History Content Exam (233) 7-12

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A historian would most likely use the term aristocrat in a study of — A.the social causes of the French and Russian revolutions. B.the struggle for women's suffrage in 20th century United States. C.the globalization of the world's economy. D.the early settlement of Australia.

Answer: A Why? The term aristocrat would be used in a historian's study of the French and Russian revolutions.

In December of 1941 the United States entered World War II. Which of the following was the immediate cause of the United States joining the war? A.A. the outcry over the Holocaust had become so intense the President Roosevelt decided to ask for a declaration of war B.the United States became upset when they learned that the supplies it had provided under the Lend-Lease Act were not being used efficiently C.Hitler declared war on the United States and the US responded D.the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor forced the US to finally enter the war

Answer D Why? The Japan attacked the US on US soil, the American people who had previously asked for neutrality were new ready and willing to engage in warfare as a response to Japanese aggression.

In 1945 President Truman ordered the use of the atomic bomb on Japan. All of the following have been argued as reasons for his decision, except: A.to counter a planned Japanese invasion of the west coast of the United States. B.to reduce the number of American military lives lost in further fighting. C.to demonstrate American superiority in weapons to the world. D.to force Japan into an unconditional surrender.

Answer: A Why? In 1945, Japan did not have the ability or any plans to invade the western coast of the United States. Since this is an "except" question you want to find the false statement. Since this statement is false, it is the answer.

Compared to most other states in the United States, Texas' population in 2012 was described as: A.younger and more diverse B.older and multi-ethnic C.politically more liberal D.less religious

Answer: A Why? In 2010, the percent of Americans under the age of 18 was 23 percent. In Texas the number is 27 percent. Texas' population overall is younger than the national average and is more diverse than many other states. The younger and more diverse population provides both benefits and challenges. Providing a quality education for so many school age children will be a challenge but statistics show that immigrants, who make up 16 percent of Texas' population, contribute positively to Texas' economy.

Fishing in Japan, coal mining in Wales, logging in Germany, and wheat farming in the Ukraine are all examples of: A.depending upon the natural resources of an area for economic livelihood. B.modifying the environment to meet the needs of the people. C.command economies dictating which products are to be produced. D.improved technology leading to improved standards of living.

Answer: A Why? People have always used their natural resources as a means to economic survival. Some geographic locations are more conducive to certain economic activities than others. It is only natural to assume that many people who live along coastal waters would make their living as fishermen. Others live near other resources such as coal mines or forests. Individuals in these locations might make their livings by mining or logging. There are also some places where the soil is so rich that farming is the natural choice of an occupation. The Ukraine is considered to have some of the best land for producing wheat and other grains. In addition to these examples, factories are often built near certain natural resources that they need to use to produce or they might be built along waterways or other transportation routes. These would allow a shorter time between the time of production and getting goods to market.

In 1823, President Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine. Which of the following describes the primary goal of this foreign policy statement? A.President Monroe wanted to end European intervention in Latin American political affairs B.President Monroe wanted to lay claim to vast territories in Canada C.President Monroe wanted to support European efforts to create more colonies in the Americas D.President Monroe wanted to secure funding to purchase Alaska from Russia

Answer: A Why? The Monroe Doctrine was issued in response to the aftermath of the Latin American revolutions. This document was to serve as a warning to European countries that the United States considered the Americas within the United States sphere of influence and would not tolerate interference from other nations.

The Triangular Trade Routes involved: A.rum, slaves, molasses B.rum, slaves, naval stores C.naval stores, timber, rum D.slaves, tobacco, rum

Answer: A Why? The Triangular Trade Routes were the trade routes that involved Europe, Africa, and the Americas. As part of the trade routes, rum, slaves, and molasses were used as currency and items of trade. These trade routes introduced African slaves into the Americas and later were replaced by the direct trade in slaves between Africa and the Americas.

Which of the following best explains the circumstances under which Reconstruction officially ended in the United States? A.ending Reconstruction was one of the issues used to resolve the disputed Presidential election of 1876 B.hostility towards African Americans in the south had disappeared and the federal government decided to end Reconstruction in 1877 C.most elective offices in southern states were held by African Americans and this condition made the need for Reconstruction obsolete D.the Supreme Court ended Reconstruction when it ruled that Reconstruction policies violated states' rights

Answer: A Why? The contested 1876 presidential election was decided based upon a compromise. A special election commission convinced the southern states to accept Hayes as president in exchange for ending Reconstruction.

Mercantilism was the economic system that dominated colonialism. In what ways were the Sugar and Tea Acts part of the greater British policy of mercantilism? A.American colonists had to buy sugar and tea from other British colonies rather than from other countries B.the British outlawed the growing of these items in the American colonies while encouraging them to be grown in other colonies C.the British negotiated treaties with the French and Dutch to ensure that American produced sugar and tea had overseas markets D.American colonists could only use gold and silver to purchase these items

Answer: A Why? This answer choice clearly demonstrates the relationship between the colonies and the Great Britain in regards to the requirement that sugar and tea must be purchased from British colonies.

As the Spanish and other countries settled in the Americas they mined large amounts of silver. This led to an influx of silver on the international market. Which of the following best explains the result of this influx of silver? A.The influx of silver created huge inflation in Spain and led to the ultimate decline of the Spanish Empire. B.The influx of silver from the Americas allowed for government investment in the European industrial revolution. C.The influx of silver from the Americas funded the Crusades. D.The influx of silver to Europe funded the Napoleonic Wars.

Answer: A Why? Too much wealth was a bad thing for the Spanish economy. Over time, increased amounts of silver meant a decrease in its value and a decrease in the status of the Spanish Empire.

Which of the following best describes the role that Mohandas Gandhi (1869 - 1948) played in Indian history? A.Gandhi developed the plan for the partition of India between Hindus and Muslims. B.Gandhi's call for peaceful, non-cooperation led to world wide support for Indian independence from Great Britain. C.Gandhi served as the first Prime Minister of an independent India. D.Gandhi expanded Hinduism throughout India and made it the official religion of India.

Answer: B Why? Newspapers and magazines chronicled Gandhi's struggle to bring independence to India and international pressure helped them to eventually gain independence.

The Taiping Rebellion in China (1850-1864) and the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) were similar in that the rebels in both cases attracted popular support for their cause mostly by promising a. agrarian reform. b. universal suffrage. c. freedom of all religions. d. a return to monarchical rule. C 004

Answer: A Why? Option A is correct. Led by the messianic figure of Hong Xiuquan, the Taiping movement promised its followers a combination of heterodox quasi-Christian theology and communal or communist-like reforms, including an official ban on the private ownership of land and a promise of radical redistribution of agricultural land. Peasant land-hunger and dissatisfaction with high rates of indebtedness and abuse at the hands of large landowners were also major contributing factors to the events that brought down the Porfirio Díaz dictatorship in Mexico and launched the Mexican revolution of 1910. The post-Porfiriato Mexican government passed a land redistribution law (in 1915) and began transferring land from the rich landowners to the poor and/or landless peasants.

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry and the Dred Scott decision similarly affected the United States because they both a. made sectional compromise more unlikely. b. contributed to the formation of the Whig Party. c. eased tensions between the North and the South. d. upheld the doctrine of popular sovereignty. Competency 010—(Westward Expansion, the Civil War and Reconstruction)

Answer: A Why? Option A is correct. The Dred Scott decision was a landmark 1857 Supreme Court decision that stated that a person of African ancestry was not a citizen of the United States and therefore had no rights and would not become free by moving to a free state. The raid on Harpers Ferry was an attempt by abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in Virginia in 1859. Both events exacerbated tensions between the North and the South.

The location of early civilizations, such as Sumerian, Egyptian, Chinese, and Indus was most influenced by — A.the availability of fresh water. B.the availability of iron and bronze. C.easy access to building materials. D.easy access to trading routes.

Answer: A Why? In order for these early people to settle in these river valleys they had to have access to fresh water. Fresh water was needed for a variety of purposes including using it to cultivate crops, feed livestock, and for human consumption. If these locations had lacked fresh water then the early settlers would have chosen to settle elsewhere.

During the 1844 Presidential Election, James K. Polk proposed that the United States should annex both Texas and Oregon. Which of the following might explain his strategy for proposing these actions? A.Polk hoped that this strategy would appeal to both voters in the north and the south. B.Polk wanted to show that he was strong on foreign policy and was not afraid of a potential war with Mexico or Great Britain. C.Polk wanted to gain campaign contributions from land speculators in the west. D.Polk hoped that suggestions for annexation of Texas and Oregon would divert attention from his questionable financial dealings in his native Tennessee.

