History U10

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How many United States troops were in Vietnam by 1964?


The national debt, as of 1992, amounted to

4.35 trillion dollars.

An extremely serious and recent epidemic is that of:


Jefferson's Republican opponent in the 1800 election was:

Aaron Burr

The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution:

Abolished slavery forever

Which of Kennedy's programs was intended to provide funds for social programs and to help in promoting democratic institutions?

Alliance For Progress

Samuel Gompers

American Federation of Labor

Which labor union formed in 1886, with Samuel Gompers as president, to provide trade unions with a national voice?

American Federation of Labor

The _____ opposed the Constitution of the United States and the idea of a strong national government.


This was the bloodiest one-day battle of the Civil War, with twenty-two thousand men losing their lives. General Lee was able to resist the Union army's attacks five times and kept the Union from reaching a decisive victory when he and his troops slipped away during a break in the fighting.

Battle of Antietam

The destruction of the _____ united East and West Berlin, and East Germany and West Germany became one nation again.

Berlin Wall

What was the first text to be printed on the printing press during the Renaissance?


Waco, Texas

Branch Davidian Compound

The hostages were held by Iran during the Presidency of


North/South sectionalism was characteristic of the time period before the _____.

Civil war

What was the significance of Burgoyne's march through New York?

Colonists cut down trees to slow Burgoyne's progress to Saratoga where he lost his entire army.

first shuttle


What was the publication by Thomas Paine that caused colonists to think seriously about declaring independence from England?

Common Sense

Robert E. Lee

Confederate general who surrendered at Appomattox Court House

How did Cold War issues contribute to the Korean War?

Conflict over communism eventually led to the invasion of South Korea.

What four things led to the Revolutionary War?

Declaration of Independence, Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, fighting in Boston

Robert McNamara

Defense Department under President Kennedy

The Jamestown colony in Virginia was settled to provide raw materials for what country?


General Edward Braddock

English general during the French and Indian War

What was the significance of the capture of Philadelphia?

Even though it was the capital city, it did not mean the end of the war. It provided the British with comfortable quarters.

Democracy flourished in medieval society.


President Johnson was the originator of the civil rights legislation that was eventually passed by Congress.


President Kennedy offered to send military advisors to Korea during the Korean Conflict.


The Crusades were successful in that the Holy Land was recaptured and retained.


The Federal Trade Commission was responsible for protecting large corporations


The Republicans suffered a net loss of four seats in the House and Senate after the 2004 election.


The United States corporation system was an outgrowth of the New Deal.


The last battle of the Spanish-American War was a sea battle under the command of Admiral George Dewey.


Select the bills sent to Congress implementing Roosevelt's New Deal.

Federal Emergency Relief Act, The Social Security Act, Emergency Banking Act, The Agricultural Adjustment Act

The _____ made sure that antitrust laws were enforced and also protected small businesses so that they had a chance to survive against powerful corporations.

Federal Trade Commission

Which president pardoned Richard Nixon?


On June 1, 1812, President James Madison asked Congress to declare war on Great Britain. Select the reasons why.

France and Great Britain wanted to destroy trade between the U.S. and other countries., the impressment of sailors, British interference with the United States, inciting Indian warfare

The New Deal was a program promised by

Franklin D. Roosevelt during his campaign for the presidency

To help black people adjust to freedom and to help protect their civil rights in 1865, Congress established the:

Freedman's Bureau

What government agency was formed to help African Americans adjust to freedom and to protect their civil rights?

Freedman's Bureau

Which war settled the question of which country controlled the North American continent?

French and Indian War

Marquis de Lafayette

French soldier who fought with the colonists in the Revolutionary War


Frenchman who fought for the colonists


George Calvert

The convention for revision of the Articles of Confederation elected _____ as chairman.

George Washington

The event that led to United States involvement in World War I was:

Germany's sinking of American supply ships

The event that led to United States involvement in World War I was:

Germany's sinking of supply ships

In world affairs, Roosevelt advocated a:

Good Neighbor Policy

Who was the last leader of the Soviet Union?


