History World WWI

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Who did Austria-Hungary blame for the death of the Archduke?


Democrats were able to paint Wilson's opposition in the 1916 Presidential election as a ______________, or someone who tries to stir up war.

victory gardens

Families planted _______ __________ to increase food production during the war

Big Bill Haywood

Head of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), a radical union; government authorities ransacked the IWW offices, and this person was jailed.

Food Administration

Herbert Hoover ran this agency

Jane Addams

She was a progressive social worker who was a pacifist, and opposed the war

Germany military

The treaty of Versailles limited the size of the ________- ___________.

Jeanette Rankin

This U.S. Rep from Montana was the first woman to be elected to Congress; she voted against the war resolution.

Triple Entente

This alliance was formed by France, Russia and Britain

Henry Ford

This automaker went to Europe to try to negotiate peace.


This country promised to protect Belgium if it was attacked, so it declared war on Germany.


This country was an ally of Austria-Hungary, and called on Russia to cancel the order to mobilize its forces

10 months; 400,000 German lives

This is how long the Battle of Verdun lasted; as well as how many German lives were lost. The French lost even more.

peace offensive

This is what the Germans called their offensive in late March 1918, near the French town of Amiens

Alvin York of Tennessee

This person became the most decorated soldier of World War I.

Henry Cabot Lodge

This person was the leader of Senate critics of the treaty--he was willing to encourage Senators to approve the treaty, but he wanted changes to it

League of Nations, an association in which all countries would protect all countries (collective security)

This was Wilson's fourteenth point

Meatless Tuesdays

This was a day that people voluntarily went without meat, so that they could help the soldiers

Wheatless mondays

This was a day that people voluntarily went without wheat, so that they could help the soldiers


This was a passenger ship that a German submarine torpedoes off the coast of Ireland, on May 7, 1915.

Over There

This was a song, written by George M. Cohan, that was very patriotic.

True; Wilson refused to compromise

True or False: Wilson was willing to negotiate with the Senate about the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles.

False; the President began to lobby for a stronger army and navy

True or False: confident that the U.S. would never enter the war, President Wilson actually made the army and navy smaller.

True: the Americans defeated the Germans after 47 days of battle, at Argonne Forest.

True or False: the Americans defeated the Germans after 47 days of battle, at Argonne Forest.


an agreement to stop fighting

trench warfare

soldiers spend day after day shelling the enemy. Then, on orders from an office, the troops will charge over the top of the hills they've dug, racing across "no man's land" to attack the enemy.


someone believes that the people as a whole rather than private individuals should own all property, and share the profits from business


the spreading of ideas that help a cause or hurt an opposing cause


About 25% of the army was ___________________.

France, Russia, Britain

Countries in the Triple Entente


After the Kaiser resigned, Germany became a _________.


Because of anti-German sentiment, some people changed their ___________.

German emperor

On November 9, 1918, who resigned?

False; after the discovery of the Zimmerman telegram, anti-German feeling increased.

After the Zimmerman telegram, public opinion in support of Germany increased.

2 million

After the government abandoned the policy that African Americans could not serve in war, how many African Americans registered for the draft?


Americans and Germans each suffered more than _______________ casualties in the Battle of Argonne wood


Anti-German propaganda referred to the Germans as _____________.


Balkan nationalists were related to people in which country in the Triple Alliance

union membership

Because the President supported workers, ____________ membership shot up sharply.

Francisco Pancho Villa

Before World War I, John J. Pershing led American troops into Mexico in 1916, looking for this Mexican rebel.

Woodrow Wilson of US, David Lloyd Geortge of Britain, Georges Clemenceau of France, and Vittorio Orlando of Italy

Big Four


By 1920, what percentage of school-aged children were enrolled in school?


By November 1914, the German advance and the Allied counterattack had fought to a ________, or a deadlock in which neither side is strong enough to defeat the other.

more than one million

By id-1916, the Russians had lost more than ______________ soldiers.

General John J. Pershing

Commander of the American Expeditionary Force

Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia

Countries in the Balnkan peninsula

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

Countries in the Triple Alliance

race riots

During the Great Migration, competition for housing and jobs sometimes led to ________________.

California and Texas

During the war, almost 100,000 Mexicans entered the U.S. to work in farms in what two states?


Early in the war, Britain ___________ German ports. In response, Germany did the same to British ports.

rival alliances

European powers formed rival _____________ to protect themselves.

Allied powers

France, Britain and Russia were called what?

Allied Forces

French Marshal Ferdinand Foch commanded the ________________________.

South and Southwest

From what regions did African Americans and Mexicans migrate for better jobs, opportunities created by war?


German armies had to slice through this neutral country on their march to France.


German submarines that attacked ships that entered or left British ports

Triple Alliance

Germany organized this alliance with Austria Hungary and Italy

Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman or Turkish Empire were called what?


