History 17C Final

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Which was a shared characteristic of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson?

An awareness of poverty throughout the United States

This photograph shows a sit-in at a Woolworth's lunch counter in Jackson, Mississippi. How does this image portray white reactions to civil rights protests?

As antagonistic

In his February 1946 speech in Moscow, Joseph Stalin stated, "I have no doubt that if we render the necessary assistance to our scientists, they will be able not only to overtake but also in the very near future to surpass the achievements of science outside the boundaries of our country." To what did Harry Truman and Winston Churchill and others from the United States and Britain probably believe Stalin was referring?

Atomic weapons

Who established the National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1966?

Betty Friedan and Pauli Murray

Who was responsible for the revival of evangelism in American life during the 1950s?

Billy Graham

Which statement describes how black voter registration rates changed in the South between 1968 and 1976?

Black voter registration rates declined in about half of the states.

Why did conservative students who criticized student protestors, like those involved with Counterthrust at Wayne State University in the 1960s, argue that the protestors' attack on private business was wrong-headed?

Businesses were the largest taxpayers, and tax revenue was what allowed public universities to exist in the first place.

How did President Kennedy attempt to stimulate the economy in 1963?

By advocating for a large tax cut

How did the growing consumer culture encourage Americans to find personal satisfaction?

By buying and using new products

The speeches of Winston Churchill and Henry Wallace both acknowledge Stalin's desire to defend the Soviet Union against future German aggression, and both concede that the Soviets probably do not desire war. In which of the following ways do the two leaders' suggestions about the West's approach to relations with the Soviet Union in the postwar era differ?

Churchill promotes military strength while Wallace advocates peaceful competition.

More than white elected officials, black representatives focused on which kinds of issues?

Community improvement and services

What development stimulated the acquisition of consumer goods by Americans in the 1950s?

Consumer credit and indebtedness

In his speech at Madison Square Garden in September 1946, Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace said, "To achieve lasting peace, we must study in detail just how the Russian character was formed—by invasions of Tartars, Mongols, Germans, Poles, Swedes, and French; by the czarist rule based on ignorance, fear, and force; by the intervention of the British, French, and Americans in Russian affairs from 1919 to 1921; by the geography of the huge Russian land mass situated strategically between Europe and Asia; and by the vitality derived from the rich Russian soil and the strenuous Russian climate." By framing his speech with this description, Wallace was ascribing what type of motive to Stalin's actions in Eastern Europe at the end of World War II?


Why did the birthrate in the United States soar between 1945 and 1965?

Economic prosperity made it possible for young couples to marry earlier and have more children.

In an effort to provide clean air, clean water, and open spaces to all Americans, Nixon created the

Environmental Protection Agency.

What were conditions like in Europe in 1947 as the United States considered the European Recovery Program?

Europe was devastated both by war and by a harsh winter.

In his speech at Westminster College in Missouri in March 1946, Winston Churchill describes events in Eastern Europe as follows: "The Communist parties, which were very small in all of these eastern states of Europe, have been raised to preeminence and power far beyond their numbers and are seeking everywhere to obtain totalitarian control. Police governments are prevailing in nearly every case." With this description, Churchill is making an implicit comparison between Soviet communism and

German Nazism

Which trend characterized the postwar economy of the 1950s?

Growing women's employment

What, in addition to his handsome appearance and dynamic style, contributed to John F. Kennedy's triumphs in a series of state primaries in 1960?

His overwhelming financial advantage

Why did President Richard Nixon argue that immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam in 1969 would be a bad idea?

If the troops left too early, the North Vietnamese would easily conquer the South and murder its people.

Which statement describes major Indian relocation patterns in 1970?

Indians relocated across long distances to major cities.

How did the Great Society change African American communities?

It helped foster the growth of a black middle class.

Which statement describes the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

It outlawed racial discrimination in the workforce.

According to Police Sergeant Cochrane, why was it necessary to pass legislation protecting gays from discrimination?

It would allow gay people to live their lives openly without fear of losing their jobs or homes.

How did Harry Truman's experience shape Lyndon Johnson's foreign policy?

Johnson did not want to become vulnerable to Republican charges that he had been "soft" on communism.

How did Lyndon Johnson attempt to silence critics of the Vietnam War?

Johnson equated opposition to the war with communism.

Which statement describes voting patterns in the election of 1960?

Kennedy won a majority of states with large populations.

Which city drew national attention to the issue of school integration in 1957?

Little Rock, Arkansas

Even though the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) failed to become part of the Constitution, what effect did the battle over the ERA have on the American feminist movement?

Many women were energized by the fight for the ERA, and became involved in politics or advocacy for the first time.

How did U.S. secretary of state George Marshall describe the aims of the European Recovery Program?

Marshall argued that the plan targeted general humanitarian issues rather than specific countries or doctrines.

