History Final

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Purna Swaraj

Declaration created by the Indian National Congress: Declaration of the Independence of India Complete self-rule independent of the British Empire

Five Year PLan

Detailed distribution of economy, wrote out targets and goals Goal: to create a modern industrialized economy

Bengal Famine (1943)

During WWII, famine in Bengal, 3 million suffered Caused a lot of economic and social disruption Due to lack of food production, British shielded its own troops resulting in peasants losing their entitlement to food

Abducted Women

During the partition more than 12 million people were moved while trying to go to either the Muslim Pakistan or the Hindu India, in doing so, there were riots and chaos including the abduction of thousands of women


EP made jute and exported it ⅔ of foreign trade was done in EP

1945-1946 Elections, 1946 Cabinet Mission

Election held in British India to elect the seats of the Legislative assembly and the council of state The Indian National Congress was the largest party winning 59/102 seats Led by Bose All-India Muslim League was the second, winning 30/102 seats Led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah Aimed to discuss a plan to shift administrative power from British rule to Indian rule Held meetings to set up a constitution

Shima Conference

Conference held about the independence of india; Self rule of India Talked about creating separate Muslim rule and stuff like that

Article 370

Grants special autonomous status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir Part if indian constitution

Garibi Hatao

"Abolish Poverty rescue the country" Indira gandhi's slogan

Hind Swaraj

"Freedom of India" Book written by Gandhi, talks about how India should be without British rule or influence Preaches non violence, pure nationalism and swadeshi movement (no trade with British) Move away from Western Civilization


1951; Bhoodan: the giving of land Protests led by Bhave Convinces zamindars to give up some of their land for the better of india Donations of land, food, labor etc State shouldn't be involved in grwoth Not successful because the land that the zamindars gave was useless

Concert For Bangladesh

2 concerts set up by the Beatles etc to raise international awareness for the relief efforts in East Pakistatn

Yahya Khan

3rd president of Pakistan Takes a different path than Ayub Khan Tries to bring the RP leaders back into WP and centralize the government 1st general election for the national assembly Promises deomcracy, didn't happen, but galvanized EP, EP given majority of seats so if they got power, they would have max seats and power in assembly WP was worred about this Says EP might control the state if we do the whole democracy thing so they keep delaying it and putting it off so EP gets mad because they're back to square 1 with no power There was also a famine in EP and WP doesn't give a shit or do anything about it and EP is like we want immediate independence EP starts going all "non cooperation movement" Yahya goes to EP with Bhutto as a last resort to have a political solution, but EP does not agree

Ziaur Rahman

7th president of bangladesh Leader of the bangladeshi forces during the liberation war of bangladesh Founded the bangladesh nationalist partty

Rana Factory Collapse

Building collapse in 2013 in dhaka, Bangladesh Structural failure

INA Trials

After the INA formed, the British were concerned that more Indian troops would leave the British army Called INA soldiers "Jiffs" as a code word Propaganda campaign to preserve the loyalty of the sepoys The trials got a lot of sympathy for people who were fighting for Indian independence and actually furthered the nationalist movement around India

Zamindari Abolition

After the constitution was passed, there was a clause for the right to property, mostly getting rid of the zamindari concept Official Zamindari Abolition acts were also issued on the state level

Poona Pact

Agreement between Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi to break the fast to death that Gandhi was having in Yerwada jail Gandhi fasted because he was against the Communal Act which granted separate electoral power to the different castes and religions because he said that it would disintegrate Hindu society

Chester Bowles

Ambassador of the US to India and Nepal Believed that US and India should have strong relations because they share similar democratic beliefs Had a good relationship with Nehru

Planning Committee

An institution in the Government of India, which formulated India's Five-Year Plans, among other functions.

