history midterm

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Which of these was a direct consequence of the civil war?

the extension of voting rights to African American men

Based on your knowledge of the North and South during the civil war, which statement accurately depicts the advantages of each side.

the north had more advantages than the south

In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the supreme court rules that...

racial segregation in public facilities was legal

The United States issued the open door policy (1899-1900) primary to...

secure equal trade opportunities in China

what resulted from the implementation of the "initiative" and the "referendum" by the progressives?

state laws could be proposed by ordinary citizens in addition to the state legislature

Why did ethnic neighborhoods such as Chinatown and Little Italy emerge in Mew York at the turn of the 20th century?

to help preserve their native cultures and provide mutual support

What did the political machines expect in return for economic favors?


Which anti-slavery bool was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe?

Uncle Toms cabin

The diagram below provides details about United States involvement in Chins during the late 1800's and early 1900's Which phrase completes this diagram? Global Powers compete for influence in China--- ?---- United States furthers the open door policy toward Chins

United States develops interest in Chinese Markets

which late 19th century pull factor encouraged immigration to the United States?

economic opportunities

In the late 1800's, industrial workers...

faces low wages and long hours in unsafe working conditions

During the 1920's what industry in particular was plagued by low prices as a result of overproduction and under consumption?


Which of the following quotes expresses the attitude of nativism?

"immigrants are taking jobs away from the Americans and should be sent home"

Which was NOT one of the ways in which 19th century settlers dealt with the challenges of farming on the Great Plains?

They relied on irrigation from nearby lakes for water

What was the main effect of the system of debt peonage that emerged in the south during the late 19th century.

African-Americans labored in a system that was the same as slavery

The chart below shows the population of Chinese and Japanese immigrants in the United States from 1850 to 1940. Why did the population of Chinese Americans decrease while the population of Japanese Americans continued to increase?

Congressional legislation in the 1880's banned any further immigration of workers from China.

In 1898, the relatively moderate sized town of Tampa Bay, Florida acquired the title of "on the map". Which of the following events lead to this one sleepy little town becoming an area of vast importance?

Base used by Cuban revolutionaries like Jose Marti, to secure shipments of uniforms and ammunition in their fight for independence

How did the black codes of 1865-1866 differ from the Jim crow laws of 1880's and 1890's

Black codes prohibited freedom from traveling freely, serving on juries or exercising civil rights; Jim crow laws required racial segregation

Which African-American leader supported the use of technical training to obtain economic independence in order to raise the standard of living for African Americans?

Booker T. Washington

Which statement describes both the First and Second Industrial Revolutions?

Both revolutions produced technologies that improved productivity

Use the map and your knowledge of U.S history to answer the question below. Which of the following best explains why the buildings of the Panama Canal supported United States efforts to become a world power?

By providing a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, it opened up new trading opportunities

Which ideology favors government control of the means of production?


Which of the following was NOT a factor in U>S imperialism?

Competition with Japan for control of China

Mary Elizabeth Clyens Lease (1853-1933) an American lecturer, writer, and politician, gained national fame during the populist crusade for reform in the 1890's. "What you farmers need to do is to raise less corn and more Hell! We want the accused foreclosure system wiped out...We will stand by our homes and stay by our firesides if necessary, and we will not pay our debs to the loan-shark companies until Government pays its debts to us." Which of the following statements BEST summarized the point of view presented in the quotation printed?

Farmers across the country should unite to address common economic problems

Read the quotation below. "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude". This quote represents the...

Fifteenth Amendment

Which of the following made "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" citizens of the nation?

Fourteenth Amendment

How did the government's adoption of laissez-faire policies influence bug business?

It led to a mainly regulated business environment

Why is the Spanish American War of 1898 often considered a major turning point in U.S history?

It revealed that the United States had become a world power

The map below shows the location in Panama Canal: What does this map show about the importance of completing the panama canal?

It shortened shipping routes between south America and the United States

What impact did the emancipation proclamation have on the civil war?

It turned the war into a conflict about maintaining the Union and about slavery

The Gentleman's Agreement between Theodore Roosevelt and Japan resulted in a decrease of which of these?

Japanese immigration to the United States

Read the quotations below. It should be unlawful for a Negro and a white person to play together or in company with each other at any game of pool or billiards. No colored barber shall serve as a barber [to] white women or girls It shall be unlawful for colored people to frequent any park owned or maintained by the city for the benefit, use, and enjoyment of white persons. The above quotes are examples of which of the following?

Jim crow laws

Which statement describes the role played by U.S journalists during the Spanish-American War?

Journalists exaggerated events to build support for the war, giving the president and congress little chance to resolve the conflict diplomatically.

Which entrepreneur had a significant impact on the cosmetics industry?

Madame CJ Walker

The political cartoon below depicts William McKinley at the onset of the Spanish-American War. Use your knowledge of U.S history to choose the statement below that most accurately summarizes the drawing. On the wall: Be sure you're Right- Then Go Ahead Papers on the floor: Sensational Report

McKinley wanted to secure new territories, but took cautious steps before proceedings to war with Spain

Which statement BEST summarizes the perspective of white settlers who claimed native American land on the great Plains?