In 1968, the assassination of which public figure ignited uprisings in many U.S. cities?

Martin Luther King Jr.

Which state had the largest increase in percentage of registered black voters during the 1960s?


How did Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey differ in their position on the Vietnam War?

Nixon and Humphrey differed little on the central issue of Vietnam.

How was Richard Nixon able to attract Democrats to the Republican ticket in 1972?

Nixon campaigned for "law and order" and traditional morality.

Why did Nixon support the harsh regime of the shah of Iran?

Nixon supported the shah because of Iran's enormous petroleum reserves and his opposition to communism.

How did John Kerry's opinion of Vietnamization differ from President Richard Nixon's view on this strategy?

Nixon thought Vietnamization was the only way to secure peace in Vietnam, while Kerry thought it was extremely arrogant.

In the Supreme Court's unanimous opinion in the Brown v. Board of Education case, Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote, "Does segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other 'tangible' factors may be equal, deprive the children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities? . . . We believe that it does." What does the full text of the opinion reveal about how the justices believed that segregation operated to make public education for black children inherently unequal?

Segregated schools harmed black children's confidence and self-esteem.

The Communist regime of which country fell in 1989?


How did police respond to protestors around the world in 1968?

Police met the protestors with violence.

Which of the following accurately summarizes the argument made by Carl F. Horowitz?

Providing openly gay people with legal protections would put heterosexual and closeted gay people at a competitive disadvantage in the job and housing markets.

Which was the purpose of the federal government's relocation policy, first implemented in 1948?

Relocation promoted assimilation by encouraging Indians to move from the reservations to cities.

What was one major accomplishment of the efforts made by Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) in 1966?

Ronald Reagan's defeat of the liberal incumbent governor of California

How long was Gorbachev in power before the dissolution of the Soviet Union?

Six years

What do these documents suggest about the kinds of issues student protest organizations focused on during the 1960s?

Some organizations were narrowly focused, and concerned about campus administration, while others were broadly focused and interested in the role of the university in the world.

What does the story of the high school girl in Document 5 suggest about how school desegregation affected the attitudes of some southern whites?

Some whites' assumptions about black students were changed by interacting with them.

What happened right before Kennedy's inauguration in 1961 that heightened a sense of crisis and provided a rationalization for President Kennedy's military buildup?

Soviet premier Khrushchev publicly encouraged "wars of national liberation" in third world countries.

What was the result of four American presidents' prediction that Vietnam's fall to communism would lead to the communization of all of Southeast Asia?

Such presidential predictions proved to be false, as only a few countries in Southeast Asia became Communist.

What happened to white support for civil rights progress during the late 1960s?

Support among whites for civil rights progress declined.

How did television begin to play a role in politics in the 1950s?

Television forced candidates to raise huge sums for expensive television spots.

What did President Richard Nixon fear would be the consequence at home if the United States lost the Vietnam War?

The American people would lose all faith in the U.S. government's ability to lead.

The statement from the high school athlete in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, in 1957 supports which of the following arguments about the impact of the Brown case on black students' lives in the 1950s?

The Brown case integrated schools, but it did not eliminate the discriminatory treatment of black children.

Which of the following conclusions can be supported by the evidence presented in Documents 3, 4, and 5?

The Brown decision gave black students greater access to white education but could not protect them from the harmful effects of racism.

On what basis did the members of Congress who signed the Southern Manifesto on Integration argue that the Supreme Court's opinion in the Brown case in 1954 was invalid?

The Constitution makes no mention of or provision for the education of its citizens.

A leader from which religious institution made a public argument in support of gay rights?

The Episcopal Church

Which measure was proposed as a means to outlaw unequal treatment of men and women under state and federal laws?

The Equal Rights Amendment

What 1979 event spurred Jimmy Carter to pursue a military buildup despite his preference for protecting national security through nonmilitary means?

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

Which event happened shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany?

The USSR dissolved and became Russia

What was a consequence of the American evacuation of South Vietnam in 1975?

The United States abandoned former allies in Vietnam.

According to the authors, what was the role of communism in shaping American policy in Europe after the war?

The United States believed it needed to combat the threat and spread of communism.

What accounted for the controversy surrounding the requirement of "maximum feasible participation" of the poor in Community Action Programs created by the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964?

The fear that the newly empowered poor would challenge existing community power structures

Why did so many Americans move into suburban homes in the 1950s?

The federal government subsidized home loans for homeownership.

Why was it difficult for supporters of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to argue that the amendment was urgently needed in the 1970s?

The feminist movement had made so many gains in eliminating sex discrimination in areas like employment and education that the ERA did not necessarily seem essential.

Why did the Kennedy administration view Cuba as a threat to U.S. security?

The island was close to the United States, and its socialist leader had moved it into the Soviet orbit.