Answer: A Why? Many Texas settlers had come from the south and had brought slaves into Texas (although it was illegal under Mexican law). The south primarily supported the annexation of Texas. Many Oregon settlers had come from the north (and they did not own slaves). People in the north primarily supported the annexation of Oregon. Together, Polk hoped to appeal to a broad array of voters. Polk did win states in both the north and the south.

Louis Pasteur's work during the second half of the nineteenth century in the new field of microbiology most influenced efforts to: A.identify the causes of diseases and develop effective means of disease prevention B.establish a sound scientific basis for the conduct of genetic research C.determine the role of mutation in the evolution of germs D.understand the chemical processes that govern the operation of human cells

Answer: A Why? Most people know that the milk in the supermarket is "pasteurized." This practice of heating milk to kill some bacteria comes from the work of Louis Pasteur. Louis Pasteur is known primarily for germ theory. His research led to the conclusion that many diseases can be treated by destroying the germs that cause the diseases. He also did extensive work in vaccinations including developing the rabies vaccine and the earliest vaccine against anthrax.

Which of the following political changes occurred in China during the Song Dynasty? A.the emergence of a scholar-official class based on scores on civil service exams B.the creation of an electoral system that replaced the monarch C.the Mandate of Heaven emerged as a political idea D.the military took control over both domestic and foreign policy

Answer: A Why? The Chinese civil service exam became the major factor in expanding the government official class. These exams required a vast knowledge of Confucius and those who passed the exams became part of the Chinese elite class. These officials controlled many aspects of government functions and were very powerful.

Which of the following best describes the importance of the Silk Road in world history? A.It established trade routes that spread from the Roman Empire to China. B.It was confined to land-based trade from China to India. C.It linked China and the Americas through an extensive sea route. D.It resulted in a unified political system throughout Asia.

Answer: A Why? The Silk Road was actually a series of several land and sea routes (originally called the Silk Routes) that connected various trading posts between China and the Roman Empire. Along these roads merchandise, such as spices and silks were sent from Asia to the Middle East and Europe. In addition to merchandise, the Silk Road was important for its role in cultural diffusion. Along these routes Buddhist merchants and missionaries traveled and spread Buddhism from India to China. The Silk Road was clearly established by 500 B. C. and continued until 1500 A. D.

Which of the following is a historian most likely to do first when analyzing a primary source document? A.compose a summary of the source B.identify the author and date of creation C.compare the primary source to other primary sources of the same event D.determine how the primary source fits into the historian's current research

Answer: B

Which of the following members of the US Senate co-authored the economic policies of President Ronald Reagan? A.Kay Bailey Hutchinson B.Phil Gramm C.Lloyd Bentson D.Jim Wright

Answer: B Why? Phil Gramm co-authored Ronald Reagan's economic policies.

Mrs. O'Connor wants to stress social studies skills in her eighth-grade US history class. For that reason she gives the students a pretest to measure these skills. Which of the following types of questions would best help her determine the level of her students' social studies skills? A.Questions from the content that they should have learned in sixth and seventh grade. B.Questions related to interpreting maps, graphs, and charts as well as primary and secondary sources. C.Questions that address the topics that she will cover the first marking period. D.Questions about current events.

Answer: B Since Mrs. O'Connor is concerned with the level of her students' social studies skills, her pretest should try to measure these skills. Important social studies skills include analysis of visuals and interpreting data and primary and secondary sources. Mrs. O'Connor should know from examining the TEKS which skills students should have been exposed to prior to eighth-grade US history. She should examine these and create an assessment that measures how well students know these skills. Since her focus is on skills, whether students can recall specific information is not a priority for this diagnostic test.

Which of the following ideas is contained in the Declaration of Independence? a. Citizens are entitled to petition the government b. Legitimate governments derive their power from the consent of the people being governed c. Economic conditions determine the course of history, making revolution inevitable d. Nations need a strong central authority to avoid discord and civil war Competency 014—(Government and Citizenship in U.S. History)

Answer: B Why: Option B is correct. The Declaration of Independence states "That to secure these rights [i.e., life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

Which of the following is true of polytheism and monotheism in ancient civilizations? A.All ancient civilizations practiced a form of polytheism. B.Most ancient civilizations practiced forms of polytheism while a few, such as the Hebrews, practiced a form of monotheism. C.Polytheistic societies slowly evolved into monotheistic ones. D.Monotheism was the dominant religious practice in most ancient civilizations.

Answer: B Why? Ancient civilizations believed in gods who could fulfill a variety of needs. Some gods were responsible for daily needs, such as productive crops, rain, and fertility. Other gods were called upon to protect cities and to grant favor in battle. Many of these gods called upon the people to make sacrifices and to pay homage to them. Some gods were seen as more powerful than others, but the majority of ancient civilizations believed in a variety of gods. Ancient peoples were willing to believe that different gods serve different villages and peoples. Some civilizations developed monotheism and had beliefs in one god. The Hebrews practiced a form of monotheism that is still practiced today. A few other civilizations did practice monotheism, but their religions died out and were replaced by new ones over time.

Which of the following best describes "blue laws" that were practiced in some states? A.a series of laws that made the sale of pornography illegal B.a series of laws that restricted the sale of certain goods on Sundays C.a series of laws that limited the ability of blue collar workers to unionize D.a series of laws that promoted environmentally friendly agriculture practices

Answer: B Why? Blue laws were laws in many states that limited the sale of certain goods on Sundays. The most common blue laws forbad the sale of alcohol on Sundays, but others made most retail transactions illegal on Sundays. Until the mid 1980s, Texas department stores and other retail outlets closed on Sundays. As a result of religious expectations that Sunday was a day of rest and that individuals should be in church on Sundays, many state and local governments passed laws that forbad the sell of numerous items on Sundays.

Once a historian chooses a topic for further research, which of the following steps would the historian do next? A.select the research methodology to use B.review the literature to determine any gaps C.develop research questions to answer D.create a system for organizing the data

Answer: B Why? Historians should review the literature to determine gaps or further questions for research before starting new research.

Mr. Clinton is beginning his first year teaching eighth grade United States History Which of the following should be one of the first things Mr. Clinton does as he prepares materials for his new course Obtain a copy of his class rosters and prepare seating charts, student folders, and other items for the first day of school Examine the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and released Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills and Texas End of Course Exams in order to study the objectives students are expected to master as well as the format that will be used to determine if they mastered the objectives Create a class calendar that includes school holidays, marking periods national and state exams as well as school events so that he can plan his units around these important and normally "distracting" events Create a diagnostic or pretest for his students to take the first day so that he can better plan for the res

Answer: B Why? New teachers have a variety of activities to do before the school year begins. Many are managerial -set up a room, determine where the bathroom is, find out when lunch is, and what is the code for the copy machine, but the number one priority is determining the instructional goals for the class. The learning objectives for most courses are clearly outlined in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills and the new End of Course Exams are the formats that should be used to measure if students have mastered the objectives. Teachers should analyze these documents (at all grade levels to understand where students eventually need to be) to understand what students need to know as well as the format in which they have to demonstrate their knowledge.

Which of the following political traditions can be traced to the Magna Carta (1215)? A.Electing representatives to a Senate. B.The concept of the king following the law. C.Publishing the law code so that everyone knows the laws and the punishments for breaking them. D.The creation of a government divided into three branches with each branch having some power over the other branches.

Answer: B Why? In 1215, King John of England was forced to sign the Magna Carta. King John was very unpopular with the nobles. The king relied upon the nobles to provide military and financial support to the country, but the king failed to recognize that the nobles had certain rights and privileges. Concepts of noble rights developed from earlier monarchs who extended common law throughout the country. King John lost England's control of Normandy and he taxed the nobles heavily to raise funds to try to recapture it. In 1215, the nobles rebelled and forced King John to accept the "Great Carta" which asserted that all individuals in England were required to obey the law (including the king). The Magna Carta also guaranteed the right to a jury trial as well as other basic concepts of due process.