Native Americans had not settled down to improve the land

Examine the cart below Title:____________________________ Supported government ownership of railroads- opposed the gold standard Supported Bryan for president in 1898- Supported increasing the money supply Which of the following groups BEST fits as the Title of the chart above?


How did president Andrew Johnson's views on Reconstruction differ from those of congress?

President Johnson accepted Southern "Black codes", while congress overturned them with a civil rights bill prohibiting racial discrimination

This photograph below shows immigrants on Ellis Island in 1904. What was the primary purpose of this facility?

Processing immigrants who mainly came from Southern and Eastern Europe

What was the main accomplishment of the Freedmen's bureau?

Provided aid and education to emancipated slaves

The U.S acquisition of which of the following territories limited Spain's influence in the Western Hemisphere?

Puerto Rico

The cartoon below was published in the early 1900's. Why does this cartoon depict Roosevelt carrying his "big stick" through the Caribbean?

Roosevelt believed that an aggressive foreign policy was needed to prevent Caribbean nations from incurring major debt with European nations.

The chart below shows a cause and effect relationship CAUSE- Abraham Lincoln elected to the presidency EFFECT-? Which of the following statements BEST completes the chart above?

South Carolina seceded from the Union

Which of the following abolished slavery in the South?

The adoption of the Thirteenth Amendment

The Kansas Nebraska act concerned which issue?

The expansion of slavery into new territories

What new principle did president Roosevelt's action during the 1902 coal strike establish?

The government expected to intervene when a strike threatened the public welfare

The passage below is an excerpt from the 14th amendment: No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of laws. This amendment was proposed by congress in response to which of the following?

The passage of the black codes throughout the south

Prior to the civil war, how was the issue of slavery related to westward expansion?

The possible addition of new states created from western lands raised concerns over the balance between free and slave states

Which factor is most closely associated with the decision of the United States to declare war on Spain in 1898?

The sinking of the USS Maine

What was the main reason for fighting in Florida during the Civil War?

The union army wanted to prevent cattle and crops in Florida from reaching Confederate troops

The information below describes key events on the development of the U>S conservation policy. Withdrew 1.5 million acres of public lands from sale Established five new national parks Created the National Conservation Commission Which progressive president was responsible for these achievements?

Theodire Roosevelt

The excerpt below is from William Jennings Bryan's speech at the Democratic National Convention in 1896. Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests, and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them:: "you shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns: you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold'. Why did Bryan's rural supporters (farmers) believe that the gold standard was oppressive?

They believed that a policy of bimetallism would lead crop prices to rise, making farm debts less burdensome.

The patents below were filed by Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Alva Edison. How did these invention affect the United States economy?

They created a new demand for electricity

How did Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, J.P Morgan and Henry Ford help transform the American economy?

They created new industries requiring large investments, which resulted in cheaper products

Why were muckrakers important during the progressive Era?

They helped to increase the public's awareness of troubling issues in society

The major purpose of the Dawes Act of 1887 was to...

allow the Native Americans to return to their hunting grounds

What did the Supreme Court declare in the Dred Scott Decision?

being in a free territory did not make a slave free

Why did government leaders generally sympathize with business owners against labor in the later 19th century?

government leaders received money from business and also believed in laissez-faire

Which of the following is true of the Chinese Exclusion Act?

it decreased Chinese immigration

What was an important effect of the Emancipation Proclamation?

it gave a moral purpose to the war

Which of the following was an important impact of mass production on U>S industries in the early 1900's?

it made production less expensive

The political cartoon below is from the late 1800's; the political cartoon is a criticism of which practice in the 19th century.


Which of the following was true of women in the workforce in the late 1800's.

most women were not able to keep their wages

The map below shows routes taken by African Americans who participated in the Great Migration

the availability of good jobs in the North and West

The black codes regulated

the daily lives of Southern Freedmen

The excerpt below is from the "cross of gold" speech by William Jennings Bryan. "Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic, but destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the street of every city in the country...[we],,, answer their demand for a gold standard by saying...You should not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." What economic policy did Bryan warn against in this speech?

the gold standard

Which of the following was an effect of the transconteinetal railroad?

the population of the West increased

The excerpt below is from the majority opinion in the Plessy V Ferguson (1896) decision. "Laws permitting, and even requiring, their [racial] separation, in places where they are liable to be brought into contact, do not necessarily imply the inferiority of either race to the other and have been generally, if not universally recognized as within the competency of the state legislatures..." Which of the following doctrines was established as a result of this decision?

the separate but equal doctrine

Which of the following was the main reason that the federal government created a method for native Americans to become U.S citizens?

to encourage Native Americans to assimilate into main steam America

What role did the women play in the progressive movement?

women were leaders and key activists in virtually every aspect of the progressive movement

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