Allied Power

Great Britain

Lyndon Johnson

Great Society

What happened to President Nixon after the Watergate scandal?

He resigned from office.

Why was Roger Williams banished from Massachusetts?

He spoke out against religious laws made by the government., He believed Indians should be paid for land taken over by colonists.

One of the great technological feats of the shuttle program was putting what telescope into orbit and going back to repair it?


Write a paragraph in which you explain how nationalism contributed to the United States entering World War 1.

Increased nationalism led to the support of the military which meant that armies and navies were developed to give countries international advantage. This was all demonstrated when the Allies were defeated attempting to aid Russia. Supply ships were sent to England and France from the United States. When Germany began to sink the supply ships, the U.S. had declared war on Germany, entering the war.

Ford's administration was plagued by what problem?


The Persian Gulf War was against


Carter negotiated peace between Egypt and what other country?


What happened to the first colony in Virginia?

It mysteriously disappeared.

What was the significance of the battle of Yorktown?

It signaled the end of the Revolutionary war.

Axis Power


Jefferson chose _____ to negotiate the Louisiana Purchase.

James Monroe


James Oglethorpe

New York

James, Duke of York

Axis Power


On December 7, 1941, the United States was attacked at Pearl Harbor by what country?


The trade deficit in the United States is usually blamed on:

Japan and China

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?


The first president of the Confederacy was:

Jefferson Davis

Which act established the Supreme Court?

Judiciary act

Uriah S. Stephens

Knights of Labor

Which one of these men was not a representative to the First Continental Congress?


Woodrow Wilson

League of Nations

General --- surrendered to General --- at Appomattox Court House.

Lee, Grant

Right to --- is a Christian organization opposed to abortion.



Los Angeles and San Francisco

The belief that the United States had a God-given right to extend its territory across the country was known as:

Manifest Destiny

The very earliest religious motivation for colonization in America was the Protestant Reformation led by _____.

Martin Luther

Which colony passed the Toleration Act, preserving the rights of Catholics to worship?


When President _____ declared war on Spain, the U.S. foreign policy switched from isolationism to international involvement.


A foreign soldier hired to fight for the British was known as a _____.


The United States has a free trade agreement with:

Mexico and Canada

Great Flood of 1993

Mississippi River

What were the causes of the breakdown of medieval society?

Mistrust and petty jealousies arose between landlords or nobles, as they fueded and fought for power.

Though the term of President _____ was known as the "Era of Good Feelings," sectional rivalries were prevalent across the U.S.


What was the first organized union in the United States?

National Labor Union

In 1866, Congress passed the first Civil Rights Act, which granted citizenship to all people born in the United States except which group?

Native Americans

Beginning in 1660, a series of acts were passed by England in an attempt to control all colonial trade. All ships carrying goods between England and America had to be British built or owned. Certain items, such as tobacco, sugar, or indigo could only be sold to England, limiting the trade markets available to the colonists.

Navigation Acts

Adolf Hitler

Nazi dictator

Franklin Roosevelt

New Deal

Richard Nixon's plan for dismantling the Great Society programs was called:

New Federalism

John F. Kennedy

New Frontier

William Paterson suggested an alternate to the Virginia Plan that was called the:

New Jersey Plan

An unpopular move by Ford was the pardoning of what president?


Which of these demonstrate President Nixon's expertise in foreign relations matters?

Nixon Doctrine, visit to China

During the Civil War, what region had the advantage of harboring 90% of the country's industries?


William T. Sherman

Northern general who destroyed everything in his way in the South

List at least three ways in which Congress kept Richard Nixon's power in check during the years he was president.

One, when Nixon began to bomb Cambodia, he received no support from Congress, who ordered the bombing to stop. Two, Nixon's veto of a resolution to limit presidential war powers was overruled by Congress. Three, the investigation of the Watergate scandal and the proposal of Nixon's impeachment.

What was the most significant event of George W. Bush's presidency

Orchestrating the War in Iraq

Manuel Noriega

Panamanian dictator

The signing of a peace treaty by North Vietnam, the Vietcong, South Vietnam, and the United States occurred in _____ on January 17, 1973.


