history exam 3

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Republicans are ______ times more likely than Democrats to say that Fox is their main source of news


In the 1970s, the average reader devoted more than 30 minutes to reading the printed newspaper. That average is now ______ minutes.


Which amendment to the Constitution granted women the right to vote in the United States?


Approximately how many nonmembership organizations are registered with the Texas Ethics Commission?


Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution extended voting rights to eighteen-year-olds?


In the United States, the voter turnout rate in presidential elections tends to hover around ______ percent.


African Americans are an important part of the Democratic Party's coalition; nearly Blank______ percent of them regularly vote for Democrats


What percentage of party activists work within local political party organizations?

95 percent

Which of the following statements about negative ads and negative campaigning are true? (Choose every correct answer.)

Abraham Lincoln was the target of insulting comments about his appearance during election campaigns. Negative campaigning in presidential elections was used as long ago as when Thomas Jefferson ran for office

What relationship does the national Democratic or Republican Party have with the state and local parties?

All three levels are independent but work together

The effort of the writers of the Constitution to devise a governing system that would guard against tyranny of the majority resulted in which consequence?

America's system of divided power provides abundant opportunities for interest groups to achieve their policy goals.

Why is participation in local organizations twice as high in the United States as it is in Europe?

Americans have an incentive to participate because there is more local control over policy in the United States than in Europe. Americans are more likely to attend church and engage in church-related community work.

What protest movement of the modern era has had the most lasting effect?

Black civil rights

Which of the following explain why Europeans with less education and income vote at higher rates in their countries than their American counterparts?

Class-based European organizations encourage participation. Americans face more voter registration requirements.

Which of the following statements best describes collective bargaining?

Collective bargaining is the process of negotiation between an employer and a group of employees so as to determine the conditions of employment.

Opponents of voter ID laws tend to be


Which two political parties were competitive during the first party system?

Federalists Democratic-Republicans

Which of the following limit government officials' ability to govern solely according to public opinion?

Few people are well informed on public affairs. Many people support policies that are inconsistent with each other. Many people have opinions on issues they know little about

What did James Madison think of the future of interest groups?

He believed that competition between groups would prevent any one from dominating

Which of the following statements correctly describes the relationship between income and political participation in the United States?

Higher-income citizens are the most active because they have the resources to participate effectively

Which of the following happened when the Fairness Doctrine was eliminated in 1987?

Hundreds of radio stations switched from playing music to airing partisan talk shows.

Which of the following are examples of the effect economic class has on political opinion?

Income levels affect Americans' opinions on some public policy issues. Welfare assistance has higher support among lower income Americans than higher income Americans.

Which of the following represents a shared view of pluralists and their critics?

Interest groups are important to bringing the concerns of groups of individuals to the attention of government.

How does the Constitution deal with the issue of interest groups?

Interest groups are protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

What is the primary reason that geographic distribution positively affects the power of interest groups?

It allows groups to command the interest of more legislators.

Which of the following is a benefit to the public that results from the promotion of a special interest?

It can have a positive effect on other interests, such as through job creation.

What are the advantages enjoyed by a large interest group such as the AARP?

It has a large staff that lobbies the federal government. It is well-financed, even though individual members' dues are low. It can generate a large amount of mail to members of Congress.

What is the effect of "information overload," as noted by Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon?

It reduces people's ability to concentrate on any particular message

How did the Supreme Court rule on the Indiana law requiring citizens to obtain a government-issued voter identification card in order to vote?

It upheld the Indiana law

Why did the communist movement fail in America?

Its goals were too at odds with American values

Why is it unnecessary for the Texas Municipal League to maintain constant contact with its members?

Its processes are so organized that it functions efficiently without it.

Support for poverty programs is highest among which two religious denominations

Jews Catholics

Which of the following would be considered outside lobbying activities used by interest groups?

Letter-writing campaigns Public demonstrations

Which of the following are ways in which members of Congress benefit from ties to lobbyists?

Lobbyists identify bills that need their attention. Lobbyists provide information on specific pieces of legislation.

The movement against gun violence had a relatively low profile until the mass killing at

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

Why is the news shaped by news organizations need to attract and keep viewers?

