history chapter 1 & 3

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The empire that Sargon established was continued by his grandson _________ but fell less than 100 years after his grandson's death


The type of hominid scientists believe was the common ancestor of several


The kind of Chaldeans who rebuilt Babylon was

Nebuchadnezzar II

The _________ caused many social changes, including the settling of people into villages, the rise of different occupations in society, and the roles of men and women.

Neolithic Revolution

In astronomy, the Sumerians charged the


The use of metals marked the end of the Neolithic Age and a

New level of human control over the environment and its resources.

The ability to acquire food on a regular basis meant that humans

could give up nomadic ways of life and begin to live in settled communities.

The idea that, about 100,000 years ago, humans began migrating from Africa to the rest of the world is called the _________ theory.


The Mesopotamian religion, which featured nearly 3,000 gods and goddesses, can be described as


Axum's prosperity was due to its location along which body of water shown on the map?

Red Sea

A socially expected behavior pattern —


After the Egyptian Empire fell, it became a part of the empire of


After the Egyptian Empire fell, it became part of the empire of


Cyrus was called "the Great" because he

Showed wisdom and compassion

Early people who lived during the Paleolithic Age were able to survive because of tools made from this material


The first Mesopotamian civilization was created by the


The most important physical structure in a Sumerian city-state was the


In Sumerian cities, surplus food was stored in


The first Empire in world history was

The Akkadian empire

Although the pharaoh Ramses II tried to maintain the Egyptian Empire's strength, he failed because he was unable to hold out against

The Sea Peoples

According to the beliefs in the ancient theocracy of Sumer, kings received their power from their

The gods.

During the New Kingdom, the Egyptian Empire reached its peak. What was one way it showed it's power?

The pharaohs constructed huge, magnificent temples and statues in their own honor.

Which of the following did the Sumerians invent

The sundial

One example of the Assyrians' efficiency and effectiveness as administrators was

Their system of carrying messages quickly, which involved a network of staging posts and relays of horses

Why did the Egyptians resist Akhenaten's religious reforms?

They accepted many gods, and did not like the idea of rejecting or destroying them to worship only one god

_____________ brought new civilizations in contact with one another.


Cuneiform writing was invented for record keeping.


Domestication refers to the adaptation of animals and crops for human use.


The Egyptian Empire collapsed with the invasion of the Akkadians


The Kushites were driven out of Egypt by the Assyrians


The ruler of a province in the Persian Empire was known as a pharaoh.


The boy pharaoh who restored worship of the old gods in the New Kingdom was named


What contributed to the efficient system of communication that was crucial to sustaining the Persian Empire

Well-maintained roads and way stations to provide food, shelter, and fresh horses for traveling officials

How many years after dying does a sample lose one-half of its carbon-14 atoms?

5,730 years

According to the time line, about how many years did the New Kingdom last?

500 years

In the patriarchal Mesopotamian society,

A husband could divorce his wife if she failed in any of her duties

The Sumerian priests had the power to

Advise the king

Where do scientist believe that Homo sapiens sapiens first appeared between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago?


In the Zoroastrian religion, which god represented the forces of good?


The rich soil of the Fertile Crescent was the result of a) silt from rivers b) snow from nearby mountains c) irrigation ditches d) all of the above

All of the above

When humans began using fire to cook food, the result was a)better-tasting, more digestible food b) longer-lasting food c) better nutrition d) all of the above

All of the above

The Code of Hammurabi paints a portrait of a society in which

Almost anything that can go wrong is addressed by one law or another.

Egypt's loss of its empire was due largely to

Amenhotep IV's religious reforms.

The term for a large political unit or state, usually under a single leader, controlling many people's or territories is

An empire.

Humans reached Australia

Around the time they reached Southeast Asia.

A main characteristic of civilization is


From the Hyksos the Egyptians learned to make weapons and tools out of


The Neolithic Revolution was followed by the

Bronze Age.

The people of Sumer devoted much of their wealth to

Building temples to their gods

The change that led to all other changes in the Neolithic Revolution was the

Change in the method of obtaining food

What was the Persians' most unique cultural contribution?


According to the map, the kingdom of Kush was....

Completely landlocked

When humans first settled in farming villages, their ________ became more complex


Which statement is most accurate? a) the flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates was the main factor that led to civilization in Mesopotamia b) the melting of snows in the upland mountains was the main factor that led to civilization in Mesopotamia c) irrigation and drainage ditches were the main factors that led to civilization in Mesopotamia d) the flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates and the ability to control flooding were the mains factors that led to civilization in Mesopotamia


Under ________, the Persian Empire became the world's largest empire up to that time.


Which leader of the Persian Empire expanded it into the largest empire the world had yet seen?


Cyrus the Great showed such wisdom and compassion when he conquered Babylon that

Everyone accepted him as a ruler

C-14 daring helps reveal the age of an object because living things slowly gain radioactive carbon over time.


Mesopotamia was the land between the Tigris and the Nike rivers


Society in ancient Mesopotamia was matriarchal — that is, dominated by women


In the first century B.C., the pharaoh Ramses II tried to reestablish

False - cleopatra

The Code of Hammurabi reveals that in ancient Babylon a marriage was decided upon by the two young people who wanted to wed

False - their parents

Plant remains in stone tools are evidence of _____ in Neothilic times.


Paleolithic people's who migrated from the tropics into colder regions began to use


I'm Hammurabi's code, punishments generally followed the principle of retaliation, or the idea that one must

Give an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

What is most unusual about the pharaoh Hatshepsut?

Hatshepsut was a woman.

What military strategy did Hammurabi use to conquer lands and create his new Mesopotamian kingdom?

He arms and trained his soldiers well, then used his armies to divide his opponents and defeat them one at a time.

My father was ill that morning, so my mother set out alone ... but found very little until just before noon, when she noticed a scrap of enormously thick bone protruding from beneath surface .... In this passage, Richard Leakey describes an early humanlike creature that walked upright is called a(n)


Who were the first hominids to learn to make fires deliberately?

Homo sapiens

By the 30,000 B.C., Neanderthals has been replace by

Homo sapiens sapiens

The Hyksos conquered Egypt's Middle Kingdom by using

Horse-drawn chariots

Darius's elite military forces were known as the


The Assyrians had the first large armies who carried weapons made of


In Egypt's New Kingdom, the pharaoh Hatshepsut was renowned for

Launching ambitious military and trading expeditions.

What were the basic political units of Sumerian civilization?


The achievements of Egypt's New Kingdom were evident in its

Magnificent buildings and temples

The inhabitants of what are now Mexico and Central America were


Both Jewish and Zoroastrian religions were


The best way to describe Paleolithic people's and their way of life is by calling them


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