What major world event occurred on December 7, 1941?

Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese.

Which statement characterizes education in European society during the Renaissance?

People wrote in their native languages instead of Latin., The printing press allowed for the written word to reach more people.

President Johnson's program to create new jobs and to appropriate money to faltering economic areas was called War on


Which three bills did President Nixon propose to Congress that aided United States citizens?

Price Commission, draft lottery, Environmental Protection Agency

What is the name of a Christian grassroots movement that encourages men to be dedicated to Christ, to be dedicated to the family, and to have good relationships with others?

Promise Keepers


Reagan's economic plan

What early political party was formed by Jefferson and Madison, who had faith in the abilities of the common people?


Which person caused England to become interested in colonization?

Richard Hakluyt


Ronald Reagan

Allied Power


$400 billion

Savings and Loan bailout

_____ is support for one area without regard for the needs of the other areas or the nation as a whole.


Near the end of the War, a military victory in Atlanta by this general secured Lincoln's election to a second presidential term. From Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia, he and his troops burned and killed everything in their path.


The Missouri Compromise of 1820 maintained the political balance between what two groups?

Slave states and free states

Laws in the South which confirmed the belief that slaves were property and should be protected by the public were called:


In the early 1800s, what issue was raised every time a new state was added to the Union?


What was the most important issue that separated the South from the rest of the nation?


The act that provided for old-age pensions and unemployment insurance was the:

Social Security Act

During the Civil War, this region had the advantage of only needing to hold its territory and simply fight a defensive war.


A month after Abraham Lincoln's election to the presidency, the state of _____ seceded from the Union.

South Carolina

The United States was strongly in favor of Cuban independence from what country?


neutral country


Robert Fulton's invention of the _____ greatly increased trade, and provided for faster shipping of goods.


Albert B. Fall

Teapot Dome Scandal

Warren G. Harding

Teapot Dome scandal

Kennedy's program that signaled a shift in attitude of the United States toward Latin America was called the:

Test Ban Treaty

What were the terms of the treaty that ended the War of 1812?

The British had to stop interfering with U.S. trade.

The War of 1812 began because the British were interfering with American trade and for what other reason?

The British were impressing American seamen.

Which World War II event occurred FIRST?

The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.

During the Korean War, who sided with South Korea?

The United States

Write a paragraph of 125 words in which you discuss the conditions that led to the industrial development of the United States.

The United States contained the natural resources and raw materials needed for industrial growth. One condition was the abundancy of fertile land for crop growth, coalfields, many rivers and streams that were used as an energy source to power machinery, and a flow of immigrants into the country which contributed to the labor supply. Another condition leading to industrial development was the United States' resentment of England, who withheld knowledge of technology from the United States. There was also a need for new inventions that would help speed up work for agricultural America such as the cotton gin, iron and steel plow, the reaping machine, and the sewing machine. The next condition was the need to distribute goods and materials to other parts of the country, which increased the demand for the expansion of transportation systems. This resulted in roads, canals, steamboats, and steam locomotives being built. Lastly, spurred by previous wars is the development of inventions for war, which resulted in the production of new weapons, ammunition, and other military equipment.

What were four weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

The equal voting powers caused disputes between large and small states., Congress had power to levy taxes but no power to collect taxes., No system of courts existed in which to try violators of national laws., Congress could not control trade or commerce.

What did President Nixon's policy of Vietnamization mean for the United States?

The war was to be turned back over to the South Vietnamese.

Who wrote Common Sense , encouraging Americans to break away from Great Britain?

Thomas Paine

A change in the United States' philosophy about interference in the affairs of European nations came about because of the United States' interference in the affairs of Spain.


As a result of the Persian Gulf War, Iraq was placed under UN sanctions.


Because of money gained from sale of western lands, the government was able to pay the national debt.


Before the Industrial Revolution, the United States became resentful of England for not sharing its technology with the United States.


Carter based his foreign policy on Christian principles.


Chief Justice John Marshall's Supreme Court decisions helped strengthen the national government.


