History Quiz #2

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Convention of 1818 What were the four things it accomplished? What state was supposed to be shared between Canada and US?

- fishing off the coast of Nuferland (important fishing grounds) - settled outside disputes with the British and the US over slaves from the revolutionary war (they wanted composition for losing slaves during the war and this convention stopped that from happening) - created this borderline between the US and Canada along the 49 parallel (didn't have a clear border between the two) - negotiates American access to Birth West Indian imports (important for trading in the US and he gets access) Oregon

Napoleonic Wars When did this happen and what did it consist of? What did this war affect? Why did Britain and France refuse to accept in their fight? What did they claim the right to do? What did the British issue because of this?

1802-1815 period of constant fighting Economic trading in regions (this is why the US got involved? The US is neutral Search merchant ships for cargo that is going to enemies and then confiscate that cargo if any were found The British issued the Essex decision

The US and the British-French Rivalry When was the war? What did this war consist of?

1812 Involved lots of missteps and unforeseen results for the US (fighting)

Role of Middle-Class Women What is a women's role in private life? How do people see marriages now? Men have ____________ while women have _____________

A role in helping their husbands and raising their children Compliment marriage (the wife and husband are supposed to support and help each other and treat each other with mutual respect) Economic and legal power and property and household

Monroe Doctrine of 1823 Whom was this created by? Why is his name in the doctrine? What does this doctrine do?

Adams Monroe and part of his annual message that the President gives to Congress Does not change any maps or settle any disputes and honestly does not accomplish anything concrete and is kinda forgotten about till the middle of the 1840s but it ends up being important because it is articulating a set of principles that all these different American administrations in the years afterward will point to Takes on more importance in later years and shapes our popular idea in the western hemisphere

The Louisiana Purchase Read when you flip Who ruled over this territory? What was later figured out? Who lived there previously?

Although the federalists opposing him tells him that he is hypocritical, his critics also wanted the land so they criticized him but still voted for him (makes limited sense) Washington DC and how to organize the self-governing territories into states Native Americans, French, and Spanish

Embargo Act of 1807 What does Jefferson put forward to prohibit? What is the biggest problem with this? Whom does this affect? Why?

Any American exports to any nation until Britain and France lift their restriction's on American trade Damages the US trade greatly since other countries don't care (doesn't accomplish what is supposed to do) The Federalists and Jefferson's critics are centered in New England which is where the biggest trading is in so they are not happy

Moral Education Who wrote about moral education? The author believed that women have to be __________ ___________ mothers

Ben Rush Loyal republican mothers (a role that involves teaching their sons how to be good citizens in the republic through liberty and government)

Why are people supporting the war? Who were the strongest supporters for the west and south? Who did this not benefit? Do Republicans or Federalists oppose this war? Why does Madison justify it? Why are we going to war with the British?

British and the Americans Merchants and the seamen oppose the war since they believe this will end commerce completely which will hurt us even more Federalists and Madison justified the war in terms of national honor and violations of sovereignty and neutrality President does not say we are going to war against the British because of Canada but we are doing this because they are kidnapping our Americans on the high seas and blockading our ships

Continental System What did this proposal say? What do you need to trade or carry British goods so you can pass through the British blockade? Where does this put Americans?

British ships and neutral ships that stop in Britain would then be BANNED from any European ports under French control A special license In the middle where they are damned if they do and don't do in this system

What do the British do in 1814? What did the treaty do? Who was the biggest loser when it comes to this treaty?

Burn down the white house (Capital) British and American disagreements get worse (people talking about leaving the US and going to Britain) Put a dent on all borders back where they were at the start of the war and pushed forward all these unresolved issues to future conversations Native Americans because the British abandoned them (the Ohio River Valley) and they never ended up stopping the American Expansion

Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 What is this act about?

Congress comes up with this act that says the US will trade with ALL nations except Britain and France and then will resume trading those two countries after they get rid of their restrictions on American trade (gets ignored again)

How does the US deal with the economic question and honor while getting caught in this trade war between the British and French?

Embargo of 1807

Republicans and Federalists Which party does Washington identify with? Why does Jefferson resign? Who is the key figure of the federalist party? Since political parties weren't really seen as parties, they were known as ____________ Why was this seen as a hot mess ideal-wise?

Federalists (like Hamilton) So he can work fully for the second administration John Adams Groupings or fashions Believe that fashions go against the republican ideal because they believe that citizens need to be independent and not dependent on fashions (good vs. evil complex)

War and Stalemate What was broke out? What was the purpose of this battle? Why did War Hawks press for war with Britain?

Fighting breaks out in 1811 (Indian battle of tippacolona) The battle defeated trying to block this expansion So they are going to invade Canada so they can stop the British from cooperating with the natives so they can seize more land

How was Jefferson and Hamilton similar?

