History of Malay-Sing Unit 3

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Stamford Raffles

-Governor of Bencoolen and Governor of British Java that persuaded Hastings to pursue Singapore as a trading port once Raffles went past Singapore -Decided to maintain a trading port there because of its strategic location in Southeast Asia despite the fact that during that time the British were occupying these places on behalf of the Dutch -Pros: Vision of Singapore -Cons: only here for 10 months

Explain how and why Kuala Lumpur was created.

-KL growth because of tin rush -United land through roads/railroads= KL→ central position -KL= hub of new rail system -Frank Swettenham of Perak→ first resident of KL

What happened to international commerce after World War One?

-plummeted -global economic downturn -American depression= price of rubber tanked -economic crisis in Malaya and London -migrant labour was laid off and the volume of trade dropped off→ Stevenson Plan

Describe the factors that divided the Chinese community into migrants and immigrants.

Migrants -short term -predominantly male, Chinese government banned migration of Chinese women -different Chinese dialects= separated community -married Chinese woman Immigrants -permanent settlers -Peranakans -those who married and formed families here -Straits Chinese→ subjects of British empire, ran businesses, professions, worked for British and Chinese firms

George Coleman

architecture of Singapore

Describe the major transportation/infrastructure projects that were completed in Singapore between WW1 and WW2.

Docks docks used to be all privately owned, but in order to expand they were made gov property→ Empire Dock opened in 1917 Link to Malaya causeway linking the island to the peninsula; new roads and reservoirs and electric tram lines 1923→ Causeway Kallang air and seaplane terminal terminal opened in 1937 New naval base- 1923

Current president

Halimah Yacob

Anglo-Dutch Treaty

- end of malay participation in international trade -1823 - Signed between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands

The Indian Contribution to Malaya

-10% of total population -labor force but also filled in positions as clerks in the government and private industry

Treaty of Pangkor

- 1874 -A treaty signed between the British and the Sultan of Perak in 1874 - 2 reasons why the British intervened - For trade and communication - To deter the following threats (Germans)

John Crawfurd

- British resident of Singapore -planning physical development of Singapore

Turf wars in Perak

-A war that started because the Chinese turf rivalries mixed with Malay politics and caused large-scale violence and civil disorder -Perak had traditionally been a source of tin -but in the 1840's large deposits were discovered in the Larut district, which led to a "tin rush", and within two decades - over 40k Chinese were working in the mines, which greater than the whole Malay population at that time

Civil War in Selangor

-A war which spanned 7 years which started because of the rising tension between the -Selangor royal family (who were of Bugis origin) and the Bugis Malays -war broke out over control of Klang (tin producing area at the mouth of the Klang River)

Why were many Chinese discouraged from leaving China?

-Chinese government opposed migration of citizens -because of fear that overseas Chinese communities would turn into anti-government activity -strong cultural ties to family and ancestor worship→ moving weakens those ties, fearful of leaving

Describe Chinese political influence before WW2.

-Chinese were divided among new arrivals and the Straits Chinese -SC were a minority whose outlook was towards Malaya (adopted home) -mostly educated in English, higher standard of living, Western lifestyle -organised the Straits Chinese British Association -Overseas Chinese -Kuomintang favoured them -Communists infiltrated it and competed for -support -expulsion of communists brought about a purge in Singapore JAPANESE INVASION OF CHINA→ UNITED THE CHINESE

How did becoming a separate crown colony in 1867 change Singapore?

-EIC then British Indian rule→ wanted to become a separate colony -Straits Settlements civil service= dealing with conditions within the territories -forced to learn Chinese and Malay -Singapore legislative council as a law-making body -Chinese Protectorate in 1877 -intermediary between the Chinese community and the government -William Pickering= leader -register and regulate Chinese immigration -lifting of restrictions on female immigration in the 1860s -slavery and coolie system abolished

How would you describe the position of the Europeans just before WW2?

-Europeans =elite -high point of British colonialism -secluded→ race differentiation -sending of children to private boarding schools -low-class Europeans were gentlemanly in Singapore -huge houses with many servants -discrimination

Who are Peranakans?

-First chinese to settle in Singapore from Melaka and Riau -descendants of the Chinese who had immigrated in the 15th-18th centuries, married local women, and settles -made up the Chinese merchant class -helped SG→ knowledge of the archipelago and commercial contacts they had developed in the straits

Impact of British Rule on Malaya

-Malay population went to the bottom of the ladder with British control -British viewed Malays as lazy and lacking the ability of the British -but with English education they could participate in running of the government -"Malays should limit their horizons to agricultural and fishing pursuits" -Swettenham, colonial administrator, greatly influenced this view on Malays -education for Malays began with simple reading, religious teaching,and easy math -1920s gears switched to upping the education system through the SITC→ to prepare some people to become teachers in Malay-language schools -Malay Reservation Enactment of 1913→ portions of each state were set aside for ownership only by Malays- only for agricultural purposes not commercial -Treatment of the Malays was a result of stereotypes by the British -left Malaya as a society with major inequalities

Tin Mining and Chinese Immigration

-Malaya= source for tin -need for tin increased because UK and USA found new uses for it= like canning food -new tin deposits found in Perak and Selangor -Kongsi= combination of a company and a Chinese dialect association -Main sources of capital that flowed into the interiors of these states on the western coast were from Chinese merchants and kongsi

What are the Federated Malay States?