Clinton's agenda included unpaid leaves from companies for family needs.


George H. Bush's political philosophy was moderate.


Hitler's attacks of smaller countries and military build-ups as a result of economic depression led to Europe's involvement in World War II.


Jackson was noted for his strong nationalistic foreign policy.


Most of the American colonies were settled by groups of people who sought religious freedom.


One governmental flaw that was discovered after the War of 1812 was a problem of little money to run the government.


One of the terms of the Vietnam treaty was the provision for free elections in South Vietnam.


Poll taxes and literacy tests were methods used to exclude black people from voting.


President Carter based his foreign policy on Christian human rights.


Sectionalism is illustrated in the Northeast's desire for high protective tariffs because the Northeast was becoming an industrial center and needed available money.


The French and Indian War resulted in England's becoming the leading colonial power in the world.


The Missouri Compromise of 1820 allowed Maine to be admitted to the Union as a free state.


The North planned to blockade Southern ports as part of the war strategy.


The Second Continental Congress is responsible for the writing and adoption of the Declaration of Independence.


The Virginia Resolves condemned the Stamp Act and said that only the colonial government should levy taxes.


The ally of the United States in the Gulf War was Kuwait.


The bold new idea expressed in the Declaration of Independence was the people had rights not necessarily granted by their government.


The conflict in Bosnia is among ethnic groups in the country.


The first colony in Virginia was Roanoke Island.


Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr were candidates for president of the United States in 1800.


neutral country


A network of escape routes for runaway slaves was called the:

Underground Railroad

Ulysses S. Grant

Union general who met at Appomattox Court House

Cold War

United States and Soviet Union

James Buchanan

United States president at the time of the secession

William B. McKinley

United States president during the Spanish-American War

Trying to end the _____, some people believe President Johnson sacrificed his political career for the cause of peace.

Vietnam War

What was the significance of the battles of Trenton and Princeton?

Washington surprised the Hessians on Christmas Eve while they were celebrating.

What was the significance of the fall of New York?

Washington was defeated twice by a large British army.

Richard Nixon



William Penn


William Penn; originally part of Pennsylvania

The result of the "Great Compromise" was:

a House membership based on population and a Senate with equal representation

Kennedy won the presidency on the basis of his program for:

a New Frontier

The significance of Marco Polo's trip to the Far East was that he returned with stories of:

a modern way of life

In the Virginia Plan, the two houses of Congress would be populated:

according to the free population of each state

Wilbur and Orville Wright


During Richard Nixon's administration, the Supreme Court made two major desegregation rulings. One of them stated that:

all public school districts must end segregation

Quartering Act

allowed British troops in the colonies to be housed and fed by colonists


an economic theory that increased the power and wealth of nations


an instrument used to observe the sun, moon, and stars

What two incidents led to the Spanish-American War?

an insulting letter about President McKinley written by the Spanish Ambassador, the explosion of the battleship Maine in Havana harbor


an island in the Caribbean invaded by the United States

Calvin Coolidge

became president after Harding's death

Common Sense

booklet advocating independence from England

Declaration of Rights and Grievances

boycott of goods by English colonists

In what ways did Hitler break the Versailles Treaty?

built up Germany's military, invaded Poland, invaded Austria, invaded Czechoslovakia

John Marshall

chief justice of the Supreme Court

Pinckney's Treaty

clarified boundary and navigation disputes with Spain

What group was unconcerned about different life styles because their duty was to care for the souls of the people?


Proclamation Act of 1763

closed all newly acquired lands west of the Allegheny Mountains to colonists

Intolerable Acts

closed the port of Boston

One of the criticisms of the Articles of Confederation was that it did not provide for:

collection of taxes

The space shuttle program began when the _____ flew on April 12, 1981.


