History Tests (Final)

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The main goal of the British East India Company was to a. Convert Indians to Christianity b. Overthrow the Mughal Dynasty c. Provide Indians with technological innovation d. Acquire Indian natural resources and gain access to Indian markets

Acquire Indian natural resources and gain access to Indian markets

All of the following were policies of Joseph Stalin EXCEPT a. Collectivization of small, privately-owned farms b. Rapid industrialization through five-year plans c. Allowing for a limited amount of capitalism through the new economic policy d. Purges of the Communist Party and Red Army

Allowing for a limited amount of capitalism through the new economic policy

President Millard Fillmore suggests all of the following EXCEPT a. The Seclusion Edict should be abolished b. Trade between JApan and the United States will strengthen both countries c. Americans are superior to the Japanese d. The United States is expanding and prosperous country

Americans are superior to the Japanese

Which characteristic of 18th century France is most directly satirized by the artist? a. Bourbon absolutism b. Aristocratic and clerical privilege c. Religious intolerance d. Press censorship

Aristocratic and clerical privilege

Which of the following articles BEST illustrates the influence of Voltaire on the National Assembly a. Article 2 b. Article 6 c. Article 10 d. Article 16

Article 10

Which "Great Power" gained control of northern Italy as a result of the Treaty of Paris (1815)? a. Britain b. Russia c. Austria d. Prussia


What did most Indians expect following their contribution to the British War Effort during the First World War? a. Independence from the British Empire b. High ranking positions within the British Army c. Autonomy or "Home Rule" within the British empire d. The division of British India based on religion

Autonomy or "Home Rule" within the British empire

Which of the following events BEST supports the message of the painting above? a. Battle of Austerlitz b. Napoleonic Code c. Peace of Tilsit d. Concordat of 1801

Battle of Austerlitz

All of the following groups were represented in the provisional government EXCEPT a. Bolsheviks b. The Middle Class c. Liberals d. Constitutional Democrats


The Boer War involved a. Britain and Dutch settlers of South Africa b. The United States and Japan c. France and Germany d. Britain and Chinese nationalist

Britain and Dutch settlers of South Africa

According to the Balfour Declaration a. Britain and France would divide the Middle East between them following the First World War b. Britain would establish an Arab Nation-State in the Middle East following the First World War in exchange for Arab Military support c. Britain would establish a Jewish Nation-State in the Middle East following the First World War in exchange for Jewish financial support d. The Middle East would be divided into Mandates and administered by Britain and France following the First World War

Britain would establish a Jewish Nation-State in the Middle East following the First World War in exchange for Jewish financial support

Which group was not part of the Third Estate during "Old Regime" France? a. Wealthy merchants b. Catholic bishops c. Poor farmers d. Parisian artisans

Catholic bishops

Which Chinese Dynasty was overthrown during the Revolution of 1911? a. Sui b. Yuan c. Ming d. Ch'ing


What country did Japan defeat in the First Sino-Japanese War? a. Russia b. The United States c. Britain d. China


The dominant ideology of the participants at the Congress of Vienna was a. Conservatism b. Nationalism c. Socialism d. Liberalism


All the following were immediate causes of the russian revolution except a. Military defeat against the central powers along the eastern front b. Food shortages in petrograd and other russian cities c. Conservative tsarist policies like "official nationality" d. The belief that tsarina alexandra was a german agent

Conservative tsarist policies like "official nationality"

Which form of government did the National Assembly pledge to established in France? a. Military dictatorship b. Constitutional monarchy c. Democratic republic d. Absolute monarchy

Constitutional monarchy

What treaty marked the end of Japanese isolation? a. Treaty of Nanking b. Convention of Kanagawa c. Boxer Protocol d. Treaty of Portsmouth

Convention of Kanagawa

Which event MOST directly resulted in Napoleon Bonaparte's political ascension in France? a. Thermidorian Reaction b. Coup of 18 Brumaire c. Reign of Terror d. War of the First Coalition

Coup of 18 Brumaire

The author of the passage suggest that the British East India Company is most disruptive to a. The traditional Hindu caste system b. The power and authority of the Mughal Dynasty c. The religious beliefs of Muslims d. Domestic industry throughout India

Domestic industry throughout India

The sentiment expressed in the cartoon was MOST likely supported by a. Louis XVI b. Emigres c. Emmanuel Sieyes d. Marie Antoinette

