History Chapter 16

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Ferdinand Magellan

A Portuguese sailor working for Spain who started a three-year voyage around the world in 1519; died in the Philippines and his crew finished the voyage; only one ship returned and proved the world was round

Francisco Pizarro

A Spaniard who conquered the Inca Indians of Peru between 1531 and 1533

Leif Ericson

A Viking explorer who may have sailed to America around A.D. 1000

caste system

A strict social structure set up by the Aryans that included Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras

Northwest Passage

A supposed water route through North America to the Pacific

Taj Mahal

A tomb built by the Mogul emperor Agra for his favorite wife

Henry Martyn

An English missionary to India

Who was the greatest ruler of the Mauryan Empire? What religion did he promote?

Asoka; Buddhism

Why is India called a subcontinent?

Because of its size and relative isolation.

What are the five fundamental virtues of Confucianism? What relationship did Confucius leave out?

Benevolence, justice, wisdom, politeness, and good faith; man to his Maker

Jacques Cartier

Between 1534 and 1535 led an expedition that discovered the St. Lawrence River

Han dynasty

Dynasty that marked the height of ancient China's power and glory

Who built the first united Chinese empire? What dynasty did he establish?

Emperor Ch'in; Ch'in dynasty

Hernando de Soto

Explored the southern United States, including Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana; discovered the Mississippi River in 1541

Henry Hudson

In 1609 an English navigator sailing for the Dutch who discovered Delaware Bay and the Hudson River and claimed the area for Holland

Describe some of the teachings of Buddha.

Man's righteousness is the path to perfect peace and happiness; man can work toward the goal of reaching nirvana by breaking any attachment to worldly, material things.

Name the two dynasties that fought to hinder European influence and trade in China between the 1300s and the 1800s.

Ming and Ch'ing

Why is the Modern Age sometimes called the European Age?

Modern European civilization has so profoundly influenced the world.

Who became the first Englishman to sail around the world? What name did he give to California?

Sir Francis Drake; Nova Albian (New England)

Who invented paper and when?

T'sai Lun; A.D. 105

William Carey

The "Father of Modern Missions"

Prince Shotoku

The "founder of Japanese civilization" whose greatest accomplishment was the establishment of a "constitution"

Shang dynasty

The Chinese dynasty that developed a system of writing

Shih Huang Ti

The Chinese emperor who started the Ch'in Dynasty and built the first united Chinese empire

T'sai Lun

The Chinese inventor of paper


The Chinese teacher who emphasized harmony with nature in his teachings known as Taoism

Robert Cavalier de la Salle

The French explorer who sailed down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico and claimed the entire Mississippi Valley for France in 1682 and named it Louisiana in honor of King Louis XIV

Christopher Columbus

The Italian-born adventurer that discovered America in 1492 on a voyage sponsored by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain

Genghis Khan

The Mongol emperor who ruled the largest empire in history

Mogul Empire

The Muslim empire that ruled India from 1526 until the 1700s when the British East India Company came to power

Pedro Cabral

The Portuguese navigator who discovered Brazil in 1500

Bartolomeu Dias

The Portuguese navigator who sailed around the southern end of Africa (the Cape of Good Hope) in 1487

Prince Henry the Navigator

The Portuguese prince who was consumed with navigation and sent many ships on explorations; third son of King John I; developed the caravel ship that could sail against the wind; utilized instruments such as the compass and astrolabe

Hernando Cortes

The Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztec Indians of Mexico by 1521

Townsend Harris

The ambassador who negotiated the treaty that opened Japan to Christian missionaries


The clan of Japan's emperors

Ch'in dynasty

The dynasty that built the first united Chinese empire

Sir Francis Drake

The first Englishman to sail around the world between 1577 and 1580

Vasco da Gama

The first European to reach the Far East by sea; his voyage to India marked the beginning of European influence in Asia

Marco Polo

The first European to travel the whole length of Asia; son of an Italian merchant who accompanied his father and uncle on a trip to China; visited Indonesia in 1292

Robert Morrison

The first Protestant missionary to China

John Cabot

The first explorer to reach the North American mainland in 1497; an Italian navigator in the service of King Henry VII of England; staked England's claim to Newfoundland

Amerigo Vespucci

The first man to realize that Columbus had discovered a new continent; an Italian seaman who claimed to have made four voyages to the New World

Jamestown, Virginia

The first permanent English settlement in the New World

Samuel de Champlain

The founder of Quebec, the first permanent French colony in the New World in 1608; known as the "Father of New France"

J. Hudson Taylor

The founder of the China Inland Mission

Maurya Empire

The greatest ruler of this empire, Asoka, controlled over two thirds of the Indian subcontinent and promoted Buddhism

Roanoke Island

The location where Sir Walter Raleigh founded a colony

Commodore Matthew Perry

The man who persuaded Japan to open its harbors for trade

What part of the New World did France concentrate on exploring? Did she keep her New World possessions?

The northern half; no


The oldest surviving religion of Japan

Great Silk Road

The road that linked China with the Roman world

Cape of Good Hope

The southern end of Africa around which Bartolomeu Dias navigated

What spirit stirred England during the Elizabethan Age? How would this affect the destiny of America?

The spirit of individual freedom and responsibility stirred England. The men who believed in individual freedom and responsibility, who were willing to die for the privilege of passing their freedoms to their posterity, who believed that God had reserved the New World as a haven from tyranny - these were the men who founded the United States of America.


