History 2 Exam 3 Readings

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The Emancipation of women 1876

Liberalism of Argentine, women already have qualifications. There is enough time in the day to raise children and attend schooling. Isn't it better to have educated women to raise children than an ignorant one.

"Why we are militant" Emmeline Pankhurst

-Emmeline started the women's social and political union -Used hunger strikes, violence, and attacks on private property to publicize the cause of female suffrage Great britain was super conservative -Men always won the vote because they threatened violence and burning cities -Women were ignored -Britain widen its suffrage to men three times after much rioting and violence -After women have tried for years to gain suffrage peacefully, they have no more options but to be militant -the women suffrage movement was almost dead until two women stood up in 1905 and asked a candidate when women would gain the right to vote -Women must be militant to reach their goals and they are justified because of their the years of intolerance against them -Women want to change the bad laws but cant without the right to vote -The divorce and marriage laws are outdated and women need a voice to change them -It is also and injustice that men receive higher wages than women for the same job -Men are sympathetic of injustice in other countries so why aren't they sympathetic of the injustice to women in their own countries -If men were treated the same way as women, they would not stand for it either

Address by Adolf Hitler: Sept. 1, 1939

-Talking about how the Treaty of Versailles should not be obeyed because the signature that signed it "had a gun to its head" -The signature was forced -He doesn't want Germany to obey it anymore -He thinks this peace exhibits weakness and cowardice -He is determined to solve the problems Germany is facing -He will take down any traitor that is against fighting the Polish He wants to see the same sacrifice that many Germans before them have made

Miner Searle Bates Papers: Nanking Outrages

-The horrible situations that are happening in Nanking -Japanese brutality on chinese women -Highlights all of the events that are taking place in Nanking

Woman's suffrage - Emma Goldman

Didn't want to participate in a system she found inherently oppressive Disagreed with the argument that women's participation could purify the corrupt political system Said that women could also be corrupt and sell there votes Said it would be irrelevant and divert attention from more important issues

The Treaty of Versailles

Harsh on germany Limited military Reparations Germany had to take responsibility for WWI

Witness to amenian genocide

In 1915, leaders of the Turkish government set in motion a plan to expel and massacre Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire. 1.5 million armenians were dead GENOCIDE Really ****ed over the armenians Shows the depth of the horror and destruction the turks caused toward these people to make sure they would not interfere with their plan

Collectivization and industrialization

In November 1927, Joseph Stalin launched his "revolution from above" by setting two extraordinary goals for Soviet domestic policy: rapid industrialization and collectivization of agriculture. He exploited peasants to quicker achieve his goal

What is fascism - benito mussolini

Outlines the basic principles of fascism Says Fascism and MArxism are complete opposites Created the fascist party Fascism is the totalitarian Philosophy of government that glorifies the state and nation and assigns to the state control over every aspect of national life. Used violence to suppress opposition

The Enemy by Erich remarque

Story about WWI and how shitty it is Showed that weapons created the enemy, not the man When the french were imprisoned he noticed that they were no different than him and his men. It also showed that there was no leniency from the higher-ups, that any secret meeting would not be honored by anyone but the original participators

A horrible memory of my childhood by kateryna krychevska

There was a shitty famine in Ukraine This girl had it bad This reading showed the extent that the famine had, people resorted to cannibalism and eating any animals in sight. Many many people died and laid on the street till they were taken off by the state

The 25 points: An early Nazi Program

Written by Hitler Known as the National socialist programme List of 25 demands made by germany after WWI Helped hitler get into office -Wants a national army -Securing the Germanic race -Promoting nationality -Making everyone do good -Strong central authority in the state -Carry out these points even if it means sacrificing your own life

Call to Power

Written by Lenin Urged his comrades to revolt against the government and take control of russia Why? Russia's provisional government was about to raise the bridges spanning the Nava Occurred october 24-25 They overthrew kerenski's government

Communism and the family 1920 - alexandra kollanti

envisioned a new kind of family that she thought would liberate both men and women. Her views included both the expansion of sexual freedom and the radical sharing of tasks about the home between wives and husbands. Few people in the Soviet Union agreed with her, but her views became well known and were often assumed to reflect those of a wide spectrum of the Soviet leadership and citizenry. Kollanti's radical social vision constituted the reality of the bold new life being forged in the Soviet Union. Thought women should be able to have sex for pleasure like men

The White Man's Burden

urged the U.S. to take up the "burden" of empire, as had Britain and other European nations. Roosevelt sent this poem to his senator friend as a "good sense from the expansion point of view" Wanted more involvement of American men in helping those that they have captured or conquered

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