History chapter 1 test

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3 parts of mercantilism

1.) finite amount of wealth 2.) a favorable balance of trade 3.) establishment of colonies

Who was the last to end slavary?


What is a parliament?

a legislative body of government

Slavery statistics

- 12.5 million slaves were taken from Africa to the amercias - 1.4 million died on the way over - 5.8 million were taken to Brazil - only about 4-6% were taken to the colonies

What led to the revolt in the Spanish controlled Netherlands?

- Calvinists weren't happy and caused a revolution - happened during the reign of Phillip II

Who are ferdinand and islabella

- Catholic monarchs of Spain - married and caused the unification of Aragon (him) and Castile (her) -forced Jews and Moors to convert to catholicism or leave

What was the Edict of Nantes?

- Declaration of religious toleration for the french protestants (Huguenots) and gave them rights - signed by Henry IV

About Britian and Chinas porcelian

- English people were obsessed with this porcelain and bought tons of it

Geocentric theory versus heliocentric theory

- Heliocentric theory says that the sun was at the center of the universe - geocentric theory says that the Earth was the center of the universe

About "Paris is well worth a mass"

- Henry IV wanted to restore unity so he became a Roman Catholic himself because most of tye french were already

About Henry VIII

- King of England - had six wives and tried to get the first marriage annulled - first marriage was to a girl named Catherine of Aragon - Anne Boleyn was his 2nd wife and he beheaded her for treason

Who was Henry IV

- King of France - born in the UK

About Louis XIV

- King of France - called for the revocation of the edict of Nantes -reigned for a super long time absolute monarch

About the Ming Dynasty

- Longest dynasty - population doubled during this -

About safavid empire

- Safavid were shia - hated the Ottoman Empire

Who was Taizu?

- The founder of the Ming dynasty - was a beggar originally but worked his way up and eventually captured Beijing and scared the Mongols away - after this, he declared the Ming dynasty

Who is Da Vinci

- a painter during the renaissance - he's from Italy

About the African slave trade

- also called the triangular trade - sold slaves for goods, then used those goods again to buy more slaves

What is the Stono rebellion?

- biggest rebellion in the southern colonies - happened in South Carolina

About Qing Dynasty

- came after the ming dynasty - has a opium epidemic

About Matteo Ricci

- catholic jesuit priest - started the first catholic mission in China - learbed the language and was very nice (changed bread and wine into tea and rice)

About first opium war

- china had 15 million addicts - british kept senidng tons of opium, evn tho china tried banning it - war began but china was no math for britian - britian ended up taking Hong Kong, china couldnt go higher than 5% on tariffs, and they had to open more ports to trade

reasosn for the decline of habsburg rule of Spain?

- decentralized political nature - succession of weak kings

About coppernicus

- didn't believe that the earth was at the center of the universe -astrnomer - polish

About Vasco de Gama

- discovered a route by sea to India - an explorer - he was from Portugal

About Shia

- fewer of them - Safavid was shia - believes that the leader should be a boy and from the bloodline of muhammend

What was the society of Jesus?

- had followers called Jesuits -look to help others and seek God in everything - really modernized the Roman Catholic Church

About slavary in south carolina

- had more black people than white people - people on the coast spoke Gullah ( a language similar to English but with letters taken out of some of the words)

What about the Dutch's independence (1648)?

- happened during King Phillip II's ruling - military conflict between the 17provinces of the Netherlands and Spain

About Christopher Columbus

- he took four voyages - was from Italy - on the third voyage he found a continent and told Ferdinand and Isabella he never hit the United States - he wanted to be called admiral of the ocean sea - he made up the term Indians

Rennasnace characteristics

- humanism -art - science -navigation -music -religion

About Isaac Newton

- introduced the law of gravity - people originally believed it was only on earth... wrong people were searching for the law of gravity during renaissance - englishman

Who was Phillip II

- king of the Spaniards and king of the Portuguese - The Spanish empire flourished under him - from spain

About John Calvin

- lived at the same time as Martin Luther - born in France and studied law -converted to Protestantism - wrote a book titled "institutes of the Christian Reformation" - founder of "reformed christinanity

About sunni

- make up 80% of Muslims - does not believe that Muhammad picked a leader after he died.... they believe it can be anyone

What was the Iberian peninsula?

- mountainous region that separated Spain and France - moors ruled most of it

Who was Sinan?