Why did the Tet Offensive mark a turning point in the Vietnam War?

The losses sustained during the Tet Offensive revealed that the United States was not winning the war in the way many Americans had believed.

Which statement describes the presidential election of 1960?

The popular vote was close, but Kennedy won overwhelmingly in the electoral college.

Which factor contributed to the decline of American dominance?

The recovery of Japan and Europe from World War II

Which factor led to the leadership challenges President Eisenhower faced during his second term?

The resurgence of Democrats and an economic recession

Why did the United States shift strategy toward the Vietnamization of the war in 1968?

The shock of the Tet Offensive and the advice of foreign policy experts convinced the Johnson administration to change strategy.

Why did Edward Schwartz, a leader in the National Student Association in the 1960s, argue that students should create the rules and policies that govern student behavior and experience on campus?

The students were the ones who were subject to the rules.

How had the Vietnam War transformed South Vietnam by 1968?

The war displaced so many people that 30 percent of the population were refugees.

What did Betty Friedan's 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique, argue about American society's idealization of the roles of wife and mother?

These idealized roles pressured women to seek fulfillment in serving others.

How did anti-ERA activists like Phyllis Schlafly convince some American women that unequal rights were actually beneficial to women?

They argued that women should retain their special privileges, such as not being drafted, receiving alimony payments, and having access to all-female restrooms.

How did American policymakers think the ERP would affect the American economy?

They believed a strong European economy would promote a strong American economy.

What was the central reason why conservatives opposed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in the 1970s?

They believed that the amendment was actually an unconstitutional expansion of the power of state governments.

How did members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) believe Columbia University had mistreated local residents of Harlem, New York in the 1960s?

They had unjustly evicted black residents in order to expand the university, where there was already insufficient housing in New York City.

Why did Columbia University students stage large protests in the spring of 1968?

They opposed the university's war-related research and its treatment of African Americans.

"When we got to the school the students were all around looking through the windows. The mayor said we couldn't come there because the school was already filled to capacity. We turned around and the students started yelling and clapping. When we went back [after obtaining a court order] there were no students there at all. [The white students did not return, so the six black students finished the year by themselves.]" How did the local white community described in this passage respond to racial integration of the high school?

They removed white students from the school.

How did the Truman administration appeal to the American public to gain support for such a massive expenditure?

They used a massive publicity campaign to drum up support for the program.

Why was the United States involved in conflicting arms deals and covert operations in the Middle East throughout the 1970s and 1980s?

To continue relations with oil-rich countries

Why did President Kennedy create the President's Commission on the Status of Women in 1961?

To explore issues relating to women's standing in the workforce, education, and U.S. law

Why did members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) occupy the village of Wounded Knee in 1973?

To express the AIM's disagreement with older tribal leaders about the land agreements between Indians and the U.S. government

Which statement describes the geographic distribution of urban uprisings in the late 1960s?

Uprisings occurred in small and large cities.

What explains the increase in strikes in major industries during 1946?

Workers wanted to preserve the gains they had made during the war.

How did World War II change the racial climate in the American South?

World War II had little impact on the repressive racial climate in the American South.

As a result of the Vietnam War, American military forces after the early 1970s became


According to the 1974 Ordinance of the City of Minneapolis, gay rights

are civil rights.

For the students who supported "student power" on college campuses in the 1960s, students having more influence in university decision-making would make American universities more


The purpose of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was to

empower black people to vote.

In 1973, the United States faced a shortage of


When Joseph Stalin said, in his speech to the people of Moscow in February 1946, "The Red Army heroically withstood all the adversities of the war, routed completely the armies of our enemies, and emerged victoriously from the war. This is recognized by everybody—friend and foe," he was likely

heralding the Red Army's victory despite its long burden of fighting the Nazis without American military support in Europe.

One of the major justifications for building a national highway system was

improving national defense.

Nixon's visit to China led to

increased scientific, cultural, and economic exchange.

Although the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) had strong popular support when it passed both the House and the Senate in 1972, it failed to become a constitutional amendment because

not enough states ratified the amendment.

The hippies differed from the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) because they sought

personal change rather than political change.

1968 is considered a year of global unrest due to

protests that swept the western world.

Following the Supreme Court's decision on Brown v. Board of Education, President Eisenhower

refused to endorse the new law.

When John Kerry said that he believed the weapons used in Vietnam would never be used in a European theatre of war, he was implying that

the United States had a racially prejudiced perspective of the Vietnamese people.

John Kerry, a leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, argued in 1971 that the United States should not have gotten involved in Vietnam in the first place because

the Vietnamese people did not want an outside power to interfere with their politics and economy.

In the years immediately following the passage of the Voting Rights Act

the number of blacks registered to vote dramatically increased.

Conservatives in the 1960s believed that the programs under the Great Society

undercut individual responsibility.

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