Douglas MacArthur

commander of United States ground forces in Korea

Dwight D. Eisenhower

commander of United States troops in Europe during World War II

Theodore Roosevelt

commander of the Rough Riders

Roosevelt considered the foundation of the New Deal to be:

common hard-working people

John Paul Jones

conducted one of the most successful naval battles of the Revolutionary War


control of pollution

The French and Indian War settled the question of which country:

controlled the North American continent

The New Deal was a set of policies that promised to:

cure injustices within the business and financial communities

The New Deal set policies that promised to:

cure the injustices within the business and the financial communities, give relief to labor and to agricultural groups

Archduke Francis Ferdinand

death that began World War I

James E. Carter

defeated Gerald Ford in 1976

Stonewall Jackson

defeated the Union army at the battle of Bull Run

Ransom E. Olds

designer of non-Ford automobile

Adolf Hitler

dictator of Germany

Richard Henry Lee

directed by Virginia colonists to present a resolution of independence


directly opposite from what might have been expected

Edwin L. Drake

discovered oil

The Reconstruction Act of 1867:

divided all Confederate states into five military districts


divisive issue

Olive Branch Petition

document stating why colonists were fighting in Boston

Before the war, most English colonies were spread along the

eastern coast

Abraham Lincoln

elected president in 1860

To reduce the burden of government, Jefferson:

eliminated internal excise taxes

The _____ was one of the first acts Roosevelt passed. It prevented panic withdrawals from banks by the public. It also closed banks until they could be evaluated by the government to be fiscally sound.

emergency banking act

What were three of Hamilton's suggestions in his financial program?

establish a national bank system, place excise taxes on certain goods for government operating money, establish a method of issuing of government bonds

What were the four major points of Hamilton's plan for a sound financial program for the United States?

establish a national bank system, place excise taxes on certain goods for government operating money, that the government assume states' war debts, establish a method of issuing government bonds

Alexander Hamilton

established a national banking system

One of the main roles of a colony was to goods to the mother country.


Henry Ford

factory assembly lines

The South was rural, and --- was the main occupation of Southerners.


The emergence of slavery in the United States occurred when:

fewer indentured servants were available

George Washington

first president of the United States

South Carolina

first state to secede from the Union

Bill of Rights

first ten amendments to the Constitution

John Adams

first vice president of the United States

Sandra Day O'Connor

first woman Supreme Court justice

Which departments did George Washington establish as cabinet posts?

foreign affairs, treasury, war, attorney general


foreign mercenaries


forgive desertion

James Oglethorpe

founded Georgia

George Calvert

founded Maryland

William Penn

founded Pennsylvania

Roger Williams

founded Rhode Island

Sir Walter Raleigh

founder of Roanoke colony

Roger Williams

founder of the Rhode Island colony


free trade


fury or rage

President Ford

gave amnesty to draft dodgers and army deserters

In mercantilism, a country's wealth was determined by how much _____ it had.

gold and silver

budget debate

government shutdown, 1995

Roosevelt's New Deal focused on --- methods instead of --- methods for helping the nation out of the Depression.

governmental, private

What three offices made up Virginia's representative government?

governor, council, elected representatives from settlements

Private education in the United States has:

grown tremendously


head of CIA

Syngman Rhee

head of the South Korean government

terrorist activities

hijacking jets; kidnapping

Lyndon Johnson helped settle a potential railroad strike by:

holding negotiations at the White House

A government's desire to conquer areas beyond its border for wealth and strength is an example of:


Grenville Program

increase in old taxes and new taxes on imported goods to raise money for England

To keep freed black people from voting, Southern state legislatures:

instituted poll taxes and literacy tests


invaded Kuwait

Wilbur and Orville Wright

invented the airplane

Thomas A. Edison

invented the electric light

Johann Gutenberg

invented the printing press

Alexander Graham Bell

invented the telephone

In the United States, the divorce rate:

is going up

One important feature of the Constitution of the United States is that:

it divides power between the federal and the state governments

One important feature of the Constitution is that:

it divides power between the federal government and the state and local governments

Medieval society began to break down before the Crusades because:

jealousies arose between noblemen of various villages

Andrew Jackson's philosophy of government might be compared to the philosophy of what president?