- one of the greatest architects of the Ottoman Empire - one thing that he built was the mosque of Selim

European system of mercanitilism

- places a premium on government actions (tariffs, etc.) - opposite of the free market system

About Martin Luther

- protestant reformer - German - He became a monk and went to Rome and saw all of the indulgences going on and got angry - he nailed 95 thesis on their door - taught that salvation was through grace - got into theology -they excommunicated him - He then made a seperate church according to his teachings called the lutheran church

Characterstic of rennasance art

- realism - naturalism

What did the viceroyalities do?

- ruled over the Spanish overseas territories

What did Martin Luther believe in?

- salvation through faith - sacraments should be based on the words of Christ - Christ is the only intermediary between God and humans

About second opium war

- smuggling continued so a second opium war broke out -forces china to unban opium eventaully bristish stopped sneidng opium because they relaized what awful people they were and then the qing dynasty fell

About the Ottoman Empire

- spanned 600 years - came to end at the First World War - they were Sunnis and islamic - had a complex bureacracy - became wealthy through trade - blossomed under suleman the great

About Galileo

- supported Copernicus's idea - built a telescope and wrote a book about teh two cheif world system -persecuted for his beliefs -italian

What are the 7 sacraments of the catholic church?

- the 5 that are required... 1.) Last rights 2.) Baptism 3.) confirmation 4.) communion 5.) confession - last 2 are not required 6.) Holy order 7.) Marriage

Who was Suleman the great?

- was the leader of ottoman empire when it reached its peak

about Mughal empire

- were also Islamic - was a gunpower empire along with safavid and ottoman

About constantinople

-was the center of the ottoman empire - now it is called instanbul

slavery in US compared to the carribean

1.) Caribbean - live maybe 5 years working on sugar plantations in barbados - landowners were absent - lots of slave revolts 2.) U.S. - lived way longer and more chill - landowners were usually home and some were nice to their slaves - way less slave revolts

Who were the Renaissance humanists?

1.) Copernicus (polish) (astronomy) 2.) Galileo (Italian) (astronomer) 3.) Isaac Newton (Englishman) (physicist)

About mayas, incas, and aztecs

1.) Mayas - predicted solar eclipses - had a written language (hieroglyphs) - went in decline when the Spanish arrived 2.) Aztecs - did human sacrifice 3.) Incas - were not in a steep decline

About mecca and medina

1.) mecca - pilgrimage by Muslims to here every year - Muhammad was born here 2.) Medina - Muhammad died here

What did John Calvin believe in?

1.) predestination (people before they are born are predestined to go to heaven or hell 2.) election (god decides) 3.) no free will

What were the 5 pillars of islam?

1.) profession of faith 2.) prayers 3.) alms 4.) fasting 5.) pilgrimage to Mecca

What led to the ming dynasty falling

1.) spending problems 2.) fiscal probems (wars) 3.) enviromental problems

What is the index of forbidden books?

A list of works that Catholics were forbidden to read

What is St.Bartholomews day massacre?

A six-week nationwide slaughter of Huguenots (french protestants)

what are devsirme?

Christian boys that were recruited by the force to serve for the ottoman government

Who painted the Mona Lisa?

Da Vinci

Who painted the last supper?

Da Vinci

Who painted the virgin child with Saint Anne

Da Vinci

What are jannissaries?

Elite force of soldiers loyal to the sultan that recieved a salary

What are "converses"

Jewish converts

Indulgences of the catholic church

Many priests had prostitutes and didn't live up to the way God wanted them to in the bible

Who had more chiller ideas: John Calvin or Martin Luther?

Martin Luther

Who painted David?


Who painted pieta?


Who painted the sistine chapel


What are "Moriscos"?

Muslim converts

Who was the Founder of the society of Jesus (or the Jesuits)?

St.Ignatius of Loyola

What is Isfahan?

The capital of the Safavid empire

why did the safavid and ottoman empires hate each other?

Wanted control of territory and they had major religious differences

What was the battle of lepanto?

When a fleet of Christians inflicted major defeat on the Ottoman Empire

What was the reconquista?

a series of battles by christian states to expel the muslims (moors)

What is a piazza and portico

a word used to describe covered walks or spaces supported by columns

What was the treaty of tordesillas?

agreement between Spain and Portugal aimed at settling conflicts over lands newly discovered or explored by Christopher Columbus and other late 15th-century voyagers.

What was the diet of worms?

an imperial diet of the Holy Roman Empire

What is the priesthood of the believer

asserts that all humans have access to god through christ and don't need a priest

Who was ozman gazi

founder of the Ottoman Empire

What were huguenots

protestants who followed the teachings of John Calvin

What was the council of Trent?

the formal Roman Catholic reply to the doctrinal challenges of the Protestant Reformation

Great wall of China purpose

to protect themselves from the Mongols in the north

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