Emmanuel Sieyes

The First Italo-Ethiopian War resulted in a. An Italian victory over African natives b. The colonization of Ethiopia by Italy c. Ethiopia maintaining its independence d. The establishment of Ethiopian autonomy within the Italian Empire

Ethiopia maintaining its independence

Which of the following conclusions about Europeans imperialism is MOST directly supported by the passage a. European views on imperialism had changed by the late 1800s b. European attitudes toward race had changed dramatically by the late 1800s c. Europe's growing awareness of social and cultural diversity led to the continued spread of slavery, especially in Africa and central America d. European national rivalries and strategic concerns fosters imperial expansion

European views on imperialism had changed by the late 1800s

Sun Yat-Sen "Three Principles of the People" included all of the following EXCEPT a. Removing foreign influences from China b. Allowing the Chinese to participate in government c. Redistributing land throughout China d. Expanding the borders of China

Expanding the borders of China

What event marked the end of "New Imperialism" a. German unification b. Boxer Rebellion c. Meiji Restoration d. First World War

First World War

Vladimir Lenin accomplished all of the following EXCEPT a. Forcing Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate b. Negotiating the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk c. Defeating the "Whites" during the Russian Civil War d. Establishing the Soviet Union

Forcing Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate

What country colonized the most of North Africa and Southeast Asia? a. Italy b. France c. Germany d. Britain


All of the following are examples of Indian nationalism EXCEPT a. Indian National Congress b. Government of India Act c. All India Muslim League d. Sepoy Mutiny

Government of India Act

Reza Khan achieved all of the following EXCEPT a. He gained power in Persia as a result of a coup d'etat b. He changed the name of Persia to Iran c. He ordered the construction of the Trans-Iranian Railway d. He was honored with the title "Ataturk."

He was honored with the title "Ataturk."

All of the following events contributed to the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte EXCEPT a. His decision to enact the Continental System b. The spread of nationalism throughout the German and Italian States as a result of the Peninsular War c. His creation of sister republics"such as the Cisalpine Republic d. The formation of the Sixth Coalition following the French invasion of Russia

His creation of sister republics"such as the Cisalpine Republic

Which of the following events are in chronological order I Otto von Bismarck becomes a Chancellor of Prussia II The German Confederation is formed by the Congress of Vienna III Prussia defeated Austria in the Seven Weeks' War IV The German Empire is declared at the Palace of Versailles A: I, II, III, IV B: III, I, IV, II C: II, I, III, IV D: IV, III, II, I


Which of the following events are in chronological order? Louis XVIII convokes the Estates General The National Assembly issues the Tennis Court Oath France participates in the American Revolutionary War Emmanuel Sieyes publishes What is the Third Estate? a. I, II, III, IV b. III, I, IV, II c. II, IV, I, III d. IV, III, II, I


Which of the following events are in chronological order? I. Louis XVI is executed for treason II. Austria and Prussia form the First Coalition III. The French royal family attempts to flee to the Austrian Netherlands IV. French nobles emigrate to Austria and Prussia a. IV, II, III, I b. II, I, IV, III c. I, III, II, IV d. III, IV, I, II


The "New Imperial" powers were all a. European b. Industrialized c. White d. Christian


All of the following statements regarding the Canton System are accurate EXCEPT a. It was established by the Ch'ing Dynasty b. It limited the interaction between the Chinese and foreigners c. It allowed only Dutch Merchants to trade with Chinese merchants d. It restricted trade between China and foreign countries to the port of Canton

It allowed only Dutch Merchants to trade with Chinese merchants

All of the following are results of the Treaty of Nanking EXCEPT a. It granted British merchants extraterritoriality b. It brought the First Opium War to an end in favor of the Chinese c. It provided Britain with control over Hong Kong d. It opened several Chinese ports to British merchants

It brought the First Opium War to an end in favor of the Chinese

All of the following statements regarding fascism are accurate EXCEPT a. It emerged following the Second World War b. It was Ideologically opposed to Communism c. It viewed Democracy as weak and divisive d. It promoted the strength of the state over the rights of individuals

It emerged following the Second World War

What separated fascist Italy from Nazi Germany during the Interwar Years? a. It was ruled by a Totalitarian Dictator b. It adopted corporatism as an alternative to capitalism and communism c. It established mutually beneficial relationship with the Roman Catholic Church d. It sought to expand its borders through military conquest

It established mutually beneficial relationship with the Roman Catholic Church

All of the following statements regarding the Constitution of 1791 are accurate EXCEPT a. It was the first constitution in French history b. It granted all adult males the right to vote in France. c. It established the Legislative Assembly d. It was accepted by Louis XVI

It granted all adult males the right to vote in France.

