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Gulf of Tonkin

"necessary measures"


2013 shutdown

Bush and Obama not true

A & B

35 years later

Asia and Latin

boy of pig

CIA failed mission

What reason did the Hollywood Ten give for not cooperating with the HUAC hearings?

They felt the hearings were a violation of the First Amendment.

sep 11

al qaeda (just B)

Freedom revolutions


3 states passed laws

english official language

Kyoto protocol

global warming

school segregation

increase in 90's housing


militant gay

lyndon predecessor


MLK Chicago Freedom Movement

vote registration of black cities

patriot Act

wiretap and spy

civil right act

"a fitting memorial"

rodney king

A and C

Which statement best describes what NSC-68 called for?

A permanent military buildup and a global application of containment.

Which statement best describes the thesis of David Riesman's book The Lonely Crowd?

Americans were conformists and lacked the inner resources to lead truly independent lives.

GWB loss 1992

B & D

Inequality after 2010

B & D

Lawrence v Texas

B & D

best explains AHWB loss in 1992

B & D

problem of inequality

B & D

Black Panther

B and D

During the 1950s

B and D

The "Third World":

C and D

Which statement about the Korean conflict is FALSE?

Chinese troops threatened to enter the conflict, but never did.

All of the following statements about the Cold War's impact on American life are true EXCEPT:

Cold War military spending weakened the economy.

Obama supporters

Guantanamo Bay

Bush vs Gore


president lyndon is apart from JFK

He knew the meaning of poverty and racial injustice from his own life experience

How did President Dwight D. Eisenhower surpass the New Deal in government involvement in the economy?

He presided over the construction of 41,000 miles of interstate highways.


Iraq liberation not terror

NGO Dinht

Kennedy and johnson Vietnam communism

Balkan crisis


Tea Party

Obama born in Africa

Sept 11 USA

President Bush

What did Eleanor Roosevelt do of particular significance several years after the war ended?

She chaired the committee which drafted the United Nation's "Universal Declaration of Human Rights."

Who were the "Dixiecrats"?

Southern Democrats who walked out of the 1948 convention to form the "States' Rights Democratic Party."

The charges against which of the following organizations led to the downfall of Joseph McCarthy in 1954?

The Army.

The "social contract":

The constant threat of mutually assured destruction under the doctrine made for more cautious diplomacy.

What inspiration did Martin Luther King Jr. gain from Mahatma Gandhi?

The idea of peaceful civil disobedience.

How had the political climate changed in the South during World War II in the early Cold War years?

The number of African-Americans in the region that were registered to vote increased sevenfold.

Why did the United States allow West Germany to become part of a defensive alliance less than ten years after the defeat of Nazi Germany?

The successful Soviet detonation of a nuclear bomb underlined the importance of a militarily united West.

3rd candidate Perot

Theodore Roosevelt

Why did the Soviet Union strongly support the national independence movements in the new Third World?

They hoped to convince new nations to ally themselves with the eastern bloc against European and American imperialists.

Why did American policymakers agree to spend billions of dollars on the economic recovery of Europe under the Marshall Plan?

They were afraid that if they did not help with the recovery, western European nations might fall into the Soviet sphere of influence.

Why did anticommunist Harry Truman veto the McCarran-Walter Act?

Truman had become alarmed at the excesses of the anticommunist crusade.

Which of the following is NOT true about the growth of the postwar West?

Washington and Oregon eclipsed California's population, due to unprecedented employment opportunities in the defense industry.

Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed which kind of individuals to his cabinet?

Wealthy businessmen to run the government like an efficient business.

not belong in group


militia groups increased

acts of terrorism

In 1948, the Progressive Party:

advocated expanded social welfare programs.

What obstacle did Harry Truman face when he assumed the presidency following the death of Franklin Roosevelt in April 1945?

arry Truman had absolutely no experience in foreign policy, the most important qualification at this point in American history.

The McCarran-Walter Act:

authorized the deportation of communists, including naturalized citizens.


b and c

problem inequality 2010

b and d

Chicano farm workers found a powerful advocate in

b) Cesar Chavez.