Most news organizations choose coverage that will draw an audience for advertisers

Which statement best describes the "softening" of American news in the 1980s and 1990s?

Most news outlets incorporated celebrity gossip, sensational crimes, and human-interest stories to attract a broader audience.

Which of the following is true of people who consider themselves political independents?

Most of them lean toward one party or the other.

The mass killings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School resulted in which of the following?

National School Walkout Day March for Our Lives demonstrations

What problem has recently arisen in using telephone polling?

Nonresponse rates have increased sharply.

Which of the following states have closed/partially closed primaries?

North Carolina Florida Nevada

What usually happens after a third party is relatively successful in attracting votes during a U.S. national election?

One or both major parties will try to co-opt the issue or issues that made the third party successful.

What is a potential problem with the media's watchdog function, according to critics?

Overzealous coverage of minor scandals heightens the public's distrust of government officials.

In some campaigns, which of the following has begun to replace in the political party as the nominating and electing agent?


Which of the following is a regulation that affects Texas PACs?

PACs are required to designate a campaign treasurer. PACs must create complete reports identifying every donor who contributed at least $50 to the campaign. PACs cannot contribute to candidates during a window that begins 30 days prior to the legislative session and ends 20 days after the session ends.

What role does party loyalty play in voting?

Party loyalty heightens interest in voting.

Why is it important that the media perform the common-carrier function?

People cannot support or oppose a leader's plans if they do not know about them.

The original regional divide between the North and South has been decreased by which of the following?

People from less conservative areas have relocated to the South.

The strongest ideological party in U.S. history was the

Populist Party

Which statement best describes the prevalent view of the public concerning protest activists in the United States?

Protest activity should be tolerated.

Which of the following is an example of a government organization?


Which of the following arguments drew large support for passing the Twenty-Sixth Amendment, granting eighteen-year-olds the right to vote?

Since eighteen-year-olds were eligible for the draft, they should also be able to vote.

Which of the following voting blocs migrated to the Republican Party during the 1980s and 1990s?

Southern whites

Which of the following states have 800 or more registered lobbyists within the state?

Texas California New York

Which of the following is an example of a peak business organization?

Texas Association of Manufacturers

Which of the following is an example of a specialized "educational" association?

Texas High School Coaches Association

Why does the Texas oil industry lobby focus on influencing the Texas Railroad Commission?

The Texas Railroad Commission oversees the state oil industry.

Which of the following are true of grassroots parties?

The are open to all citizens. They operate at the local level.

How does economic diversity affect interest group power in Texas?

The diversified economy has increased the number of interest groups, thus diluting the groups' power.

Which of the following statements best summarize the control the governor of Texas enjoys over state agencies?

The governor makes few significant appointments to state agencies and therefore possesses minimal control over policy decisions.

How does the state's government structure alter the operations of interest groups in Texas?

The groups focus their attention on the leadership of the state agency regulating their industry.

How is interest group influence weakened in competitive, two-party states?

The parties assume a greater role in recruiting and supporting candidates, replacing a vital function of interest groups.

When a realignment in the electorate occurs, which of the following happens?

The parties reorganize themselves.

public opinion

The politically relevant views that people hold and express openly

How does a well-compensated, professional legislative staff reduce the influence of interest groups?

The staff provides most of the research for legislators, who rely less on interest group research.

How does the party structure in Texas affect interest group power and influence?

The weakened structure of party competitiveness strengthens interest group influence

In describing sources of news on the Web, what do analysts mean by the metaphor "the long tail"?

There are a few heavily visited websites on one end and thousands of lightly visited sites on the other.

How has the interest group tactic of entertaining legislators changed over the years?

There is far less provision of entertainment, food, and bribes, but it is still a key part of the process

Which of the following statements are true regarding U.S. elections?

They are held more frequently than in other countries. They allow voters to choose party nominees.

Which of the following statements about televised debates in presidential campaigns are true?

They are usually part of presidential campaigns.

Which of the following accurately describe ways in which interest groups can use litigation to advance their cause?

They can sponsor litigation on behalf of their members. They can file amicus briefs.