One important factor in the expansion of the Inca Empire in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries A.D. was the Inca's a. complicated system of hieroglyphics that allowed for advanced communication among various peoples. b. extensive system of roads that allowed for communication and travel through the Andean highlands and between the highlands and the lowlands along the Pacific coast. c. standardized monetary system, use of credit notes and other financial instruments that facilitated long-distance trade. d. extensive importation of foodstuffs from Mesoamerica to support the population of the less fertile highland regions of the empire. Competency 007 Economics, Science and Technology in World History

Answer: B Why? Option B is correct. The Inca Empire is famous for its far-reaching and elaborate system of paved roads. Most were built and maintained through a system of labor obligations imposed by the Inca rulers on their subjects known as mit'a. The road system's original function was to move soldiers around the empire's mountainous terrain. However, the roads also played a crucially important commercial function and may have given the Inca state a measure of political and cultural cohesion by connecting the disparate patchwork of territories and ethnic groups that made up the empire.

In which of the following ways did the Neolithic agricultural revolution change the economic structure of world history? A.people participated in direct democracy B.people began to establish the concept of property ownership C.the government made the basic economic decisions for the community D.paper money became a common means of economic exchange

Answer: B Why? Prior to the Neolithic agricultural revolution, humans were nomadic and they spent the major part of their day searching for food. They hunted animals and gathered nuts, berries, and other edible plants. As time went on humans noticed that they could return to the same areas each year to gather food. Eventually humans decided to build homes and permanently settle. They developed the skills to plant and harvest specific crops and to domesticate certain animals for consumption. As humans settled the concept of private property began to emerge as certain bands, tribes, and families claimed certain pieces of land as their own. As time went on certain families were able to claim more land and eventually political power emerged for those who controlled large pieces of land. Land was then used as a form of payment both to the political leaders (kings) and as payment to those who were supportive of the king. The use of land as reward, wealth, and power first developed during this time period and then expanded throughout world history.

Which of the following served as major sources of labor in the English colonies during the eighteenth century?I. indentured servantsII. slaves primarily descended from AfricansIII. Native AmericansIV. European prisoners working off debts A.I, II, and III only B.I and II only C.II and III only D.IV only

Answer: B Why? Since many colonies were founded for economic reasons, one of the major issues in early American history was where to secure labor to work the vast amount of "new" land. Europeans first tried to get the Native Americans to work as laborers, but for the most part Native Americans simply were not interested in serving as European "labor." They had their own land and ways of making a living and European farm life was not appealing. The English did import other Englishmen to the Americas to work. These individuals were called indentured servants and they had contracts where they agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for the costs of transportation to the Americas. Indentured servants were the primary source of labor in the Americas prior to the arrival of Africans in the early 1600s. Some of the Africans were officially indentured servants; however, by the late 1600s and early 1700s many colonies had passed laws declaring that those of African descent were slaves.Slave labor provided the majority of agricultural labor in the colonial period. In many of the counties in the southern most colonies African slaves greatly outnumbered those of European descent. As laws and economies changed, northern states outlawed slavery while southern states that most relied on large scale cash crops like tobacco and cotton continued to practice slavery.

The Great Migration began about 1910. Which of the following best describes the result of the Great Migration American society? A.The Great Migration caused a labor shortage in the south leading to higher wages for tenant farmers and sharecroppers. B.The Great Migration led to a concentration of African Americans in northern cities such as Chicago and Detroit. C.The Great Migration resulted in a shift of agricultural production from the south to the Great Plains. D.The Great Migration led to a loss of industrial jobs in northern cities as factories moved to southern states that had outlawed unions.

Answer: B Why? The Great Migration took millions of African Americans from the rural south to industrial cities in the north where they found employment in factories. This resulted in major demographic shifts in the United States which ultimately led to changes in economic and political trends in these cities.

Which of the following was a major development from the political theories of Enlightenment philosophers? A.support for women's suffrage increased dramatically B.the concept of a social contract between rulers and citizens strengthened C.the creation of a republican system of government emerged D.support for empire building increased

Answer: B Why? The social contract theory had been evolving for a few centuries (through the work of Hobbes and Locke) by the time that Rousseau used the title in one of his pieces Enlightenment works. Rousseau built upon earlier arguments and stressed that when rulers violate the social contract citizens have a responsibility to replace the ruler. This laid the foundation for the American and French Revolutions.

Which of the following women is considered to have contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War? A.Susan B. Anthony B.Harriet Beecher Stowe C.Jane Addams D.Harriet Tubman

Answer: B Why? arriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin which humanized slaves and led to great sympathy for the plight of slaves. The novel was read throughout the north and is considered one of the causes of the Civil War.

Which of the following was most associated with 19th century European nationalism? A.freedom of speech, religion, and press B.cultural romanticism C.scholasticism D.pragmatism

Answer: B Why? Cultural romanticism was seen in much of the art, music, and literature of this time and is associated with 19th century European nationalism.

José de Escandón played a different role than that of Francisco Hidalgo during the formation of early Spanish colonial Texas in that a. Escandón sought to convert American Indians to Catholicism by building missions, whereas Hidalgo insisted he must live among the Indians and teach religious practices. b. Escandón suppressed American Indian rebellions and established new colonies, whereas Hidalgo built missions throughout southeastern Texas to convert American Indians to Catholicism. c. Escandón advocated a policy of assimilation of American Indians through education, whereas Hidalgo showed American Indians how to employ advanced agricultural practices so they could remain independent. d. Escandón explored the southern Texas coastline and negotiated a colonial border with France, whereas Hidalgo built military forts in the Rio Grande valley from which to attack the French. C 016 Exploration and Colonizatio

Answer: B Why? Option B is correct. After the successful pacification of an Indian uprising in Querétaro in 1727, José de Escandón was selected to colonize land in Texas. Although he met with American Indian resistance throughout his expeditions, Escandón found success in establishing over twenty settlements along the Rio Grande. Francisco Hidalgo was a Franciscan missionary who came to the Americas to found the missionary College of Santa Cruz de Querétaro. Hidalgo later traveled to an East Texas mission and, when the mission failed, he became an advocate for missionary efforts among the Caddo Indians

John Calvin lived from 1509 -- 1564. Which of the following is most associated with John Calvin? A.His ideas called for complete separation of church and states. B.His belief in predestination shaped the Reformation in France, Scotland, and Switzerland. C.His outraged against the Catholic practice of selling indulgences sparked the Protestant Reformation in Germany. D.His teachings inspired his followers to join religious orders such as the Jesuits.

Answer: B Why? Predestination was the cornerstone of the Calvinist Church and was most influential in parts of France and Switzerland as well as becoming the official religion of Scotland (Presbyterians).

In ancient Greece, which of the following was the most common source of slaves? A.Most slaves were children who were purchased from their own parents. B.Most slaves were captured during warfare. C.Most slaves were women who were imported into Greece from Asia. D.Most slaves were hereditary and were born into slavery.

Answer: B Why? The Greeks, just like most other peoples, used captured and defeated peoples as slaves and prior to "modern world history" (defined as after 1400) this was the primary source of slaves for all societies.

The Persian Empire lasted from about 550 - 464 BC. Examine the following and determine which of these can be traced to the Persian Empire.I. United modern-day Iran under one rulerII. Established an extensive series of roads known as the Royal RoadIII. Ended the Babylonian Captivity of the Jewish peopleIV. Successfully conquered India and Greece A.I and II only B.I, II, and III only C.III and IV only D.I, III, and IV only

Answer: B Why? The Persian Empire united modern-day Iran under one ruler (Roman I), established the Royal Road (Roman II), and ended the Babylonian Captivity (Roman III). Since all three of these are correct and Roman IV is not, this is the correct answer choice.

Throughout the first half of the seventeenth century, the population of the Chesapeake colonies was notable for: A.its lower than normal death rate B.the low female to male ratio C.the high per capita income D.the high fertility rates

Answer: B Why? The earliest colonists were mainly men. Although the English government and companies tried to encourage women to move to the Americas it was not until the eighteenth century that the ratio of female to males began to equalize. Because there were more men than women, there were more single men and this caused a family life problem that was unfamiliar to Europeans - men who did not marry.

Sparta was one of the ancient Greek city-states. Examine the list below and determine which of the following aspects were associated with Sparta.I. Government by direct democracyII. Many freedoms granted to women including property rightsIII. Military training for boys began at the age of sevenIV. Culture dominated by philosophy and drama A.I and II only B.II and III only C.III and IV only D.I, III, and IV only

Answer: B Why? Women in Sparta were expected to be in superior physical condition and they had a great deal of social freedom to pursue exercise and other athletic endeavors. Since their husbands were often at war, women were given the power to run estates and to own property (Roman II). When boys turned seven, they were sent to military schools to begin training for military service (Roman III). Since both of these are correct and none of the other Roman choices are, this is the correct answer.

