History and Theory Architecture

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Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

1886-1969 (mies) German architect An influential early modernist, known for international style architecture Director of the bauhaus school in germany from 1930-1933 Designer of farnsworth house, barcelona pavilion, crown hall M Minimalist, mastery of steel and glass I intensive use of geometry E Exposed use of geometry S Skeletal, simple rectangular forms "Skins and bones" architecture Famous saying "less is more" and "God is in the details" Minimal framework of structural order with implied freedom of free flowing open space "Structure is spiritual"

Usonian Homes (1936-1959)

Frank lloyd wright Frank Developed a series of homes he called usonian "Usonia" for "United states of north america" An attempt to create a distinctly american style that was affordable for the common people Responsive to the american landscape and not influenced by Europe Evolutions of Prairie style homes Designed to control costs (approx $5,000 approx $83,000 today) No attics No basements Little ornamentation Open carports replaced garages Low roofs and open living areas Often had L-shaped in plans Design sensitive to solar orientation Optimal sun exposure through the day Southern orientation for the living room facing the garden Gardens protected in the interior Terrace gardens flooded with southern sun & focus for the homes Radiant floors

Fagus Factory

( Alfred Germany Gropius, walter & Meyer, adolf 1911-1926) The first project of walter gropius Manufacturing storage, and offices Three story facade Functionalist aesthetics Foreshadowed the work of the Bauhaus School Most significant for: Use and study of glass Use of industrial aesthetic Machine technology Simple geometric forms Generous use of glazing Perception of weightless facade More glass than brick Precursor to Bauhaus school building

Lilly reich

(1885-1948) German modern designer Furniture designer Artistic partner to Mies on barcelona pavilion, furniture designs and exhibitions Taught at Bauhaus

Deutscher Werkbund Movement

1907, german work federation or german labor league A german association of artists, architects, designers and industrial designers Significant in the development of modern architecture and industrial design Peter behrens one of the founders of the movement Stemmed from arts and crafts movement

Monument to the third international, moscow vladmir tatlin 1919-1920

A constructivist perspective monument for lenin's (bolshevik) propaganda Used visual monumental art (revolutionary slogans and monumental sculpture) as propagating Containing revolutionary and communist ideas Designed as a conference space and propaganda fenter for communist 3rd international Taller than the eiffel tower

Bauhaus Manifesto

A vision of bridging the gap between art and industry by combining crafts and fine arts The school adopted the slogan "art into industry" Built upon the idea of creating a "total" work of art (Gesamtkunstwerk) in which all arts, including architecture, would eventually be brought together "The ultimate aim of all creative activity is a building! The decoration of buildings was once the noblest function of fine arts, and fine arts were indispensable to great architecture. Today they exist in complacent isonaltion and can only be rescued by the conscious cooperation and collaboration of all craftsmen" - walter gropius Three directors of bauhaus Walter gropious 1919-1928 Hannes meyer 1928-1930 Mies van der rohe 1930-1933 The school was closed by its own leadership under pressure Bauhaus taught designers to put technology to socially responsible and constructive uses Sought to create new forms that embraced the capacities of the machine Back to the workshop The bauhaus became a "laboratory of modernity" Collaborations with industries and created "type forms" for mass production

Modern Architecture

An architectural style with clean lines, pronounced structure, and minimalist interiors

Richard Neutra 1892-1970

Australian architect Studied under adolf loos Worded for erich mendelsohn and wright Lived with schindler/chace community, worked on the landscape design Designed the Kaufmann Desert House (same client as wright's falling water)

Rudolf schindler

Austrian american architect, furniture designer Most projects in LA Worked with wright on the imperial hotel in japan Worked on textile block home freeman house (Barnsdall/hollyhock) schindler/chase house Lovell beach house designed much of the furniture in the Freeman House Inspired by yosemite camp sites schindler/chase house Schindler, R.M, West Hollywood, CA 1921-1922 Swinger residence No conventional living room, dining room or bedrooms in the house Cooperative live/work space for two families Concrete walls and sliding glass panels Industrial materials and open floor plan Integrated the external environment into the residence Instead of bedrooms, there are 2 rooftop "sleeping baskets" Fenced in Two interlocking L plan apartments Shared amenities Story is the family didn't work so well Consisting of 2 studios, connecting by a utility room (to host kitchen, laundry, sewing and storage) The local planning authorities rejected the plans

Russian Constructivism

Avant garde artistic and architectural movement 1913-1940s Inspired by Bauhaus, russian futurism, expanded from suprematist works Called artists to stop producing useless things but to use art for industry and social causes Used forms carrying "universal" meaning Three main principles Tectonics, texture, and construction Based on marxist ideas converged supremacist painting with architectural form

Crown Hall, IIT Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 1950-1956

Considered mies' US masterpiece Steel frame with glass Open plan interior Called "universal space" Intended to be entirely flexible in use Two level building Lower level is semi-buried Enclosing a column free interior Sunken lower level Registered as warehouse Did not want handrails Inspection problems "Architecture is a language. When you are very good, you can be a poet" - ludwig mies van der Rohe

