History test 8

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The name of the 2 atomic bombs dropped on Japanese cities in 1945 were [choose two]

"Fat Man" "Little Boy"

the German U-boatTo inspire the Russian people, Soviet leaders called for every comrade to defend

"Holy Mother Russia"

Franklin Roosevelt's plan to shape the Supreme Court to his will was called the

"court packing scheme"

Instead of choosing a hardline anti-Roosevelt candidate, the Republican Party chose this man as their candidate in the Election of 1936:

Alf Landon

Other than the Jews, what other groups were the target of Nazi extermination attempts?


What were the results of the Allied threat to the Italian mainland? [choose all that apply]


The amphibious landing at __________ was an attempt to go around the Gustav Line and encircle the Germans?


Operation "Market Garden" was a plan to take a bridge across the Rhine at


United States aid to Nationalist China originally went over the "___________ _______," until it was eventually cut off and supplies had to be ferried in by air from India

Burma Road

During the 1930s, many Dust Bowl farmers gave up and moved, some to the "promised land" of


When the Reichstag was deeply divided, President Hindenburg made Adolf Hitler ___________, in hopes that he would be able to form a working government.


One of the black denominations that sprang from the Holiness Pentecostal movement was the

Church of God in Christ

In 1937, Fundamentalism found a place on the radio when "The Old-Fashioned Revival Hour" went on the radio. Who was the pastor on this program?

Dr. Charles E. Fuller

Under the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, which nation gained control of the Rhineland and the coal mines of the Saar Basin?


In the election of 1932, while the Republicans nominated the incumbent Hoover, the Democrats nominated

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

When the first attempt to evict the Bonus Expeditionary Force veterans from their encampments failed, who received the order to evict them?

General Douglas MacArthur

Which American military commander liberated the Philippines, announcing "I have returned!"?

General Douglas MacArthur

Who was the American commander of the Philippines when the Japanese launched their attack in 1942?

General Douglas MacArthur

Who was named Supreme Commander of Operation "Overlord" at the Tehran Conference?

General Dwight Eisenhower

After the American defeat at Kasserine Pass, who was given command of American troops in North Africa?

General George Patton

In 1939 and 1940, President Roosevelt committed to helping what nation with military supplies and weapons?

Great Britain

In January 1944, the Allied advance was stopped just 100 miles short of Rome as they ran into a set of fortifications known as the

Gustav Line

When Franklin Roosevelt died in April 1945, who became President of the United States?

Harry S. Truman

The Marine base on Guadalcanal that provided a launching point for the capture of the rest of the island was

Henderson Field

Who was Roosevelt's Secretary of War, named in 1940, who built military readiness before American entry into combat?

Henry L Stimson

The wreck of the __________________ was one important event that was broadcast on the radio.


What was the first European nation to implement fascism?


The "Kansas City Massacre" led this director of the FBI to ask President Roosevelt to declare a "War on Crime" making G-men heroes in the public imagination:

J. Edgar Hoover

Most of the elements of the New Deal were based on the economic principle of


The November 9, 1938 pogrom against the Jews that resulted in tremendous destruction of Jewish assets was


Which Chinese region was the first area targeted by conquest by the Japanese?


Who was the leader of Vichy France?

Marshall Henri Pétain

With the economic collapse of the Depression and the rising issues of racism in the South ____________ became an attractive alternative to Americas economic system.


What Chinese city saw its population become victims to some of the worst atrocities of World War II?


Feeling that President Roosevelt had not gone far enough to radically change the country, Father Charles E. Coughlin founded the

National Union for Social Justice

Under General Auchinleck, British troops launched this offensive, which drove Rommel back and relieved the garrison at Tobruk:

Operation "Crusader"

To carry out the "Final Solution," the Germans built six camps that used gas chambers. In which country were they all located?


Huey P. Long's radical plan for saving America resulted in an organization called the

Share Our Wealth Society

In 1940, the new Prime Minister of Great Britain who would serve throughout the war was

Sir Winston Churchill

This company developed the first practical system for making color movies:


One of the most famous PWA projects was the __________________ which harnessed the power of the Tennessee River and supplied electricity to the rural south.

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

"dust pneumonia"

The respiratory disease created by the dust storms was called this by doctors:

The Bonus Expeditionary Force was

a group of World War I veterans who went to Washington to ask for early payment of their promised pensions

Which of the following parts proposed for the Social Security Act was dropped because it would never receive Congressional approval?

a national health insurance program

The massive dust storm of May 1934 [choose all that apply]

affected Chicago, New York, and Buffalo affected east coast cities from Boston to Atlanta dropped Great Plains dirt on ships 300 miles off the eastern coast of the United States

During Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first term in office the people came to see him as a

benevolent father figure

Within 18 months Hitler transformed Germany from a parliamentary_________ to a fascist___________

democracy dictatorship

Under the "studio system" the movie studio

directly employed everyone from the lowest level crew member to the movie star

The word kamikaze means "__________ ________."

divine wind

The Tanggu Truce [choose all that apply]

established a demilitarized zone between the Japanese and Chinese controlled areas of mainland China allowed the Japanese to remain in control of all captured Chinese territory north of the Great Wall

What was the political advantage of the Second New Deal?

even if it didn't work, the appearance of doing something would help with the President's reelection

The coming of what group changed the landscape and environment of the Great Plains?


Which of the following was NOT one of the conditions faced by American Marines on Guadalcanal?