-Perak -Selangor -Negri Sembilan -Pahang

How important was Malaya/Singapore to Britain in the early twentieth century?

-Singapore/Malaya was very important in early 20th c -great geographical advantage -able to provide financial and commercial services -money resulted in banks -insurance market to protect cargo -trade increased -GB used money gained in these areas to pay back the USA after WWI -Malaya was most important port in SE Asia

William Farquhar

-Was fired by Raffles for legalizing gambling and prostitution to maximize revenue of the government -Became known as Resident of Singapore during his time in Southeast Asia -Sued Raffles for tyrannical behavior -Condemned the trade of slaves and opium -Pros: here for 6 years, first resident of Singapore, free trade in Singapore -Cons: Could have happened without him

How did Singapore benefit from the end of the EIC monopoly on tea and the Unequal Treaties with China?

-brought down the price in tea and increased amount of tea sold in Britain -need by traders to find Straits produce to trade for the tea -SG benefited directly from this through an increase in shipping traffic and its role as an entropôt -Treaties -increased trade with Singapore -completed a British trading empire -enhanced SG's importance as a naval re-supply center and base for Royal navy -expanded British trading empire to Hong Kong

The Legacy of British Rule on Malaya.

-built a modern centralized government with specialized services in health care and education -created the modern infrastructure to spark off economic growth -established rule of law -Negative: economy only tied to tin and rubber, inequalities of wealth→ poor treatment of Malays

How did the steamship and the opening of the Suez Canal affect trade in Asia?

-cut down the time it took for goods to travel from one place to another -steamships need fuel→ SG provided fuel -increased capacity -lowered freight costs dramatically ($100 per ton to $8 per ton)

Fully describe the Stevenson Plan. (1922)

-designed to bring up the price of rubber after the depression -said to draw all the rubber-producing areas in the world and draw up a quota system to restrict the supply -some rubber producers refused -but GB proceeded alone and was successful---> in the long run was bad for Malay rubber plantation industry as high prices encouraged other countries to produce more -South America started growing rubber→ couldn't control SA rubber so plan failed in the end

The Chinese Contribution to Malaya

-encouraged importation of labor from China and Indian subcontinent -Chinese immigration→ Chinese cities (Singapore and Penang) -Chinese population was the majority→ Malays were a minority'

Why is J.W.W. Birch a key figure in the history of Malaya?

-first resident -was the colonial secretary to the Straits Settlements to then became the advisor to the Perak sultan in the capital -assassination led to outbreak of a war (Perak War)

Describe some of the social problems of early Singapore.

-government= ignorance of Chinese customs -prostitution and gambling boomed -opium smoking -Hui= chinese secret societies -anti-government rebellions -Gangs -organized crime -virtual war on piracy -predominantly single men, no family values

What was the Treaty of Bangkok of 1909 and why is it important today?

-importance: divided the Malay community -Malay state of Patani→ incorporated into the kingdom of Siam -UK agreed to pay off debts of four states, give up its extraterritorial rights in Siam and lend the Siamese government 4 million to build a railroad in the South -UK can't interfere in the affairs of Siam or any areas under its control -in return→ Siam transferred Perlis, Kedah, Terengganu, and Kelantan to British control and agreed not to allow foreign power to build a canal across the Isthmus of Kra -northern border of modern Malaysia was finalized -between British and Siamese -deterrent against Germany

Describe Malay political influence before WW2.

-increasing social awareness among Malays as they were more literate -wanted representation in gov, so they got a rep -Mohamed Eunos → first Malay rep in legislation -Singapore Malay Union was founded to further Malay interests -United Malay National Organisation was created -UK tended to lump Malays and Arabs together

How did the Industrial Revolution in Britain affect its trade policy?

-leading economic power -products were more competitively priced than from other countries -moved away from mercantilist policies to free trade -looking for markets for her goods


-let Raffles go to Singapore (from Calcutta) -decision to keep Singapore

Describe the Indian Mutiny.

-loyalties of Muslims and Hindus among the Indians in the British army were turned against the British -Indian troops mutinied -Turkish agents spread lies about the Kaiser converting to Islam→ the Indian troops mutinied→ killing many of their officers and then murdering British civilians -conflict was put down and 47 soldiers were executed -Feb 15, 1915

Why is the Treaty of Pangkor important?