What leader of the Reformation was very influential in Puritan theology?

john calvin

Who was the person MOST directly responsible for the survival of the Jamestown colony?

john smith

In the United States, slaves were used as:


Dwight D. Eisenhower

landed troops in North Africa

David Koresh

leader of Branch Davidian

John Smith

leader of Jamestown settlement

James H. Doolittle

leader of Tokyo bombing

General John Burgoyne

led an unsuccessful march through New York during the Revolutionary War

Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle

led bomb attack on Tokyo

Douglas MacArthur

led military in the Pacific

444 days

length of hostage captivity

The representatives drew up a list of colonial rights, which included:

life, liberty, property, taxation control

Aaron Burr

lost the presidential election to Thomas Jefferson

The Hat Act of 1732 and the Iron Act of 1759 were examples of England's attempts to restrict:

manufacturing in the colonies

Warren G. Harding

many scandals during his administration


marines killed in Lebanon bombing

What was the name of the agreement the Pilgrims wrote while they were aboard ship on their way to the New World?

mayflower compact

President Johnson's health insurance plan for the elderly became known as _____.


Before it recessed, the First Continental Congress agreed to:

meet again if grievances against England were not settled

An economic system that favored exporting over importing and measured a country's wealth in terms of how much gold and silver it possessed was known as what?


After the Crusades, what social class became important to expanding trade networks?

middle class

Star Wars

missile defense system

As a result of Jefferson's concern about government for the common citizen, many states passed laws that:

modified voting restrictions


money or property

Large corporations that control the markets of certain products and drive out competition from other companies are called


Strong corporations that expand to the extent that they greatly reduce competition are called:


Patrick Henry

most vocal colonist against the Stamp Act of 1765

The Crusades were a series of religious wars fought between the Christians and the _____.


The Crusades were an attempt to recapture the Holy Land from the _____.


What made the United States a logical country for industrialization?

natural resources, labor force, raw materials

People in the Middle Ages were members of what three classes?

noblemen, serfs, clergy

During the Middle Ages, land was owned by .


The breakdown in medieval society occurred because:

of jealousy among nobles about better lifestyles, of the Crusades

Edwin L. Drake


tax on tea

only tax on goods that remained after colonist boycott

Sir Walter Raleigh

organized the Roanoke Island Colony

Which of the following seven events led to the Great Depression?

overconfidence in the nation's prosperity, large industries not being as successful as they appeared, farmers producing more than they could sell, competition from foreign countries, the United States extending loans to foreign countries for the purchase of its products, people buying too much on credit, speculative buying on the stock market

Slave codes prohibited slaves from:

owning property


pain or affliction

Gerald Ford

pardoned Richard Nixon


peanut farmer

Richard Hakluyt

persuaded England to colonize

cruise missile

preferred to B-1 bomber

Abraham Lincoln

president during the Civil War

Herbert Hoover

president during the Great Depression

Anwar Sadat

president of Egypt

Jefferson Davis

president of the Confederacy

Harry S. Truman

president of the United States during the Korean War

Harry S. Truman

president who decided to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima

What events led to the Renaissance?

printing press, education in reading and writing, scientific progress

Richard Henry Lee

proposed a resolution at the Second Continental Congress

Cyrus McCormick

reaping machine

What was the chief motivation for the settling of New England?

religious freedom

The --- won control of both houses of Congress in the 1994 elections.


Henry Ford

responsible for factory assembly lines

Eli Whitney

responsible for standardized parts

George Washington

responsible for the first true democracy in the early colonies

Marco Polo

returned with tales of riches and modern buildings in eastern cities

Proponents of abortion claim the:

right of the fetus

James Monroe

said that countries should stay out of the affairs of other countries


scandalous crime deal with Iran

People in the Middle Ages were members of which three classes?

serf, nobles, clergy

The Proclamation Act of 1763 restricted the freedom of the colonists to:

settle anywhere other than the land along the Atlantic Coast

Elias Howe

sewing machine

Under the Missouri Compromise, the state of Missouri was admitted as a

slave state.

