History Chapter 10 Essay questions

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How did New Rome and Third Rome come to power?

New Rome and Third Rome came to power with great leaders. New Rome's first leader was Constantine. Constantine wanted to start fresh and created the first christian capital named constantinople. After Constantine came Justinian who created a legal system called Justinian's code and built the Hagia Sophia. Justinian also restored the western empire. For the Third Rome Moscows first leader was Ivan III. Ivan III wanted to keep the Byzantine culture alive. Ivan III married a Byzantine Princess and made the Byzantine symbol into the Russian symbol. After Ivan III came Ivan IV and he got rid of the Mongols (tatars). Ivan IV was also a strong military leader which helped Moscow come into power.

What were some of the lasting legacies left behind by early Russian leaders?

There are many lasting legacies left behind by early Russian leaders. Prince Vladimir converted Kievan Rus to Christianity which brought culture, education, and architecture. Prince Vladimir also brought the cyrillic alphabet to Kievan Rus. Yarslov brought cultural height to Kievan Rus and he also had political marriages. Yarslov made a legal system and advanced the school systems. Ivan III expanded Kievan Rus and made it into the Third Rome. Ivan IV got rid of the Mongols and expanded territory.

what were some disagreements between the eastern and the western churches that cause the Great Schism?

There were many disagreements between the eastern and western churches that caused the Great Schism. One disagreement was about the use of icons. The western church thought icons were good but the eastern church believed that it was against the 10 commandments. Leo III sided with the east and sent Iconoclasts to go and destroy all icons which made the west mad. Then the Council of Nicaea made it okay to have icons as long as you don't worship them. Another disagreement was about religious authority. The Pope and Emperor believed that they had religious authority. One day the Pope got attacked by Lombards and asked the Emperor for help, but he said no. So the Pope asked the Franks for help and afterwards named Charlemagne the emperor, who was the leader of the Franks, in 800 AD Christmas day. These two disagreements starting separating east from west and when Charlemagne was named emperor the Great Schism occurred. The East was now called the Eastern Orthodox and the West was called Roman Catholic church.

What were the primary causes of the decline of the Byzantine Empire?

There were many primary causes of the decline of the Byzantine Empire. One cause was that there were many invasions. There was also religious disagreement and a new religion was known, Muslim. There was high taxes because Justinian wanted to restore the western empire. Mehmed II also brought cannons and destroyed Constantinople in 1453.

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