History 222 Exam Review

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(Q003) According to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles (Document 1), why was the "containment" policy of the Truman administration wrong for the times and circumstances?

"Containment" always places the United States in the position of reacting to localized threats, as opposed to creating and controlling its international engagements and stances on its own terms and with authority.

(Q007) By the mid-1930s, more than two-thirds of American families owned radios. Many families tuned in to hear Roosevelt's radio addresses, known as

"fireside chats."

(Q011) In addressing the sense of crisis in the nation, Franklin Delano Roosevelt sought to reassure the public in his inaugural address, declaring

"the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

(Q010) In early 1929, the income of the wealthiest 5 percent of American families was greater than that of the bottom

60 percent.

(Q004) Why did the planners of the Iranian coup, "Operation Ajax," want to pay members of the Iranian Parliament, or the Majlis?

A vote taken in the Majlis would likely be seen by the public as fair and legal, and therefore appear credible.

(Q015) Who was the first cabinet member in American history to be convicted of a felony--for accepting nearly $500,000 from businessmen to whom he leased government oil reserves at Teapot Dome, Wyoming?

Albert Fall

(Q004) In 1924, Congress declared all Indians born in the United States to be

American citizens.

(Q022) What was the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case decided on May 17, 1954, in which the "Warren Court" unanimously asserted that segregation in public education violated the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment?

Brown v. Board of Education

(Q035) The Supreme Court rarely interfered with the policies of the New Deal.


(Q038) The suburban explosion of the 1950s did much to diminish racial divisions in America.


(Q039) Although Americans in the 1950s grew more intensely religious, fewer than ever were affiliated with religious institutions.


(Q043) Franklin Delano Roosevelt entered the presidency in 1933 with a complex, detailed blueprint for dealing with the Great Depression.


(Q056) When President Roosevelt set out to appoint additional justices to the U.S. Supreme Court in order to keep the Court from invalidating legislative measures of the Second New Deal, most Americans supported his initiative.


(Q061) Federal programs such as the Agricultural Adjustment Act helped nearly all sharecroppers live better, more productive, and more profitable lives.


The American West was not an ethnically diverse place in Gilded Age, being mostly settled by Anglo-Americans.


(Q008) This New Deal program sought to improve the conditions of poor landowning farmers and sharecroppers.

Farm Security Administration

(Q028) This federal agency dispatched collectors with tape recorders to help preserve American folk music.

Federal Music Project

Which of the following answers are representative of the Populist Party's platform in the 1890s?

Federal support for organized labor;Abolishing the gold standard;Public ownership of railroads

What did the Christian organizers of the Social Gospel movement believe?

Freedom and spiritual self-development required an equalization of wealth and power.

(Q009) Which of the following is true of Franklin D. Roosevelt?

He contracted polio and lost the use of his legs in 1921.

Assess the effects of the Marshall Plan

It helped to jump start the economies of western Europe

Which of the following describes the New Deal most accurately?

It was a political program that integrated the notion of economic security into the definition of American freedom.

(Q007) The author of how the other half lives (1890) is

Jacob Riis

(Q011) The West's leading industrial center, a producer of oil, automobiles, aircraft, and Hollywood movies, was

Los Angeles, California.

(Q010) What did President Eisenhower call his domestic agenda, which embraced a "mixed economy," in which the government played a major role in planning economic activity, and by which Eisenhower consolidated and legitimized the New Deal?

Modern Republicanism

(Q023) In the aftermath of Rosa Parks's arrest for refusing to give her bus seat to a white rider, a yearlong bus boycott took place in what city?

Montgomery, Alabama

Why did the United States support South Vietnamese leader Ngo Dinh Diem's corrupt and weak regime?

President Kennedy and Johnson feared losing Vietnam to communism

(Q017) In what legal case did Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes declare that the First Amendment did not prevent Congress from prohibiting speech that presented a "clear and present danger"?

Schenck v. United States

(Q019) This region of the country had a huge impact on national policy, altering and molding the New Deal welfare state.


What was one economic factor that led the U.S. Army to remove western Native Americans from their traditional hunting and living spaces?

The Native American presence in the west was a hindrance to white farmers and industrialists who wanted to exploit the natural resources of the western landscape.

By supporting the doctrine of "liberty of contract" in cases like Wabash v. Illinois, United States v. E.C. Knight Co., and Lochner v. New York, how was the U.S. Supreme Court interpreting the idea of liberty during the Gilded Age?

The Supreme Court defined liberty as an unrestrained free market, where the power of the contract between employer and employee was inviolate.

(Q0065) By the end of the 1930s, civil liberties had achieved a central place in the New Deal understanding of freedom.


(Q036) Although it was a nationwide phenomenon, 1950s suburbanization gathered its greatest momentum in the West.


(Q037) The 1920s was a decade of social tensions between rural and urban Americans, as well as traditional and "modern" Christianity.


(Q037) The Tennessee Valley Authority put the federal government, for the first time, in the business of selling electricity in competition with private companies.


(Q039) By 1929, the United States produced more than 40 percent of the world's manufactured goods.


(Q040) By 1929, 80 million Americans went to the movies each week, and almost 5 million owned radios.


(Q040) Richard Nixon's rise in politics was fueled in part by his ability to make free market conservatism appealing to ordinary people.


(Q046) Roosevelt's declaration of a four-day "bank holiday," along with emergency banking legislation, shored up citizens' confidence in the nation's banks, and in 1936 no bank failures were recorded.


(Q047) Women's freedom in the 1920s was characterized by unapologetic use of birth control methods such as the diaphragm.


(Q048) In 1956, for the first time in American history, white-collar workers outnumbered blue-collar factory and manual laborers.