All of the following statements regarding the Meiji Restoration are accurate EXCEPT a. It resulted in the "New Imperial" powers established spheres of influence throughout Japan b. It led to Japan expanding its power and influence throughout the Far East c. It started with the overthrow of the last Tokugawa shogun d. It was sparked by the Perry Expedition

It resulted in the "New Imperial" powers established spheres of influence throughout Japan

All of the following statements regarding the Fashoda Incident are accurate EXCEPT a. It was caused by British and French attempts to construct a transcontinental railroad in Africa b. It led to a surge of nationalism in both Britain and France c. It sparked a war between Britain and France d. It resulted in the British and French establishing the Entente Cordiale

It sparked a war between Britain and France

All of the following statements regarding the Sepoy Mutiny are accurate EXCEPT a. It was sparked by the introduction of the Enfield Rifle to sepoys b. It resulted in the independence of India from the British Empire c. It was brutally suppressed by British troops d. It led to the colonization of India by the British Empire

It was brutally suppressed by British troops

All of the following statements regarding the Indian Independence Movement are accurate EXCEPT a. It was led by Mohandas Gandhi and the Indian National Congress b. It intensified as a result of British Resistance during the Interwar Years c. It was characterized by violent attacks against British authorities d. It led to the partition of India following the Second World War

It was characterized by violent attacks against British authorities

Which event led to a temporary truce between the Communists and Nationalists during the Chinese Civil War? a. Northern Expedition b. Shanghai Massacre c. Long March d. Japanese Invasion

Japanese Invasion

Which event most undermined the authority the Provisional government? a. Kornilov Affair b. April Theses c. Battle of Tannenberg d. Kerensky Offensive

Kerensky Offensive

All of the following regions were directly affected by "New Imperialism" EXCEPT a. Sub-Saharan Africa b. The Far East c. Latin America d. The Indian Subcontinent

Latin America

The National Assembly achieved all of the following EXCEPT a. Publishing the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen b. Nationalizing the Roman Catholic Church in France c. Fostering free trade by abolishing French guilds d. Leading France to victory over the First Coalition

Leading France to victory over the First Coalition

Who was Joseph Stalin's main rival following the death of Vladimir Lenin? a. Lavr Kornilov b. Nikolai Bukharin c. Leon Trotsky d. Grigory Zinoviev

Leon Trotsky

Who sparked the "Scramble for Africa" a. Leopold II b. Cecil Rhodes c. Victoria I d. Otto von Bismarck

Leopold II

The PRIMARY objective of the "Great Powers" at the Congress of Vienna was to a. Severely punish France for the destruction caused by the Napoleonic Wars b. Reorganize European states based on nationalism c. Establish Britain as the dominant power throughout Europe d. Maintain peace in Europe through a balance of power

Maintain peace in Europe through a balance of power

The artist of the painting would MOST likely describe Napoleon Bonaparte as a a. Enlightened monarch b. Military genius c. Tyrannical dictator d. Talented statesmen

Military genius

Historians would MOST likely use the political cartoon to prove that a. China maintained its sovereignty during the late 19th and early 20th centuries through a program of westernization and industrialization b. The United States defended Ch'ing China against European economic domination c. Chinese nationalist resented the growing influence of European imperial powers following the Opium Wars d. "New Imperialism" in the Far East was unlike that of Africa because it involved both European and non-European imperial powers

New Imperialism" in the Far East was unlike that of Africa because it involved both European and non-European imperial powers

The British East India Company destroyed the Canton System by smuggling what product into China a. Cotton b. Tobacco c. Indigo d. Opium


Prior to the First World War most of the Middle East was part of the a. Russian Empire b. Ottoman Empire c. Austro-Hungarian Empire d. British Empire