Founding fathers that supported the revolution and the constitution (other viewpoints were different) Both of their ideals fit in the republican ideal just interpreted differently

Why is impressment such an important emotional issue for Americans?


What was the formation of political parties?

Hamilton (Federalist) vs. Jefferson (Republican) in Congress

The peaceful transfer of power The oldest settlements supported _________ while the newer settlements supported __________ Who was the election of 1801? Adams was a _________ and Jefferson was a __________ The campaign was _________ What does Jefferson say in his address?

Hamilton, Jefferson Jefferson Adams (Federalist) and Jefferson (Republican) Nasty campaign - called each other names, impured on each other's intelligence, etc We are republicans, we are federalists...we are all Americans

Macon's Bill #2 of 1810 What is this attempt about? Who clowns the US?

If either country ends their trade restrictions against the US then the US will oppose trade restrictions on the other one (doesn't make sense) France

John Quincy Adams Who was this man similar to? What did this man create? What was Jefferson known as? Was he an expansionist? What were his beliefs?

Jefferson Diplomacy Known for accomplishing his goals with bloodshed Yes Said that "the law of nature" would lead the US to expand into Spanish and British territories on the North American continent and that the US and North America are identical

Who was appointed Secretary of State and Secretary of Treasury by George Washington?

Jefferson, Hamilton

Essex decision What did this decision lead to? Why did British ships lurk around the American shore? What was the French's response to this?

Lead to the British government tightening its blockade around European ports (any ships and their cargo that are coming out of the French West Indies) To create a virtual blockade The continental system

What are the two attempts the US forces make to get into Canada? Do either of these attempts work? What are the two attempts? Who opposes this war? Why did the US lose?

No Pushed back by Native American allies and they failed because they had shortages in men, food, etc Was not united in invading Canada New Englanders opposed the war (forbid their malcia men in going and fighting in canda) Boston merchants and banks refused to lend money to help finance the war so a lot of the economic support was cut off British navy (biggest navy in the world)

Manufactures Did this proposal pass? Why? What was Hamilton's proposal? What does he argue? What does Jefferson favor? The issue behind this? How is Jefferson's ideal contradictive? What did he base his idea on? What was Jefferson's belief? What is this ideal called?

No The industry didn't take hold just yet but a lot of people changed their minds later on The US would be self-sufficient in its manufacturing instead of having to import things from England (issues this broad survey to of the existing manufacturing until this point so catalogs) Argues that American manufactures should be given protection from foreign competition Jefferson favors the yeoman farmer (vision of a small landowner that mainly uses family labor with some outside assistance) to be the backbone of the American economy Not much revenue gain outside of yeoman farming The contradiction is that Jefferson is a big wealthy slave owner but he is basing his philosophy for the US on the yeoman farmer lifestyle that he doesn't even follow This philosophy was created based on his trips to England and he didn't like the worker's lifestyle His belief was that they would be a dependent thinker and not an independent thinker Jefferson believed you can't be a good independent thinker if you are a dependent worker that doesn't control his/her own life or own property (can't be a citizen in the republic) Agrarian ideal (cherished ideal in American culture)

What are the principles within the Monroe doctrine?

Non-colonization principle - do not make colonies here The idea that there are two spheres (old world and the new world) - the new world in the western hemisphere and the affairs in the old world and the new world must remain separate (2 spheres policy) Hands-off policy - warning to Europeans that no Europeans can come into the western hemisphere (a statement/ascertain)

What is partisan and bi-partisan?

Partisan is an insult (excluding too many people) Bi-partisan is a compromise

Separate Spheres What are the two spheres? One is dominated by _________ and the other is dominated by __________ Men are __________while Women are ________ Both of these spheres are defined by What is the overlap between the two? Who becomes to be seen as more moral? Men or women? What are women not allowed to have? How do women get involved religiously?

Public and Private Men and women Men are politics and women are home Republican values and supporting a republic (teaching morality in their family and virtue) Religion Women Power Congregations are dominated by women and they are more active in religious life

What proposals did Hamilton put forward?

Report of credit (start of 1790) National bank (end of 1790) Manufactures (1791)

National Bank Who believed this was controversial? What was the National Bank? What did it do? What was Jefferson and Madison's argument? Does their argument display a strict or loose interpretation? What does Hamilton believe? Does this get passed by Congress?

Republicans (Jefferson and Madison A new institution that became a public-private partnership owned by both the private investors and the government National bank of the US would make loans to merchants to stimulate economic growth, hold government funds, and issue financial notes that would act as currency They argued that the bank will be unconstitutional because nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the US government should have the power to charter a national bank Strict Hamilton believes that it is constitutional because unless something is directly prohibited by the constitution and if the goal of the measure is constitutional, then the US government is allowed to do it (loose interpretation) Yes

Rush Bagot Pact What was this about?