(Q048) In marriage, according to advertisements in the 1920s, women were expected to find happiness and freedom within the home, especially in the use of new labor-saving appliances.


Proponents of Social Darwinism, like Yale professor William Graham Sumner, believed that poverty was essentially a choice, and that the neither the wealthy nor the state had an obligation to help others.


The Gilded Age business process of controlling all phases of production from raw materials to transportation, manufacturing, and distribution was called

Vertical integration

Which of the following was not an outcome of the 1896 Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson?

White Southerners did not benefit from segregation.

(Q006) As part of the New Deal, which multifaceted agency was established in 1934 and hired some 3 million Americans, in virtually every walk of life, each year until it ended in 1943?

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Which of the following formed part of the conservative agenda?

a strong critique of the welfare state

(Q023) Which of the following was created by the Social Security Act of 1935, launching the modern American welfare state?

a system of unemployment insurance

(Q003) Phyllis Schlafly saw "women's libbers" as

anti-family and un-American.

(Q034) What innovations came into widespread use in the 1950s?

automatic dishwashers

(Q011) During the Progressive Era, economic problems shifted from capital goods to

consumer products

(Q034) What group benefited enormously in California from New Deal dam construction?

corporate farm owners

(Q005) In the spring of 1932, approximately 20,000 unemployed World War I veterans descended on Washington to demand early payment of a bonus due in 1945, and were

driven away by federal soldiers led by army chief of staff Douglas MacArthur.

During the postwar suburban boom, African-Americans

found out it was almost impossible to enjoy suburban life

(Q018) During the 1920s, a group whose most well-known leader was Billy Sunday and who asserted their conviction in the literal truth of the Bible became known by which term that they coined?


(Q014) The 1954 update to the doctrine of containment, announced by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, that declared a Soviet attack on any American ally would be countered by a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, was called "brinksmanship" by its critics and this term by supporters.

massive retaliation

(Q026) At the beginning of 1929, most American families had accumulated

no money in their savings accounts.

(Q014) Upon taking office in 1921, Warren G. Harding promised a return to


(Q016) In 1957, the Eisenhower Doctrine

pledged the United States to defend Middle Eastern governments threatened by communism.

(Q027) One of the key advantages the Soviet Union held over the United States on a global scale was America's continuing issue of


(Q006) What product ultimately led the United States in part to annex the hawaiian islands in the late 1890s?


(Q012) The initial flurry of legislation during Roosevelt's first three months in office is called

the "Hundred Days."

(Q014) What was the name of the organization that Congress created in March 1933 that established the federal government as a direct employer of the unemployed in hiring young men to work on projects to improve national parks, forests, and flood control?

the Civilian Conservation Corps.

(Q002) In the 1930s, unusually dry weather blew winds over much of the Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, and Colorado soils, creating

the Dust Bowl.

(Q013) The proposed constitutional amendment to eliminate all legal distinctions "on account of sex" promoted by Alice Paul was

the Equal Rights Amendment.

(Q021) The vibrant black culture in 1920s New York City that included poets and novelists Countee Cullen, Langston Hughes, and Claude McKay was called

the Harlem Renaissance.

(Q016) The 1930 self-imposed guidelines in the film industry that prohibited depicting adultery, nudity, and long kisses, and barred scripts that portrayed clergymen in a negative light was called

the Hays code.

(Q020) The anti-black, anti-Catholic, and anti-Semitic organization that claimed over 3 million members by the mid-1920s was

the Ku Klux Klan.

(Q019) In 1925, what was the Tennessee trial in which a public schoolteacher faced charges of violating the state's law prohibiting the teaching of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?

the Scopes Trial

(Q010) In 1938, Roosevelt referred to this region as "the nation's No. 1 economic problem."

the South

(Q026) What was the coalition of black ministers and civil rights activists formed in 1955 that pressed for desegregation, and in whose organizing Martin Luther King Jr. took the lead?

the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

(Q016) The effort undertaken on the part of the federal government to supply cheap electrical power for homes and factories in a seven-state region, preventing flooding, and putting the federal government in the business of selling electricity by building a series of dams was called

the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).

(Q022) The Immigration Act of 1924 created this organization, which was charged with policing the land boundaries of the United States and empowered to arrest and deport persons who entered the country in violation of the new national quotas or other restrictions.

the U.S. Border Patrol.

(Q003) Which of the following was a cultural trend in 1950s America?

the growing association of the automobile with individual freedom

(Q001) What was the biggest threat to America's national security, according to foreign policy experts in both the Truman and Eisenhower administrations?

the growth in power and influence around the world of Soviet and Chinese communism, combined with the Soviet Union's nuclear capabilities

(Q020) During the 1950s, the mass movement for civil rights found principal support among

the southern black church.

(Q025) Which of the following influenced Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1950s leadership of the civil rights movement?

the writings of civil disobedience of Thoreau and Gandhi

(Q002) The purpose of the Central Intelligence Agency, as utilized during the Eisenhower years, was

to ensure that America-friendly, anti-Communist governments emerged out of the post-World War II independence movements, using whatever tools necessary, including illegal, secret, and violent means.

(Q008) in Buck v Bell(1927), the Supreme Court

upheld the constitutionality of involuntary sterilizing insane and "feeble-minded" people to prevent the gene from passing to the next generation

The Four Freedoms

were considered by President Roosevelt as "essential human freedoms"

(Q001) All below are ways the Miss America pageant oppresses women, according to the protesters of the 1968 pageant, except that

women who compete in and admire the Miss America pageants are expected to be independent-minded.

(Q002) According to Phyllis Schlafly, the danger the Equal Rights Amendment poses to the fabric of America is that

women will topple from their position of special rank, privilege, and role in American society and its families.

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