John Breckenridge

southern candidate for president in 1860

In 1765, the _____ placed a direct tax on paper products, such as newspapers and pamphlets, in the colonies. The colonists were outraged and reacted by setting fires, rioting, and holding debates. A secret organization known as the Sons of Liberty formed to protest this new tax.

stamp act

Eli Whitney

standardized parts


state in which the Confederation Convention was held

Andrew Johnson

succeeded Abraham Lincoln as the United States president

Edmund Randolph

suggested the Constitution allow for three branches of government

Stamp Act of 1765

tax on newspapers, pamphlets, legal paper, calendars, playing cards

Samuel F. B. Morse


Alexander Graham Bell


NY Trade Center and Federal Building

terrorist bombings in the United States

Because of the concerns of the public about pollution, Richard Nixon established:

the Environmental Protection Agency

Herbert Hoover

the Great Depression

The Declaration of Rights and Grievances drawn up by the First Continental Congress denounced:

the Intolerable Acts

What four examples indicate that nationalism was an important concept during the Monroe Era?

the Monroe Doctrine, increased importance of the Supreme Court in the federal government, Marshall's broad interpretation of the Constitution, President Monroe's travels throughout the country

John Breckenridge

the South's choice for president in 1860

Marbury vs. Madison established the principle that:

the Supreme Court could declare acts of Congress unconstitutional

One of the most successful plans of the Union during the Civil War was:

the Union blockade

The United States' status of first place among industrial nations was, in part, a result of:

the advent of mass production

Negotiations with France to purchase Louisiana were motivated by:

the closing of the port of New Orleans to American traffic

What two characteristics of life in the Pennsylvania colony made it different from life in any other American colony?

the democratic political system, the complete religious freedom

Two incidents that led the United States into the Spanish-American War were:

the explosion of the battleship Maine in Havana harbor, an insulting letter about President McKinley written by the Spanish ambassador

What were two reasons the Carolinas split to become two colonies?

the farming life style versus the plantation life style, northerners farming their own land and southerners using slaves or indentured servants

John Adams

the first vice president of the United States

For some time, the English had little interest in colonizing because:

the people were satisfied with their lives as they were, of the threat of Spain

_____ was the most important invention of the Renaissance and allowed for major reforms in education.

the printing press

People moved into cities during the Industrial Revolution because:

they wanted high factory wages


to act as a buffer against northern expansion of Spanish colonies

What was the reason for the founding of the Georgia colony?

to act as a buffer to keep the Spanish from moving north


to add on or attach

Why was the Jamestown colony situated where it was?

to allow people to watch for approaching ships, to afford protection from the Indians

New York

to avoid English taxes


to bring on or hasten


to decide something by one's own free will


to discover or disclose

Which was NOT a reason that countries financed sea voyages?

to establish new governments


to make a preliminary plan


to make a series of changes in direction


to offer a refuge for English Catholics


to provide a coastline for Pennsylvania


to provide land sales to get rich


to serve as a haven for Quakers


to shorten or reduce


to trade


to withdraw or repeal

James, the Duke of York

took over New Netherlands from Dutch settlers

Menachem Begin

treaty with Egypt

George H. Bush raised taxes


The Pacific campaign was largely conducted by the navy and the marines.


How long had President Kennedy been in office when he was assassinated on November 22, 1963?

two years and ten months

To solve the ills of education, it seems necessary to correct:

underlying moral and social problems

President Carter pardoned all men that had run from the draft during what war?

vietnam war

The representatives anticipated that the Declaration of Rights and Grievances would lead to:


New Jersey

wealthy Quakers

When unions were first organized, union leaders:

were blacklisted by factory owners


were formed with the goals of eliminating competitors and increasing their own profits.

Controversy between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan of congressional representation was settled:

with 'the great compromise'

Rutherford B. Hayes

won the presidency in 1876

John Jay

worked out a treaty with England

Thomas Jefferson

wrote Declaration of Independence

Alexander Hamilton

wrote a financial plan for the United States

Sojourner Truth

wrote about racial discrimination

Thomas Jefferson

wrote the Declaration of Independence

Alexander Hamilton

wrote the first financial plan for the United States

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