Which of the following describes a position held by most Enlightenment thinkers? a. Organized religion is at the root of all social evils and should be abolished b. Social and political problems can be solved through the application of reason to practices and institutions c. Children are better human beings than adults because society has not corrupted children's natural instincts d. Separation of powers and a system of checks and balances are essential for the functioning of a democratic government Competency 004 (World history from 1750 AD to Present)

Answer: B Why? Enlightenment thinkers generally believed that the principles of philosophical reasoning and scientific inquiry could and should be applied to the study of society and politics, in addition to the study of the natural world. Enlightenment thinkers questioned ideas and practices that were grounded in tradition or what they regarded as superstition, and they actively promoted the collection, systemization and dissemination of knowledge on all subjects. Political philosophers such as Locke and Rousseau explicitly based their prescriptions for improving society on a rational analysis of human nature and individuals' natural rights. Enlightenment-period works, such as Rousseau's Discourse on Inequality or Beccaria's On Crimes and Punishments, applied the principles of philosophical reasoning to specific social and political problems.

The United States Constitution as written in 1787 included an explicit provision for which of the following? a. The abolition of slavery b. A bicameral legislature c. Universal male suffrage d. Judicial review of legislative and executive actions Competency 009—(Revolutionary Era and the Early Years of the Republic)

Answer: B Why? Option B is correct. The Great Compromise (or Connecticut Compromise) settled a dispute between large states and small states about legislative representation by establishing a bicameral (two-chambered) legislature consisting of the House of Representatives, in which states were allotted representatives according to population, and the Senate, in which each state was allotted two senators regardless of its population.

United States foreign policy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was primarily designed to a. protect the country from foreign invasion. b. extend United States military, cultural and economic power abroad. c. isolate the United States from involvement in foreign disputes. d. compete with European countries in establishing colonies in Africa. C 011

Answer: B Why? Option B is correct. As an emerging world power the United States increasingly pursued its interests on a global scale. Although the country did not directly compete with the Europeans to establish colonies in Africa and Asia, it vigorously defended the role it had assumed under the Monroe Doctrine as protector of the Americas from European meddling, expanding that role through the Roosevelt Corollary. While historians may disagree whether U.S. policy was imperialistic or merely expansionistic, there is little question that such actions as building a navy, intervening in Latin America, going to war with Spain, annexing Hawaii and the Philippines, and aggressively pursuing economic policies abroad that favored U.S. businesses reflected an increasingly coherent policy to project U.S. power onto the world stage

Read the excerpt below from Bartolomé de Las Casas' A Short History of the Destruction of the Indies and answer the question that follows. Their reason for killing and destroying such an infinite number of souls is that the Christians have an ultimate aim, which is to acquire gold, and to swell themselves with riches in a very brief time and thus rise to a high estate disproportionate to their merits. It should be kept in mind that their insatiable greed and ambition, the greatest ever seen in the world, is the cause of their villainies. 10. Which of the following best describes Bartolomé de Las Casas' primary purpose in the excerpt above? Pardoning the excesses of conquistadors in the name of the king and queen of Spain Advocating for the rights of indigenous peoples Forgiving the actions of Spanish conquistadors who acted in the name of God Accepting the actions of the conquistadors as essential to gain rich

Answer: B Why? Option B is correct. De Las Casas' account was one of the first Spanish attempts to depict the unfair treatment that the indigenous people of the Americas (which he called the Indies) experienced in the sixteenth century. De Las Casas was a Dominican missionary sent to Spanish America who became horrified by what he witnessed there.

Which of the following established the practice of legally segregating White people from African Americans in the South after Reconstruction? a. Black Codes b. Jim Crow legislation c. The sharecropping system d. The Freedmen's Bureau Competency 012—(Political, Economic and Social Developments from 1877 to the Present)

Answer: B Why? Option B is correct. The term "Jim Crow" refers to state and local laws established after Reconstruction ended in 1877 that mandated racial segregation in public facilities in Southern states

Which of the following statements best describes the impact that Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin had on large cotton plantations? a. A decrease in the number of slaves and an increase in the amount of cotton processed b. An increase in the number of slaves and an increase in the amount of cotton processed c. A decrease in the number of slaves on large plantations and in the Deep South overall d. An increase in the number of slaves and a decrease in the amount of cotton produced by each slave Competency 015—(Economics, Science and Technology in U.S. History)

Answer: B Why? Option B is correct. Whitney's cotton gin (a contraction of the word "engine") revolutionized the cotton industry in the South, making it a tremendously profitable business. Cotton production expanded from 750,000 bales in 1830 to 2.85 million bales in 1850. This increase in production created a demand for more slave labor. A single slave took about 10 hours to separate a single pound of short-staple cotton fibers from the seed, but a team of two or three slaves (using a cotton gin) could process about fifty pounds of cotton in a day. Production of cotton exploded in the Deep South (places like western Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi). Slaveholders from the upper South sold enslaved Africans to plantations in the Deep South to help meet the demand for cotton production.

In the period circa 1300-1500 A.D., Islam spread to Southeast Asia primarily through a. warfare. b. trade. c. migration. d. forced conversions. C 005

Answer: B Why? Option B is correct. Islam first came to the island of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula as a result of the trade between South Asia and those regions. Muslim merchants from northern and eastern India, Persia and even Arabia, aided by occasional Sufi Muslim missionaries, are generally believed to have been the first agents of the spread of Islam in the region. By 1500, many rulers in Southeast Asia converted to Islam, partly in recognition of the already significant degree of Islamization among the local Malay population and partly to cement existing commercial connections with Muslim South Asia

Which of the following graphic organizers is most useful for comparing and contrasting attributes of the North and the South in the period before the Civil War? a. Histogram b. Venn diagram c. Tree chart d. Flowchart Competency 020

Answer: B Why? Option B is correct. Of those listed, a Venn diagram is the best graphic organizer to use to display the similarities and differences between the North and South. A Venn diagram can display possible logical relationships between different attributes.

At the beginning of the Civil War, Southerners believed all of the following, except: A.the Confederate States would get support from Great Britain B.the resources and supplies in the South would be sufficient to sustain the South throughout the war C.the Northern states did not have the resolve to fight a long war D.the Confederate States military leadership was superior to that of the north's

Answer: B why? The Confederate States considered their military options carefully. They knew that they had the leadership and resolve to fight a war against the United States, but they lacked crucial supplies that the north had. The south hoped to gain support from Great Britain and France, both of whom relied upon cotton from the south for their textile production. Unfortunately for the south, both Great Britain and France chose to remain neutral once the war officially began. Instead they started importing cotton in large amounts from India and Egypt (both under British control) to supply their factories. However, going into the war, the south believed that Great Britain especially would choose their economic dependence on the south's cotton over their diplomatic ties to the US.

The Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and the Glorious Revolution all contributed to British — A.concept of divine right of kings. B.development of political parties. C.evolution of parliamentary democracy. D.policies of imperialism.

Answer: C Why? The Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and the Glorious Revolution all contributed to the British evolution of parliamentary democracy.

The Punic Wars resulted in which of the following? a. Sparta emerging as the strongest of the Greek city-states b. Rome gaining full control of the western Mediterranean c. Augustus Caesar becoming the sole leader of the Roman state d. The Persian Empire trying and failing to conquer Greece Competency 001 (Ancient World Civilizations)

Answer: B. Why? The Punic Wars were fought between the Roman Republic and Carthage, a powerful state based in North Africa. By the early 200s B.C., Rome had achieved control of much of the Italian peninsula; Carthage had emerged as a formidable economic and military power in the western Mediterranean and had established territorial outposts very close to the Italian mainland. Between 264 and 146 B.C., Rome fought three major wars against Carthage. The best known of these is the Second Punic War, during which the Carthaginian general Hannibal crossed the Alps and invaded Italy from the north before eventually being forced to withdraw to North Africa. During the Third Punic war, Roman armies finally conquered and destroyed the city of Carthage itself, giving Rome uncontested hegemony over the western Mediterranean. Option A is incorrect. This answer choice describes the outcome of the Peloponnesian War (431-404) B.C. in ancient Greece. Option C is incorrect. This answer choice describes the result of the wars of the Second Triumvirate in Rome (32-30 B.C.) and the subsequent establishment of the Principate of Octavian Augustus. Option D is incorrect. This answer choice describes the result of the Greco-Persian wars of (492-449 B.C.).