Ottoman Empire

Which region did not gain its independence during the Interwar Years? a. Palestine b. Anatolia c. Arabia d. Persia


Maximilien Robespierre MOST likely considered all of the following "internal and external enemies of the Republic" EXCEPT a. The First Coalition b. Non-juring of refractory priests c. The Catholic and Royal Army of Vendee d. Parisian san-culottes

Parisian san-culottes

Mao Tse-Tung and the Communist Party were most popular amongst Chinese a. Peasants b. Workers c. Soldiers d. Bureaucrats


The passage is MOST directly related to which event? a. Iwakura Mission b. First Sino-Japanese War c. Perry Expedition d. Battle of Tsushima

Perry Expedition

Adolf Hitler's foreign policy goals included all of the following EXCEPT a. Repudiating many of the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles b. Uniting all German-Speaking people within one empire c. Expanding the border of Germany eastward and enslaving Slavic peoples d. Resurrecting the glory of the Holy Roman Empire

Resurrecting the glory of the Holy Roman Empire

Which Country was not a member of the Big Four at the paris peace conference? a. Britain b. France c. Russia d. Italy


Which Middle Eastern Country was ruled by an absolute monarchy during the Interwar Years? a. Turkey b. Iran c. Saudi Arabia d. Israel

Saudi Arabia

The sentiment expressed in the passage MOST directly resulted in which event? a. Sepoy Mutiny b. The establishment of the Indian National Congress c. Battle of Plassey d. The dissolution of the British East India Company

Sepoy Mutiny

Which European colonial power were most Latin Americans rebelling against during the 19th century? A: Britain B: France C: Portugal D: Spain


What did the "New Imperial" powers established throughout China during the late 19th and early 20th centuries? a. Colonies b. Protectorates c. Spheres of Influence d. Condominiums

Spheres of Influence

All of the following statements regarding the Taiping Rebellion are accurate EXCEPT a. The "New Imperial" powers formed the Eight-Nation Alliance b. The Ch'ing Dynasty was supported by British military aide c. Hung Hsiu-Chaun established the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom through southern China d. Chinese peasants sought to overthrow the Ch'ing Dynasty

The "New Imperial" powers formed the Eight-Nation Alliance

All of the following were results of the Berlin Conference EXCEPT a. The "New Imperial" powers pledged to abolish slavery throughout Africa b. The British constructed a transcontinental railroad connecting northern and southern Africa c. Major conflicts amongst the "New Imperial" powers regarding African colonies were avoided d. The Congo and Niger Rivers became free trade zones

The British constructed a transcontinental railroad connecting northern and southern Africa

All of the following states were created by the "Great Powers" at the Congress of Vienna in order to prevent French expansion EXCEPT a. The German Confederation b. The Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia c. The Swiss Confederacy d. The Kingdom of Poland

The Kingdom of Poland

Which of the following conclusions about the National Assembly is BEST supported by the articles? a. The National Assembly sought to de-Christianize France b. The National Assembly, although made up of formers members of all three estates, did not fully support Enlightenment ideals c. The National Assembly desired to create a French nation-state in which citizens were treated equally and free from government abuse d. The National Assembly wished to increase executive power at the expense of the legislative branch

The National Assembly desired to create a French nation-state in which citizens were treated equally and free from government abuse

The May Fourth Movement was a protest against a. The corruption and ineffectiveness of the Ch'ing Dynasty b. The Republic of China's acceptance of the Treaty of Versailles c. The influence of the Soviet Union in China and the establishment of the Communist Party d. Chiang Kai-Shek's right-wing, Authoritarian Policies

The Republic of China's acceptance of the Treaty of Versailles

What country promulgated the Open Door Policy in China a. The United States b. France c. Germany d. Britain

The United States

the political cartoon was MOST likely created in response to which event? a. Britain's victory over China in the First Opium War b. The suppression of the Boxer Rebellion by the Eight-Nation Alliance c. The acceptance of the Open Door Policy by European imperial powers d. The promulgation of the Monroe Doctrine by the United States

The acceptance of the Open Door Policy by European imperial powers

Which of the following was the MOST immediate effect of the speech above? a. The arrest and execution of Maximilien Robespierre by the National Convention b. The drafting of the Constitution of Year III and the establishment of the Directory c. The establishment of the Committee of Public Safety by the National Convention d. The execution of Louis XVI on charges of treason.

