History Exam

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The invention that transformed the Southern economy was

The Cotton Gin

Which of the following is not true of the Kansas - Nebraska Act

it rendered void the terms of the Compromise of 1850

Which musical art form originated in the US


The global Spanish flu epidemic of 1918

killed five times the number of Americans as died of combat in France

Stephen Douglas' advocacy of popular sovereignty in the Kansas-Nebraska Act ignited rather than dispelled the flames of sectionalism. Popular sovereignty sought to?

let the residents of Kansas-Nebraska areas determine their own laws on slavery through elections

As Italy invaded Ethiopia and Japan invaded China, the Roosevelt administration

limited its actions to feeble warnings and moral outrage

At the outset, President Lincoln held that the Civil War was being fought to

preserve the Union

Suspension of the writ of habeas corpus for all people living between Washington and Philadelphia provides evidence of which of the following

presidential power increase during the Civil War

Germany's notorious Zimmermann telegram

proposed an alliance with Mexico id the US declared war on Germany

During the Civil War, Kansas and Missouri were

ravaged by guerilla bands from both sides

Attitudes in the US toward Jews fleeing persecution during WWII were reflected in the

refusal to relax immigration restrictions for Jews

The Tennessee trial of John T Scopes in 1925 illustrated a conflict concerning

religious beliefs and scientific theories

At the outbreak of both WWI and WWII, public opinion in the US favored

remaining neutral

What did the Fugitive Act state

runaway slaves had to be returned to their rightful masters

Southern states threatened this if Lincoln was elected


In his inaugural address, FDR said that if Congress did not pass the laws he believed, he would

seek wartime emergency powers to carry our the measures himself

One result of the "Dust Bowl" was that

several million people on the Plains abandoned their farms and moved West

The Battles of the Coral Sea and Midway were significant in

stemming the tide of Japanese advances in the Pacific

During the early 1040s, the US aided the Soviet Union mainly in order to

strengthen Soviet resistance to Nazi Germany

As the Civil War began, the North had all of the following advantages EXCEPT

superior military leadership

All of the following were part of American economic policy during the 1920s EXCEPT

support of public works projects

Which of the following Union objectives proved to be the hardest and took the longest to accomplish?

taking Richmond

John T Scopes was accused of the crime of

teaching Darwinian evolution in the public schools of Tennessee

In Dred Scott V Sanford, the Supreme Court ruled that

the Missouri Compromise violated the Constitution

Which of the following was a false promise form Hitler not to take any more land in Europe

the Munich Pact

The greatest winner in the Compromise of 1850 was

the North

Which of the following was agreed to at the Yalta Conference (1945)

the Soviet Union agreed to enter the war against Japan once Germany was defeated

The Most divisive and controversial aspect of the slavery issue during the first half of the nineteenth century was

the status of slavery in territories

The anti-imperialists in the 1890s opposed US acquisition of an empire for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

the vast majority of Americans opposed such empire-building

Which of the following does NOT correctly describe the Progressive's

they represented farmers and the working class

A key issue in the Lincoln-Douglas Debates ws

whether the people of a territory could prohibit slavery in light o f the Dred Scott Decision by the Supreme Court

The US became involved in WWII primarily because

Germany and Japan achieved important military successes in Europe and Asia

The US policy of Len-Lease in 1940 benefited what allied nation the most

Great Britain

Who won the election of 1860


In waging war against Japan, the US relied mainly on a strategy of

"island hopping" from the South Pacific to within striking distance of Japan

What amendment was added to the Constitution after the war that freed slaves?


What was the Lend-Lease Act

A policy allowing the president to provide arms to certain foreign countries

In the Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court ruled that

All of these choices are correct

What happened to bring about the passage in 1906 of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act

All of these choices are correct

The battle that allowed Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation was


Four of the following were manifestations of changing cultural values among Americans in the 1920s. Which is the exception?

Birth-control devices were legalized in all states, and abortion was legalized in some states

The Harpers Ferry Raid convinced white southerners that they

Could not live safely in the Union

What was the first major victory for the South

First Battle of Bull Run

In what country was the Facist party and government formed


Which of the following matched a nation with that it invaded in the 1030s -- before WWII was declared


"Who gained the nickname ""Stonewall"" for his great stand at the First Battle of Bull Run"


Which country invaded China in 1938 as part of a mass campaign of territorial expansion


The underlying issue that led tot he outbreak of war between the US and Japan in 1941 was

Japanese desire to annex large portions of China

The fanatical abolitionist John Brown made his first violent anti-slavery politics by

Killing 5 pro-slavery advocates in Kansas

All of the following were leaders of totalitarian governments except

Neville Chamberlain

The Compromise of 1850 had the effect of

Postponing and evading, rather than resolving, the problem related to slavery

What political party was born in Ripon, Wisconsin, about 1850?


