History Final

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Which of the following was NOT one of the reasons for Rome's declining birthrate under the Empire?

Augustus's news laws on marriage and family

The founder of Western CHristian monasticism that had great in fluence on the Middle Ages was

Benedict of Nursia

Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Roman Empire in the era of invasion?

Britain was able to hold out against the Germanic invaders

Antony and Cleopatra lost the Battle of Actium because

Cleopatra abandoned the battle with her fleet, and Antony followed her.

The most famous of the Merovingian rules of the Frankish kingdom was


The capital of the Byzantine Empire was


Which of the following was NOT a mystery cult?


Which of the following Jewish groups withdrew from society and attempted to live pure lives?


Which of the following is NOT true of the carrer of Jesus?

He called for the overthrow of the Roman government

The tribe whose movement seems to have triggered the invasion of the Roman Empire was the


Before Muhammad,

Mecca was already an important trading city with connections to Egypt

Which of the following statements is correct regarding daily life in the Islamic world?

Muslim men were limited to four wives

Rome completed its domination of the Mediterranean when

Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra.

In the division of power over the empire,

Octavian took the west; Antony took the east

Theodoric was a ruler of the


After numerous wanderings, the Germanic Visigoths, who had started in eastern Europe, settled in


Muhammad believed that he was

The Prophet of God, rescuing the divine message from Christian and Jewish Distortions

In what important way did the Byzantine world and the West separate themselves from each other?

The West rejected the iconoclastic religious ideas of the Emperor Leo III, leading to long-lasting religious disputes

The Aeneid, which celebrated the heroic foundation of Rome and the values it cherished, was written by


The German tribe invited to cross the Danube to settle, which then defeated the Romans at the Battle of Adrianople and sacked Rome in 410, were the


Which of the following Jewish groups emphasized violent revolt against the Romans?


The next dynasty, that of Vespasian, came to power in 69 C.E. as a result of

a bloody civil war fought by the armies to secure the power for their commanders.

The main ceremony of the early Christians was the Eucharist,

a commemoration of the last supper: a sharing of wine and bread

Which of the following is NOT among the FIve Pillars of Islam?

a long, guided study of Islamic theology before one could become a Muslim

The willingness of many Romans in the imperial period to follow the various mystery religions is evidence of

a longing for religious fulfillment that was not satisfied by the worship of traditional gods

Relics of holy people and saints were so important to early Christians that

a lucrative trade in relics arose, and each church wanted to have relics in their altars

During his principate, AUgustus did all of the following EXCEPT

abolish the Senate because of the great opposition that he found there.

St. Augustine's attitude toward sexuality was that it was

an aspect of original sin that humans were born with and must keep constant vigil against

During the Second Triumvirate,

and before their final shwodown, Octavian forced the third member, Lepidus, to retire

The end of the Roman Peace (Pax Romana) was marked by the

assassination of Marcus Aurelius's decadent son, Commodus, in 192.

Beginning with the rule of Septimius Severus in 193, the Roman Empire

became more militarized, with generals placed in positions of power

The Shi'ites

believe that the right to govern the Islamic world belongs to the descendants of 'Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet

In what way did Christian behavior reshape Roman society?

by rejecting gladiatorial games and the exposure of unwanted children

Cyril and Methodius

converted many of the Slavic tribes to Christianity

The Kievan Rus

converted to Eastern Christianity under its ruler Vladimir

The influential philosophy of Neoplatonism held that

each person contained a spark of divinity that could be cultivated by the contemplation and proper living

The monastic movement founded by the Benedict of Nursia

established a balanced daily regime of work and prayer

Which of the following was NOT a factor holding the Roman Empire together?

ferocious repression of all rebellions

In City of God, Augustine argued that even though the city of Rome had been sacked by the Visigoths, Christians should

focus on the worhtiness of their own souls because the faithful would dominate at the end of time.

Antony and Octavian attempted to create a bond of alliance between them by arranging

for Antony to marry Octavian's sister, Octavia

Pop Gregory the Great enhanced the position of the papacy by doing all of the following EXCEPT

formally ending the Arian heresy through his theological arguments

It can be said of the rule of the Roman Emperor Diocletian that

he ended the chaos of the past fifty years, but as the cost of weakening the will of many Romans to support public life or fight for the empire

Constantine shifted the capital of the Roman Empire to Byzantium, later called Constantinople, because

he wished to locate the capital nearer to vital military frontiers

Of the societies studied in the first five chapters, Germanic society had the most parallels with the

heroic society described in Homer's epics

Which of the following is not true about the Ostrogothic kingdom?

its rulers briefly united the entire Roman Empire

Justinian's efforts to re-conquer the western Mediterranean

led to the reconquest of North Africa and a temporary reconquest of Italy

According to the text, the two greatest scientific advances in the Islamic world were

mathematics and medicine

The increase of luxury spending by the rich during the high empire damaged the economy because

money drained from the west to the Far East, where most luxury goods were produced.

Paul of Tarsus taught that all followeres of Jesus

needed neither to be circumcised nor follow Jewish dietary laws

The society of early Germans was

often very warlike and occasionally nomadic

The government established by Augustus after 27 B.C.E. has come to be called the


In order to imrpove the lives of the Romans, Augustus

promoted legislation to encourage marriage, children, and traditional morality.

The mystery religions

reflected the multiculturalism of the Roman Empire because of their diverse cultural origins

To defend the empire, Byzantine rulers did all of the following EXCEPT

rely on force rather than diplomacy to solve international relations

Which of the following political and administrative changed did Diocletian NOT make?

returning all civil power to the Senate, which would choose the consuls

The popes began to claim spiritual authority over the Christian church because

some biblical writings-mainly a passage from the Book of Matthew- could be cited in support of this diea

During his lifetime, Muhammad

spread his religious beliefs to the Bedouin tribes from his headquarters in Medina

The Council of Nicaea

stated that Christ had always existed

The trade route by which precious goods moved from China to the Mediterranean was

the Silk Road.

The dynasty of Augustus, the dynasty of Vespasian, and the era of "Five Good Emperors" all ended with

the accession of an incompetent or viciously immoral son

Avicenna (Ibn Sina) was

the author of a medical text that laid the foundation for experimental science

The Islamic world created a unified culture in the areas of conquest for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

the elimination of all non-Islamic religions

The numerious misunderstandings that Romans had about early Christianity were probably caused by

the fact that Christians seemed to violate the social order by including the poor, slaves, and women as equals in their congregations

After the death of Julius Caesar,

there was a series of civil wars that ended in the one-man rule of Augustus.

Which of the following was NOT an aspect of the growing monastic movement?

to save money to be used when the mepire returned to prosperity

The Byzantine emperor Justinian

undetook a major codification of laws that has influenced law to the present

Unlike the imperial government in Rome, the imperial government in Constantinople

used eunuchs in both civil and church administration

The reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian was noted for

vigorous administartive measures and reorganization of the empire.

The Byzantine Empire

was an eastern continuation of the Roman Empire

Melania the Younger

was regarded as a model of Christian holiness because of her dedication to celibacy and the foundation of monasteries

A major political question that divided Muslims after the death of the Prophet was

whether the caliphate should be long to the descendants of the Prophet and 'Ali, his son in law and cousin.

The Roman historian Tacitus

wrote his book on Germans to urge Romans to adopt more virtuous customs

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