Hootsuite Certification Exam

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_______ are created within ________, similar to how you create individual files within a broader file folder. 32

Answer: Streams; Boards - Libraries; Engagement - Arrows; columns - Engagements; Publisher - Streams; Boards - Tabs; social networks

With Hootsuite's Mobile App, you can collaborate with your team on social media activities. Which of the following is not a feature you would use to collaborate with a teammate? 40

? Answer: - Analytics - Message Approvals - Inbox - Drafts - Assignments

You're in charge of drafting and strategically scheduling one month's worth of social media content for your organization's Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter accounts (~250 posts). Once published, you need to monitor engagements on the posts closely, and flag any negative comments received with your manager. Which of the following Hootsuite tools are not relevant to this use case? (Pick two) Dashboard Comprehension Questions

? Answer: - Hootsuite Ads - Hootsuite Inbox - Hootsuite Analytics - Bulk Composer - Hootsuite Streams (Search, Published Posts, and Comments) - Hootsuite Amplify - Hootsuite Planner

Imagine your brand team supplies you with 30 visual assets (stored on Google Drive), to be shared out on all social accounts in December. The social posts supporting these assets need to be scheduled around 100 other "business as usual" social posts already scheduled in that month, on multiple networks. What Hootsuite tools/features should you use to accomplish this task? (Pick all that apply) Dashboard Comprehension Questions

? Answer: - Hootsuite Inbox - All of the above - Hootsuite Streams, Published Posts - Hootsuite App Directory - Hootsuite Analytics, Shared Reports - Hootsuite Composer - Hootsuite Publisher

What Hootsuite Analytics feature allows you to share an unlimited amount of customizable social analytics data, to surface the performance of your organization's social accounts to key stakeholders? 29

? Answer: The Social Data Share feature - Social Return Transparency - the Metrics module - the Insights feature - the Social Data Share feature - the Reports feature - SOC_ROI_DIST

You need to send one social post to Facebook and Instagram simultaneously, tracking link clicks within the post. You also need to share the results of this test with a colleague. Which Hootsuite features/products should you use to accomplish these activities? (Pick all that apply) Dashboard Comprehension Questions

? Answer: - Amplify - Owly Shortener - Hootsuite Analytics, Reports - Hootsuite Planner - Hootsuite Composer - All of the above

Your organization is planning a new marketing campaign to promote downloads of a new app. As Social Media Manager, your primary KPI is to drive as many people as possible to the landing page, using the organization's 5 social media accounts. Your plan is to Compose and Schedule 50 posts, which will contain: a) brand-approved visuals (shared with you on a 3rd party Cloud App, like Google Drive, and then cropped appropriately for each social network), b) captions supplied by a Team Member (who is also part of your Hootsuite Organization), and c) a shortened, trackable weblink for the marketing landing page. What Hootsuite tool is irrelevant to accomplishing this task? Dashboard Comprehension Questions

? Answer: - Owly Link Shortener - Hootsuite Inbox - Hootsuite Photo Editor - Hootsuite Composer Drafts - Hootsuite App Directory

To manage and coordinate the social media activities of a team of people within Hootsuite, you'll need to use 37

? Answer: - account provisioning - Hootsuite Collaboration feature - Hootsuite Impact - Telepathy - Hootsuite Organizations - Google's Teams plug-In

Within the Hootsuite Composer, you can transform URLs into an 'Owly' link. Which of the following are reasons you'd want to use this feature. (Pick two) 10

? Answer: Owly links track how many people clicked it & Owly links use less characters than regular URLs - Owly links provide higher resolution previews of the webpage being linked to - Owly links are prioritized by social networks - Owly links track how many people clicked it - Owly links use less characters than regular URLs

Where in the dashboard would you primarily view and engage with your audience and the social media content published by others? 31

? Answer: The Boards and Streams area - The Composer area - The Boards and Streams area - The App Directory area - The content library area

When using the Hootsuite Planner, the fastest way to compose a new post is to 15

? Answer: click on a time slot and choose new post - press "command N" for new and begin typing - create a new stream and click the plus sign - exit Planner and open the Composer - click on a time slot and choose new post

Anything you want to do in Hootsuite can be found in the ________, with the main workspace in the _________? 6

Answer: Sidebar; center - Settings; Streams - Nav-panel; dashboard - Header; Sidebar - Sidebar; center

