History: The Colonies Take Root - Chapter 3 (Sect. 1-4)

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Who is James Oglethorpe?

A wealthy English businessman, he created a colony (Georgia) where there was protection from English debtors.

* Why did Jamestown settlers have difficulty at first? - Jamestown struggles...

Jamestown settlers struggled due to a poor location, laziness, and a harsh winter, lack of skills, and poor leadership.

Describe the experience of settlers who founded Jamestown

Jamestown was located on a swampy peninsula with tainted water and insects. Local natives (led by Chief Powhatan) give food but it was not enough and many colonists get sick and die.

* What was the first English Settlement? How was it created? - Virginia

Jamestown! 1607: Virginia Company of London. Created with the hope to find Wealth in America. Jamestown, Virginia is England's first settlement in North America.

Who was John Smith?

John Smith in 1608 was sent out from London and took command by making new rules. The first being you must work to eat. Women come later.

How did the Pilgrims manage to survive the first few years? Why did John Smith leave?

John Smith raided Native American villages, which angered Powhatan. When John Smith got injured and returned to England, Powhatan refused to supply food. Bad habits return. The winter of 1609-10 was called "Starving Time". Tobacco was planted and farmed in 1612 and Jamestown prospers. New colonists arrive.

* Who founded New Hampshire?

John Wheelright was forced to leave Massachusetts because he agreed with Anne Hutchinson. He settled in Exeter, New Hampshire.

* Who founded Massachusetts?

John Winthrop

Who led the Puritans?

John Winthrop, a respected landowner and lawyer.

* How was Maryland founded?

King Charles I granted a charter for a new colony to George Calvert, an English Catholic. He set up a colony where Catholics could live safely. His son, Cecil Calver, or Lord Baltimore became proprietor.

* How was Jamestown, Virginia created?

King James I grants the Virginia Company a London a charter to go to the North American coast. 100 men arrive near the Chesapeake Bay and build a fort called Jamestown.

* Who discovered Delaware?


How is Jamestown's government different from today?

Similar to today, members are elected and meet to make laws. Today lawmakers do not meet in a church, and there are many more lawmakers.

Why were there conflicts with Native Americans in the South?

Poorer colonists could only own and farm on Indian land. Virginia governor didn't want war with the Indians as he benefitted from their trade.

What other methods could John Smith have used to save the colony?

Asked Native Americans to teach them to survive and developed friendly trade relationships.

Compare how the Puritans were treated by the English government to the Puritans treatment of Anne Hutchinson. How were they similar?

Both made it illegal to question religious practices

Compare Lord Baltimore's founding of Maryland with James Oglethorpe's founding of Georgia.

Both were founded to protect groups of people. Lord Baltimore - Maryland - so Catholics could practice freely. Oglethorpe - Georgia - English debtors would be protected from imprisonment.

* Which colony was founded by Thomas Hooker, a minister. He left Massachusetts and settled at Hartford due to a disagreement with the Puritan leaders. Spell it.


What types of crops were grown on plantations?

Crops, such as rice, sugar and cotton were grown on plantations.

Could debtors be imprisoned under English law?

Debtors were people who owed money and could be put in jail.

Why did England seek Colonies?

Economic motivation: New raw materials for English industries New markets to sell English goods

Why do you think the Virginia Company gave the first settlers the right to self government?

England rallied they were too far ways to make day-to-day decisions about governing.

Why di Penn call Pennsylvania "a holy experiment"?

He considered his plan unique and ordained by God.

What was the geography and climate of the Middle Colonies?

It had rivers and coastline, fertile soil, and long growing seasons.

How was Pennsylvania a breadbasket?

It produced wheat from which flour for bread is made.

* Who founded Georgia

James Oglethorpe

* Who founded New Hampshire

John Wheelright

Define Plantation

Large farm

What was the King Philip's War?

Native American were trying to stop Puritan expansion Led by "Metacom" - King Phillip (he died when he was captured by the English)

Define debtor

People who owe money

What is Pennsylvania's Capital?

Philadelphia, which means "City of Brotherly Love"

What is the Tidewater Region?

Plantation which grew cotton, sugar, and rice. Along the coast in the Southern Colonies.

What is "religious toleration"?

Recognition that other people have the right to different opinions. Puritans did not believe in religious toleration.