A historian is conducting research with the immigration records in Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New York City. The historian wants to look for patterns in the demographics of immigrants as well as the people they are traveling with and where they plan on settling. Which of the following technology tools will be most helpful to the historian? A.a bookmark feature on the Ellis Island's website B.a web search engine C.basic database software D.presentation software

Answer: C

In studying the Great Depression, which of the following would be the best research question for a historian to investigate? A.What caused the Great Depression? B.How did the Great Depression end? C.How did the New Deal programs in West Texas impact farmers? D.How effective were President Roosevelt's New Deal programs?

Answer: C

Which of the following initial research questions would most likely use the inductive method of research? A.To what extent did African Americans participate in military battles during World War II? B.How did the Black Death impact demographics in Italy? C.What were the major concerns evident in letters written by rural women during the Great Depression? D.How did World War II impact the percentage of women employed outside the home?

Answer: C Why? This question is pretty broad and nonspecific. This type of research would require the researcher to read various letters from these women and then determine what major concerns they had during the Great Depression. This is an inductive approach where the researcher would start with the data and artifacts and then draw a conclusion.

After a lesson on vocabulary words about the United States government, which of the following instructional activities would best facilitate students' understanding of the term "separation of powers"? a. A reading on the Madisonian form of government including separation of powers b. A lecture explaining the reason behind Madison's idea of separation of powers c. A nonlinguistic representation of the roles and responsibilities of the three branches of government d. A summative assessment on the roles and responsibilities of the three branches of government Competency 022

Answer: C Why? Option C is correct. Displaying the working relationships of the three branches in a nonlinguistic representation, such as a graphic organizer or chart, would best facilitate students' understanding of the separation of powers because it would require them to process the information in a different mode

One of the reasons that Mexico granted Stephen F. Austin permission to start a colony in Texas was to a. keep the French from encroaching on Mexican territory. b. establish a base for Mexican expansion into the southern United States. c. create a buffer between Mexico and American Indian groups living to the north. d. enable Mexico to levy a tax on cotton exported from Texas. Competency 017—(Independence, Statehood, Civil War Reconstruction and Aftermath)

Answer: C Why? Option C is correct. Extensive land grants were given to families from the United States for two reasons. One was to protect northern Mexico from Native American attacks, particularly from the Comanche, and a second was to buffer northern Mexican states against the effects of westward expansion of the United States.

Which of the following is an example of a primary source? a. An encyclopedia article on Chinese culture b. A novel set in medieval Scotland c. A Korean War soldier's letter to his family d. A textbook on African history C 020

Answer: C Why? Option C is correct. Letters, legal documents, recordings and other sources of information that were created during the time period under study are considered to be primary sources. A Korean War soldier's letter to his family might contain information, such as personal statements about the war experience and eyewitness accounts of significant events, that cannot be obtained from secondary sources.

Since the Presidency of George H. W. Bush (1989 - 1993) the primary US foreign policy concern has been: A.securing peace with the nations that were once part of the Soviet Union B.the growing threat of civil warfare in Africa C.extremists from the Islamic world D.providing military and economic support for Latin American countries that have overthrown military dictatorships

Answer: C Why? Peace in the Middle East has been a foreign policy goal for decades, but it was not until the Gulf War that the United States realized that its primary foreign policy concern should be on extremists from the Islamic world. Saddam Hussein was not an Islamic extremist (although he was a dictator that had nothing to do with his religion), but the US involvement in Iraq and stationing US troops in Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries brought calls from extremists in some parts of the Islamic world to expel the United States from Islamic lands. These feelings have intensified over the years, resulting in the September 11, 2001 attacks as well as other terrorists attacks against the United States interests around the world.

The Spanish American War occurred in 1898. All of the following are effects of the war, except: A.the United States secured recognition as a world power B.the United States gained territory in Latin America and Asia C.the United States saw the power of journalists and newspapers on American affairs increase D.the United States entered a severe economic depression

Answer: D Why? This is a false statement. The US did not experience a severe economic depression as a result of the Spanish American War. Since this is the answer choice that was not an effect of the Spanish American War, it is the correct answer.

Mrs. Johnson is preparing a two-week unit on the Cold War. Which of the following would be the best way for Mrs. Johnson to assess students during the unit? A.Mrs. Johnson should use a written summative assessment at the end of the unit to determine student's understanding of the content covered during the unit. She should then provide students who failed the test with an option of correcting their incorrect answers for credit. B.Mrs. Johnson should have students create a PowerPoint of the Cold War to determine what they learned. C.Mrs. Johnson should create a summative assessment and then create mini-formative assessments to use throughout the unit to determine when students need remediation. D.Mrs. Johnson should have students write an essay over who "won" the Cold War.

Answer: C Why? Teachers should determine the summative assessment (based upon the standards) and then provide other formative assessments along the way to determine how students are progressing towards the summative assessment

Which of the following was a result of World War II in Texas? A.Voters elected only Democratic candidates. B.African Americans became the largest minority group. C.The economy of the state moved more toward industrialization. D.Population growth caused more people to move from the suburbs to the cities.

Answer: C Why? Texas remained largely rural until World War II, with cattle ranching, oil, and agriculture as its main industries. After World War II, Texas became increasingly industrialized.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the Texas economy - A.saw a resurgence of ranching, oil, and farming jobs B.shrunk to its lowest levels since the Great Depression C.became more diverse with the addition of high-tech jobs D.expanded its manufacturing industry to become the leading manufacturer in the nation

Answer: C Why? The Texas economy of the late 20th century had to transform in order to ensure Texas' competitive nature. Texas' oil and agriculture sectors began to shrink in the late 80s. High-tech companies, such as Dell Computers and Texas Instruments became major employers in Texas. This diversified economy ensured that Texas' economy remained strong.

Representatives from the thirteen states met in Philadelphia in 1787 to draft a new constitution. During this process many compromises were made. Which of the following resulted from what is now known as the Great Compromise?I. each state would have an equal number of senatorsII. slaves would count as 3/5 of a person in determining representationIII. the president would be elected by state legislatorsIV. representation in the House of Representatives would be based upon population of each state A.I and II only B.I, II, and IV only C.I and IV only D.II and III only

Answer: C Why? Under the new constitution, significant power was to rest in the hands of the federal congress. Due to this, states were fearful that they would be outvoted by other states. The original concept was to have a unicameral congress - made up of just one house; however, as a result of what became the Great Compromise the recommendations of both New Jersey (a small state) and Virginia (a large state) were merged together. The Great Compromise created a two house legislature - the House of Representatives and the Senate. Large states wanted representation in Congress to be based upon population (so they would have more). This was the idea in the Virginia Plan. Small states were fearful of being outvoted by larger states and they wanted the same system that existed in the Articles of Confederation - each state would have the same number of representatives. This resulted in the House of Representatives being comprised based upon population - the more people a state has, the more representatives they can send to the House. At the same time the Senate would be made up of just two individuals from each state. All bills had to be approved by both the House of Representatives and the Senate before it could be sent to the President for approval.

Which of the following historical eras was most shaped by the inventions of Robert Fulton and James Watt? A.Age of Exploration B.Renaissance C.Industrial Revolution D.Atomic Age

Answer: C Why? the Industrial Revolution was possible due to a variety of scientific and technological achievements including Watt's and Fulton's steam powered engines and ships. Other inventions such as the spinning jenny and other machines that allowed for machanization of labor and the rise of the factory system.

Which of the following describes a major accomplishment of Oveta Culp Hobby? a. As a political reformer, she helped lead the fight for women's suffrage and ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment b. As a lawyer and politician, she was the first African-American woman elected to the United States Congress c. As head of the Women's Army Corps during the World War II, she organized women from across the country to fill roles left vacant by men fighting overseas d. As a leader of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in Texas, she fought for equal pay for African-American teachers and against the state's discriminatory white primary elections Competency 018—(Texas in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries)

Answer: C Why? Option C is correct. After serving as head of the War Department's Women's Interest Section, Oveta Culp Hobby became the Director of the Women's Army Corps. The first to serve in the Army in uniform, the women under Hobby's leadership were organized to fill the roles of men who had been sent into combat during the World War II. As Director, Hobby was the first women to receive the Distinguished Service Medal and was promoted to the rank of colonel for her efforts

Which of the following was one significant result of the Texas oil boom in the early twentieth century? a. Other industries in Texas, such as lumber and railroads, experienced a decline in profitability b. High school enrollment dropped in Texas because many teenagers left school to make money in the oil industry c. The city of Houston grew from a small commercial center into one of the largest cities in the United States d. The state legislature moved the capital from Houston to Austin to avoid being unduly influenced by newly enriched oil producers C 018

Answer: C Why? Option C is correct. Houston became a center for refineries and petrochemical plants during the oil boom of the early twentieth century. Houston also benefited from the opening of a ship channel in 1914 that made the city attractive for industrial development. The town's population grew by over 500 percent between 1900 and 1930

All of the following are true of the Aztec Empire, except — A.The Aztec Empire had a complex writing system. B.The Aztec Empire built complex temples and other buildings. C.The Aztec Empire had a strong monotheistic religion. D.The Aztec Empire created a vast empire through conquest.