Khilafat Movement

As a result of Muslim deaths, movement to join Gandhi at wars end in order to challenge colonial rule Led to attacks on British authority (banks, town halls etc.) and British civilians

Nathuram Godse

Assassinated gandhi Hated gandhi's tolerance of Muslims

Socialist Pattern of Society

Big movement that was for the farmers and common people and against people like the zamindars

Mohandas Karimchand Gandhi

Born in Gujarat (Important because of Jain background) Becomes attorney in England, experiments with an "western man" breaks some parts of religion, returns to India and then moves to South Africa, helps set up non violent protest against racist policies Comes back to India, implements political strategy of non violent non cooperation in local agitations Leads all India mass protest movement

Great depression

Britain adopted a new protective trade policy which was beneficial to the UK but very detrimental to the Indian economy Exports and imports in India were greatly reduced affecting the agriculture and railway industry in India High prices and taxes in India Led to boycotts, rebellions and the Salt March

Cripps Mission

British atempt to gain full support by India during WWII, offered full independence after war Gandhi believed India could settle with Japan as long as British were gone

Community Development

Broke up india into districts then blocks Train and help rural indians Village reconstruction using parts of Gandhi's vision Was often successful more local power Policies set the stage for modern india


Capital city of pakistan


Capital of Sindh


Capital of the state of Punjab and Haryana (union territory) First planned city in post-colonial India Known for its urban design

Dhaka University

Center for independence development during the independence movement Non-cooperation movement Bhutto and Yahya launched an operation to send armed forces to the university to stop independence movements and attacked on March 25, 1971 and there was a huge massacre

Quit India Resolution

Civil disobedience movement led by Gandhi in India during WWII Demanded for an orderly British withdrawal from India Entire Indian National Congress was caught and imprisoned after this... British were supported to do this by Viceroy's Council(which had a majority of Indians) Led to people looking towards Bose and getting some help from FDR in America but besides that there was no one helping India get independence

Constituent Assembly

Established under British rule but the end alliance to British crown Wrote the indian constitution

Eighth Amandment

Extend the period of reservation of seats for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and representation of the Anglo-Indians

Ayub Khan

First military general officer and second president of pakistan Kept an alliance with the US during the cold war Defeated Fatimah Jinnah in the elections Democracy basically ends under him so that he could "end corruption" Basically he has a dictatorship and a dictatorship is runby the military however the military is controlled by Punjabi people who are in WP so WP is basically controlling everything and EP begins to be treated like a colony with the power all in WP

Jawaharlal Nehru

First prime minister of india Gandhi acknowledged Nehru as his political heir and successor. As Prime Minister, he set out to realize his vision of India. The Constitution of India was enacted in 1950, after which he embarked on an ambitious program of economic, social and political reforms Considered to be the architect of the modern Indian nation-state: a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Founding leader of bangladesh Head of the Awami league Oppositioned Ayub Khan's basic democracies plan Supported Fatima Jinnah Created the 6 point program


Gandhi declares a state of emergency in 1971 after the government claims her previous election was corrupt and invalid Gets large middle class support Jails money lenders Emergency is a direct assault on poverty Puts her son in charge of social reform Emergency lasts until 1974 She was assassinated by her bodyguards in 1984 She uses the language of poverty to bring herself to power People stop trusting the state to end poverty

Bhopal Union Carbide Disaster

Gas leak World's largest industrial disaster

Lord Mountbatten

He was the last Viceroy of India (1947) and the first Governor-General of the independent Dominion of India (1947-48), from which the modern Republic of India was to emerge in 1950.

Republic Day

Honors the date the constitution of india came into force January 26 1950

Azad Hid Fauj (Indian National Army)

INA:Free India Army, Led by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Attacked British Indian Army in hopes of converting loyalty to the crown to the nationalist cause Included all religions, participants from both Muslim and Sikh communities in important leadership roles

Two Nation Theory

Ideology that the primary thing that bounds Muslims together in South Asia is there religion and not their language or ethnicity or anything else Founding principle of the Pakistan Movement (i.e. the ideology of Pakistan as a Muslim nation-state in South Asia), and the partition of India in 1947

Green Revolution

Monsoon tails Agriculture and growth are in a halt 1965-new agriculture strategy Government distributes new seeds with new fertilizers and new irrigation Leads to a lot of success and growth Problems:short livedf gains, inequality began to grow, inequality was not Nehur's idea Indira, gains a lot of capital Congress does poorly Indira breaks away and forms Congress O named after herself, doesn't work with the congress system

Line of Control

In the 1947 indo-pakistani war, a line of control was established as a military control line between india and pakistan