Why did the Pilgrims come to America?

Religious freedom

What type of government did the English colonies in North America establish and based on elections?

Representative government

* When Roger Williams paid Native Americans for land he founded this colony. Spell it.

Rhode Island

How did rice farming promote the spread of slavery?

Rice growing required large numbers of workers laboring in hot, humid, unhealthy conditions.

* Who founded Virginia?

The Virginia Company

* What is Representative Government?

The form of government in which voters elect people to make laws for them. (eg. House of Burgesses)

What was William Penn's Holy Experiment?

The goal was to create a colony in which people from different religious backgrounds could live together peacefully.

* Who founded Connecticut?

Thomas Hooker

* Who discovered Pennsylvania?

William Penn

Why did Metacom declare war on the English colonists?

He wanted to stop Puritan expansion

Why were the first English colonies located along the Atlantic coast?

It was a convenient source of food and transportation.

* Why was the Mayflower compact important?

It was the first document in which American claimed the right to self-government.

What was John Smith's most important rule?

"He who works not, eats not"

Who is Anne Hutchinson?

A Boston woman that questioned some of the Puritan teachings.She was expelled and established a settlement on an island which is part of Rhode Island.

What did the English king give to the merchants of the Virginia Company to establish a colony called Virginia?

A charter

What is a proprietary colony?

A colony created by a grant of land from a monarch to an individual or family. In 1702 NJ received a new charter as a Royal Colony - a colony controlled directly by the English king. NY became a Royal Colony in 1685.

What did the founders of Georgia want?

A colony of small farms, not large plantations. Slavery was banned. However, it was unpopular and became legal in 1750's.

* Who are the Puritans?

A group that had a disagreement with the Church of England and King Charles I, they were persecuted and forced to give up many of their possessions. They decided to leave England in the 1620's.

* Who is Nathaniel Bacon?

A leader of the Virginia frontier settlers. He attacked and killed Native Americans. He attacked and burned Jamestown after being called a rebel from the governor. Led a revolt called "Bacon's Rebellion".

Who is Squanto?

A local Native Americans Chief that helped sustain the Pilgrims there first winter in Plymouth. He brought them native plants, corn, beans, and pumpkins and showed them how to plant and harvest.

What is a proprietor?

A owner of a business or colony

* What is a pilgrim?

A pilgrim is a person who takes a religious journey. A person that leaves their country and goes on a journey to have religious freedom.

What is a "town meeting"?

An assembly of townspeople that decides local issues. Restricted to male heads of household

How was NJ different after it became a royal colony in 1702?

As a royal colony, NJ was controlled directly by the king, not a private company or family.

Give two definitions of town meeting (formal and traditional)

Assembly of townspeople that decides local issues. At town meetings, people talk about and solve local problems.

Why was the Mayflower Compact formed?

Because the first Pilgrims settled outside Virginia they did not feel they were bound to the rules of the Virginia Company, instead they formed the Mayflower Compact. They considered this "just and equal laws". Office holders would be elected by the the colony's adult males.

How did geography affect the New England economy?

Colonists fished and whaled in the waters and build ship from the lumber.

* People from Sweden were the first European settlers in this colony. Spell it.


What three rivers are in the Middle Colonies?

Delaware Hudson Susquehanna

How does New Netherland become New York?

England's King Charles II grants the rights to all the Dutch lands in North America to his brother James. The Dutch surrendered and the colony of New Netherland is renamed New York.

* What was the main cause of Bacon's Rebellion?

Establishing farms inland, the frontier settlers needed protection from the Native Americans they were displacing.

How did New England families earn their livelihoods?

Farmers grew crops Made leather goods Fishing cod and other fish Shipbuilding

* What is the Mayflower Compact?

First document in which American colonists claimed a right to govern themselves.

Why would colonists in New England have turned to fishing rather than to farming?

Fish were abundant in the ocean and tiers. Thin, rocky soil made farming too difficult.

What was the 'backcountry'?

Frontier region extending from Pennsylvania to Georgia. Mostly non-English settlers (German, Scotch - Irish)

* Who founded Maryland?

George Calvert

* A wealthy English businessman named James Oglethorpe created this colony for protection from English debtors. Spell it.


* What is the House of Burgesses?

