History Section 3 Quiz

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*Roads and railroads *African products available in world market *Cities *Medicine *Development reduced amount of crop cultivation land available, malnutrition contribution *Poor economic effect-low wages for Africans, migrant workers left families

Indirect Rule

A (British) governor and a council of advisors made colonial laws, but local rulers exerted some authority. British chose it because they lacked enough workers to staff all the governments of their vast empire.


As Boers moved into new territories, they came into contact with Zulu people, a Bantu people who lived in the region. Under leader, Shaku. Created a thriving empire with strong army. Fought for control of region. British joined in war to defeat Zulu and destroy their empire.

Slave raiding

Disrupted political relations among African peoples and made penetration of the interior easier. Efforts of missionaries to end the slave trade focused public attention on the area and helped to justify European intervention.

European nations rapidly carved rest of East Africa into colonies

Exception-Ethiopia-Ethiopian army defeated the Italians at Adwa, ensuring their country's freedom from foreign domination.

Pierre de Brazza

Founded the city of Brazzaville on the lower Zaire (Congo) River, thus laying the basis for French claims to the French Congo.

European counties sought to link their coastal possessions

French claimed Tombouctou. Increased number of commercial settlements in the coastal areas of French Guinea, the Ivory Coast, and Dahomey. Claimed vast area called French West Africa. Met with fierce resistance like other Europeans in their drive to colonize Africa.

French Congo

French extended their claims to the northeast, gaining control of a large region north of the Congo and adjoining French West Africa. This region formed French Equatorial Africa.

Transvaal discoveries

Gold and diamonds. Intensified competition in Southern Africa. Germany declared protectorate over the territory in Southwest Africa. GB began moving into the interior from the south, greatly increasing its holdings. Cecil Rhodes involved.

Competition for East Africa

Great Britain and Germany competed for territorial domination

Henry Stanley

Had successful search for Dr. David Livingstone. Encouraged King Leopold II of Belgium to carve out a personal empire.

France, Britain, Germany, Spain, and Portugal had claimed all of West Africa except Liberia

Liberia-independent republic settled by free slaves from US; economically and militarily but maintained independence; special relation to US-American diplomatic pressure discouraged European attempts to take over the small republic.

British expanded into Nigeria

Nigeria-a territory to the east of the Gold Coast. Control of the Niger River assured control of a huge region rich in resources. British annexed the port city of Lagos and then pushed steadily inland. African merchants and Muslim states resisted the British, but British military forces crushed all African resistance and made Nigeria a protectorate.


People of the colonies abandoned their local cultures and adopted all aspects of (French) culture. When judged in terms of assimilation, that territory would be made a department of (France).


People who left the colony and moved to the north and east when British administration became established. Descendants of the original Dutch settlers who had their own language, Afrikaans. Boers carved out 3 new territories-Natal, Orange Free State, and Transvaal.

Benefits of Imperialism

Profits earned from rubber trade helped to finance the cultivation of cocoa plants. Spread of cocoa farming brought prosperity and raised living standards. Uganda-Cotton cultivation support from British face rise to large class of wealthy peasant producers. South Africa-Gold discoveries brought prosperity for African farmers who sold more food to the growing population. Western laws and courts also benefited the unprotected members of society, especially women. Africans adapted to foreign cultures that missionary and government schools introduced.

Leopold's rule of Congo

Provides example of worst aspects of imperialism. His only interest was in extracting as much wealth as possible from the colony. Forming a corporation, he sold concessions to speculators who shared his interest in a fast profit. Their exploitation of the Congo's supply of natural rubber became an international scandal. Finally transferred ownership to the Belgium government.

King of Dahomey

Resisted French

Dutch settlers founded Cape Town

Resupplying station for ships sailing to the East Indies. Grew into Cape Colony. Became British possession.

Samari Touré

Senegal-signed an agreement with the French. When French broke their part of the bargain, Touré led his people in revolt. Finally, after inability to subdue the forces, the French captured Touré.

European colonization

Several nations established trading posts on the east and west coasts of SubSaharan Africa. Imperialism increased interest in this vast portion of Africa.


Sickly and thought climate would improve health. Arrived in Cape Colony. Organization talent. Completely controlled South African diamond production. Later organized the colonization of a huge territory farther north (Rhodesia). Searched for gold there but little was found. Needed to increase production and profits in the Transvaal mines.

Ecological disaster

Some think it was from cattle carrying a fatal disease (rinderpest). Led to starvation with dead cattle. Weakened people often lacked the ability to resist European colonization.

British competed with France throughout West Africa

Sought to connect their coastal settlements and expand into the interior. The Gold Coast (Ghana) particularly interested them. They went inland and came against the powerful African kingdom of Ashanti. Britain had annexed all of the territory of Ashanti and made the Gold Coast a colony.


Strengthened and extended its control over Mozambique.

Direct Rule

The imperialist power controlled all levels of government and appointed its own officials to govern. Africans could not rule themselves. As a result-->paternalism


The system of governing colonies in much the way that parents guide their children

Settlement of the South African War or the Boer War

United the Cape Colony, Natal, Transvaal, and the Orange Free State into the Union of South Africa, a British dominion. Nonwhites=no voting rights. Led to racial segregation development.

Boers/British openly hostile

War. Costly fighting. British defeated Boers and imposed a settlement that favored mining interests. Allowed them to use Afrikaans language in their schools and courts. Provided funds to rebuild their destroyed farms.

West Africa had been center for slave trade

When most European countries abolished the slave trade, these former slaving centers turned to commerce. Traded in palm oil, hides and feathers, ivory, rubber, and other natural products from the interior. Europeans began to push inland, eager to control this trade.

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