Rush Bagot Pact In 1817, this was an executive agreement between the US and Britain that said the great lakes should have no military but have been armed and militarized since the war of 1812 so it lessened the idea of more fighting

Adams-onis treaty of 1819 US's involvement with _______ What are the three things this treaty involves?

Spain - Florida is given to the US (originally Spains) - Recognizes spanish claims to Texas - Agrees to this dividing line between the US and Spanish controlled Mexico (negotiation to access California's coast to connect to Spain/Asia)

Strict vs. Broad Construction What is strict? What is broad? What was Jefferson's vision on how the US expansion could be beneficial? The US remained ________ in European arguemtns What was Jefferson's famous piece of advice to Americans that he said in his farewell address? Elaborate (relates back to his independent/dependent idea) Why is it important to stay independent? Does Jefferson follow his own advice?

Strict is federal government would only have control of the powers expressed in the constitution Broad is state government has limited power and federal would have all of it Prosperous treating nation in the world's commerce Neutral Remain neutral Says that if a nation if either friends or enemies all the time, they become dependent or a slave to the interest of the other country Have the freedom of action in foreign affairs No, unable to remain neutral in the European disputes, especially the ones between France and Britain

Expansion West What is this about? What are War Hawks and what is their involvement with expansion? What did the US accuse Britain of doing?

The desire of Americans to expand in this continent westward and northward and south People in Congress known as War Hawks (Republicans) wanted to expand to the west Got this name from being aggressive on the idea of pressing the idea to expand Westward especially in the Ohio River Valley Accused the British from Canada of armoring the American natives to prevent American expansion and harassed Americans on the western frontier to back off

Alien and Sedition Laws When did this happen and when was it passed? Group of __ laws and __ deal with _______________ Immigrants are anti-_______________ What does VA and KY resolutions do?

The late 1790s and passed during the John Adams administration 4 laws and 3 deal with the status of immigrants making it harder for them to naturalize and become citizens Anti-federalists They are declaring these laws as unconstitutional

Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa

These two natives leaders organized a confederacy of the western and connected tribes together to protest against the expansion

Impressment What does this issue involve? Why did this happen? What did those disgrace?

This issue involves taking people off ships and pressing them into service in the British navy British ships would stop American ships to look for people who have run away from their naval commitment (the British navy was awful) British stopped Americans to look and they sometimes took American citizens and basically kidnaped them and put them in the navy This was significant because the British taking them created the idea that we just beat and got rid of your colonial system and now our people are getting kidnaped National honor and independence

Reports on Credit Why did Hamilton believe this was essential? What did he propose that the US government would do? What did this show about the government? Who did it benefit and not benefit? What group of people did this mainly focus on? Why did Jefferson go against Hamilton's plan? Whom did Jefferson join with to fight this argument? What was their argument? Did this pass in Congress?

To increase the confidence in the US government Would redeem (at the face value) the amount on all of the securities issued by the government Show that the government was good with debt so the people had more faith and would lend money again Benefited people who didn't already turn it and did not benefit people who were speculating (gamboling) on these war securities (would not receive the original value if they unloaded their securities at a lower value previously) Wealthy people Jefferson thought this plan would only benefit the wealthy and would go against the republican ideal since it was rewarding luxury and speculation and undermining public virtue James Madison (father of the Constitution) The argument was that the payment going to the present holders was un-republican Yes

Second Great Awakening There is a upsurge of ________________ What approach is this focused on? How is the first and second great awakening similar? Difference between this one and the last one?

Upsurge in Protestant/Anglican Protestant Emotional/heart, not an intellectual approach Traveling preachers say "SEE THE LIGHT" Women play a big role in this one over the last one

Hamilton pro-________ Republican or Federalist? Strong state or central government? US economy based on __________ A strict or loose interpretation of the constitution Opposed or favored the national bank and tariffs Followed ______________

pro-British Federalist Strong central government led by industry and wealth US economy based on trade (merchants and financiers) Loose interpretation of the constitution Favored the national bank and tariffs Followed "some people are better at being leaders than others"

Jefferson pro-________ Republican or Federalist? Strong state or central government? US economy based on __________ A strict or loose interpretation of the constitution Opposed or favored the national bank and tariffs Focused on the _________________

pro-French Republican The strong state government led by "the common man" (aka yeoman farmers - agrarian economy) US economy based on agriculture (artists and farmers) Strict interpretation of the constitution Opposed the national bank and tariffs Focused on the public's education and not taking away their authority

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