Barcelona pavilion (international art exhibit ,german pavilion) Meis

Constructed to represent the cultural values of a new germany Clarity, simplicity & honesty in construction Carried out with a "free plan" and a "floating room" Italian travertine "God is in the details"

Villa tugendhat, Bmo,

Czech republic Mies and Reich 1928-1930 Three story villa for residential family

The maison domino

Developed in 1914 as a prototype for mass-produced european housing

Manifesto of constructivism

Divorce art from such conventions as use of lines, color, volume, and mass Modern constructivist art must be grounded in the material reality

De stijl movement

Dutch for "the style Artist movement founded in 1917 also called neoplasticism Primary members included piet mondrian, gerrit rietvield, robert van t' hoff, j.j.p.oud Seeking utopian ideals of spiritual harmony and order Advocated pure extraction and universality by reduction to the essentials of form and order Primary colors, black and white

Gerrit rietveld (1888-1964)

Dutch furniture designer and architect Principle member of De Stijl Red and blue chair Rietveld, gerrit thomas Zig zag chair stackable Architect of schröder House Key example of de stijl Shröder house The best known example of de stijil Modular elements, collapsoble walls Consistent use of horizontal and vertical lines Use of all primary colors and white, grey and black Fluid transition

The international style

Emphasis on volume over mass (free interior space and perceptions of lightness ie. cantalievers The use of lightweight, mass produced, industrial materials Rejection of all ornament and color Repetitive modular forms Use of flat surfaces, typically alternating with areas of glass Architects sought an honest, economical, and utilitarian architecture to meet universal needs

Weissenhof Estate, Stuttgart

Estate built for the Deutscher Werkbund in 1927 International display of the modern (simple facades, flat roofs, horizontal windows, open interiors, prefab) Contributions by Mies, Gropius, Le Corbusier, Yaut and others Each architect got a plot of land Intended to display new type of properties Qualities mass production permitted and wanted to see different types that would work in this idea The most important exhibition of modern architecture Dedicated to the reform of housing of the last decade

Jacobs House, Madison Wisconsin 1936

Frank lloyd wright Usonian home Kitchens incorporated into the living areas Hearth Terrace Passive solar heating Radiant flooring Flat roof, cantilevered overhangs Natural materials Wood Some brick, not extensive use (more expensive) Abundant use of brick, wood, and natural materials Small, one-story structures set on concrete slabs with radiant heat

Walter Gropius (1883-1969)

German american architect and educator Designer and director of the Bauhaus school (1919-1928) Influential modern architect Worked in peter behrens office in Berlin on AEG Turbine A Member of the Deutscher Werkbund (german Labor league) Professor of Architecture at the Harvard Graduate School of Design Beauty + usefulness = delight (individual artistic vision united with machine production)

Peter behrens

German architect and industrial designer Major designer of factories and office buildings, extensive use of steel and glass Designer of the AEG turbine building, berlin One of the founders of the Deutcher werkbund Industrial designer and architect for AEG (algemeine elektrizitats gesellschaft)

Congrès internationaux d'architecture Moderne (CIAM)

Group initiated by a group of european modernist architects 11 architecture and urban planning congresses (1928-1959) Sought to spread principles of the modern movement on architecture, urbanism, industrial design, landscape Spread Le Corbusier's radiant city concept

Le corbusier "machines for living "

Homes inspired by the design of the 20th machinery such as electricity turbines and low- pressure ventilating fans Concept of space that would be similar in functionality and design to a machine "Function of the airplane to fly but what is the function of the house? According to Le Corbusier, the function of a house was to provide A shelter against heat, cold, rain, thieves and the inquisitive A receptacle for light and sun A certain number of cells appropriated to cooking, work, and personal life

Kaufmann Desert House, Richard Neutra, Palm Springs 1946

International style desert modernism Implemented earthly tones and materials Employed a more modernist and international style approach Glas, steel, and stone Commissioned by Edgar J. Kaufmann Sr. The house was designed as a desert retreat from harsh winters with a healthful vision

Barcelona chair

Ludwig mies van der rohe and l ily reich 1929

Farnsworth House, Plano, Illinois

Mies van der rohe, ludwig 1946-1951 Steel structure surrounded by glass walls Elevated due to flooding Most simple construction Precast concrete floor Roof slabs supported by a steel skeleton frame of beams, girders and columns Floor slab is lifted from the ground Materials rigorously restricted to Travertine (floors) Wood (core walls) Teak (wardrobe) Plaster (ceilings) Steel (frame structure)

Adolf Loos "Ornament and Crime"

Ornament is a crime and all ornamentation must be rejected

Organic architecture

Philosophy of architectural design, emerging in the early 20th century A building should be based on organic forms in structure and appearance Should harmonize with its natural environment In the later part of the century, it became characteristic of wavy lines and curved shapes suggest natural forms Central to Frank LLoyd Wright's work