Half a million African Americans and thousands of Mexicans embarked on a great ____________.

riots protesting food shortages

How did the Russian Revolution start?


How many African Americans were accepted for duty

2 million

How many soldiers were eventually sent to France

St. Louis

In 1917, 39 African Americans were killed during a riot in what city?


In 1917, a ______________ in Russia drove the Czar from power.


In November 1917, this group seized power from the Provisional Government in Russia.


In November 1919, the U.S. ______________ rejected the Treaty of Versailles.


In September, 1919, after a draining trip across the country, making speeches in support of the Treaty of Versailles, Wilson suffered a _____________.


In Wilson's speech to Congress, asking for a declaration of war, Wilson said that the world must be safe for ______________.


In early 1917, Germany shank several American ______- ships.

the southwestern territories back

In return for helping Germany by declaring war on the U.S., what would Mexico get?

VI Lenin

Leader of the Bolsheviks, wanted a communist revolution, embraced the ideas of Karl Marx

Central Powers

Many immigrants, such as Irish Americans, German, Austrian Americans favored the ___________________.


Most Americans favored the _________


Nationalism had caused turmoil in the __________ peninsula in Southeastern Europe.

Selective Service Act

On May 18, 1917, Congress passed this law, which required all young men from age 21 to 30 to register for the military draft.

Argonne Forest

On September 26, 1918, more than one million soldiers pushed into the _______________________.

Lenin entered talks with Germany

Once in power, Lenin entered talks with ____________.


Opinion in the United States was ___________.

liberty measles

People started calling German measles ____________ measles.

liberty cabbage

People started calling sauerkraut __________________________.


Pershing wanted the American troops to operate as _____________ units.

Eugene Debs

Socialist candidate for President five times, jailed for protesting the draft.


Socialists argued that the war benefited factory owners but not _________.

Karl Marx

The Bolsheviks in Russia were communists who embraced the ideas of this philosophers


The European allies wanted Germany to pay ______________.


The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to give up its _____________.


The U.S. adopted an official position of _____________.

the U.S. signed a peace treaty with Germany in 1921

The U.S.did not sign a peace treaty with _________ until 1921.

To the German minister in Mexico

The Zimmerman telegram was sent from Germany's foreign secretary to whom?


The army was a great ___________________.


The day after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia ordered its forces to _______________.

20 million

The flu epidemic killed more than _______________ people across the world, including half a million Americans.

public education

The number of poorly educated recruits encouraged a drive to reform public education.

France, Britain and Russia

These three countries made up the Allied powers.

Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman or Turkish Empire

These three countries made up the Central Powers.

Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia

These three countries were created by the Treaty of Versailles, as self-determining nations

Zimmerman telegram

This was a telegram discovered in February, 1917, which was a secret note from Germany's foreign secretary to the German minister in Mexico. The telegram urged Mexico to attack the U.S. if the U.S. entered World War I. In return, Germany would help the U.S. win back its provinces in the American Southwest.

Harlem Hell Fighters

This was an African-American unit, which spent more time under fire than any other American unit, and was awarded the Croix de Guerre by the French

47 days

This was how long it took for Americans to break through the German defense at Argonne Forest

American Expeditionary Force (AEF)

This was the American force, commanded by General John J. Pershing

Franz Ferdinand

This was the Archduke who was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary

Belleau Wood

This was the first major battle for the Americans, in June 1918

Provisional Government

This was the government that took the place of the Czar in Russia; it called for democratic reforms.


This was the title for the German emperor

Treaty of Versailles

This was the treaty in June 1919 that ended World War I.

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

This was the treaty signed by Germany and Russia, in March 1918, in which Russia gave up land to Germany, in return for peace

Fourteen Points

This was what Wilson's peace plan was called.

Liberty Bonds

This were advertised by celebrities, and were a way for Americans to lend money to the government to pay for the war


To what region did African Americans and Mexicans migrate for better jobs, opportunities created by war?

False; Germany was not ready to risk war with the Americans, so after the Lusitania sank, it agreed tos top attacking neutral ships without warning

True or False: After the Lusitania sank, Germany announced it would keep attacking ships.

False; a French general sent General James Harbord of the U.S. a message to prepare entrenchments hundreds of yards to the rear, but the American general refused, saying the marines would hold where they stand

True or False: In the Battle of Belleau Wood, the first major battle for the Americans, in June 1918, the Americans built trenches for hundreds of yards behind the front lines, just in case.

True: Hoover relied on publicity campaigns

True or False: In trying to boost food production, Herbert Hoover relied on publicity campaigns

True, President Wilson vowed to hold Germany responsible if U-boats caused any loss of American life or property

True or False: President Wilson rejected the limit on neutral shipping

False; Prince Max of Baden was the head of the German cabinet, and he secretly cabled President Wilson

True or False: The Americans cabled the Germans, and asked for an armistice

False; the British were actually able to hold of the Germans, over 2 weeks of heavy fire. On April 4, the Germans gave up

True or False: The Germans defeated the British in April 1918, near the French town of AMiens

False; the US did not sign the Treaty of Versailles, and did not join the League of Nations, which doomed it to failure

True or False: The US enthusiastically signed the Treaty of Versailles, and was a leading nation in the League of Nations.