1963 March on Washington

black and white cooperation

black lives matter

black humanity

obama 2nd term

broken nuclear energy

federal emergency management agency

bush administration prided itself on its unique focus

William Levitt, with the help of the GI Bill, gave many Americans the opportunity to:

buy a home.

free speech movement

campus born political groups



Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party city

challenged states democratic party

"human rights"

china saudi arabia

freedom summer

coalition rights of civil rights mississippi

dick cheney

colin powell

The Truman Doctrine:

committed the United States to fighting communism anywhere

Gold Water

conservative movement


counterculture realm of life

late 20th century imprisonment

criminal and drug use

"redrew political map"

democratic strongholds

proposition 187

denied illegal immigrants welfare education

occupy movement false

died out and failed to inspire

women liberation


1991 Soviet attempt

dissolved end Cold War

health care first term

drug companies

malcolm X

economic political autonomy

The new conservatives:

emphasized tradition, community, and moral commitment.

Labor and employers agreed to a new "social contract" that included all of the following provisions EXCEPT:

employers required the National Association of Manufacturers to accept the right of workers to organize unions.

1s year GWB

enact tax

1st year GWB

enact tax

Rachel Carson spring summer

environmental movement

The impact of the Cold War on American culture was:

especially evident in the movies.

baking crisis 2008

fed reverse bank frenzy

1995 truck bombing

for night militia group




free trade zone

MLK was assassinated

garbage worker

security fraud

glass steagall act

1998 congress impeachment

grand jury

malcolm x

harmony muslim saudia arabia

legacy on war on poverty

helped significantly reduce incidence of poverty q

Dot coms

high tech companies

The 1960 presidential debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon:

highlighted the impact of television on political campaigns.

Hurricane Katrina

homeland security

Bill Clinton to reign policy

human rights to a central place

war of poverty

incidence of poverty

JFK considered civil rights

incompatible free world

1968 as troops in vietnam

increase 1/2 a million brutal

90's prison population

increase state government increases penalties

first political campaign 20th century

internet to raise money

"loving a virginia

interracial marriage


iraq war liberation not war

2006 house representatives

legal and illegal immigrants natioanwide

JKF and Dwight eisenhower common

lens of cold war

Texas and Obergefell v Hodges

living document

GWB message Sept 11

love of freedom

pay gap

men and women

2009 womens jobs

men decreased jobs due to recession

feminism mystique

middle class women

Asian americans

model minority

Guatemalan leader Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán:

ought to reduce foreign corporations' control over his country's economy.

The Taft-Hartley Act:

outlawed the closed shop.


owned telecommunications

miranda v arizona 1966 supreme court

people in custody have rights

1st year GWB

persuaded congress

Iraq compared to Vietnam

policy makers with little knowledge


political center

easily re elected

popular policies republication

bush v gore 2000 unusual


1963 march june

punitive jim crow

Clinton response to 94 victory

radical republicans elections


rapidly decreased among gays

"pay gap"

rates women and men

goldwater campaign emphasized

reduction in government

New conservatives trusted government to:

regulate personal behavior.

"freedom revolution"

republican victory at 94 election

casey v planned

repudiated control wife

Last 2 decades

riches increase


second biggest industry besides apple

Clinton democratic nomination

social liberalism

Democratic nomination

social liberalism conservatism

Supreme court

southern states

Greensboro, North Carolina

sparked similar successful demonstrations


steeply cut

GHW foreign policy

summit geneva switzerland

Not drive of Mexican immigration

superior public

did not drive immigration from mexico in 90's

superior public services

2000 Presidential race between

supreme court

"government takeover"

sweeping health care

In his 1961 farewell address, President Eisenhower warned Americans about:

the military-industrial complex.

Half a billion $

toxic mortgage security

new left movement liberalism

true participatory democracy

Saddam Hussein

tyrant leader of Iraq

liability of obama

unemployment remained high

1960 latino rights focus

united farmer workers

least influential

video cassettes

president bill clinton

welfare state grants

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