Franklin Delano Roosevelt used these radio broadcasts to communicate with the American people during the dark days of the Depression and World War II. _________________ _________________

fireside chats

What necessity was rationed according to the occupation of the individual in relation to the war effort?


Important aspects of Roosevelt's leadership style were

his sense of pragmatism his willingness to experiment

One way in which anti-Semitism manifested itself in America in the 1930s was through

immigration policy

Which of the following were consequences of the Marianas campaign? [choose all that apply]

it caused political issues for the Japanese government it placed the Japanese home islands within striking distance for American B29 bombers it put the US within striking distance of the Philippines and the Dutch East Indies

What was important about the First Battle of El Alamein?

it prevented Rommel from attacking Egypt's major cities the British victory ended a string of German wins under Rommel

What affect did the collection of payroll taxes to support the new Social Security system have on the economy?

it was negative - slowing it down

In the 1930s, what technology did record companies develop as an additional outlet for phonograph records?


The publishing companies Penguin and Pocket Books were created to provide

literary grade paperback novels

Tighter immigration laws after 1929 meant that Okies assumed the role of

migrant farm workers

What was one reason why the German reaction to the invasion at Normandy slower than it should have been?

most of the German officers were away from their posts on D-Day

In prison, Adolf Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, which means ______ ___________, which laid out his political philosophy, including his plan to take power and his hatred for the Jews.

my struggle

In early 1942, President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 which

ordered the relocation and internment of all people of Japanese ancestry who lived in the United States

The most controversial and troublesome part of the NIRA was the provisions it made for:

organized labor

The crime wave of the 1930s was largely the result of the 1920s government policy of _______________.


Frederic Clements and Paul Sears argued that the only way to fix the problems of the Great Plains was to

put the natural ecological balance back the way it was before

Once the first atomic bomb was successfully tested, what 3 options did the President have regarding its use to make Japan surrender?

refuse to use the bomb and launch a traditional invasion of Japan Correct! use the bomb to attack Japanese cities Correct! detonate a bomb in a remote location to demonstrate its power

The 1935 Revenue Act, which brought in additional funding for the New Deal, was popularly known as the "________-______-_________" tax.

soak the rich

Why did the Germans not develop atomic weapons earlier than other nations?

some of the important scientists were Jewish and had fled to the United States

The first comic books were aimed at adults, but in June 1938 Action Comics introduced this genre of comic books aimed at children and young adults beginning with Superman:

superhero comics

Big band music combined the jazz style with a full orchestra, creating a new genre with a new form of dancing called ________


As a way to provide financial support to wheat farmers, this agency paid wheat farmers not to plant wheat:

the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

This action between the Germans and Soviets was one of the greatest and bloodiest land battles of the entire war?

the Battle of Kursk

What religious organization was most vocal regarding the declining moral standards in movies over the 1920s and 1930s?

the Catholic Church

The _____________ _______________ ________ was a temporary patch to tide over banks during the immediate crisis .

the Emergency Banking Act

In 1935, Congress gave the President power to divide millions of dollars among several agencies how he saw fit by passing

the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act

This New Deal program was established by executive order to purchase distressed and foreclosed farm mortgages so that farmers would have the opportunity to refinance at rates they could afford:

the Farm Credit Administration (FCA)

Funds distributed through this New Deal Agency were administered by state governments to help the poor in a direct way, making it the nation's first true welfare agency:

the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)

What was the driving force behind the Battle of the Atlantic?

the German U-boat

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why movies grew in popularity and influence?

the Hayes Code

The Treat of Versailles addressed the issue of dividing up disputed territory. Which of the following was NOT part of that disputed territory?

the Philippine Islands

Which of the following is true about Poland in 1939? [choose all that apply]

the Polish government waited too long to prepare for attack by hostile they were surrounded on all sides by hostile nations they did not possess a military that was prepared for aggression by hostile nations

This New Deal program was similar to the CCC but focused on employing all able men in urban areas

the Public Works Administration (PWA)

Which act passed in 1940 was the first ever peacetime military draft in American history?

the Selective Training and Servcie Act

What army was the first to liberate a major death camp in Poland?

the Soviets

Which of the following was the organization that was able to reorganize the national economy to focus on production for the war effort?

the War Production Board

Which of the following is NOT true of the first code to be completed by the NRA (governing the cotton textile industry)?

the code was heavily enforced by the federal government

The "recovery" of 1936 and 1937 had been supported by

the economic programs of the New Deal

What was the single biggest problem that contributed to the creation of the Dust Bowl?

the effect the drought and heat had on the soil

What two facts about the ecology of the Great Plains did farmers fail to understand? [choose 2]

the role the native grasses played in the environment that local weather patterns were subject to periodic drought

What was the reaction of the American people to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

they almost unanimously supported war in the Pacific

Why did the Soviet advance halt in early 1945, although they were within 100 miles of Berlin?

they had pushed too far and needed to spend time subduing German garrisons on the Baltic

When German officers realized they needed to reinforce their troops at Normandy, why was there a delay?

they needed Hitler's permission and since he was asleep, they waited until he woke up

What was the Japanese goal for capturing Port Moresby in New Guinea?

to isolate Australia

What were the goals of the Wannsee Conference?

to settle a dispute regarding using the Jews as slave labor or extermination to develop a systematic approach to resolving the "Jewish Question"

The "recovery" that the economy experienced in 1936 and 1937 was ________________ and didn't represent any real change in the real economic problems of the nation.


The case of Wyckard v. Filburn concerned the production of what commodity?


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