Which of the following is a primary reason for low voter-turnout rates among young adults?

They change addresses frequently and need to re-register.

In politics, what do linkage institutions do?

They connect citizens with government.

How do media gatekeepers affect American citizens?

They determine what messages we see and hear.

How do interest groups expand the range of issues that come to lawmakers' attention?

They focus on issues that may not have broad impact. They focus on issues that may be controversial.

What has happened to the New England states since the 1980s?

They have shifted toward the Democrats.

Which of the following correctly describes members of the "inattentive audience"?

They pay only sporadic attention to the news. They pay attention to news when a major event occurs, such as COVID-19.

What is the primary distinction between trade associations and peak business organizations?

Trade associations represent more specific business interests such as the oil industry

______ are representatives who take their constituents' desires into account when taking positions on policy issues, but do not always do exactly as their constituents wish


Which of the following events had a lasting influence on the political views of younger citizens in particular?

World War II (1939-1945) the Great Depression of the 1930s the terrorist attacks in 2001

Which of the following are reasons why the amount of traditional news the typical American watches has declined since the 1970s?

Younger people stopped watching the dinner-time news. Cable television and other high-choice media became available.

State party organizations are usually small and are directed by

a full-time chairperson

Current election laws in the United States favor

a two-party system

What is a social or political movement?

a way for disenchanted citizens to voice their displeasure with government policy

The news media's partisan function means that they

act as advocates for particular viewpoints

Generally, protests ______ have not been popular in the United States

against U.S. military action

The media's function of ______ setting refers to the media's ability to determine what the public thinks is important


Which of the following types of interest groups is classified as an economic type?


In an attempt to influence court decisions, interest groups may file "friend of the court" briefs, otherwise known as ______ briefs

amicus curiae

What is a super PAC?

an independent-expenditure-only committee

Which of the following refers to a total lack of interest, such as a total lack of interest in politics?


Much like political parties and interest groups, the news media, or press,

are a key intermediary between Americans and their leaders

The Pharmaceutical Industry Labor-Management Association (PILMA) sought to defeat a bill in Texas to lower drug prices. PILMA has no individual members and receives most of its money from the pharmaceutical industry. It is best described as a(n

astroturf organization

Who would be least likely to be a member of a professional association

bank teller

What protest movement of the modern era has had the most lasting effect?

black civil rights

Which of the following media were subject to the FCC's Fairness Doctrine?

broadcast radio broadcast television

All party organizations have a responsibility to

build support among voters

Among economic groups, which type are the most numerous?

business groups

The interest-group system in the United States overrepresents

business interests

Which of the following is a way in which special interest groups can donate money to candidates?

by forming a political action committee (PAC)

How do Americans participate virtually in politics?

by using resources and joining discussions on social media

The onset of ______ increased the entertainment content in traditional news outlets as audiences for those outlets began to shrink

cable television

The responsibility of the Texas Ethics Commission is to enforce laws relating to which of the following?

campaign finance lobbying registration for certain interest groups

Political parties and their ability to control politics in the United States.have been weakened by Blank______-centered campaigns


Political scientist Darrell West uses the term air wars to describe

candidates' use of televised ads

The type of interest group that that is formed by individuals drawn together by opportunities to promote a cause in which they believe but that does not provide them significant individual economic benefits is called a(n

citizen's interest group

The socialization process results in schemas, or frames of reference, that

citizens use to evaluate issues and developments help in forming a common cause

Which type of group typically has to deal with the problem of free riders?

citizens' groups

People who believe that citizens ought to participate in political affairs are likely to describe voting as an exercise in ______

civic duty

Which of the cable news networks most fully treats news as a form of entertainment?


The groups and interests that support a political party are collectively referred to as a party


goods are those that belong to all people and cannot be withheld on an individual basis, such as clean air or water.


Benefits that belong to everyone, not just the members of a group, are referred to as

collective goods

A PAC is a specialized kind of interest group that

collects and distributes money to candidates for office

Which of these groups vote at above average rates?

college-educated individuals upper-income Americans

Which of the following is an example of a group that cannot draw strength from geographic distribution?

commercial shrimp fishermen

In the early decades of the twentieth century, some publishers responded to "yellow journalism" by

committing to objective journalism

Which of the following are traditional functions of the news media (press)?

common-carrier signaling watchdog

Where in American politics is the impact of public opinion felt most clearly?


