

According to the textbook, what, more than any other factor, ignited the progressive movement?

The worst economic downturn in U.S. history

How did expansionists justify imperialism in the late nineteenth century?

They sought to spread their Christian and democratic beliefs to other parts of the world.

Though many African Americans were voted into the House of Representatives, Senate, lieutenant governorships, and other political positions, southern Democrats complained about black voting because of which of the following?

They were inexperienced in politics, were illiterate, and did not understand political issues.

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes immigrants' accommodation to city life in the United States around 1900?

They were often targets for exploitation because of a lack of familiarity with employment practices.

What reason did Wilson give for proposing tariff reform?

To combat misuse of the tariff by corporations

What was the purpose behind the creation of land grant colleges?

To provide technical instruction for farming and quickly growing sectors such as mining

Why were trusts first created?

To sidestep laws preventing one company from owning another

A catalyst for the Second Industrial Revolution included scientific research methods being applied to industrial processes.


A congressional committee determined that the solution to so-called Indian Wars was to remove Native Americans from lands previously guaranteed to them and to give them new, smaller, out-of-the-way areas in which to live.


According to your book, Americans pushed West when they became aware of its economic possibilities and managed to use technology to make it profitable.


Anarchists oppose all forms of government.


Between 1875 and 1890, sugar from Hawaii could enter the United States duty free.


Between 1880 and 1900, the South made such improvements in its textile industry that it outproduced New England, the traditional center of the nation's cotton fabric production.


Corporations are legal entities that were on the rise during the late nineteenth century and separated the ownership of a company from its management.


Even attempts to aid Native Americans, such as the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 resulted in the dispossession of land. Ultimately, Americans failed to help because they sought to make Native Americans like them rather than allowing them to choose their own lives.


Farmers were generally hurt by the high tariff.


Instead of manufacturing goods and offering services on its own, a holding company owns and manages the stock of other companies.


Lincoln Steffens was a leading muckraker and sought to make democracy more democratic.


Mining in the West usually moved from individual enterprise and relative anarchy, to miner ruled, vigilante societies, and finally to stable communities and established mining industries.


Mugwumps tended to oppose civil service reform.


President Cleveland made the Panic of 1893 worse by convincing Congress to switch back to only minting gold.


President Hayes was committed to civil service reform.


Rather than receiving lands as argued for and often promised, southern blacks saw lands returned to former slave owners. Further, sharecropping, which created a system of debt slavery, often provided their only economic opportunity


Reconstruction put into place the legal framework for Civil Rights (freedom and the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments), but did not secure their enforcement and did not remedy the economic and political insecurity for black Americans in the South


Roosevelt's methods for taking control of the Panama canal and his support for the Panamanian rebels led to ill will in Latin America toward the United States.


The Duke family reinvigorated the tobacco industry and marketed their mass produced cigarettes in such a way that they controlled 9/10s of the nation's cigarette production by 1890


The Immigration Restriction League sought to pass legislation banning illiterate immigrants, even though illiterate British and German immigrants had been permitted in the past.


The Open Door Policy of 1899 asserted that Chinese trade would be open to all nations.


The Panic of 1873 was the consequence of and elongated by Grant's efforts to remove "greenbacks" from the economy. He actually led to the default of payments by debtors and caused a depression.


The Radical Republican's impeachment of President Johnson for breaking the Tenure of Office Act was ultimately a political mistake because it weakened support for their reconstruction policies.


The Radical Republicans felt that the entirety of southern society ought to be altered, including the confiscation of large plantations and their division among the former slaves.


The Sioux determined to forcefully resist white settlement of their Black Hills reservation when General Custer declared the discover of gold there in 1875. Custer was sent back in order to protect the intruding white settlers.


The mining industry moved from individual prospectors to large scale operations which used new technologies and hiring wage labor.


The popular election of senators required a constitutional amendment.


The purchase of Alaska from Russia for millions of dollars proved to be a huge bargain.


The release of the de Lôme letter, which had been stolen by Cuban revolutionaries, made the start of the Spanish-American War significantly more likely.


The removal of Federal troops from the South allowed white state governments write new constitutions and enact laws which returned rule to former elites.


The tariff was one way through which the federal government and businesses were allied.


Though both sides engaged in illegal election tactics, Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina, republican governors selected election boards which gave their electoral college votes to Republican Rutherford B. Hayes over Democratic nominee Samuel Tilden. The special Electoral Commission gave the election to Hayes based on secret deals that allowed his presidency in return for the removal of federal troops from the South.


Though wheat became a valuable export crop, most small farmers failed to see much return for their work as commercial farmers, who were able to afford costly but effective equipment.


Though women in the West faced legal barriers to equality, the nature of life in the West meant that they often received greater freedom, social, and political power than in the East.


Which legal entity allowed companies to sidestep laws that forbade them from owning stock in their competitors?


Which of the following describes President Johnson's "Restoration" Plan

Unionist provisional governors called a "loyal" convention to create the state government. It required ratification of the 13th Amendment and encouraged voting rights for some blacks.

What is one thing that the United States had that other nations did not that helped spur the Industrial Revolution?

Vast natural resources

What is it called when one company buys everything needed to produce, market, and deliver their product?

Vertical integration

The area of the country that first gave full voting rights to women was in the


The message preached by southern ministers; the intimidation, including shooting, of blacks; the development of the KKK and other organizations meant to intimidate and kill freedmen suggest that the problem had not only been slavery, but which of the following?

White Supremacy

President __________ argued that it was necessary for the United States to intervene in and stabilize weak governments in the Western Hemisphere to prevent European nations from doing the same.


Which of the following statements regarding Woodrow Wilson's "New Freedom" and Roosevelt's "New Nationalism" is accurate?

