History ch 11 pt 1

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How did the decline of Mughal India aid European traders in the region?

As the Mughal empire became increasingly corrupt and weak, conflicts between Hindu and Muslim princes were rekindled. Years of civil war drained Mughal resources. The weakened Mughal empire was therefore unable to stop French and British traders, who set up East India companies that allied with local officials and independent princes. These companies also formed their own private armies of Indian troops (sepoys) to drive each other from the country, overpower the Mughals, and politically and economically dominate India.

How did competition between European countries such as Portugal and Spain affect overseas exploration and expansion?

Competition stimulated exploration as European nations competed to open new trade routes and control trade. It also encouraged expansion as nations competed to gain control of key ports and coastal territory that would protect and grow their trade networks.

Why did both Korea and Japan's attitudes toward contact with the outside world change?

Early Korean traders had contacts across much of East Asia. However, after disastrous invasions by Japan in the late 1500s and by China in the early 1600s, Korea became fearful and distrusting of foreigners and chose to isolate itself from most foreign contact. Similarly, Japan began by welcoming European contact and displayed great interest in foreign inventions and ideas, with many adopting Christian beliefs. But in the 1600s, the Tokugawa shoguns noticed how Spain had seized control of the Philippines. Fearing threats to their authority, the Tokugawa persecuted Japanese Christians, banned European traders, and forbade Japanese travel abroad.

*Why did Europeans explore Africa, Asia, and the Americas beginning in the 1400s?*

Europeans explored Africa, Asia, and the Americas to meet Europe's rising demand for spices, seeking to profit by finding a direct route to access spices. Explorers also sought to spread Christianity, and to satisfy Renaissance curiosity by learning more about lands beyond Europe

How successful were European attempts to establish missions and trade in Ming and Qing China?

Europeans sent missions to Ming and Qing China but achieved little success. Jesuits arrived in Ming China and shared knowledge of Renaissance Europe but made few converts. Europeans gained some limited trade concessions at Guangzhou, until they were restricted. The Ming had no interest in European goods and required payment in gold and silver. The Qing continued Ming limitations on trade and Europeans' efforts to expand trade in China continued to falter.

Summarize the steps by which Portugal built a trading empire in Asia around the Indian Ocean.

Following Vasco da Gama's voyage to India, Afonso de Albuquerque led a Portuguese fleet into the Indian Ocean. He captured Goa in 1510 and made it Portugal's main military and commercial base. Using his powerful cannons, Albuquerque destroyed coastal towns and demolished Arab fleets. In 1511, the Portuguese took Malacca. With promises of aid against other Europeans, the Portuguese won the loyalty of local princes who controlled the southern regions of India. The Portuguese used ports seized on Africa's east coast to resupply and repair their ships.

Summarize European searches for a direct route across the Atlantic Ocean to Asia.

In 1492, Columbus sailed west from Spain and reached the Caribbean islands, which he mistakenly thought were the Indies of East Asia. The English, Dutch, and French unsuccessfully explored the coast of North America for a "northwest passage" from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. The Spanish explorer Balboa hacked his way through Panama's tropical forests to find the Pacific. Later Magellan, a Portuguese nobleman sailing for Spain, journeyed southwest from Spain and found a passage around South America's southern tip into the Pacific Ocean. His ships eventually reached Asia, landing in the Philippines, before continuing around the world.

How do you think other European nations will threaten Spanish and Portuguese power in the Americas?

Other European nations, especially France, England, and the Netherlands, resented Spanish and Portuguese power and wealth in the Americas. Dutch, English, and French pirates-some with the approval of European governments- attacked and captured treasure ships from the Americas. It is likely that wars will erupt in the future and that rival European nations will try to seize some Spanish and Portuguese colonial territory.

Describe the main characteristics of government, religion, and economics in Spain's colonies in the Americas.

Spain divided its empire into four provinces and set up the Council of the Indies to oversee its viceroys and other officials in the provinces. Roman Catholicism was the main religion throughout the colonies. Missionaries worked to convert Native Americans to Christianity. Spain regulated the economy, exporting gold and silver from the colonies, and forcing the colonists to import goods from Spain only. Native Americans were often used as forced laborers.

Explain how the people of Spanish colonial society were categorized into different social classes.

Spanish colonial society consisted of separate unequal classes. Peninsulares, people from Spain, were at the top of the social structure, followed by creoles, or people od Spanish descent born in the Americas. Mulattoes were people of mixed African and European descent, while mestizos were of mixed Native American and European descent; these groups were in the middle. Native Americans and people of Arican descent were among the lowest social classes. Many in the lowest classes were subjected to forced labor.

How did religious beliefs cause Dutch immigrants to aggressively expand their settlements in southern Africa?

The Dutch immigrants, called Boers, were Calvinists who believed that they were God's elect, or chosen ones. They considered Africans to be their inferiors. They, therefore, believed that they had the right to expand into southern African and push the native African people off their land.

How did dominating the Philippines benefit Spain?

The Philippines, located between Europe and the Americas, was of great strategic importance for Spain. The islands served as a critical link in the Spanish overseas trading empire because silver shipped across the Pacific from mines in Mexico and Peru could then be used to purchase trade goods in China.

Describe how the Portuguese gained dominance of the spice trade.

The Portuguese led Europe in early exploration for new trade routes by sea. They were able to find a sea route around Africa to India. They built coastal forts and trading posts, conquered local peoples, made treaties, and established trade with Africa, around the Indian Ocean, and with India, which gave them access to the spice trade directly

Why were Native Americans unable to defeat the Spanish conquistadors?

The Spanish soldiers had the advantages of guns and horses. European diseases reduced the Native American population. Sometimes, as in the case of both the Aztec and Incas, the Spanish were able to enlist the aid of other Native American groups.

Describe the common effects of the first encounters between the Spanish and Native Americans in Mexico, Peru, and elsewhere.

The first encounters between the Spanish and Native Americans usually resulted in conflict. The Spanish conquered Native Americans and plundered their lands for wealth. Millions of Native Americans died from disease and war. The Spanish tried to force Native Americans to abandon their culture. Spain grew rich and powerful. Spanish and Native American cultures blended to create the culture of Latin American countries today.

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