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1) All nations must know each treaty. 2) the seas are free to all nations 3) In order to foster free trade, tariffs and barriers are to be abolished/lowered. 4) arms should be lowered to a manageable point to avoid possible military outbreaks during a nations crises. 5) any colonial polices should be considered in regards to what is best for the colonial peoples as well as the interests of the imperialist powers

First five

1) 16th power to lay/ collect taxes 2) 17th élections of Senators by the people 3) 18thbprohibition of alcohol 4) 19th prohibits individuals denied to vote based on gender

Four amendments did progression achieve

Nationalism,imperialism, militarism,alliance systems

Four long term causes of world war 1 (N.I.M.AS)

is overt favoritism toward native born Americans, and it gave rise to anti- immigrant groups and led to a demand or immigration restrictions.


National A,erican Woman's suffersge associatiom


Led first by Elizabeth Candy Stanton then Susan B Anthony them Carrie Cat

Nawsa led by whom (3)

State by state campaign

Nawsa strategy

Change way of life, take jobs, housing, culture characteristics of community

"Endangers the good order mean"

1) if you do anything we don't like, or not conduction yourself in a way we think is appropriate

1 !ccording to Theodore Roosevelt's Corollary, under what circumstances would the United States get involved in another country's affairs

Right to vote for all

19th amendment

Admiral of U.S army who advised US to build up military streangth : influence of sea power

Alfred t. Mahan

Arrive from Great Britain and begin the CONGRESSIONAL UNION- (radical branch of Nawsa in Washington, D.C. Focused on constitutional amendment

Alice Paul and Lucy burns role in NAWSA

Angel island is in the San Francisco bay, primarily Chinese. Immairants endured harsh questioning and treatment while waiting to enter.

Angel island

2: Cost American lives and cost moneys, it is immoral and against American ideas, we do not wa t inferior people and cultures to become part of the United states

Arguments against imperialism

1) military advantage 2)economic advantages : cheap raw materials, consumer base, investment opportunities for Americans 3) spread American culture

Arguments in favor of imperialism (on test)

Younger, radical, militant pickets White House, hunger strike


Break off and become NWP national woman's party


The Chinese exclusion act banned entry to all Chinese except students, teachers, merchants, tourists, and government officials.

Chinese exclusion act

This is a system of involuntary labor. After slavery was abolished, Mexicans and African Americans living in the West and Southwest were often forced into this system.

Debt peanoage

The policy of extending a nations authority over other countries by economic, political, or military means.

Define imperalism

Suffered a stroke

During a cross-country speaking tour to win support for the Treaty of Versailles, President Wilson

Ellis island is Located in New York Harbor. 20 percent of the immigrants at Ellis were detained and inspected to enter the island. Immigration

Ellis island

The Gentlemen's agreement was an agreement in which Japan's government agreed to limit emigration of unskilled workers to the US in exchange for the repeal of the San Francisco Segregation order

Gentlemens agreement

Law at allowed people to vote based on their family history. If your grandfather or father voted, you were allowed to as well.

Grandfather clause

This was added to the constitutions of several Southern states to enable white people to vote who may have been kept from doing so by other restrictions.

Grandfather clause

Panama and The United States signed a treaty in which the u.S. Agreed to pay Panama 10 million plus an annual rent 250,000 for an. Area of land across Panama called the Canal Zone. NegotiTed/ bullied

How did United States build on the Panama site without the permission of Columbia?

2) Wilson would try to stress to others that the people and government are different.

How did Wilson deal with the topic of German Americans

Mexicans helped with were accustomed to the hot and dry working climate. They were the major labor force in the agricultural industries of the region.

How did mexicans help make the southwest prosperous in the late 19th century?

This African-American journalist began crusading for racial justice after the lynching of three friends.

Ida b wells

Britain gave the United States exclusive rights to build and control a canal through Central America.

Identify the Hay- Pauncefote treaty

An extension of the Monroe Doctrine, announced by President Roosevelt. U.S claimed right to protect its economic interest by means of military intervention. I'm affairs with Western Hemisphere nations. Directed to Latin America if you have issue that is involving us, we will intervene cause we are such great friends/ neighbors.

Identify the Roosevelt corollary

The assignation of the arch duke and Germany declared war on Russia.

Immediate cause of world war 1

Call for discussion on conditions in with some one worked

In "the jungle" why would a description of working conditions prompt call for regulations

Nativism is overt favoritism toward native born Americans, and it gave rise to anti- immigrant groups and led to a demand or immigration restrictions.


The south

In general where did woman not have rights?

These laws were passed in the South to prevent white and black people from intermixing and to prevent blacks from achieving equality.

Jim Crow laws

No labor laws No government recognition of right to be union

Labor conditions at the beginning of the century were dangerous, dirty and miserable. Why were industrial conditions so bad? Why did these conditions go unchecked? Why weren't workers able to organize and unionize for better conditions?