-marked a commitment on the part of the British to become actively involved in the maintenance of law and order -marks the end of the British policy of non-intervention in the governmental affairs of the Malay states -also marks when the British began to organize and direct the governments of the Malay sultanates. -Handed stability in the face of a foreign nation -1874 -start of direct British involvement→ all independent before -unifying Malay states→ easy transportation of goods -deterrent against Germany

Treaty of Pangkor

-marks when the British began to organize and direct the governments of the Malay sultanates. -1874

The Rubber Boom

-poor quality wild rubber= gutta percha -Hugh Low = brought seeds from Singapore and planted them in Perak -H.N. Ridley= head of the Botanical Gardens in Singapore, experiments with rubber, "Mad Ridley " or "Rubber Ridley" -1839→ Charles Goodyear= discovered the process of vulcanization= made rubber products sturdier and less malodorous -British colonial administration→ offered plots of 1000 acres at inexpensive prices to investors who would plant trees, encourages rubber planting by waiving land taxes and taxing exported rubber at low rates

Describe the push forces that encouraged emigration from China.

-population explosion→ too little land now -natural disasters= famine and poverty -government resorted to oppression, force, and cruelty -Opium War and Unequal Treaties -West virtual control of southern Chinese ports= gateways for those who wanted to escape

The Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824

-signed by UK and Netherlands→ designed to solve problems that rose from the treaty in 1814 -official stamp of approval on European control of archipelago trade -symbolized the end of active Malay participation in international trade -a tradition that stretched back centuries to the empires and nation states of Selangor, Terengganu, Riau, Johor, Melaka, Srivijaya, and Kedah.

Why did some states fall into the Federated Malay States and some did not?

-states needed centralized government control -Frank Swettenham of Perak→ thought centralization should be limited to the four states -Northern states were linked to Siam, didn't want conflict -Johor was strongly independent

Explain the role of the Residential System?

-system of indirect rule -meant to advise the sultan -British residents=establish a modern system of law and order and to create a central authority for the collection of state revenue to develop infrastructures of the states -had to preserve traditions and customs of Malay -modernize and preserve at the same time

How did the opening of the transcontinental railroad in America affect Singapore?

-trade with US boomed -allowed for SG to send goods to US -trade in rattan tripled -Civil War→ demand for tin rose from canning industry -volume of trade grew -access via San Francisco

Treaty of Bangkok (1909)

-treaty between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Siam -Reasons why it happened -It set the modern day barrier between Thailand and Malaya -Britain gave a Malay state to the Thai without any discussion or permission -The British gave Thailand a Malay state in exchange for the Thai never being allies with the Germans -Siam gave Britain rule over their states -new boundary set between Siam and UK

The Pahang Civil War

-war over the successor the Pahang throne -took place in the east coast states of Pahang and Terengganu (1858-1863) -Terengganu fell under the influence of Siam -The civil war started when Tun Mutahir and Wan Ahmad, Bendahara Ali's sons disagreed over the future intentions which later developed into a full scale civil war

Who were the 'Mothers of Singapore'?

-women who came to Singapore in the '30s and '40s -male to female ratio began to even out -many Chinese began to choose Singapore as their home -GB policies changed to accommodate the Chinese→ dealt with opium problem and police force

1819-1942 Timeline

1819→ Raffles landed 1824→ Anglo-Dutch Treaty 1826→ Straits Settlements 1867→ Singapore becomes a Crown Colony 1869→ Suez Canal 1874→ Treaty of Pangkor 1909→ Treaty of Bangkok 1917 -> Empire docks were opened by sir arthur young, governor of the Straits Settlements 1922→ Stevenson Plan 1923→ The Causeway 1937→ Kallang Airport 1942→ Japan took Singapore

British Administration

Infrastructure Healthcare low public health standards most successful British efforts to improve health standards→ malaria and beriberi improved public health→ most successful in the federated states due to the existence of a centralized health bureaucracy 1905→ King Edward VII= College of Medicine trained in SG for local doctors for service in British Malaya Education UK education policy towards the Malay community attempted to preserve Malay traditions and culture Malay College at Kuala Kangsar in 1905 education varied depending on race and social class improving quality of rural schools for Malays Chinese education= not important small groups of people allowed to have a proper education (English-language schools) didn't want too many educated people who could not find employment

Terms of Prime Ministers

Lee Kuan Yew - 1959-1990 Goh Chok Tong - 1990-2004 Lee Hsien Loong - 2004-Present

Straits Settlements (1826), who did the Settlements include?

Malacca, Penang, Singapore

Two Malay states by Borneo

Sarawak & Sabah

The relationship between Kedah and Siam

Siam invaded Kedah in 1821 -Villages and crops were torched -Women were raped and homes were looted -Because of this long battle/war, the Siamese withdrew their military from Kedah and restored -Ahmad to his throne. -Part of Kedah's state that was bordering Siam was sliced off to create Perlis and another part was annexed by Siam

Many British colonies changed their street names when they become independent? Why did Singapore decide to celebrate their colonial past and keep those street names?

Singapore wanted to ensure it maintained English as the main language and because the government ideals of the Singapore government were similar to the British, there wasn't necessarily a huge shift in power and because Singapore were treated fairly well by the British, they show their gratitude and appreciation to the British by have street names named after colonial figures, even after independence.

Why did the East India Company fall from being a global power in the 1850's and 1860's?

Struggle in spice trade because of competition from the Dutch East India Company, who had more control over the ports in Southeast Asia such as Malacca, Java, etc.

What two developments increased the amount of trade?

Suez Canal Steamship

First president

Yusof bin Ishak

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