History Test Unit 1 Semester 2

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Battle of Bull Run

The South gains confidence

For the most part, the South held the advantage of having the best generals leading its armies. True False


Lincoln's election caused South Carolina to secede from the Union. True False


Preston Brooks attacked Senator Sumner with a cane because of Sumner's criticism of Senators Butler and Douglas. True False


Robert E. Lee joined the Confederacy because he did not want to fight against his home, family, and state. True False


Self-interest of the various sections of the United States caused differences over tariffs, slavery, and the rights of the individual states. True False


the struggle between proslavery and antislavery groups

"Bleeding Kansas"

Battle of Chancellorsville

"Stonewall" Jackson was killed

Which of the following were results of the Civil War? It was determined that a state could not leave the Union. Hatred and bitterness increased between the two sides. The South became an industrial area. Sectional rivalry ended.

It was determined that a state could not leave the Union. Hatred and bitterness increased between the two sides.

president of Confederacy

Jefferson Davis

the president of the Confederacy

Jefferson Davis

wanted to establish an abolitionist republic

John Brown

All of the following states left the Union after the battle of Fort Sumter except: North Carolina Virginia Kentucky Arkansas


At the Hampton Road peace talks, President Lincoln offered peace under which conditions? Give slaves right to vote. Reunion of the states Emancipation of slaves Jail time for Confederate soldiers

Give slaves right to vote. Reunion of the states

Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman

an attempt to capture Maryland

Battle of Antietam

The Emancipation Proclamation affected the South greatly. True False


the South gains confidence

Battle of Bull Run

"Stonewall" Jackson was killed

Battle of Chancellorsville

the last Confederate offensive

Battle of Gettysburg

cut communication with the South

Battle of Petersburg

gained control of all of the Mississippi River

Battle of Vicksburg

formed to prevent spread of slavery

Republican Party

the capital of the Confederacy


The battle of _____ gave the North control of the Mississippi River.


Which of the following were Southern Generals? Sherman Lee Jackson Burnside

Lee Jackson

first African slaves arrived in Jamestown






Republicans who voted not guilty

Seven Martyrs

Which General captured Atlanta? Rosecrans Pemberton Sherman Johnston


Which general marched to the Atlantic to divide the upper and lower South?


a march of destruction


More Americans fell at ________ in two days than in all the battles of the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Mexican War combined.


The ________ felt that tariffs would hurt its trade with foreign countries.


proposed Kansas-Nebraska Act

Stephen Douglas

The first Reconstruction Act divided the South into how many military districts? three four five six


All of the following items were part of the North's battle plan except: blockade Southern ports cut the South in half gain help from foreign countries capture Richmond

gain help from foreign countries

The North had the advantage over the South in all of the following except: money farms generals railroads


servitude in exchange for passage to the United States


Allowing settlers in a territory to decide for themselves if they wanted slavery or not was called: compromise popular sovereignty the Great Debate the Wilmot Proviso

popular sovereignty

Northerners who came South for political opportunities were called: scalawags carpetbaggers Sons of Liberty


To remove military occupation, each state had to do all of the following except: make black people citizens guarantee black suffrage eliminate their military forces create a state government acceptable to Congress

eliminate their military forces

Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan

10 per cent plan

surrender began Civil War

Fort Sumter

sued for his freedom

Dred Scott

Slavery was criticized for all of the following reasons except: that it Christianized the slaves that it was morally wrong that it retarded progress that it denied education to blacks

that it Christianized the slaves

The states' rights issue was a question of each states' relationship to: other state governments local governments the federal government

the federal government

the North's ironclad


struggle between proslavery and antislavery groups

"Bleeding Kansas"

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Uncle Tom's Cabin



captured New Orleans

Admiral Farragut

The Civil War began at the battle of _______.

Fort Sumter

General Grant

Led Northern forces in the West

wanted slavery abolished


won 1860 Presidential election

Abraham Lincoln

Clay's plan to end sectionalism

American Plan

Lincoln's successor

Andrew Johnson

Lee's campaign to take over Maryland was stopped at the battle of: Gettysburg Vicksburg Atlanta Antietam


Lee surrendered to Grant at: Appomattox Vicksburg Gettysburg Antietam


Lee surrenders

Appomattox Court House

Where did General Lee surrender to General Grant?

Appomattox, Virginia

limited the civil and economic rights of black people

Black Codes

What was the North's battle strategy? Blockade the Southern ports. Divide the South in half by capturing the Mississippi Capture Richmond Burn crops and homes to destroy morale

Blockade the Southern ports. Divide the South in half by capturing the Mississippi Capture Richmond

What was the North's battle strategy? Capture Richmond. Destroy morale and public support by burning crops and homes. Blockade Southern ports. Capture the Mississippi and divide the South in half.