In 1619, Virginia's first government and lawmaking body. It could pass laws and set taxes. It worked with Virginia's Governor who had the power to veto. It was the start of representative government in North America.

* Why did Africans Come to Virginia? Slavery begins.

In 1619, a Dutch ship with 20 Africans came and were sold to colonists as slaves. They could earn their freedom after working for a number of years.

* Who were the first Pilgrims? How was Massachusetts formed?

In 1620 a group of Separists left the Netherlands to settle in Virginia, but landed in Massachusetts. They were called Pilgrims and the place they landed was called Plymouth, after a port in England. They did not want to be bound by the rules of the Virginia Company.

* How was the Carolinas formed? North and South Carolina.

In 1663, King Charles II granted a charter creating a new colony called Carolina. The northern part of Carolina developed slowly. The southern part grew more quickly -they grew sugar and rice. Eventually the Carolinas became two colonies, North and South.

Why did the struggle for rich farmland affect the colonists in Virginia?

It led to conflicts between poor colonists and Native Americans over land; it led to hostility between poor farmers and wealthy plantation owners.

How did the lack of religious toleration affect politics in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

Many people were forced to leave and started their own colonies.

* King Charles I granted a charter for a new colony to George Calvert, an English Catholic, and he set up this colony. Spell it.


What are the colonies south of the Mason-Dixon Line?

Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.

* In 1620 a group of Separists left the Netherlands to settle in Virginia, but landed in this colony. They were called Pilgrims and the place they landed was called Plymouth. Spell it.


How did government of Jamestown differ from that of Plymouth?

Plymouth settlers self-governed (Mayflower Compact). Jamestown, Virginia had The House of Burgesses was behold to the king.

* How was New Jersey formed?

NJ split from NY after England took New Netherland from the Dutch.

What was the main differences in the colonies?

New England had poor soil and it forced people to concentrate on the sea (fishing) for economic survival. The Middle Colonies of Pennsylvania and NJ had an easier time growing crops. Better soil and warmer climate rendered huge wheat fields. Southern Colonies better geography yielded more favorable soil and longer growing seasons. Plantations were created - large farms and lots of labor.

What is the geography of New England?

New England is the northern corner of the United States. Hills and mountains Covered by forest Difficult farming Rich fishing ground

* The colony that was founded by John Wheelright when he was forced to leave Massachusetts because he agreed with Anne Hutchinson. Spell it.

New Hampshire

* Which colony split from NY after England took New Netherland from the Dutch. Spell it.

New Jersey

* Which state was a Dutch colony taken over by the English. Spell it.

New York

* How was New York formed?

New York was a Dutch colony taken over by the English.

What states make up the Middle Colonies?

New York, NJ, Pennsylvania and Delaware.

Why did the Puritan influence decline?

New generations were doing well running farms and businesses. Founders had less influence.

Why did Jamestown Settlers have difficulties at first?

No food The Indians stopped helping after they raided their lands

* Colony that was created when King Charles II granted a charter. Spell it.

North and South Carolina

Charter (definition)

Official document of permission - a document issued by a government that grants specific rights to a person or company.

How did people live in the backcountry?

On small, isolated farmland that they usually did not own.

How did Penn's "holy experiment" differ from the Puritans' "City on a hill"?

Penn sought cooperation between religons. The Puritans were not as tolerant.

* Founded by William Penn, a Quaker leader in 1682. He wanted to find a place for the Quakers to live where they would be safe from persecution. Spell it.


* How was Delaware formed?

People from Sweden were the first European settlers in Deleware. Because Delaware's settlers did not want to send delegates to a distant assembly in Philadelphia, Penn gave them their own assembly and Delaware became a separate colony.

What were Puritan Beliefs?

People were basically bad. Puritan disciplines included hard work, not gambling, drinking or swearing. Strict standards of behavior fouls make up for their sins.

Who were the Pilgrims?

People who came from North America to separate from the Church of England.

What was the geography and climate of New England?

Rocky with rich forestland much coastland. It has cold, snowy winters and short, warm summers.

* Who founded Rhode Island?

Roger Williams

* How was Rhode Island formed?