The arrest and execution of Maximilien Robespierre by the National Convention

All of the following statements regarding "Old Regime" France are accurate except a. The Bourbon dynasty ruled France as absolute monarchs b. Peasants were required to provide labor to nobles throughout the French countryside c. The Roman Catholic Church possessed the right to collect its own tax throughout France d. The bourgeoisie was exempt from taxation and afforded the highest positions within the French government and military

The bourgeoisie was exempt from taxation and afforded the highest positions within the French government and military

All of the following empires no longer existed after the First World War EXCEPT a. The ottoman empire b. The german empire c. Austro-hungarian empire d. The british empire

The british empire

All of the following were sources of motivation for "New Imperialism" powers EXCEPT a. The desire to spread Roman Catholicism to non-Christians b. The acquisition of natural resources and markets in order to support the Industrial Revolution c. The establishment of world-wide empires as an expression of nationalism d. A sense of superiority and duty to civilize the non-Western World

The desire to spread Roman Catholicism to non-Christians

The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany in all of the following ways except a. Massive reparations b. Military occupations c. The division of Germany into East Germany and West Germany d. Demilitarization

The division of Germany into East Germany and West Germany

Napoleon Bonaparte achieved all of the following EXCEPT a. The restoration of the Roman Catholic Church in France b. The spread of Enlightened ideals through the Napoleonic Code c. The invasion and conquest of Britain during the Napoleonic Wars d. The abolition of the Holy Roman Empire and the formation of the Confederation of the Rhine

The invasion and conquest of Britain during the Napoleonic Wars

Which of the following would BEST support the author's assertion regarding the "duty to civilize the inferior races?" a. The atrocities committed by American soldiers against Filipinos during the Philippine Rebellion b. The enforcement of rubber quotas in the Congo Free State by Leopold II's force public c. The reforms made by the Japanese during the Meiji Restoration d. The suppression of the Sepoy Mutiny by Britain's "Army of Retribution"

The reforms made by the Japanese during the Meiji Restoration

The speech by Maximilien Robespierre was MOST directly a justification of a. The Law of Maximum b. The swift trial and execution of those considered "counter-revolutionary" throughout France. c. The de-Christianization of France d. The conscription of all men between 18 and 25 into the French army

The swift trial and execution of those considered "counter-revolutionary" throughout France.

Unlike Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler a. Was a veteran of the First World War b. Suppressed dissent with the use of a secret police c. Was extremely anti-Semitic and persecuted Jews d. Brought about the Second World War through acts of aggression

Was extremely anti-Semitic and persecuted Jews

Historians would MOST likely use the passage to prove that "New Imperialism" a. Resulted in conflict between Japan and the United States b. Was fostered by the desire of industrialized countries to acquire natural resources and access new markets c. Led to the economic domination of China by various European countries d. Triggered the westernization of Japan

Was fostered by the desire of industrialized countries to acquire natural resources and access new markets

Which of the following Enlightenment thinkers' ideas are NOT represented by the articles? a. Beccaria b. Rousseau c. Wollstonecraft d. Montesquieu


All of the following contributed to the development of the industrial rev. In britain during the 18th century except A: an abundance of coal and iron ore B: a declining population C: agricultural advancements D: a stable government

a declining population

Who was known as the brain of italian unification A: giuseppe mazzini B: victor emmanuel II C: giuseppe garibaldi D: camillo di cavour

camillo di cavour

The sentiment expressed by the author in the passage most directly supports 19th century A: conservatism B: liberalism C: nationalism D: socialism


The author of the passage is most likely opposed to A: social hierarchy based upon privileges and responsibilities B: the divine right of kings theory C: the roman catholic church D: constitutions that safeguard the natural rights of individuals

constitutions that safeguard the natural rights of individuals

The engraving reveals all of the following characteristics of the industrial towns and cities except A: pollution B: crime C: poor working conditions D: inadequate housing


