history midterm

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Which of the following statements accurately describes the Plan of Union created by Benjamin Franklin and the Albany Congress in 1754?

It sought to create a colonial "grand council" that would negotiate with Native American nations.

Massachusetts leader John Winthrop spoke of "a City upon a Hill." What was he referring to

that Massachusetts should serve as a model Christian community

The early settlers of New England differed from those of the Chesapeake because

the New England settlers were middle-class family groups.

The competition between Catholic Spain and other European countries, such as England, the Netherlands, and even France, was partly driven by which of the following events of the 1500s?

the Protestant Reformation

What was the purpose behind the Townshend Acts?

to pay the royal governors' salaries and make them independent of colonial legislatures

The Iroquois League played the French and English powers against one another during the first half of the eighteenth century while creating a successful fur trade.


What produced a civil war in England in the 1640s?

Charles I tried to arrest five members of Parliament for refusing to raise taxes for national defense.

Which of the following is true about Chief Powhatan?

Chief Powhatan was as much an imperialist as the English or Spanish.

Which of the following is true of colonial political evolution during the period of salutary neglect?

Colonial assemblies acquired new powers, especially over government appointments.

Georgia served as a military buffer against the Spanish in Florida. What was another reason why the English settled Georgia?

Georgia served as a social experiment congregating settlers from different countries and religions.

Which is true of the war that erupted between the French and the British in North America in 1754?

It eventually spread across the globe and was fought on parts of five continents and three oceans.

The French were the first to explore and build forts and outposts in the Great Lakes region. What advantage did this give them as they vied with Britain for control of North America?

It gave French explorers access to the Mississippi watershed and the vast heartland of the continent and its fur trade.

Which of the following statements accurately describes Thomas Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence?

It listed objections to British actions and expressed the self-evidence of natural rights.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Navigation Act of 1651?

It required all goods imported into Britain to be shipped on British-owned vessels.

The first Europeans to sail around Africa and on to India were the


How did Prime Minister Robert Walpole's policy of salutary neglect impact the North American colonies?

The British government intentionally chose not to enforce the Navigation Acts because it was costly and difficult and thus convinced many colonists that they could avoid economic control.

After the thirteenth century, what was one key difference between the political practices and governing principles of England compared to the continental Europeans?

The English had a tradition of parliamentary monarchy that enabled the national legislature to exercise some leverage over the monarchy.

Why did the French lose their North American colonies by the end of the Seven Years' War?

The French population in North America never came close to the number of English colonists, and the French financial contributions to the empire never justified the colonies' cost.

What was the relationship between the Age of Exploration and the Renaissance?

The Renaissance emphasis on humanism, discovery, and scientific innovation helped spark the Age of Exploration.

Which of the following statements best explains why European global exploration began at the time that it did in the 1400s?

The development of large kingdoms with centralized governments, trade-based economies, and new technologies stimulated seaborne exploration.

What was the significance of the Daughters of Liberty?

The group is an example of how the nonimportation movement enabled colonial women to participate in the resistance, such as by no longer buying imported British goods.

What quality made the Iroquois League unique?

The league consisted of clans led by women and guided by a constitution.

How did geographical factors shape the development of the British colonies?

The ocean separated the "old" and "new" worlds, which enabled new ideas about political liberties and economic freedom to grow in the colonies in the eighteenth century.

Where did African slaves first achieve a self-sustaining rate of population growth in the Western Hemisphere?

Virginia and Maryland

The French and Indian War was triggered by

conflicting French and English claims to the Ohio Valley.

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