Why would you want to add someone to a Twitter list in Hootsuite? 41

? Answer: to create a focused feed of similar users such as industry influencers, advocates, or competitors - to boost the SEO of your Twitter posts - to block them from commenting or re-sharing your posts - to create a focused feed of similar users such as industry influencers, advocates, or competitors - to group together your published tweets by topic for easier reference - to send targeted direct messages in bulk

In Hootsuite Inbox, you can see all the correspondence between a user and your organization on a particular social channel, including public and private conversations. This is useful for 4

? Answer: understanding the full context of the most recent exchange - understanding the full context of the most recent exchange - targeting paid advertisments to the user more accurately. - gathering marketing analytics on the user's behaviour. - feeding data into Hootsuite chatbot for more human-like responses.

Publishing to Pinterest with Hootsuite saves time because 34

? Answer: you can schedule and post to multiple Pinterest accounts and boards at the same time. - it guarantees your pin will receive more engagement than posting natively. - you can schedule and post to multiple Pinterest accounts and boards at the same time. - it automatically edits any image you upload into Pinterest specific dimensions. - the Composer window suggests popular content for you to repin.

Say you're managing Instagram for an organization, and don't have access to its Facebook Page. How would you finish the setup process? 17

? 50% Answer: Request Super-Admin permissions in Hootsuite, which allows you to connect from within Hootsuite only & Ask the owner of the Facebook Page to add you as an Admin or Editor to their page - Connect the Instagram account to your own personal Facebook profile instead - Request Super-Admin permissions in Hootsuite, which allows you to connect from within Hootsuite only - Create a fake Facebook Page for the organization that you can access - Ask the owner of the Facebook Page to add you as an Admin or Editor to their page

When using Hootsuite's Bulk Composer, how far in advance must your posts be scheduled ahead of when the CSV file is uploaded into Hootsuite? 30

Answer: 10 minutes - 2 hours - 10 minutes - 2 hours - 1 day - 30 minutes

The data shown in the Post Performance area within Hootsuite Analytics is updated for the first _____ that a post is live. 23

Answer: 24 hours - 14 weeks - 24 hours - 31 days - 7 days

Which of the following is not a benefit of using Hootsuite Analytics? 8

Answer: Accurate estimates of the monetary value of each like, retweet, share, and new follower you recieve - It's more efficient to review your accounts' social metrics in one dashboard, rather than visiting numerous native accounts individually - Reviewing metrics in a highly visual, customizable interface - Accurate estimates of the monetary value of each like, retweet, share, and new follower you recieve

Which description below best describes the action being performed here? 36

Answer: Adding a social account to Hootsuite - Creating a search stream - Sharing account permissions with your team - Adding a social account to Hootsuite - Composing a post for your audience - Scheduling a post

Which of the following is not an action you can perform in the pictured area of the Hootsuite dashboard? 27

Answer: Send a direct message to a user - Save a composed post as a draft Like and reply - Send a direct message to a user - Search for hashtags or keywords - Retweet and favourite

Which of the following is not a benefit of publishing to Instagram using Hootsuite? 2

Answer: Adding location tags and swipe-up links to your post from within the Composer - Scheduling and rescheduling multiple posts in advance - Reviewing Instagram analytics alongside metrics from your other social accounts - Adding location tags and swipe-up links to your post from within the Composer - Viewing comments on your Instagram content in the same window as engagements on your other social accounts.

Hootsuite's Photo Editor includes numerous tools to help you optimize the photos you are sharing. You can find the Photo Editor: 28

Answer: All of the options in this list - In the Composer, after selecting a photo to post. - Under "Edit Asset" in the Content Library. - In the Promote area, for editing paid ads. - All of the options in this list

What Hootsuite resources would you use to learn best practices for managing your Social Accounts using the Hootsuite dashboard? Hootsuite Academy/Learning Questions

Answer: All of these - All of these - Hootsuite Resource Library - Hootsuite Academy - Hootsuite Blog - Hootsuite Help Centre

The best place to search for free (and paid) software for customizing your Hootsuite dashboard to your exact business need is called the 33

Answer: App Directory - Partner Library - Hootsuite App Store - Hootsuite Impact tab - Explore tab - App Directory