Which of the following types of interest groups is not classified as an economic interest group?


Which of the following industries have, in the past, dominated the Texas economy?

cotton oil cattle banking

is a service that alerts local newsrooms to topics that are trending on social media


One characteristic of political socialization is that its effects are


Which of the following media typically have a signaling function?

daily newspapers television networks wire services

A ______ is a representative who acts in response to what their constituencies say they want, no matter their own personal opinion


The audience for Huffington Post's website is overwhelmingly


public opinion polls

designed to estimate the views or sentiments of the public

The overlap between groups has ______ in America's residential neighborhoods and workplaces


While the relationship between actors in an iron triangle tends to be more long-lasting, issue networks tend to

disband once an issue is settled

In general, Americans who believe that government should use its power to help people who are economically disadvantaged are

economic liberals

State parties are involved with which of the following activities?

election of governors election of U.S. senators voter registration

refers to the various activities in which interest groups engage to try to influence the outcome of elections


Interest groups that are not directly involved in litigation may file amicus curiae briefs to

encourage a ruling that is beneficial to their cause

The rise of candidate-centered campaigns has had which of the following positive effects?

encouraged national officeholders to respond to local issues made it easier for political newcomers to win high office

Lobbying elected officials includes which of the following activities?

face-to-face meetings with members of Congress

the elimination of _____________________ meant that radio stations no longer had to air a conservative talk show if they aired a liberal one.

fairness doctrine

Stories on the Internet that maintained the coronavirus pandemic was a hoax perpetuated by Democrats in order to damage President Trump are an example of

fake news

An enormous group such as the taxpayers of the United States can exert a major influence on public policy.


The Texas Farmers Union (not to be confused with the Texas Farm Bureau) represents which segment of the Texas agricultural industry?

family farms and ranches

In the era of Jacksonian democracy, the efforts of local party organizations, along with the extension of voting rights to citizens without property, contributed to an almost ______ increase in election turnout.


texas has a ________ government structure because power is dispersed to many state agencies with little or no central control


When journalists highlight certain aspects of a situation and downplay other aspects, they are engaged in


derives a benefit without contributing to its achievement

free rider

Which of the following are functions of political consultants?

gathering voter opinions producing promotional materials advising on how to run a successful campaign

characteristic of some interest groups, refers to the fact that the groups have members in all regions of the state.

geographic distribution

in the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act, the corporate tax cut is permanent, whereas the individual tax cut has an end date. This difference illustrates the fact that

getting smaller, more focused business groups to work together on an issue can be highly effective

Super PACs are legally forbidden from which of the following?

giving money directly to candidates giving money directly to political parties

The Occupy Wall Street movement, which began in 2011, was inspired by anger at the

government bailout of the financial industry during the financial crisis of 2008

The Tea Party movement did not support which of the following policies?

government subsidies for health insurance higher taxes

An "astroturf organization" is one that lacks

grassroots organization

Whereas Jefferson's party had operated largely at the leadership level, Jackson sought a(n):

grassroots party

Secondary socializing agents who influenced public opinion during the COVID-19 pandemic include which of the following?

health care experts public officials

Citizens who are party identifiers have ______ levels of voter turnout rates than those who identify as independent


Which group of Americans have the highest level of voter participation?

highest 20 percent of income earners

Which of the following accurately describe the Texas Municipal League?

highly organized influential members focused committees

What is the largest news outlet that began on the Internet?

huffington post

The typical American is exposed to _____ of discrete messages each day


Which type of third party is organized around a framework concerning the nature and role of government in society?

ideologically oriented parties

Which of the following refers to a general belief about the role and purpose of government?


Massive shifts in party identification are most likely to occur

in response to major events

Political parties began to emerge in the United States

in spite of many of the founding fathers' mistrust of them

The Occupy Wall Street movement was aimed predominantly at which issue?

income inequality

Although many people believe it is insignificant, which of the following may result if IDs are not required for voting

increased fraud

Who typically benefits the most from PAC campaign donations?