Answer: C Why? All Native Americans practiced forms of polytheism. Since this answer contains an incorrect statement, this is the answer.

Which of the following best describes the headright system as practiced in the early English colonies? A.The number of enslaved peoples imported was limited to 10 percent of the free population. B.The legal requirement that inheritance laws in the colonies required that the eldest son inherited the bulk of any estate C.The system of giving land to those individuals who paid for the passage of laborers who came to the colonies. D.The practice of allowing indentured servants to obtain their freedom in exchange for service in colonial militias.

Answer: C Why? Both the English government as well as the Virginia Company wanted to get settlers to the English colonies. One way this was done was to reward a parcel of land to those who came to the colonies or those who paid the passage for someone else to come to the colonies. This parcel of land was called a "headright." Due to the headright system, many indentured servants came to the colonies. Those who paid their passage received the headright as well as the labor of the servants for a set number of years. The headright system also encouraged the early importation of African slaves. Paying for the "passage" of a slave also entitled the payer to more land. It is important to note here that slavery in the colonies at this time was actually rare. It would be about 60 more years before the system of "American slavery" (lifetime enslavement of the slave and the family based largely on race) took root.

Which of the following best describes why some German governments supported Martin Luther's break with the Catholic Church? A.German princes objected to the Church's sale of indulgences B.German princes saw the break with the Church as a way to pull troops from the crusades C.German princes recognized that if they left the Catholic Church they would have more political autonomy to appoint their own bishops and church officials D.German princes believed that the Church exercised too much influence with the common people and wanted to keep the Church from influencing how the common people voted

Answer: C Why? German princes wanted more control over the political and religious affairs of their states.

Karl Marx is considered the father of communism. Which of the following best explains the contemporary economic and social conditions that might have influenced Marx's work? A.The agricultural revolution allowed for a massive increase in the production of crops. B.Governments passed laws that supported labor unions that arose during the Industrial Revolution. C.The working and subsistence living conditions of factory workers worsened as the wealth of factory owners increased substantially. D.Minimum wage laws were established throughout Europe.

Answer: C Why? Karl Marx saw the disparity between the wealth and living conditions of the owners and the workers and this shaped his economic philosophy. These conditions led him to propose that eventually the workers would take over the means of production and that the means of production would be shared with all the people for the benefit of all the people.

The rule of Emperor Napoleon (1804 - 1815) led to long-lasting effects throughout France, Europe, and the world. Examine the following and decide which of these can be traced to Napoleon's rule.I. the Napoleonic Code formed the foundation for modern French lawII. the Holy Roman Empire came to an endIII. the United States purchased Louisiana from FranceIV. Russia failed to become a powerful nation in European politics A.I, III, and IV only B.II only C.I, II, and III only D.II and IV only

Answer: C Why? Napoleon emerged as a military leader during the French Revolution and then he seized absolute power in France. He was finally defeated by European forces in 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo. The date of 1815 is considered a turning point in western history. Napoleon had conquered or controlled through threat or other means most of Europe from Spain to Russia. The two nations that he did not control in some way were Great Britain and Russia.His rule was considered a glorious time for France. He brought stability to France after years of revolution and turbulence with a standardized legal code (the Napoleonic Code). As Napoleon conquered other countries he deposed existing monarchs such as the kings of Spain and Portugal and the Holy Roman Emperor and he spread some of the revolutionary French ideas across Europe (such as freedom of speech and religion). Many common people saw in Napoleon freedom as he advocated a system of meritocracy rather than one based upon family birthright (Napoleon was born into modest means). When he replaced the kings of Spain and Portugal with his own relatives, this led to revolts and eventual rebellion throughout Latin America as people did not see any reason to remain loyal to a French monarch.A slave revolt and political revolution in Haiti led Napoleon to conclude that he did not want to be in the American "colonial" business and he decided to get rid of French colonies in the Americas. This opened up the vast Louisiana territory for purchase (which President Jefferson did).

One significant finding of the data in the 1920 United States Census was that for the first time a. immigrants outnumbered native-born Americans. b. there had been a reverse migration among African Americans as large numbers of African Americans returned to the South. c. the number of people living in urban areas was greater than the number of people living in rural areas. d. the number of women in the workforce was greater than the number of women who stayed at home. Competency 013—(Geography and Culture in U.S. History)

Answer: C Why? Option C is correct. According to the United States Census Bureau, the 1920 census marked the first time in which over 50 percent of the United States population was defined as "urban" (living in towns or cities with at least 2,500 people). The shift was largely the result of continuing industrialization of the United States economy.

By the mid-1400s, silver coinage had replaced copper coinage and paper money as the primary means of exchange in Ming China. The change had which of the following long-term effects on the world economy? a. Prices of gold relative to silver collapsed in Europe, leading to a worldwide economic depression b. Large numbers of Chinese silver prospectors immigrated to neighboring countries, such as Japan and Burma, where silver was mined c. Increasing demand for silver in China was eventually met by imports of silver produced in the newly opened mines of Spanish America d. The use of silver in jewelry and other decorative personal items was largely discontinued in East Asia C 007

Answer: C Why? Option C is correct. After initially continuing the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty's practice of issuing paper money, but finding that it led to inflation, Ming Emperor Yongle initiated a policy of currency reform that was aimed at phasing out paper money. Silver, which is scarce in China, had traditionally been imported mostly from Japan. This continued until the mid-sixteenth century, when the discoveries of vast new silver deposits near Potosí (in modern-day Bolivia) and Zacatecas (in modern-day Mexico) allowed the Spanish to begin shipping silver across the Pacific Ocean to China (usually with a transshipment point in the Philippines.) The change had a profound effect on the world economy, as it increased Europe's overall long-distance trade and greatly stimulated the consumption of luxury items in Europe. This contributed to the development of some of the commercial and financial practices and institutions associated with European capitalism.

Use the information on the map below to answer the question that follows. The dates on the map show the first documented instance of papermaking at each location. 28. The map above illustrates the concept of a. natural selection. b. acculturation. c. diffusion. d. adaptation. Competency 020—(Sources of Historical Information; Interpreting and Communicating Historical Information)

Answer: C Why? Option C is correct. Diffusion is often used by historians to refer to the process by which cultural traits, such as technology, are spread between two or more cultures across space. As shown in the map, papermaking spread throughout the Eurasian continent and later to the Western Hemisphere as cultures became more interconnected

Western African kingdoms, such as Mali and Songhai, became wealthy and powerful in the 1300s primarily due to their: a. key location in organizing and controlling the European slave trade. B.ability to control the spice trade between Europe and South Asia. C.role in the trade of gold and salt. D.supply of diamonds.

Answer: C Why? Songhai's and Mali's role in the trade of gold and salt provided a great amount of wealth for the people and countries of Mali and Songhai.

Many aspects of western culture may be traced to ancient Rome. Examine the following aspects of culture and determine which of these can be traced to ancient Rome.I. monotheismII. republican form of governmentIII. modern military structureIV. architecture using domes and arches A.I and III only B.II and IV only C.II, III, and IV only D.I, II, and IV only

Answer: C Why? This answer choice has three aspects of culture to examine: republican form of government (Roman II), modern military structure (Roman III), and architecture using domes and arches (Roman IV). In this case all three of these aspects of culture can be traced to ancient Rome. Republican form of government (Roman II) was evolved from democracy to deal with the large population in ancient Rome. There were too many citizens to allow for direct democracy, so instead citizens elected for representatives to represent them in the Senate - republican form of government. Modern military structure (Roman III) can be traced to ancient Rome as well. The Roman military created the military structure such as regiments that are still used in the western world today. Finally, architecture using domes and arches (Roman IV) developed in ancient Rome as well. These buildings such as the Pantheon served as models of architecture throughout the world. Since all three of these aspects of culture (II, III, and IV) can all be traced to ancient Rome this is the correct answer.