This was given in the South to African Americans by voter registration officials. Some versions were in foreign languages; others were more difficult than the versions given to white voters.

Literacy test

Nationalism: a devotion to the interests and culture of one's nation. It was a long term, because it lead to competitiveness rivalries among nations

Long term cause of world war 1 (nationalism)

Militarism: the policy of building up armed forces in aggressive preparedness for war and their use as a tool diplomacy lead to increased military spending.

Long term cause on world war 1 ( militarism)

Imperialism :The policy of extending a nations authority over other countries by economic, political, or military means. It was a long term, because colonies supplied the European imperial powers with raw materials and provided markets for manufactured goods. As Germany industrialized, it competed with France and Britain in the contest for colonies.

Long term cause on world war 1 (imperialism)

Aliance system: long term because it provided a measure of international security because nations were reluctant to disturb the balance of power. As it turned out, a spark set off a major conflict.

Long term cause world war 1 (allianc system)

Melting pot is a mixture of people from different cultures and races who blend together by abondoning their native languages and cultures.

Melting pot

This Supreme Court decision ruled that separation of the races in public accommodations was legal and did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment. It established the principle of "separate but equal" that would rule Southern racial relations for almost 60 years

Pleasure v. Ferguson

An annual tax that formerly had to be paid in some southern states by anyone wishing to vote. Made it possible for whites to vote if they failed the literacy test.

Poll tax

This had to be paid to gain access to the voting booth in many Southern states. It effectively kept both poor blacks and poor whites from voting.

Poll tx

This term is used to refer to any system of separating people on the basis of race.



The Treaty of Versailles contained a war-guilt clause, which laid blame for WWI on

They would 1) They tried to convince state legislature to grant woman the right to vote, 2) woman pursued court cases to test the fourteenth laws amendment, which declared that states denying their male citizens the right to vote would lose congressional representation, 3) woman pushed for a national constitution amendment to grant woman the vote.

Three approaches tried by the sufferage movement to achieve their goal?

Fire where many died

Triangular shirt waste factory

Latin america, china, islands on pacific ocean

U.s. Established pattern of interventiom in what three areas

2) he says we are trying to be helpful instead of just staying isolat d, but really we just want to look out for American interests.

What arguments does President Roosevelt make to imply that this foreign policy is better than a more isolationist approach?

They believed in the unrestricted warfare meant you did not give them a heads up when you are to fire on them. You want unexpectedly. To the British or Americans this is seen as a terrible waste of life. So they believed that the British would back off.

What did Germans believe that unrestricted warfare would cause the British to do?

1) He is really trying to separate the concept of the German government from the German people. It is hard for people to believe your aggression is not meant for them. People of country become extra damage. Separate the people from the government, deal with it domestically. Many occasions of German Americans being a victim of a hate crime.

What did Wilson mean when he claimed "we have no quarrel with the German people"?

This was an 20 th century movement that aimed to take control of the government to the people, and wanted to restore the economic opportunities, and to correct injustices in American life. It shaped the early 20th century, it adresses all the problems that contributed to the social upheaved.

What is Progressivism? How did the Progressive Movement shape early twentieth century history?

You would be deported smugglers be fined 500$

What kind of penalties did the Chinese exclusion act provide?

believe that what angered Americans was that the Germans would help Mexico reclaim the land that it lost because it was threatening by the military and a threat to our dominance in the Western Hemisphere.

What message would have most angered Americans and why?

Didn't want to get involved in foreign Affairs

What reasons did senators give for opposing the U.S. League of Nations

Theodore Roosevelt: meat inspection act William Harvard Taft: prohibition Woodrow Wilson:,19th amendment

What three presidents were in office during the Progressive era? Name one progressive accomplishment of each president.

Poverty, famine, shortage of land, and religious or political persecution They had difficulty coping with the unfamiliar culture, the struggle to make a living, and the favoring of the natives versus the immigrants.

What trends or events in other countries prompted people to move to the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? What difficulties did many of these new immigrants face

Jim Crow laws were laws that allowed blacks and whites to be segregated. These laws were sanctioned on the pleasure vs. ferguson case where they concluded that these laws did not go against the fourteenth amendment.

What were the jim crow laws? How did these laws go against American ideals? How and when did the federal government formally sanction these laws?

7)Philippines,6) Mexico, 5)Bangladesh,4) brazil, 3)India, 2)Nigeria, 1)china It is now more civilized and fair.

Where do most immigrants to the United States come from today? How is the experience of today's immigrants similar to the immigrant experience at the beginning of the twentieth century? How is it different?

Idaho, utah, colorado

Which other states granted woman full sufferage


Which was the first state to grant full sufferage to woman?

Panama currently owns panama due to a treaty that was signed which returned the ownership to panama

Who currently controls Panama and how did this happen?

Hard to find a job, so do what you can even without labor laws

Why did workers have to endure such working conditions ( the jungle)

Woman vote in presidential electiom

Year 1913 in woman sufferage movement

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