All of the following statements regarding the decembrist revolt are accurate except A: it was precipitated by the death of Alexander I B: it was organized by liberal officers within the Russian army C: its goal was to establish a Russian constitution D: it was suppressed by an intervention of Austrian troops

it was suppressed by an intervention of Austrian troops

The sentiment expressed by the author in the passage is most similar to the rhetoric of A: maximilien robespierre B: klemens von metternich C: giuseppe mazzini D: otto von bismarck

maximilien robespierre

All of the following statements regarding the Latin american wars of independence are accurate except: A: mexico was the first Latin american state to gain its independence B: most of the revolutionary leaders were creoles C: the US issued the Monroe doctrine in order to prevent the re-colonization of Latin america by European states D: most of the newly independent Latin american states established republican governments

mexico was the first latin american state to gain its independence

The tenets of 19th century liberalism favored which group? A: peasants B: middle class C: aristocracy D: working class

middle class

The industrial revolution affected 19th century british society in all of the following ways except A: most of britain's population shifted from urban areas to the countryside B: the british middle class expanded and became more diversified C: british peasants pushed out of the countryside moved to towns and cities and became the working class D: protestantism declined throughout britain while catholicism made a resurgence

most of britain's population shifted from urban areas to the countryside

Which of the following problems associated with the working class during the industrial revolution is best reflected in the engraving A: rapid urbanization B: cyclical unemployment C: poor working conditions D: lack of political representation

rapid urbanization

The final act of italian unification occurred in 1870 when A: rome became the capital of italy following the withdrawal of french troops B: giuseppe garibaldi conquered the kingdom of two sicilies C: piedmont-sardinia annexed lombardy as a result of the second war of italian independence D: austria ceded venetia to italy following the seven weeks war

rome became the capital of italy following the withdrawal of french troops

Which of the following events is most clearly predicted by otto von bismarck in the passage A: seven week's war B: the danish war C: franco-prussian war D: second war of italian independence

seven week's war

The french rev and wars contributed to the emergence of all of the following 19th century ideologies except: A: conservatism B: liberalism C: nationalism D: socialism


Which of the following statements would most likely be supported by a 19th century liberal? A: absolute monarchy was the best form of government B: progress should be made through violent revolution C: enlightened ideals are dangerous and harmful to safety D: suffrage should be determined by property

suffrage should be determined by property

A historian would most likely use the passage in support of which theory? A: the Latin american wars of independence were influenced by liberalism and nationalism B: Simon bolivar was a bloodthirsty military dictator C: the majority of Latin Americans favored Spanish rule D: Joe de San Martin was a more successful revolutionary leader than Simon bolivar

the Latin american wars of independence were influenced by liberalism and nationalism

At the time the political cartoon above was published, italy did not include A: the region of lombardy B: the island of sicily C: the southern half of the italian peninsula D: the city of rome

the city of rome

The artist of the political cartoon was most likely inspired by which event? A: the annexation of Lombardy by Piedmont-sardinia following the second war of italian independence B: the organization of Young Italy by giuseppe mazzini in the 1830s C: the franco-piedmontese alliance negotiated by napoleon III and count cavour D: the conquest of sicily and southern italy by giuseppe garibaldi and his Redshirts

the conquest of sicily and southern italy by giuseppe garibaldi and his Redshirts

Otto von bismarck suggest in the passage that the unification of germany will most directly bring an end to A: holy roman empire B: the confederation of the rhine C: the german empire D: the german confederation

the german confederation

All of the following events contributed to the Latin american wars of independence except A: the enlightenment B: the french rev. C: the peninsular war D: the industrial revolution

the industrial revolution

The passage was most likely written by the author in response to A: the invasion of Russia by napoleon I and his grand army B: the promulgation of the treaty of Paris by the congress of Vienna C: the outbreak of liberal revolutions in both Spain and the Italian states D: the emergence of the industrial working class

the outbreak of liberal revolutions in both Spain and the Italian states

The unification of italy was opposed by the roman catholic church because A: Italians who supported the unification of Italy typically opposed to Catholicism B: the Roman Catholic Church was disturbed by the violent means through which Italy was unified C: the unification of italy forced the pope to forfeit territorial claims in central italy D: Italy was unified by the predominantly Protestant Piedmontese

the unification of italy forced the pope to forfeit territorial claims in central italy

All of the following statements regarding the franco-prussian war are accurate except A: napoleon III was captured by the prussians at the battle of sedan B: southern german states allied with prussia against france during the war C: the war resulted in the formation of the north german confederation D: the treaty of frankfurt marked the end of the war and declared the establishment of the german empire

the war resulted in the formation of the north german confederation

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