Hot work

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When is a Hot Work Permit Required?

A Hot Work Permit program is instituted by companies and administered by their management

Qualified Person

A person who has met the training criteria pursuant to Section 41.7.

Designated area

A specific location designed and approved for hot work operations that are maintained fire -safe, such as a maintenance shop or a detached outside location, that is of noncombustible or fire-resistive construction, essentially free of combustible and flammable contents, and suitably segregated from adjacent areas.

Permit Authorizing Individual (PAI)

An individual designated by management to authorize hot work.

Permit-required Area

Any location other than a designated area that is approved for hot work and is made fire -safe by removing or protecting combustibles from ignition sources.

Torchdown Applied Roofing

Caution should be exercised to prevent fire. Roofing membranes should not be over heated. Torch flame cannot contact wood nailers or flashing. Caution should be used when working near openings, penetrations and flashings. Flame should never be applied to combustible substrate membranes. Keep torch flame away from plastic roofing cement. Maintain a two-hour fire watch after torch has been extinguished. Torch applied roofing is exempted from the 35'rule.


For the purpose of hot work, all persons, including owners, contractors, educators, and so on, who are responsible for hot work operations.


For the purposes of hot work, a document issued, by the AHJ, to a qualified person as defined in Section for the purpose of authorizing that individual to carry out the activity of hot work

The four things that are required for a combustion to happen

Fuel, Oxygen, Heat or Ignition and a Chemical Reaction If one of these pieces are missing their can' be a fire

Exemptions to AJH Permits

Homeowners and hobbyists conducting hot work are exempt from both training and permit requirements. Individuals who conduct hot work operations on their premise or equipment shall be permitted to carry-out hot work, after consultation with the AHJ before hot work operations can be conducted. When the hot work activity is performed by a person, or under the direct supervision of a person, licensed and permitted pursuant to a specialized code as defined in M.G.L. c. 143, §96 (ex. licensed plumbers, electricians, sheet metal workers, etc). When the local fire and building officials have already pre- approved the location as a designated area.

Hot Works

Hot work is any work process that involves heat, spark, or flame that is capable of starting fires or explosions. Examples include, but are not limited to, welding, cutting, grinding, soldering, heat treating, hot riveting, torch-applied roofing, abrasive blasting, and powder driven fasteners.

Alternative to 35' Rule

Install welding curtains at least 15'above highest elevation of work or to bottom of solid surface. Drape Curtain to floor with at least a 6" overlap.

Conditions for Cutting or Welding.

No welding or cutting shall be done unless the atmosphere is nonflammable and unless combustibles are moved away or protected from fire hazards.

Welding and Allied Processes.

Processes such as arc welding, oxy-fuel gas welding, open -flame soldering, brazing, thermal spraying, oxygen cutting, and arc cutting

how to have hot work safety step 1

Recognize and Identify The Possible Hazard(s) What type of Hot Work am I going to do? Is there different method I can use?


Small rooms Process vessels Pits Tunnels Vats Furnaces Storage tanks Pipelines

Tar Kettles

Tar kettles must be located outside of building Kettles can't be located on roofs Tar mops and rags must be stored away from combustibles When in use kettles must be attended by a competent person

Every companies permit may be different, but all will contain the following basic information

Where is work to be done? What work is to be done? Who is doing the work? How long will this work take? What fire controls are being implemented? What is the criteria for the fire watch

fire extinguisher

All kettle operators and roofing installers must be trained on the use and operation of fire extinguishers. There shall be at least one 2A-20 B, C extinguisher on the roof. Fire extinguishers shall be in an accessible, visible or identified location on the roof. There shall be at least one 2A-20 B, C extinguisher on the roof no more than 20'away from torchdownroofing operations.


Fire Electric shock Exposure to hazardous air contaminants Explosion Asphyxiation


Sewers Silos Degreasers Boilers Reactor vessels Utility vaults Compartments of ships Ventilation ducts Unventilated room areas Conveyers

Nearby Openings.

All cracks or openings in the floor shall be covered or closed or precautions shall be taken to protect flammable or combustible materials on the floor below from sparks which might drop through the openings. The same precautions shall be observed regarding cracks or openings in walls, open doorways, or open or broken windows.

Why is Hot work Certification needed

As a result of the tragic fire on March 26, 2014, where two Boston firefighters were killed from a fire that started by unpermitted and improper welding activity, all employees performing hot work must be trained by a Massachusetts state-approved training program.

Combustible Floors.

Combustible floors shall be clean and protected by wetting with water or covering with damp sand, sheet metal, or the equivalent. Provisions shall be taken to protect personnel from electric shock when floors are wet. Exception: W ood floors laid directly on concrete shall not be required to be wetted.

If you're welding, grinding, cutting or making sparks?

Combustibles must be at least 35' away.

how to have hot work safety step 3

Control, Eliminate or Minimize the Hazard. Proper Ventilation, Safety Team, Remove or Isolate fuel, and ignition sources

What are Combustibles?

Dust Flammable Liquids Paper, Wood, Combustible Construction Materials, Rags Paints or Solvents Flammable Gases

how to have hot work safety step 2

Evaluate the Hazard. If Hot Work must be done, Perform an inspection of the work area.

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