EMS Namboodiripad

Indian communist First chief minister of kerala First non-Indian Congress chief minister in the republic of india Led radical and educational reforms in kerala

JP Narayan

Indian independence activist Led the 1970s opposition against indira gandhi Said her overthrow was a total revolution Said that she went against electoral laws

Krishna Menon

Indian nationalist, diplomat and statesman 2nd most powerful man in India

Potti Sriramalu

Indian revolutionist. A devout follower of Mahatma Gandhi, he worked for much of his life for humanitarian causes, including support for the "Dalit community. He became famous for undertaking a hunger strike in support of the formation of an Indian state for the Telugu-speaking population of Madras Presidency; he lost his life in the process.

BR Ambedkar

Inspired the modern Buddhist movement and tried to remove the prejudice against untouchables Also supported rights of women and labor, tried to promote education of untouchables and uplift them While he advocated for the separate electorate of depressed classes and got the Communal Act, Gandhi opposed it and got it annulled

Radcliffe Line

International border between india and pakistan

16th Ammendment

Introduced in the Lok Sabha Enable the State to make any law imposing reasonable Restrictions on the exercise of the rights conferred by sub-clauses

Ghadar Movement

Movement started by indians (punjabis) in Canada and US Returned to india for rebellion, started uprises, presence felt by British Sets the foundation for future Indian revolutionary movements

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Muslim League leader, founder of Pakistan By 1940, Jinnah had come to believe that Indian Muslims should have their own state. In that year, the Muslim League, led by Jinnah, passed the Lahore Resolution, demanding a separate nation. Jinnah worked to establish the new nation's government and policies, and to aid the millions of Muslim migrants who had emigrated from the new nation of India to Pakistan after independence

Royal Indian Navy Mutiny

Known as the Bombay mutiny or Indian Navy Mutiny Strike and revolt by Indian navy soldiers because of bad conditions and lack of food


Largest princely state in India After the partition of India, the British asked all the princely states whether they wanted to become a part of India or not Nizam wanted to keep In

Hudood Ordinance (1979)

Laws enacted in pakistan for the further Islamisation of Pakistan Done by zia-ul-haq Adding new criminal offences of adultery and fornication, and new punishments of whipping, amputation, and stoning to death In 2006 these were revised by the women's protection council

Subhas Chandra Bose

Led the Indian national army With Japanese support, Bose revamped the Indian National Army (INA), then composed of Indian soldiers of the British Indian army who had been captured in the Battle of Singapore Indian National Congress praised Bose but didn't agree with his ideologies


Led to the creation of the sovereign states of the Dominion of Pakistan (it later split into Pakistan and Bangladesh) and the Union of India (later Republic of India) on 15 August 1947.

Choudhry Rahmat Ali

Muslim nationalist, created the name Pakistan Really big proponent of creating Pakistan into a country Wrote the Pakistan Declaration of Independence

Basic Democracies

Local self-governing bodies to provide a link between the government and the people Set up by Ayub Khan

Jallianwallah Bagh

Location for a nonviolent protest (assembled for rleigious celebration), demonstrators were shot by British Indian Army Mass murder under Dyer's command

Government of India Act (1935)

Longest act of British parliament every enacted during this time Provision for the establishment of a "Federation of India", to be made up of both British India and some or all of the "princely states" The establishment of a Federal Court

Fissiparous Tendencies

Lots of times in india that there were people who wanted to break out of india mostly for religions

Lok Sabha

Lower portion of india's bicameral parliament, the house of the people, 543 members

Lucknow Pact

Lucknow Pact refers to an agreement reached between the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League at the joint session of both the parties, held in Lucknow, in the year 1916. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, then a member of the Congress as well as the League, made both the parties reach an agreement to pressure the British government to adopt a more liberal approach to India and give Indians more authority to run their country, besides safeguarding basic Muslim demands.