What is not an advantage of managing Instagram with Hootsuite? 25

Answer: Auto-generate content that's similar to your competitors' highest performing posts - The ability to set numerous hashtag search streams side by side and engage with the resulting posts in one place - Access to advanced analytics tools to optimize your Instagram strategy - Managing your scheduled Instagram content alongside scheduled posts on your other social networks - Building and scheduling many Instagram posts in one place - Auto-generate content that's similar to your competitors' highest performing posts

With the Hootsuite Promote feature, what are the two main ways you can pay to promote your published organic content? (pick two) 21

Answer: Automatic Organic Performance Promotion & Single Post Boosting - Automatic Organic Performance Promotion - Intelligent Cost Per Click - Automagic ROI Enhance Feature - Single Post Boosting - Automated Boosting

If you wanted to demonstrate to potential future employers that you can use the Hootsuite Platform proficiently, what would you do? Hootsuite Academy/Learning Questions

Answer: Complete the Hootsuite Academy Platform Certification Course, and add your Credential to your LinkedIn Profile. - Complete the Hootsuite Academy Platform Certification Course, then print out your Certificate and put it on your wall. - Complete the Hootsuite Academy Platform Certification Course, and add your Credential to your LinkedIn Profile. - Complete the Hootsuite Social Marketing Certification Course - Add Hootsuite as a previous employer in your resume

What must be enabled in Hootsuite for Instagram Stories to publish successfully? 39

Answer: Direct Publishing Notifications - The Instagram Stories integration - Direct Publishing Notifications - The Mobile Publishing workflow - Super-admin organization permissions

To share access to a Hootsuite Analytics report with your colleagues you need to use the Share button to: 13

Answer: Enter their name or email address - auto-populate an internal CRM message - create and copy a custom owly link which you can then share - open a printer friendly version of the board - Enter their name or email address

Why is it more beneficial to interact with your audience using Hootsuite, rather than engaging natively from specific social accounts? 38

Answer: Hootsuite lets you create specific streams to monitor social media engagements, and respond efficiently in one workspace more accurately than social networks' native AI functionality. - Hootsuite has an 'auto-engagement' feature that interacts with your followers - Hootsuite allows you to see the contents of private profiles, providing thorough and accurate customer insights. - Hootsuite more accurately estimates the dollar value of a like, share, and retweet. - Hootsuite lets you create specific streams to monitor social media engagements, and respond efficiently in one workspace more accurately than social networks' native AI functionality.

Select the 4 features that are available on the Hootsuite Mobile app 7

Answer: Inbox and Settings, Publisher, Streams, Composer - Inbox and Settings - Publisher - Streams - Insights - Impact - Team Metrics - Composer

After you've uploaded posts into Hootsuite'sBulk Composer, what's the best place to vet and preview those scheduled posts? 1

Answer: Planner - Planner - Boards and Streams - Analytics - Insights - Impact

If you need to keep track of a large number of published or scheduled posts sent to a variety of social accounts, which is the best Hootsuite feature to use? 19

Answer: Publisher - Assignments - Inbox - Engagement - Content Library - Publisher - Approvals Queue

In Hootsuite Analytics, what is an advantage of sharing a Report with a colleague rather than sending them an exported pdf? 14

Answer: Reports provide your colleagues with continuous access to updated data - Reports feature a built-in ROI calculator that grades your company's social activities relative to your defined social media objectives - Reports predict what the recipient/stakeholder wants to see and tailors the information accordingly - Reports include a chatbot that offers personalized recommendations on how to optimize your campaigns - Reports provide your colleagues with continuous access to updated data

What is the best way to collaborate with your team when publishing Instagram Stories from Hootsuite? 39

Answer: Schedule Stories in the Planner so they can be reviewed and edited by the approver directly - Implement a robust approval process with multiple touch points so every team member has input - Save the Story as a draft, then share it with your team via Hootsuite Inbox to gather feedback before publishing - Schedule Stories in the Planner so they can be reviewed and edited by the approver directly - Add specific publishing notes in the composer to help guide the teammate ultimately publishing the Stories

What is the most popular feature of Hootsuite? 5

Answer: Scheduling and publishing messages to multiple accounts at once - Geo-locating conversations and geo-targeting messages. - Scheduling and publishing messages to multiple accounts at once - Social media analytics and metrics. - Automating all your social media activities.