Which state was the first to secede the Union

South Carolina

American went to war against Spain in 1898 because of all of the following reasons EXCEPT

Spain's refusal to discuss terms for peace

The terms states' rights refers to the belief that

States should have more power than the federal government

In issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, one of Lincoln's goals was to

Stir up enthusiasm for Union support in the War

The immediate cause of US entry into WWII was that the US

Suffered a direct military attack

The term "blitxkrieg" was a military strategy that depended on what

Surprise and quick, overwhelming force

In the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Stephen Douglass attempted to set up territorial government based on

The people of the territory's approval of slavery

Why were the western territories so politically important to both the North and the South

They would decide who had control in congress

Sea power played an especially important role in the Civil War in the form of the

Union blockade of the Confederate coast

The major battle in the western theater during the Civil War which had the effect of splitting the Confederacy in half was


Which of the following statements most accurately reflects Roosevelt's feelings toward the events in Europe prior to 1941

Wanted to help the Allies, but had to appease US citizens who opposed the war

The Spanish=American War resulted in which of the following

a guerilla war between Americans and Filipinos

The rapid growth of the automobile industry was made possible by

a ready market created by the rising standard of living and the increase of leisure time of the average American

Stephen A Douglas argued in his Freeport Doctrine during the Lincoln-Douglas debates that

action by popular sovereignty could keep slavery out of the territories

All of the following characterized the writing of the "Lost Generation" EXCEPT

an acceptance of decadence as the best way to survive in post-WWI society

Which of the following characterized the economy of the 1920s

an emphasis on cash rather than credit purchases

The main purpose of the lend-lease program enacted the US during WWII was to

assist countries fighting the Axis powers

The most accurate description of US foreign policy toward Japan is the the US

attempted to restrict Japan's growth and power

By the end of the 1920s, what had become the nations largest industry


A new feature of American business developed in the 1921 known as welfare capitalism. The essence of welfare capitalism was

company-provided benefits for workers

In WWII the Allied strategy, agreed upon by the US and Great Britain, was to

concentrate on defeating Germany first before turning on Japan

With respect to government-controlled public lands, Roosevelt generally favored

conservation with carefully managed development

Both the Teapot Dome and the Elk Hills scandals in the 1920s involved

corrupt leasing of government oil reserves to private business

Which is most commonly associated with the presidencies of Grant and Harding

corruption of public officials

The policy of imperialism in the US form 1890 to 1910 was largely the result of

demands for m=commercial expansion

A major reason for the US neutrality in 1930s was the nation's

disillusionment resulting from the WWI

The advocates of women's suffrage significantly increased their general public support during the Progressive Era when they put increase emphasis on the argument that women's suffrage would

enhance the likelihood of the successful enactment of other progressive reform causes

The main purpose of initiative, referendum, and recall was to

enlarge citizen's control over state and local governments

At the end of both WWI and WWII, the US

entered a period of extreme anti-communism that led to the persecution of many suspected radicals

Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom

favored small enterprise and entrepreneurship

General Grant planned to end the war by

fighting a total war to ruin the South's ability to fight

As a result of their work supporting the war effort, women

finally received the right to vote

The emancipation Proclamation

freed slaves only in areas in rebellion against the US but not in areas that remained loyal

The final Union war strategy included all of the following components EXCEPT

guerilla warfare

Which of the following was the MAJOR reason Truman used to justify us of the atomic bomb

he felt it would shorten the war and eliminate the need for an invasion of Japan

In 1933, the most immediate job facing President Franklin D Roosevelt was to

help the unemployed

President Wilson's response tot he singing of the Lusitania

included a speech in which he said that if Germany was responsible for the killing of any more Americans, then a state of war would exist between the US and Germany

WWII brought about all of the following changes EXCEPT

increasing the gap between the wealthiest and the poorest Americans

In the US during WWII, the role of women changed as they

made major contributions to the war effort by taking jobs in factories

Prohibition failed because

many Americans believed the law interfered with their personal freedom

The conclusion of the Sacco and Vanetti case suggested that

many Americans had an unreasonable dear of radicals and foreigners

The ideology of progressivism, insofar as it had one, generally

mixed a liberal concern for the poor with a conservative wish to control social disorder

In its decision in the case of Dred Scott V Sandford, the Supreme Court held that

no black slave could be a citizen of the US

Which does NOT describe the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII

outside California, there was strong public opposition to the internment policy

At the time of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the US found itself

partially prepared, in light of the fact that the nation's first peacetime draft had been in place

Margaret Sanger was significant to American social and cultural life in the 1920s as a promoter of

the birth-control movement

The Battle of Antietam was

the bloodiest single day's fighting of the war

Which of the following best describes the administrations of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge

the business of government is business!

The Red Scare of 1919 was influenced by all of the following EXCEPT

the continuation of WWI

The conflict over slavery after the election of 1852 led shortly to

the death of the Whig Party

Which of the following made the Soviet Union suspicious of the motives of the US & Britain

the delay in opening the second front in Europe

Three of the following were "firsts" in the 1920s. Which is the exception?

the first chain of newspapers

The 19th amendment granting women the right to vote was embraced by many Progressives because

the higher moral character of women would help clean up politics

The Harlem Renaissance refers to

the movement of African Americans artists, poets, and writers who expressed their pride in being black

One of the most important economic transformations in the years after WWI was

the shift in production from heavy industry to consumer goods and services

Which statement describes both the "Square Deal" and the "New Freedom"

they were the legislative programs of reforming presidents

One effect of the First Battle of Bull Run was

to increase the South's already dangerous overconfidence

Lincoln's plan for the besieged federal forces in Fort Sumter was

to provision the garrison but not to reinforce it

The US during WWII adopted all of the following strategies EXCEPT:

use of atomic bombs on Germany and Japan

The development of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima

was the responsibility of the Manhattan Project team of scientists and engineers at Los Alamos, NM

Theodore Roosevelt's chief criticism of the muckrakers was that they

were more adept at exposing abuses than at constructive efforts

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