In the second half of the twentieth century, the term "Green Revolution" was used to refer to a. a change in consumer preferences worldwide in favor of organic or locally grown foods. b. the intensification of violence between Catholics and Protestants over control of Northern Ireland. c. the development of new agricultural chemicals and drought- or disease-resistant plant varieties to increase crop yields. d. the collapse of Communist governments in Eastern Europe in 1989 and the largely peaceful transition to democratically elected governments in the region. C 005

Answer: C Why? Option C is correct. Beginning in the late 1950s and early 1960s, agricultural scientists began systematically developing new crop varieties that were better suited to tropical and subtropical climates where growing conditions were suboptimal and yields had been low. Because many countries with rapidly growing populations (for example, India, Mexico, Brazil, and many African countries) were located in traditionally low-yield zones for major crops such as wheat or corn, the development of new plant varieties provided a major boost to these countries' agricultural industries. Coupled with the development of new and improved pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, as well as with increasing rates of mechanization, this development allowed for a dramatic, and still continuing, expansion of agricultural production worldwide; it also prevented the mid-twentieth-century predictions of massive food shortages and political upheavals from coming to pass.

In seventeenth-century North America, most British colonial settlements were located a. in the Piedmont region. b. in the Appalachian Mountains. c. along the Eastern Seaboard or near major rivers. d. on the Great Plains.

Answer: C Why? Option C is correct. In seventeenth-century North America, most British colonial settlements were located along the Eastern Seaboard or on navigable rivers (in places such as Boston, New York City, Philadelphia and along the Chesapeake Bay) because these areas were most accessible and most desirable for colonists who wished to trade with Britain.

Which of the following contributed most to the eventual disappearance of long-distance cattle drives in Texas? a. The withdrawal of Texas from the Union during the Civil War b. The construction of the Interstate Highway System c. The invention and popularization of barbed-wire fencing d. The destruction of land caused by the Dust Bowl of the 1930s Competency 017—(Independence, Statehood, Civil War Reconstruction and Aftermath)

Answer: C Why? Option C is correct. Invented in the 1860s and introduced in the West in the 1870s, barbed wire transformed the landscape. It was used by farmers, railroad companies and others to protect land from cattle and, increasingly, by ranchers themselves. Eventually, as the use of barbed wire expanded, it became increasingly difficult for cattle to move freely across the plains. Combined with other developments such as the extension of railroad lines deep into Texas and fear of the spread of disease by cattle driven cross-country, barbed wire contributed to the end of the open range and cattle drives in Texas

The provisions of the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819 affected Texas by a. making Mexico, including Texas, independent from Spain. b. recognizing Texas as a territory free from Mexico. c. giving Florida to the United States in exchange for the United States relinquishing claims to parts of Texas. d. establishing the boundary between the United States and Mexico along the Rio Grande. C 016

Answer: C Why? Option C is correct. The Adams—Onís Treaty recognized the United States seizure of Florida from Spain and delineated a boundary with Spanish Mexico that clearly made Texas a part of Spanish Mexico (and not of the United States). This aspect of the treaty ended uncertainty between the United States and Spain over the boundary created after the Louisiana Purchase.

Ancient Mesopotamia experienced frequent invasions that often resulted in the conquest or collapse of existing states. Which of the following factors was responsible for facilitating that tendency? a. The presence of an established network of paved roadways in Mesopotamia b. The ease with which potential invaders could sail down the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and attack settled societies in southern Mesopotamia c. The lack of major natural barriers between Mesopotamia and neighboring regions d. The vulnerability of Mesopotamia to seaborne invasions from India and Egypt via the Persian Gulf Competency 005 Geography and Culture in World History

Answer: C Why? Option C is correct. Unlike other civilizations of the ancient world (e.g., Egypt), whose geography afforded a degree of isolation and protection from foreign invasions, Mesopotamian civilizations developed in an area that was easily accessible to land-based invaders. Neither the Zagros Mountains to the northeast, nor the eastern Anatolian and Armenian highlands in the north were serious obstacles to invading armies, while the river valleys of the Tigris and the Euphrates and the coastal plains of Khuzestan in the southeast provided even easier ingress routes. Moreover, the mountainous and steppe regions surrounding Mesopotamia typically contained fairly large populations of warlike pastoralist peoples

One Cold War policy initiated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower's administration was a. sending American troops into any part of the world where communist forces were threatening an existing government. b. negotiating arms-reduction and trade agreements with the Soviet Union. c. increasing the United States' nuclear arsenal to ensure a military advantage over the Soviet Union. d. making human rights the central focus of United States relations with the Soviet Union. Competency 011—(The United States as a World Power)

Answer: C Why? Option C is correct. Eisenhower's administration initiated a change to United States military force structure (known as the New Look) that involved a rapid increase in the number of nuclear weapons such as missiles and bombs. Nuclear forces were cheaper than conventional forces and potentially much more powerful, and Eisenhower and his advisors believed they would give the United States a significant advantage in a possible conflict with the Soviet Union.

The Equal Pay Act, the Title IX education amendment, and the proposed Equal Rights Amendment were primarily efforts to improve the status of A.African Americans B.Native Americans C.Migrant workers D.Women

Answer: D

After determining that alcoholism in the United States is increasing, an organization wants to address this social issue. Which of the following describes how historical inquiry can be used to help the organization with their goals? A.researchers could analyze the different types of alcohol that people currently consume in the United States B.researchers could determine which groups of Americans are most likely to abstain from alcohol consumption based upon trend data C.researchers could present findings on the impact of prohibition on American consumption of alcohol during the early 20th century D.researchers could predict how different political, economic, and social reforms might decrease the rate of alcoholism based upon similar social phenomena in the past

Answer: D Why? History and human nature repeats itself. Understanding what historians have discovered about eras of high alcoholism in the past would help this organization understand what reforms worked and did not work in the past. This information could help the organization focus its reforms on similar successful approaches in the past.

The fall of the Soviet Union and the collapse of communism throughout Eastern Europe were caused by multiple factors. Examine the following and choose which factors influenced these developments.I. Pressure from the United States and other western nations upon the Soviet Union to increase political rights throughout their sphere of influenceII. Chinese pressure for the Soviet Union to end their involvement in AfghanistanIII. Gorbachev's policies of perestroika and glasnostIV. The results of political elections in Poland that elected Solidarity A.I, II, and III only B.II, III, and IV only C.III only D.I, III, and IV only

Answer: D Why? All three of the parts to the answer are correct. Pressure from the US and other western powers did lead to pressure for the Soviet Union to increase personal rights (Roman I). Some of these demands for political rights were met through Gorbachev's policies of perestroika and glasnost (Roman III). Finally, the election results in Poland where the labor union Solidarity won the majority of the votes (Roman IV) began a spiral of external events that ultimately led to not only Poland, but most other countries in the Eastern Bloc gaining freedom. These factors all contributed to the decline of both communism and of the Soviet Union

In preparing a unit on the "classical" era, a teacher would most likely prepare lessons about which of the following? A.the rise of Islam B.Japanese imperialism C.the Renaissance and Reformation D.Athenian and Roman culture and government

Answer: D Why? Historians divide the world's history into three major eras - ancient, medieval, and modern. Within these eras there are sub eras, such as classical history. Classical history refers to the era of ancient Greek and Roman history. These three eras in history are broad and are commonly accepted, even by historians from non-western regions. In general, ancient history includes the river valleys, early dynasties and empires of Asia; early Jewish and Christian history; and other cultural and political entities prior to about 600. The world began to change in 600. Islam spread and challenged many of the world's empires; trading kingdoms in Africa began to emerge as some of the wealthiest in the world; India and China developed strong trading empires; major American civilizations emerged; and Europe was dealing with the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of feudalism. This era from about 600 to 1450 is often considered "medieval history". Modern history emerged about 1450 (although some historians prefer the year 1492). During modern history the regions of the world began to interact in new ways as the Americas became part of the global dynamics. Also after 1450, Europe had a renaissance and reformation and began to conquer the world. Some historians refer to more current events as "contemporary" history, but many historians have rejected this term

In which of the following ways did merchants and bankers most contribute to the European Renaissance? A.They gained government support to pay for exploration missions to find new trade routes with the Indies. B.They loaned money to the Church so that it could open schools and spread literacy. C.They increased trade with the Asian world which led to increased exchange of ideas. D.They financed the art work of major Renaissance artists.

Answer: D Why? Merchants and bankers financed major artists and art of the Renaissance era.