Roger Williams paid Native Americans for land and founded the town of Providence, Rhode Island. He believed the Puritans should split entirely form the Church of England. In 1644, the colonists in Rhode Island received a charter from the king to govern themselves. People from all faiths could worship in religious freedom.

* How was Georgia formed?

The English feared Spain was going to expand from Florida. Protection for English debtors. Government could imprison debtors until they paid what they owed.

Describe the geography and climate of the Southern Colonies.

The climate is warm and humid. A long growing season for crops such as tobacco and rice.

What conditions in the Middle Colonies favored farming?

The climate is warm and soil is fertile.

What conditions favored the development of a plantation economy?

The climate provided a long growing season that farmers used to raise tobacco and rice. Both of these crops required many workers in the field.

Mason-Dixon Line

The line on a map marked the boundary between tow colonies. It became the dividing line between the northern states where slavery was abolished and the southern states where slavery persisted.

Give two definitions of Toleration (formal and traditional)

The recognition that other people might have different opinions Respecting other peoples' point of views, even if you don't agree with them.

How did physical geography affect the output of food in the colonies?

The soil in New England was poor. Fish was a main food source. Soil and warmer climate in the Middle Colonies allowed wheat to grow, which could be used to produce bread. The hot humid climate of the Southern Colonies made rice an important food product.

How did the geography of the Southern Colonies affect the kinds of crops that were grown there?

The warm, humid climate provided a long growing season that farmers used to raise tobacco, rice, as well as other crops.

Why did Lord Baltimore want Maryland's Act of Toleration?

There was tension between Protestants and Catholics, and he was afraid Catholics might lose their rights.

Why did Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

They did not agree with some of the Puritan teachings.

How did the Pilgrims' experiences in England affect the government that they established in Plymouth?

They established self-government to prevent persecution from their leaders.

* Why did Jamestown prosper? - Success!

They grew tobacco which became a sustainable source of income.

What role do you think rivers played in the Midddle Colonies' economy?

They provided food and transportation.

What advantages did the geography and climate give to the people living in the Middle Colonies?

They used the rivers for trade and transport, and the land for farming.

How is are the Pilgrims reasons for coming to America different from the Jamestown settlers?

They wanted to separate from the Church of England and be free to practice Christianity in their own way.

* Who founded Connecticut?

Thomas Hooker, a minister. He left Massachusetts and settled at Hartford due to a disagreement with the Puritan leaders.

Describe the Tidewater region and the Backcountry region, compare.

Tidewater: It runs along the coast People lived on large Plantations, slavery Backcountry: Cut off from the coast by poor roads and long distances Poor, did not own their land No divisions by social rank

Why did the Puritans go to America?

To build a colony based on their religious beliefs and serve as a model for others.

Why did the Puritans establish the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

To build a colony based on their religious beliefs and serve as a model to others.

What wer William Penn's goals for his colony?

To create a colony in which people from different religious backgrounds could live peacefully.

* What are the responsibilities of the House of Burgesses?

To pass laws and set taxes

Why did Oglethorpe and the other founders establish the colony of Georgia?

To protect English land claims from the Spanish and give English debtors a place to live.

Define "sustainable"

To support , to keep going (The colonists were unable to grow enough food to sustain themselves)

* What spurred the early development of slavery?

Tobacco and rice were crops in the South that required many workers in the fields.

What actions did John Smith take to help Jamestown?

Tough new rules Had colonists cut timber (wood), put up buildings, plan crops Raided Indian villages for food

What actions did John Smith take to help Jamestown?

Tough rules, including one that required people to work if they wanted to eat.

* What state was created with the hope to find Wealth in America. Jamestown is England's first settlement in North America. Spell it.


What tensions existed in Maryland compared to Virginia?

Virginia's conflicts arose between rich and poor, and colonists and Native Americans due to land shortages. Maryland's conflicts arose between Protestants and Catholics for religious reasons.

* Describe the early history of Virginia

Virginia's population continued to grow, due to new settlers fro Europe and more children, and women.

Describe the geography and climate of the Middle Colonies.

Warmer with a longer growing season than New England. Fertile Soil for crops like wheat, fruit and vegetables.

* Who founded Pennsylvania?

William Penn, a Quaker leader in 1682. He wanted to find a place for the Quakers to live where they would be safe from persecution.

Who benefitted from Maryland's toleration?

adult, male Christians.

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