Five points of architecture (Le Corbusier) (1926)

Pilotis - Or first story columns free of walls, that raise the house above the ground A free plan - Achieved by the separation of the load- bearing columns from the walls subdividing the space A free facade - The exterior walls are no longer load-bearing and just separates the internal spaces from the outside Strip windows (horizontal band windows) - Horizontal lengths of fenestration as uninterrupted bands Roof terraces - To be constructed with sand covered by thick cement slabs laid with staggered joints, seeded with grass

Adolf Loos theories

Pioneers of the modern movement in architecture His influence was based on a body of controversial essays Austere building designs Ornament is a crime to humankind Opposed the decorate art nouveau movement Is ornament a crime? According to adolf loos, to apply ornament- whether to one's self, to everyday objects of utility, or to a building- is a criminal act = Loos believed that there was a sincere sense of the "immorality" of ornament, describing it as "degenerate" its suppression as necessary for regulating modern society Loos believed that the lack of ornament in architecture was a sign of spiritual strength Villa muller, prague 1930 Pioneering use of reinforced concrete Primary example of loos' raumplan theories Asymmetric symmetry New concept of private home


Russian art movement developed by Kasimir Malevich circa 1913 An anti materialist, anti utilitarian approach Elemental shapes and color to create form Geometric forms (es. Square and circle) and limited colors Abstraction conveys sensation In suprematism.. Man (artist) is both originator and transmitter of the worlds only true reality- absolute non- objectivity

Space architecture

Schindler called "space architecture" own special form of modern architecture Schindler considered form conceptions in two different modes: "forms of nature" and "forms of mind" Nature has forms that nature creates They exist All parts of the building into an organic whole

Lovell Health House, Richard Neutra 1927-1929

Second house for Dr. Phillip Lovell Spread of international style One of the first steel frame houses in the US International style An early example of the use of gunite (sprayed on concrete)

Lovell Beach House, Schindler R.M 1922-1925

Separate the house from vehicular and pedestrian traffic Preserve ocean views Raised the house provided yard and parking 5 key structural components Structural skeleton based on five free-standing concrete frames, shaped like square figure-eights

Constructivist characteristics

Straight lines, cylinders, cubes and rectangles Austere, monolithic Merged modern elements Radio antennae Tension cables Concrete frames Steel girders

Charles- Edouard Jeanneret aka le corbusier

Swiss architect, designer, urbanist, painter, pioneer of modern architecture/ international style Purism Where objects are represented as elementary forms devoid of detail Le corbusier designed dozens of private residences in paris as "purist" houses Void of ornamentation Composed of simple, geometric forms

Ennis House, LA

Textile block on the interior and exterior Replaced traditional wall Revealed its structural instability


The belief that art should not be the reproduction of real objects, but the expression of the absolutes of life Mondrian limited his formal vocab to 3 primary colors (red blue and yellow) 3 primary values (black, white and grey) 2 primary directions (horizontal and vertical) Art can not be a realism of actual life

Johnson wax building, model, frank lloyd wright 1936-9

The largest expanse of space in the Johnson Wax Building, aka the "Great Workroom" Great workroom is open with no internal walls (secretaries), mezzanine (administrators) 200 types of curved red bricks and pyrex glass tubing from the ceiling and clerestory windows Pyrex glass tubing extending beyond roofing materials for wall dividers and replacing conventional windows Dendriform Having the shape of a tree The columns did not accord with building codes

A new school was designed for the bauhaus in dessau

The main building consists of three connected wings including The school and workshop Administrative offices The private offices of gropius and meyer The dormitories Auditorium Dining hall Structural and technological advancements including Curtain wall window facades A skeleton of reinforced concrete and brickwork Exposed metal railings Roofs with walking structures Bauhaus characteristics include Rectilinear forms Light colored surfaces No applied ornamentation and decoration Open interior spaces A weightless quality Use of cantilevers White reinforced concrete Glass and steel

Houses at sagaponac 2007

Top architects got a plot of land and you designed a house but had to find a buyer before the house was built One of the first ones to be purchased was shigeru Ban and Dean Maltz Every wall was on a hinge

Samuel freeman house, LA occupied 1924

Woven textile blocks in construction Steep hollywood hills site 12,000 cast concrete blocks, texture on interior and exterior

A.E.G turbine factory

berlin behrens, peter 1909-1910 Steel-frame rectangular structure Quality materials Sought to celebrate attributes of speed, noise and power The AEG turbine factory was design to be a temple dedicated to a new age of production The interior and exterior as simple as possible Has massive girder frames with large temple like columns

Richard Neutra vs Rudolf Schindler

wo colleagues that met at university Studied a little of architecture together Different times of living and working together Intensive rivalries Stopped talking to each other 20 years after met in hospital at death bed Princes of king road play

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