Capture Richmond. Blockade Southern ports. Capture the Mississippi and divide the South in half.

extend 36° 30' line to California

Crittenden Compromise

The ________ freed all slaves in any state still in rebellion on January 1, 1863. Emancipation Proclamation First Reconstruction Act Fourteenth Amendment Thirteenth Amendment

Emancipation Proclamation

Lincoln was very pleased with the actions of his generals. True False


Lincoln's assassination worked in favor of the South during the Reconstruction. True False


The Republican Radicals wanted the Fifteenth Amendment because they feared that with black people voting, they would lose control of Congress. True False


Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was ordered to move into the Shenandoah valley to appear as if he were going to attack Richmond. True False


Admiral Farragut's and General Butler's capture of Natchez and New Orleans gave the North control of the southern part of the: Tennessee River Ohio River Mississippi River Kentucky River

Mississippi River

gave black men the right to vote

Fifteenth Amendment

published "North Star"

Frederick Douglass

protected the interests of freed black slaves

Freedman's Bureau

led Northern forces in the West

General Grant

commander of the Army of Northern Virginia

General Lee

Vicksburg was captured when _________ surrendered due to starvation of the city.

General Pemberton

The battle at _______ was the last major Southern offensive and ended the possibility of the South winning the war.


The author of the novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin, was: Harriet Tubman Frederick Douglas Harriet B. Stowe Stephen Douglas

Harriet B. Stowe

Why did Grant think he would eventually defeat Lee? He could receive reinforcements for his army He could replace equipment losses He had superior resources He knew the geography of the land better

He could receive reinforcements for his army He could replace equipment losses He had superior resources

All of the following men were candidates in the 1860 election except: Henry Clay John Breckinridge John Bell Stephen Douglas

Henry Clay

prevented black people from voting

Ku Klux Klan

proslavery constitution in Kansas

Lecompton Fraud

Appomattox Court House

Lee surrenders

Which of the following are true of the Emancipation Proclamation? Lincoln issued it to shorten the war and gain support from non-slave nations. It freed all slaves in American territory. It was issued after the battle at Antietam. It ensured that England would not support the South.

Lincoln issued it to shorten the war and gain support from non-slave nations. It was issued after the battle at Antietam. It ensured that England would not support the South.

All of the following states seceded from the Union after Lincoln's election except: Missouri Georgia Louisiana Texas






Select N for the Northern generals and S for the Southern generals. Sherman


led a slave rebellion in Virginia

Nat Turner

Did the Emancipation Proclamation free all slaves? No Yes


The _______ wanted tariffs to protect its industries.


The first state invaded by General Grant and the Union forces in the West was: Tennessee Georgia Mississippi Kentucky


The first state that Grant invaded in the West was: Mississippi New Orleans Tennessee Kentucky


Johnson was impeached in the House because he violated the: Command of the Army Act Kansas-Nebraska Act Tenure of Office Act Dred Scott Decision

Tenure of Office Act

Select those items that are true about the South's war effort: The South planned on fighting a defensive war. The South planned on fighting an offensive war. The South hoped to receive help from France. The South hoped to receive help from England.

The South planned on fighting a defensive war. The South hoped to receive help from France. The South hoped to receive help from England.


The South's ironclad

The North faced which of the following problems in the war? They did not have a navy to control the seas. They would have to shut down the South's factories. They had to defeat the Southern armies on the South's home soil They would have to occupy each seceding state.

They had to defeat the Southern armies on the South's home soil They would have to occupy each seceding state.

Why did President Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation?

To shorten the war To gain support of non-slave nations To strengthen the Union cause

All states were readmitted to the Union by 1870. True False


England did not support the South because England realized that it needed Northern wheat more than Southern cotton. True False


Gettysburg was a great victory for the North. True False


Johnson's plan was unacceptable to the Radicals because it did not punish the South enough. True False


Lincoln promised the South that he would not interfere with slavery where it already existed. True False


More emancipation societies existed in the South than in the North before 1830. True False


Slaves were more profitable than indentured servants because they were permanent possessions of their masters. True False


Southerners said they needed slaves in order to maintain their economy. True False


The Doctrine of Nullification stated that the individual states did not have to obey Federal laws. True False


The South believed that it could defeat the North because the South was fighting on its own home ground. True False


What state had its boundaries changed when the eastern counties joined the Confederacy? West Virginia Virginia Maryland New Jersey


the South's ironclad


The Lincoln-Douglas debates occurred when both men were running to be ________.

a Senator

According to Lincoln's 10 percent plan, new state governments had to do all of the following except: be republican in form recognize the emancipation of black people ratify the Fifteenth Amendment provide education for freed slaves

ratify the Fifteenth Amendment

At the peace talks held at Hampton Road, Lincoln offered peace on the following conditions: reunion of the states emancipation of slaves slave right to vote reimbursement for slaves that were freed.

reunion of the states emancipation of slaves

The battle of Gettysburg began when Confederate soldiers were caught looking for: food clothes shoes weapons


The expanding West desired all of the following except: internal improvements free public land slavery bank credit


In the North, the Dred Scott decision was: popular unpopular of no effect at all


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