Who or what can be a part of membership organizations?

individual citizens businesses

Which of the following are among interest groups' judicial lobbying options?

influencing the selection of federal judges lawsuits filing amicus curiae briefs

Rather than using threats, interest groups tend to influence lawmakers by providing them with

information that supports the group's policy positions

The interest group strategy that includes face-to-face meetings with legislators and providing policy information to policymakers is known as

inside lobbying

For a movement to succeed, it must

institutionalize its goals

Which of the following refers to how strongly people feel about their position on an issue—for example, "very important" or "not important at all"?


is an organization that seeks to influence government decision making. It is also known by the names faction, special interest, or organized interest.

interest group

is an informal but relatively stable group of persons from Congress, executive agencies, and interest groups with a mutual interest in a particular policy area.

iron triangle

The Texas Municipal League, which represents Texas city officials, derives its greatest strength from

its influential membership

Which political leader wrote that the government must dilute the influence of factions and interest groups by filtering their views through properly structured governing institutions?

james madison

Which of the following are prohibited by Texas law from making campaign contributions to candidates for statewide or legislative office?

labor unions corporations

The Texas Farm Bureau represents which segment of the Texas agricultural industry?

large agricultural producers

Generally, secondary agents of socialization are more important ______.

later in life

Americans' opinions about politics are formed in large measure through which of the following frames of reference?

leaning toward particular ideologies identifying with political parties

In general, protest activity is ______ common in the United States than in many Western democracies


Adults under 30 years of age are ______ those over 50 to follow the news

less likely

What percentage of voters today cast a split ticket?

less than 20 percent

What is the most common technique used by interest groups to promote their interests?

lobbying the state legislature

Which of the following make it likely that interest groups will continue to dominate state politics in Texas?

low levels of political participation the traditionalistic/individualistic political culture the decentralized administrative structure

Jobs, higher wages, and tax incentives are all examples of ______ incentives to joining interest groups.


Today's political campaigns rely on which of the following to be successful?

media producers campaign strategists pollsters

Which of the following groups has the highest rate of voter turnout?

middle-aged people from the upper class

Responding to public opinion has recently become more challenging for policymakers because ______

misinformation means that people's opinions are often not grounded in reality

When people grow up in a neighborhood that is diverse, due to crosscutting, they are more likely to develop ______ political opinions


The states that border Mexico all have ______ registered lobbyists

more than 800

What law did Congress enact in 1993 that required states to allow people to register to vote when applying for a driver's license or public assistance?

motor voter act

What major cable news network was launched to be the liberal alternative to Fox?


Senior citizens in the United States have a ______ rate of voter turnout than voters under the age of 30 do.

much higher

A ______ political system is made up of at least three political parties


Which of the following are tactics widely used by conservative and liberal partisan talk shows?

name calling imagined catastrophe character assassination

Adolph Ochs, the architect of objective journalism, had taken ownership of which newspaper?

new york times

When the Fairness Doctrine was eliminated in 1987, most radio stations dropped their


Consumption of what type of media has been found to be correlated with a relatively high level of political knowledge?


Although the American press originally had a political orientation, it eventually shifted to a journalistic orientation, which emphasizes

newsworthy information and events

What is the largest category of interest group?

nonmembership organizations

__________ journalism refers to news reporting that is based on "fact" rather than opinion and that presents both sides of a partisan debate.


In the United States, political opinions are affiliated more with Blank______ than with income


Which of the following describes a high-choice media system?

one in which people have a large number of places to go for information

Local party organizations generally play an active role

only during campaign periods

A state that permits all registered voters, regardless of party affiliation, to vote in a primary election has what type of primary system?