When using the Hootsuite Composer, what's the purpose of the social profile picker? 12

Answer: To select the social profiles to which you want to publish your post. - To connect an existing social media account (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn) to your Hootsuite dashboard - To select the social profiles to which you want to publish your post. - To monitor account activity on your social accounts connected to Hootsuite. - To create a network-specific search stream in the Engagement area.

See the visual below. Why is the action being taken here important? 35

Answer: Without adding social networks, you can't take any actions within the Hootsuite dashboard. - Adding 3rd party apps to your Hootsuite account is a great way to customize your dashboard for your unique business case. - Running reports is a vital part of demonstrating ROI. - Publishing messages is how you'll engage your audience. - Without adding social networks, you can't take any actions within the Hootsuite dashboard.

When managing Instagram with Hootsuite, we recommend using Instagram Business accounts. Why is this? 2

Answer: You can publish directly to Instagram without using your phone or the Instagram app - Profile metrics for Personal Instagram accounts require 10K+ followers - Business profiles allow you to upload videos that are more than 60 seconds long - You can publish directly to Instagram without using your phone or the Instagram app - Business profiles that are linked to Hootsuite are more discoverable on Instagram natively

When saving messages as drafts, it's important to remember that your draft will not go live unless _______. 20

Answer: You have scheduled it or clicked Publish - You have approval from a Super-Admin - You have unlocked the draft for editing - You have admin permissions or higher - You have sacrificed one chicken as an offering to the gods - You have scheduled it or clicked Publish

What happens if you try to connect your Personal Instagram account to your Facebook Business Page, in Facebook? 24

Answer: Your Personal Instagram account will automatically be converted into a Business account & You'll receive an error message, outlining what steps you need to take next - Your Instagram account will be connected to your personal Facebook profile, rather than your Business Page - You'll receive an error message, outlining what steps you need to take next - Nothing, there are no differences between using Instagram Personal and Business accounts in Hootsuite - Your Personal Instagram account will automatically be converted into a Business account

The Hootsuite Inbox is used for 18

Answer: all the options in this list - getting a quick overview of public and private messages received on your social accounts. - all the options in this list - saving a collection of regularly used responses, so you can reply faster - responding directly to comments made on a thread

Geo-search streams are used to help you find social media conversations relevant to your brand that are happening 3

Answer: in specific physical locations - on specific social networks - in your home country - on private profiles or closed networks - in pre-set topic areas - in specific physical locations

Let's say you're creating a search stream in your Hootsuite dashboard, to find mentions of the phrase vacation holiday getaway. How do you ensure that the exact phrase gets searched for, rather than the individual words in the phrase? 9

Answer: quotation marks around the phrase - asterisks around the phrase - ampersands before the phrase -Boolean operators after the phrase - @ symbol after the phrase - quotation marks around the phrase

The Post Performance area within Hootsuite Analytics is the best place to 16

Answer: review metrics for your published posts, by network - build social posts out of previously published posts - produce a pie chart of your social share of voice - review metrics for your published posts, by network - get a professional critique of your social media strategy - receive insights into our dystopian future

You can do all of the following actions in the Hootsuite Composer, except 22

Answer: search for mentions of your company name - pick the social accounts to which you want to publish your post - convert a web address into a shortened, trackable owly link - schedule when your post should publish - add alt-text to make the content more accessible - search for mentions of your company name

The top of the 'Hootsuite Organizations' structure is the 26

Answer: super-admin level - super-admin level - team admin level - ow.ly level - executive level - admin level

A Report in Hootsuite Analytics has a flexible, interactive interface into which you can drag and drop up to 100 11

Answer: tiles, which are individual displays of a specific metric - campaigns, each of which are targeted at a social media objective or goal - tiles, which are individual displays of a specific metric - trendwatchers, which are pre-set displays of Line Charts, Tables, and TreeMaps - overviews, which are pre-set collections of metrics data - data elves, who work hard for their money

Why would you want to add a moderate stream for YouTube in your Hootsuite Dashboard? How to Engage Your YouTube Community with Hootsuite

Answer: to approve or delete incoming comments on your channel or specific videos - to view analytics on your YouTube channel and videos - to limit the number of videos shown in a stream (per 24 hours) to below the threshold you define. - to automatically flag comments that contain keywords that you've pre-defined in your YouTube settings - to approve or delete incoming comments on your channel or specific videos - to curate non-offensive video content that will resonate with the broadest possible cross-section of your audience

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