Salt March

March done by Gandhi where he walked 200 miles and used the ocean water to make salt More of an appeal act, gained supporters and followers


Means equal treatment of all religions by the state Hindus vs. Muslims

Bandung Conference

Meeting of African and asian states which were mostly newly independent Took place in bandung, indonesia Organized by burma, indonesia, india, pakistan, and sri lanka Purpose was to promote trade and cultural/economic cooperation amongst the countries and oppose colonialism

Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Dalits)

Mixed population of oppressed people, were considered untouchable Ambedkar put this term into being

AZ Phizo

Naga leader and militant His group wanted to secede from india by terrorist means Nagas are a group of tribes in india Killed a lot if indian government officials

Awami League

One of the largest politcal parties in bangladesh Current governing party Democracy Founded in Dhaka, the former capital of the Pakistani province of East Bengal The party under the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founding father of Bangladesh, would lead the struggle for independence, first through massive populist and civil disobedience movements, such as the Six Point Movement and 1971 Non-Cooperation Movement, and then during the Bangladesh Liberation War. After the emergence of independent Bangladesh, the Awami League would win the first general elections in 1973 but was overthrown in 1975 after the assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The party was forced by subsequent military regimes into political wilderness and many of its senior leaders and activists were executed and jailed. After the restoration of democracy in 1990, the Awami League emerged as one of the principal players of Bangladeshi politics.

Liaquat Ali Khan

One of the leading founding fathers of modern pakistan Has been said that the Afghan and US governments were responsible for his assassination His foreign policy sided with the US and the western world


Pakistani general who served as the 6th President of Pakistan from 1978 Declared martial law in 1977 Wished to create a complete "Muslim" pakistan Enacted the Hordan Ordinances

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

Pakistani politician and statesman who served as the 9th Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1973 to 1977, and prior to that as the 4th President of Pakistan United parties Bhutto set about rebuilding Pakistan he stated his intention to 'rebuild confidence and rebuild hope for the future .By July 1972, Bhutto had recovered 93,000 prisoners of war and 5,000 square miles of Indian-held territory after signing the Simla Agreement. In foreign affairs, he strengthened ties with Soviet Union, China and Saudi Arabia, and recognized the sovereignty of Bangladesh. Domestically, Bhutto's reign saw parliament unanimously approve a new constitution in 1973, after which he endorsed Fazal Ilahi's bid for president, and assumed instead the newly empowered office of Prime minister.

Rowlatt Acts

Perpetuated wartime ordinanaces into peace time legislations, enabling the British to hold Indians in detention without trial Contradicted the spirit of the reforms Incarceration laws are more strict because a lot of people were "acting out" because of the nationalist movements

Dilli Chalo

Phrase used by Bose to motivate INA

Sheikh Abdullah

Played an important role in Jammu and Kashmir Urged self rule in Kashmir President of the the Kashmir Muslim Council

Muhammad Iqbal

Poet, philosopher, and politician in British India who is widely regarded as having inspired the Pakistan Movement.

CN Annadurai

Popularly called Anna Indian politician who served as the chief minister of tamil nadu Scripted and acted in plays Was the first politician to use tamil cinema for political propaganda

East Paistan

Present day Bangladesh It was ruled by west pakistan but all of the administration was in west pakistan There was no main governing body in east pakistan The only thing that kept them together was A big issue was language Pakistan had an educational conference to determine the national language and they set Urdu as the national language, but east pakistan wanted bengali to be a language alongside urdu and west pakistan says that pakistan was made for the 100 million muslims who spoke urdu Urdu was 3% of the people's first language and bengali was 50% of the people's first language West pakistan says bengali can be EP's provincial language but not national language Students strike and say Bengali should also be a national language

Bombay Plan

Proposals about post independent economy of India (Double agriculture production, 5 fold growth) Economy needs government intervention and regulation Criticized to be socialist, against WWII.