Wilson believed economic concentrations were unjust and should be destroyed.

Match each of the following with the appropriate description. 1: Lincoln's plan 2: Radical republicans 3: Wade-davis bill

__1__ Allowed for the formation of a Union government in former Confederate states when 10% of those who voted in 1860 took an oath of allegiance. Excluded numerous Confederate officials from presidential pardon. __2__ A political group which desired granting freed slaves full citizenship and a drastic change in the southern society. __3__ Allowed for the formation of a Union government in former Confederate states when a majority of those who voted in 1860 took an oath of allegiance.

Match each of the following with its appropriate description. 1: Scalawag 2:Carpetbagger

__1__ Southerners who, usually, had opposed secession, but then supported the Confederacy. They became Republicans after the war and supported congressional reconstruction. Confederate General James Longstreet was one such man. __2__ A northerner who came to the South to make their fortune or to help free blacks and poor whites. Some southerners accused them of being corrupt opportunists.

Match each position on the money issue with its appropriate description AND with the reason its supporters took that stance (you will use each position twice). 1: Hard-Money 2: Soft-Money

__1__ Supported a continuation of reliance on "Greenbacks" which could not be turned in for gold or other specie. __2__ Farmers and borrowers desired this in order to keep prices for their goods high and, thereby, enable them to repay their loans. __1__ Eastern businessmen and money lenders desired this in order to receive their loans back in money valued at what it was lent at (deflated or without inflation). __1__ Supported a return to currency supported by gold or other specie. This meant that dollars could be returned to a bank for gold, silver, etc.

Match each of the following African American activists with their description and accomplishments. 1: Ida B. Wells 2: W.E.B. Du Bois 3: Booker T. Washington

__2__ Called for demanding Civil Rights and an end to segregation. Saw industrial education alone as not enough and believed in political and liberal education as well. Represented a militant opposition to Jim Crow segregation. __3__ African American educator who built Tuskegee Institute up from the ground and taught its students "practical knowledge." Argued against activism against segregation and instead espoused self-sufficiency ahead of demanding Civil Rights. Nevertheless, secretly financed opposition to Jim Crow laws. __1__ Filed a discrimination suit when denied a seat on a railroad car. Soon became a journalist who spoke out against lynching and violence in the South. Called for an end to Jim Crow laws and the protection of black voting rights. Helped found the NAACP.

Match each of the following with its appropriate description. 1: Tenure of Office Act 2: Military Reconstruction Act 3: Command of the Army Act 4: Fourteenth Amendment

__2__ Required that the southern states create new constitutions which would guarantee voting rights to African American males, required a majority of voters ratifying it, needed congressional acceptance, and had to ratify the 14th Amendment. __4__ Guaranteed citizenship to anyone born in the United States other than Native Americans. Prohibited the violation of civil rights of citizens, including equal protection under law. __3__ This forced all orders from the president to the armed forces to go through the commanding general of the army, Ulysses S. Grant, who they felt would appropriately uphold Congressional Reconstruction. __1__ Required Senate permission for the president to remove any federal appointee who had been confirmed by the Senate. Aimed at keeping Edwin Stanton in Johnson's cabinet.

Place the following events related to the Cattle Boom in order. You get points only if ALL are in the correct order.

__3__Cattle ranchers covered the Great Plains and kept their cattle separate using "brands." __4__The invention of barbed wire separated the plains off and settled down the cattle industry into standard businesses. __1__A breed of cattle, Texas Longhorns, roamed across the southern plains. __2__Entrepreneurs created railroad outposts in Kansas and other states in order to connect the cattle ranchers to the railroad network and, thereby, the East.

Match the Native American group with the nature of their resistance or outcome of their interactions with the U.S. government. 1: Nez Perce 2: Apache 3: Blackfeet and Crows 4: Modocs

__4__ Fought along the California-Oregon boundary for six months before being overwhelmed. __1__ Some, under Chief Joseph, attempted to flee to Canada, but were caught before reaching the border. Rather than given lands in their western Idaho homeland, they were forced to settle in "Indian Territory." __3__ Forced to leave their homes in Montana. __2__ Chief Geronimo led warriors in fighting U.S. troops for fifteen years and brutally attacked whites before being captured.

In the late nineteenth century, the growth of cities brought

a number of social problems such as widespread poverty.

Roosevelt's "Square Deal" featured

a plan that emphasized the intention of benefitting both rich and poor.

The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution provided for

an income tax.

In 1885, the U.S. government stopped

companies from paying to import workers from outside the nation.

Whereas President Theodore Roosevelt saw himself as a __________, President Taft saw himself as a(n) __________.

crusader of reform; judge-like administrator

The leaders of the Settlement House movement

directed their attention to the problems of living in cities for the working poor and immigrant communities.

During the period immediately after the Civil War, major cities in the United States

experienced growth, with populations sometimes increasing by the millions.

President Cleveland's decision to support the gold standard

fractured the Democrat party into pro-gold and pro-silver wings.

According to your textbook, after the Civil War, Americans generally favored __________ in foreign policy.


The presidential election of 1884 could be described as

scandals over political issues.

President Wilson argued that women's suffrage

should be left to the states.

The Great Railroad Strike of 1877

spread across hundreds of cities and towns in the East.

According to your textbook, at the very end of the War of 1898 the

status of the Philippines was unresolved.

President Theodore Roosevelt accomplished the majority of his progressive agenda by

taking executive actions.

One of the ways politics in the Gilded Age was different than today was that

the national political parties were much more powerful forces than they are today.

The Homestead Strike ended with

the workers' union destroyed and their leaders charged with murder and treason.

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