Which of the following would policymakers be likely to rely on when they want to act as delegates in formulating and implementing policy?

opinion polls

Political scientist Mancur Olson argues that small interest groups can be more powerful than larger groups as long as they are more


Tufts University's Sarah Sobieraj and Jeffrey Berry's study described the basis for partisan talk show programming as paritsan


Interest groups rely on what two main lobbying strategies?

outside lobbying inside lobbying

The highlighting of candidates' attributes and policy positions to appeal to voters is called


Who led the impassioned plea for tougher gun control measures after the Parkland shooting?

parkland students

Free societies thrive on the ______ of citizens in the civic and political life of their communities


Which of the following are advantages in raising money for campaigns that incumbents often have over their challengers?

policy influence sought by donors lists of contributors to past campaigns

An interest group may form a ___________ whose main goal is to raise and spend money to influence the outcome of elections.

political action committee

Organizations that nominate and seek to elect candidates to government office are known as

political parties

What is the process by which we develop our political values and opinions?

political socialization

When the journalists use framing, they are

presenting a selective version of reality

The _____ is the public official who has the greatest access to the media


Which of the following accurately ranks the amount of media coverage of candidates from highest to lowest?

presidential candidates, Senate candidates, House candidates

goods refer to benefits that are given directly to particular individuals as a result of belonging to an interest group


Voting for a candidate's promises rather than his or her past actions is an example of what is called ______ voting


What is the primary goal of retail trade associations?

protecting their trades from undesirable state regulation

Which of the following functions do news media perform?

provide political information that attracts an audience act as a watchdog that scrutinizes official behavior provide a channel through which political leaders communicate to the public

Interest groups need money for which of the following?

public relations electioneering to pay full-time staff lobbying

incentives for joining an interest group include the satisfaction that you are participating in a worthy effort


In terms of leadership and organization, the Texas Municipal League draws strength from its

quick adoption of stands on key legislative items strong, proactive legislative committee

Research suggests that when interest groups have submitted amicus briefs, they have been ______ in swaying courts

quite effective

What new technology led to the chaos that spurred the establishment of the Federal Communications Commission?


The #MeToo movement's larger goal was to

raise awareness of sexual misconduct

A permanent shift in party allegiances or electoral support is known as a party



refers to how important people think an issue is compared to other issues.

Which type of third party arises from a belief that partisan politics is a corrupting influence that needs to be changed?

reform parties

Interest group influence is particularly strong among ______ agencies that are responsible for overseeing the nation's business sectors


The national, state, and local organizations of the Republican and Democratic parties are

relatively independent; that is, each level does not have much control over the others

Which of the following are primary socializing agents for children that can have a formative influence on children's beliefs?

religion family school

What three sources of division in the United States are now most closely linked to partisanship?

religion race geography

The Texas Apartment Association, the Texas Restaurant Association, and the Beer Alliance of Texas are all examples of

retail trade groups

Political scientists focus on which of the following dimensions when evaluating public opinion?

salience direction intensity

What is the degree of accuracy of a public opinion poll called?

sampling error

Over 70 percent of Americans' political participation via community activities takes place in which of the following?

school-related groups church-related groups civic organizations

Yellow journalism featured ______ stories


The media's ability to function as signalers and influence what people are thinking about and discussing is called agenda


The social media hashtag #MeToo was intended to

show the extent to which women are subject to sexual assault and harassment

the media's _____________ function serves to alert the public to important events in a timely fashion.


Third parties formed to promote a stance on a particular issue are known as

single-issue parties

In what area has virtual participation been a tangible asset for political campaigns?

small-donor fundraising

Harvard's Robert Putnam refers to the sum of face-to-face civic interactions among citizens in a society as

social capital

The tendency of people to pay more attention to issues highlighted in the media is an example of ______.


Which of the southern states has fewer than 400 registered lobbyists?

south carolina

When casting a ______, citizens vote for candidates from different parties


In order to raise enough funds for their campaigns, political candidates raise money from all of the following groups except

state governments

Many voters cast a ______, where they only vote for candidates of one party

straight ticket

Unlike participation through interest groups or political parties, participation in political movements

takes place largely outside established institutions

Compared to iron triangles, the relationship between actors in an issue network tends to be more


Which one of these groups is an example of a citizens' group?

the National Organization for Women

What organization provides legislative staff assistance in research and information?