Punjab Afghan province Kashmir Indus Sindh Bukhistan

Six-Point Program

Radical document for Bengali nationalism Says Pakistan should exist but a confederation for 2 different states Defense and foreign affairs would be Pakistan issued but everything else would be different Strikes, meetings, attacks on buildings Awami leaders were jailed The constitution should provide for a Federation of Pakistan in its true sense on the Lahore Resolution and the parliamentary form of government with supremacy of a legislature directly elected on the basis of universal adult franchise. The federal government should deal with only two subjects: defence and foreign affairs, and all other residuary subjects shall be vested in the federating states. Two separate, but freely convertible currencies for two wings should be introduced; or if this is not feasible, there should be one currency for the whole country, but effective constitutional provisions should be introduced to stop the flight of capital from East to West Pakistan. Furthermore, a separate banking reserve should be established and separate fiscal and monetary policy be adopted for East Pakistan. The power of taxation and revenue collection shall be vested in the federating units and the federal centre will have no such power. The federation will be entitled to a share in the state taxes to meet its expenditures. There should be two separate accounts for the foreign exchange earnings of the two wings; the foreign exchange requirements of the federal government should be met by the two wings equally or in a ratio to be fixed; indigenous products should move free of duty between the two wings, and the constitution should empower the units to establish trade links with foreign countries. East Pakistan should have a separate militia or paramilitary forces.

Non-Cooperation Movement (II)

Second Boycott, this time cause many Indian soldiers were killed duing WW II without anything in return from British

Non-Cooperation Movement (I)

Significant phase of the British independence movement led by Gandhi and the Indian National Congress after the Jallianwallah Bagh massacre Boycott British Goods etc.

Bhagat Singh

Was an Indian revolutionary socialist Influential in the Indian independence movement Killed British police officer for revenge Imprisioned, undertook hunger strike

Objectives Resolution

Sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Allah Almighty alone and the authority which He has delegated to the state of Pakistan, through its people for being exercised within the limits prescribed by Him is a sacred trust. This Constituent Assembly representing the people of Pakistan resolves to frame a constitution for the sovereign independent state of Pakistan. The state shall exercise its powers and authority through the chosen representatives of the people. The principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed. The Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives in the individual and collective spheres in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam as set out in the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Adequate provision shall be made for the minorities to freely profess and practice their religions and develop their cultures. Pakistan shall be a federation and its constituent units will be autonomous. Fundamental rights shall be guaranteed. They include equality of status, of opportunity and before law, social, economic and political justice, and freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith, worship and association, subject to law and public morality. Adequate provisions shall be made to safeguard the legitimate interests of minorities and backward and depressed classes. The independence of the judiciary shall be fully secured. The integrity of the territories of the federation, its independence and all its rights, including its sovereign rights on land, sea and air shall be safeguarded. The people of Pakistan may prosper and attain their rightful and honored place among the nations of the world and make their full contribution towards international peace and progress and happiness of humanity.

Tryst with Destiny

Speech delivered by Nehru to the Indian constituent assembly on the eve of India's independence About furthering peace, freedom, and democracy


Strike Action; It is mass protest often involving a total shutdown of workplaces, offices, shops, courts of law as a form of civil disobedience.

Musim League

Strong advocacy for the establishment of a separate Muslim-majority nation-state, Pakistan, successfully led to the partition of India in 1947 by the British Empire.


Territorial conflict between india and pakistan Indo-Pakistani wars of 1947 Fought over the state of Jammu and Kashmir

Communist Party of India

The CPI's initial objectives combined militant anti-imperialist patriotism with internationalism to create a movement parallel to the nonviolent civil disobedience (satyagraha) campaigns led by Mohandas K. Gandhi and the Indian National Congress (Congress Party).


The process of reserving seats in education, congress, and basically everything else to make sure that people of all castes and religions etc are included in everything It's basically affirmative action

Sino-Indian War

War between China and India in 1962 over the Himalayan border Few other reasons for the war as well There were a lot of violent attacks after the Tibetan uprising India gave asylum to the Dalai Lama Chinese troops advanced and attacked Ladakh

World War II

There were a lot of Indian prisoners of war in WWII and the British promised Indian independence if Indians helped, but India was not given independence Led to INA

Linguistic Reorganization

They had to reorganize the borders of states etc according to the language that people spoke in the area so there was a common theme

Chauri Chaura

Train station near market places (Bazars) Whole-heartedly participated in the Non-co-operation movement Police killed many demonstrators, mob retaliated by setting a fire to police station. Kills 22 policemen.

Direct Action Day/ Great Calcutta Killing

Widespread riot and manslaughter between Hindus and Muslims in Calcutta The Muslim League planned a general strike (hartal) on 16 August, terming it as Direct Action Day, to protest this rejection and assert its demand for a separate Muslim homeland.

Bangladesh Famine (1974)

Worst famine ever There were warnings of famine when the rice price shot up

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