The supposed appearance of a soul after death in another body

Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria

The three ships on Christopher Columbus's first voyage

Age of Exploration

The time period when the people of Europe began in earnest to explore all the oceans and continents of the world

Great Wall of China

The world's longest fortification built primarily for protection from the Huns

How did the crusades lead to the Age of Exploration?

They revived European interest in trade with the East.

Why was the caste system formed? Name the four traditional castes.

To control the native Indian population; Brahmans, Kshartriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras

Hinduism and Buddhism

Two religions that originated in India

Who actually did become the first European to reach the Far East by sea? When?

Vasco da Gama; 1498

Who may have made the first discovery of America? When?

Vikings led by Leif Ericson; around A.D. 1000

Indus River Valley

Where Indian civilization first arose about 2000 B.C.

Name the clan of Japan's emperors.


List some inventions of early Asian people.

wheel, saddle, harness, chariot, paper


A Chinese philosopher who saw high standards of morality to be the savior of the society

Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet

A Jesuit missionary and a fur trader respectively, that explored the central Mississippi River in 1673

Name six religions that began in Asia. How are they similar? What have been the results of these false religions?

Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Shinto, and Taoism began in Asia. Each rejects the one, true God of the Bible, and embraces the worship of false gods. Countless people have been left in spiritual darkness, forced to work out their own salvation.

"New France"

Canada, the Great Lakes region, and the Mississippi Valley

What are two key events of the Modern Age?

Columbus's discovery of America; England's defeat of the Spanish Armada

Name three French explorers and describe their accomplishments.

Giovanni de Verrazano explored to the eastern coast of North America; Jacques Cartier discovered the St. Lawrence River; Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec; Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet explored the central Mississippi River; Robert Cavalier de la Salle claimed the entire Mississippi Valley for France.

Which European nation established a colony at Hong Kong? When?

Great Britain; 1841

Which dynasty began a golden age of Indian culture? What religion became prevalent during this dynasty?

Guptas; Hinduism

Which dynasty marked the height of Chinese power and glory? What religion became a strong cultural force in China during this dynasty?

Han; Buddhism

What does Taoism teach?

Harmony with nature

Describe the religious motives of Christopher Columbus.

He wanted to use the wealth of the Orient to finance one more crusade to capture the Holy Land from the Muslims. He wanted to lead the crusade himself.

Where did the first known Chinese civilization develop?

Hwang Ho Valley

Explain the significance of England's defeat of the Spanish Armada to American history.

If Spain had won that battle, England might have ceased to be an independent country. There may have been no Protestant English colonies in America, and the United States of America might not exist as we know it today.

Vasco de Balboa

In 1513, the Spanish explorer who crossed the Isthmus of Panama and discovered the Pacific Ocean

Ponce de Leon

In 1513, the explorer who made the first Spanish landing on the North American mainland (Florida); was searching for the "fountain of youth"

Francisco Coronado

In 1540-1542 explored the southwestern United States, including Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas; one party of his men discovered the Grand Canyon

Juan Cabrillo

In 1542 a Portuguese employed by Spain explored the coast of California

Giovanni de Verrazano

In 1542 an Italian who explored the east coast of North America for France

Where did the first Indian civilization develop? Name and describe two ancient cities located there.

In the Indus River Valley; Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro-they were prosperous and advanced; streets and drainage were carefully planned; houses were made of bricks; some indoor plumbing; spinning and weaving industries

What religion did the Mogul Empire promote?

It promotes Islam.

Name the first European to travel the length of Asia.

It was Marco Polo.

What Spanish king probably controlled more of the surface of the earth than any other human being in history?

It was Philip II.

For whom was America named?

It was named for Amerigo Vespucci.

Who was the first explorer to reach the North American mainland? For whom did he explore? What area did he explore?

John Cabot; England; eastern coast of North America from Labrador to Virginia

Who agreed to assist Columbus?

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed.

Who established the Yuan dynasty?

Kublai Khan, Genghis Khan's grandson

Hong Kong

Location of a colony established by Great Britain in 1841


One of the best-known Africans to join the Spanish explorers on expeditions

Who developed the first movable type? When? Why was it not practical?

Pi Sheng; 1045; because the Chinese language has thousands of characters

Name some basic Hindu beliefs. What is the goal of Hinduism?

Polytheism, animal worship, reincarnation, nirvana; to identify so closely with nature that one loses all consciousness of his individual spirit and will and becomes one with the universal spirit

Name three Spanish explorers and conquerors and describe their accomplishments.

Ponce de Leon made the first Spanish landing on the North American mainland; Vasco de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama and discovered the Pacific ocean; Ferdinand Magellan embarked on a three-year voyage around the globe; Hernando Cortes conquered the Aztec Indians; Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca Indians of Peru; Francisco Coronado explored the southwestern United States, discovering the Grand Canyon; Hernando De Soto explored the southern United States, discovering the Mississippi River; Juan Cabrillo explored the coast of California

In what nation did the Age of Crusades merge with the Age of Exploration?


Name the colony founded by Sir Walter Raleigh. What happened to it?

Roanoke; disappeared without a trace

What was Christopher Columbus's plan for reaching the Far East?

sailing westward across the Atlantic Ocean

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