False; WEB Du Bois believed that if African Americans contributed to the war effort, whites would be more likely to grant civil rights.

True or False: WEB Du Bois believed that African Americans should not fight in this war

True; even though Wilson was building up the army, his campaign slogan was "He kept us out of war!"

True or False: Wilson campaigned on a slogan of keeping the United States out of World War I

True; Wilson had a policy that favored only assisting democratic countries, and since the Czar was an absolute monarch, Wilson welcomed his overthrow.

True or False: Wilson was glad that the Czar had been overthrown, and that the Provisional Government was in place in Russia

True; African Americans were forced into segregate black-only units that were commanded mostly by white officers

True or False: the Army was segregated, even after it allowed African Americans to serve

False, the U.S. actually traded more with the Allies than with the Central Powers.

True or False: the U.S. saw even greater increases in trade with the Central Powers than in trade with the Allies.

True; the U.S. tried to force the Mexicans to return to Mexico after the war.

True or False: the U.S. tried to force the Mexicans to return to Mexico after the war.

False; instead of gaining independence, the colonies were put under the control of Britain and France

True or False; the Treaty of Versailles made the German colonies into independent nations

True; to encourage unity, Congress passed the Espionage Act, making it a crime to criticize the government or interfere with the war

True or false: Congress passed a law making it illegal to criticize World War I recruitment efforst.

True, the economy boomed

True or false: During WOrld War II, the economy boomed.

true; the flu epidemic killed more than 20 million people, in 19181-1919.

True or false: across the world, the flu epidemic killed more than twice as many people as died in World War I.


True or false: the 1916 Presidential election was close

True, it increased, although it dropped down again after the war was over.

True or false; during the war, women's employment increased.


Two days after it declared war on Russia, Germany declared war on France.

when a neutral ship was suspected of carrying war goods

Under international law, when could a country at war stop and search a "neutral" ship.

Russia had to give up land to Germany

Under the Treaty of Brest-LItovsk, which country gave up land to which country?


Usually in competition with other nations, colonizing places around the world


War caught the nation short of ___________.

lengthened the school day; required students to stay in school more years; raised teacher training standards

Ways that public school was reformed: lengthened the ____________________; required students to stay in school for more __________; increased teacher ____________.

Led American troops into Mexico, looking for Mexican rebel Pancho Villa

What did General John J. Pershing do before WOrld War I

Wilson went to Congress to ask for a declaration of War

What did Wilson do on April 2, 1917?

they wanted Bosnia to break away from Austria-Hungary and join Serbia

What did the Black Hand want?

required all young men from age 21 to 30 to register for the military draft.

What did the Selective Service Act do?

Black Hand

What terrorist group shot the Archduke of Austria Hungary?

February 1917

When did Germany decide to return to submarine warfare?

June 1917

When did the first American troops reach France

Sarajevo, Bosnia

Where was the Archduke of Austria-Hungary when he was shot.

Austria-Hungary, declared war on Serbia

Which country declared war first? On which country did it declare war?

Germany declared war on Russia

Which country did Germany declare war on, on August 1, 1914?


Which country said they would protect Serbia against Austria-Hungary's threats of war?

Russia withdrew from the war in early 1918

Which country withdrew from the Allied group?

George M. Cohan

Who wrote "Over There"?

Charles Evan Hughes, a Supreme Court Justice

Wilson ran for re-election in 1916 over which Republican?

War Labor Board

Wilson set up this agency to settle disputes over working hours and wages, and to try to prevent strikes

War Industries Board

Wilson set up this agency to tell factories what they had to produce, and to divide up limited resources

national self-determination

Wilson supported the principle of national _________________

peace without victory

Wilson wanted peace without ________

secret agreements

Wilson's plan called for an end to __________________.

First, Germany must accept Wilson's plan for peace; second, the German emperor must abdicate

Wilson's two condition for an armistice


a system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials

French Marshal Ferdinand Foch

commander of the Allied Forces

1200, including 128 Americans

how many people died in the Lusitania?

4 million

how many people joined the armed forces, in the 18 months following the declaration of war?


people who refuse to fight in any war, because they think war is evil


policy of building up strong armed forces to prepare for war


pride in one's nation; fueled the tension before World War I

Industrial Workers of the World

radical union during World War I; its leader, Big Bill Haywood was jailed


the rapid spread of a contagious disease among large numbers of people


this is a law requiring people of a certain age to serve in the military (or to be available to serve in the military)


this is the right of natoianl groups to their own territory and form of government

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