Mrs. Parker is teaching a lesson on how Louis XIV impacted the culture of France and Europe for her tenth-grade World History course. Mrs. Parker decides that for one of the lessons students will go to the computer lab. All of the following would be appropriate activities for the students to complete, except: A.students can independently complete a teacher-created or approve webquest on the music, dance, and fashion of Louis XIV's court B.students can work in groups to explore a teacher-selected virtual tour of Versailles C.students can independently examine the online collection of artwork that depicts Louis XIV from the Louvre Museum's website D.students can work in groups to examine the types of webpages devoted to Louis XIV

Answer: D Why? This answer choice implies that students will be searching for web pages on their own and cataloging the types of web pages. First, searching for any web pages might not be a great activity because unless a school system has appropriate filters on the computers, some compromising websites about the personal life of Louis XIV might appear. Second, it does not sound like this activity relates to the cultural aspects of Louis XIV impact in France or Europe, so this probably isn't the best activity to do.

The European Industrial Revolution brought many changes in world history. Which of the following were effects of the European Industrial Revolution?I. demographic shifts that increased urbanizationII. improved methods of transportationIII. child labor in factoriesIV. increased European imperialism A.I, II, and III only B.II, III, and IV only C.III only D.I, II, III, and IV

Answer: D Why? The Industrial Revolution is considered the most important economic event in modern world history. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, people were rural and focused most of their energies on securing food for daily survival. Transportation and communication were slow and most people would be born, live, and die in the same village. After the Industrial Revolution began, huge population shifts brought individuals to urban centers in search of employment. Companies and governments joined forces to build new transportation and communication networks. In search of increased profits by limited wages, companies employed large numbers of women and children. This led to another great social change and a social issue that governments were slow to address. The boom in manufacturing (at first textiles) increased the need for both raw resources and for markets. Many European nations seized land in Asia and Africa to use as sources for raw materials and for markets for their manufactured goods. This increased imperialism led to rapid international changes.

Which of the following best describes the differences between the power of the Roman Catholic Church in Western Europe and the power of the Eastern Orthodox Church in Eastern Europe? A.The Eastern Orthodox Church held more political power than the Roman Catholic Church. B.The Roman Catholic Church exhibited more cultural influence than the Eastern Orthodox Church did. C.The Eastern Orthodox Church had more control over political affairs than the Roman Catholic Church did. D.The Roman Catholic Church exhibited more political influence than the Eastern Orthodox Church did.

Answer: D Why? The Roman Catholic Church was a major power player in European politics and participated in political affairs at all levels. Beginning with the crowning of Charlemagne in 800, the Roman Catholic Church crowned the monarchs of Europe. This symbolized that the Church and God sanctioned the rule of a monarch. Within European courts, bishops or other religious figures served as the advisors to the monarchs. The Pope had the authority to demand actions of various monarchs, such as the calling of the Crusades and the Pope could also excommunicate monarchs. When a monarch was excommunicated, it meant that all of the people in the country were forbidden to take communion. Monarchs would normally find ways to please the Pope rather than risk this.

Which of the following conditions allowed for the First Industrial Revolution to take place in Great Britain? a. The availability of oil and electricity to power factories b. The importation of slave labor from the American colonies c. The innovation of the assembly line for mass production of consumer goods d. The availability of easily accessible coal deposits and a well-developed transport infrastructure C 004

Answer: D Why? Option D is correct. Central and northern England, southern Scotland, and southern Wales in particular had large, relatively shallow deposits of coal. Key inventions of the First Industrial Revolution, such as the steam engine and new blast furnaces, allowed these abundant coal reserves to be harnessed in mining and industry. Due to its flat terrain and high population density, England also had a relatively well-developed road system. As the process of industrialization unfolded in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the road system was augmented by the construction of canals and railroads.

Which of the following factors contributed most to population growth in the British North American colonies between 1700 and 1770? a. New laws that increased the attractiveness of indentured servitude b. An increase in the importation of enslaved Africans c. Immigration brought about by agricultural decline in Europe d. Natural increase driven by farm families' growing need for labor Competency 008—(Exploration and Colonization)

Answer: D Why? Option D is correct. Historians estimate that between 1700 and 1770 the population of the colonies grew from about 250,000 to over 2 million. While many factors influenced this growth, the need for farm labor in the colonies in the eighteenth century was one of the most important factors. Most colonists lived on farms, and having more children to help them work the land allowed them to increase productivity, which in turn led to increased supplies of food to feed larger families. Demographers refer to population growth that occurs when the birth rate is higher than the death rate as natural increase.

20. Which of the following leaders is best known for urging African Americans to concentrate their efforts on improving their education and economic status rather than on an immediate struggle to achieve political and social equality? a. Malcolm X b. W. E. B. Du Bois c. Martin Luther King, Jr. d. Booker T. Washington C 014

Answer: D Why? Option D is correct. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Booker T. Washington argued that African Americans should pursue economic advancement as a first step prior to agitating for political and social equality. Although Washington believed that the social and political discrimination against African Americans in his time was wrong, he felt that African Americans should take a gradualist approach to combating it.

Which of the following best explains the relationship that Native Americans had with the French? A.the French primarily sought to trade with the Native Americans B.the French primarily sought to spread their religion to the Native Americans C.the French primarily sought to recruit Native Americans into their armies D.the French primarily sought to use Native Americans as sources of physical labor

Answer:A Why? Different European nations established different relationships with Native Americans. The Spanish sought to convert Native Americans and to use them for physical labor. The Dutch and French wanted to trade with them and the British wanted them to move. The British constantly pushed the Native Americans farther west. Unlike the Spanish, Dutch, and French, the English truly moved to the Americas to build permanent cities. They also did not want to interact with the Native Americans. The French however wanted to establish a strong trade network with the Native Americas so that they could take furs back to Europe. Furs were highly valued in Europe and the French sought to profit from their relationship with the Native Americans.

Which of the following events is best described by the quote, God, gold, and glory? A.the Spanish launching of the Armada against England B.the decision of Martin Luther to challenge the Catholic Church C.the founding of Catholic religious orders such as the Jesuits D.the sending of Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors to the New World

Answer:D Why? The conquistadors used religion as a pretext for exploration and settlement; however, their motive was to find actual gold reserves and to achieve personal fame and recognition for their exploits

A longitudinal study of the women's movement in the United States would most likely indicate that: A.federal laws have been more important to the women's movement than state laws have been. B.women received many rights before other minority groups did. C.in times of war, the women's movement has been hindered. D.the gains made by women have evolved over long periods of time.

Answer; D Why? The women's movement has been slow, but steady. In the 19th century women slowly gained the right to own property, then they gained the right to attend certain schools, then they gained the right to vote, then they gained the right to enter into contracts, then they gained the right to serve in the military, then they gained the right to serve on juries, etc. With each major "victory" a decade about a decade passed before the next milestone in women's rights occurred.

In 1778 the French formally recognized the United States and began to support the American cause for independence with money, supplies, and troops. All of the following led to French support of the American cause, except: A.the Americans defeated the British at the Battle of Saratoga leading France to believe that the Americans were in fact capable of military victory B.the French wanted to weaken their longtime enemy the British Empire C.Benjamin Franklin's skill at diplomacy charmed all levels of French society leading to the King supporting Franklin's request for assistance D.King Louis XVI wanted to ensure that Great Britain had few troops protecting their homeland so that the French could invade Great Britain

Answer; D Why? Although warfare between Great Britain and France did erupt in Europe, an invasion of Great Britain was not an intent of the French when they agreed to support the United States. Since this is the false statement, it is the correct answer for this except question.

A historian would need to cite all of the following sources of information EXCEPT: A.quotations from a blog B.data from a census record C.common knowledge found in multiple sources D.a speech given in a public arena


After a historian interviewed a Mississippi man about his experiences in a segregated school, which of the following steps should the historian take to gather more information to support the claims made by the interviewee? A.interview the man's friends and family B.review the decisions in Brown vs. Board and other court cases C.examine school records about the different schools in the system D.explore oral histories of others who attended other segregated schools in Alabama


A teacher who wishes to incorporate historiography into a history lesson should present students with a a. study of maps and mapmaking. b. study of legislative documents. c. variety of interpretive sources. d. collection of primary documents. Competency 022—(History Instruction and Assessment)

answer: C why? Option C is correct. Historiography involves the study of the methodology and changing interpretations of history as a discipline. Studying a variety of interpretive sources would provide students with examples of the differing ways that historians study and write about certain topics.

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