the Texas Legislative Council

More people in the United States participate in election campaigns than people in other countries do because

the United States has more elected posts than other countries do

Although party organizations still manage many tasks related to elections, the lead role in elections now lies with the

the candidate

The in-party's chances of staying in power has historically depended primarily on

the condition of the economy

Which of the following make it likely that interest groups will continue to dominate state politics in Texas?

the decentralized administrative structure the traditionalistic/individualistic political culture low levels of political participation

In terms of political socialization, which of the following is considered a primary agent?

the family

Which one of the following forms of media has had the biggest role in making politics more participative?

the internet

What sparked the Black Lives Matter movement?

the killing of unarmed young Black men by police officers

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) involved which issue affecting interest groups?

the limit on corporate and union spending in federal elections

State and local interest groups (SLIGs) represent

the organization, not its individual members

In priming, who or what determines how people will interpret the information they receive?

the press

What is the key to a poll's accuracy?

the size of the sample

In what ways does a professional association differ from a trade association?

the state regulates the scope of its members' practice its members typically hold a state-issued professional license

What was Madison's constitutional solution to the problem of factions?

the system of checks and balances

is responsible for enforcing requirements for interest groups and political candidates to report information on money collected and activities.

the texas ethics commission

The United States provides a favorable environment for interest groups because

the tradition of free speech and association means there are few legal barriers to the activities of interest groups the tradition of people joining together encourages them to look to interest groups as a way of influencing policymakers the separation of powers and federalism provide numerous points of access for interest groups to try to influence policymakers

According to recent polls, which of the following are men much more likely to support than women?

the use of military force

The views of younger citizens in particular are affected by major events because ______

their opinions are not yet deeply rooted

An important feature of private goods for an economic group is that

they are benefits the group can withhold

What best describes partisan media outlets in the era of the information commons?

they were very rare

America's plurality, or winner-take-all, system of electing candidates works to the disadvantage of

third parties

What are the three types of agricultural interest groups in Texas?

those that represent commodity groups those that represent suppliers those that represent general farming interests

What are the main goals of interest groups' public relations activities?

to create a favorable image for the group to influence public opinion regarding a particular issue

What is the purpose of a primary election (direct primary)?

to enable voters to select their respective party's candidates for a general election

Why do pollsters rely most on the scientific method of random sampling?

to ensure that everyone has an equal chance of being included in the sample

What is the chief goal of grassroots lobbying efforts by interest groups?

to mobilize supporters to advocate for their organization

Why did states start registering voters?

to prevent individuals from voting multiple times in the same election

Primaries in which candidates of both parties are on the same ballot and the first and second finishers compete in the general election are called ______ primaries


Americans are often inconsistent in their preferences with regard to government policy.


Voter turnout decreased in the United States once states enacted registration laws around 1900


Which of the following would be considered expressions of public opinion?

turnout at a political rally participating in a telephone poll concerning candidates for a national election approval ratings for a city's mayor

Which of the following groups are currently most likely part of the Democratic coalition?

union members 18-29 year olds African Americans

What three basic elements are usually involved in a party realignment?

unusually powerful and divisive issues an enduring change in the parties' policies and coalitions a shift in voters' partisan support in elections

Which of the following forms of political participation require citizens to spend a comparatively large amount of personal resources?

volunteering in a political campaign demonstrating for political causes

Which of the following results from a high frequency of elections, such as having primary, general, and referenda elections?

voter fatigue

Which of the following voting restrictions increases the burden on citizens who move frequently?

voter registration requirements

Americans participate more in politics than do citizens of other western democracies except in which of the following activities?

voter turnout

The proportion of eligible adult citizens who actually vote in a given election is known as ______

voter turnout

the media serves a __________ function when it alerts the public to unethical or illegal activities by the government.

watch dog

What event marked a turning point in the American press's approach to politicians' motives and actions?

watergate scandal

What is another name for the plurality system?

winner-take-all system

Which of the following are considered lobbying efforts?

working with members of the legislature to draft legislation testifying before a committee hearing about the effect of proposed legislation encouraging members of an interest group to contact legislators regarding legislation

Which term refers to the irresponsible and sensationalist approach to news reporting that characterized journalism in the early 1900s?

yellow journalism

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